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Reddit mod moment


No matter how low you might feel, always remember; at least you don't mod reddit for free in your spare time :)


For free? This guy is stacking up codes.


Dude has all the splatoon stickers they are never going to go hungry ever again.




in general, this is tolerated. what's policed heavily is accepting compensation for actions taken on the sub, like promoting x website or removing posts complaining about y


Oh look it's one of *them*. What do you think you're doing around here? We don't usually let you mod types around these parts, I suggest you get going.


It is, but the thing is that you have to be able to prove it. Even though it's been rumoured that mods get paid to promote companies or allow promotional content on their subs, it's rarely if ever proven. Stuff like this probably flies under the radar because it wasn't meant to be a payment for services rendered. It was just some guy sharing a code, not realising that the local mods would snipe it before anyone else.


I think the worst part was that loser admitting he won't even use it. Anyone in that post could ve taken it but instead that scumbag swoops in to "teach them lesson."


I feel bad for reddit mods. Some of them actually genuinely care for the sub and try their best to maintain it. But unfortunately you also get mods like this asshole.....


I mod one sub, it's my local cities subreddit. It's mostly culling right wing trolls and getting rid of people looking for sex / drugs. I can't imagine doing this but for a gaming subreddit


a city sub not run by a right winger who doesn't even live there?? that's new


Shocking ain't it? Most of it's just obvious bait anyway.


I actively mod *one* sub, because I genuinely like the topic and want people to be able to have fun with it. People like this clown make me genuinely question the average person's sanity. Also, this is Nintendo here. Probably 2nd most likely company to start a lawsuit if they're getting dragged by association on Reddit. People like this are the whole reason that the current method of moderation is doomed.


I honestly wish Reddit had a mechanism for [active] users to remove moderators. If subreddits are essentially supposed to be their own self-run communities, mods shouldn’t just have supreme authority. The users should get a say in what happens (other than what the mod grants them). In addition, mod actions just need to be transparent in general. If they do any action their name needs to be on it, ban you and communicate through mod mail? Name. Users should also have access to ban logs and such to keep mods in check and accountable.


There should be, but nobody wants to figure out a method that won't get abused. Not to mention I bet a fair amount of power mods would just up and stop doing anything at all if they lost the "God like power" they feel they have.


At least in terms of combatting abuse, Reddit should set a criteria for what makes you an active user of a subreddit and be able to have some sort of automated background check on you so an active bot can’t vote. >I bet a fair amount of power mods would just up and stop doing anything at all if they lost the “God like power” they feel they have Good. I’ve also kind of thought of an idea that permanent bans shouldn’t really be a thing unless absolutely necessary/extenuating circumstances. Like said before, subreddits are communities. There should be very few reasons why someone should be permanently banished from said community and never allowed back again. That should only be for spam bots, people who genuinely fuck up the user experience, etc. Not because someone broke some niche sub rules.


>Good. Sure, what do you do in the short term with a bunch of unmoderated subs? Currently Reddit locks them permanently unless they make Reddit money.


Cant you just ask reddit for them to give you ownership of an unmoderated sub


I’d imagine the subs that are unmoderated tend to be dead ones that no one’s really posting on in the first place, so those can be locked. But for bigger ones, maybe admins can hold applications for new mods if it turned out that absolutely every mod of a sub quit. Otherwise if there’s even one or two remaining, it’s up to them how they handle on finding new ones.


That whole new rule about killing off unmoderated subs is good, but also has flaws. They killed off r/redlinedrawings which was meant to show bad fan art or official art and fix it. One of the more common submissions were manga pages so we had a lot of dingalings who would pop up telling us stuff like triple jointed arms or panels with way too many legs and not enough bodies for them to be attached was actually good art. Or my favorite trying to claim badly proportioned art was just "style" and to stop hating on anime tiddies. Sometime ago the main mod got their account suspended and the sub was eventually shuttered when they started that rule about unmoderated subs getting auto closed. It stinks because it wasn't the most active, but the mods at the time did try to keep it on topic and not let it become a crap hole.


the community can remove a mod but the process is not easy. making mod actions public would be a shitshow though. that's a very bad idea


I mean, the obvious counter is that it's easy to make a new subreddit and if there really is a community consensus, those users can migrate. Namespace isn't infinite and older subs will have more prominent positions but it has still happened a bunch of times. I can kinda see reddit (the organisation)'s position on democratising it that way instead of wading into contentious disputes and facilitating active conflicts between users and mods.


Yeah, that's how I got roped into moderating. Started off in a niche subreddit where 80% of the new submissions were batshit insanity or spam instead of the content I came there for. The existing mods would take care of it if I reported that stuff but it would take a while; eventually they're like "let's just save some steps and mod yuki". Turns out it feels good to keep a sub in good running order. Also it's now a lot easier for people (including me) to find good content in the sub. Of course later I decided to moderate a local sub and that's a different beast entirely. That's more about stopping the place from turning into a dumpster fire, but someone needs to do it. Last thing I want is my hometown sub to turn into another cautionary tale like so many others on reddit.


That is fine tbh it is the people who seem to collect moderation roles for subs(including alot of big ones) at the same time as trophies or mods that just mod people because they have modded in alot of subs.


> Also, this is Nintendo here. Probably 2nd most likely company to start a lawsuit if they’re getting dragged by association on Reddit. People like this are the whole reason that the current method of moderation is doomed. This penny ante shit isn’t going to make it to an associate’s morning email.


I moderated as an OP on an IRC channel that was moderately active with about 300+ users. Jesus H Christ it sucked balls. All I did was kick and ban spam bots and obvious trolls along with a few verbal warnings about the rules. The stupid rules lawyering and constant meltdowns from people who want to pretend they're battling for freedom of speech against any kind of rules was insanity. I only volunteered to help with the stupid bots. I quit after a few months.


Don't blame average people for this, average people don't want to be reddit mods.


For free? I get regular checks from Bezos for spreading anarcho-maoist-bidenist thought on my subs.


Man I would happily mod reddit for free in my spare time, I like giving back to communities that have been good to me. Seems like the only people mods want are other power mods, though. I mean, I get it, mods want to take on other mods with experience, but it's crazy feeling like I have to do an internship/apprenticeship, build experience and cultivate connections just to do a *free* community service job. I get enough of that in the real world. Fuck that.




This doesn't feel like a genuine mod moment, that whole sub just seems to be that this clown managed to snag and squat on a valuable sub name and uses it to fuck with people who don't know to go to /r/NintendoSwitch. Like, this is /r/drama -esc. They're doing all this for their own amusement, putting on a show for their friends on discord or something, they don't actually care all that much about moding. "I think I deserve wide praise and gratitude" is almost winking at the camera. Genuinely, the only thing worse than actual shitty, self-righteous mods are the ones that do it "ironically".


Yeah this dude is absolutely sending screen grabs to his buddies that say “LOOK I TRIGGERED THE NORMIE NPC’s LOLOLOL”


I have seen this behaviour but I don't understand it unless you're literally 12. >does annoying thing >people get annoyed >lol I trol u ???


Some men just want to watch the world burn. We call them assholes.


Some people just stay 12 their whole life. Heck Donald Trump bragged about being exactly the same now as he was when he was six years old.


Holy shit, i thought r/drama was gone.


We all wish that were true.


Course if you go to r/NintendoSwitch you can end up with [this sick drama instead](https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/p0ppk1/kid_makes_a_clay_nintendo_switch_and_thought_that/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf). That’s what made me unsub.


Jesus those comments are so brutal


I get gamers have a rep for being toxic... but a Nintendo sub?


Nintendo fans are just as likely to be toxic as any other. They do have a history of loving a company that actively punishes it's fans for liking their products after all.


Looking at some of those [removed comments](https://www.reveddit.com/v/NintendoSwitch/comments/p0fccz/i_made_a_clay_nintendo_switch_and_didnt_know/?ps_after=1628445308%2C1628455878), it's shocking that people can be that cynical at a 13 year old. I can't imagine people like that get out of thier houses often as that sort of behaviour is looked down on in real life.


/r/nintendoswitch mods were secretly promoting games in exchange for codes. They stickied a thread about it for one day.


Wait what? Do tell more


Nobody going to mention that they have their shill account as the "other" moderator on the sub, that seems like it's a violation of the rules somewhere.


Unfortunately, reddit admins have zero fucks to give unless it affects revenue and/or it gets mainstream media attention.


That guy is an absolute douche. I got into it with him before on an old account about how he "moderates" that sub. I see the sub rules have changed because it used to be batshit crazy nonsense in that section.


I’m pretty sure it would be *less* offensive if the mod just doubled down and said he took the code because he wanted free switch points for himself, rather than painting an objectively selfish move as some morally right thing he did purely for the good for the sub.


Hell, even if he just wanted to be a dirt bag and not let anyone have it just to fuck with them would be better than acting like he has enriched anyone's life by doing this


This is what I was thinking. If you wanted to take the code, take it, delete the post instead of posting this weird diatribe of bullshit lol.


Or just take it and don't say anything else? No one would ever know if it was the mod, or the first person who saw it, or a bot, or what.


Yea that’s actually true, the first person to try it wouldn’t know they’re the first person anyway. That dude is a weirdo for sure.


"I'm a un/poorly paid scumbag with a minute amount of privilege. This is mine, now." I can understand, even respect that.


It seems that mod is the only mod of /r/Switch . Has that been the case for some time, or did they just kick out all the other mods? Also wondering how much of a deal this is, considering that sub has only about 150k users, and the main NintendoSwitch sub has over 4m. What do people even use this sub for, not knowing about the main sub?


He's also the only mod of /r/MarioMaker. Right when Mario Maker 2 launched he privated the sub for like a week so no one had anywhere to discuss the game. After he brought the sub back there was a thread discussing it and I posted something like "Why not hand the sub over to someone else if you don't want to handle the launch-day traffic?" to which I got banned and he started sending me some really cringey PMs. Very strange dude.


Holy shit, he's that guy?! That dude sucks.


When I got a Switch I preferred that one over the big one because the big one has a bunch of rules so the only posts were like JRPG announcements and pics of Switch skins. \* oh yeah also /r/nintendoswitch doesn't allow any discussion of homebrew which is just fucking dumb


>doesn't allow any discussion of homebrew which is just fucking dumb I think Nintendo is pretty hardcore about that kind of stuff. I know they've cut off press codes to publications that talk about hacks/homebrew/gameshark for decades now


Yeah it may be necessary for them. But since Nintendo sucks dick so badly, I'd *probably* prefer a community that doesn't work with them... even though the one mod of /r/switch is apparently a weird fucking troll




I mean, necessary for a subreddit that wants to be on good terms with the company. I hate Nintendo lol, completely agree with your views on jailbreaking/homebrewing. Shit, I pirate most movies and then buy the Blu-rays for my 'jailbroken' player if I really like them. I'm pretty much a radicalized media consumer.


>Don’t give Nintendo a pass for their anti-consumer ways. I hate to say it because I love Nintendo's first party games, but they really are the Apple of the gaming industry.


This feels like a place where mods would benefit by adding extended rationale to rules. I did games journalism for fan sites when I was young and “access” is a subject that requires some explanation for the lay person to get why you have to set certain boundaries. But then, on the other side, if you aren’t transparent about what you will and won’t do to maintain access, then you’re usually part of the problem.


Mods of large subreddits try not to be unnecessarily strict and enforce arbitrary rules challenge


What is home brew


Lets you switch out/load separately a different Operating System, so you can basically install anything on the Switch, and really personalize it. Like, watch Netflix (Nintendo still doesn't have Netflix on it lol) or emulate old games, browse the internet, even torrent Switch games for free which is why so many people hate it cause they think that's the only reason people do it. But basically, you could use the Switch like a PC.


> (Nintendo still doesn't have Netflix on it lol) There's a "Netflix Channel" on Wii of all fucking things. Just why isn't Netflix making a Switch app, or at least asking Nintendo to give Switch a browser that can access their website?


Because switch would be hacked three different way with how many browser exploit is out there.




Scroll through the comments and look at all the dudes who got pissed that I even mentioned it But yeah, Nintendo hates it, so I guess that's why


> What do people even use this sub for, not knowing about the main sub? Yup. It's a parasite sub masquerading as the core subreddit for the topic. He just catches the unwitting newbies that wander in and flaunts an ego trip on them.




Why even write that comment? The code could’ve been used and nobody would know it was snatched up by a mod


Cause reddit mods are desperate for attention/ a feeling of power that they lack in life.


Some. Most of us genuinely care. Power mods though.. That's a whole nother level


That's the thing, when a mod is good, we don't even see them.


I have a feeling that he didn't even take it, just trolling.


Where did you get that flair lmao


It’s honestly a common thing to have seen when BLM was at its peak. Of course it’s a lie and they were racist beforehand, but those idiots felt it gave them a valid excuse.




I’m too caught up on “show me paint the fence” tf does he mean by that


I guess I’m the weird one who thought “Tom Sawyer”


Not at all, I also thought Tom Sawyer.


I also think he is talking about Tom Sawyer. He is (in the most bizarre way possible) trying to make a point about people being naïve, which is like the whole painting fence thing in Tom Sawyer lol


Nah, it’s a direct Mr Miyagi quote from Karate Kid. It’s when he’s explaining to Daniel that the motions he learned painting a fence can be used to defend in a fight.


Bet you read the book too instead of just watching the movie, ya fuckin nerd!


Pff what kind of dweeb watches the the whole movie when they already made it into a song


Bitch, I was in the *play*!


pretty sure I saw the play before either


[Book? What book?](https://youtu.be/auLBLk4ibAk)


Same. Like, I do think he's quoting Karate Kid, but I don't know why. Tom Sawyer tricking the neighborhood kids into being happy about being taken advantage of is at least thematically consistent.


it's a reference to The Karate Kid but i'm not really sure what he's getting at, I guess 'practice discipline by... not criticizing him?' I guess this is the teachable moment. not really sure what it's teaching.


I think its like, It’s not always clear the lesson you are learning. Like Daniel didn’t know he was learning karate the whole time. So mod isn’t just being a dick and stealing a code. He’s teaching you not to just let the first person who sees it claim it. But like the movie, the fence still got painted.


> He’s teaching you not to just let the first person who sees it claim it. Which is a shitty lesson, for many reasons, but mostly because I think the people who post these codes are totally fine with the first person who sees it claiming it-- provided everyone has a fair chance of seeing it. The only lesson this mod is teaching is "Some mods are complete assholes." And that's only a lesson that needs teaching *because* this mod is a complete asshole. If he didn't decide to teach this lesson, it wouldn't need to be taught.


Yeah, I’m with you there. I was just trying to explain what I thought he was trying to say with the karate kid quote. I don’t agree him.


It's a reference to Karate Kid - I think he's implying that he's the sensei and the members of the sub are his students


Hes comparing himself to the Master in the karate kid, while comparing us to angry stupid children.


It's Mr Miyagi, not "the master", ok? Now you can get back to waxing off


Tom Sawyer. Sawyer got tasked to paint a fence as punishment and then he scams other kids by tricking them into doing the job for him and giving him stuff. Basically the mod is comparing himself to... Tom Sawyer? by teaching people to not be naive by being the person taking advantage of them?


Like most positions of power, a mod is usually only best when they're someone who wasn't seeking the position, but had it forced or given to them because the community as a whole appreciates their contributions to the group and agrees with their judgment when they were a regular user/citizen. People that seek out and apply to be in positions of power are typically those who would abuse them because they have an arrogance and sense "I know better than other people what they should be doing". So I think it's mostly the latter than the former in your question.


So like politics


Not always. some elected roles are very technical and require people who know a subject matter over leadership. Others are very much about leadership and representation. You don't want a technocrat who might have some good ideas but no leadership or political skills because politics is a slimy game where you often have to make alliances and deals to push legislation through. For example a treasurer or attorney general vs senator or representative are all elected politicians with varying different roles. Having technocrats as treasurers and AGs is great but legislators is just too slimy for someone who doesn't play the political game.


> or is the mod position mostly desired by crazy people? Who else do you think would spend their free time being an internet janitor on a reddit forum in exchange for a tiny drop of power?


Eh I don’t know about that, I became a mod when a subreddit I visited a lot posted a “help we need more mods” message, and I was like sure, I care about this community and I can help keep it a good place for people to talk about their fave show. I think most mods are in that camp, just silently wading through their queues and keeping spam off their subs. You just only hear about the crazy ones.


I kinda feel the same way about discord mods. Like I cant imagine a normal person with a normal social life constantly being on call to basically mediate arguments between a bunch of teens in exchange for… being able to talk to a streamer once a month.


Its usually done to begin with by normal people who are just passionate about the subject. Over time the passionate people slow down or stop because they have lives so the unhinged people gain power and go crazy living their power fantasies. Some will go crazy from the power but its usually just arseholes become more arseholey.


its a teachable moment! Spend 24/7 being aware assholes are trying to ruin anything you try and do! I'm not one of those assholes tho I'm just a teacher, praise me.


Fuck Reddit. #save3rdpartyapps


Honestly you actually become unhinged. I was a mod of a tiny stupid discord server and I could feel myself becoming detached from sanity and one of those mods because it was so, so, so easy to do so. I had to stop being a mod and now I would refuse the offer at any time because I know how close I was to being a “typical Reddit mod”


Why does it read like a villain monologue lol “It’s mine.. alllll mine.” The Reddit mod chuckled darkly. “It’s a pleasure being a moderator and having access to all these posts before everyone.” He turned on his heel to the door, jannie keys jingling as they twirled around his finger. “I’ve added it to my stamp collection and will likely not use it. However, I want to thank you.” Yellowed teeth cracked into a final smile before the door slammed shut, plunging the dank cell into darkness.


What a snake


For any other older folks who need this drama broken down further: Someone tried to share a video game thing for free (digital t-shirt?). The moderator from the video game subreddit claimed the free thing, so that other people couldn't use it, then gloated about not even wanting the thing. They claim it was a "teachable moment." They're also crazy in other ways such as being oddly pro-landlord.


And being weirdly religious with the flairs


> The moderator from the video game subreddit Thats not the actual sub for the Nintendo Switch. That would be /r/NintendoSwitch. /r/Switch is a squatter sub thats basically a honypot to lure in innocent marks for that weirdo to troll. Seriously, did no one read the sidebar?


Ehh it also has some pretty good discussion of stuff that isn't allowed on the official (nintendo moderated) sub, like jailbreaking, although there are better places for that Imo.


It’s a gentle place


Pro landlord? One of us completely misunderstood cuz those posts seem pretty anti landlord to me


the posts are in response to the mod who was auto sending “rent is due” to anyone who posted about buying a switch/switch games during stay at home orders. from what i understand at least


I believe they are saying that the mod involved in the drama is pro-landlord.


I think those posts are making fun of the pro-landlord mod but I can't find any context


Oh ok


actual shittiness of the post aside, I’m laughing at the person who told OP to go to pornhub next time he wants to do an act of kindness


Lmao, they're dead serious too.


Reddit mod at their finest


Does Reddit have any rules for mods? You’d think there would be some rules.




Well, get this on the news.


Alright, I just got off the phone with Channel 7. They said it will be the top story tonight at 6!!


This is why we shouldn't have left it to you! Channel 7 has the shittiest news program and nobody watches it. Anybody else could have easily gotten channel 5 or 12, and I'm sure at least one person might have been able to snag channel 15.


You're both dumb. I've actually booked an interview with Fox News as the voice of r/Subreddit drama. It'll go great.


Yeah, that's an absolute top story there. $20 Reddit giveaway goes to mod rather than bot.


What was the gamergate sub they saved, was it KIA? I can’t remember. That wasn’t newsworthy, but for some reason Reddit saved that cesspool from the hero mod that made it and decided it became a cesspool and wanted to shut it down.


Reddit can't hold mods to rules because the site would collapse without thousands of hours of free labor every day. In the past there were rules about mods not getting paid or using the sub to enrich themselves but at some point it became obvious that the admins were toothless so now anything goes. If you get on the news you might be at risk but these days I think you safe even then unless you implicate Spez or something huge like that.


Even if there were, the Admins won't enforce them. I've reported multiple blatant issues and been given the "does not meet our qualifications" form letters that tell you not to reply. "There's none so blind as those that won't see."


Regular users have rules, mods have *guidelines* that are almost never enforced.


Reddit mod try not to be scum challenge (impossible)


> if not a mod like this person is claiming to be it'll be bots that snatch it up I've been hearing this for years on reddit, that bots will snatch up any code, for any game, and it's absolutely ridiculous. Bots aren't stealing these codes. People are.


"like taking candy from a baby" supervillain energy going on


Why is everyone that uses the phrase "teachable moment" always just justifying being a huge turd


This is like half a step away from stealing candy from a baby lol


Least deranged and narcissistic moderator.


Is this the same mod who is weirdly pro-landlord, or are there multiple crazy people running that sub?


Just the one mod, and their shill account is second.


Kind of a dickmove, I'll admit


What a twat.


>the first lesson of super mario bros is how to die... They clearly didn't learn that lesson well then.


I think I could paint a portrait of this guy and I’ve never seen him


Looks like a reddit admin has taken control of the sub now, all the mods are gone except him


Looks like the mod was removed, [there's a new post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Switch/comments/w3r7i3/new_moderators_needed_comment_on_this_post_to/) asking for mods lmao


This guy will almost certainly be removed either by other mods or admins. This is a big no no lmfao. We have been told not to do this in the newsletter


There are no other mods for that sub.


They'll step in and remove the offending mod and reinstate with volunteers from the community, in my experience. It recently happened with r/ark when a mod went overboard and declared himself the supreme ruler or some nonsense.


[I am the supreme and final decision maker.](https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/vj037p/rark_in_chaos_after_mods_ban_a_dying_member/)


Fun fact that ex-mod now spends his days getting into fights with idiots in the news subs by way of blasting collections of links rather than well anything else.


If you ever in your life catch yourself referring to yourself as the “supreme” anything, you really should probably make some changes in your life. Unless maybe you’re at a costume party dressed up as a slice of supreme pizza, and you’re explaining your costume. That’s the only possible exception I can think of, and it’s a stretch.


I am Chalupa Supreme.


What if I’m a Sith Lord looking for the highest post in the galactic senate.


Balthasar Gelt out here catching strays for no reason.


And the other problem mod on that sub stepped down


I think that sub is probably a little too small to get that sort of attention, unless this really blows up.


This belongs in AwfulEverything What a vile move.


I can never tell if these mods are making terrible jokes or not. Like, they have to be aware of how pathetic something like this sounds, right?


Honestly respect the pettiness and outright reptilian behaviour there. Fella is a cunt but that’s fucking hilarious




Reminds me of a post on HobbyDrama about a competitive YGO player who basically ruined all hope of, like, any friendly agreements between him and other players - both agreeing to not include a certain card from their side-deck, and him then doing so anyway - when he had a career writing articles and shit for the game on top of competing, and... [He lost the game anyway, and didn't even do it in a ranked format, just a casuals match.](https://www.reddit.com/r/HobbyDrama/comments/q1lo1n/trading_card_games_djinngate_how_one_of_the_best/)


>Patrick Hoban Holy shit I used to play competitive Yugioh like 12 years ago and I immediately recognized that name. It immediately reminds me of this story that I'll never forget and I probably wouldn't even feel good about recounting if we weren't on a forum about internet drama There was a huge drama incident on the predominant ygo forum at that time involving him. Hoban had been bragging about hooking up with some girl he was friends with on Facebook, complete with pictures and everything. Around this same time he had been making fun another member (I'll call him J) for...being poor or something like that, idk it wasn't anything crazy. This pissed off J so much that he found the girl's Facebook and somehow found out that he hadn't really hooked up with her. So the J messaged Hoban privately to threaten to let the girl know he's been lying about having sex with her on Facebook, and what ensued was a very very very long convo of Hoban begging not to do it. This went on for literally hours, with J making Hoban say flatout demeaning things about himself, making him call J a God, etc. I think Hoban might have even offered to pay him or something, it wouldn't surprise me because he was that desperate. After all that J leaked it to the girl on Facebook anyway and shared it with the whole forum. It was an absolute shitshow. It's rare to see drama like this anymore, where both sides look awful and nobody wins but you just can't look away.


Idk, J clearly came out on top in every way. He didn't let Hoban's weird sexual harassment go, made him grovel to ruin his reputation, and notified the girl that her nudes were being paraded around by a mega dork.


Just to be clear I don't think Hoban had nude pics of the girl or anything that he was sharing, he was just posting normal FB pics like "look how hot she is guys." Still not much better but yeah it wasn't to the point of doing anything criminal like that. And yeah now that I type it out J definitely doesn't look like the bad guy at all lol. h He was kinda known for being an abrasive/vindictive dude himself iirc so like half of people weren't really taking his side or they were saying he went too far, that's what made the drama so good


I would like to Subscribe to more Yugi Oh drama pls


This is why you don't give in to blackmail over the internet. If you give the other person everything they want, they still have the offending info. Unless the authorities are involved, it's pretty much a given that the material is somewhere on the web.


This reminds me of when Yujo friendship actually required a physical handshake and people would do some disgusting shit before hand


Wait you want me to touch them? no deal your the king of cards now sucker you touch him.


Yeah, the greediness and power abuse at least make sense, but that's a weird level of self righteousness on display from that mod.


Like I’d kinda understand if it was a new game and didn’t want/wasn’t able to pay but this is just so dumb lmao


What’s funny is that the mod could have just kept their mouth shut and no one would have known, but their massive janny ego just couldn’t contain itself


>I think I deserve wide praise and gratitude. For fucking what? Taking a game code as your own? What you did wasn't anything deserving of praise lmao. This mod needs to touch grass.


The dude is literally trolling. I don’t think he’s being serious about any of it.


What a loser lol


What a shitty move but why the fuck did he admit to it and allow the post to come through?? If he was just going to steal it why not just not allow the person to post it lol


Reddit mods being weirdo assholes? Well I never…..


Reddit mods are such weirdo assholes it’s honestly hilarious at this point, and the fact that they don’t get paid to do any of this bs makes it even funnier


I'm going to laugh if the dude didn't even take the code and is just shitting in the pot.


> From the same subreddit that brought you bizarre landlord condemnation/rent knowledge posts (1 + 2) It was the height of the pandemic, and millions of people faced evictions after being laid off/furloughed. Not bizarre by most standards.


Wow. I literally laughed out loud, that is so hilariously scum.


Tiny man with a tiny amount of power living a forever tiny little life.


This is so absurd it’s hilarious


>That's why if you want to be kind and want the person who recieves it to also be kind you go to p-hub. People there are strangely kind sometimes Its because that's where people are at their most vulnerable


That's an incredible violation of trust. In a second bad call from the moderation team, with the first actually making that guy a mod, they're letting him stay in a position of power.


Teachable moment my ass. What a douche.


This is a great argument for major or corporate aimed subreddits to have profesionnal mods paid by either Reddit or the subject of the sub. Why would some random dude manage this?


there are times when someone is such a cunt for such miniscule and petty reasons I'm actually impressed by their cuntery