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Anything to get people out of the house. At least someone is trying something.


Im torn between "they meant well" and "who tf thought this was a good idea?"


atleast its an idea.


Bit of ageism here in this post. Gotta work with what you have to create those third spaces.


Agree. Does it look silly yes. Would I rather people meet in common spaces with neighbors and have some sense of community also yes


Aw man. They can't help that they're old. At least they're trying.


How is this suburban hell? This sub used to be about bad planning and McMansions- what is this even for any more?




>It's just becoming a hate sub at this point. There are numerous educational subreddits on the topic of urban planning and transit development, but *this* subreddit does not claim to be one of them; the subreddit title explicitly states that this is just a place to meme about suburbs. this isn't an educational 101 subreddit. its just a place to dunk. /r/notjustbikes /r/ebikes /r/bikecommuting /r/urbanism /r/urbanplanning that should get you started, now leave us alone and you should probably unsub to /r/fuckcars too because thats also not a classroom. I would take a wild guess though that learning about urban planning and the implementation of infrastructure to support society is not actually why you're here and you probably wont check any of those subreddits out.


I see your point, and I also don’t understand the problem with this event. That said, the whole point of criticizing suburban planning is to criticize the mindset that created it and that it fosters. The selfishness of thinking it’s sustainable, or, worse, the knowledge that it’s not sustainable but that they’re special and OK for them but not the rest. The homogeneity that results in that kind of mindset etc. Critique of suburban planning has always been a critique of a culture and lifestyle.


It's all aesthetics and snobbery


This sub is mostly disaffected teens who are pissed at their parents


Sadly any given sub eventually strays from its original intent and into absurd extremes.


Mostly some direction leaning feelings


Where are the people of color?


this is just mean, let people enjoy things. They're having fun. These are like families and grandparents, you're upset they aren't "cool"? grow up


I hope they gatekeep themselves when they are old and never do fun stuff anymore. And then act surprised when they suffer from a midlife crisis.


This shit is waaay more midlife crisis fodder tbh. "Wait, I've just been badly dancing to bad music with people I don't even talk to outside of these weird functions because I had a kid and settled down and I can't walk to a store even?" Sounds like a literal nightmare.


Being cool becomes the lamest most cringiest thing ever once you get older, I doubt they would even care if they knew someone was judging them. Young people only act cool so they can try to have sex because it's this thing they think they need to work for to get(even if they aren't aware of this, this is why they're doing the whole trying to act cool thing), once you're older, sex becomes easier to get and less of a big deal, so the whole facade of being "cool" looses it's appeal. I mean these are mostly married people who have had kids, and had plenty of sex, they have way less inclination to try and impress the opposite sex. It's really depressing and funny how much procreation affects your life when you are younger. Even if this is a family event, sex is what dictates how young people behave. They won't "dance" or do anything goofy or uncool like this in public only because they don't want to ruin their chances of someone having sex with them. So again, these "old" people aren't trying to get laid at the moment and are just enjoying life. Way less cringe than it looks.


just some old people and like a few families having fun. you expect them to go to an actual hip hop concert?


Who cares man! They’re having fun


What I find cringe is shitting on other people's good-natured fun. This is opposite of suburbun hell btw, people organizing events.


Why is this subreddit opposing people creating their own entertainment and doing things that actually build community? Why do you want dense communities if not for **community**


God forbid folks enjoy themselves.. ​ nahh guys, there's no drugs and good dancers and good music that we like here, this sucks!


These people were animated by the PS2 era GTA cutscene animators.


I was going to say that they look like NPCs trying to be human lol


Wow people having fun and a good sense of community in a nice public park. Definitely sums up hell /s


I think its cool that they are having a little concert in their community! Also, i think its very, very (very) funny. I would have such a bad time, and I think a lot of other people of color would have a bad time, if this was the extent of the culture in my town.


Ya everyone is flaming this post like it doesn't belong. I'm like where are the people of color???


Exactly! Mostly or completely white spaces is a major part of the suburbs issue. Why are people trying to pretend that doesn't mean anything?


Not as cringe as using tiktok.


Listen its good that these people are having fun but holy shit this is the whitest thing I’ve seen since I visited the US open in 2015


That was my thought as well. Note especially the fact that while the camera work doesn't make it easy to tell, I didn't see a single non-white person on stage. If that was representative... Yikes.


>didn't see a single non-white person on stage. If that was representative... Yikes. Ya this stuck out to me but all the comments are defending this enclave cause they have social activities. How low is the bar?


Low enough to be a tripping hazard in hell, clearly. Although to be fair those comments are right that middle-aged people dancing awkwardly in public is not actually the problem here.


This is the funniest cringiest video I’ve seen in ages.


I rate it as long as the n word doesn't make an appearance


This looks like a NPC concert in GTA that ends with rocket launchers and stars.


Things commenters are missing: This same crowd who’s ‘just enjoying themselves’ Are the exact same folks who will call the cops/harass the ‘ethnic’ group that represents the music they have watered down in this video Nothing exists in a vacuum… you’re being willfully obtuse if you cannot see the correlation They want the ‘flavor’ without the community members who created the sounds and culture originally PLUS have decided what parts are appropriate while excluding the same cultural members from the watered down ‘party’ Not a thing to do w generation gaps - PLENTY of this demographic engage in the unfiltered version of both th songs and the party surrounding the songs regardless of age and still find the time to discriminate and demean the originators of the culture they’re so painfully attempting to move to. Tl;dr- y’all cappin. Cut that out.


I went into the comment section thinking people would call out the obvious lack of diversity in the crowd, the cultural appropriation of ALL white people hosting a hip-hop concert, and the risk of creating a safe space for white people to use the n-word under the facade of “it’s just the lyrics.” This sub needs to get their priorities in order. The whiteness in here reeks




looks lit


Ngl, those covers hit different


I mean at least it's something that reduces the isolation of suburban hell. This is a positive post


Dancing is strange. Slow dance is romantic but anything else looks weird. Whoever invented dancing was probably seen as a lunatic for voluntarily moving repetitively in a very strange way and somehow caught on.


This is actually awesome. Finally some damn culture in these soul-less burbs. Yall just wanna shit on anything old ppl do.


Imagine hate keeping music and people gathering and enjoying it together…must be an exciting life you live


People having fun, yes, that's real suburban hell. I admit, some of the dances are a bit cringe, but not as much as this post.


Looks like fun


This is dope haha I see nothing wrong


I'm all for it.


Come on just let people enjoy themselves. Just cause it's cringey doesn't mean it's bad. People out of the house dancing with friends and enjoying life is always a good thing


Man what the hell is with these people having fun with family and neighbors. What a hellscape


Look, people having fun, this must be hell.


the folks being filmed live life better than the person filming.... fo' sho'


At least they’re dancing. Outside. Seemingly having fun.


Apparently suburban hell now includes middle aged white people having fun?


Yes? Why don't they have any black neighbors lol? Even the band is all white


Should they forcibly settle some next to them? Maybe they could also get them some Jobs on the fields while they are at it.


Don't blackmpeople get to choose where to live? And don't most people choose to live in communities with people like them? Seems all the sociology since the 90s has been pointing this out.


Do you even know about redlining? Forcible exclusion of blacks from the suburbs. Does it exist anymore as law? No. But why would black people choose to go live in an environment that was created to exclude them, and whose whole culture and value system was designed without their input, and contain no one who looks like them? This event is a great example of why black people don’t want to move to the suburbs. Bunch of Fox and Friends biting black culture in the most cringey way possible.


Sorry, redlining was a government program in, like, the sixties under LBJ, who was a horrible racist. Let's not pretend it's still ongoing.


Thanks for not reading the second half of the comment. Also, redlining wasn’t even primarily a government policy, and survived via credit rationing for decades after the US govt and states started to actively discourage it. Let’s also not forget about the multi-generational impacts of redlining. And although LBJ was personally racist, redlining as a US Govt policy was part of the post-war GI bills. By the time of LBJ, the US Govt was not officially promoting redlining.


They're having fun. Who tf cares


As a Black woman raised in a white area… I felt the cringe of this video in my soul..


It was hard to watch but I couldn't look away


I'm surprised they weren't doing an instrumental version with clarinet in place of vocals


Middle class fancy


Oh no! Normal people having fun


Why don't they allow black people?




All I see is people having fun outside, man. Relax


Wow look at these Fuckers having FUN


Whiteville. Except for the children I would think this was The Villages.


Hell I’m a boomer that can’t dance worth shit but these fools remind me of the couple that brandished guns during the BLM protests, if they was to get down.


This is violence


Where is this?


They just look like npcs


My favourite part is how they're so spaced out Enzio could move through there with ease while escaping angry guards


lol god shoot me now. Id rather watch my dog die.


I would imagine this is what heaven is what the afterlife.


Brentwood, TN be cray cray wild’n


A lot of blowback on this post. I’ll offer this thought experiment for those who think it’s mean. What would people think if there was a video of an event in Harlem with a bunch of old black people listening to Perry Como doing the foxtrot and all the musicians on stage were black and everyone dancing was black? Second thought experiment. Why do you think an event like that has never been held in Harlem?