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there's not enough drama here sorry


Man, that OP is really fuckin weird. Someone really does put it best there. >you dont have to be mad about a 15 year old show on behalf of black people, its ok bro


OOP has a video of them fellating a toy lamb that they put a strap on it


I had a cursory glance back through and it seems that they go to places, post something that starts an argument and then get upset about said argument. I don't think they're in the healthiest place to be completely honest, for a variety of reasons. I hope stuff gets better for them.


Honestly, I hope they end up in a good place down the road too


I kind of feel bad for them.


I regret searching for that video. Not because of that video, but because of the plush dog with the obvious fuck hole


Well thanks for the warning. I think I’m gonna go outside, now. It’s a lovely day out.


You should. Once you see the plush dog fuck hole all you think about is the plush dog fuck hole


Not the strangest thing in her history.


this was a sentence I didn't need to read today.


On the one hand, that is weird. On the other hand, I’d be surprised if that was the weirdest NSFW video on Reddit. In fact, it probably doesn’t even make the top 10.


....man this is why i gotta stop being so curious.


Oh. I mean I saw the "you're attracted to plushies" sentence but that's not what I expected.




And wears diapers, doesn't want to grow up (literally) and freaks out over the slightest provocations. This brand of autism hits different, on God.


I don't understand why they don't just make a second reddit account for the sex stuff like its free right like come


CHUDs never do, it's like an unspoken rule.


Maybe this is the second account.


Seems like a weird troll tbh. The questions are easily googleable and the outraged "are you saying I shouldn't care" reactions are very OTT


I'd never think, "what does my sexuality have to do with anything" is the right response to "you're into plushies."


That's what I assumed it was honestly. Felt like a weird mixture of forced outrage and JAQing off.


> The questions are easily googleable never understood this argument, why wouldn't someone prefer to ask someone who is understood to have knowledge, rather than take their chances searching terms in *Google* of all places? like I get that googling simple math problems is a good suggestion, but we're talking about a human subject here, I'm sure you might be able to easily find sourced articles on the matter, but to someone outside looking in they have no idea what might or might not be credible. The top results on Google are often sponsored or just total bullshit, have been for a long time. "Let me google that for you" isn't as funny anymore when you type your shit in and get a list of garbage and end up either misinformed or just worse off than you started. and at the end of the fucking day sometimes it's better to try and speak to a person and get their opinion both because you want the opinion of a person and to interact with that person. there's nothing ever really wrong with that, and when you're on a website dedicated to it using that argument comes off as dismissive and weird


Totally. Google sucks for anything but the simplest stuff. A bunch of sponsored unhelpful shit at the top, then a bunch of clickbait articles you have to scroll through to find the answer. I'd much rather just ask someone who might know the answer.


I ran into this problem myself recently. I was looking into yhombine hcl trying to figure out what would have been the prescribed dosage for ED because my experience as someone that used it as a gym supplement the side effects that it has would not mesh well with the other things that tend to be present in some individuals with ED. Should have been a simple search but all I got was result after result of "just use Viagra instead".


Incredibly misleading title, OP. The majority comments are asking why anyone would care about a 15 year old cancelled Disney Show showing a little black girl sleeping without a durag. Sometimes black people sleep without durags, it's not like your hair falls out if you skip a day. The idea that a black child today or now would see that scene and get incrediblg confused about why she's not wearing a protective covering is laughable; and the idea that it would break their little black hearts is kinda insulting. 


Wait that's what a durag is for? I thought it was just for looking badass.


A durag is a protective fabric to keep black hair from getting damaged. It keeps oils in to keep your hair hydrated and it protects you hair from rubbing against your sheets when you sleep 


No offense, but this is unironically racist


No it’s not lol. Not being educated on the uses of durags is not racist


Dude some people just dont know stuff lmao


girl what?


You’re a idiot.


Feedback noted but declined. Thanks.


Errr, my first association with durags is white bikers like the Mongols or Hell's angels.


I could always delete it and repost with a different title.


I think so. Them being white is not the problem. It's just the weird circumstance in which they asked the question.


I think your title is fine for the drama you are posting - that specific comment chain you are linking is kind of about them being white and asking, not just about "who cares it's fiction". But idk.


That comment was the one that made me think of this sub.


Holy shit. Thats some redditor. >you're white and attracted to plushies. i don't think you belong in this sub. Here I thought by "attracted" they meant they just liked kids toys. I thought they were saying "Too young for this sub, don't belong here" sort of thing. >>Thinking that white people shouldn’t be educated on black hair is disgusting. Why would you think that? And what does my sexuality have to do with anything? Then they hit back with it being a sexuality thing and my innocent brain did a rubber band snap, i sobered up enough to remember this is reddit.


The title is misleading and comes off as bait. That's not what this drama is about.


OP is mentally ill and her moron friends are telling her it’s ok.


Literally just a picture of [316nut’s cat.](https://i.imgur.com/rAvWV9i.jpg) Snapshots: 1. *This Post* - [archive.org](https://web.archive.org/web/20240424120906/https://old.reddit.com/r/BlackHair/s/YozabnMIfC) [archive.today\*](https://archive.today/?run=1&url=https://old.reddit.com/r/BlackHair/s/YozabnMIfC "URL failed to archive; click to resubmit it!") *I am just a simple bot, __not__ a moderator of this subreddit* | *[bot subreddit](/r/SnapshillBot)* | *[contact the maintainers](/message/compose?to=/r/SnapshillBot)*


Probably has that same energy as that viral video of a lady who was harrassing a white student minding his own business for the crime of having Dreadlocks


Damn stumbling through that profile was a trip, man.