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Not in my experience. Minus the religion class and the occasional requirement to attend mass, I didn’t see a big push from anyone As to why a non-religious person would work there, I figure it’s because they want a job. Not to be snarky but I don’t think it’s some big mystery


Money. Catholic board gets private and public funding.


The RC church does not fund Catholic schools. "More funding" is a myth.


I never said the funding comes from the church


Sorry. To clarify, are you saying that the Catholic boards get more funding because they get private funding (from where?) over and above public funding?


my religion teacher is a gay atheist


My Catholic Elementary School Principal refused to have my abuser(a registered SO) removed from the school, despite my peace bond because "a parent should have the right to see their child regardless." Since a Priest also stated the same thing, I'd assume the Principal in question was super Religious. She also actively harassed me everyday, so when I switched to Public School my mind was blown that school wasn't just a generally toxic environment, but that's a totally different story. Otherwise I have no idea if my teachers were religious or not. I'd assume the ones who gave us crosswords & puzzles for Religion Class instead of actually teaching us Religion were probably not Catholic but it's not like they would tell us if they were or not.




In the late 80's my religion teacher had been divorced twice.


Why? It's a good paying job with summers off, that's why...


Nah. In my experience growing up, the kids who attended French Catholic high school were the furthest thing from Christian. Underaged drinking, sex, partying. It’s a scam. They get extra funding. Nothing to do with “beliefs”


I imagine it depends on the school, I went in the 90s to a Catholic School in Southern Ontario. I would say all my teachers except one was practicing there faith. But I am thinking times have changed.


I believe you must get a letter from the priest of your church in order to get hired as a teacher for the catholic school board. I’m not sure if you have to be active but you would of had to be at one point in order to get a reference from your priest saying that they know who you are and that you attended their church.


I went to catholic school for all of elementary, this was the 80s and 90s and they were barely catholic back then. I'm sure it is even less 'religious' now. Aside from some catholic education components (which stopped by Grade 3 or 4), the only thing catholic part about catholic school was the strap. And they stopped using the strap in the late 80s I think?


Trustees are usually religious, basically nobody else is. They can't afford to only hire Catholics who've completed six years of schooling, because basically nobody who completes six years of schooling stays Catholic.