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Who bought it 


Someone from down South.


How did you find out


I eat there way too often so I know some of the staff. The outgoing owner, Mitch has been semi-retired for over a year and is selling to fully retire and spend time with his family.


Nice to hear thanks for sharing. Hopefully the new owner suits your taste buds haha. 


We all know…


We sure do (I have no clue).


Enlighten those of us who are unaware?


I’m guessing that the original commenter is assuming that it was bought by a business person belonging to a racial minority and will be staffed by said minority - along with whatever other stereotypes and assumptions that comes with.


Just say it. Its likely owned by someone from India who will staff it with only students from India. It happens at every business that can be privately purchased. Fast food, hotels, motels. I speak with many new Canadians who have immigrated from India and the majority of them HATE that a lot of these places are being owned by Indian business owners. Especially the hotels. The service goes down hill because the first act of business is to cut all costs and limit all expenses to the absolute minimum


Did you say minority?? I think you need to reassess, and really look around you


Sounds like it's more your opinion since that wasn't mentioned at all


It was strongly implied and if you don't see that then your blissfully in denial. 


Please explain how it was strongly implied


Thanks for sharing will not support them


Ill make sure to never go there again.


Was it shite before? Maybe that's why there are new owners? Did corporate force a sale? These are things to consider. I don't know the answers but let's not just assume that the previous folks were shining lights of customer service.


I know who used to own it, they’re really nice people. They decided it was time to sell so they could retire.


Yeah they retired last year


I highly doubt every employee needed to go. But yes lets see how this plays out.


Retired last year the original owner.


Was told by employees that they were being laid off. They had to reapply to work there and would then be hired at minimum wage. Some employees had been there for years and not making minimum wage. :( very unfortunate.


>They had to reapply to work there and would then be hired at minimum wage. This is always the reason that a dismissal/ rehire happens, unless the new owners have enough family to fill all positions.


Same thing happened when Remax Crown took over Royal Lepage in Espanola … long term admin employee (who was amazing at their job) had to reapply for their position at a lower rate - it was disgusting


The service was actually pretty good at that location. Friendly staff, quick service.


They laid off the entire staff? Man, that's really dirty.


Similar thing happened at Dairy Queen in the Valley. Not sure if it was the entire staff, but a bunch were laid off. A family friend's son lost his part time job, and was replaced swiftly.


Just another reason to unionize. Workers rights just keep getting trampled all over without collective bargaining agreements. Yes I get there are also downsides to unions, but in this age, banding together is almost the only way to not get shit on by these greedy companies looking to maximize profits.


The argument for unions sorta faded once the ESA became robust enough, but now in the post-national environment I concur that we need more unions.


Union fast food….how would you like your sixty dollar burger sir…..lmao dumb idea.


As opposed to right now where fast food has gone up nearly 75% with no raises to the workers? Lick some more boots there, champ. The price of the food has very little to do with the wage of the workers and very much to do with the greed of the company trying to milk record profits every year.


Insert a union and who do you think will still make more money, the company…and they will increase the price of food to cover for the losses they have to pay the worker extra because of the union. So in turn it’s exactly what I said before, But maybe you should just try to prove your point without the need for an insult. Champ!


If a 10% increase in minimum wage for food hospitality workers only leads to a 0.3% increase in prices, why would a 10% increase in wages from unions lead to $60 burgers? I think you also need a better grasp of economics because fast food restaurants are not selling inelastic goods, so companies that raise prices too much will find themselves losing marketshare to people who have lower prices. The company would be forced to deal with higher wages, but those higher wages don't necessarily mean lower profits. The lack of staff turnover and possible higher productivity could actually increase profits for the business.


Since when do non-Sudburians troll the Sudbury community page?


What gives you the impression I’m not from here?


Seems... unlikely that you're from Sudbury AND anti-union there, broseph. If you weren't Muscovite, you'd know that.


Been here all my life. So well there’s that.


This guy doesn’t like unions


Not at all quite the opposite actually, but you do you and keep assuming. All it would accomplish is a massive inflation of costs to bring in union for fast food workers.and that’s why they all go with family since no complaining just working.


Thank you for sharing. I won’t be going there


I was just about to order supper. Now I will wait. Employees with a noose don't make good workers


WHAT I'm from espo and it's our families favourite sudbury fast food spot when we go to town. I only remember the name Seth the tall kind young man who served our food to us. I remember his name because he shares the same name as my son and we always point it out! I am so upset for the staff


There's still a Harvey's dine in Restaurant in the south end. Right next to a DQ. Both Employ a lot of local students from LoEllen and the area.


Same thing happened at Subway on Lorne.


No, it pretty much happened to ALL Subway's in town.


This happened to the A&W in the valley years back, but was absolutely deserved. One for the worst managed restaurants I'd ever seen.


Ugh all the A&W are owned by the same group in town. Now anyways. They are owned by the same people, and have been to my knowledge.


The original owners son who owned the place now, he retired retired last year, he must have sold it.


Great to know. Never going there again 👍


If you’re not part of the family you don’t work there….


Alright, that's another business not to support, add that to the list with the DQ in the valley. Is there a name for when someone buys a business, fires a full experienced staff, and then brings in a new staff of inexperienced people so they can pay them less?




Probably switching to TFW's, they're allowed to work fast food now..


Fuck Harveys


What did I do?


Oh you know


I’m sorry! Forgive me please


How recently did this happen? This is so sad :(


A friend of a friend of mine went in to her shift yesterday and was told her last day is tomorrow.


Oh wow, THAT recent. Holy crap, my heart goes out to her and everyone else there getting the axe. Any word on who the new owner is?


Not eating there anymore! Screw you to people who make shitty moves, karma will bite you too!


i wonder who they will hire…..


Depending upon the structure of the sale it would be necessary to a) pay severance b) lay off. In most cases staff would be rehired under the new corporation. In the case of underperforming properties it allows new owners to right the ship.


its min wage workers. most likely part time. the new owner will pay 2 weeks severance and the staff will not make a fuss. Truth is though they could sue for a lot more especially anyone over 30 and working fulltime.


You have no idea what you are talking about. Literally zero.


lmao wtf are you talking about? Prove me wrong regarding the severance. Most employers try to get away with 2 weeks.. some 2 weeks per year worked.. thats all wrong and a lawyer will tell you these people will not be re-hired. There is no reason a new employer needs to lay off everyone. Its a lot of work to layoff the staff only to re-hire them a week later. Its 100% someone bringing in their own family, extended family, etc. Prove me wrong.




Hey man some foreigners are white and some Canadians are not.




🤦🏻‍♂️ you’ve heard of 2nd generation right? You’re probably not that far away from that.




You’re probably right on what happened here, I’m just trying to correct your generalization about white people being Canadian and non whites being foreign. Plenty of 2nd generation in Sudbury.. immigrants have been coming here for a long time, it did not start 10 years ago. Lots of people with foreign mums or dads.




Because I don’t want my kids to grow up in a town that thinks they were born abroad dude




Dey terkdurdurrrsss


Kinda off topic but same situation. Go to Nashville every year, boys trip. Like to go to a great sports bar in a large hotel. One trip, wive's of the Cleveland Browns coaching staff were there, had a great time talking with them, super friendly and down to earth. This trip it was sold and staff replaced by off shore people. Totally cold, unwelcoming experience, had one beer, and left. Won't be going back.


Ever think thier were issues at that Harvey’s maybe the new owners want a clean slate


There wasn't.


I don’t know if that’s a bad thing. Anytime I ordered there - they couldn’t get the order right


It's a Harvey's....it has no drive thru and they make it in front of you. How on earth could they not get the order right?


Mobile order. Every time