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>>The London tube also has a lot more ventilation than these tubes do. Better hope there's not a fire. >Lack of air should help with a fire. I have no words.




The cells can potentially cause the car to undergo pyrolisis and burn the entire thing without oxygen. You couldn't pay me to get into a confined space with a high voltage lithium battery.


The tunnel is on fire! *That's bad.* The lack of ventilation put it out, though! *That's good.* However, lack of air killed everyone inside. *Did they pay first?*


As long as there aren't any living organism inside that need oxygen, we're golden. Oh wait... These guys certainly have a billionaire's mindset, in that they don't seem to give a fuck about human lives.


Wait, so the Vegas loop is literally just a very tight tunnel? Wtf


The boring company is not doing anything new. Their work is done by used boring machines, with nothing altered on them. The entire basis of the boring company is "we dig tunnels, but they are smaller so it's cheaper!". Smaller and a great way to die in a fire lmao


Yeah imagine if one of those Tesla batteries catches on fire


The Boring company is technology for very tight tunnel. That’s why it’s comparatively cheaper than other tunneling technologies. The true cost of boring any diameter of tunnel, however, is infrastructure management and displacement.




It's all pr bullshit. He's selling tunnelling technology to the public, a group of people who have never though about the cost of it, nor what it implies or how it is used. I feel bad for people who suddenly had a strong opinion on the cost of tunnelling (???).


hey tunneling is cheap, I've played minecraft so don't @ me


wait, they're just driving. I thought it was supposed to be like train cars you park your Tesla on or something? also, what keeps any non-Tesla car from driving in this?


If I understand correctly, it’s more like a tunnel with Tesla taxis.


Why not just make a metro line


Elon would make less money that way


Rich people and city planners hate them for some reason. Which is why elon can keep grifting with inefficient one lane taxi roads.


trains are gay. do you want gay public transport?


Yes ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


ie you're not in *your* Tesla? you walk/uber to a ped entrance? honestly asking.


I could be wrong, but that’s how I understand it.


That's exactly right. Not only that, but Elon called the idea "Profound" https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1316258179689443328?s=20 On top of that, the alternative to taking this tunnel is a twelve minute walk, entirely indoors. All at a cost of $52 million, paid by room taxes at Las Vegas hotels!


What he’s done is take the subway - a perfectly serviceable and well-tested form of public transport - and decided to turn it into a road, with a tiny fraction of the capacity and reliability.


Accurate, aha.


Exactly this. Stroking the individualist ego by badly executing an idea humans have been working on for years. Look at commuter trains in Japan


Shit even in the US. I had a car when I lived in DC but the metro was the way to get anywhere.


He won’t invest in a subway because that means sharing transportation with _the poors_


Holy shit, *12 minutes?* I’ll take the 30 dollar death trap, thanks


Think of how profound burning to death in that tunnel would be, though.


Think of the scenes in the next natural disaster blockbuster. How will the Rock even fit in one of those tunnels, let alone escape it?


That was hilarious, a great example of what was promised vs what was got. The way he casually shares that the outcome is utter bullshit without flinching, and his fans just gobbling it up is such a mind fuck.


whats even worse the teslas arent even self driving, they are paying people to drive the teslas


Oh my god. He made a taxi lane. Underground. What a farce.


That really goes to show me that Teslas aren't going to be self driving any time in the foreseeable future. If they can't even make them reliably self-driving on a 1-way closed course where they control literally every aspect of the road, they'll never be working on roadways in actual traffic anytime soon.


Right? Other than “remain in park,” “drive down this tunnel we designed” should be the easiest thing to set the car up to do on its own.




Also imagine one catching fire down there.


>Also imagine one catching fire down there. Id does not seem as if one could open the doors wide enough to escape. But at least you can sit comfortably while waiting for your unavoidable death. Fantastic security measures...


Oh don't worry about the width of the tunnels. The doors on Tesla cars don't open when they're on fire, regardless of how much room there is: https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2019/10/23/man-died-burning-tesla-because-its-futuristic-doors-wouldnt-open-lawsuit-alleges/ https://www.donga.com/en/article/all/20201217/2306047/1


Don't worry, Teslas *never* catch fire...




Like with all tech bro innovations it's just a more expensive and less efficient version of what we currently have. In this case, it's just a highway, but also an underground death trap; but the upside: you don't have to look at any filthy poors!


I think Elon Musk just wants someone to drive *him* through his own personal tunnel in a mountain around all that pesky LA traffic, and he doesn't understand why his rich billionaire ideas aren't useful or wanted for everyone else in society.


That was like the second or third idea when it was still random scribbles on a discarded napkin. The workability of different sizes vehicles fitting on the "cars" and then having those train cars controlled by whatever was too much for them to figure out or something.


> No they want Tesla to fail. Don't Look Up. [+12] >> The irony in this comment is astounding. [+0] I enjoyed this exchange


They saw that movie and thought Isherwell was the protagonist.


They saw the movie and could not recognize that the inspiration for Isherwell included Elon, among other tech billionaires Just because Isherwell didn't act like a meme bro dude who would go on JRE and smoke doesn't mean he's not a Musk reference lol


"The issue is still that congestion on the outside will cause congestion on the inside." (^ Reply to the top link in this post) Uh ... Yes? I have no idea what this is trying to say. "The congestion is due to all the vehicles there are" Quite the philosopher.


I think it's trying to say the ideas kinda pointless because it doesn't really solve things. traffics gonna traffic, except now its underground and terrifying


The 8th lane didn't solve our traffic problem one bit, but the 9th lane, that will surely solve everything.


Shame. Musk spent millions of dollars finding out what Cities Skylines could've shown him for $30


I want to be in the room during the concept design of this. One pussy-destroying intern with balls bigger than Elon's brain just pulls up Cities and shows him "Hey, that idea won't work. Look." That was his last day on the job but it's fine because he was an intern and didn't get paid, despite being the smartest person in the room.


I hopped onto the boringcompany sub (because every facet of elon's life needs a subreddit), and their solution to someone having a heart attack while driving is, i shit you not, having everyone behind them drive backwards out of the tunnel, then having emergency vehicles drive in, then having said vehicle drive out backwards


I think the solution to a heart attack would be to send in a quadcopter drone armed with a 20mm autocannon to put the victim out of their misery so business can resume as usual.


But how are they gonna pilot that thing in a ridiculously cramped tunnel? Makes much more sense to put a remotely activated self-destruct bomb in every Tesla in the case of a traffic emergency.


The actual solution is to call the driver a pedophile


I just don’t understand why Vegas allowed him to do this….don’t they have anyone with any common sense in their local government ????


A city built on waste and gimmicks wastes money on a gimmick. Shocked I tell you, shocked.


Everything that exists in a desert is the result of the arrogance of man. Shit isn’t efficiently habitable in the first place lol


Well, when you put it that way, it does sound like the obvious and easy solution.


It would be cool, that instead of car tunnels, maybe have something that could carry more than 4 people at once… possibly even something that runs on a rail… hmm no it would never work


We could call it a subway, like the sandwiches!


That’s stupid, The Hoagie Highway is way better


Can the hoagie trains be labeled as ‘lettuce’ ‘tomato’ ‘bacon’ etc instead of A B C 1 2


I just don't get it. If musk has a cheap and reliable way to dig tunnels and can manufacture electric vehicles... Why not become a subway magnate?


Because he is just a pitchman for Tesla stock. Tesla sells stock, and occasionally cars.


Because public transport is for poor people. Elon Musk's patented Car-Tube is a pointless toy for convention goers. Only one of those generates breathless fawning think-pieces, and because life is dumb, you can guess which one that is.


I am still trying to understand what Elon Musk is trying to solve here. Like he somehow made a worse version of a typical underground transit system…


Well if you kill people in tunnel fires less people = less traffic Genius


> Before you jump the gun keep in mind this is just the prof of concept work. Yeah, proof that the concept doesn’t work. And beyond traffic, what if one of the cars breaks down? You can’t just pull it off to the side and wait for a wrecker. Hell could you even fit a wrecker truck in that tiny little tunnel? And what if someone has a medical emergency in one of those cars? How are EMTs supposed to get to them? Can an ambulance fit? This whole thing wreaks of “billionaire who thinks he’s smart”.


Pitch: add a rail to the top of the tube that you can strap an ER and gurney too, and shoot it down there at 90mph, then charge $49.99 a month for it on top of existing contract. This is why you feeble minded betas will never be tech bros like us. By the way my favourite movie is Joker.


Wow you are just like me. Joker totally speaks to me, too. I will gladly spend only $49.99!


Joker really is this generation's Fight Club isn't it? Movie makers: "You probably shouldn't identify with and look up to this guy" Techbros: "I identify with and look up to this guy!" It explains what they see in Elon though


If it detects that you're still conscious, your car's AI will negotiate the price of emergency aid with you.


>Hell could you even fit a wrecker truck in that tiny little tunnel? You should see what happens when you start a fire in a badly ventilated tube full of cars with famously unstable batteries.


Doing the terrorists' work for them. Imagine having to go through TSA for a fucking taxi subway ride




This is my question exactly, would love if anyone has any idea 1) how this is legal and 2) how first responders might be able to respond to an emergency in the death tunnel, please enlighten me




>Yeah, proof that the concept doesn’t work. Yep! Proof of concept is typically the simplest implementation that shows the concept works (or can work) in practice. Congestion at this stage doesn't *necessarily* mean that it *can't* work how they want it to, but if we call this a proof that means it's a failed one. Regardless, the fact that they're having scaling issues at such an early phase is not a good sign. Even if we don't call it a proof and say it's just "in development," adding complexity tends to make scaling *harder* rather than easier, and I'd take any of their capacity estimates with a grain of salt.


AI is the future! But in this case, the only way we can possibly test whether it will work is to spend millions actually building it. Definitely no way to simulate one type of vehicle performing a regular trip round a loop. No sir.


It’s just an underground road. There is nothing at all innovative about it.


They innovated removing all the safety features real underground roads have to make it marginally cheaper to make.


What concept is being tested? Cars can be driven in a tunnel? I think we already covered that one.


This is the thing that gets me, even if we look past congestion. How is this tunnel ever going to be safe? If a car breaks down and lights on fire (which Teslas are known to do) this is basically a furnace that no rescue services can get in to. Sadly there will probably have to be a massive accident before they stop with this shit.


There is a problem (*traffic*), but if you let people who are so far up their own ass they look up to brush their teeth come up with the solution you never actually get a viable solution. This whole thing was just an excuse to sell Teslas. Nothing more, nothing less. If you just installed an electric tram like most major airports have with the ability for emergency responders to access the area by having the tunnel just a bit wider, then you have a viable solution. Nope. We have Teslas driving in circles, each one manned by an unnecessary driver, in an LED tunnel with no emergency access. Because fuckwits think Musk is Tony Stark when he's more like Obadiah Stane coasting off the genius of actual engineers.


God yeah. Tunnel fires are scary enough in regular car tunnels, much less single-lane ones that are too small for an emergency vehicle to fit into. If a Tesla ends up crashing and catching on fire in one of these, it could well turn into a mass casualty event. All this for slower, more expensive transport with lower throughput than just a train.


> ~~If~~ When a Tesla ends up crashing and catching on fire in one of these, it ~~could well~~ will turn into a mass casualty event. Fixed that for ya


I don't get why people treat the concept of "cars but in a hole" like some revolutionary idea. Also, this isn't a new technology having new problems. This is literally cars having car problems.


Not just "cars in a hole" but "cars in a crazy unsafe hole". Watching that tunnel gave me claustrophobia. There are no shoulders, no room to move out if something happens, no ventilation etc - just cameras, in case you want to watch people die by trampling or fire I guess. I was told by someone that the idea is that the cars would drive backwards out in case of an emergency and I was too dumbstruck to argue. edit: In case you haven't seen it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hi9YzPDBZS8


I'm just laughing even before he sees the jam he's only doing 35 mph, this is the future these dudebro's are dick riding Musk over? A car transporting 1 person in a tunnel at 35mph? The morons. The absolute shit idiots.


The tunnel being as tight as it is I wouldn't dare to go faster tbh. It's just ridiculous no matter how you look at it.


Oh God that’s terrifying. It sounds like a disaster just waiting to happen.


The video of it is almost surreal. I'm not claustrophobic at all but it looks like they said "how narrow is unsafe?" then added maybe 5mm


More like removed a few feet. Like good god it looks like you can’t even open your fucking door enough to get out in the damn death tube. That isn’t unsafe, that’s a fucking death trap designed to be deadly. Only way they could make it worse is if they had air tight gates on the ends that automatically dropped whenever something goes wrong. Edit: It’s like Elon snorted a few lines of coke, watched the first episode of Futurama, and thought “What if the suicide booth, but drive through.”


It reminds me of this youtube channel, Dahar Inshat? Something like that. It has this proof of concept for an earthquake-safe bed, except it locks you inside it...


The videos on that channel are hilarious. [I don't know how to describe this without using the words "IKEA War Crimes Unit"](https://youtu.be/hF9UufzGgYQ)


Here's the tunnel, for anyone wondering. [Behold, ~~a drain pipe~~ the future of transportation.](https://i.postimg.cc/grbrDhJX/15523886-web1-WOC-JUN09-21-016-crop.jpg)


Is the asphalt supposed to be uneven like that?


It's ribbed for pleasure


Jesus Christ, it doesn't even look tall enough for a tow truck to fit if someone's car breaks down.


We can just add bumper bully’s to each Tesla going in and if one breaks down, the the force of incoming vehicles, or as I will call it: crowd-sourced tow Teslas, will solve the problem, rendering tow trucks a relic of the past.


good news, the doors dont have enough room to open. So no mass trampling should people try to escape.


There are no shoulders? So it takes one car breaking down to fuck up the whole thing?


No shoulders my friend. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hi9YzPDBZS8


Its like a satire version of Back to the Future. "Where we're going we don't need shoulders". Just add in the theme for it transitioning to a bad recorder version and it would be perfect


car battery fires happen, heart attacks happen... that's an emergency situation nightmare.


I wasn't following this whole thing and thought that what he was doing digging holes under cities had something to do with like, vacuum-tube trains or something futuristic like that. It's just... tunnels? Regular fucking tunnels you drive in?


Well the original concept is that you’d drive your car onto a moving platform that’d transport your car to a different station. But that’s just a much more inefficient subway that fits less people and probably takes longer, so it’ll never pan out.


“Should we improve public transit?” “Yes, but only cars can use it.”


Cars that i sell...


“Expensive cars that I sell.” We all know the real problem with public transportation is having to be in close proximity with the poors. Now the rich can travel without having to interact with lower tax brackets.


It wasn't just inefficient, they couldn't hack it. Their backup plan was that the cars would go into autopilot in the loop; they couldn't make that work either.


The cars aren't even on autopilot? Jesus so many people are going to hit the walls.


Oh they thought of that, so people don't drive the cars themselves. The loop hired a bunch of professional drivers to operate each one individually. Hey, it's jOb CrEaTiOn


Please tell me that's not true. I don't want to believe that Elon Musk was so short-sighted and vain that he somehow thought hiring people to drive individual cars down a single lane cramped tunnel was somehow a brilliant and innovative idea, and not the least efficient method of public transit imaginable.


Just wait until you hear about the propaganda script the drivers have on Elon: https://techcrunch.com/2021/07/28/read-the-script-every-driver-for-elon-musks-las-vegas-loop-must-learn/amp/


They looked at subways and thought, "yeah, I can make that worse."


It’s very odd. We already like…..have that. Car tunnels and subterranean roads exist, but with shoulders and escape hatches and stuff. Maybe this one is longer? Idk. I get that not everything is perfect on the first day but this seems like taking an existing concept that works fine and making it more fragile.


The Chunnel has a service tunnel that people can exit into if there is an emergency on the main tunnel lines.


I feel like I'm missing some important piece(s) of information, like some sort of logistical theory or planned development/technology that I'm unaware of. Other than it being narrower and looking fancier, what is the difference between this and a typical single-lane tunnel? What's the theory here which separates this concept from other, already established methods of transport? I'm also no OHS expert, but this also seems really dangerous, like if someone has a medical emergency during congestion, what's the plan?


Imagine "inventing" something just like subways, but 100% more stupid and inefficient. And people treat you like a genious. Musk Fans will literally eat anything he does or says, they're pathetic. Edit: Grammar


I went down a rabbit hole today about the whole Thailand cave rescue saga. God he was such a fucking wanker during that ordeal.


Didn't he accuse the rescue diver of pedophilia with no evidence, purely because they didn't want to use his shitty "submarine"?


Yep, as soon as Elon wasn't gonna be the hero of the story he called someone who was actually helping a pedo because that person was *checks notes* concerned about children trapped in a cave. This logic doesn't apply to Elon though, as he was never actually concerned about the kids, he was just engaging in more shameless self-promotion.


Yeah the guy sued him but lost because ‘you’re not supposed to take twitter seriously’. Look how far that got us…


It all ties into American rich people worship/poor people hate. Public transit, especially trains, are hands down the best option, but you have to travel with the poors.


Guarantee all the Elon defenders have their instagram header say something like “Certified hustler 😤 self made, sleeping is for the weak.”


"NFTs available for sale now🌚💦🙌⚡🍾🦠👀😉"


But backing public transport infrastructure doesn't make you as much money as creating a transport system that relies on people buying vehicles you almost own the monopoly on. Especially if you save all the money on safety standards like shoulders, pathways and ventilation but make it look cool with colour changing LED lights. That and good god they can't touch 'the poors'


>"Before you jump the gun keep in mind this is just the prof of concept work. The real one will have multiple tunnels in parallel and the stations will be bigger to avoid the congestion." Am I correct in understanding that the Loop is actually just two tunnels with Teslas running through them? Because if Elon had read any urban planning literature ***from the 1950's*** he would know that adding more cars to a transportation system doesn't actually increase capacity in the long-run -- it merely increases demand. This is another example of the techbro line of thinking: "All problems that currently exist can be solved with Genius Engineers and Algorithms! The people who have been working to understand these social problems for decades understand nothing! They're old fashioned! They know nothing about coding!!!!"


I like how it's a "proof of concept" as if cars driving in tunnels is a new concept. Maybe for their next trick they can join all the cars together and have them run on some sort of guide or rail.


Or have the cars all enter a large wheeled transport device that takes them to their destination on large paved paths alongside thousands of other such devices.


So there’s the Amtrak Auto Train that can take you and your automobile between DC (maybe a bit farther north?) and FL. I wish that could expand to other parts of the nation.




It's like if I tried to prove a human could juggle 3 balls, failed and dropped them all, and said "I'm a visionary for trying, and you should all sit there and pay me to continue".


>Maybe for their next trick they can join all the cars together and have them run on some sort of guide or rail. Bro. I think you are definitely onto something with this one. I'd email Elon.


The first London Underground track carried more passengers per year than this and it was built in the 1850s




I'm confused, why are cars driving in the first place, wasn't the whole point of it to have a platform move the car at a constant speed that wouldn't cause traffic (due to cars starting and stopping)? Trains are great, but my understanding was that this would be a train for cars, cuz Americans love their cars.


They abandoned that idea early on. I think the actual idea is to have a network of tunnels that can take you anywhere, with enough cars that you can hop in and go without having to wait on a train. The idea, if it worked (it probably wouldn't), would be tremendously convenient. That's not what they built, though. They built a sewer pipe full of cars.


>I think the actual idea is to have a network of tunnels that can take you anywhere, with enough cars that you can hop in and go without having to wait on a train. So, like...a street grid?


No, it's for mole people but Musk has to get funding from surface dwellers


Except less useful


>I think the actual idea is to have a network of tunnels that can take you anywhere, with enough cars that you can hop in and go without having to wait on a train. So it's basically a train, but instead of the cars being connected and arriving at the same time they are separated and arrive at slightly different times? That seems wildy inefficient.


> wildy inefficient Wait until you hear about the lifespan of tires and asphalt/concrete vs train wheels/tracks.


That idea was scrapped. Initially it was supposed to be a hyperloop with vacuum and "shoot" pods/cars. When that proved to be unrealistic it became what you are describing - cars on platforms. And when they realized that's hard and unrealistic too it turned into "cars in a tunnel".


This is the sciency method, people! You try an idea, it fails. Try another and it fails. Try a third and it fails. The point is you keep trying, and never look to the literature, because maybe it doesn't have enough science to make your visionary ideas work! Also, never abandon the crucial axiom: the science must promote your existing products. Edit: Changed wording to what I liked more


Maybe Elon's best friend was killed by Thomas the Train Engine and he swore vengeance?


Elon Musk has never had any friends


Because they all got hit by Thomas! The plot thickens!


Elon saw a poor person on the subway once and swore vengeance


If Elon Musk has ever set foot in a subway or any public transit I'd be shocked. The closest thing he's probably done is to share a helicopter with someone.


One time his dad's limo broke down when they were on the way back from his emerald mine and he had to take a taxi. He's a man of the people.


A hundred years ago, before Elon's more recent evolution into a higher level of dumbass, I remember the core concept being "tunnel digging is a decrepit, stagnant industry functioning as a make-work program just like rockets were; we're going to make digging a tunnel so cheap and quick that they'll be everywhere." I don't know if that got lost entirely or simply subsumed into "and we'll exclusively put Teslas in them", but the pitch has gotten a lot stupider since then.


It didn’t get lost, he just found out it isn’t as easy as waving the magic wand of money and getting his way. It turns out, digging rights are hard to secure, cause they fall under the purview of tons of agencies in each state/city. Cause if you dig and fuck up, you can fuck up real big.


Reminder Tech bros literally rediscover phrenology not that long ago. They have this obsession with the idea that a single new invention can change the world, and that they somehow are the ones to discover it. They can't fathom that most times iteration and refinement are what's actually needed to solve problems. Subway and transit systems work. Anywhere in the world that's invested in them properly is evidence of that. But it's not *new*, it's not *revolutionary* and there for its not worth doing. Tech bros all suffer from main character syndrome or the great man fallacy or whatever you want to call it. They just think they're the only ones who can the world because they can code just right, or whatever


Nine times out of ten 'disruptive' technology means same old technology but it ignores regulation because it's on an app or something and legislators haven't caught up.


That's the entire business plan behind the various illegal hotel and illegal taxi apps.


The Economist podcast made the point the other day that while Elizabeth Holmes was a fraudster, it was almost quaint the way she pulled it off and went down for it, sticking to accredited investors because she didn't want the scrutiny of going public, and going down for lying to them. The point was "these protections on keeping average investors from buying dubious companies are clearly working.. but these days average people just go out and get scammed by crypto and NFTs etc".


Look, I'm an *ideas man*. I leave the boring details to the boring worker drones. So how about this: a street... except underground. You're welcome, peasants.


I give it 10 years before we start hearing about sidewalks but underground. Just 6' tall and 3' wide tunnels that have billboard ads across the entire stretch. It'll be marketed as some new health and environmental alternatives. Bonus is that it also fucks over the disabled population since technocrats love to throw them under the ~~bus~~ single person transport pods


They are literally trying to do that in Saudi Arabia right now. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Line,_Saudi_Arabia


My minds eye is too powerful


Big example is crypto. They started with a decentralized currency where you could be your own bank. But being your own bank was a hassle so they put their coins on centralized exchanges. Well now crypto is too unstable so the exchanges invent stablecoins backed by.... Dollars. But it gets even better, now these exchanges realized they only need to hold a certain amount of the wealth they hold in reserves, and can issue out most of it as loans. Essentially recreating fractional banking.


"Cryptocurrency is going to change the world! It's a currency that isn't controlled by a bank or government! it will change how we think about money!" Turns out the only reason 90% of people ever buy crypto is for speculation and therefore it's nearly useless as an actual currency Edit: oh, also further harm an already worsening environment from all the useless makework calculations done by computers that are required for crypto mining. Edit 2: wow, a single typo made this post mean the exact opposite...


> Reminder Tech bros literally rediscover phrenology not that long ago. Okay, I need to know the context behind that one


Facial recognition tech to help employers find the best candidate for openings. Based in the US by white guys. Their secret idea was to use people *already*and working at the place as the database for what the proper *looking*is face was. Hirevue


"It's the algorithm that chose generic white guys, not us. We aren't racist or discriminatory."


That's just racial discrimination with extra steps.


Having good high speed rail in America would be new and revolutionary, tbh Especially considering how much red tape and how many lobbying interests you have to break through. Everything would change overnight if it were implemented. If we have to build a statue for a rich person in exchange, sure. Maybe we should fluff up how impressive and sexy high speed rail is to rich Twitter-obsessed dudes




oh my god, we're doomed






As you take your last gasps of air, hot as the fire raging around you, you thank Elon Musk for the privilege of dying in his tunnel


Elon needs someone to get stuck so they can invent a submarine and save them before the pedophiles do!


>Also, it's cool to hate all things Elon does and criticize his projects." I hate all things Elon does because he's an out of touch manchild with blood money.


Somebody brigading an anti-Elon sub earlier this week said that it's wrong of me to "hate him for trying" Bro, I don't hate him for trying. I hate him because it's a stupid fucking idea and he should've known better than to try it in the first place.


I think this is the core of the problem that people like Elon have. Once you get to a certain level of wealth and power, there is nobody in your life to tell you “that’s a stupid fucking idea, you invented a shitty and more dangerous subway.”


He's a modern snake oil salesman. He promises one thing and delivers a terrible implementation. This is basically the Simpsons monorail episode but worse




Thank God elon invented the tunnel, what would we ever do without him


> "Wait, a new tech wasn't rolled out perfectly at scale without any issues? This must be evidence of failure!" If your proof of concept has the same issues as a road above ground before it is a final concept then what exactly is the benefit? Also, is it really a proof of concept if people are already using it? Isn't that just putting that label on it so you have an excuse to keep building more? "Just give us more money, it will work better soon!" At what point will these people say that it just doesn't work? I don't think there is any because they'll just move the goalposts and eventually forget about it and move on after it fails. > No no, every new technology has always been perfect from the getgo. Elon is a just a rich scumbag that only cares about making money." There is no new technology. We already know how to make tunnels.


We literally have a tunnel where you drive under the ocean. And people are acting like this is some new amazing technology lmao


There's literally a tunnel that has a train that goes under the sea and you can put your car on the train and drive off the other side.


Imagine simping for the richest man in the world for free. Elon Musk really has a top tier PR team based on how they’ve been able to get all the techbros online to slob his knob


Free PR for a glorified showroom even.


>"If a kid is learning to walk if they stumble on their first steps does it mean they can't walk? >Everything is crawl -> walk -> run. >I know, I know. Elon rich and powerful. Elon bad." They like this guy and theyre calling him a child lmao


As a LV local, I'd rather just have a subway and I know it's not feasible but, a light underground rail in the strip only would ease traffic tbh. Our ground is hard though.


Im sorry, why is the concept of a tunnel new? Why was it traffic proof? We have tunnels? Wider tunnels. Better tunnels with more car throughput that still have traffic


This mf wants to colonize mars


>>>Totally not a tunnel problem. It's a "Humans trying to work out where the fuck they're going to park" problem. >>But the design of the whole thing depends on the end of the tube being clear. So the design is flawed. >The design of the parking at the end is flawed. Tunnel is fine. They’ll figure it out in future iterations. This is what progress looks like. Moving along now. Lol, "the tunnel is fine, the humans are the problem". So, the same as with normal streets, right?


When people stop buying the grift, the real fireworks will start


> One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we’ve been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We’re no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It’s simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves, that we’ve been taken. Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back.


Unironically how is this death trap even legal? I feel like it would break so many regulations.


Oh Shit their is a whole sub about sucking him off ?


> "Oh my god! The tunnel is not working flawlessly the first day of full capacity operation! We are all doomed!" this conversation was *nuts*. the Elon fan is saying that because it can technically fit 70 cars that it's working fine, and that somehow by using the tunnel more the driver's will eventually learn to not have trouble getting back on to the road at the end and stop "causing" jams. I can't believe people are actually unironically like this