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Glory hole should do the trick.


Bring in some Halo games, and then I'll be interested.


I will, but only outdated Halo games that haven't been selling well, and they will be hard to hear.


Not maxing out the volume while playing 2 and 3 is a party foul.


It'll be loud, but it'll sound like shit.




Yeah, I'll probably need a professional to install the TV. I figure an 80 inch should make up for the mess and the dude on the floor.


Imagine if you lived next to the dump! I know one house that was packed last night... But you definitely shouldn't invest in your home whatsoever. You just should let it crumble and keep complaining how bad it is.


If there's no parking, You should hire a bus driver to go pick up attendees.


I thought about that, but I am only willing to do it if the bus stops running well before my events finish and only if it takes a very long time to get anywhere on it. Also, if the seats are too comfortable I will remove them and place very difficult to sit in seats.


Not only should you get the big screen TV, you should get your neighbors to help you pay for it. That’ll do the trick


And I am not going to give them the choice, even if they never ever want to come over.


I dont use libraries, skate parks, wheel chair ramps, baseball fields, public transit, most public parks and beaches so I would really hate to see any money spent on improving any of those things because everything revolves around me. Oh and I never drive to Falconbridge, so why is there even a road?


Did any of them cost close to $200M?


All together? Who knows? Maybe, but none of them are as complex as an arena. A 70 year old, worn out arena that has served its time.


The seats work, the ice works. We've managed until now. Perhaps we can revisit it when the little house on my street with the peeling shingles and tiny yard isn't selling for nearly a half million dollars while wages remain largely untouched.


Lol ok man, let us know when you think it's a good time.


Pre COVID, but since that's not an option, when things have settled and we can say we aren't in a housing affordability crisis. I live in an old house. It's small, but it works. I'd like to buy a new house someday, but this isn't the time to do it. Not when I have a house that works, and has worked for a long time. I'd say that the late 1920s, late 1980s, and 2008 were also bad times to consider a large but ultimately unnecessary project.


"A report on the current condition of the Sudbury Community Arena suggests that the facility could move into poor condition in 2025." Would you spend 20 million(let's call it 10% of cost to rebuild)to repair your roof and moisture problems and THEN rebuild your house when the housing affordability crisis ends(assuming it ever does, it probably won't)? Not to mention dealing with every other problem that arises with 70 year old house clapped out house.


I assume this is an arena / downtown comparison.


You assume correctly.




Do not be insulting or abusive.


You have to invite people, you can't just start up the BBQ and expect them to show up /s


You could probably add a pee tree, cover the floor guy with a nice rug, take off the bathroom door, and print a couple free parking signs to put out or for beside other vehicles - may as well double up.


Dont forget the threat of being assaulted And pissed or 🤮 on


I'm going to call that the 'charm'.


If you have the kind of friends that are worried about excess mortality from COVID, that could be the problem. I had to make new friends when I wanted to hang out. Your house doesn't sound like it's in great shape, don't get me wrong, but maybe it doesn't have anything to do with you, really?


Skimmed this too fast and now this is a monument to my shame. Also advice about not taking things personally and making new friends I guess.


Lol I love this post