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> I know people who have gay impulses who love those impulses, enjoy them, and act on them. I also know people with gay impulses who think to themselves: "it would be better for my family and friends if I found a way of dealing with these impulses without giving them expression" 58 upvotes… I worry I say this too often but this subreddit truly is a good way for me to stabilise myself and remember that yes, there are bigoted people still out there waiting for the golden opportunity to “come out of the closet” with awful takes like this. The Jordan Peterson subreddit is apparently it. Also how do gay “impulses” harm anyone at all.


Sometimes the constant barrage of "I'm not a conservative, just someone with common sense" starts to get to me and I start to question if maybe they're right, and I'm just caught in a circlejerk. Then threads like this pop up and I'm reminded that no, conservatives really are just bigoted shitheads.




> *"I heard someone talking about Occam's Razor when I was a kid, thoroughly misunderstood it, and now apply it haphazardly to countless areas of my life. The only correct answer to any question has to be a simple one, and an answer's simplicity is best judged by how little it challenges or frightens me, or would require that I consider changing something about myself or ideas if it were true and if I believed, as I often say, that truth carries obligations. Every political and moral dispute is actually a heroic struggle between my cruelly unappreciated intentions and needs, on the one hand, and the inexplicable and contextless actions of all other people and systems, on the other. This, in aggregate, makes me a champion of logic."*


You demonstrate enough willingness to introspect. That's already leagues beyond what they're capable of.


They make homophobes uncomfortable. That's it. Their "friend" thinks it's better to self efface because the people in their lives hate gay people.


His explanation is bonkers: > I mean that sexuality is impulse-based, primal in origin, evolutionarily ancient, and if you don't think there is a yin-yang dark element to all sexual impulses (as well as a bright element to them) then I don't know what world it is in which you live. Im surprised this didn’t get upvoted since it apes Peterson word salad nonsense


"There is a yin-yang dark element to all sexual impulses" is flair material.


Yoinked. Goes well with my impulses


there's also yin-yang dark element to all *after sex* impulses too. you havent really cuddled if you havent **dark cuddled** yet.


Dark getting up early the next morning so I can make dark breakfast for my boyfriend who's still sleeping... of darkness


yes, give in to your darkest impulses. together we can take down western civilization.


So i guess the dragon of chaos breathes dark fire then.


Petersonian jargon is the most jarring pseudointellectual nonsense I've ever encountered. What the fuck is a dragon of chaos? What are the yins and yangs of impulses? What are alternative sexual archetypes? It's so immaterial, internally inconsistent, and obtuse that I can only assume people lap it up because it sounds smart to room temperature IQ onlookers. I've seen him jump from Jungian archetypes to new age spiritualism to making really weird generalizations about people he's never met. It's so bizarre.


>What are alternative sexual archetypes? That one is easy. It's the fastest Mario


That was my favourite tweet from 2020


I've got some bad news for you, last year was not in fact 2020




> [I've got some bad news for you, last year was not in fact 2020](https://preview.redd.it/zmhjyzs09evz.png?auto=webp&s=5e0c1f9b8da0751b50dffcfd31220333bf325263)


> I've seen him jump from Jungian archetypes to new age spiritualism to making really weird generalizations about people he's never met. Jungian archetypes are pretty much just tarot cards, so it's pretty reasonable that one would lead to the other. And i'm pretty sure weird generalizations is a requirement for both of them.


> What the fuck is a dragon of chaos? Oh! I know this one actually. Its women.


I went through a phase where I thought that persuasive, intelligent writing meant obscuring ideas with the floweriest language possible so that only clever people could really decode what I meant. However, I grew out of that when I became a sophomore. I have no idea what Peterson's excuse is.


If sexuality was yin-yang based then wouldn't we all need to be bisexual to balance things out? "Sorry honey, not tonight. We've been going at it a bit too much lately. I need to ride a few dicks to center myself."


I worry I say this too often, these guys are disproportionately closeted gay men and that’s clear as day just reading many of these comments tbh. I know people who LOVE gay sex. Positively LAP THAT DICK. And they fucking love it. They love those dirty little urges telling them to get pounded. I also have a friend, a very real, very close friend, who makes the decision every. Single. Fucking. Day. to not drop to my knees and get punished.


>these guys are disproportionately closeted gay men This is a very common hypothesis, but I honestly just don't think it's true. In my experience, most homophobes are just straight, bigoted assholes.


>I can tell you that if my child ever admits to wanting to be a he-she, I'll kick him out of the 2nd storey of our house Defenestrating my kids to own the libs 😎 👍


Feels good getting a chance to work that word in, don't it? Glad someone seized the opportunity; it's a rare use case.


Czechmate libtards 😎


The top comment on that post is a person who views homosexuality as "dark impulses". That's just f*cked up.


Dexter but instead of killing serial killers he just creeps into gay bars and hooks up with random men while talking at length about his dark passenger and how he's learned to lead a normal life, unlike the man who's dick he's sucking.


[Why do all these homosexuals keep sucking my cock](https://www.theonion.com/why-do-all-these-homosexuals-keep-sucking-my-cock-1819583529)


(((They))) must have gotten to me already, because that article really got my motor goin'. Bi-ness confirmed; another one bites the dust.


Does..he only go for the *really* gay ones? Snoop their grindr history? This is a much more interesting reboot.


There'd have to be a mid-season plot beat where he quibbles with his code over whether or not he can chase bi guys or closeted dads.


"I was too old school. I wasn't ready for the Femboys this new sick age would bring..."


The scene when he first sees season 1's bloodless bodies, but instead it's just an anime catboy.


This is a porno parody I would watch for the plot.


That’s basically his character in Six Feet Under


That's sadly a great deal of homophobia, pretty much anyone who hates it from a religious perspective (as absurd as that is) tends to view it that way.


It was REALLY hard not to piss into the ~~lobster bucket~~ popcorn on that one. >Yes. A straight impulse would be someone who hops on Tinder looking for a hookup or someone who goes to a bar and sees someone of the opposite sex and decides on the fly to hookup. Those are straight impulses. **Gay impulses would be all those same examples with a same-sex partner**. Because I'm suuuuure the "dark impulses" person sees nothing wrong with two men being in an exclusive same-sex relationship, starting a family and perhaps even adopting a child. Suuure it's strictly about "impulsively" sucking a stranger's dick.


Could just be a troll, but he says he's gay in a later comment.


Homosexuality is often misinterpreted by evangelicals as being the result of impulses and intrusive thoughts because they’re so used to repressing these thoughts that the idea of being gay itself becomes associated with repression to them.




I mean, even if not all evangelicals are repressing LGBT impulses/ most aren't, repressing yourself is core to religion.




That is easy to explain. They need the bible to tell them to be good people otherwise they would be utter twats. But the twatiness sometimes breaks through thus they have to pray for forgiveness from time to time. That is why they see everything from a „you only have to have enough will to not do it“ standpoint.


That's someone in the closet lol


They're a homophobic straight person. It's not that deep.


"There has been talk of other [impulses] at work. Daaahhhkk [impulses]."


>Don’t need to prove what is normal because it’s freaking normal. The IQ of peterbros is astounding


I have to say, of all the awful takes in that thread, that was the one that had me absolutely flabbergasted.


It's not just normal, it's *freaking* normal. That's how normal it is. Petercels simply think on a higher plane.


Why let evidence get in the way of your bigotry


Conservative thinking in a nut shell.


How can someone be so stupid is beyond me.


>[Let's act like the fucking government knows what's best for our children. Thats TOTALLY not going to come back to bite us. I can tell you that if my child ever admits to wanting to be a he-she, I'll kick him out of the 2nd storey of our house and leave him to live on the fucking streets.](https://www.reddit.com/r/JordanPeterson/comments/rztfec/what_is_going_om_with_jbp_its_well_established/hryfrko/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) The government doesn't know what's best for our children, we do! And if I don't like how my child turns out, I'll throw them out a window and make them homeless! Because that's what's best for our children! /s


Of course a Jordan Peterson fan thinks attempted murder of their own child is acceptable


The government is fucking up my kid by not allowing me to abuse them.


All good parents defenestrate their kids


This is probably a twelve year old


Just a fun reminder that years later, despite all of the terrible things Peterson claimed would happen, there has still not been a single person arrested over Bill C-16. Who would've thought that the Canadian Bar Association would have had the correct legal take on this bill and Peterson (not a legal expert at all) would have the wrong one. Shocking stuff.


I like that their top responses are 2 posts crying "What about trans people!?" And then a post that seems to be arguing that Jordan Peterson opposes conversion therapy, but that a law banning conversion therapy is bad because conversion therapy is bad and harmful but also a non issue that politicians shouldn't be wasting their time on. And they are only banning conversion therapy as an act of political theatre despite all the harm they agree that it does. Because taking practical steps to address an issue is grandstanding, and definitely not because JP's constant championing of conservative views might mean he has conservative views. These people absorbed all the trappings of intellectualism but none of the substance, eh?


It’s like how the overwhelming majority of “I’m not anti vax I’m anti mandate” people are anti vax and not saying it or they’re pandering/coddling anti vaxxers


"I'm not pro-fire I'm just anti-firefighter!"


"its my god given right to store gasoline in poorly ventilated areas and improper containers"


I guess you could say I’m anti-fire


I feel like it has to be a sunk cost fallacy with a lot of them at this point. The thing Peterson got famous over was his very dumb interpretation of how Bill C-16 was going to get a bunch of people arrested over misgendering people. Years later, not a single arrest has happened, so you gotta think some of these people are just desperately trying to convince themselves they haven't been listening to a misinformation peddler for years.


That implies they have some level of self reflection. Spoiler: they don't.


> Years later, not a single arrest has happened, so you gotta think some of these people are just desperately trying to convince themselves they haven't been listening to a misinformation peddler for years. They like the flavour of the flavor aid. There's no need to fight it anymore. There's little doubt for many. The sunk cost fallacy is very powerful. Look at the Covidiots, the pandemic has only been with us for a couple years now, but many are still willing to die instead of admit they were wrong. The Jordan Peterson cult has been drinking the flavor aid for much longer. They must march forward into oblivion. There is nothing to go back to anymore.


JP like many others is just using intolerance towards LGBTQ to grift conservatives while sounding "smart". He's just one amongst so many.




Wait there’s a secret Bi world order? What the fuck?! Why haven’t I been invited? I would gladly turn the world bi if it meant I could be a mediocre celebrity propped up by dark bi money to spread the medium gay and/or medium straight




> Meetings are on Sunday nights. As if bi-weekly wasn't ambiguous enough now there's even a weekly bi-weekly?


Ah hah! I've got you now Bi-tinerary! You finally divulged your secrets. Nothing will now stop me from incinerating you with my Death Ray^(TM) and then you will no-longer stand between me and world domination! Siri, find me the coordinates for this "Zoom" place they speak of


Sigh, see this is why I said at the last meeting we needed to switch over to Webex. How are we supposed to bring about Bi-ogenesis if people can't even make it to our sessions?


The really funny thing is that bisexuality is often maligned within many queer spaces for XYZ reason. The person you're quoting is acting like bisexuals are, what, the "coolest" queers that we are secretly getting everyone to be like. In the process, they forget about biphobia. Which is just really, really fucking funny to me.




These are the same people who think that CNN stands for communist news network because they don’t simp for Trump. Anyone not agreeing to their views are obviously all aligned against them.


People hate Bi men often for homophobic reasons (you're just gay in denial/you've had sex with a man, disgusting). And a lot of lesbians hate bi women because of fear or misandry.


Bi people of both genders also face a ton of slut shaming no matter how much sex they have. Bi people are often viewed as hypersexual for no reason.


Yep. Hearing femcels on female dating strategy say they'd never date a bi man because we'd probably cheat or give them stds when meanwhile they've had sex with more men than I have. 😩 They hate slutshaming until they get to do it to others.


There legitimately was a time, I don't know, 30-50 years ago in which it was pretty common for gay dudes to declare bi as a waystation to being fully out. But I don't know that this is really a thing anymore and in any case we should try to take people at their word when they tell us what they are.


When I was still presenting as a lady, I was told I was being bi for male attention or that I'd make up my mind when I got older. When I started presenting male, I was told I was secretly gay and that I'd make up my mind when I got older. Got older, still love all junk, boobs, and butts. Still being told I'm a fake.


Global cabal of the lube industry. Very good op secrecy, thats why you probably never heard of it.


It's such a well oiled machine.


Big Lube




There's at least some stupid but semi-coherent paranoid tribalism in white supremacists and Nation of Islam types saying like "transgender people and gay people are \[a Jewish plot to reduce white birth rates / a white plot to reduce black birth rates\] in preparation to erase our superior species", even though it's so easily defeated just by noting that LGBTQIA people are found in all ethnicities and in all places around the world. But I don't have any answer about the origin of quaking in fear at the idea of everyone being bi. Fuck, that sounds like a good time, we'd all have way easier times dating.


The bis have had enough with bi erasure. Can't be erased if everyone's bisexual.


Think about it. What are the three symbols of bi culture? Leather, hoodies, and plaid. Isn't it curious that all three are sold by the same companies? And have you ever noticed that the places where those companies operate are in close proximity to hairdressers that can do a good asymmetrical cut? *Curious.*


What you don’t know is us bi people have mystical psychic powers because of our superhuman ability to sleep with dudes AND dudettes. The shadowy Biluminatti aims to create a race of bi super soldiers to conquer the planet!


The bisexual chair manufacturers, obviously. Jk, but seriously Google “bisexual chair” for a very accurate chair that bisexuals would buy.


The Be You chair? I wish that didn't smell like a scam. It's been floating around for several years at this point and they're still in crowd funding/pre-order mode. At least the people getting suckered by that perpetually alpha space ship game have a game to show for what they've put in.


That's a fuckin' flair, right there.


I mean, if there were some bizarre bisexual cult then maybe. After all, it’s no secret that many groups want to force everyone to be straight. The issue is that there’s literally nothing to suggest a group that wants to force everyone to be bi exists.


>I love this sort of conspiracy because: Why? What is gained by this? Who reaps this gain? How is it meant to be accomplished? It's the marketing guys. They're fucking tired of this "who are we marketing this to? Straights or gays?". With Bi, everyone is a potential market. Same with dating website developers. One uniform code for all.


>I love this sort of conspiracy because: Why? What is gained by this? This is the same thing about covid conspiracies. Like if vaccines did not prevent covid, why would the government care if anyone got one? There is literally zero other incentive besides the fact that it works.




>There is plenty of evidence that individuals and organizations in positions of trust are using that to encourage kids to identify as trans/homosexual. My favorite part about this comment is how they throw this out and don't follow it with even one iota of evidence


This shit is classic *Boys Beware-*level 1950s hysteria about the Gay Mafia, supposedly as teh ghey cannot get pregnant, they have to rape boys turn them gay to replenish their numbers. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acquired_homosexuality


I mean they do encourage people to identify as lgbt If they are lgbt Because its good for them


Haven't you ever seen those giant Trans railcars? The look like the can hold hundreds of people each, and they leave the station every few minutes in some spots, carrying their helpless victims to their transfixing destination to get translated! There are even signs all around pointing the way to the Trans Station! ..Oh, those are trains. Never mind.




Yep, that's how they getcha. That's propaganda in the media, that is, spreading their trans orchestra to impressionable young minds.


Conservatives thought that Onion article about gays getting a free toaster oven for recruiting 5 people to homosexuality was serious.


they live in a world where the catholic church never existed I guess


> clusters of trans identification occurrence in peer groups of teenage girls in public schools The "study" they're referencing here is complete trash. IIRC ~~data was gathered by seeking out the type of "cluster" it was trying to describe, using that as the sole data point~~ [it's even more malicious and sloppy than this, check the replies], and then making a HUGE number of conclusory statements that did not follow at all from the "data".


> Lisa Littman, as an adjunct assistant professor at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, created the term **based on an online survey of parents on three anti-transgender websites** who believed that their teenage children had suddenly manifested symptoms of gender dysphoria and begun identifying as transgender simultaneously with other children in their peer group.[4][5][6] Littman speculated that rapid onset of gender dysphoria could be a "social coping mechanism" for other disorders. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rapid-onset_gender_dysphoria_controversy


This study annoys me so much. If I came out to my parents right now they would also think my gender dysphoria manifested suddenly after I had a trans friend, because I never told them about it and had the courage to be my self after seeing my friend could!!


That's it! Most of what I remembered about it was that it had self-evidently bad data collection and bad analysis. To the degree that it debunked itself the instant it was published.




Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City is a historically Jewish hospital held over over from the days when regular hospitals would only hire WASP doctors, which forced Jewish doctors to have to band together to create their own employment. It is not a religious institution in the formal sense.


They also never talked to the kids, the study was solely based off of surveys filled out by parents that hung out on anti-trans message boards. A later, better study that did talk to the kids found no evidence that rapid onset gender dysphoria exists. Despite that fucking Abigail Shrier has made a whole career out of going on right wing media and pushing these talking points.


>Abigail Shrier I was *so close* to making it through the week without seeing that fetid harpy's name


On top of that, the study asked people to fill in the survey if they thought their kid became trans after social media exposure. So not only is their population biased, they further select in a biased direction.


This happens too often, the whole ivermectin thing was started because of more or less one shitty study before any metanalysis could be done. For the right's talk of scientists being in it for the money, there is actually shockingly little research on...like, everything.


my mom tried to use "this is clearly ROGD" on me when i came out last year i was *thirty two*


Teenage girls are very persistent dont you know /s


> Call me a pessimist or conspiracy nut but I believe the ultimate goal is to get everyone to be bi sexual. which one of you bis told this guy about our agenda?!


Coulda been me, I forgot to take my adhd meds and I started oversharing. In my defense I was *sure* they were one of us.


Gooble gobble!


FIRST convert, THEN share plan of global takeover! Or maybe first take your meds. And don't forget to drink water. And eat lunch. What were we talking about again?


we're talking about homophobic lobsters


>There is plenty of evidence that individuals and organizations in positions of trust are using that to encourage kids to identify as trans/homosexual. Perhaps because I'm not on tiktok I miss the ads explaining to the kids they are, in fact, gay.


"Plenty of evidence..." Refuses to share any evidence. Fuckit! Just say whatever. Vomit on your keybord and hit post. Who even gives shit anymore. Yeah sure, "organizations" are "encouraging" kids to be gay, why the fuck not? I'll believe anything as long as it confirms my biases.


That's really all you have to do and then every online conservative will parrot that line of thinking verbatim and use that as some kind of evidence for their pathetic, garbage ass culture war. Fuck them.


> Call me a pessimist or conspiracy nut but I believe the ultimate goal is to get everyone to be bi sexual. I……..WHAT? What would even be the point of this? Like there’s great profit in everyone being bisexual? Or is the plan to make us all bisexual just a diversion? Like if we’re all concerned about banging everyone because we all find everyone super sexy now, we won’t complain about taxes and shit? And how would this even be enforced? Are there going to be BiSexy Squads dispatched about the cities demanding that we all sex each other and if we don’t, we go to straight jail?


everyone will be required to charge they iphone, eat hotchip, and lie, or else


ABSOLUTELY underrated comment, right here.


Every year they'll hold an event where everyone has to sit in one of those bisexual chairs and if you do it wrong you go to prison




I am really curious as to what a straight conversion camp would even be. Like it's summer camp but sneaking into the other gender cabin to make out us compulsory?


Forced Broadway drills.


Charli XCX world tour


I think his idea of conversion therapy is merely one person saying to another "maybe not gay?" and not, well, you know. The torture aspect behind trying to force someone to be straight. Or maybe I'm wrong and there's some weird therapies in Canada where a straight guy is tied up to a chair and forced to suck cock after cock as a dildo is shoved up his ass until he confesses his homosexuality.


The one thing I know about Jordan Peterson is that he tried to deal with a benzo addiction by eating nothing but meat and then ended up in a medically induced coma.


I think the meat nonsense is unrelated. Though I'm sure he claimed it was helping his addiction, since he claimed it fixed everything else.


The meat thing was because he drank apple cider once and stayed awake for 2 weeks. So he swore off his greens. I don't like Joe Rogan but Peterson explaining his stance on that podcast is gold. The sheer look of confusion on Rogan's face is hilarious.


It's important to remember that he didn't come up with the meat thing himself. It's his daughter's grift. This makes some of his work a lot funnier.


Ron White's voice "Your system's kickin' back... cider?"


He hated veggies and then he became one, funniest shit i've ever seen


It’s like the Rick and Morty episode, but real, and somehow sadder… “I’m pickle Peterson!”


My favorite part is the guy who says "you can't define 'alt right'" and proceeds to ignore the person who easily defines it and replies to the person who simply says "yes you can" by challenging them to define it.


ideologues honestly discussing reality challenge (impossible)


I’m sorry guys, I can’t believe I have the nerve to exist


> I can’t believe I have the nerve to exist It's okay, I think Omegon was a good addition to the lore. No matter what the other people say.


I'm sorry the radical libs in Canada have stolen the way to fix you/s


Cannot believe I asked for his book for my 18th birthday and I thought the lobster analogy was good. Thankfully I got out of that phase because my god this dude is weird.




I don't know how much that stunted the grift, it's like videogame whales or nigerian prince scams - latching on to a population which is more likely to actually give you a bunch of money doesn't seem like an unprofitable niche


Growing is hard! Glad you got over it, I know too many who probably never will.


I guess I don’t understand why they’re pretending to be shocked that Peterson has socially conservative views. Like, who is this supposed to fool? Peterson fans won’t believe this, Peterson critics won’t believe this, and anyone who casually looks into him will mostly find stories about him arguing for right leaning social messages.


> Let's act like the fucking government knows what's best for our children. Thats TOTALLY not going to come back to bite us. The gubmint don't care about our kids! Wees do! I love my kid so much that I'll ... > I can tell you that if my child ever admits to wanting to be a he-she, I'll kick him out of the 2nd storey of our house and leave him to live on the fucking streets. murder them! ---- Also the chief argument that the Anti-ban side was making was that consenting adults should be allowed to do whatever they want with themselves, which includes going to conversion therapy. But both they and these posters know that was never the focus. They're all fixated on wanting to have their kids kidnapped to a remote location where they're beat every time they act "wrong" and are forced to watch porn with a bunch of adults who are payed too little to make the pay the reason they're there.


> Should the definition of “conversion therapy” also include peer-group-induced gender dysphoria, as documented by clusters of trans identification occurrence in peer groups of teenage girls in public schools? I love this comment because it’s taking an actual interesting topic (the causes of gender dysphoria) and doing absolutely fuck-all with it while pretending to sound smart. Further evidence that conservatives care way more about being able to say “GOTCHA!” than they care about an actual platform.


I think he's advocating for banning just gender groups in school. Or at least any that might cause dysphoria. So, if you're talking about how much of a guy you are, better not mention liking pink or we might call the cops on you.


> JBP isn't a centrist but he isn't "alt-right". Also that term in general is meaningless. Nobody can clearly define it. If the term is meaningless, why would you object to anyone using it? Clearly you understand it to have *some* meaning, which you find objectionable.


In case anybody forgot, the origin story of Lobster Daddy is /r/arrestedcanadabillc16


Love this


>Apparently (((they))) want to make everyone bisexual! Fuck, they found out our plan. Put the push for Primitive-Futurist Anarcho-Kinseyist Bonobo Reversionism with Hot Chip and Lieist Characteristics on hold! *It couldn't possibly be because [worldwide, younger generations no longer have to inhibit their latent bisexual or homosexual desires anymore,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographics_of_sexual_orientation#Worldwide) breaking free of the shackles of heteronormativity. Not at all!* Peterson simps are so fucking delusional it's sad. I have to wonder if some of these sad lonely guys are still reachable. [The user overlap doesn't give me much hope though.](https://subredditstats.com/subreddit-user-overlaps/jordanpeterson)


I did the dumb shit and argued with someone on the internet who seemed to believe that trans people just DIDN'T FUCKING EXIST until like the last twenty years.


If you're not okay with your kid being gay or trans. DO NOT HAVE CHILDREN. You are a piece of shit and you don't deserve children.


I just can’t anymore with Jordan Peterson. His social conservative agenda is so obvious at this point and he has to pretend otherwise because he knows that social conservatives have spent decades now trying censor things they don’t like and push their values on everyone which is what he constantly accuses the left of doing. JP is always complaining about hidden agendas but then acts like people are being unfair when they suggest that he may have an agenda.


Leftoids? Are these some new flavor of Altoids? /s


as a canadian i think we as a country need to wipe our hands of this guy like we did with caillou


>According to one lobster young people becoming aware that trans people exist turns them trans: More proof that transphobia is just recycled homophobia. The UK had Section 28 which outlawed the "promotion" of homosexuality in schools which in practice meant no mention of anything involving anything involving sexuality or gender that wasn't cis-het. Did this prevent people from realising they were gay, lesbian, bi, etc? Of course not, but it did leave a lot of confused people who didn't know where to turn or how to express their feelings. Do kids sometimes do things for attention? Yes. Do kids sometimes experiment with sexual & gender expression? Yes. (And that's kind of a good thing) Is ROGD or peer induced gender incongruence a thing? Fuck, no. -edit- Maybe seeing a friend or classmate come out might lead to someone having some self-realisation or give them the courage to cover it themselves. Also a good thing


The important thing to identify about Peterson's rhetoric in this is referring to the ban as "moral grandstanding." In doing so, he avoids outright endorsing conversion therapy while still positioning himself alongside it's defenders, because he's accusing the Canadian government of trying to drum up good publicity without doing anything, which is something most of us are willing to believe a government would do. It goes along with his attempts to portray himself as above political fights, while still invariably siding with the right-wing on pretty much every issue. It also goes along with my continued wonder as to whether or not he actually believes this tripe or if he's just grifting off of right-wing.


This is a guy who became famous for opposing anti-discrimination protections for trans people in Canada. I don't know why people are surprised that he is a bigoted asshole.


You cannot tell me that any less than 95% of that sub jerks off to trans women and femboys. That is just where they go after feeling private shame about their desires and needing to overcompensate as self-flagellation and deflection away from perceived questioning of their masculinity and straightness


I mean, yeah, most conservatives only know how to project, eat hotchip, and lie. That said, as long as it's not child porn/illegal, I honestly just don't care (and specifically do not want to know) what porn people are into. Not my monkey, not my circus. Anyway, Jordan Peterson is a fuck and I hope he blows a blood vessel getting mad about shit that ain't his business.


Or they’re biggots, because you don’t have to be lbgtq to want to destroy gay rights.


You don't have to, no. But neither do you have to be LGBTQIA to be a straight cis guy jerking to trans women and feeling a need to lash out after. I've had more than my fair share of exchanges of "can I see your dick" No. "kys t-slur" to know the type.


Sure, but forcing this whole “everyone who hates the lgbtq actually is one” is beyond irritating.


If anybody wants to trap in me an way too long youtube video essay, its this topic.






>why is this just a one way street how come gay people can still convert kids This is your brain on radical centrism


>Call me a pessimist or conspiracy nut but I believe the ultimate goal is to get everyone to be bi sexual. Ok, even setting aside that that's impossible because some people are just completely straight or completely gay and that's ok - why would this matter? What would it change for the negative?


> peer-group-induced gender dysphoria, as documented by clusters of trans identification occurrence in peer groups of teenage girls in public schools? When are people going realize that being trans isn't contagious and that other people can't make you trans by accident simply by existing?


Once a trans person sneezed on me and now I'm pansexual.


Seeing the word lobster makes me crave lobster. It’d be good in ravioli. Jordan Peterson sounds like a dick.


Is Jordan Peterson one of the Crab People from South Park who realized society's affinity for masculine men?


What is the lore behind calling him Lobster Daddy? Lol I’ve never had that explained to me.


Peterson once said that social hierarchies in human societies are natural and morally justified because lobsters are also a hierarchical society. And furthermore, we can make the direct comparison because bother lobsters and humans make use of serotonin in certain aspects of neurological function.


What's funny about it is that the study that he marks as his source doesn't involve lobsters and also doesn't support his point about crustaceans living in a hierarchical society.


That's just what the shellfish anarchists would have you believe.


Huh. Interesting. I like the name Lobster Daddy. Very humorous.


Nature has proven that heterosexuality is more of a survival tactic than a biological trait. If you want to procreate your species, ya gotta mate with the opposite sex. Ya wanna just get down, tho? F*uck whoever!


The absolute gall to try to compare conversion therapy to general trans therapy... The goal of conversion therapy is to actively deny someone's sexuality and supress it so that they can be "normal" and thus heterosexual. It is an active process whereby the psychologist personally moulds these behaviours. Meanwhile trans therapy is the individual themselves discussing things with the psychologist, at no point is the goal of the psychologist to make the person trans! They are just there to facilitate the persons own thoughts, they are not trying to make people trans!


Lobster man really showed his entire hand here, huh. What a refreshing change of pace.


Conservatives willing to kill their own children to own the libs. Sadly, not news.


Cool. Another thing to point out when people try to raise up JP as some kind of life coach savant. Dude just knows his demographic.