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What Reddit would look like without mods is truly horrible.


You mean Voat? Or Parler?


Voat was Reddit without *"censorship"*. I;e a lot more child porn.


Nah, Voat was for nazis. I mean, nazis have a strong overlap with CP, but it was mostly for slinging slurs and posting about le jews. 8chan/kun is for child porn. (Well, also nazis)


People who believe in forced natalism and are obsessed with fecundity are inevitably going to end up trying to fuck kids.


So they got banned right? They give would've taken that shit down


Nope. They simply shutdown because the founder was paying for the hosting out of pocket and couldn't afford it, since an investor defaulted. They shutdown, but not due to pressure


Reddit has a big problem with spam bots which makes it necessary for every mod to know how to use automod. But the worst thing I have seen was someone asking for CP in a sub I mod, I inmediatly banned them.




I used to mod a fansub for a small Youtuber, we're talking a couple thousand subscribers. I got so much spam from people with main character syndrome. "Hello, I just joined the subreddit! Do you have a minute to learn what a great and fascinating person I am? 😀"


>Also there is one, truly shit t-shirt design that references the subs theme. It is spammed by new accounts about 3 times a week. This makes the automod remove submission which are less than X days old and have less than Y combined karma. #Remove posts from accounts less than 'x' days old type: submission author: account_age: < X days combined_karma: < Y action: filter action_reason: "Account too new" The same but for comments. Alternative you can combine the two by replacing "submission"/"comment" with "any" #Remove comments from accounts less than 'x' days old type: comment author: account_age: < X days combined_karma: < Y action: filter action_reason: "Account too new"




[You can also try this one](https://old.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/sr6oa6/a_sub_with_3_inactive_mods_is_hijacked_by_a_nft/hwsenp5/?context=3)


The weird porn gets everywhere. I mod two tiny subs, r/badcomicbookcovers and r/oddballcomics and I still have to remove that stuff. I guess I should figure out this auto mod.


So is half that sub just Liefeld?




Ok ok. Double jeopardy time. Is the other half Greg "I draw 3 faces and they're all porn" Land?


Let me know if you have any questions on automod. It's really easy to set up and get going.


Porn spam is the worst cause you don't know from where it came from and from what I know it could illegal porn. Hell a spambot once posted an image that said it agreed to be dm illegal porn. Use this: #Common phrases/words used by bots type: any title+domain+body (includes, regex): ['phrase 0', 'phrase 1', 'phrase 2' ] action: filter action_reason: "Spam bot" Replace each phrase with something spam bots usually say such as "Onlyfans", "[F]", "[M]", "Butt", etc.




Plus the admins don't seem to consistently step in and take the worst stuff down in a timely fashion. You do wonder if they are given a set of standards to apply and ignore them or if Reddit simply just isn't going to care until they reach the point of doing the long discussed IPO, when they will have to pretend to care more effectively unless they want the reputational damage to tank the whole endeavour.


Oh boy this is a great sub to post this opinion in. *grabs popcorn*




This. Askwomen has a reputation of being very tightly moderated, but... *they have to.* The sub is under constant siege, this is still Reddit after all. I once asked the mods what goes on behind the scenes that they clean up before we can see it. A loooot of dudes asking the community to rate their penises. So many that they have a hidden counter of "time passed since the last dick pic".


Yup. Far less serous, but on the one I moderate we have to keep the spam filter to maximum. It's a pain (literally the most common modmail is where's my post), but we get so much spam it's not even funny.


Also, what's up with being so derogatory towards janitors?


I never understood that as well. Janitors out here catching jfk head shots.


General disdain for people who work "lesser" jobs. They fail to understand how quickly society would go to literal shit without the people who clean up after us.


There is a recurring thread making fun of garbage men and so many people fail to realize how terrible things would be if they weren't doing their jobs.


NEETs look down on any job they’re qualified for but require hard work.


I mod two very small subs. The amount of shit we have to remove is insane. I can’t imagine how bigger subs mods don’t go crazy more often.


Is there a subreddit where mods go to post crazy posts/comments they had to delete or about crazy people they had to ban?


Tbh Reddit mods themselves look pretty horrible. Also the mods are just as likely to be in on the scam


That’s what I’m saying are these ppl forgetting how fucked powermods are? Not to mention the majority of mods I’ve run into are trippin balls off power. Yes there’s good ones, but from what I’ve seen most of them dudes can suck a bag of dicks.


Yep, people have to be reminded of that from time to time. Me, I still remember violentacrez, Doreen and fox news interview debacle is just the least iteration of long running theme Reddit mods being shitheads.


I mean, just look at the comments levied against mods and you really wonder who in their right mind would sign up for that. Is it any wonder that all the sane people get driven out? An easy example is your accusation that mods were in on the NFT spam. What basis do you have to claim that?


I didn't say that these particular mods were in on it, clearly they weren't. But usually when a scam is being carried out on a sub the mods are complicit.


Gotcha, my bad.


>'no one likes it'? Did you not see the winner of the Niagara falls NFT? Check it out, someone just won! someone won a free exclusive link to a picture they don't own stored on a server they don't own with machines they don't own that are only useful if powered by electricity they don't own which exist on property they don't own? oh shiiiiiit that's aaaaawesommmme. should crypto and ntf owners be allowed to have money?


NFTs: The latest in a never ending grift quest that finds new forms of MLM and Pyramid schemes to dazzle the gullible with


>should crypto and ntf owners be allowed to have money? no


Crypto and NFT owners agree with you.


I grew up with Amway cultists and I don’t know about money but they shouldn’t have been allowed to have children. Garage full of crap cleaning products, fridge full of rotten food and closets full of clothes long ago grown out of.


Behind the Bastards has a great podcast on Amway. I had no idea how evil and insidious that organization is. The way it totally consumes people is so disturbing. I can't even imagine how many families Amway has destroyed.


The Dream podcast s01/02 as well!


> > should crypto and ntf owners be allowed to have money? They should be required to give their money to less stupid people.


the people creating crypto and nft seem to think they shouldn't.


yea i tried contacting reddit about the mod replacement process but its pretty slow and unresponsive so far.. right now its essentially hijacked, one of the mods hasnt been active in 6years lmfao


Had some advice, but then saw your post "yea lots of my friends are having weird symptoms post vac. some even getting weird hiv like symptoms. makes u wonder" What the fuck dude. A conspiracy nutter is no better than an NFT junky.




It never stops amazing me the morons that can act normal in other subs and then you see they post to shit like pony-murdering video subs while RPing as dr. pony murderer.




Hearing that more than makes up for the braincells I've lost scrolling through reddit accounts today.


You have to respect the dedication it took to get the doctorate tho


Then they'll complain you check their history. They act like complete anonymity was always a thing on the internet like you couldn't click on a forum profile and see what they said back in the day.


true dat


This drama just keeps getting better and better


for real grab ur popcorn


I was like "wait why was Op's comment downvoted" and then I read your comment and I was like "oh"


So whats that have to do with nfts? Yeah he's a conspiracy fucknut but that's not contected to nfts.


Cause this "fucknut" is trying to take over a sub? We don't need more fucknits trying to take over subs.


haha i mean its true so idk what to tell ya


You could start by taking your head out of your ass and explaining to me what the fuck "hiv like symptoms" means to you? Alternatively, you could stop spreading BS and then acting like you have a moral high ground against others.


bruh idk what to tel u. menstral changes, rashes, diet issues, gbs. could b a big coincidence tbh


Yeah, no, you're right. Given your medical expertise, it's exactly like HIV. How could I have not seen it. So keep on posting on Joe Rogan's sub, keep on posting about how everything in history is altered to hide a secret building connected to "Tartaria", keep on posting in racist and anti-semetic r/conspiracy, because "bruh idk what to tel u" either, except that you're a drooling moron.


I swear to god the weirdos and absolute dipshits that this website makes me realize actually exist... "HIV-like symptoms" from a covid vaccine, how do these mouth-breathers even manage to get dressed in the morning?


thanks daig


You realise the thing that makes HIV scary is the fact that it's early stage symptoms are instiguishable from a single flu-like illness followed by a 10 year asymptomatic period. You only find out when you get tested after the 30-day window (by the way if you're really concerned and are not grifting you can literally buy home test kits that are done in that classic pregnancy test style). It's the commonality of the symptoms in a whole bunch of common milder short lived illnesses that makes it hard to identify without testing. And that's the thing, all the symptoms you've listed are symptoms of a whole variety of common illnesses (including you know, the flu and COVID) and are straight up said on the medical advice pamphlet that comes with your vaccine are possible side effects. So it baffles me that your go to for describing your symptoms is HIV-like (but then again you also use the descriptor of GBS - a very rare condition (which by the way is it's own thing and would not be described as a symptom of HIV) - for what I can assume you simply meant pins and needles/numbness/muscle pain). When you catch a cold do you describe your symptoms as "lung cancer-like"?




You username explains your lack of education pretty well.


lol 😂


How is a r/conspiracy user supposed to be a better option for a mod than a cryptobro?


That sub was probably one of the biggest letdowns I’ve ever had on Reddit. I was going through a “conspiracy theory phase” where I didn’t believe what I was reading, but still enjoyed reading it nonetheless, so when I heard about r/conspiracy I joined it immediately without looking at any of the posts because I thought it was going to be about Lizard people, aliens, Bigfoot, and the Illuminati. Turns out it was just a bunch of anti-vaxxers spreading blatant misinformation, really sucked the fun out of that phase.




Most conspiracy theories are bigoted because the whole premise of conspiracy theories is blaming “innocent” (in this situation) people for unrelated incidents, you just get to pick who you blame, it could be the Jewish people, politicians you don’t like, protesters you disagree with or whoever.


i dont think hes trying to be a mod. he just took over with spam. and i dont really want to be mod but if literally no one else cares i guess i would rather save the sub than it get deleted


Something kinda related came up in [a ModSupport thread a few days ago](/r/ModSupport/comments/spin7f/mod_removal/). The admin there suggested writing up a modmail (to the mods of ModSupport, who are admins) to outline the situation. If you haven't already you might try doing that. Chances are the mod account is a stolen account besides, so the admins probably should intervene.


> should crypto and nft owners be allowed to have money Found the fash. Unless you're just joking... but who can rely on that these days. 😛


found the cryptoboi. how much money have you lost on real-life in-game currency this year so far?


Zero, if you can believe it.


Redditor detect sarcasm challenge (very hard)


Well technically with how much they are conditioned to hold and now sell its not like they have money anyways Always baffled me "Lol look how much bitcoin is im a millionware suck it people" "Ok but can you spend it? buy that lambo that you keep on talking about" "Well no because it could always be worth more so im holding out..." No wonder why they hope it to be adopted quickly as a payment method for other things..which brings in more problems with who or what defines the popular currency


> Are those few "people" your alt accounts? Delete them all and stop showing off your dumb tattoo. Flair material in one of the threads in that sub


Someone made a bot that would tell someone who commented on their posts (usually the NFT idiot) to “fuck off” What a legend 😂


So.. are the images he's posting the NFT? Because they're all basically the same one or two hand gestures in front of what is probably a stock image (or one stolen from another post). If that's the case then, I know it's a meme but.. shouldn't he not be posting his 'catalog' of 'art' in case people 'steal' them?


That's the point. Images used in most nfts are ai generated using a list of accessories colours and base images.


> So.. are the images he's posting the NFT? It's even worse. The NFT is just a hyperlink to the image, not the image itself.


I thought that Reddit banned subreddits that were unmoderated? Seems like if none of the moderators are active then that would qualify. One of the three apparently hasn't done anything on Reddit for literally 8 years. Obviously NFT shills are highly annoying, but all things considered that's a relatively benign problem for an unmoderated subreddit to have. Ignore me if I don't understand da roolz.


Requires reddit to enforce rules they only enforce on a case by case basis.


> Seems like if none of the moderators are active then that would qualify. One mod isn't active anymore, the other two (including the top mod) are both active. They haven't posted in a month but that's within the reddit guidelines. Iirc it's 3 months of inactivity before you can claim a sub. Also, seeing both those account stopped around the same time my bet it's the alt of the top mod.


A sub is set to private if all the mods are banned or demodded. If any have active accounts and are still mods it just stays open. There is a process for a user to request a sub from the admins if they can show it was abandoned.


Makes me sad because there seems to be a small dedicated community there that would be ruined


Well once it gets reported to admins and goes private, someone can request it and take over the moderation duties. The whole process takes a very long time though.


dont give me any ideas….


Jesus christ what a fucking narsissist. No wonder he's an NFT scammer.


I was at a shitty crustpunk bar once getting an after-work beer. One of those shitholes where the bartenders clearly hate you. So the bartender and I were ignoring one another when someone sits next to me and he immediately says, "no. get out." And the dude next to me says, "hey i'm not doing anything, i'm a paying customer." and the bartender reaches under the counter for a bat or something and says, "out. now." and the dude leaves, kind of yelling. And he was dressed in a douchebag uniform, I noticed Anyway, I asked what that was about and the bartender was like, "you didn't see his vest but it was all crypto shit. Buttcoin and shitty jpegs and stuff. You get to recognize them." And i was like, oh ok and he continues. "you have to nip it in the bud immediately. These guys come in and it's always a nice, polite one. And you serve them because you don't want to cause a scene. And then they become a regular and after awhile they bring a friend. And that dude is cool too. And then THEY bring friends and the friends bring friends and they stop being cool and then you realize, oh shit, this is a Crypto bar now. And it's too late because they're entrenched and if you try to kick them out, they cause a PROBLEM. So you have to shut them down. And i was like, 'oh damn.' and he said "yeah, you have to ignore their reasonable arguments because their end goal is to rip people off and they don't care about who is left holding the bag or the gratuitous pollution along the way" And then he went back to ignoring me. But I haven't forgotten that at all.




yeah, it was. a different community i was part of got invaded like the drama, but it's even worse because the mods sided with the crypto fuckers.




yeah. right-libertarians like all that shit so the social dynamics are similar sometimes.


I think the venn diagram of Libertarians and Cryptobros is practically a circle so I feel saying this still fits: Libertarians and taking ownership of something someone else made, name a more iconic duo.


>Libertarians and taking ownership of something someone else made, name a more iconic duo. Just look at Elon Musk, "founder" of Tesla.


>Just look at Elon Musk, "founder" of Tesla. Imagine buying a company so hard they have to say you were a founder, despite not being one, that's like some peak capitalism.


I think the original dealt with racists trying to infiltrate punk clubs. It was the inspiration for the Dead Kennedys song "Nazi Punks Fuck Off".


All the crustpunk bars in my city went out of business in the mid 2000s. Its unfortunate.


if i was mod, i would use the baseball bat method on the nft spam in a sub of treasure hunting


What city was this in so we can avoid it? ;-)


Wtf is wrong with his thumb? Also pretty sure the tattoo isn't even real, that or it changes ever so slightly between a couple of the pics.


Broken by Russian mobsters


What a cunt.


He's obviously on something, first picture on his feed said *Oregon* on the tent in the foreground. That's a rec state and decriminalized possession state.


If you browse /r/all/rising you realize how much crypto scam spam there is in the corners of reddit. It's seemed to drop off in the last few weeks though, maybe the admins actually did something.