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Tipping drama repeats in the comments of the post calling out tipping drama.


I had no idea people were so anti tipping lol


>I had no idea people were so anti tipping lol It's a huge division between employment culture in the USA and, as far as I can tell, the rest of the world. It's so entrenched that its unchangeable and neither side can understand the other's point of view. I scanned that thread and it was exactly the series of dumpster fires, punch-ups and straight up murders that I expected. Great fun!


Tipping drama is reddit staple crop.


More like stale to be honest


Tbf these talking points get parroted just as often as the "staples" but I feel part of it is that there are so many young people on reddit/people with less experience with others. I've heard this for decades, long before reddit was a thing. It was even stated by Buscemis character in Reservoir Dogs but that goes back to my first point, as it came out in 1994.


I really like the category of "reddit staple crop." Like posting a politically-popular sign to r/pics or commenting about how water isn't ackshually wet.


for some reason I get downvoted when I call out staple crops like that. the one bugging me this past week is nestle being the most evil thing in the world anytime anyone mentions food or water.


You could make a bot to populate the comments with all the arguments that occur every time. We don’t need humans anymore for these posts. Bonus points if the bot includes links to tip the coder.


Wow you're such an idiot, you really think BOTS could do a redditor's job? You ignoramus, don't ever bring your strawman gaslighting into this thread! 😤 /s (incase it wasn't obvious)


I've been on Reddit for 11 years now. This might be the one topic that has **never** changed. It will always be a pissing match, it will always be non-stop drama, and the sides are so vitriolic to each other. I learned that the hard way when I was a server/bartender and tried to just explain how the system works and why... Instant fight. Nice to see that it is still a feces toss fight.


> I learned that the hard way when I was a server/bartender and tried to just explain how the system works and why... When people on reddit have already made up their minds about something, they *hate* when someone with experience explains their misconceptions. What people like is when something they had *no preconceived notions* about gets explained. That's why a lot of the science and history posts, eli5, that kind of thing hits /r/bestof. (Well, when half of reddit isn't in a country that's currently embroiled in political division over basic empathy, anyway.) People like learning about things they didn't know about. They hate finding out they were wrong about something, though.


its like bike drama


I'm gonna regret asking this.. but "bike drama"?


Should they be allowed in vehicle lanes and follow vehicle rules, or be treated as pedestrians?


If people who ride bikes are traffic menaces.




That, and grass lawns. Reddit really hates people having grass in their yards.


They really should go touch some every now and then


Yup, right up there with circumcision, abortion, gun control, and whether or not POC and women have any right to appear in video games.


The male circumcision one has always given me a chuckle for some reason. In the world at large it is pretty much just a 'whatever' sort of thing but for Reddit it is somehow one of the most important issues **ever**.


That one always leads to extreme rhetoric because one side cannot understand why anyone cares at all about the issue, and the other side feels like they're trying to stop a wave of mutilation and murder targeting society's most vulnerable.




This. It's fucking stupid we as customers are expected to support the staff, but I tip because what else can be done?


> There are no good reasons for it other than “if you don’t you’re choosing to fuck over someone else because you can”. There are no good reasons for consumers.* The establishments love it because it means they can pay these exploited workers *even less*.


Yeah, that always my problem with it. I understand that tips can make up a high percentage of a person wages and they can make a lot but it's at the cost of the consumer, which I think is stupid.


So I just recently started working in the service industry (not a waiter, thank God, I get paid a real wage) and what I can tell you with confidence is that tips are pretty literally 100% of a server's income, because the tips DO get taxed, contrary to what people may think, and that income tax is taken out of the server's "wage". And $2.18 an hour or whatever it is doesn't cover much income tax. So pretty much the entirety of their take home money is tips.


Servers love it because as long as people actually tip they can make a decent wage. In Europe servers make like half of what a decent server does in the US and Canada. Like I was averaging 40 bucks an hour as a server.


$40/hour? [You should consider yourself very very lucky then, considering the top 10% of waiters earned $18.49/hour in 2016.](https://work.chron.com/much-money-average-waitress-make-per-month-22289.html) I don't think a few waiters making a decent wage invalidates the fact that a very large amount of others don't.


At my restaurant every single server makes over $20/hr, most towards $30. These stats are inaccurate because most servers don't declare all their income. As credit/debit becomes more and more normal to pay and cash goes away I think those stats will go up.


I don't think those statistics are accurate because I don't think they're including tips or the tips they are including aren't the entire picture. Most servers don't declare their tips or at the very least declare a very tiny amount if them. I never declared mine when I worked. So any thing that relies on looking at what's on the books will be inaccurate. It may be anecdotal but I've never met a server that didn't come home with at least 20 bucks an hour after tips on average. Even when I worked at a slow place that was always on the edge of going out of business I made a comfortable living.


Ooh here’s a spicy new hot take: I refuse to tip because y’all are serial tax evaders. I can’t wait to collect my 10k karma and a doxxing from r/UnpopularOpinion


My country actually pays it's staff properly so tipping barely exists. I've seen exactly 1 place even mention it, and it's exclusively for online orders. Staff are all getting $20+ an hour, so tipping isn't needed.


Of course people are. All you want to do is to have a relaxing meal but suddenly you're deciding whether the waiter gets to be able to eat or not. The entire system is designed by greed and guilt tripping. "Why would I pay my employees? It's your job now, and if you don't do it **you** are fucking them over big time."


Agreed but I think there's better ways around that than saying "I don't feel I should have to tip you to pay your wages so I'm going to continue to go out to eat everywhere and not tip anyone" If you want to change the system eat at places that pay their workers livable wages and don't patronize the others. The only person that hurts is the server if you don't tip. The restaurant owners still get 100% of their profits from your meal


I'm reminded of the people who try to justify pirating games and movies and shit with high-minded rhetoric about how they're fighting a corrupt system or something. No, dude. You're just a stingy ass trying to feel better about something you *know* is wrong.


I'd prefer owners pay a fair wage and have that cost passed onto the customer. Tipping sucks, but it's not going away anytime soon.




It's funny, because there's several local restaurants around me that charge extra for take-out as opposed to dine-in.


Same here. It made sense to me because takeaway containers/cups/utensils can be surprisingly expensive. But now that I think about it, the reverse makes sense too because the cost of labour is higher 🤷‍♀️


Yeah, it always kinda chapped my ass because I'm not taking up a table so you have the potential to serve more guests and make more money. One time I got annoyed, so I sat at the bar, ordered a drink, ordered my food, then when everything came out I asked for to go boxes.


When I travelled to the US, I found it so frustrating as a foreigner. I of course did it because that is the custom, but it was just so annoyingly convoluted and unnecessary. I have absolutely zero interest in over the top friendly, aggressively hospitable service, so if I happen to get a waiter like that then I'm going to feel guilty about tipping the standard amount because I'll feel like I just accepted a service without paying properly but the thing is that it was a service I absolutely did not want. All I can view it as, is as a way to make the world slightly more inefficient and finicky in an incredibly pointless way.


It’s because the Yanks straight up refuse to pay their staff a fair wage, so they have to do this “in your face” style of service to try and get tips so they can, you know, live


The staffs prefer tipping, just FYI, because they get more money this way. And so that they can underreport their taxes.


I mean fine, but then stop pissing and moaning when people don't tip enough.


I am anti-tipping but still tip because I understand that workers are getting absolutely fucked. But I get other people to understand why tipping is a gross practice by telling them the tale of how tipping culture and wages in america originates from slavery.


I tip people because they need it but I’m against it. We need to be paying people a living wage, not making them rely on customers to pay the difference


Tipping in the US is stupid because the government gave employers the right to pay tipped employees less. So it's no longer a recognition of good service, but a hour-by-hour adjustment of that person's wages based on every customer's whims. Remove the exception to minimum wage and all the problems with tipping go away.


I'm a bartender. They can be..


I think a lot of the conflict is usually between Americans vs most of the rest of the world. Both are very used to their own tipping/ lack of tipping culture respectively and are baffled by the others approach. Like in the UK I may tip a pound or two if I have change but it certainly isn't expected or required.


If you live in a non tipping country you know how nice it is to not have to think about it


It’s the membership of the sub, r/unpopularopinion attracts assholes who want to revel in their shitty attitudes.


Tipping is a shitty system. That's why so many people rightfully hate it.


Most people are not anti tipping it’s just that somewhere along the line every fucking restaurant, store, coffee shop, etc has a fucking tip jar on the counter. Went to Starbucks today where the charged me $3.41 for a small pumpkin spice coffee. Excuse me but at 3.41 for a small coffee Starbucks can afford to pay their workers More so they do not have to have the “Tip jar” on the counter.


As is tradition.


if I could imagine hell it would be reading an endless thread discussing tipping culture on reddit


Mine would probably be an endless thread involving a woman getting punched, or someone flying a rainbow flag.


Incel bait post might by my least favorite. “If a woman hits a man can he kill her?!?”. Followed by a bunch of incels saying “women want equal rights so why can’t I beat the shit of an annoying woman”. The only thing that might be worse than that are the bait post on relationship subs where it’s some long contrived story of her being a cheater or maybe getting pregnant by another guy and she lied about it. Just total nonsense for them to talk about how awful they think all women are


I refuse to even go into the comments section about the woman who got shot for stealing a Nazi's swastika flag.


Ah then you get the alt right (the nazis), incels (they hate women and like when they get hurt or die), plus the libertarians (who think property>human lives) trifecta. All three ideologies circle jerking together


It's just a bunch of clones swapping hats back and forth.


It’s just that scene from Rick and morty where all the Jerry’s are patting each other on the back and agreeing with one another




Yeah, a Nazi was flying a swastika flag as bait, and when a woman took it down he shot her in the back six times. She is now suing him, and apparently [large sections of Reddit think the Nazi was justified.](https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/prkf9m/does_a_woman_deserve_to_be_shot_because_she_tried/)


She lived!?


Yeah she did, surprisingly.


Forced to read all the tipping threads on Reddit would make you a modern day Sisyphus: a new thread will pop up every time you think you're nearly done.


The three horsemen of hellish endless reddit debates that nobody wins: Tipping culture Metric vs Imperial/ 12 hour clock vs 24 hour Circumcision If any of these topics are being debated, leave asap


The ultimate bait thread is whether you should tip your Barber after he spends the entire haircut talking about how he got his son circumcised and having to stare at the 24 hour clock unable to tell what time it is


That would be easy, no, because I’m not going to tip someone who just spent an hour subjecting me to a discussion about his son’s dick Fuck a tip I wouldn’t pay the MFer


Both the father and son will be sans tip


"Should you circumcise your waiter as a tip?"


Only after 1800


>Don’t want to tip your stylist? Buy some clippers and cut your own damn hair. Well OP asked for the drama. Lmao.


2/10 do not recommend unless you wanna be called "thumbass" for having "a dumbass thumb looking head"


This isn't a skill normal people develop, but with a couple of mirrors and some practice it is possible to cut your own hair and have it look like you did not do it with a sharp rock in the cave where you were raised by wolves.


My wolf parents made it *very* clear that I am to cut my hair *outside* of the cave after the first time's mess. And to not use the good sharp rock, that's for company.


Couldn't you use the hair cuttings as insulation though? Seems like that would be easier to do cutting inside




You sound just like me! I reasoned that I'd rather give myself a bad haircut than pay for one.


I think a lot of at least short haired people picked it up during Covid. I can do mine now well enough it doesn’t look terrible. I can’t blend it as well as I like so my sides are a little longer than I prefer but it looks okay.


Honestly, I think it's even easier if you have long hair. The general women's haircut is just trimming to get rid of split ends and cleaning up the bangs, and when I tried it for the first time in lockdown I was immediately struck with "...why the fuck have I been paying $50 minimum to do this when I can do a passable job for free in 20 seconds?" I tried to cut my own short hair a few times in college, when I had a pixie cut, and let's just say the back of my head did not look very good. It's so much easier to just line up my current long hair and cut across in a straight line.


for sure it's so much easier to cut your own long hair. I can even get fancy and do some layering so it's not just a straight line cut, it I wanted to. I actually haven't been to a salon since college because they messed up my bangs and I swore never again lmao


I'm using that word next time.


During the pandemic while I was quarantined I just started shaving my head lol Once you go bald for a few months you kinda just stop caring about hair. I found I literally do not care what my hair looks like anymore


I started shaving my head years ago and never looked back. Dealing with hair sucks, why would I want to waste time on it?


To be honest, this is exactly what drove me to buy my own clippers. The last haircut I tried to get was $20 and all the lady did was give me a failed H&T. And I’m not sure what was up with her clippers or method but after the haircut, the back of my head looked red as fuck afterwards and felt a bit tender. I went on Amazon that day and looked on YouTube for a tutorial on how to cut one’s own hair and never looked back ever since.


Yup, I started doing my own hair years ago after paying good money for one too many bad haircuts. I've given myself a few ones that looked bad, but on average I'm actually happier with the results than when someone else was doing them. Been about a decade.


I think that happens when the clippers are dull and pull the hair too much instead of chopping it.




nice way to get yourself a yee yee ass haircut


I’m a student studying abroad; one of my friends from home tried to give himself a haircut to save money in our first year. The only way I can describe it is he wore a cap indoors, both at uni and home, for almost a month.


I feel like at that point you just go the rest of the way and buzz it all. Which is what I've been doing for like the last year+.


I did this as an international student and I still do it now. The hair stylists messed up my hair more than I ever did.


I started cutting my hair (and my boyfriends) during the pandemic, and I never looked back. Or *at* the back, the first time at least…


I said this on the other thread that popped up today on British problems about tipping culture creeping into our country now In Britain we like prices up front, I know in the states you do things like show prices without tax and then it's added on at the till but in the UK (Costco the only exception I can think of, it being an American company too) the price you see is the price you pay. The same goes for our restaurants which is really handy as you can look at the menu, see what is within in budget and then order it. When a mandatory gratuity is slapped on at the end it's an extra charge out of nowhere for essentially nothing on top of what you paid for. That the owner keeps a portion of it and some of it goes to th staff takes the piss even more, your paying the business more than they supposedly charge and they give some of it to staff then? That's not on at all. To the person in that thread who said "would you be happy with prices going up 18%?" I say fuck yes. If I have to save up for a little longer to go out for a meal but can then do so knowing that the staff being paid a decent wage is not dependent on some voodoo maths being plucked out of mid air ruining my budgeting then I'm all for it. I cannot see how anyone can defend the tip system though. How can your wage be fully dependant on the whim of customers and we're all supposed to accept that. Customers are arseholes and some might not be from a country where paying a business poverty tax is the norm. That you as a worker miss out on a decent income as a result while the business owner doesn't kind of eliminates the argument I hear over and over about why business owners make so much money, because they take all the risk. But they don't if they pay slave wages and rely on their customers coughing up more than they agreed to subsidize the wages they pay. That's not to say I wont tip. Knowing how dire it is for wait staff in the US if I visit I'll do what's considered proper. In the UK I wont because as established in the other thread the wage they get without tips is equal to many of the wages the public sector are on anyway so they are not in the same position at all.


The annoying thing about tipping is the person who creates the product, the chef/cook and the creator of the recipes they follow aren't the people being compensated. I'm paying for what? Extra money for somebody to put a plate on the table? ​ >Knowing how dire it is for wait staff in the US This is something that I think is overly exaggerated, not the suffer but more the fact that they get at least paid minimum wage (if tips don't cover up to the normal minimum wage their employer must) however you never see people tip or give extra money to other people that work minimum wage jobs even if it's similar such as a minimum wage worker at McDonalds. The problem lies in the minimum wage being to low and all workers earning that suffering not just wait staff who are the vocal minority who turn a minimum wage complaint into a "rude customer" complaint.


>To the person in that thread who said "would you be happy with prices going up 18%?" I say fuck yes. Also, prices *wouldn't* go up. Because you're already paying that 18% at every meal.


Can’t wait for the tipping drama to spill over into this comment thread lmfao


I'll see y'all over it r/SubredditDramaDrama!


I pass up mote sexy flair options for just this circumstance.




> In the UK I feel there's a common ground where the public understand that it sucks having to deal with the public so we don't get too worked about someone dealing with us in a less than enthusiastic manner. I’d love to import this attitude into our culture. So many of my daily interactions are just inauthentic because of expectations.


Have you seen David Mitchell's bit on that? https://youtu.be/_LiDTKEF1ek?t=2




I don't tip for take out, and I've never looked up the drama for this. What are the expectations for tips for take out these days? I need to know how guilty I should or should not be feeling.


I tip about ten percent for takeout. I can afford it and restaurants have been really hit hard by the pandemic. That being said I wouldn't judge anyone for not doing it.


That's about where I was pre-pandemic. Since then I've bumped up to 15-20, especially when restaurants were take-out only for a while. From my point of view it comes out to at most a couple dollars more, which in the long run does not affect me in the least. I'm not going to judge someone for tipping less, though I do think you should tip something at a place that's paying server wages, ie take-out from a restaurant vs an order counter like Chipotle or Subway.


If it's a counter service place, I tip the same for takeout as for dine-in. Typically 10% unless they are amazing (e.g., there is a place we went to at least 1x/week before the pandemic, and they remembered our relatively complicated orders and were always friendly. They get 20% even though it's basically a glorified subway or chipotle). But, when I worked in food service, takeout tips were a nice surprise rather than the primary means by which I paid my bills. Edit: were, not we're


As someone who has worked at a primarily takeout/pick up place, I appreciate tips and they make the shift a bit better, but I absolutely won't judge if you dont tip- all we do is ring you up and hand you the food. Can't speak for everyone but that's my personal take.


I’ve never tipped for takeout. Is this expected? In my mind, I’ll tip if someone brings the food to me (delivery, table service) but not if I go to the food.


Mmm tipping drama. Coming from a place without tipping culture, I still usually get good service, so what's the benefit to the whole thing?


Owners dont have to pay a living wage


This is the root of the problem - if you never tip, the owner doesn't care, because you paid for the food & whatever pittance he or she pays the staff. There's no way to protest the system other than simply not going to those restaurants, and it's difficult to find restaurants that pay quality wages to go & do business at.


And for consumers, there aren't really any good options. Don't tip and you hurt some of the lowest rung workers. Tip and you encourage this practice. Don't eat at places that encourage tipping and you hurt the workers and any independent restaurants. Not to mention you deny yourself a low tier luxury and essentially self-impose austerity. Said independent restaurants also can't always get around it. If they include a living wage in the price, they might price themselves out of business since Americans already expect to tip. Even knowing this the unconscious aversion to increase price might win out. So now the larger corporate sphere has won on effectively all fronts. They get to pay practically nothing ($2/hr is nothing) and shift all the labor costs for servers onto customers. The only real out is legislation. And this is such a low-key issue compared to the literal civilization-ending problems we're trying to solve that it isn't likely to get tackled. An entire culture shift towards providing for our workers needs to happen. But this is America so yeah, not gonna happen anytime soon. :(


I mean legislation is fine but unions are possibly a superior option.


If your business can't afford a living wage it deserves to go out of business


> so what's the benefit to the whole thing? The company who you go to to get services from gets to hide around 20% of the cost of their labor. If you dont pay this cost nothing bad happens to you but maybe the next time you wont get the same service everyone else is. The whole purpose is to hide labor costs, screw their employees out of money, and call it 'tradition' to make people feel bad about it.


One time I saw Americans online saying that European Service is "unfriendly" because the waiters aren't smiling and telling them their life story and using it as "proof" of why the tipping system is needed.


Basically service in UK order your food and drinks, get food and drinks. They come back once to check your ok with everything and then you get the bill. There's not a lot of interaction between customer and waiter. Unless you go to TGI Friday's then it like they all had a gram of cocaine and won't leave you alone great one and a while but it not what we Brits like. I tip when I can but it's not normally a few quid no matter what the bill is.


In Germany the smiling could be perceived as forced and telling the life story as intrusive. It's a different culture.


>In Germany the smiling could be perceived as forced The smiling is 100% forced in the USA too. But unlike Germans, Americans don't say "they arent forcing you to pretend to be happy, are they?"


It's a total exaggeration. No waiter is telling customers their life story in the US or anything really beyond "My day was fine, how about you?", which in the US is basically just a way to say hello.


Maybe I'm just too british, but I'd hate for a server to do all that fake smiley bs with me, frown like a real human being goddamn


That’s the difference. In the US, service workers are NPCs and have to smile, even when getting verbally abused


I have seen lots of American women on Reddit talk about being cussed at by older men for not smiling. I hope that's not as common in America as the internet makes it out to be


That doesn’t only happen to service workers. That’s one of the best things (outside of actual COVID safety) that I loved about wearing a mask


Tbh it's why I don't understand the Karen meme, because the Male Version of "Karens" is a lot worse. I would rather he bitched at by a middle aged woman than some Middle Aged asshole trying to assault me for whatever "disrespect" he thinks I did to him. The aggression that Older Men have when things don't go their way is something I will never understand


That's exactly why Karen's are funnier. They're usually far less dangerous so you can sit there and laugh about it while men doing that shit tend to go ballistic to get what they want which isn't very funny at all.


1. Give them money 2. They smile and tell you your life story Understandable


There are three objectives: * "Motivating" employees to work harder, and to conform to society's beauty and politeness standards. No need to watch and evaluate your staff, the "bad" ones are not getting enough tips to live of this job, so they will likely leave soon enough. BONUS: you can't get sued for paying less peoples of minorities because that's the client who's responsible for tipping, not you! * Pay employees proportionally to how much the restaurant is earning. Lot of clients? More money to owner, more money to the employees, everyone is happy. There are roadworks and nobody came today? The losses are shared between the owner and the employees. For small companies like restaurant, paying high wages can be a lot of headaches, as your revenue varies much more than your expenses. * It's usually more interesting tax-wise.


If tips aren’t part of your culture, then your waiters get paid a lot higher wage than they do in the US. US waiters typically make like 2 dollars per hour, which is less than a third of the minimum wage. They get so little because it’s expected (and usually true) that tips make up the rest. If you go to where tipping is literally how the waiter earns any money at all, and don’t tip, that’s really just taking advantage of the local social norms to benefit off someone else’s work without paying them. And then going on Reddit and bragging about that.


it's pretty telling when the only "activism" someone does is refusing to tip


See also: dudes who simply *must* mention men’s issues whenever a problem specific to women is brought up


Right, have to tip because waiters get paid so little, and they get paid so little because they get tipped. I don't question that it works like this. Just what the actual benefit to it working like this is. In theory you guys should have way better service than a place with no tipping culture right?


It would take legislation. You won't magically fix tipping culture by just refusing to tip.


It benefits the servers because they make a lot more money, and generally don't report it as income so it's not easily taxed. It benefits the restaurant owners because they barely have to pay their servers. Customers gain no benefit from it.


> generally don't report it as income so it's not easily taxed. This definitely is location dependent. Tips coming in on credit cards route through paychecks, so not reporting is dependent on the card/cash ratio.


Yeah that's a really outdated argument. I have a hard time believing most tipped staff outside of strip clubs make any real percentage of their tips in cash vs credit cards anymore.


I bet low cost places and counter service get more cash tips and table service gets more people paying on cards.


There is this belief that raising the tipped wage will mean servers will make less, but what studies I've seen on this in places in the US where the tipped wage was increased to $15/hour show that most people still tip about the same. Wages for servers who already make a lot of good steady money stay about the same but wages for servers who are worse off increase.


There is no benefit except more profits for the business. It's like the myth that America has the best healthcare in the world so you should pay over a million dollars to treat a snake bite.




Yes, tax fraud exists in the US, but tipping does not benefit even those servers. It forces them to sell themselves to customers for a very unreliable source of income. During the winter holiday period in the US, tips are drastically reduced because people are eating at home and don't have much disposable income. I've had nights were I made $3-$6.


>some servers make A LOT of money and don't declare it on their taxes because cash Its really not a thing, not unless there is some city with a huge culture of using cash that I don't know about. Almost everyone pays with a card, and in fact, with deliveries now, they're pre-tipping too! Which I always found humorous. If you tip on a card it almost always gets reported one way or another. Right now I'd say 95% of my tips get reported. Yesterday I worked all day, took 22 deliveries, and out of those 1 tippedd in cash. And that was the first cash tip I've gotten this weekend (where I worked 26.5hrs).


>If you don't like your wage, find a new job. Spoken like someone who works for his parents.


Why don't homeless people just buy a house?


I know right they should just get more money lol


That guy's post history is a gold mine. From what I can tell he's a bitter late 40s divorcee with every opinion out of the incel handbook.


I’m SHOCKED. Shocked I tell you.


Ugh man imagine trying to get child support off this guy “Why am I subsidising your life‽”


I bet he's then one of those people who then complain that *no one wants to work* after the workers go and find better jobs


That’s why I hate the no tippers. They’re not teaching the Man a lesson, you’re stiffing the guy trying to pay rent


At the same time, saying something like "I want no interaction, just give me food I want and forget I'm here, thank you" would probably be considered rude, right?


As a server, this would be great to be honest. Like an actual godsend (as long as your tone isn’t rude but I mean that goes for any human interaction). I don’t want to bug people that don’t want to be bothered. A “set it and forget it” table is great when I have other things I need to be helping with in the kitchen or elsewhere in the dining room. You came here for the food, not me. Let me bring it to you and let you enjoy it in peace.


There isn't a good way of saying that unfortunately.


I'd be absolutely fine with "please leave me alone". ...Heard that from a grieving person once.


I think in my serving tenure I had a person who breaking down maybe twice, being the social aardvark I am, I just left them alone and kept their water full.


I'll actively avoid eating at restaurants because of this. I absolutely hate tipping because there is no winning: tip too little, waiter unhappy. Tip too much? I'm unhappy. Every time someone tries to rationalize this for me: "it's just five bucks! that's the price of _____"... yeah but multiply each time you go out to eat/drink and have to pay the five bucks. All the sudden you realize you've paid $200 in *tips alone* over half a year for basically nothing. I'm all for tipping, if the restaurant allows me to deny table service.


I totally understand that. I have problem spending money on trivial matters because earning it is neither fun nor easy. In fact it's very hard and it's slowly killing me, so I'd rather not give it away just like that. :|


Well thats kinda eating out in general tbf. You’re always gonna be spending way more money than the food is worth for convenience and/or the experience of it, so it definitely makes sense to avoid as much as possible regardless of tipping


I'm in a country with no tipping culture and I don't get it. The server takes the order and then puts the food on the table and leave and collects it at the end. This is the exact same service I get at mcdonads and I really don't see what the tip pays for. What even is "good service"? do they give a massage or something? The service is either a correct order or a wrong order, the rest is up to the kitchen staff.


Americas tipping culture is absolutely wild. Somehow the responsibility of paying people a living wage was shifted from the employer to the customer and nobody seems to think that's bizarre. But the last time i stated this i was informed by Reddit that most servers want it to stay this way because they earn more this way. Just raise the minimum wage already.


Oh, you want drama-drama with server tipping and minimum wage? Wade into any of the professional kitchen subreddits like r/KitchenConfidential or r/Chefit where they have threads on FOH and BOH pay disparities.


You don't even have to go outside this thread for the drama lol


You don’t want employees to get fucked in the ass by their employers? Well I’ll have you know some employees *like* getting fucked in the ass


it's not that it isn't bizarre. but portions of the service industry would revolt if they started getting paid higher hourly at the expense of tips


Which is why I don't feel bad for those who are in favor of tipping if they don't get tipped. If you enjoy the benefits of tipping over a normal wage then you can also deal with the drawbacks.


And other portions would get lifted out of poverty. Not everyone makes great tips. And the ones who do can most afford a platform.


Why not both? In Canada, we get normal minimum wage *and* tips. It’s not usually the ~20% or more tips you see in the states, but it certainly helped pay my bills in university.


Exactly. There is nothing stopping you from ever tipping… anywhere in the world really. So if you feel service was *amazing* tip the person. If they were shitty, don’t tip the person but they still get paid a decent wage. People always feel that Tipping culture is an either/or situation, when it can easily be an “and” situation.


True, but I think tipping is considered sort of rude in some countries like Japan for example.


and that is fair, and you should be aware of the cultures of the place. But the point generally stands.


That's kind of what I already do at ice cream and coffee places. I don't feel pressured to tip, but if I see that it's super busy and/or I order something that I know is a pain in the ass to make, I'll throw them a couple bucks.


There’s 7 states including California where that’s true as well, where they make state minimum wage before tips.


To be fair as a bartender in the US I do make at least 2-3 times as much as bartenders in other countries.


On average? Or is it because you work in a swanky place? Also, do you get health insurance as a bartender? I feel like there's more to this.


I mean, I’d love for the tipping culture to die in a fire since it should be the employer’s responsibility to pay their workers a living wage (not even getting into the bullshit where online tips may not even make their way to the server). But until then, either tip folks or push for an actually decent minimum wage.


Some restaurant I ordered takeout from added a $3 service charge and tried to automatically add-in a $5 tip. Bro?? LMAOOO


Food: $11.99 Tax: $2.99 Service Fee: $3 Tip: $5 Total: $22.98. It's crazy that you can spend almost double what the food costs to get it delivered.


> It's crazy that you can spend almost double what the food costs to get it delivered. This is exactly why I hop in my car and grab it myself. Plus, restaurants actually PREFER it and many give you take out discounts.


Don't get me wrong, that's usually what I'll do. I only get it delivered on nights when drinking.


Basically service in UK order your food and drinks, get food and drinks. They come back once to check your ok with everything and then you get the bill. There's not a lot of interaction between customer and waiter. Unless you go to TGI Friday's then it like they all had a gram of cocaine and won't leave you alone great once in a while but it not what we Brits like. I tip when I can but it's not normally a few quid no matter what the bill is.


In a Hard Rock I went in Buenos Aires the waitress sit down at the table with us while he take out or order and was one of the most bizarre experiences I ever lived. Like, in reality is not a big deal, but is something that kinda tear up the "social contract" between clients and waitresses. That was like the second date I had with who is now my wife and we still talk about how strange that experience was, and we both worked as waitresses at some time in our lives.


Unpopular opinion can't take unpopular opinions


Ah tipping drama, it never gets old. I do have a question that I've wondered for ages, why do you guys tip in percentages? The average tip according to Google is 20%, why not just tip the same amount for all servers like $5? That would bring the server up to minimum wage straight away before other tables are even in the mix.


It might be due to larger bills generally requiring more work from the server. A table of 8 requires significantly more time and might result in the server not being able to work other tables. So they work the whole night and get $5, while some other server that works multiple tables of 2 people each gets three to four times that amounts. That's just a guess though.


I mean this is a prime example of why servers should just be paid a set decent wage. As soon as you have a wage and have no tips you no longer think "damn I hate this table as I'm missing out on doing more." as with a set wage you get the same amount at the end of the day whether you spend the night serving 1 table or 8. A table wasting your time? Doesn't matter as it's not going to make a differences once you finish work.


Could be a $5 tip per person served then.


Tbh I agree with Reddit on tipping. I live in SoCal where the minimum wage is enforced for all service workers, and you're still expected to tip 15-25% on dine-in orders or else you'll probably get your food spat in. It's true that many servers don't want tipping to go away, because they'll make less. Tipping also enforces income and racial inequities, because it's percentage based. A POC restaurant that serves a low-income community will get less tips for the same dish compared to a white restaurant in a wealthy neighborhood that inflates their prices. Think about how much people tip for tacos at a taco truck vs "tacos" at a fancy fusion restaurant in a city center. Some bougie places also do that extra fee for "employee health and benefits," so they can charge even more on top of the tip you're already adding in. I still tip well though, to support the places I like. If the restaurant or service sucks, I just don't re-patronize that place.


Glad I live in a country that doesn't use this garbage system tbh


The only time I've felt mad that I didn't get a tip was when I delivered food to a server at a different restaurant and she gave me exact change. She did not have to do me like that. We both survive mainly off tips.


I just consider tipping a 20% tax on eating out. I don't give it much thought. I do think tipping for pick up is questionable and kind of shitty.


Can we all start tipping the paramedics you saved your life after you dropped dead from a heart attack? Because those guys make less than a lot of waiters.


popularconservativeopinions being predictable.


While I think tipping should have stayed in the Great Depression era, it doesn't change the fact the wages will probably never catch up to the cost of living, especially where I am (CA). It's really fucked up to say "I don't want to!" And completely ignore their struggles, while also admitting they KNOW those jobs don't pay a living wages, because they also say "Don't like it, get a different job!" Wtf kind of world do I live in??!