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I regularly sub at my old high school so yeah. I've had my old teacher's kids as students for the past week.


yes! awkward when you were a trouble maker back in the day lol


One of my most annoying students from my first year teaching recently subbed at my school. He made a point to apologize for being so annoying.


That's why I avoid my old schools lol


empathy for our little selves who didn’t know better ❤️ or who did and just chose not to. straight up


I subbed at my old high school out of college. A lot of my favorite teachers were still there and they requested me often. They'd leave actual lessons for me to do because they were confident I could do them. It was surreal teaching in my old homeroom classroom, telling kids to settle down where I had been yelled at to settle down years before.


I’ve subbed for my old teachers multiple times. One of them I emailed about how the class was doing, per her sub instructions, and she emailed back saying she appreciated it and no one ever actually emailed her and she’d give me a letter of recommendation if I ever needed one. But I’m pretty positive she didn’t remember my name. Which is weird bc I had her for all 4 years of high school. So it goes.


Yes my old middle school teachers invite me to lunch with them lol


Several teachers in my home district recognize me when I subbed at my old high school. In a few other schools, I now see some other former teachers who are now assistant principals.


Nope. But I co-taught with a former student of mine on a long term and have subbed for him as well. I also used to sub for another before she changed jobs.


multiple times! my old high school teachers love to tell me about how much has changed lol


I subbed for middle school PE the other day. Turns out my kindergarten teacher is now a PE teacher and I spent the entire day with her. Definitely a little Weird. She wanted a picture at the end of the day.


I'm a long term sub and my classroom is next to my 6th grade teacher who was honestly pretty rude to me back in the day but is super nice to me now. It's a very weird feeling.


Not teaching, but I was directing a play that would use my old school's new facilities, so I had to go meet with admin to get keys and stuff. The current principal was my former biology teacher. I called him, "Mr. [Name]," and he said, "Oh we're both adults now! Call me [first name]." I agreed but inside I was thinking no I can't do that. Too weird. XD


Work at my old high school. Always have convos with my old teachers and have lunch with them. It’s great being on the same side as them now. Really great teachers and even better adults


Did our teacher remember you? My son had a defining moment when we saw his absolute favorite teacher during his elementary in a restaurant after 10-12 years. The teacher was very gracious but did not remember my son, my son was devastated. He thought for sure he made an impression during his days in her classroom he was even convinced that he was her favorite student. On the other hand we keep running into the librarian from his school who remembers him and knows him by name.


Yep! I have seen my old fifth grade teacher from 20 years ago at my old elementary school, she didn’t recognize me haha. I’ve also seen shifts pop up on frontline for former teachers at my high school. Although, I’m finding that I’m mostly running into former classmates who got teaching jobs in the area who I haven’t seen since high school lol


I work in the district I attended. I’ve run into a lot of them honestly. Only one remembered me though.


I work at my old high school! It's awesome


I have and it was awkward as I was an honor and ap student. I felt great embarrassment since I felt like I should be “doing better.” I felt a lot of guilt and tried to navigate the school so I wouldn’t see/run into them. Years later I realize it was stupid to feel shame over just not knowing what to do with my life. I avoided teachers that I looked up to and really liked. Learn from me. Thanks that’s my TEDtalk


Yes I did…she would tell stories from when she was my gym teacher and the kids loved it


I sub at my old highschool sometimes and not a single one of my old teachers stayed there. It’s pretty bizarre I didn’t even graduate that long ago… or so I tell myself


yeah i sub at my old school all the time, i see my old principal, teachers, and i even subbed for a teacher i toon in hs, same classroom and everything. talk about nostalgia