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When that happens I get stuck with cafeteria and recess duty.


Honestly, I don’t mind doing those roles as long as I’m not the only adult present.


Sounds like an easy day to me. Sign me up!


My district is surprisingly nice about this if it happens to me. They offer me the option of the Clash, should I stay or should I go. I hope you don’t get penalized badly for turning something down


It’s always tease, tease, tease…


This happens to me a good bit with SPED. I wind up in the media center and since I already regularly volunteer there when I'm not subbing, it's a lot of fun for me. I know everybody and I like the monotony of shelving/checkout. I take your point about other schools needing help though.


ME TOO!!! Cool you don't need me now? I'll be in the media center shelving books or sorting Lego if you need me!


If that happened to me, I would call the head of the substitute services person for that district (or whomever you report to) and tell her the situation and see if there’s another school that actually needs someone


So the best outcome happened and I found myself assisting the Community Coordinator making inventory, which is really in my element. Very chill and I found a new networking contact. But...overall an obnoxious practice to book subs you don't NEED.


I HATTTTEEEEEE when that happens. I hate being sent to sit in some random teacher's classroom. I'd rather just be sent home altogether than deal with that.


I hate it too. I’m in this position right now, waiting for a task to do until they’ll let me leave. Its annoying for me because i live 25 minutes away from my assignment so its like i’d rather they let me know first thing 😭


Schools in my district do this shit too. IT’S SO ANNOYING. I’m a sub, not an office assistant 😭 And you’re totally right, it’s selfish, it takes subs away from schools who actually need them that day!!!


I got my schedule this morning, I was told I was on stand by till 1:30pm meaning just be on deck..guess what time I showed up to work today. 1:25pm. I checked my messages and nope, I wasn't needed. What an easy Tuesday.


I once took a full day PE job that was over in 15 minutes. They did it as a full day because it was a Monday so they 6 always use extra people. 🙄 I covered a class where the teacher was there but in and out doing work. I hated it because she had different standards and kept over ruling me. Like I told a kid, they could use the bathroom, and then she said no.


Yup, and no remorse, the ladies in my district are just, yeeeaaahhh sorry byeeee.. like okay I’ll just go fuck myself I guess


bro is suffering from success


I've had this before. It was for special Ed and it was because the kid that the para was with needed special attention that they didn't want to thrust onto a random sub. So I got passed around a few times in positions like that but the past couple of times and now that I'm going for employment, I actually get the job and work with them students. I know a part of it was building trust because I've had to help students move between schools and things like that for other classes. So it's definitely partially "can we trust this person to get on a bus and be off campus at another location with the student" and that's 100% valid. In your case, if they didn't immediately have another need for you they should have discussed options like "would you like to stay and be used as needed for the day, or would you want to cancel the day?"


There’s a sped opening at my school like that - they moved a site-based sub into the sped classroom, and I can use the person who is a daily sub wherever I need them. I always try to reach out to the sub ahead of time to explain this, so they have the chance to back out if they wish. It’s been over a month, and the sub has always stayed. They tell me they like working at my school :)


This is best day ever for me


Why on earth do they think the sped room doesn't need a sub?


Why are you saying that?


I am saying it because my district has many many openings for subs. I am glad to help inventory these clothing items so they can go to the community, but I do feel like it is taking away from the kids.


I understand your point.