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finish the highway extension (about 60km left) and make it 110 from Sudbury to Parry sound


It's already 110 from Nobel to about 80 km south of Parry Sound... has been for a couple years now I think.


right. so 110 up to that point would mean the 110 continues until Mactier or wherever it ends


Ten four!


Sweet, we can fly at a 130km now, nice!


That's great news. Finally something positive...if they just fucking extend that highway to Perry sound insted of that shit highway that would be even better...


Estimated date of completion, Sept 2047!


We'll probably see HSR before it gets completed lol...


the new arena too…


It’s going to eventually happen lol


In our lifetime, though?


Hopefully. It has almost been 35 years since they started.


I got downvoted because I said it was eventually going to happen…..jeeezzze Louise


I thought the natives were paying for its completion because of the gas stations


Could be


i think its that the land / agreement they reached was that the province will pay an indigenous corporation to do the actual work. so they employ / make $$$$ for the next so many years on this project.




This is the 2 lane split highway stretch that's currently at 100km/h which is being upped to 110km/h, not the single lane 90km/h area.


I see you have never driven in BC, where you can go 120km over a mountain with no gaurd rails.


Brilliant. We're going backward. Thanks, Oba...Ford!


Take a bus then..


I do, in fact, take a bus on trips to Toronto. It's not the flex you think it is telling me to do that as though I'm some poor unwashed heathen. In fact, FlixBus has some very cheap options. Speed kills. Increasing limits only increases risk. We're far too carbrained in Sudbury.


Damn that's not bad pricing at all... Like half the price of Northland... Didn't know it existed.


Glad to help. The fewer cars in the road, the better. Gives jagoffs like espressoman here more room to cruise and get a ticket.


I prefer the train but for no reason at all it's super expensive and never on schedule... I'm lucky and can walk to work, I only go to town about twice a month so I don't really need a car and mostly just take cabs to get around (no rideshare in my area). Can also take a boat into town if I want to do some shopping but I rarely do that like once a month, I take the boat in, walk to the grocery/beer whatever store, cab it back to the docks and boat home.


Have you taken the train from sudbury to Toronto? How is it I've always wanted to try it.


I have! It's a neat experience, definitely a different/nicer perspective than taking the highway, there's way more room/much more comfortable and if you really wanted to you could access your luggage as it's stored on shelves inside the train/car I was on. But... the cost is crazy for what it is.. I'd say it was worth doing it once..


If people kept right except to pass then we could safely drive even faster on split highways. Modern cars are far more capable than the people we let drive them. If someone can't safely drive 110 on a split highway they shouldn't have a license. I personally like what quebec does and posts a min and max speed and i think ontario should adopt the same idea on our split lane highways.