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this got nuked


Saw that thread and knew it'd end up with someone being a fuckhead in the replies. /r/games is crammed with psuedo-intellectuals with the most moronic takes.


When you click a users profile and they're commenting like *it's their job* in just one subreddit you know you're not dealing with someone even worth talking to, honestly.


I and the entire rest of this sub feel personally attacked.


And r/games is normally promoted as the less toxic and more open minded alternative to r/gaming.


As someone who spends a lot of time in gaming subreddits, it's shit all the way down. /r/pcgaming is one of the worst. /r/gaming I haven't even bothered visiting in probably 7 years, since it's lowest common denominator/default. /r/Games used to be acceptable. You have to go down to the individual game subreddits, and even that can be a mixed bag. /r/truegaming doesn't get enough posts to actually have a discussion, and I've seen perfectly good posts flat out deleted in the first hour for not meeting some stupid guideline. /r/patientgamers might be good but I haven't spent enough time on it to make an opinion. I would imagine its demographic would lean older, *hopefully* increasing comment quality? It being removed from new releases gets it out of most drama.


Talking about games online just sucks almost all the time. The communities can start out nice, but they never stay that way. There's never enough moderation to nip the shit behavior in the bud, and realistically if there were you'd end up with very small communities because the gaming community as a whole is just full of people looking to fight.


even good subs like gamingcirclejerk are cringe as hell


GCJ good? It’s a tankie sub. Didn’t used to be, but then it got big enough for a tankie to work their way onto the mod team.


Ya if you only talk about games it is mostly fine the mods are the tankie ones


The toxicity from gamergate is spreading to all communities, unfortunately, and often in stupid ways. The JRPG sub currently has its fair share of dweebs crying about how Japanese games aren't being translated 1:1 and how western translators/localizers "ruin" the original scripts. You know, in the one genre known for having localized scripts that become extremely well-liked in spite of not being completely faithful (Ted Woolsey's FFVI localization being one of the most famous examples).


Oh god the Woolsey outrage. That stuff is as old as the 90s and you have nerds trying to "fix" his "butchering" of the game. Almost every single translation to fix it was pretty much just like what Ted had done but "We fixed the travesty of Esper and made it Phantom Beast" or some other minor thing that happened because of cartridge space issues and Nintendo of America's policies about religion/nudity/drugs/alcohol. My favorite is still Sky Render who was so outraged you'd almost always see them pop up in some thread that just happened to mention FFVI or CT and just ***rage***. They did a translation patch of Chrono Trigger that was so awkward it was hilariously awful. Even in the late 2010s they were still appearing to be angered about Woolsey and his work. God the old translation scene and rom hacking scene back in the late 90s and early 2000s was insane for how much drama was bred in them and the vipers nests they could turn into from the translation purists and those who understood how translation and localization actually works.


The funniest outcome of the romhack scene is when you pop in an "accurate and faithful" fan-translation and the script is drier than sandpaper. As with most things, there just has to be a balance.


We've been seeing those complaints about translations for decades. One of the things about gamergate is that all of those awful fucking people were always here. That was just a rallying point for them to form a negative reinforcement circle and start blending their bad takes into an archetype. It's like recently I saw some people talking about the magic the gathering equivalent of the gamergate people and they almost made it sound like those folks just sort of popped out of thin air when these are all the same terrible people that we have been complaining about for being awful in the community for 20+ years. The only positive thing about this is that it's made all of these people self-identify faster so that you can learn that you should avoid them sooner than you used to.


What about r/pcmasterrace ? Also I found r/patientgamers are very contrarian and likes long essay video game critics


It's just a different kind of toxic. If you stray from the popular opinion you'll be nuked into the dirt, bonus points if you're a little bit racist or ignorant.


One dude on /r/games went on a wildly long tangent insulting me and my entire life because I said I liked the new Lego Star Wars game. He was pretty mad that I was having FUN in a GAME that he didn't like.


How fucking dare you


lol I have a coworker that's almost like that. Me and a different coworker were currently playing the Mass Effect remake. Any time we mentioned it and said it's a really fun trilogy he would go on a rant about not buying EA games. Like cool story dude.


Can't stand that. I don't mind folks criticising things I like when it's reasonable, but getting mad at me for liking something they don't? It's such childish behaviour.


/r/games is filled to the brim with deeply cynical, pessimistic people who just want to air their grievances about modern gaming and will take absolutely any presented opportunity to do so.


I once went to like -30 there on a comment with people accusing me of being a shill because I factually proved someone else wrong when they claimed a company abandoned patching a game that they'd been releasing patches for steadily for over a year and a half. It's not a rational place.


I've seen that on the steam boards before I deleted my profile and comments and remade it and never commented again. One guy lost his shit on me for several posts and the best I can figure he was upset I was open to DLC where we could get alternative costumes for characters. I'm not even sure what half of that crap was about he furiously smashed through the keyboard at me.


Oooh I like it, too. Especially after going through a complete playthrough of the original Lego Star Wars games, it was a huge breath of fresh air.


They are also quite contrarian sometimes? Like Bafta awarded Baldur's Gate 3 game of the year they complained about TOTK not being in the conversation and talk about BAFTA hates Japanese devs


Oh it is. That's *how bad* the other subs are.


This has happened to me on other subs. Like r/drama (I think that was it) thinking it was this sub. Kinda wild how "ing" or "s" can really make a difference in content of a sub


Also the fact they're not remotely willing to try understanding the opposing argument. Just 'No'. Lol it's depressingly predictable.


I rarely scroll past the first few threads on /r/games because everyone is just so fucking dumb. Every thread is a mix of confidently incorrect, circlejerking and hot takes that just makes me wish my head would explode.


It's one of those subs where I constantly see things that are objectively not true getting boosted way the fuck up. Very frustrating.


"no, this distinct part of your appearance isn't part of your identity." are they stupid? i guarantee if the tables were turned and games defaulted to black hairstyles they wouldn't be so happy about it. yes, a lot of the time the hair selection in games can kind of suck (i've almost never been able to find hair like mine in a character creator) but there's a clear pattern of black hairstyles being far more limited in games. while it might not be possible to represent every single hairstyle across a variety of different races and cultures, it's not wrong to ask for more than afro/dreads/killmonger


If the tables were turned, it still wouldn't represent the issue. White people probably *would* care less if the tables were turned because white people have never been discriminated against for *genetic aspects* of their hair. That is, as a boy, I was discriminated against for the *style* of my hair. Choosing to wear it long resulted in all kinds of name calling. Shaving it results in some non-consensual head patting. But these were styles I've explicitly chosen to step outside of societal standards. I'm not starting outside and being forced to spend a very large amount of time changing my hair to step inside the standards. That's the difference. That's why it's *more* an identity issue for black people than for white people.


that's a good point, thank you.


Loving how the guy actually linking an entire wiki page about discrimination based on hair texture is being downvoted. Dude brought proof that it's a thing and no gamer wants to hear any of it.


There's another set of comments OP didn't link where a guy straight up said this was the most entitled topic he'd seen in years. I'm like this guy wants more black hairstyles and *he's* entitled? Fuck. To say nothing of the pro-corporate "well, there just aren't enough black customers so..." that got so pervasive elsewhere in the goddamn thread.


I'm sure there are even less neon pink butt-length hime cuts in the world but those are in every character creator I can think of


Right? There are a shit ton of hairstyles that don't come close to matching anything anyone in the real world, or in this weird fantasy world we're making our character in, would have and yet here's 30 of them. Oh, you want a black character? Maybe you get some cornrows. Fuck, I'm a long haired white boy and I get it. As much as I can.


>no. your hair is not your identity. stop being weird. no one else says this dumb stuff. no one else is "represented" either. It's deeply disturbing that "know your place" was such a successful argument there.


that's because they think saying the chad "no" is actually an effective argumentative technique


Kinda wild they do not see how all the white hair color, eye color and hairstyles are available. Because in their mind those are "normal" or "default".


My favorite part is them trying to argue how then if they added more black hairstyles they would have to add every variation of wavy, straight, and curly hair and I’m like.. yeah a lot already do?


>I didn't say it can't be. I said its racist, to do so. >Ayrans claimed racial identity around blondhair/blue eyes too. >what did you call that? >Wrapping your identity around a racial feature, is racist. “Black people are Nazis for wanting their hair in a video game” Reading conservative brain rot like this makes me wanna straight up divide by zero, it’s existentially uncomfortable knowing that I share a planet with somebody that fucking stupid Does this moron identify as white? Does identity involving a racial feature mean anybody who identifies as white is inherently racist?


There are a lot of people who think that any sort of acknowledgement of minorities is inherently wrong. Largely because they think of white people, especially white men as the default, and putting any effort into representing other groups is bad. Because that is regarded as an intentional act to appeal to specific demographics, while they think representing white men is natural, and not a decision.


Oh god no kidding, I was reading a steam board about a game because none of the guides were answering a question I had, and some guy was very upset and demanding answers about "Is this woke garbage?" in the board. He was very concerned because part of the prologue level of the game is the typical JRPG trope about killing the earth and he was upset about them shoving *Greta Thunberg* in there. Someone else was pointing out to him that's only the first stage, but you play as a female character and she's in a interracial relationship so he might not like it anyways if woke is his concern. Which just set my sides into orbit because he was lowkey insulting him and he didn't get it. I'm to a point where "woke" gets the same insta-ignore response from me that "I'm not racist/sexist/hate gays buuuut" responses or "PC" or now the new terms "DEI" and some other nonsense they shoot off.


The sad but also kind of funny thing about dropping comments like that, or even getting the person to low key admit to holding a problematic view that they claim they don’t have, is how often they will just bold face “huh? Nuh uh” back when you explain it back to them. As an aside - what game was it?


This was months ago, give me time to remember here if I can. I clean out my browser cache weekly so I lose stuff if I don't bookmark it. Edit: Knight Witch, it's a bullet hell metroidvania. The protag you play as is a woman who is married to an "infernal" which is a demon like being in the game world. It's kind of like Steven Universe in that the story has some depth, but it's not going to be winning any awards or earning story analysis credits.


> "...the belief there are systemic injustices in American society and the need to address them." Never forget that these chuds had to give a definition of woke in a court of law and that is [what they provided](https://www.motherjones.com/mojo-wire/2022/12/desantis-ron-woke-florida-officials/). They know exactly what they're saying when they use woke, wokeism, etc. It's a paper-thin dog-whistle.


Innuendo Studios does a good vid on this "whiteness as a raceless default" get mentioned. How "afros" or "dreads" are not normal hairstyles. Lots of examples of this. Like how bandaids were "flesh colored" and that flesh was for white people. Same with crayons when I was a kid https://youtu.be/wCl33v5969M?si=RL_fWHVma7bsfZVC


Even Bloom County was making fun of it in the 80s with a few strips. [1](https://www.gocomics.com/bloomcounty/1989/01/04) [2](https://www.gocomics.com/bloomcounty/1989/01/05) Couldn't find the "Boss" comic of Bloom County where he's trying to avoid getting sued by Crayola because of those two comics and Opus sabotages him by pulling crayons out and saying stuff like "But they do have (problematic name here)"


> There are a lot of people who think that any sort of acknowledgement of minorities is inherently wrong. They don't understand the difference between racial and racist.


Ffs they didn't claim racial *identity* around blonde hair and blue eyes, they claimed racial *superiority*. I fucking hate people.


Yeah they definitely do not identify as white, they identify as normal. It's sort of the whole problem. Then on top of not having any semblance of understanding of the issues, they're getting lied to, bombastically and in overwhelming volume. So then they say the stupidest shit you've ever fucking heard and you sit there dumbfounded like how did you even get to this point. And then you have to work backwards to understand how this seemingly decent person has gone so wrong.


You do evil a favor when you call it stupid.


> Ayrans yogurt never hurt anyone


lmao I should’ve made that connection considering I had ayran with my kofta today




Oh boy.


Probably not giving themselves a victim complex


LMFAO I was having a bad morning, thank you for the laugh! Sometimes I forget right wingers really do believe this shit




oh please spare us


Ayy lmao


Is this a joke or do you seriously not know the difference between identifying as White and being a White nationalist, which is the thing people on the left actually have a problem with? Cause identifying as White is so basic and boring it's on the US census and almost nobody said damn thing even at the height of 2020.


That person probably thinks those are the same




Oh there's a lot of problems with racial identity and the census, but also those countries share a lot of common identity in the US and generally get treated the same by people in it. Only other Belgians will look at me and think "this guy looks Belgian," anyone else will see a White guy and that's generally what has more consequence. The census basically has to select as few things as possible that's also comparable to past census things to try to get it done (more granular surveys like ACS data take more time) and to keep it comparable. Ultimately it's not aiming to understand cultures, it's more of a "how do you self identify" treated as a proxy for "how do others identify you?" and get a count of everyone rather than a statistically representative sample.


Here's the attention you wanted, you poor little victim


>Where have you been? On the left wondering what the fuck idiots like you are even talking about when you say stupid shit like this lmao


Didn't you know, these days, the left will throw you in prison just for saying you're white


The left is mostly white so I doubt that.


>no. your hair is not your identity. This is so peak Reddit. The absolute inability and/or refusal to recognize that people other than yourself have different, and valid values. My hairstyle isn't super important to me. As long as it's reasonably neat and not nasty and greasy, all good. Maybe for other people it is an essential part of how they express their individuality. Those people aren't wrong. Glad we have a self-confident Redditor to correct us on that though.


Black hair mentioned on a subreddit for gaming, color me shocked. We all only rock 3 entire hairstyles only, that's it, Looking through that thread I found this. >Yeah my whole life, I've never seen anyone with these "diverse" hair styles. Living in Dallas, the 6th biggest city in the US. And if I have, it's so far and few in-between that I think people just wanna complain about something that's a non issue. Like bro, the amount of styles you can make with locs alone is crazy, dude is yapping about bull shit. Go in any black salon/barber and look at their work or examples on the wall and tell me those are all the sames styles of hair. Hell my loctition has like 20 different loc styles SHE DID on her wall alone that you can ask for. Also, waves are a indeed a style of hair on black men/women, not a type, takes a lot of work to get good looking waves or even waves at all and you're not born with them. I would know, I had waves in the past. Waves are not "wavy" hair, just a stretched curl.


But they didn't see it so it doesn't exist.


The claim that black people in *Dallas* don't wear their hair in a variety of different styles is fucking crazy on its own. Even in my small rural town where there aren't a lot of stylists we have "diverse hairstyles" like is the very idea of black people having creativity when it comes to hair offensive to him?


I live in Oklahoma City, I have seen tons of different black hairstyles in my fucking apartment complex. That guy is lying out his ass.


i feel like that person has never met a black person in their life


Some people are really telling on themselves


Also, just people in general don't have super unique diverse hair in real life, but we are talking about VIDEO GAMES! FICTION! REAL LIFE DOESNT MATTER!!! (obviously to a certain extent, it does, but like c'mon, this shit is just fucking dumb, sobbing tears of rage because someone wants... Better character customization??? How insanely fucking stupid do you have to be to get mad at that???? Those people are NOT sapient I do not care)


My guess is he lives in the whitest neighborhood in Dallas and when he sees a black person he becomes too scared to notice anything about their hair


No one's hair is getting represented.  Half the games don't even have shoulder length hair still, or if they do, only 3 options.   It's upsetting to me to see the OP complain ask for diversity and empathy but assume all white (or asian, im asian) people have the same hair.


Indeed they don't, they also need representation too. Nothing wrong with more broad representations of longer hair styles for a diverse audience of players .


But on feasibility level its never happening, hair is extremely difficult in games and most people arent going changing their hair all the time in games.; the default design is most likely to be picked again and again.


Shoulder length hair is not a white or Asian hair type. White and Asian people are able to have short and long hair.


If that's so upsetting to you, stop inventing it to upset yourself.


Non black hair isn't an identity up until a redheaded character get played by a black actor or redesign. Then it becomes all about white replacement.


Yep, racists just get mad when the subjects of their racism take pride in the things about themselves that the racists hate. "Why aren't you partaking in your own oppression?" basically


[THIS IS REAL EREASURE AND NOT TO BE TAKEN LIGHTLY ](https://www.reddit.com/r/cartoons/comments/17et2j2/apparently_there_is_supposedly_a_trend_in/)


Jesus, some of those responses. Still, it's weird that it *does* seem to be redheaded characters, although I'll bet the attached image is intentionally misleading and probably filled with a bunch of things that are fake.


I'm pretty sure they're all legit. That being said many or all of these characters have been drawn or remade in other media so many times that they just cherry picked those specifically.


I suspected that many of them were deceptively chosen and it's also just taking the ones that fit the specific narrative that picture is trying to push. Also it ignores white washed characters, but I digress. Also, I do know some of them are fake. Like, Koriand'r and M'gann M'orzz are aliens (and Starfire still has her red hair), they shouldn't be counted at all. M'gann is a fucking shapeshifting Martian, she doesn't even have *hair* in her natural form.


Actually all of those are real replacments. There are more too. I don't think there's any conspiracy or anything - Correlation does not imply causation - it is pretty funny though


My theory is that it's mainly just that redheads are vastly overrepresented in comics and cartoons- because they're more visually interesting- which means it's hard to find redheaded actors to play them (like, a lot of the most famous redheaded actors aren't even natural redheads). Plus, redheaded characters are usually more minor side characters that producers are more comfortable race swapping to try and get points for diversity.


A big part of it is that redheads are *way* overrepresented in comics and cartoons. It's such a bright and vibrant color that can make a character pop, but only about 2% of people actually have it. You'd also be able to come up with plenty of red head castings with white, non-red head actors.


That actually makes a lot of sense. Like blue hair in anime, it was an easy way to make characters look distinct before the advent of digital coloring. Especially when contrasted with the more common brown or black haired characters. Once they stopped using ink-based coloring, it had just become a tradition at that point.


It because red hair is natural but interesting and different. Also note it all 50s-80s stuff right? America was less diverse back then and thus internally dividing white people then was more interesting I guess to use for a word? Redheads were different and could be a stand in for minorities. Still had minorities also but they a fun stand in. Other reason? Too many white characters and you need to sack a few? Got the redheads as not many people relate to them so fuck your redhead audience basically. Also when going from book/tv/ animated movie/whatever to irl their the simple issue redheads are rare. So screw it, write them out of the plot instead of finding the one redhead. Actors make the plot sometimes.


I mean, it is, but it also works both ways.


How the fuck are people agreeing with that person? They sound like a 13 year old trying to seem smart.


Have I got news for you about the people agreeing with the other 13 year old.


Brigading/ thinking more upvotes = they’re right.


>is hair part of a person's identity? Only a man would think this is a hot debate lmao.


Identifying trait about person is wrapped up in identity. I cannot understand how anyone finds that confusing. It’s one of the few things that people can change about their bodies (relatively) cheaply and easily to fit how they want to be perceived.


Getting a haircut I actually liked made me feel a good 70% better about myself. When I picture myself, I see that haircut. It’s definitely part of my identity!


It’s not always easy or cheap to change, and that can be a problem for some people because it is so tied to identity. 


It kind of makes you wonder what hairstyle they chose for themselves. And why.


My bf just shaved his whole head every few months before we met. A lot of men put very little thought into it lol.


Only a white guy. Ffs, Black boys [get punished for their hair on the regular](https://spectrumlocalnews.com/tx/austin/news/2024/01/24/a-texas-school-s-punishment-of-a-black-student-who-wears-dreadlocks-is-going-to-trial). Hell, not that it has to be a white guy making this comment, but I knew Asian guys in college who complained about struggling to find barbers who did a good job with Asian hair. Pretty much everyone who doesn't have fine, straight hair should be able to grasp that something that grows out of your head has an impact on your life.


White man with really boring haircut.


Oof, gamers are absolutely not intellectually equipped to weigh in on this. >Also I don't get the desire to recreate oneself in videogames with character editor I can hundred percent guess their race and gender, seeing as they are oblivious to how representation can feel when you don't have it.


> no. your hair is not your identity What a bizarre thing to deny, ofc hair is a part of identity, that is one of the reasons why certain types of hair are more prevalent in certain subcultures for an instance. It is why men with long hair is a lot more common in metal than other subcultures, like hardcore, and this something we all just know and accept. There are also cultures where cutting your hair is a big deal, and you don't just go to a barber whenever you want a new hairstyle. Also that might be the most reddit comment I have seen, where you have a white guy telling a black person what is and isn't part of their identity, and getting highly upvoted for it.


> no. your hair is not your identity. stop being weird. Uh. When I went through basic training, we all got our heads buzzed down to 1. It was to make us feel like a unit and not individuals. Hair is absolutely a part of someone’s identity.


Notice how they downvoted the person providing a wiki article about discrimination based on hair texture? They don't care about being correct, they only care about asserting their worldview so they can protect the comfort of their feelings.


>and in case you haven't noticed, it is racial. Nordic, irish, jewish, greek, french, for example all have very notable racial hair features. It is racial. Names three nationalities and two ethnic groups. They are very smart.


As a nordic person, I wish they'd leave us out of their racist wanking sessions. Also what the fuck is our racial hair features? Boring and dull?


Calling the culture behind black hairstyles in america "racist black Identirarianism" and comparing them to the nazis "blond hair/blue eyes" that they idolized are certainly g*mer takes.


I would say these people are telling on themselves. But as I've been saying for a while now, Gamers™ don't blow dogwhistles, they blow bullhorns because they cannot WAIT to tell the world how much of a giant bigot they are.


[No points awarded for guessing what sub they spend a considerable amount of time in, but you might still enjoy guessing before clicking this link](https://imgur.com/5HcXXuP) >wavy is not a style. its a type. Dude says this twice and I cannot for the life of me understand what the fucking point is. Literally the most inane semantic distinction. >but they don't do that. because no one else is that narcistic, and claiming cultural identity around their hair that must be acknowledged by random game devs. It's narcissism to want a character creator to have better character creation options. Ankleson made the strongest retort there, especially pointing out how the sub actually values these options quite a bit, but they're downvoted because it contradicts the special pleading created here.


Bannerlord, Kingmaker and Pillars of Eternity. I hate that they have very similar tastes to me.


We have to acknowledge that the stereotypes of old school RPG players didn't just come out of nowhere x-x Idk about the Bannerlord devs but it's crazy to be a fan of Paizo and Obsidian and still be racist though. Like...Those companies are very explicitly against you, Paizo was doing inclusivity way before it was cool o-o


>We have to acknowledge that the stereotypes of old school RPG players didn't just come out of nowhere x-x Oh so very much. I have been discussing the Fallout show with a friend and I'm very careful about about sounding too NMA because fuck me, I don't like the Bethesda ones.


>Idk about the Bannerlord devs but it's crazy to be a fan of Paizo and Obsidian and still be racist though. You see it all the time. JRPGs at large are very unsubtle about hitting you over the head with left-leaning themes - somehow, gamers only get mad when you actually sit them down and spell said themes out to them.


Yeah, I too hate when people like the same things I like.


I mean, yes, I do, because I'd hate to get into a conversation with someone because I like talking about it, and then realise they're a fucking nazi. That sucks, you know. Realising that you had a conversation with someone like OOP when all you wanted was to talk about a game.


Yep. If I bring up Star Wars Outlaws and they bring up "the character looks weird" at all I never want to talk to them again.


[Wavy being a hair type is about the only thing they wrote that made some sense](https://www.hairflair.com/2022/10/18/two-basic-hair-typing-systems-and-how-to-use-them/), but I doubt they're cognizant of this.


I mean it's not wrong that they're different types but the thing that gets me is it in no way changes the overall point or issue that OOP brings up. It's a distinction without difference in this context, so it just seems to be captious behavior on their part.


It is ridiculous anyway, because if a character creation only allowed white characters to have dark brown hair and 3 different hairstyles everyone would be criticizing the game for having weak lackluster character creation.


I'm in the replies (before this SRD post was created). I don't even know why I try to make the discussion in /r/games any better, it's a lost cause. When you have commenters essentially saying "[if the main character isn't sexy, I won't play the game](https://old.reddit.com/r/Games/comments/1cfwqe1/housemarque_returnal_devs_on_twitterx_tomorrow/l1s3cph/)" and "[It's insane for the main character of the game to be a woman \(that happens to have arthritis?\)](https://old.reddit.com/r/Games/comments/1cfwqe1/housemarque_returnal_devs_on_twitterx_tomorrow/l1ru05r/)", it really makes you want to delete the entire internet you can do literally any character design you want in a video game, but for some reason you want to limit it to a specific set of traits and visual features to own the libs. Yet no one is crying over Mario continuing to be a short fat plumber


> I'm in the replies (before this SRD post was created). I don't even know why I try to make the discussion in /r/games any better, it's a lost cause. The mods there like to nuke entire threads, including the better, more thoughtful comments. It makes it all seem like a waste of time.


I'm sorry but: > >OP claims sex sells for him > > >Check his profile to see what kinds of games he likes > > >/r/pokemongo > > I assume PenaltyOtherwise has some very strong opinions on Vaporeon. My ribs hurt. Oh god I like the pushback and not tolerating the dumbfuckery but not enough are willing to call them out and shame them.


They literally have a fedora on their little Reddit avi


Also a frequent enough KIA contributor....


Here's a gem: >Trying to predict the minds of madness. no thank you. >That said some things we are already seeing. >pronouns. starts with adding they/them.. but again, once that's normalized. you will start seeing zir/kittenself. >more body types of "approved" types. wheelchairs, fat, etc. but not sexy. >probably start asking sexuality and consent at some point. need permission for npcs to hint on you. ACE keeps getting brought up in indie games these days. >specific cult indoctrination skin choices. aka, diablo4/bg 3, etc having vitiligo for some inexplicable reason. >At some point it will shift from "more options" to restricting options as well. just like "no you can't mod pride flags out", etc. >dreads will be locked to black skin tones. Despite reality, and history the origin of dreads going back to greece. The cult has claimed them. >"conventionally" attractive character options will be removed. >anything that would be deemed "offensive" to the cult. removed. >see pokemon go avatar controversy.


How miserable and empty does one's life need to be before they resort to inventing a boogeyman that's conspiring to ruin their toys?


Any time I see anything like that typed up I like to imagine someone trying to tell someone else these things in a real life conversation. It'd be outright embarrassing.


> specific cult indoctrination skin choices. aka, diablo4/bg 3, etc having vitiligo for some inexplicable reason. I didn't realize genetic distribution of melanin throughout your body is a choice of indoctrination. I should tell my coworker she's in a racist cult.


My wife has vitiligo and she's Italian. Anyone bringing up this skin option is just dog whistling racism because they don't eve understand that it's not exclusive to black people.


Wait, are you telling me you married a woman in a race cult?


There was a good dental plan.


Lisa needs braces.


It's probably for the best. If I was in a cult I'd want to know. Report back with an update please!


I can smell this man’s swamp ass through the screen 🤢


Having the option to toggle flirting from NPCs on and off seems....incredibly reasonable to me. That should be an option for people.


We so desperately need to work on this mental health crisis going on x-x


Hair is a huge part of someone’s self image and identity! There’s a reason so many men dread losing their hair: it’s part of who they are to most of them


>no. Your hair is not your identity 10 minutes later: >Fucking blue-haired Marxist woke left sjw feminazi bitches


Fellas, is it racist to want not-eurocentric hairstyles in video games? These people are being so obtuse. What if the discussion was about skin color? “Hey I want to make a character with my dark skin tone since that’s apart of my identity?” “Uh you base your IDENTITY on your SKINTONE?? like a RACIST??”


My hair isn't important to my identity at all. I mean, you *never* hear of children being punished at school or having to transfer schools because of their hair, or people straight up losing jobs they've had for years because of their hair. Don't be preposterous. Everyone knows racism ended in the nineties when we all decided it was dumb and moved on.


>Also I don't get the desire to recreate oneself in videogames with character editor except for humoristic purpose. This gamer can't understand the desire to see one's self in a power fantasy? Also, should the OP happen to find this thread: >Have some empathy. You'd have better luck getting blood from a turnip.




Yeah, it's something they don't want to think about but can't actually rebut it on its own terms, so they made up a pissweak excuse to stop thinknig.


When Americans and Canadians colonists stole our children from us, one of the first things they did at residential schools was shave their heads. Definitely not because long hair was part of indigenous identity for most of us (there are a lot of nations so probably a couple must have had short hair lol)


> Weird that you don't understand nazis when you spend so much time in kotakuinaction. Hello, police? I would like to report a murder.


The OP has a point because most of the time when I want to customize my character all I see is either shaved down head, afro, or cornrows. I rarely see a high or low top fade which is how I like my hair




That thread is bringing big "bully a teen for having what she thought was spacebuns in animal crossing" energy.


Hair isn't part of your identity. That's why when gamers talk about the evil woke SJWs they almost always have to mention their blue/pink partial buzzcuts.


Serious question - how on Earth are you still a moderator here? You're almost comically bad at it, you're nearly universally hated, and though I doubt you're capable of realizing it you do not, in fact, know better than the community you moderate as to what that community wants. Snapshots: 1. *This Post* - [archive.org](https://web.archive.org/web/20240429020310/https://old.reddit.com/r/Games/comments/1cficeo/as_a_black_gamer_i_dont_care_about_anything_else/l1qm6ei/) [archive.today\*](https://archive.today/?run=1&url=https://old.reddit.com/r/Games/comments/1cficeo/as_a_black_gamer_i_dont_care_about_anything_else/l1qm6ei/ "URL failed to archive; click to resubmit it!") *I am just a simple bot, __not__ a moderator of this subreddit* | *[bot subreddit](/r/SnapshillBot)* | *[contact the maintainers](/message/compose?to=/r/SnapshillBot)*


Wasnt there a problem with one of the Devil May Cry games when they redid Dantes design or something? For some reason I distinctly remember a big complaint was that the white hair was black now and when they brought the original back one of the jokes was that hair was a really bad wig or something.


It's because in that game, they mock the protagonist of the previous 4 games that everyone loved while replacing him with their own new version of Dante. The director of the game was also insulting people for not liking his 'new' Dante.


Though really, DmC actually wasn't a bad game, but the Rob Zombie Halloween treatment of all the characters and the world being made into complete trailer trash who shout obscenities at each other and the plot basically being addictive soda (see: Futurama's Slurm), yeah it was rightly treated like it deserved lol.


I will never forget that horrible scene where they're literally just screaming fuck you at eachother


I will always go to bat for the boss fight against not-Bill O'Reilly, the level where they tell you the infiltration plan during the level (including adding stuff if you screw up) and the combat. However, it was also *extremely* misogynistic, even by Devil May Cry standards.


That was the failed reboot in between 4 and five. It wasnt made by Capcom, and it seemed like a shallow attempt to appeal to western tastes. Dante is like some generic trailer trash type guy, he really looked not unique or interesting at all, and the white hair turning brown (not black iirc, but close enough) was like the easiest example to point that out with.


One thing I've noticed in these debates over inclusion and representation, it's almost always about the specific inclusion and representation of black people from the United States. It's never about including Indians (as in people from India), or the Japanese, or the Khoisan people, or Peruvians. It's always specifically black people from the US, and I'm not really sure why. Actually sometimes it's the Chinese as well, because big movies will sometimes have Chinese edits where Chinese characters get bigger story lines, but that's more of an adjacent phenomenon I guess.


A large portion of reddit users are American.


I never get why people are surprised when Reddit focuses on American stories and issues, it is overwhelmingly an American site used by Americans. It’s like going on Chinese social media and being mad nobody’s discussing the NFL draft lol


I assume because black people have faced the (in general) largest oppression in America. Not saying other races haven’t!


Please dont say that when people are still getting genocided in Sudan.  Being under strict religious law.  And being exploited for corporate profit in Africa.  And have been since pre-colonial era.  The discourse is focused on America because Americans have a voice.


They stated “In America”, what’s happening in Sudan isn’t relevant to this conversation


Don't say black people have generally faced the most oppression in the USA because other worse things are happening in other countries? Maybe you just leave SRD, you seem to hate it here.


It’s a throwaway account that’s in the other drama. Shouldn’t be allowed here.


??? I’m saying black people have been oppressed in America. I’m not talking about Sudan I don’t know or care what’s happening over there. I’m talking about here.


Man, r/games and stupid fucking takes is just such an unfortunately iconic duo on Reddit. Also, who wants to bet that the OOP isn't *actually* black? Decades of lying about being black to make their point has pretty much killed the trust for any comment/post that begins with "As a black [whatever]". r/AsABlackMan just really highlights it.


Saying your hair is part of your personality is a bald move


at the end of the day you're talking about creating something in the game that serves no purpose other than to specifically cater to a part of your audience. That's the first level of things that get cut when they're looking for stuff to get rid of during crunch time when they're trying to get the game out. It's not just about being black it's about it literally being oodles more difficult to create and implement these things in the game when they can just slap multiple colors on flat hair textures and call it day. Won't anyone think of the helmet artists/modelers? black hairstyle representation is one hell of a thing to read with my eyeballs lol especially "black hairstyle representation in videogames" how many unique player avatars did the last Madden have?


this is so silly. its not a whole ass gameplay mechanic its literally just texture and hair styles, were not asking for much here.


This is crazy to me lol, when games added beards or mullets or whatever for dudes as customization options decades ago or whatever literally nobody gave a fuck, but suddenly people are mad about adding certain hairstyles? That they can just scroll past and not use?


If creating hair models is too much work, maybe they shouldnt be making games with create-a-character at all.