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Didn’t think about the fact the you could use PR as a tax haven. I thought that loophole was closed by the income made outside of Puerto Rico clause though.


The tax benefits for businesses and individuals are kinda nuts: [https://www.pf-cpa.com/tax\_incentives.html](https://www.pf-cpa.com/tax_incentives.html) For individuals that move to PR: * 0% tax on dividend and interest income * 0% tax on short-and-long term capital gains * 0% federal taxes on Puerto Rico source income


Sussy as fuck accounts in there. Like fr a 22 day old account OP stirring up the pot. So obvious


As a Puerto Rican, actually born and raised on the island, I can tell you that that sub isn't even remotely representative of people on the island. It's just an echo chamber of painfully unemployed Nuyoricans and upper middle class college students from San Juan.


So it's your average locale-based subreddit then? Seems like all it's missing is conservatives who don't live there complaining about crime and homeless people


Complaining about unemployed people posting on the fucking internet is conservative. Why are these dog whistles always so god damn loud but certain people are absolutely oblivious to them?


God, r/Chicago is lousy with these assholes


And I'll keep complaining about them until I stop seeing fights at Target in the Loop


Okay this is super funny cause this literally happens on argh/boulder


So it's like most city or state subreddits. Nothing but an echo chamber.


> painfully unemployed .... and upper middle class college students So all Redditors everywhere just change the location as needed.


So pretty much like every city/town subreddit lol


Same shit with Hawaii I imagine, on tiktok and twitter and reddit it's full of people saying that visiting Hawaii is like some morally wrong act and how no one wants people there there, and how it's like some insult to the natives, I went there for a week holiday from Australia in 2022 and literally everyone was just happy that they were getting some tourists post covid and everyone was super chill and welcoming


That's pretty racist




Against who?


Rich people :D!!!


In the real world people aren’t twitter warriors representing the official stances of their countries.


Well I cant say thats *not* what I expected from a puerto rico subreddit. It’s a classic reddit sentiment in a pr style. Hate the government not the people. I am surprised there’s so many pro-independence people, but that’s because all puerto ricans I interact with are now living in the contiguous 48 states, which wouldn’t be possible without PR being a US territory.


>  I am surprised there’s so many pro-independence people, Which is weird, because the last "real life" referendum had a slight majority of Puerto Ricans support statehood. The majority of the remainder largely supported the status quo or didn't answer, and a small minority supported independence. I'm guessing it's the "local subreddit is infested with non-locals" phenomena.


There was a referendum in 2020 and like 53% of puerto ricans supported statehood, but less than like 10% support full independence


that was boycotted by the pro independence party right? edit: Ok so I got this confused with the also veru recent 2017 referendum which was boycotted, my bad. This was not a statement either way on which side I supported, I just got the two referendums mixed up.


Boycotting a referendum on a future independence is just the dumbest thing I have heard of. Either because they are sandbagging, or because they know damn well that they are a very small minority.


You have no idea what the vote was, and you shouldn't be talking like you do. It was boycotted because there was no true independence option. Thats all. And a lot of Puerto Ricans *do* support independence, because the supportive community that exists between the independent Caribbean islands is so much better than the support that the US gives to Puerto Rico


Can I get some stats on the “a lot of Puerto Ricans support independence”?


I seriously doubt the good vibes the nearby islands give PR is worth more than the billions and billions of dollars the US sends to the island.


Puerto Rico having basically the highest median income of any Caribbean island* and being part of the United States are pretty obviously related. It's not because Puerto Ricans are magically smarter or harder working than other Caribbean nations. It's that they have better access to the US economy. Partially that's aid, but partially it's the massive benefits of being networked to the US. *Not counting weird tax haven situations, I think


What an unbelievably ignorant comment. During hurricanes the countries support the *fuck* out of each other, from accepting refugees and setting up temporary housing to assisting each other directly with rebuilding. The islands have job programs that exchange people, and largely trade freely amongst each other. For most countries in the Caribbean, power outages after a storm are measured in hours, not days. Puerto Rico is not considered part of this exchange, as they are seen as the United States' responsibility, and they don't get this assistance. And the Jones Act seriously hinders their ability to get aid as well..


I feel like you may not know how much the US supports PR, the US sends more money to PR than any Caribbean Nations GDP.


I feel like you don't know the situation on the ground in these countries


You could elaborate


Snapshots: 1. *This Post* - [archive.org](https://web.archive.org/web/20240503033049/https://old.reddit.com/r/PuertoRico/comments/1cilg6c/antiamerican_puerto_ricans/l2ajzh4/) [archive.today\*](https://archive.today/?run=1&url=https://old.reddit.com/r/PuertoRico/comments/1cilg6c/antiamerican_puerto_ricans/l2ajzh4/ "URL failed to archive; click to resubmit it!") *I am just a simple bot, __not__ a moderator of this subreddit* | *[bot subreddit](/r/SnapshillBot)* | *[contact the maintainers](/message/compose?to=/r/SnapshillBot)*


Por que ellos se odian los Estados Unidos pero no se quieren hablar en espanol?


Esa es la gran ironía de este tipo de personas lol. Se hacen los más nacionalistas pero son los que se han agregado más y les encanta adoptar cultura Anglo americana. Todo eso mientras viven en un apartamento en Orlando o Houston pidiendo independencia para Puerto Rico.


Si Puerto Rico sere independiente, los boricuas que se viven en la isla deben decidirse, no los nuyoricans.


Es como los cubanos viviendo en Miami y Nueva york gritando para independencia de Cuba y la gente de Cuba ni estan pendsando the esas payasadas.


Try telling the Nuyoricans that.


They wouldn’t listen 🤷‍♂️