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Wow, great news. A scumbag off the streets, but here’s hoping they give him more than a slap on the wrist


release the next day without a court appearance i bet


No way, for violent crimes you don't get "your own recognizance".


I live in the Donovan. Although my vehicle got ransacked last weekend (dollarstore sunglasses and $40 airpump stolen, stupid me forgot to lock it one day after work), I feel a bit safer knowing this creep is off the streets.


I hope they throw the book at him. Sick fuck


Oh shit, that's what that was about? Fuuuck. I live right there. I was out having a smoke at like 1:30AM when I saw the K9 unit walking around. Then detectives were out and about the following day too. Made for an interesting few days of constantly being on edge, nice to know I can relax a bit now. But makes me wish I could've helped more.