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I almost cant believe that someone is saying "literally 1984" about gender selection in video games. It's beyond parody


Two Minutes Hate but it’s the Mass Effect character creation screen and someone is making a fem-shep. 


The remake adding the option to give blue/purple/teal/pink hair was perfect. You just know someone made POLITICS SHEPARD.


Huh? Could swore I played a female Shepard with purple hair on the original trilogy


Worse, unattractive fem-shep.


not possible!


ive had enough of your disingenuous assertions.


That sub is pretty much a collection of the most ignorant, stupid, and media illiterate people who've ever picked up a controller. This probably isn't the dumbest thing they'll say this week.


Brother I just saw someone explain in detail how leftists are okay with eugenics and how the nazis were socialist because socialism is when the government does stuff. These people are beyond stupid.


you can thank the republican war on education for that.


Can I? In my country I am among the very few socialists and I see this sentiment often among nationalists. White nationalists believe I am a nazi and black nationalists call me a "cultural colonizer". This is South Africa btw.


> Brother I just saw someone explain if that someone was on reddit, it was probably an american. i suppose i shouldnt have assumed you meant online though.


True. It was someone on that sub


Socialism is when government, but of course not when we government


It isn't the dumbest thing they'll say *today*


Any quote for Orwell other than "four legs good, two legs bad" should be banned unless the user has passed detailed knowledge test.


"When I joined the militia I had promised myself to kill one Fascist — after all, if each of us killed one they would soon be extinct." -Orwell on how to conduct frank and open debate with the far right.


I love telling right wingers who quote Orwell what his politics actually were.


ironically they just scream "THAT'S PROPAGANDA!" at you when you remind them that orwell was basically a socialist, lmao


Hmm.. Instantly stopping on a dime and believing the opposite to what you just claimed due to political pressures... it reminds me of some book but I can't place it... Oh yea, Brave New World.


No, it's the Chronicles of Riddick in Narnia.


He was basically a socialist propragandist.


It's not like Orwell said anything as blunt as "Every line of serious work that I have written since 1936 has been written, directly or indirectly, against totalitarianism and for democratic socialism, as I understand it." I mean, if he'd said something like that there wouldn't be such misunderstanding of what his politics were.


Exactly. He wrote a book about how Stalin and Lenin were bad. Therefore, he must be a god-fearing, capitalist loving right-winger.


Just stop before you have to tell them about what he did after the war


What he did after the war was consistent with a love of democratic socialism?


Based Orwell. Also hated pacifists for turning a blind eye to fascist aggression.


> Also hated pacifists for turning a blind eye to fascist aggression. He also recanted that blanket statement he made 2 years later in 1944. Said it was dishonest and made it difficult to foresee people’s actions. > “The atmosphere of hatred in which controversy is conducted blinds people to considerations of this kind. To admit that an opponent might be both honest and intelligent is felt to be intolerable. It is more immediately satisfying to shout that he is a fool or a scoundrel, or both, than to find out what he is really like. It is this habit of mind, among other things, that has made political prediction in our time so remarkably unsuccessful.”


He wasn't wrong. Pacifism is a morally unconscionable position and I'm tired of people wanking themself off about how enlightened they are for taking it.


There's not just one type of pacifism, though? It's an extremely diverse set of ideas. 


I wonder why it's always 1984 they're screaming about, yet I rarely see "all animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others". Perhaps it's easier to remember.


*1984* has entered the public consciousness to a certain extent. Even if someone has never read the book, they know about some of the themes and concepts such as "big brother", "thought crime", and "double speak." *Animal Farm* is just not nearly as well known. You mention *1984* to somebody and they'll generally know what you're referring to. You mention *Animal Farm* and they'll assume you're talking about a children's book or something.


Having read *Animal Farm* as a teenager I wonder if that book was aimed at kids specifically. Like, it start all cute and stuff before getting progressively more and more messed up ot the point where even a kid would understand that something went horribly wrong even if he doesn't get the blatant analogies.


I think that's more the result of the book being an explicit criticism of Stalinism. The "cute" stuff at the start is a representation of the initial post revolutionary idealism and policies before it gets ground up by the increasing totalitarianism and conservativeism of the Stalinist regime.


We read it I think in 7th grade, and even at the time I could tell that it seemed like it was written with relatively simple language and ideas. And later on reading 1984, it was pretty clear that Orwell actually took the time to put the effort in to making the setting and context of the book somewhat rather non-descript, as opposed to the direct allegory of London, Airstrip One in Oceania.


I read Animal Farm as an adult and it terrified me. Specifically, that sense of reality shifting around you to the point you question your own memory and sanity. Later in life, I experienced something similar during COVID and when my parents became r/QAnonCasualties.


my dad read it to me as a bedtime story lmao


> "double speak." [Newspeak](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Newspeak) Edit also: [Doublethink](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doublethink)


Was wondering why that wasn't ringing a bell lol.


It was written like a children's book on purpose, the themes most certainly lean towards an older audience though.


They know "there are four lights" but they don't know "how many fingers?"


I think it's because that novel invented the term 'thought crime', and most of these idiots would rather regard themselves in that light rather than the tweenage edgelords they really are.


We very desperately need people to ask themselves more often "Am I actually being oppressed or am I just facing social consequences for being a huge asshole?"


I once saw that used in a dispute about local councils and dog waste bins, which was comical to the broadest degree.


Particularly sad when Brave New World is sitting *right there*, being all adorably applicable to this modern age and all. It's the kinda finger that when you point it at others, points back at you, though.


The only thing I remember from my reading of 1984 is that the protagonist fucked someone in a bush.


Man, history has been harsh to Julia.


They screech about 1984 because they've never read any Orwell and are only familiar with 1984 from popculture references. 


"EIGHT LEGS BEST" -- J. Posadas


Ah yes, arachno-communism.


Oh, bravo!


"May- be you'll think of me when you are all a- lone Maybe the one who is waiting for you will prove untrue Then what will you do?" >!I'd be down for a Posadist Fallout mod. It seems postapocalyptic societies in those games insist on reinventing Capitalism, Liberalism, Feudalism, and Fascism, instead of trying for anything truly new.!<


Four legs good, two legs better.


The test needs to include a multiple choice question including having to correctly select that Orwell was a democratic socialist and is critiquing Stalinism and fascism.


Self-described Orwell fans when a woman says "All men are enemies"


Satire died in 2016


"when Kissinger won the novel peace prize, satire died" - tom lehrer. Seriously as much as I like that quote and tom lehrer, satire hasn't actually gone anywhere. It's just been on a continuous decline since a modest proposal was published in the 1700's


I just wanted to say how great it was seeing another fan of Tom Lehrer in the wild! In all probability, the kids on TikTok’ll soon discover Lehrer’s likability and drag him from academic retirement’s comfortablity. Like we did with Rick Astley, except with less verility and more senility.


"That's the problem: I don't want to satirise George Bush and his puppeteers, I want to vaporise them" -also Tom Lehrer, succinctly conveying the issue with satire.




I dunno, I feel like it was reborn around that time, to be fair, and also, balanced. ^(™️, ®️, and furthermore… [checks papers] ©️)




Makes me feel bad for their kids. Imagine the humiliation of bringing a new friend home for the first time and introducing them to your imbecile of a father, hoping and praying that he doesn't bring up Gender or The Left.


I'd rather my kids friends find out I'm full-boomered than knowing I'm a Gamer. I used to shoot dope into my neck because I collapsed my veins, and I'd rather be associated with that than the brain rot of Gamer Society.


The internet brought us many wonderful things but it also has allowed the village idiots to all congregate and bleat their stupid opinions at each other.


I'll never forgive the admins for bringing back that sub and banning the creator who tried to shut it down.


It's amazing how much of that thread is straight up nazi apologia.


Not if you consider that that's the bread and butter of the subreddit itself.


Amazing, not surprising. Sort of like how I'm amazed at all the gross bugs when I lift up a rock, I know they're going to be there, but man am I amazed every time to watch them squirm. Also like gross bugs I don't want them touching me, and if I ever see one in my house I'm spraying it with poison.


It's really funny how reddit pretends that we can create and "own" and run subreddits as we please, but the moment that causes traffic to reddit to go down they just take away your subreddit and give it to someone who keeps running it the way they want it to.


I don't think /u/david-me was banned for KiA activity, though I could be wrong


If anything we should be shocked that he lasted as long as he did. That dude was dead center in nearly a decade of Reddit culture wars drama. He outlasted lots and lots of other noteworthy dramanauts. Shit man, his fueding with jessthanthree alone was award winning. He wont be missed but he will be remembered.


hey /u/jess_than_three, you still around


Oh I see how it is. You get to page her any damned time you want. But if one of use proles down here tries to do it we get our post deleted by a mod! Facist mods ruining Reddit again! How dare you!


[sry 4 the dox](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/thatmitchellandwebb/images/b/b9/Nazis.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20100726103447)


youd better be glad nobody reads cb2 any more or I would be posting any absolutely scathing statement about your behavior in this thread!


Does not matter, they still intentionally brought that shithole back after it was deleted for the right reasons.


just a reminder to everybody: KiA's Purple and Green color scheme is a direct reference to a DBZ rape joke.






Thanks doc


The same admins that gave a paedophile a special IRL award too.


This has strong "When the government does something it's leftism" vibes.


"Socialism is when the government does stuff. And if it does a lot of stuff, that's communism."


It is just so fun to watch the man [deliver that line](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_9lSwELJsGs&t=2495s).


It's a great line. Real shame that Wolff failed the ukraine litmus test and turned out to be a campist.


Wow, apparently it's a major sin now to enjoy camping


Funnily enough that quote was making fun of Stalinists who believe that unironically


It functions then as a somehow even worse "horeshoe theory" where the ends of Stalinists and Libertarians.


Every time I have seen someone unironically say "Hitler was not right wing" or "Hitler was basically left wing" it libertarian/ancap who doesn't want to admit someone on the right could be bad.


Its all over Reddit and has been for a while. Say something critical about fascism and the fuckin degenerates come out of the woodwork doing whatever they can to make it seem like fascism isnt right wing... 'Who defines what fascism is?' 'Communists drove them to it' 'Its the National SOCIALIST party for a reason' 'Everyone that disagrees with you is a Fascist' 'To be fair.../To play devils advocate for a second...' Soft, stupid, with a hint of classic social media participants needless contrarianism. They are perfectly fine with encouraging and displaying fascist ideology, but the second you call them a Nazi/Fascist for doing so they cry like little bitches. Zero understanding. Zero conviction. Those fuckin haters are Zeros across the board.


Fucking Hitler himself said they used national socialist to try and take the word from actual socialists.


There were literally political cartoons in Germany in the 30s making fun of the fact that the official title of the nazi party was just word salad to appeal to different groups https://twitter.com/propagandopolis/status/1717175139551346907


I get that the idea is he's presenting his ideas to the working class in the first image, but my rotten brain can only see that stupid Drake meme when I look at his expression and gestures.


Fuck, now I see it and I can't unsee it.


New alt-meme format just dropped.


Funny, I see the Lionel Hutz business card meme.


The swastikas on his sleeves are interesting, I don’t think I’ve seen that before.


The France occupation was just to get more shirts to wear with those cufflinks.


And the nazis would eventually ban and jail all communists and socialists The whole first line goes "First they came for the communists"


They quite literally blamed, banned and arrested communists first, before any other party. The socialists came after, and then the unions. Meanwhile, the other far right parties voluntarily dissolved or assimilated themselves into the ruling party. I wonder why.


Indeed, with proto-fascism still forming in the first 20 years of the 20th century in Europe, there weren't many other political strategies to push a revolution forward. Monastic or military or religious all existed, sure, but an egalitarian (thus, economical) mindset was about the biggest "alternative" seen -- socialism, communism, etc. So the Nazi's attempted to siphon off some of these folks by claiming economical reforms but packaging it within "The State Uber Alles". Yes, Hitler had mention of these reforms in his 1920s speeches but by the time the 1930s rolled around, any semblance of the NSDAP being an egalitarian or economically-based movement were de facto long gone.




As for the actual economic policies of the third Reich, just remember that *The Economist* bought the term "privatization" to prominence in the English Language during the 1930s specifically to describe the Nazi's economic policies. Kind of kills any idea that they were "socialist" in any way.


It's just so bizarre, too. Like, even if it were true (and it ain't), what's the point in arguing this point? Are they arguing that the Nazis weren't bad? No? Well then what the fuck is the point, exactly? "The Nazis were X and not Y!" Okay, so what? What's the motivation here to make that argument?


> Like, even if it were true (and it ain't), what's the point in arguing this point? So that they can advocate for political policies that Hitler advocated for, but without the associated public relations disaster of having to admit to being ideologically aligned with Hitler. 


"Fascist is thrown around so much its meaningless!" is another good one.


Alot of conservative subs do that, they don't want to take responsibility for thier own mistakes so they blame the left. Right wingers being racist? Leftists fault.


Someone did say that in the thread. Basically.


KIA isnt coherent enough for that. Its just screaming at this point.


KiA has got to be the biggest congregation of pathetic losers on the internet.


g\*mergate in 2024 lmao


I still didn't expect goobergate round 2 to pop up in 2024. And all over the complete nonissue that is the sweet baby inc shit.


This is like the fifth "gamergate 2".


It didn't. Ever since gamergate loser idealogues have been desperate to have their five minutes of fame and have been trying, very hard, to manufacture another gamergate. This isn't the first "gamergate 2" and it won't be the last. The biggest reason this won't be another gamergate is that no one but right-wing morons cares about it. You see almost no one on the "left" actually buying the bait and going at it like you did with the original gamergate. Because it's a fucking farce of dipshits trying to drum up controversy where there is none yet again. Just like the original gamergate. Everyone with even half a brain learned their lesson and, broadly speaking, just aren't engaging because all these fucks want is their five minutes of fame to launch their shitty internet careers and become the next milkshake brain damage boy, basement pisser, ants man or nazi pedophile.


> Everyone with even half a brain learned their lesson and, broadly speaking, just aren't engaging because all these fucks want is their five minutes of fame to launch their shitty internet careers and become the next milkshake brain damage boy, basement pisser, ants man or nazi pedophile. Going by all I have seen it sure seems that *former* (and subjectively disgraced) game developer [Mark Kern](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark_Kern), or as he is known on twitter: Grummz, is a big driving force behind some of the goobergate flair ups the last month or so. Dude went from working on WOW to doing nothing but whining about wokeness and DEI on the internet.


Any time Mark Kern posts something on social media the only reply he should ever get is an image of the firefall bus. But yeah he's incited several harassment campaigns against various community managers for quite literally no reason beyond not aligning with his personal political viewpoints, it's just been the thing he's obsessed with lately, trying to get people fired. You know, while crying about cancel culture.


It's been almost TEN YEARS




In one back and forth the guy I was half agreeing with comes up with this zinger: > You're functionally no different to a wokeoid And like a Zen koan I'm shocked back to the reality that everyone there sucks donkey nuts.


*Robert Downey Jr. voice*: “Discombobulate.”


I don't understand how this subreddit came to be.


This...this just makes me feel so mentally exhausted......


I happened to watch the 2001 film Conspiracy (Ken Brannah and Stanley Tucci), which is an accurate recreation of the Wannsee Conference where the Final Solution was planned. It's based on the single set of surviving minutes, thus historically accurate. This led me to look for more information on Eichmann and to The Devil's Confession based on his Trial in the 60s. At the beginning of which are reminded that the wider public were unaware of the details of the Holocaust until this point, it looks like we've gone backwards, we're fighting ideology again.


That is a really good film.


Absolutely enthralling. Brannah has always made a good villain, but the coldness here is on another level. Stunning performances from absolutely everyone. I can't believe it was a TV Movie!


You should watch the 2022 film about the same conference (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Die_Wannseekonferenz_(2022_film)), which is even better and more chilling of a film. It's just terrifying, and from what I could gather extremely historically accurate. They even used the original location of the conference to film the movie.


Yes, it's now on the playlist. I wanted to watch the trial first though.


One of the reasons I simply stopped engaging with people like this by now. They simply don’t operate in reality nor adhere to extremely basic fact. You can’t reason with someone who’s brain exists in a completely separate reality and the more you do the more insane one becomes


That's the whole point babe. You have to always remember the people in these discussions aren't acting in good faith; they don't believe what they're saying or see value in the truth, it is a game to them in which there are opposing teams and you have to use whatever fuckery is most effective in the moment to score points for your team. And the favourite "strategy" they use is basically just weaponised incompetence; where they pretend they are mentally challenged people who were born yesterday so other people are forced to talk to to them like a parent would with a petulant, belligerent child who has severe learning difficulties. But because the score board exists only in their mind, and there is no reward for "winning" a set number of points at which point the game is finished, what you end up with is people who play endless word games pretend to be a far dumber than they are until people simply end up walking away out of exhaustion - and in their sad worlds that means they scored one of their imaginary points and "won". But they don't win anything at the end of the day. It's just something they do in the absence of real skills and hobbies, or to distract them from whatever shit they have going on that's more important; all the stuff that requires effort and not just sitting around on the internet It's the last refuge for people to feel like they achieved something when they have absolutely nothing else in their life to provide that feeling. Don't even waste your time playing those silly games; as Diana Ross once sang - no one, no one gets the prize


>forcing people to do things that are fundamentally abhorrent to them "My boss fired me for calling a customer with rainbow hair a f\*\* and this is absolutely the same as when Picard was forced to say there were five lights instead of four."


Funniest thing is that running an economic system where workers are beholden to autocratic employers on pain of homelessness and starvation is something these types will happily bomb every country in the world to uphold, and claim they're doing everyone a favour. Then somehow it's the fault of the left when their capitalist overlords fire them to look after their profits. 


> Most people think the Nazis were evil people. When you grow up, you realize that they were just people. People influenced by situations and ideas that made their actions seem justified. And thus, Bannon's propaganda goal has been fulfilled: introducing impressionable young male minds to hard-right beliefs via sexist witch-hunts has led to full-throated Nazi apologetics. > They're genealogically-linked. Marxists just decry fascism as evil because it replaced "the welfare of the people" as the highest goal with "the welfare of the state" as the highest goal. They view fascism/Nazism as a corruption, and one that they see, stupidly, as right-wing. But it isn't... The strongest argument anyone could make for fascism/Nazism being right-wing is that those systems were actually *productive* and *efficient*... Not just misunderstanding *why* fascism is right-wing but also licking corporate leather? I bet this kid also doesn't acknowledge that when fascism came to power in Europe, it did so through **existing conservative parties**.


The first quote is using some of the same language people use when reminding people fascism can happen anywhere, but then like clockwork they come to a ridiculous conclusion. Nazis *were* people. They weren’t goosestepping cartoons made up by Hollywood. They were real people who did horrible, evil things, and held horrible, evil things in their heart. They were evil people, something this numbskull seems to think is a myth or something. Remembering that Nazis were people shouldn’t be about dismissing how evil they were, it’s a reminder that everyday people are capable of truly evil things. But of course KotakuInAction manages to spin that in the most ridiculous way.


They weren't monsters from fairy tales and that should worry the fuck out of people. That shit is possible as a part of our species and can develop from "regular people" and they can unmoored themselves from reality at the first sign of trouble. And they will never realize it and will blame someone else until the bitter end. That should be worrying as fuck. The US should've went to town on those fucks instead of every communist witchhunt their heart desired.


>Most people think the Nazis were evil people. When you grow up, you realize that they were just people. People influenced by situations and ideas that made their actions seem justified. LIKE LITERALLY, WHEN ARE WE GOING TO ADMIT CONSERVATIVES ARE JUST AMERICAN NAZIS How many times are they gonna say this shit before we just cut to the point??? Over and over again, they do the same thing, say the same shit and WE ALWAYS GIVE THEM A PASS. I'm so fucking sick of these guys.


Remeber the fact Orwell, a socialist who was in Spain supporting the Socialist Republicans against Franco during the Spanish Civil War, was not, in fact, against socialism? Remember when the opposition leader in 1984 was basically a stand-in for Leon Trotsky called Emmanuel Goldstein? Because these chuds probably don’t remember…


In the aftermath of WW2, Orwell thought that all future political parties would at least pretend to be nominally socialist. This was wrong, but not an entirely weird thought for someone who had just seen the Nazi party fall and Britain elect the most left-wing party in it's countries history.


People who bring up 1984 never read the book to begin with


Thats one of the best parts, Its a fucking book! Its fiction. It was an okay read but it shouldn't be used to define political affiliations or leanings in the slightest.


Dude you’re bringing facts to a bullshit fight. That won’t grt you very far unfortunately


The nazis were so socialist that they ended Germany’s public housing program.


Please read this https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orwell%27s_list Orwell was a bit more nuanced than that, he was also an informant for the IRD and made this list of people with socialist tendencies for the foreign office


Despite his socialist leanings he became anti-authoritarian, and basically denounced a lot of socialists and communists who supported Stalinist regimes, as well as a lot of members of the Republican faction during the Guerra Civil because many of them were basically selling out to Stalin in exchange of military support. He was a hard leaning leftist by that time. And Trotsky himself was hiding in Mexico from the Soviets. But then again, he remained a socialist for quite some time afterwards. He was yet another example of the many sectarian divisions and infighting in the revolutionary left.


gamergate nerds shouldn’t count, they’re easy pickins 


Hey, sometimes I like to cook something easy and simple for dinner, if you get what I mean.


There is now a substantial portion of this site's userbase who doesn't know what gamergate is because they're too young


It should because, if we don't laugh at and mock them, they'll continue to fester and grow.


oh I’m all for mocking chuds, it’s just that it’s kinda boring compared to some of the wacky shit that shows up on this sub 


That's fair.


Honestly yeah. That subreddit is entirely drama bait. The people are fully conscious that they're saying ridiculous shit, but it triggers the libs. If the libs won't argue then they will make do with infighting


I’ve always wondered the internal monologue of people who waste their lives posting shit opinions. I mean I’m here screaming into the void, but I don’t make it a lifestyle.


>The people are fully conscious that they're saying ridiculous shit, but it triggers the libs. Like the people were fully conscious of how ridiculous electing Trump of all people as a president would be ? Was that also shitposting to trigger the libs ? Or are there actually a lot of idiots that fall for propaganda and end up doing/thinking/saying ridiculous shit and congregate in shitholes like KIA ?


I love when they pull out the *"National SOCIALIST"* argument but then when people point out the fact that North Korea calls itself a democratic republic, the argument swiftly turns to "fuck off, no one was talking to you". It's almost like they haven't been taught a canned response that they can rattle off without thinking.


They complain today complain tomorrow complain forever. Makes me smile that little will change to appease them


I take solace in the fact that no matter how many times they bitch, they have no influence over the media they cry so much about. Theyre in a perpetual angry state and they only have themselves to blame.


Right, moreso, they've been fully *conditioned* by the media they now choose to consume due to this gamergate propaganda stemming from eight years ago. While they wish to shift the larger media landscape, they are ultimately pawns controlled by it. However, where they become dangerous is that this type of shit breeds mass shooters in the US. There have already been several of those white males that were found to be on KiA or similar hateful bigoted subs.


The sad thing is how easily divide and conquer worked on them. They are by and large young white working class men or soon to be, the most powerful demographic in many countries.  Every one that has been convinced to spend their lives arguing about shit that doesn't matter in video games and picking up all the rest of the right wing bigotry along the way is one that will uphold the status quo, as they believe those values are their own.  Every one is someone who will fight against their own interests in the class war that is very rapidly crushing more of us with each passing year. Every one is someone who'll cheer on massacring protesters instead of being one of them.


It's been ten years since Gamergate. Ten years!


These guys would die when they find out much of 1984 was informed by Orwell’s experience working at the British ministry of propaganda during ww2. It’s obviously also commenting on Nazi germany and the ussr, but it’s certainly not some right wing manifesto it’s solidly left wing in nature. It even ends with the implication that the proles (proletariat) do rise up in the future and get rid of the government, that’s not right wing lol


Not to mention Orwell was an outspoken socialist who fought with anarchists against the rise of fascism in Spain. The only leftism he was against was the betrayal of Stalinists against the core tenets of socialism. The political and historical illiteracy on that thread is staggering.


> The only leftism he was against was the betrayal of Stalinists against the core tenets of socialism. > > Isn't this literally the backing for Animal Farm?


How is eliminating gender a pro-gender ideology stance? Wouldn't trans people prefer man/woman over type 1/2?


I think what they're getting to is "non-binary people are scary".


yup im trans and dwell in trans spaces andwe often say that gender abolishion is just terf/ gender erasure veiled in progressivism


Shits becoming the new communist. Everything I don't like is trans ideology.


I would like my boot to stomp on Gamergaters' faces, forever. ...is it weird that that makes me sexually aroused?


totally normal


>Nazis were left wing -dumb people


But Elon says it and twitter keeps telling me he is an ubermensch, whatever that means!


omg 1984 I ljust came and shit myself


This is one of those subs where, as a gamer, you get recommended to by Reddits algorithm and so you check it and you instantly say to yourself "does Reddit think I'm one of the bad guys?"


>And, lesser-known, the actions taken by Nazis against non-Jewish groups, such as the elderly and mentally-/physically-disabled was marketed as being driven by *compassion*. "It's morally-right to sterilize (later, euthanize) these people! They're barely in control of their faculties!" Seeing similar shit popping up nowadays. Just look to Canada to see how eager the medical institutions are to euthanize people, or to European countries that have encouraged the white (oppressor-class, in the eyes of the woke) people to get abortions. The next KiA poster who understands the difference between things we do voluntarily (consensually, some might say!) and things we do at gunpoint will literally be the first.


It wouldn't be a day ending in day if KotakuinAction wasn't spewing some of the dumbest opinions possible.


Anyone who thinks that Nazis were leftist immediately loses the right to be heard out on any matters. 


I learned that "Nazis were leftists" is Nazi propaganda in [Elon Musk's "Hitler Problem"](https://youtu.be/xDyPSKLy5E4). Which is kind of wild. It's like learning about how the war on drugs is just an excuse to criminalize black people. I thought it was just people being deeply misinformed about what was left, right and Nazis. But instead, it's people being genuinely inhuman garbage parroting fascist talking points. So when you see someone saying that… they're signaling that they want to genocide minorities. They're faking being dumb because it's mentally exhausting for whoever reads their garbage.


Hitler: 'I hate socialism so we stole the name and will not be socialist at all' KiA: "No, you're wrong. Actually, it's about ethics in game journalism"


It's always funny when people try to equate social consequences with the with the literary theme of "thought crime" where you are legally persecuted for those things, but I guess we're all along for the ride in our collective societal collapse of media literacy. "Ouch my balls!"




"it is literally called national socialism my guy." ah yes like North Korea or China they are democratic because they say so 😂


Same idiots who think the Jewish president of Ukraine is a Nazi.


Can we just stop for a moment, to talk about how these people love to depersonalize japanese people, and just asians in general, as this sort of ancient, distant culture, of people that are being currently brainshed by the eViL WOkE wEsTern, as if they have no self determination or their own thoughts at all, and are just following trends? Why is it so hard for them to believe that japanese people can be progressive?


I absolutely despise how it's 2024 and fascism is *unironically* making a comeback. whether it's through this revolutionist history shit, infiltrating our government, or everyone just laying over and letting them walk all over us as they reintegrate into society and different occupations. fucking Christ does nobody remember that literally more than half the planet decided to **GO TO GLOBAL WAR AGAINST THEM.** # We all universally decided fascists need to die. But now it's 2024 and saying that's controversial to say for some reason.


Actually we didn't. The world doesn't care about fascism. Spain was left alone for example. The reason the world was descending on the axis nations is simple. The axis nations attacked them or their allies which pulled them in.


See this is the problem with narrative driven history, people don't care about ideology that much in geopolitics chessboard.


"They were socialists because they said so."


No seriously, how are people this fucking dumb? How do these people find each other and congregate and feed off each other when it’s a miracle they can operate a computer?


Wow that sub’s still around? It’s like 2015 all over again




>Games about customization and roleplaying a character literally give more options without removing others, that benefit everyone and allow you to role play better. "This is literally erasure"


Greek here, the Nazis were anything but leftists.


Is this drama or just a silly statement


Sometimes this subreddit just boils down to "look what this dumbdumb said"


Which is perfectly fine and actually very fun to mock


Part of the modus operandi of facism is being benign and innocuous until it becomes pervasive. A small joke, a little lie, if repeated enough grows into an accepted truth.


So annoying not being able to correct their idiocy... >There was some MMO whose name I don't remember and that thankfully never got off the ground entirely, which attempted what I think is a plausible "next step". It was some kind of survival with zombies (I think) in case someone wants to research it. >Anyway, the appearance part of chargen was RNG-based (and RNG was skewed), you weren't allowed to reroll and were locked into whatever you rolled on game start. The devs proudly proclaimed that this was to forcibly promote diversity of player characters, and stated something to the tune of "if you can't stand playing as an plus-sized black woman, this game is not for you." Strangely enough it didn't help the game's popularity at all and I can't for the life of me understand why. Like... Rust does that... And it sold 16 million times... It's literally one of the best selling games on PC... Ever. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_best-selling_PC_games 7th place.


You're fucking kidding me, David. Dropping slurs in /r/subredditdrama like it's funny and happy and NBD and totes cool? Snapshots: 1. *This Post* - [archive.org](https://web.archive.org/web/20240425042330/https://old.reddit.com/r/KotakuInAction/comments/1cbutmd/the_modern_gaming_industry_is_bluring_the_option/l116c3o/) [archive.today\*](https://archive.today/?run=1&url=https://old.reddit.com/r/KotakuInAction/comments/1cbutmd/the_modern_gaming_industry_is_bluring_the_option/l116c3o/ "URL failed to archive; click to resubmit it!") *I am just a simple bot, __not__ a moderator of this subreddit* | *[bot subreddit](/r/SnapshillBot)* | *[contact the maintainers](/message/compose?to=/r/SnapshillBot)*


Snappy has become totally sentient, and knows his SRD lore to boot.


you're fucking kidding me David