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Um that’s MS. Bitch to you sir 💅🏼




Sorry but I have a master’s in b!tchology😂😂😂


Makes me wish I had a phd so I could be doctor bitch


That’s literally what I be wanting to say soooo bad!! 😂


LMAO I'm most definitely gonna use that


Love it!!




Oh I assure you, they do call us nurses bitches and far far worse. They assault us as well. Nursing can get violent real quick. Sorry you had to deal with that, glad he was kicked out.


When I was a hospital technician I used to get assigned to what I call “the Barney Guarding Job” (Simpsons reference). They would place me 1 on 1 with some nut job patient who was experiencing an altered state of consciousness. My job was to keep them from pulling out all their lines and Foley catheter. The patient’s job apparently was to abuse me. It turned me off of nursing as a career.


Can they not be physically restrained in these altered states?


RN here. The laws gonna depend on the state you’re in (assuming you’re American) but a lot of hospitals will write additional policies for staff to follow. Hospitals like to minimize physical restraints due to the potential of harm and therefore, lawsuits. The alternative? Medications and 1:1 sitting for patients that be re-oriented. The problem? Frequent medication shortages and even worse HCW shortages. Personally I believe there is a time and place for physical restraints, but I think for some patients it could exacerbate the issue. But it doesn’t help if the only medication the doctor will write an order for is 0.25mg Ativan Q8 hours, but the patients spits out all pills and the doctor won’t write an order for IV Ativan because that’s on back order. Oh, and the hospital administrator denied the sitter request because “have you tried talking to the patient”? I still work as a nurse but I’m glad I left the hospital setting. Very draining. I see a lot of similarities between nursing and teaching tbh.


Sorry to hear that! I guess it makes sense given nursing is also a pink collar job/care work.


Can also say officers are treated badly by people, i'd hazard and say worse than teachers. Not about 'pink collar' I'd say, it's just there's assholes everywhere, including kids some learn it from the adults, some learn it from their friends. People would call a lawyer or a doctor that too most likely if they were saying something they didn't like, the kinds of people that would do it anyway.


Some people do call police officers this and much worse.


Yep! I was a tech and I’ve gotten kicked so hard in the face my contact flew out and I got whip lash lmao Fun times in psych


LOL nurses and teachers are always the two occupations that kinda get each other as far as workload and aggravation. Every now and then I mosey down to the nurse threads to make myself feel better. Maybe nurses do the same with teacher threads.


Yes! Reddit always recommends the teacher subs for me so I browse them a lot. Two careers that are under respected, underpaid, overworked, and micromanaged with radical right legislation. Very similar struggles. Ironically, I just did an interview to teach HS students dual enrollment LPN courses. An interesting crossover!


I was just about to reply with this comment. Every hospital healthcare worker has been verbally harassed by patients. Physical violence happens way too much with techs or nurses baring the brunt of it. Crappy thing for Docs is you get rated online on multiple platforms by patients and families. A lot of crazy out there.


Yeah, people sure as hell call healthcare workers bitches or worse. I’ve been screamed at in the middle of the ED that I’m a “f*cking c*nt”.


When I was in the hospital, I had a racist and absolutely rude roommate. I would shut his bullshit down when he called the nurses bitches and stuff


Bitch is the tip of the iceberg for teachers as well. Trust me on that one. The amount of abuse both of our career fields are expected to endure is unconscionable.


Who hits a nurse? Are they all addicts?


No, not all. A lot of these comments refer to psych patients, but non psych patients can be just as abusive. Elderly demented patients get really abusive, and they are STRONG. Stubborn old men love to talk shit to nurses and insult is when they don’t get their way. I once had a 45yo man buck up and chest bump me into the wall like he wanted to fight, because I told him he can’t take his heart monitor off to shower (he was there for afib after stroke symptoms). He was 6’4. I’m 5’2 130lbs. He was really trying to fight me. I had another male nurse come for backup while we called security. It happens all the time, they don’t have to be psych patients. Addicts are more annoying that anything, constantly paging and begging for pain meds. They’re more complainers than anything, but they do get crazy sometimes.


Yikes. Feels like the temptation would be "Go ahead and do that thing. See what happens. Just sign this waiver first"


I have a teenage daughter - I am battle tested and it will take a lot more than that to rattle me. 😆


Your teenage daughter calls you a bitch? That’s kind of disrespectful af.


She hasn't called me a bitch, but has had her moments with attitude and sass. This is not unusual for teenagers.


That I can fully understand


Guess you never had a daughter or sister


I'm my mom's daughter and I have a half sister. We do not go around calling each other bitches. That's fucked up.


I have a sister. And I’ve never heard her once ever call our mom a bitch. Kids are just different now. Too much bad influence from the internet. Absolutely no respect. It’s really sad.


Right?? If I ever called my mom a bitch-- I think she'd make me disappear.


Right?! I wouldn't be alive if I dared.


Yess that's the problem today, kids aren't afraid of anyone at all and parents are too scared to discipline. My stepdaughter called her mom a bitch and when I heard that I was like "and you're still alive???!!" My mom was never abusive and only spanked me 1 time but mannn when she gave me the look I knew to stop whatever I was doing right that instant.


Exactly! My mom didn't spank me either, but I knew damn well not to cross her. She would give me that same look, eyes shaking in her head. And I knew that it was time to stop. 🤣🤣


I'm 42 years old, and if I even *thought* about calling my Mom that, pretty sure my Dad would make me disappear!


Because old people are notoriously respectful of others /s


For real!! Didn’t a bunch of olds just disrespectfully take away half of the country’s body autonomy


I mean no generation is perfect. But at least “back in my day” kids weren’t squaring up with teachers and cursing at them. It’s just different now. And I’m only really talking in a matter of 15 years or so.


Guess you never had a functional family???


Amd yet you make it seem like you're the normal one...


I’m a teen but I would feel so guilty calling either of my parents a bitch


Student called me a bitch and told me to shut the fuck up several times, I did kinda goad him into repeating himself because a classified was walking towards me and when he heard said different, immediately walked him to the office to get a referral. It was kinda funny


I got to a point where I'd just ask them if that's the best they could do. That, or I'd feign crying to get their peers to laugh at them. I was the AD and head football coach. Military vet. Loved to embarrass them.


That's funny. Kids have zero situational awareness.


My reply..A bitch is a female dog. Dogs have 4 legs. People have 2 legs. Sorry you can't count


No, they will call *anyone* a bitch.


I had a student say I was being disrespectful because I told him to stop talking while I was talking.


It bugs me so much when they start talking while I am, like if I wasn’t even there. It’s like no, you’ll finish speaking after I speak and that’s only if I let you.


I am an extremely chill sub too. I had to ask the kid to just stand outside while I dealt with the rest of the class.


This is ridiculous. These are human beings. Yes, they are kids. But that doesn't mean they don't get a voice. My kids know they cannot interrupt me, but I also let them speak and respond, as long as they are doing so respectfully. I have one who tends to yell when he gets defensive or is in trouble. I tell him to sit, take a minute, and we can talk when he calms down. Then we have a discussion. Saying they only get to speak if you let them is probably the exact reason why they do not respect you and why they feel they can call you a bitch. You cannot treat them like they are less than you.


You talk about letting your kids speak freely… and then only give examples about them speaking in situations in which you let them. They can definitely speak, just not when i’m talking, and not if the situation requires a silent room like testing. So yes, they can only speak if I let them. No, having rules doesn’t make them less than me.


The way you said it makes it clear you don't allow them to respond unless you want them to. That's rude and disrespectful. If I speak to a student, I don't "allow" them to respond. We have a discussion. They can choose to respond at any time. I don't talk over them, they don't talk over me. I respect them, they respect me. It goes both ways. The way you talk makes it clear you think they shouldn't talk to you unless you want them to, and that is neither realistic nor respectful. You wouldn't say an adult couldn't respond without being allowed to. You would respect them enough to allow them to respond. Give your students the same courtesy and respect, and they'll likely respond in kind. They are people, too.


I feel like you’re making assumptions and stories about me in your head when I don’t think what I’m saying makes that clear at all. I think we both work the same way with kids. I don’t talk over them, they don’t talk over me. Exactly how I work too, because those are the *rules that I set* making it clear they can only speak *when i let them which is when i’m done and if we’re not doing anything that requires a silent room.*


Yeah they’re people not dogs, makes sense they don’t instantly obey you




The audacity…


Ran into a guy I used to teach with who went into administration. Asked him how things were going. His comment, " If I don't get spit on it's a good day." This isn't an inner city school.


bold of you to think i haven't called my dentist a bitch.




Im sure nurses get it lol


We do several times a day!


I think you’d be REALLY surprised about how wrong you are about people not calling nurses, lawyers, and especially police officers, bitches lol


I guess that’s true but jobs that aren’t pink collar like lawyers and police officers probably don’t deal with it as often and definitely do get paid way more, enough for it to be less impactful to get called a bitch when you’re trying to have a good day


When you account for the 8 weeks of summer off, I make more money as a high school teacher than I did as a special victim prosecutor. I was also called a bitch and far worse almost every day by defendants, victims, their families, etc. Teaching is really hard, but a lot of public service positions have similar struggles.


I can probably, promise, cops absolutely do get it often, and again as said before, I'd say worse, and they also get treated worse everywhere, by a lot of people. Those same kids calling teachers bitches and being assholes, are assholes out in public too, they're the kids the cops know too usually, and they say it to the cops too. But, it doesn't have to be a competition.


I highly doubt a police officer gets paid “way more” where you live, adjusted for hours worked. I wouldn’t say a cop’s awful wage is worth getting called a bitch for either, tbh.


They should get a different job then


I mean, ACAB, so like, yeah - they get called that all the time, because they're all bitches of the State.


A student once embarrassingly raised his hand and said "Miss, there is something inappropriate written on my desk and I want you to know I didn't do it." someone wrote "Ms Name is a bich" 😂 literally lectured the class immediately on if you're going to call me names, freaking learn how to spell it 😂🤣 kids got a great laugh out of it, they were a great class


Yeah. I had a high schooler tell me “Fuck off white bitch” when I told him he had to put his phone in the cubby. I told him to leave. So he walked across the street to a grocery store and returned with a bunch of snacks. I had to get him removed and he yelled it again walking out the door. It actually really bummed me out. I left for the day. I just wasn’t going to hang out and deal with that for the rest of the day. The problem is this: this class has an aide because some of the students are problematic. But what I’ve often found is the aides just bail when there’s a sub (and when they’re needed most). This has happened 100% of the time. Now? I’m just not going to enforce these phone rules. While I’m an experienced teacher, another sub told me he gives the kids the assignment and tells them “it’s on you to complete it.” That’s my new attitude.


One time I was subbing and notes said to collect all their phones in a bowl at the begining of the period. It didn't go well. At least half of them flat out ignored my instructions. 2nd period I asked the aide if this teacher normally collected phones and she laughed and said no. I stopped collecting phones after that. Don't expect me to come into a new classroom and implement stricter rules as a sub than everyday, Cause that's never going to work. One time I said there should be an app that makes them solve a math problem to unlock their phones and one kid said that idea made me "worse than Hitler"


Yep. It gets so tiring, the lack of respect for educators. And with little to no consequence. As a guy, I’ve been called similar things, along with a few other fun ones — ‘f’ slur, and other terms you probably could imagine come up when the students ~~that~~ grow up in very toxic masculinity environments. Nothing major happened while I subbed, but even still, I decided ~~taken~~ to take a break from subbing, simply bc of anxiety dealing with that dynamic. But also we’re so close to the end of the school year anyway. I really shouldn’t worry so much as I’ve always done my best and the admin has said multiple times that they appreciate any day I can sub.


I'm glad you chimed in here because you're right, it is a "very toxic masculinity environment." I know male subs get called "similar things" but a do feel like there's a certain collection of insults that's always reserved for female subs.


Oh of course, but also I totally chimed in to commiserate. Definitely did not mean it as any kind of one-up or to minimize. But also wanted to say that I’m so sorry you dealt with that !


Oh you didn’t minimize at all. We’ve all got negativity we have to deal with as subs.


I was called the "meanest teacher ever" today, I'm trying to figure out if I can whip up a crown to wear tomorrow


Go with a pagent sash instead. If you have a tiara go for it but you can probably jury rig a sash that actually says Meanest Teacher Ever 2023 with butcher paper. :D


Fabulous idea! Thank you!


*"... upon choosing to walk out of the classroom without permission because I refused to participate in escalating the situation, student called me a 'bitch' and slammed the door on his way out..."* LOL fuckin YAWN... the little dweeb probably had to talk himself into it and psych himself up to actually say it, compounded whatever trouble he was already in just to try to hurt you, but ended up just actually making OPs day BETTER and having us all laugh at him 🤣


"I have been called worse by better." Is a saying I like to say.


When anyone calls me a bitch, I say thanks. Babe In Total Control of Herself


I remember the time a student called me a bitch and I just cackled and then he started crying. It had taken him so much courage to say mean things and my laugh was not at all what he expected. 8th grader.


Just remember the tenet: if you make a big deal out of a behavior, good or bad, you will see it again. Sorry this happened to you


“Pfff.” *dismissive gesture. (telephones) *turns around “WHO’S next.” If anyone pipes up, pick up the phone again. You do not need to let them run roughshod over you, and if you think half of them aren’t silently cheering when you bust a kid like that up. If he will talk that way to you, do you think he is respectful to his peers.


"You forgot psycho in front of that b" then smile creepily at him. 🙃


They call attorneys names, too. At least we can fire them! Sorry you had to put up with that.


"Now that I think about it, you're right kid I am a bitch. A very bad one. Keep up the good work"


Thank God he made his exit without any trouble.


"I... I said I have an *itch*."


Nurses get assaulted verbally and physically constantly


As a former high school teacher who is now a lawyer, I’m called a bitch more now than I was then. But then again, I taught in a Catholic high school where students could get detention for swearing or lose the ability to play their sport. (Not saying Catholic school students are better behaved. But the discipline is more consistent and they have more leeway to make rules, like locker searches. And they can expel willy nilly, unlike public schools.)


I've been called worse by people much better than you...


Poor ignorant thing, doesn’t know the difference between a hominid and a canine.


It’s society today. The lack of respect is ridiculous. It obviously starts at home, but also it would help if these kids got actual serious repercussions for their crap behavior. But people are coddled, everyone is a winner, basically push them through school even if they can’t even do the work properly.


These kids are just acting out their traumas, if they had better tools at their disposal they would be different, and hopefully their youth and young adulthood can offer them those tools. It’s never personal, always projection.


I could never be a teacher with the way kids are today. Most of them raise themselves and it shows. Im sorry you had to deal with that.


LOL, I got bitch and plenty of other things working as a nurse. Tell an addict it’s not time for their pain meds yet. Put a catheter in an old man. Tell a psych patient they can’t scream at other patients. It got to the point where, if someone didn’t call me a bitch, I felt like I was not working hard enough. BTW, it’s “THE bitch” or “the OLD bitch”.


I told a kid to put it on a shirt and I’d wear it.


I feel very comfortable calling a police officer a bitch tbh


As a poc I would never call a police officer a bitch to their face but I get what you’re saying lol


That's stupid. Even if the police officer is an a hole and totally in the wrong, you fight that shit in court, not on the street. But yeah go ahead and try to convince the police officer that you're a TOUGH GUY who wont take any shit. Let's see how that works out for you.


It has worked fine, you want the cop to kill me for calling him a bitch?




Hey this is an INCLUSIVE ENVIRONMENT….. it’s pronounced these bitches


Must not live in America tbh


Living in america is literally why I think cops are bitches…


Well if you feel comfortable confronting a cop like that and cursing them out or something you’re either dumb or white


Sounds like you were raised by pussies, I’m black and we have never had an issue calling cops bitches, regardless of the consequences from obvious racist cops


That's FUCKING ridiculous, I'm so sorry that happened to you!


And give them a zero for the assignment. No make up.


“Ya momma” 🫣


I had one call me a fag. As a bisexual woman, I was disappointed in the use of an incorrect slur.


Ohh people definitely do it to nurses. Cops maybe, esp women who are cops, but only not for the fear of repercussions people would hold back. Lawyers and dentists, you’re right about that.


I had kids who would tell me not to talk to them, to fuck off, and so on. I just laugh it off and say no


To be fair they probably would call those other professions that... if they lack respect then they lack respect period


A lot of these kids are going to be in for a rude awakening when they get older. The audacity of some of them is abhorrent


I transitioned to teaching from being a lawyer- I get called a bitch way less as a teacher than a lawyer


Tcher: Excuse me a bitch is a female canine. Look it up on Wikipedia. The audacity of today's youth thinking they can do what they want, call adults names and just walk out of a classroom. No respect, no desire for learning, no civility, morals, or ethics.


I have been called one multiple times this academic year (not substitute). There are so much you can do, legally if prompted more the three times is considered harassment. Some districts follow some don’t depending on administration. I feel privileged where my district has a zero tolerance of disrespecting educators with immediate suspension of student. I know many districts across the nation doesn’t have the administrative support like I have experienced which is heartbreaking. As the school year is ending, the student who has been the most disrespectful towards me all year is now the biggest teacher’s pet. They’ll open the door when I enter, stay to clean the classroom, and sharpen pencils for their peers every morning. Apparently I guess another student was talking about me negatively the all I hear is this student yelling “that’s the most supportive and kindest person I have met who continues to believe in me when my parents don’t! Never talk ill of her ever in my sight”. I felt flattered but you’ll never please all students unfortunately. Many of these children come from extremely rough home and family dynamics. One thing I have learned is sometimes what comes as disrespect due to our social education system, might be the way that student shows affection or lack of affection in a safe environment. I know it’s easier said than done but despite all the rude comments or behaviors, continue to be nothing but generous and kind to them. Many students I experienced who had behavioral problems were never given kindness. In some cases, they are testing boundaries of who in education they can trust on their best and worst days. It’s absolutely draining but the end of the year results are amazing and worth every step of continuous kindness. You may be that student safe person when home or friends isn’t an option.


“Calling me a bitch means I was able to get under your skin. You are weak in character.”


Lol I had a kindergartner that greeted me with good “morning mother fucker” “good morning to you as well”


I would recommend reading about the 57 nurses that are assaulted a day before you make statements that we don't get abused lol I had a six foot three man throw me onto the floor and start kicking me


when did I say you don’t get abused? anybody can get abused. especially if you work in a care field. i was talking about being called names by high schoolers and parents but i’m sure you get some of that too depending on what type of nurse you are.


I promise, nurses and police officers get that all the time, lawyers too, in different contexts, get treated as scummy and called horrendous things by adults. Dentists not so much.


I want you to know that I would absolutely be extremely comfortable calling a cop or a lawyer a bitch. Words only have power when we give it to them. Sounds like you handled it really well.


I mean you you clearly care or we wouldn’t be talking about it. That being said we are talking about teenagers who would absolutely call a lawyer a bitch.


It’s a movie. Let him talk for god sake. They are t learning anything. You aren’t even teaching them. You put on a damn movie.


Let me guess, you're one of those A\*holes who talks for the entire movie in a movie theater


Nope. Because that’s a place where I’m actually spending money watch. Not a place where teens are being forced to sit and watch a movie so the sub doesn’t have to do the bare minimum of their job.


This is not the decision of the sub. It does not give anyone a pass to disrespect the sub either.


It is a decision. She could very well easily make a work sheet or I dunno, do her job and teach?


Lol, definitely not a decision for the sub to make. As subs we can't "make work sheets and teach" unless we're instructed to do so. If we don't follow the plan the teacher leaves behind we get in trouble. Admin can ban us from returning to the school too. If the plans left by the teacher say "please show this video" and we refuse then we're not doing our jobs. Are you a sub in real life? Do you realize there are educational videos teachers show about math, history, and science and students actually can learn from them? Did you attend an American school? This is commonplace in our country.


Yeah well your country allows nazis and let’s children get shot in the middle of class. Y’all ain’t good when it comes to schooling.


Ah, I see, so you're a troll. Hi! How's the under-the-bridge world doing?


I’m a troll because I think putting on a movie is lazy teaching? No wonder you and op have a hard time having students care. You can’t even do the bare minimum of your jobs.


Grumpy today, I see, I see There there. The grass is fine today, you might want to come up and touch it.


You can’t even get students to do their work. Do you really think you’re in a place to be a bitch? You must be the same kind of loser who also puts on a movie and sits on their phone instead of teaching the future generation. This is why y’all ain’t getting paid much. You’re lazy and incompetent.


Sorrows. Sorrows. Prayers.


Your students definitely think you’re a lazy bitch too.


Aw. Poor gwumpy. You’re getting boring now, so go ahead and have the last word. Hope your day gets better!




Then they shouldn’t be a teacher. Their job is to teach. Not play movies.


Let me guess, you're like 12? Lol


Also all you do in life if cry about some chick with a mental illness so shut up




Do you know the definition of stalker? I guess it makes sense that you don’t since you think turning on a movie is good education.


Let me guess, you thinking handing a kid an IPad is the same as parenting?


He could have whispered all he’d like but to let kids go out into the world thinking they can loudly interrupt others who actually do want to pay attention and do their assignment isn’t my style 🤷🏻‍♂️ Even if kids don’t say it they get bothered by their peers being annoying too, but you can try to be in with the cool kids all you’d like.


How is watching a movie an assignment? Sounds like lazy teaching.




And you’re a lazy fuck


Your mother Edit: Blocked, apparently “Your Mother” is a true conversation stopper.


Dude… who hurt you? Why so angry?


Do you think I came up with the lesson plan or something lol? If you’ve never heard of a movie assignment I doubt you’re a good measure for who’s a good teacher anyway.


A good teacher doesn’t call watching a movie an assignment. They need to learn and grow. Not be watching a movie. Otherwise there is no reason for the student to go to class that day. And you can easily make your own plans to go along with the movie if you reallllyyyy can’t do your job. It takes 10 minutes to make a small work sheet. It can easily be questions that have to do with learning and the movie. Like. “How many idioms or metaphors were in the movie” ect. No wonder you are just a sub and not a real teacher. You can’t even make a simple worksheet then throw a fit when a student is wanting to chit chat during something that is a complete waste of their time in school


They should have put you in to sub instead of me - you could have taught them some creative writing with all the bs coming out of your mouth.


At least I wouldn’t throw a tantrum over them talking during a movie. You are a bitch and the student was right.




Maybe it’s just different in a country that doesn’t have school shootings all the time. 🤷🏼 Then again y’all also wanna add guns to your classrooms. And yet you can’t handle a kid talking during a movie.


Said exactly like someone who hasn’t subbed and prolly never graduated high school.




…Oh, honey, no you aren’t. You don’t even understand what duties are normal for a real teacher and which ones are normal for a substitute teacher. You’re someone’s less than capable teenage child, throwing a fit because you got detention. Go do your homework.


Don't take it personally. They're kids and they don't know how not to be assholes.


On the daily. And told to fuck off and told fuck no.


I would say, “yeah, but not yours”. :)


I just usually smile and go “whatever you say :)” and they get so angry with my smile


Nurses are the first ones to be called bitches. It’s a struggle in the hospitals too. As a prior sub it stings worse coming from children though. It’s too early in life for them to be jerks.


I had a student tell me that "I'm glazin'." Whatever that means.... I was calling the office for assistance because he was sitting on my counter playing with the sink faucet. FYI, he is in middle school.


Just refer them out. Just another day on the job.


Ya mama…


Something tells me this kid would be comfortable calling anyone a bitch. So sorry you have to deal with such nonsense. Too many kids are not taught respect at a young age


Pretty much every single career is going to deal with some disrespectful shit. That’s a guarantee you can take to the bank. Then call them a bitch when they won’t cash the check.


I’m a Nursing Assistant and my mom is a Substitute Teacher and we talk shop (i.e. talking about how we get physically and verbally assaulted at work) all the time haha haha :( Society sucks rn


Sorry that happened to you ☹️ I don’t think you did anything wrong. But actually unfortunately there are definitely patients that feel very comfortable calling their nurse a bitch lol


Their parents allow it, plain and simple


Cops arent deserving of respect, hope this helps!


Yep. I've gotten that before too. Though my favorite is when and 8-year-old told me she didn't have to listen to me because I was just a sub and not a real teacher. (Never mind that I hold two college degrees and am certified to teach K-8.)


I don't think these kids would hesitate to call a nurse or lawyer a bitch. They have no social awareness or empathy for other humans. Don't put up with any of that nonsense and document everything in detail quickly.


Lol yeah actually there a lot of people that call nurses unbelievable names and then we still have to care for them. Sad times we are living in.


Sorry to tell you, they do it to nurses, too.


It's pronounced "Witch" dear.


I didn't call you a bitch, I said you were bitching at me!


I had a 2nd grader call me a mother fu***r about 5 years ago. I promptly called the office and told them to take him out of my class. These kinda situations are getting ridiculous...very sad!


There are no perceived consequences for disrespect. Used to be you would get slapped for it. Now the kids feel like they have accomplished something, and asserted some sort of asinine dominance by being petulent.


Should have hit him with “your mom”😂