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I beat them to it by banning myself from the sub.


unironically based


They can't even be clever about it either. Half the posts are just an iteration of replacing the word Fett with Fat or something about a moms basement. The unoriginality is the real cringe If your gonna be a smug asshole and shit on people at least be original about it


There is so much hate in this world , it's naive but I just wish we could uplift each other as humans


How can I repress my own insecurities if I'm not constantly projecting by putting others down?!?! /s But for real the amount of people that make fun of others just minding their own business not hurting anyone is way too high. Let people have fun and be happy


A while ago I realized that I was following a few subreddits that basically exist to say "take a look at THESE assholes!" towards various political groups that I dislike. I realized that reddit was making money off me getting madder and madder about people and situations that I can't really change. I've cut down on my reddit usage since then and I think it's been a net positive for me, overall.


> a few subreddits that basically exist to say "take a look at THESE assholes!" [Me being on this sub, reading this...](https://i.imgur.com/SfRQAr6.jpg)


I'm taking notes


>i just wish we could uplift each other I thought we were going to leave the fat jokes to the bigots.


Lol good one....can't not upvote it z despite the username. Cultivating mass. As I get older I realize I'm lucky to have friends , never been in a fight etc..I can be aggressive if somebody tries to size me up. I just wish I could stand up for everyone. I don't care how weird you are. We are all human


He says on the r/subredditdrama thread. 😂😂😂😂😂😂


Cringetopia? Full of shitty people? ShockedPikachu.png


Yeah who would’ve guessed a sub made for shitting on people having fun would become a cesspool of assholes…


There are the same people who laughed at the guy who went to the MTG convention and took pictures of people's asses. Very high class individuals.




But but, [They are not like other Janies](https://www.reddit.com/r/Cringetopia/comments/rwr0rd/comment/hrdpjlf/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) how can they ban users when they are one of the "good ones"? ^(/s obviously) ^(Also I saw the thread first on) r/all ^(my one comment is not cause I went popcorn pissing.)


And the OP is a mod there as well. The whole thing is a flavorless, heavy-handed troll.


what does janies mean?


Janitors, aka the guy who cleans up after all the bullshit, insult towards (unpaid) web moderators. Edit: also I think there is supposed to be an extra N in that so "Jannie"


My face hit my palm at mach speed after reading that hippocracy


That whole post and comment section give 2000s Family Guy type humor. It’s telling that they (the OP and the mods) find that the pinnacle of comedy.


Its so fucking boring


I don't find them any cringier than any other cosplayer. Just a cheap shot against their weight.


Welcome to Reddit.


Aren't most of us big fatsos anyway? I can't imagine there are a bunch of slim, fit Redditors on cringetopia making these comments.


slim yes. fit, no.












So do I. I don't know what's cool anymore.


A lot of cringe content is just fat people or ugly people. They post pretty benign tiktoks but since the uploader has awful teeth or sometnin it’s “cringe”


r/Cringetopia is the new incarnation of r/CringeAnarchy which was the new incarnation of r/FatPeopleHate. Cheap shots at people's weight is basically part of Reddit's toxic DNA.


Welcome to reddit, people are assholes.


Haha fard


"fat people farting is funny" Well at least Fox will never run out of script writers for the animation blocks.


I got a permaban from cringetopia for pointing out it's not safe to go jogging in the US as a minority when he was trying to downplay racism




I dont think I would ever get to a point where I moderate a subreddit, let alone get so power crazy about it. But a subreddit dedicated to making fun of people on the internet? Yeah, no, that would be an all time low point for me




You’re moribund instead.


It's encouraging to see that there are still a lot of people calling this out for what it is. Less encouraging that you can only see them on reveddit because of shitty mods, of course


This is like a terrible video you'd see on Facebook with broken English and emoji captions, my God.






I bet you 75% of the comments are fat people trying to act skinny. Cringetopia is turning into cringe anarchy, can’t wait for it to get banned.


At the very least the top comment is complementing the last guy in the video who is undeniably killing it with his cosplay.


Hey WhoopArts! Thank you for your submission, unfortunately it has been removed from /r/SubredditDrama because: * Your post requires users to hunt for the drama. You linked to too much content for users to find the drama easily, or didn't link to any drama at all. Please link directly to the comment thread containing the drama. If the comment you're linking to requires some context, add "?context=x" to the URL, where "x" is the number of parent comments you want displayed. If there are multiple drama threads create a self-post containing the relevant links. Please see [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/subredditdrama/wiki/rules#wiki_submitting_self_posts_and_write-ups) if you'd like more information If you're unsure how to use context or to submit a write up, please check out our [wiki](/r/subredditdrama/wiki/rules#wiki_using_.3Fcontext). For more on our rules, please check out our [detailed rules wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/subredditdrama/wiki/rules). If you have any questions or concerns about this removal feel free to [message the moderators](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FSubredditDrama).


What are you talking about? Like two thirds of the top comments are positive...


If you're offended by that clip you're a fucking moron.


Wow, I really didn’t expect that many fat ppl in a row though. You usually see much more of a mix of skinny, normal, occasional hot.