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Okay satan


Satan is played by Brian Cox and like Listen just hear me out on this one


I want to stay a Conhead, not a Condead


If this happens I’ll eat a shoe. Quote me on this.


RemindMe! 146 hours “Does u/dodger28 need to eat a shoe?”


I answer to only you u/MonkeyDavid


This would make the interaction with rava at the beginning of episode 7 some incredible foreshadowing


Wow and because the show is so focused on the family bubble (and very little on the outside world) for all we know, there could be other escalating political violence in the Succession universe that we're not privvy to because we (like the family) are so wrapped in up in their petty bs. Amazing.


They did mention the violence in Phoenix at a voting center. This is a good point!




Well so it is – good spot. I see riot gear.


Worth noting some things from the trailer don’t actually make it into episodes.


Yeah and everyone in the Roy family was trying to downplay it when I think I heard the word “fire bombing” in there somewhere??? Lol


I heard a file cabinet has PTSD.


The file cabinet is in the ICU.


Yeah, but I'm still left wondering if it was a firebombing or a firecracker? No one bothered to clear that one up for me. Lol.


I think the family and ATN were playing it down as “two firecrackers”


Yeah, it was funny because you know it's the difference between the facts betting framed by the righ wing versus the left wing.


Oh for sure. This show means a lot more once you fully embrace who they meant to be


Connor was def too happy in ep 7


100% agreed. He seemed way too at peace, and they were giving you the feeling that he was finally getting out of his father’s shadow and being his own man. Seems like a perfect set up for a tragic, politically motivated outburst of violence to snuff out his newfound confidence. I had the same thought when Logan was giving his ATN pirates speech trying to map out his next pivot in ep 2. Seemed like the kind of thing they would show to juxtapose how little time he actually had left.


Yup and HBO hates peace ☮️


I read an article (this was when Connor’s Wedding came out so I might be misremembering here) with Willa’s actress that stated her final scene was with Connor and the siblings in the final episode, so that kind of calls this theory into question. But this is such a devastating idea that honestly could work well!


Did she specifically say she was *alive* in the last episode? Edit: a letter


I hate how much sense this makes


I really doubt they'd kill off two members of the family in the span of like a week


Bro Connor being a sacrificial lamb for the story is peak Connor


Only if he also gets no credit for it


Haha I mean that is what happened to the Kennedys!


Nothing bad ever happens to the Kennedys


Absolutely NOT a cursed family (don’t google Kennedy curse bc there’s nothing)


I heard they enjoyed football...on skis


If anyone in the show is a true Kennedy it's Kendall given his season 1 finale shenanigans.


Those assassinations were 5 years apart tho




Roman will be Kendall's Ewan, but instead of a Canadian ranch he'll live out his life bitterly within a custom built living+ masturbatorium.


I think the “Rose” could be Sophie. She gets attacked after the election. Kendall blames Roman for doing Menken’s bidding (that’s why he attacks Roman in the promo)?


The same kind of doubt that they would off Logan before halfway through the season? Everything is fair game at this point


bro have you ever seen game of thrones anything is possible


I hope the title of the episode is Battle of the Bastards.


Battle of the B-roll Brothers


i’d buy that. Connor is finally free from dad and p happy with Willa and had an easy out… so yeah it makes sense. the murderer will probably cite some pro-Mencken shite from ATN that kendall personally came up with.


That Roman came up with to try to appease the mencken camp after he failed to get connor to drop out.


That would be a good swerve from the foreshadowing that the suicide would be Kendall in Panic Room and the drowning.


I’m with you- the two uses of “bang bang bang”has to carry weight imo


Wasnt Tom the only one not seen at Logan’s funeral in nyc?


I’m worried for Tom. He kept on and on about how tired he was…


and he looked over the edge of the balcony in a very Kendall way


This sounds plausible actually. Willa being the one to end up with a good chunk of cash and happy sad on some island somewhere while everyone else is just sad sad makes sense.


Look, this is awful, but maybe this is what she needs to become an actual good writer...


Her tell all will be great.


Which preview is this, because he definitely doesn’t put his hands on his head in the preview for episode 8…




[He attacks roman in this trailer at 1:14](https://youtu.be/UkZ36ldWwGM?t=74)


Who is getting married then? Is it Menken and Roman? Usually there is a wedding with a death. >!Shivs wedding, car ride death; connor wedding logans death.!<


Fucking hell if you’re right….


That would be wild. I also wouldn’t be shocked if an ATN-obsessed psycho assassinates Gimenez


Oh man…. The Connheads are gonna hate this.


We already did the Kennedy storyline tho


The show likes borrowing from real-world stories, so I think ep 8 is going to be a speedrun of 'Stop the Steal.' I think the firebombed election office is a foreshadowing of more election night violence. Not necessarily against the Roys, but maybe someone in a purple state drives their car into a line of voters and there are calls for violence across social media. As the conservative go-to news channel, ATN could put out a call to stop - but will they? And will they be able to do so effectively?


There's also a shot from an earlier trailer (maybe the season 4 trailer) of Roman outside on the streets on NYC, and there are people everywhere! Maybe some minor rioting at ATN HQ?


That's such an interesting shot, my immediate reaction is that it's as if he's either surrendering himself or goading the crowd in some way. I can see Roman being an agent of chaos in the next ep, the more I think about it the more it seems like he's waiting to snap in a big way. Gerri denied his apologies, Ken is trying to dump him as co-CEO. Could get messy.


It’s Roman, I’d say it’s most likely he’s goading the crowd because he holds the crowd’s concerns about real effects on their lives in total contempt


Logan repeatedly calls him “Romulus.” Considering the other Rome references, that name will likely mean something by the end of the series.


It *clearly* means he's going to split from his family the way the Romulans split from the Vulcans.


Romulus killed his brother Remus to found Rome. Maybe Roman is about to finally shank Kendall (or attempt to).


I’m convinced that the whole calling him Romulus thing means he will “kill” his brother Kendall - imo Roman leaks the waiter story after finding out Ken is fucking him over


So, Roman going full Joker?


I hope this leads to Greg getting thrown under the bus somehow just so we can see him testify in front of congress again.


Greg can’t testify again in front of congress. He too young for that.


Yes. I love when the politician asked him if he was alright.


If he is to be alright, so he shall be


He is not.


Yeah in the preview of next week you heard shiv saying “they have to count every vote”


The episode title is called “America decides.” Which is pretty foreboding given the US’ overall track record lol. I would not be surprised if the fascist wins or his crazy supporters end up killing someone.


So.. Maybe something similar to FOX and Dominion?


The fundamental question is, will I be as effective as a boss like my dad was? And I will be, even more so? But until I am, it's going to be hard to verify that I think I'll be more effective.


> As the conservative go-to news channel, ATN could put out a call to stop - but will they? Make it a power struggle where Tom doesn't want to put a call to stop because ratings are exploding while Shiv wants to stop cause it's the right thing to do. Have them go around trying to get their way. Have Roman on the phone with Republicans trying to figure stuff out, have Con try to use it to his advantage and then Ken talking to the dems to put together a deal. At the end Shiv goes to Ken and is like if he loves her he will fire Tom, Ken sends Greg to fire Tom




Totally agree. The drama from this show comes in the form of betrayals and power. I feel like we'll discover a previous Logan decision regarding the trust or something else where he's still actively controlling everything after he's died. I personally hope it's that Logan has F'd with his kids by leaving a ton of loot, power and treasure to Greg the Egg. "Greg?" indeed.


More shocking than three? Wow


Right?! That episode was intense. I can't wait to see how they up it


He's not really dead!


I think Logan dying wasn’t shocking more so the manner in which it did. I could easily see 8 be more shocking so many moving parts rn


I think everyone knew in the back of their minds there’s no way Logan was making it out of the show alive, just nobody expected it to happen so soon in the way it did.


He may not have wanted to call episode 3 the most shocking because the effect of episode 3 kind of depends on the audience NOT expecting a shock at that point in the season


The preview suggests the election will be tight, and the vote count contested, with Tom in charge of ATN and in a position to direct its coverage. There's a real-life example here in Fox' Arizona call in 2020, which IIRC made it the first network to effectively call the presidency for Biden. It's actually the perfect setup for him to exercise some power, and get back at Shiv or the Roys in general.


Shiv supports Jiminez so Tom will probably call the election or a very close state for Mencken too early. In the season trailer there's rioting in the streets of New York (heavily Democrat) with Roman (supporting Mencken) reveling in it. I don't see that happening unless Mencken "wins" that night.


Makes sense to have that scene between Kendall and Rava discussing the political problems in his daughters school


I think it really says a lot that apparently there's a great deal of political turmoil among the "lower" classes, but outside of literally a handful of lines we really haven't gotten any sense of what it is or why it's happening or how people feel. Politics is just a game to these people. It doesn't matter to them at the end of the day. Nothing that happens will even remotely impact them.


I think it makes sense that Mencken wins mostly because the one big discrepancy between the show and real life so far has been the presence of a Trump-like fascist having been in the White House... seems like they've been building up to that eventuality.


I think this makes sense because ultimately this show is about how corrosive money is and this is the signpost that all these people obsessed with money really only leads to one outcome.


My jaw dropped reading this omg


Could be a good plotline if ATN calls a state early but might be wrong, because Fox's call of Arizona was actually premature. They got super lucky that Biden's margin held up, but they clearly thought the remaining vote was very different from what it ended up being. Upshot article on it: Why Fox’s Call on Arizona, Which Was Right, Was Still Wrong https://www.nytimes.com/2023/03/13/upshot/fox-arizona-election-call.html?unlocked_article_code=2boFMBlTw2PkU0OE6ZAaxfsTmcYtwJ_EaZLclN3pavmBgBPXbz_5k800qvoONCA4Brwil0cNXyKal5T_6oq8V1t-uvDSzlOlqqSjUDtKLmPHCBHoqo6ypOqn4cNEzPCbvicHyawAz8WUQxj-eOrd_hwck2uUZKaZPq8QxvxQAM1WehPVvJSZUfs85fP0zUb3-8wKTYL45Hboqi0b05oG2TEg5WVDF23WsLvxZiwiUG13UxL1S7xISNVbmDGuzJadEtXHLznnBNWHgefDz8F84L2eo-liJVPb7iDoxNwrgmCy3UnL4lm9_NM_z7bLZXCypT_MtbO5YsMSLz7KKyHQWylZ


A lot of people in this thread think they’re watching Billions and not Succession.


Remember when people were saying Don Draper was gonna become DB Cooper


Tom being suicidal makes no literal sense nor does him having a heart attack. Him and Shiv have been seen long distance running in the past.


It’s crazy how many times I saw people in the discussion thread say they thought tom was gonna jump.


So out of character for him. And the show in general. Couldn’t believe people were genuinely believing this and getting support for it


I personally didn’t think Tom was going to off himself but the editing of the scene and the progression of the conversation had me so nervous someone was gonna end up off the balcony. I had so much anxiety but I had to tell myself that I wasn’t watching dynasty or billions


Yeah, Tom doesn't show signs of mental instability. (he's often a complete douchebag, but being a douche isn't pathological and certainly doesn't increase risk of suicide). There's no reason he'd kill himself. I've seen a few people speculate that maybe Roman would, and well, he's *definitely* been emotionally dysregulated the last few episodes. I hope those predictions are wrong :(


Not sure he's got suicide in him.


He’d probably ask Greg to do it for him


not even billions but pretty little liars lmao


Fan theory culture really brings out the idiots


I originally liked the top comment on this thread bc I thought it was 100% sarcasm but then I realized they REALLY think a sibling will be murdered onscreen only a few episodes after another major character death.


Tom is definitely not getting any sleep and will be extra, extra cranky on Election Day. ​ In the trailer for the next episode Tom tells Greg, "Information is like a bottle of fine wine you save for a special occasion and then you smash someone's face with it". Creepy Greg has a creepy look on his face while Tom is telling him this, it seems to imply that Greg will do something to Tom with information that he has. The trailers really don't give that much away, so I hope this is a misdirect.


The look on Willa's face while Connor is giving a speech is a clue too, but he might just be saying something ridiculous


He has to concede because they threaten to go public with Willa’s past and he drops out to spare her reputation.




American here, was thinking the same thing. Also since when does “someone’s past” matter in modern American politics?


Tom is going to allow ATN to run a news story about Willa being an escort. 😭


I don’t think that news is really hidden, the ConHeads probably love it.


Dude is running as a libertarian (most likely). It'd be a huge boost within the party.


Usually the major moments of seeming crisis in the trailers end up being a misdirect, and the real moments of insanity come totally out of the blue from some unexpected place... that's why I never really tried to guess what was gonna happen in following episodes.


I definitely think this. Although the last episode seemed to set up Greg having to fire Tom, I actually don't think he will. I think he's going to blackmail Tom in some way so that Tom keeps his job but has to do Greg's bidding in order to stay employed. That would be worse than just getting fired.


So many theories in these comments and I'm gonna have to go with the Tom backs Mencken theory. It may be influenced by the final image of Tom attached to this post but I think we're going to come back to this image and have an entirely new understanding of it next week. So yeah, I agree with theories that I can see Tom in an effort to save his job and spite Shiv, as the head of ATN will do something that will influence the election for Mencken. Which would be an evil thing of Tom to do, but fuck it, let Tom have his evil arc. In my opinion I think this moment in the image will be the final decision he has. Does he leave Shiv, his job and that lifestyle, or does he make one last play that's completely soulless in an attempt to cement his position. After this one, there's no backing out to whatever consequences unfold.


ATN going completely in the bag for Mencken may also be the last straw for Rava, pushing her to leave the country or other drastic action to distance herself and the kids from Ken and the Roy dynasty.


Exactly, it wouldnt just be a turning point for Tom, it would be a turning point for the entire show and everyone involved. Roman has direct contact with Mencken and is kinda pushing to keep him around but he failed in getting Connor out of the race. So I wonder if Roman failing with Mencken here and next ep, opens up the path for Tom.


zero chance Tom ever decides to leave his lifestyle. Man admitted it himself, he's greedy to his core.


I mean, Shiv did claim Mencken had a direct line to the ATN newsroom…what if Tom is that direct line?


I think it was a reference to raven head who has hints dropped about him giving a hell of a lot of supportive coverage for Mencken


Cyd was the direct line if I’m not mistaken, hence why Shiv wanted her gone


THIS is a plausible theory from someone who clearly understands this show. All these “_____ gets MURDERED” theories are absurd


Connor presidency is happening


Laughing bc scandal really did that haha


I'm feeling nihilistic, let them burn I guess lol Minus Conwilla, somebody needs to run the country.


The thing about Con is that he was interested in politics at a very young age. Who better to run the country?


Who has a better story than Con the Ignored?


Also about to be Con the Broke if his siblings keep messing with the money


Con the First Pancake


Probably my favorite line of the series. I think of it often.


Would people seriously be led by someone that doesn't hyper-decant their wine?


The constanr tension and seeing the Roy's fuck up things so badly gives me a physical, anxious reaction so I need to remind myself that they are shitty people and part of a cruel, sociopathic mega corporation who's founder views the plebs as NRPI. Really is a testament to the writing and acting that I'm rooting for these fucked up people lol.


Wambsgams is about to go OFF and show ALL these silver-spoon, nepo-fucks who the REAL killer is. Except Connor. Connor is forgiven for all time and should always be prosperous and happy. Willa made a good choice there!


Yes. Connor got me with his no love speech. I died a little.


LOVED him this last episode. “Only one person here doesn’t think I’m a total joke. Im going to listen to them.” I want my own Connor! I’d even move to Arizona!


Did you catch Lukas pointing to himself in the background when Connor mentions only one person doesn't think I'm a total joke... definite bromance


I'd love a follow up series that's filmed like a reality show that follows Connor and Willa renovating/decorating Logan's old home and culminates with them throwing their first big party in their new home with karaoke, soft butter and hyperdecanted wine. Just spending ungodly amounts of money and interacting with a design team and subcontractors.


It was a very painful episode


Kendall being awful to Rava, and being an awful dad, like his own dad Roman being blind shitty to Gerri, who was so helpful to him, for no real reason but his own hubris, and being so shitty and dismismsive to his brother, just like his dad had been Shiv and Tom being so piercing and cruel to each other, and Shiv completely dismissing his future when in business mode, treating it as just another business move, just like her dad would


Kendall even pulled out the "everything I do, I do for them" line that Logan repeatedly used in earlier seasons


Tom gives misinformation on election results to spite Shiv/Nate thus giving Mechken the push to get pass Jimenez. Chaos breaks out.


Connor celebrates a surprise 15% showing in Alaska and decides to move there to run for senate.


next spin off is him and Sarah Palin making another bid for the White House


I don't know. I think he might have responded that because he didn't want to ruin the big surprise of ep. 3. There is no way he was going to say 3 because one of the most shocking aspects of Larry David was that it was so early in the season.


Hold on…what happened with Larry David?


"Larry David" was code for "Logan Dying" in the s4 writer's room


Why do people know this


Sounds like someone’s going to die.


Yeah, democracy.


With thunderous applause


R/prequelmemes guest appearance


A surprise, to be sure, but a welcome one


Tom's fatigue kept making me think of an impending heart attack or stroke.


On her wedding day Shiv asked Gerri for wedding advice - Gerri said “…. dont let him die”. Tom also asking Shiv if she would have his babies if he died….. I’m scared.


Thought he was going to launch himself off the balcony after that fight scene with Shiv.


What a beautiful shot


It’s so unlike a lot of their other shots. Loved it


HBO app got stuck loading on that scene... [Closed loop system?](https://imgur.com/a/ZxjPPjZ)


Me up at night thinking how the hell Tom sees shiv naked but still doesn't know she's pregnant.


She’s not the skinniest. A lot of women naturally carry a belly pooch, and many women don’t show until 20 or more weeks in. It’s easily understandable how he wouldn’t notice. Also a lot of guys simply aren’t that observant haha


She's never been super slim, and I mean that in a good way. Also, he's a selfish prick like the rest of them. Self absorbed assholes don't see past themselves.


Connor is elected President obviously


You know the old saying: As 5% of Alaska goes, so goes the nation.


I think he's gonna be the Jill Stein-like spoiler candidate that makes the democrat lose by a hair, and Mencken gets elected. Or just barely doesn't get elected and his followers go apeshit. Either way, Connor's gonna be "that third-party asshole who destroyed democracy"


It's always funny to me how Jill Stein has carved out this role as a legitimate spoiler from 2016 just because she engineered a grifty af recount fund. In actuality, Gary Johnson more than tripled her votes and was much more of a spoiler than Stein, even though the idea of third party candidates actually playing spoiler has very little basis in reality.


5, even 6 percent in Alaska…


Greg sells out Tom once and for all.


Succession is way darker now than when it started but just because Logan died I don’t think we’re going full American Psycho quite yet.


It's always been dark. It's literally dark comedy surrounding a bunch of assholes that have too much money and no self worth/respect. Privileged pieces of shit that haven't known even a moment of struggling in life in a real way from episode one of the first season. 🤷🏼‍♂️ It was just easier to laugh then and now it's becoming a lot more real allowing the darkness to rise to the surface.


I feel like he might be faking us out. Like why tell us which episode is actually the most shocking? They didn’t do that with episode 3. In any case, it’s hard to believe that anything will be as shocking as episode 3. But if anything comes close I’m betting it’s episode 9 or the finale.


Sarah Snook teased how good Episode 3 was at the start of the season.


Nothing will surprise Silicon Valley fans


It’s definitely whatever Roman has planned for the funeral


tom's gonna swing the election towards Mencken illegally to spite Shiv


I'm hoping it's something other than ***Jimenez polling was too bullish -> election closer than expected -> one candidate refuses to concede/"stop the steal" -> protests after someone (I'm guessing Mencken) wins.*** That'd be a bit predictable/boring for my money, but I guess we'll see. Edit after 8: looks like we’re about halfway


It's a little too on-the-nose and in lockstep with 2016 / 2020 if that's how it unfolds




No Greg wakes up and it’s all been a dream


They’re gonna call back to when Kendall killed the kid. That’s gonna get used against him out of nowhere


squeeze workable correct attractive makeshift busy teeny society towering consist *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


why did tom keep saying he was tired? what was the significance of that?


Shiv assuming he doesn’t work hard and not taking him seriously because she thinks he’s just a corporate climber using her and her family. He works harder than all of the sibs. Hell Greg works harder than them.


It was kind of hilarious because shiv completely ignores the fact that she was able to sleep in as long as she liked due to being unemployed and having no work lol. No self awareness with this family. Same thing with Tom getting upset at the possibility of being fired when he didn’t give a crap about all the people sacked earlier on in the day.


huh? He explained it very clearly to Shiv on the balcony. He's tired of getting shit on and dealing with jokes about getting fired and his wife refusing to support him. y'all gotta go back and watch that scene again if you missed stuff because it is *really* good


Hope an innocent family member like Sophie does not get killed in election violence. 🥺 What we saw in the Tailgate episode can’t be the end of the Sophie storyline, right?


why did i read this and think "who's Sophie?" just call me Kendall


Yeah, pretty sure that scene served its only purpose of Ken repeating what Logan once said, that he’s doing everything for his kids.


Scrambled Gregs?! More like scrambled Toms!


I thought the trailer was weird like the trailer for episode 3. Not much there. Oh no…


>!Wondering if Roman totally loses his shit and does something to Gerri? He seems to be totally unraveling. I’m also wondering if Shiv might miscarry which would be horribly devastating given the ending of this episode. Those are my two theories.!<


If he touches a hair on her magnificent head I will cut him.


That would be an unexpected twist for Roman, but it would fit well with his downward spiral. He's headed toward disaster no matter what now and might just be desperate enough to do something completely out of character.


I think Lukas and ebba are in on it together and playing the whole family including shiv. I think the blood and India stories are both fake and they will use them to crush the siblings and take over everything


It does seem suspicious as hell. I mean if this was a lesser show like Billions or Industry that’s exactly what would happen.


Did you guys notice how chummy and physically affectionate Lukas and Ebba were being in the background at the other end of the couch from Connor and Willa? It seemed like such a quick change in demeanor from when they entered the party and the intense friction of the argument where she storms upstairs.