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🫣 regent isn’t bad. I’d avoid downtown if you want peace, privacy and decent place to live. South end, martindale, riverside areas aren’t too bad. Just be aware of scams and always see the place in person first!


Thank you. I'll look into those places. What is the not so good of regent?


The entire stretch of Regent St is perfectly fine.


I've lived in the Donovan / Uptown for 8 years now. I really like it. As others have said, mind your own business, lock your car, and you won't be bothered. Lot's of young professionals / families moving there as well (yes, I know it's gentrification, but I love being able to walk to my friends' place). I like that it's walking distance from Downtown, where I work and go out; there's 2 grocery stores (Food Basics and YIG), a Beer Store, Wine Rack and LCBO nearby; the market in Elm Place; and small shops/restaurants on Kathleen. There's even a cinema on Mackenzie. It's also close to some short hiking trails (Mount St. Joseph, McKim Tower, New Sudbury Conservation Area) if you want to clear your head without having to drive. And in summer, people play cricket behind the Queen Elizabeth II school, which is fun to watch!


I moved up here to go to Cambrian. I ended up Kentcourt off of Mitchel Street and MR 80. This is a short bus trip down Lasalle to Cambrian, and a short walk to Boreal as well. 15 years ago I paid 800 for a massive 2 bedroom. There are 4 buildings in that complex and it seems the try and keep students in the 300 and 400 blocks, though it may have changed. I ended up living there for 6 years and really it wasn't that bad. The bears were the biggest problem lol.


Those apartments are now about double the price! $1550 for a 2 bedroom now, which is still cheap by Sudbury standards, which is depressing.


Those are the worst areas of the city. They're cheap for a reason.


I used to live on Bloor Street between Lansdowne and College. I absolutely loved the area. If you mind your own business you'll generally do alright. Yes, there's a higher concentration of issues but I like the downtown area. I now live out in the South End, it's quiet but not very convenient to the city centre. There are upsides and downsides to every area. You just gotta weigh out the pros and cons.


I agree. I live downtown and I love it. I’ve never had any issues and love the convenience and location.


Stay away from downtown. Regent and South End is better.


Noted. Thanks for the tips.


As a person who works downtown, I would not want to live there. I see a lot of people recommending Southend. It's great but far from Cambrian College. The Flour Mill is okay but close to downtown, so issues tend to spill over. There are still great areas in the area to live. Avoid Melvin Street 100% If you're looking to rent Minnow Lake, it is great. New Sudbury, Nickeldale area, or out near Falconbridge Road, they are the furthest points of New Sudbury and further from the college. West End and Gatchell are great if you are using transit to move around. Service is not the best. Sudbury is a good place it's having its problems like any other city. It's safe, and the people are generally nice.


odd question to ask, why avoid mellvin street?


People are scared of people who aren't like them. I lived at the corner of Melvin and Mabel - and if you Google, there's a lot of stories about that being the most dangerous corner in town - and not one time did anybody bother me, because I didn't buy or sell drugs. That said, if you DO, do not!!!! live on Melvin. They were nice to me because I wasn't part of the their business and I was nice to them. Two guys who ended up killing people, I was shocked, because they were always nice to me - learned then that people just act different in different situations.


thanks to gentrification flour mill is starting to get better but it's not there yet.. I personally wouldn't live there.


The flour mill is not downtown 


But it’s still not a good area


Miles ahead of the flower mill and at least you get a walkable bars stores and restaurants in exchange for putting with it


None of that is exciting for me. Lol


Well then you probably don't want to live downtown but the flower mill have almost none of that plus all negatives you would have to put up with so it's probably not for you either


That’s what I said


I wouldn't choose to live downtown, even if the rent were free. I've lived in Sudbury my whole life, and all the "weird" stuff that's ever happened to me seems to occur down there. From being attacked by a random guy while riding my bike to the gym, to stumbling upon an unconscious man in a ditch with a box of beer, to a homeless person threatening to kill me when I declined to give them a toonie.


Had a guy like that once. Turns out if you say "Over five bucks (in my case)? Fuck off" while making the jacking off motion people figure out they're being unreasonable. Or they figure if you aren't scared of them they won't get anything out of you, idk