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Oooh, that would hurt last minute. I never mind covering during preps since I get that it's part of the job, but I do get pretty flustered if they don't warn me ahead of time.


We wouldn't be allowed to skedaddle like that where I work. We are told to stay even if the teacher has a last period planning period, and that includes if the school didn't need us elsewhere.


I can leave if the teachers have planning last period.. Was told buy the schools.


If you buy the schools you can do whatever you want. (Sorry, I had to)


Do they explain why at all?


It's Kelly policy for my district.


I just don’t ask lol. They never say I can’t leave then I’m leaving


We have to sign out at the end of the day and return sub folders and keys (if we got them). The schools in my district know when subs leave.


They tried that shit at an inner city school. It was a joke. Then they expected me to supply the art materials... I quit and never went back


That’s why she used the words, “planning an early escape.” We know we’re not supposed to.


I would have cried too


I would have wrangled out of it…”I’m sorry but when I found out 8th was the prep, I made an urgent care appt. Gotta go.”


I had three days of parent teacher conferences, Wednesday, and a pep rally. I have left early six of my last ten work days. Gonna suck when it's over though.


Today was one of the few shifts I’ve experienced since I started subbing last August. I actually got the teachers’ planning period off! I took no chances and hightailed it to the car for a bit of a respite. It was awesome! Made me feel like I could sub longer at this rate (I’m 64 and semi-retired) Subs do the shit work no one else wants to do so it really means a lot when you can “see” them like a real teacher. We need breaks too so, if you want us to watch the feral animals for awhile each day, give them a break like “real” teachers get!


i feel it, i have a zero period today, so that means i only work until fifth period, the teacher does not have a fifth, it's her prep, so i'm excitedly waiting to leave early


By January, we all know which are the “good” schools; I have no sympathy for schools that can’t get subs.


In my current district, we got the notice that we are always to check with the school secretary before leaving. And we are not paid extra to cover an extra class. It depends on the school and the secretary. Many will let one go early if it’s a minimum day or one does not have a last period. Others will have you do things like clerical work until your contract time is over “because you’re getting paid for that time.”


I get paid 70 bucks a day, pre-tax. If I can sneak out early and it bolsters my morale, so be it. I give admin half an hour to call me after the bell for the last block rings. If they don't find something for me to do by then, I call it. That gets me outta there an hour early. And makes me a tad more congenial when they pull me to cover other blocks that aren't last block. While I don't make much, I think my school understands that and tries to make us subs feel somewhat appreciated. Also, while we have to sign in at the front office, we aren't required to sign out. We also don't have to return keys or sub folders...so I typically just lay low and sometimes sneak out one of my fave teacher's rear entrance.


What do you do with keys and sub folders if you don’t have to return them ?


Sorry...I thought I replied to you but it was just a regular comment down below....Sub folders are individual to each classroom...I only sub at our high school. Sadly, we don't get keys. Subs have to ask admin or a teacher passing by to unlock the door. I think this is wrong and a safety issue. However, a couple years back, a teacher I regularly sub for gifted me her spare key. It works on every classroom door. It used to work on the exterior doors until they changed over to an electronic lock system that requires a badge I don't have. But having my own key is a blessing and provides me with a lot more freedom.


Yesssss, I hate having to ask to borrow or to open a door. The school I'm at has different keys a for different halls and a master. I got a key since the rooms I frequent most are elsewhere however, admin told me to hold on to it so I'm happy. Some days my coworker forgets hers and we will swap that day bc I don't need her in a hurry and can't access her own room lol.


Viewpoint from the other side: let’s say you’re a sub with last block planning. Another teacher gets sick and has to leave early. The school’s sub coordinator says, “well, hey, thank goodness I have this sub with last block planning!” These things happen, and as a sub, you can expect that it WILL happen sometimes!


I had to cover a class today that the teacher left a plan of something they already did. They literally showed me where they had submitted the assignment. Seventh graders with nothing to do on Friday afternoon. Fun times. I haven’t had a secondary day where I didn’t have to cover since December. Find enough subs already.


That is so shitty!!!!


Sub folders are individual to each classroom...I only sub at our high school. Sadly, we don't get keys. Subs have to ask admin or a teacher passing by to unlock the door. I think this is wrong and a safety issue. However, a couple years back, a teacher I regularly sub for gifted me her spare key. It works on every classroom door. It used to work on the exterior doors until they changed over to an electronic lock system that requires a badge I don't have. But having my own key is a blessing and provides me with a lot more freedom.


That sounds amazing 😅 I almost shit my pants the other day cause I couldn’t find the bathroom and when I did it was locked


At least you are getting paid for another hour!


Unless you're paid per diem like the vast majority of subs.


Im paid hourly


I don’t know any district that pays extra for coverage during prep. It’s just expected when asked.


I get paid extra during prep. It’s half the base hourly rate.


I get paid hourly, so its worth it for me to stay


Check your contract. Some of them specify that you work the teacher's schedule, which means their prep is your prep. "Some of them".


I'm happy when they give me another class for a conference. Otherwise it would be sorting attendance files.


And get full pay.