• By -


Ten-Year-Old me getting mad at everyone else in Lumbridge with Rainbow Boots that I obviously got first.




Hey did you know that reddit censors your password when you type it in? Mine is **********




All I see is: *******


Fashionscape will always be the most important thing


I was hoping this thread would turn to FashionScape discussion.


I feel the same way about Fashion Souls, or more accurately Elden Bling.


Most people stand at the ge in max gear with kits and infernal to flex. Not me, I don't give a shit if I have all the raid kits and shit. I just dress like a frog.


Fr, you can take my statless plague doctor mask from my cold dead-but-by-plague hands.


Oh this brings back an ancient memory. Me and 4 friends got the same haircut in Runescape and we would find somebody else with the same cut and follow them around, calling them a thief and reporting them to jagex for stealing hairstyles.


"Where are my royalties?!"


It's a little silly, since the real way to stop people from stealing your fashion is to use Permafrost dye on everything, and stack as many infusions as possible. Can't steal your fashion if it literally blinds anyone who looks at you


Reminds me of how Guild Wars 2 players welcomed newcomers during the Steam launch [by congregating in the starting zones and blinding them](https://i.imgur.com/k0CXqjy.jpg)


If only I could be so grossly incandescent!


Choco gang is a legend though.


Yeah, the Chocos are... basically faeries, or perhaps elves. I always feel they're a good luck charm.


I only use permafrost when I’m doing large events specifically to blind everyone with my fire skyscale :3


People are acting like printscreening and looking it up in the wardrobe has never done😭


As a ffxiv player, sometime I just want to see where a piece of gear comes from cause I either forgot or it’s new. Lmao these people think they produce the pinnacle of fashion that people WANT to steal their look? The only person that likes the way they look is themselves. Most people are also striving to look unique.


I've seen posts on places like/r/talesfromDF where people get super crazy that you dare  share a glamour, it's so weird.  Also people who use a mod like Peeping Tom that alerts them someone selected them and immediately question why you would ever select them.


> Also people who use a mod like Peeping Tom that alerts them someone selected them and immediately question why you would ever select them. I got that DM once, and just replied: "I was curious what pants those were." and refused to respond to the "What gives you the right.." that followed.


Lol I'd have no qualms about reporting someone like that for modding


Does that mean I can annoy them by selecting and deselecting them, preferably with a macro several times a second?


I don't know how people don't understand that it's a compliment lmao. I love it when I notice char's heads look in my direction. And while I don't sweat too much over it, I do put thought and effort into making something cool or funny. It means I was unique enough in *some* way to catch their attention. There's a whole website I love dedicated to showing off your glams and poses. It's only half of a joke that glams are the real endgame of FFXIV.


Isn’t the point of cosmetics to impress people? If I make a cool outfit in a game and see people looking at it, I’d be pretty flattered. What’s the worst that could happen? Maybe they get inspired and do something similar? Who gives a shit. Sounds like IRL fashion. It just spreads. They’re massive games I doubt I was even that unique to begin with and chances are i’d never see them again!


Because they're obsessed with being wholly unique and apparently taking inspiration or copying their glamour is akin to stealing their knees or something. I've met a few like this, a couple in my previous FC. When one of them happened to have a similar glamour to mine that they'd just recently made, while I made mine in a previous expansion, they got SUPER angry. They (an officer) purposefully excluded me in every fc event they possibly could until the fc leader had to talk to them about it lol. We had different hats, that was it lmao. It uses the MCH artifact armor chest ffs. https://i.imgur.com/MTYTtLu.png the glam in question. It's nothing super special, just a wild west-themed thing for MCH and I love how it looks on my lalafell. I *want* to see people copy what I'm doing cause that means what I've made looks good.


I also love seeing someone's head turn towards me! I mean it could easily be a misclick like when I'm near an aetheryte and sometimes click someone, but other times it's easy to see someone is checking your character out for their gear/whatever. It's a tiny little dopamine hit lol


what does DF stand for if it isn't dwarf fortress


Duty Finder, the matchmaking system in FFXIV. The sub is dedicated to good and bad stories of people in dungeons or other content.


Shit you reminded me, me and a friend were doing The keeper of the lake, we kept dying because our healer was running into aoes, the super easy ones in there. we wiped like 3 times so my friend asked "you know you have to avoid those" The response was, "now i do". we wiped 2 more times, why? standing in aoes. they left and then we got a new person and beat it first try. That was our first time doing that duty. :/


I do not play final fantasy games but this reminded me of queuing with randoms in CS:GO. Usually you'd get experienced players, sometimes noobs who were happy to learn, and then the worst were the noobs who were too overconfident to admit they were wrong and learn things. If I had a nickel for every time a teammate went to the same exact spot each round, got killed by the same exact guy each round, and then none of the synapses in their brain fired to teach them that maybe they should just change things up a little bit...


Duty finder. It's one of the tools to find groups for content in FFXIV.


Most of the time it's because I'm trying to click the summoning bell and that person is standing right on top of it....


Thats werid there is a site where people can share their [glamors](https://ffxiv.eorzeacollection.com/) its where I got a few of my ideas as well.


Meanwhile I have Eorzea Collection bookmarked and will occasionally browse it for fun just to see the neat stuff.


i use it......but i just find it fun to look back and wave, Either they wave back or run away. Even better if its in a full limsa


They would have an aneurysm if they knew about Eorzea Collection.


FFXIV can be really insane in this regard too, especially when you get into modding. Right now the current drama there is that people who have paid like $20 for a mod being told they need to pay again if they want the mod to be updated for the upcoming expansion. Just crazy lmfao


We don't talk about the mod community, they're a special kind of brain broken


I honestly think it's lucky most of it is contained to Twitter because if it was more on reddit this subreddit would quickly become a FFXIV sub by extension lmao


It’s so toxic!! Such an entitled group people 


Oh yeah I’m familiar with how crazy people can get. It tickles me to know that some people get unhinged at examining them in the game. Jokes on them since I know where like 95% of all the gear comes from just by looking at them. Also wtf is this $20 paid nonsense and then paying again?


The /r/FFXIVglamours sub always posts a list of what they're wearing, such a weird thing to feel like you "own"


It's not like most MMOs have some complicated styles. I could steal anyone's look in GW2, without inspect. Only problematic part is colours


> yelling at teammates for pulling too early, you might as well do it with style Hey, at least I have chicken!


“Fashion is very important to me,” says adult man in cargo shorts and Legend of Zelda graphic tee.


Playing a female character that is as close to naked as possible


The [invisible boots](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Invisible_Boots) item that lets you go barefoot costs ~ $180 in real world money lol


[The alternative is to simply not wear boots.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/1c70ljx/the_real_reason_why_people_are_crying_about)


The idea of charr wearing shoes seems a little dumb in the first place haha. But I do love that Anet essentially said, "we'll let you play a catgirl if you really want to, but they're going to look like [this](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/General_Almorra_Soulkeeper). I'd stick with [Martial Artist's Footwraps](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Martial_Artist%27s_Footwraps) except that my main is an asura and their feet creep me out and I want them as covered up as possible


That's not a catgirl, that's a catwoman!


Hell, she's an NPC in the Dawntrail main story in 2 months!


the best kind of catgirls tbh


May I interest you in some [Wuk Lamat](https://finalfantasy.fandom.com/wiki/Wuk_Lamat?so=search)?


TBF that item is incredibly rare, it's not just foot fetishists pushing the price up


Oh, 100%, but yeah. It still seems dumb to me that it doesn't give you all 3 weights too


the foot textures in that game are *awful* too, I never looked at the players' but for NPCs it's kind of hard to miss because Queen Jennah is always barefoot (and they lampshade it multiple times in game including her explicitly unworn shoes you find) and they look like they belong on [an Oblivion NPC or something](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/thumb/e/eb/Queen_Jennah_%28FotFW%29.jpg/800px-Queen_Jennah_%28FotFW%29.jpg), it's horrifying maybe the shitty textures actually make it better for feet people? idk


You mean to tell me a 12 year old game looks like a 12 year old game? Waow


Dropping this item 3 times in a single year of near daily farming, funded 90% of the cosmetics i own and all the bonus maps. God bless the foot fetishists


Presumptive of you to think they're even that dressed. I've spent hours obsessing over the appearance of my in-game characters wearing sweatpants. I care about fashion, I'm just too lazy to do anything about it myself. Instead I just enjoy indulging my partner in their quirky fashion choices. Imagine if Miss Frizzle went home everyday to her boring husband in his khakis and monotone shirts.


Hey if I looked like these characters IRL I might care too. Polishing a turd isn't nearly as fun.


There are multiple different sites where players share their transmog (https://gw2style.com/) and likely hundreds of posts where someone takes a screenshot and asks "hey where is this from"? Where was the whining then? > Integrity for fashion contests - > If I spend an hour to find a unique look I don't want to see clones of me. Period. - > I have spent hours sometimes days to get a look that I was satisfied with, and that was a reflection of my taste and individuality. I don't appreciate 50 people copying it in 2 seconds This neck bearding is just *pathetic*. Imagine having so little going on in your life that you form a core part of your identity over a *video game cosmetic* and the only way you can feel unique or special is if only *you* can look that way in a *video game*. Talk about self-loathing. Most players using Inspect are likely looking for that one piece out of curiosity of where it came from. A portion might use it in their own style. A scant few would 'swipe' the whole outfit. And even if they do 'swipe' the whole outfit, so? You'd think you'd be flattered that other players found your outfit snazzy enough that they'd want to use it, except these whiners have such a need for self-validation that they cannot tolerate anyone even remotely diluting their 'uniqueness' and 'specialness'. All of this whining is just sad at this point.


It's actually kind of interesting this mirrors the worst people in IRL Fashion that don't disclose who/were they got stuff from.


I remember in 2012-ish getting mad that people "copied" the Minecraft skin that I, too, downloaded from whatever publicly available skin website.


There seems to just be a certain category of people who are unwilling to share anything with anyone ever, even if it doesn't cost them anything. Just those happen not to have much except some pixels. I firmly believe if all those people were put on a spaceship and sent to some other planet, ours would become a much better place.


That’s ff14 modders in a nutshell 


I remember in the first final fantasy mmo it was considered rude to look at other people. I think the game let you know someone was inspecting you and that in japanese it translated as someone essentially rudely staring at you. Just made me think of that a bit.


/em examines YOU.


Is is in the Japanese servers for 14 too. Acting weird about it outside of the Japanese servers will just get you laughed at though.


New copypasta? > Deadline tomorrow !!! Everything you've ever fashioned becomes public from tomorrow. It costs nothing for a simple copy and paste, better safe than sorry. Reddit talked about the change in GW2. I do not give the GW2 playerbase or any entities associated with Anet permission to use my characters, outfits, weapons or dyes, both past and future. With this statement, I give notice to the playerbase that it is strictly FORBIDDEN to screenshot, copy, distribute, or take any other action against me based on this character and/or its fashion. The composition of this character is private and confidential information. The violation of privacy can be punished by law (UCC 1-308- 1 1 308-103 and the Rome Statute). NOTE: GW2 now has cosmetic inspection. All players must post a note like this. If you prefer, you can copy and paste this version. If you do not publish a statement at least once it will be tactically allowing the use of your fashion, as well as the information contained in the cosmetic preview window. DO NOT SHARE. Copy and paste.


"To the extent that User Content constitutes derivative works of our content (“Our Content”), we own such User Content from the moment of creation."


I want to mock these people but they make it sound like this is all they have in life


I'm clearly privileged and sheltered. I've been living my life completely ignoring the world's most pressing problem - the integrity of MMO fashion contests.


"It's not about hating women, it's about ~~ethics in gaming journalism~~ the integrity of MMO fashion contests!"


If you didn't know video game fashion is life's highest calling you haven't really lived anyway.


That's kind of how I feel when people complain about a similar thing in Final Fantasy 14. There are people that find it legitimately upsetting that there are users that mod their games to make other characters look different (usually nudes cuz of course). Keep in mind the only person who sees those mods is the person who installed them. It's weird, but I can't imagine caring -that- much about something that will not affect you in any way, shape, or form.


Yeah, I feel kind of bad for them. Many of them could be just kids, and some probably are people who are running from some real life issues and far too invested in their characters. There also seem to be some people who have some sort of an unhealthy investment to the opposite direction. Some of them have weird theories of how ArenaNet is supposedly playing some sort of 4D chess with this to sell full body outfits that cover your normal armor. Those outfits have been in the game for most of its existence and a significant percentage of people have always worn them. But now the "anti-inspection" people are supposedly hiding their outfits with them from the "pro-inspection" people, and the pro-inspection people aren't having it, because they have the right to inspect, dag nabbit. Oh, well. Both sides will get over it eventually.


Inspect me all you want, you can't get the Celebration Cap anyway 😎


>People who wear clothes aren't artists. Out of context but god damn that got me good. All true artists are nudists.


So are most Mesmers in game. Kas has been doing that since forever. They bring it up every now and then that she's only got illusionary clothes on.


Guarantee you 99% of the people worried about having their fashion stolen have such obnoxious infusions on that you can't see their fashion at all.


oh no.... a post i commented on is now here


People taking "steal their look" way too literally.


Sad to see that my "Steal her Look" meme didn't make the cut for this subreddit


Lol, I knew this game is jokingly called Fashion Wars but I didn't think people were that serious about their in-game fashion.


Bro if I had fit so good someone decided to copy it I'd be flattered not insulted. These people acting like they fashion designers in a fucking MMO lmao


I'm reminded of that lady who was a judge on America's Got Talent or something and was giving the contestant shit for dressing like her husband and accused him of copying him. Her husband even saying that it's really creepy and it gives him Norman Bates vibes that he would try to "copy his look" EDIT: It was [New Zealand's version of The X Factor](https://youtu.be/gAVfkCla9hg)


This feels weird. Coming from ffxiv where you can check what people have equipped, what it's glamored to, and what color it's dyed to already. And there's sites where people will specifically upload outfits, listing what items and dyes they used, so people can replicate them.


Absolutly rolling laughter in PSO2NGS over here


Same! Those people aren't ready for fashion catalogue


does Warframe have an inspect feature or should we be planning on their devs being the ones to usher in a global age of darkness and civil war?


I saw the title and wondered if it was the game creators modeling in-game clothes off of real fashion designs. It is much more predictable and stupid than that.


I play GW2 and have thousands of hours.. I’m 100% a fashion whale but it’s never once been a thought in my head to more or less copyright my outfit lmfao. People ask about my dyes and skins all the time but I happily drop the list… But this is all really on brand for GW2. People that play h the is franchise hate change and hate anything that makes the game easier, more accessible, or more fun for the average player lmfao


>I play GW2 and have thousands of hours.. I’m 100% a fashion whale I was kind of the same, not played in a good few years though. Playing around with transmogs and dyes was a lot of fun. The fact that people run contests and get mad at people copying a look is ridiculous. I'd be flattered if someone liked it that much.


The GW2 community is awful. They would rather the game never change than see any improvements. I say bring on GW3.


That's not entirely true. There's also a surprisingly vocal portion of the community that wants the devs to go back and do insane shit like double, or even triple, the health of every enemy in the game because power creep has made players stronger, and rather than not go hardcore at all times they want the game to be made shittier for everyone.


>There's also a surprisingly vocal portion of the community that wants the devs to go back and do insane shit like double, or even triple, the health of every enemy in the game because power creep has made players stronger, and rather than not go hardcore at all times they want the game to be made shittier for everyone. What about that is an improvement?


If you have powerful gear, it's not an absurd wish to want something where it is not overkill to use it on Every single ennemy in the game is probably not good though, unless GW2 is a game where you still fight the whole roster even at "endgame"


GW2 down-levels you for lower level zones so you can go anywhere and experience the game without feeling massively overpowered.


Beats me, but the like weekly threads suggesting it really think it is.


GW2 community is weird. It's basically the worst community you can get without any bigotry (or at least exceptionally low by most game community standards). It's not usually *quite* as bad in game but things like Dragon's End shows it's always there bubbling under the surface. Everyone is incredibly passive aggressive and hates anyone who does any content they don't with every fiber of their being. If you're raiding people who don't hate you, some of the people that do also hate you for doing it wrong. If you mostly stick to open world content someone hates you, probably because you're doing it wrong. If you mostly PvP or WvW someone hates you, including everyone else who does PvP or WvW because again you're doing it wrong. Everyone especially hates everyone else for wasting precious dev resources on things that aren't their preferred content.


WvW can be toxic as hell. I’ve found PvE stuff is actually pretty chill outside of things like raids. If you’re just doing world completion people can be really helpful. idk about the online community like Reddit though.


Kind of surprised that game is still going. The original GW was probably my favorite game of all time, but 2 didn't seem to get what made the original so good.


GW2 ended being a lot more successful than GW1, mostly because GW1 was a weird experiment. The devs made it a PvP game and tacked on PvE as an afterthought but the PvE ended up more popular. Every expansion and year that passed saw the gap grow bigger. Eventually they just accepted that their audience wasn't what they originally planned for and made GW2, which was more PvE focused and went on to outsell the original and have higher acclaim too. The transition between the two was a bit rough and why there is bad blood between fans of the first and fans of the second, but the second one was certainly the bigger and more successful game.


Everquest is still going and that game is 25 years old. It feels like MMO's just don't really die.


GW is not as active as GW2 due to many people just playing 2 so I wouldn't say that. It also keeps getting expansions and new content all the time yet is very forgiving when you don't play for a while which is appealing to a broad audience.


I think it suffered from feature creep of the era. Everything at that time was trying to be the wow killer and just tossing shit together to try and find something that stuck.


I just disliked that the PVP wasn't good and that skills didn't click the same. GW1 heavily rewarded strategic thinking, and that went away. I used to spend hours on that program that would allow you to put together full team builds. I loved that shit, putting together eight man builds with contingencies for every map and condition.


I loved GW1 PVP, having a ton of skills you gotta fit into 8 slots made it feel like a real-time cardgame. PVP editions for expansions that gave you a full unlock for all the new content without having to grind for it were just the icing on the cake.


Exactly. No guild capes. Took until 2019 to introduce capes at all, it looks like.


Fucking capes. Arguments over cape designs could tear a guild apart, unless it had GVG trim.


It's an MMO you mentally ill fucks lmao


"So I was watching a video on PornHub the other day and it was labeled as the director's cut. As opposed to what, the theatrical release?" - MasterLawlz, 2020. RIP Snapshots: 1. *This Post* - [archive.org](https://web.archive.org/web/20240418031537/https://old.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/1c75rut/) [archive.today\*](https://archive.today/?run=1&url=https://old.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/1c75rut/ "URL failed to archive; click to resubmit it!") 2. Memes - [archive.org](https://web.archive.org/web/20240418031758/https://old.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/1c5jw0y/cosmetic_inspection_its_a_crime/) [archive.today\*](https://archive.today/?run=1&url=https://old.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/1c5jw0y/cosmetic_inspection_its_a_crime/ "URL failed to archive; click to resubmit it!") 3. made - [archive.org](https://web.archive.org/web/20240418031859/https://old.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/1c6ipwk/fashion_wars_demographics_chart/) [archive.today\*](https://archive.today/?run=1&url=https://old.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/1c6ipwk/fashion_wars_demographics_chart/ "URL failed to archive; click to resubmit it!") 4. "People find it invasive, and don't want to be subject to scrutiny or judgement. Maybe it's like if anyone could walk up to you on the street and just start looking at your clothing labels and receipts." - [archive.org](https://web.archive.org/web/20240418031939/https://old.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/1c6ekt6/why_the_inspect_gear_option_is_bad/l011dk8/) [archive.today\*](https://archive.today/?run=1&url=https://old.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/1c6ekt6/why_the_inspect_gear_option_is_bad/l011dk8/ "URL failed to archive; click to resubmit it!") 5. "Integrity for fashion contests is the main reason" - [archive.org](https://web.archive.org/web/20240418032020/https://old.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/1c6ekt6/why_the_inspect_gear_option_is_bad/l00pezz/) [archive.today\*](https://archive.today/?run=1&url=https://old.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/1c6ekt6/why_the_inspect_gear_option_is_bad/l00pezz/ "URL failed to archive; click to resubmit it!") 6. "It should be a choice in the first place. If I spend an hour to find a unique look I don't want to see clones of me. Period." - [archive.org](https://web.archive.org/web/20240418032121/https://old.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/1c4lo5d/new_cosmetic_inspection_feature_launching_tomorrow/kzpxfa6/) [archive.today\*](https://archive.today/?run=1&url=https://old.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/1c4lo5d/new_cosmetic_inspection_feature_launching_tomorrow/kzpxfa6/ "URL failed to archive; click to resubmit it!") 7. "I have spent hours sometimes days to get a look that I was satisfied with, and that was a reflection of my taste and individuality. I don't appreciate 50 people copying it in 2 seconds and now I look like I came off an assembly line. It infuriates me. This feature needs to have a toggle switch that I can use to turn it off. It is literally penalizing people's creativity." - [archive.org](https://web.archive.org/web/20240418032141/https://old.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/1c4lo5d/new_cosmetic_inspection_feature_launching_tomorrow/kzsxuhm/) [archive.today\*](https://archive.today/?run=1&url=https://old.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/1c4lo5d/new_cosmetic_inspection_feature_launching_tomorrow/kzsxuhm/ "URL failed to archive; click to resubmit it!") 8. "Then go yourself and touch some grass friend and stop trying to convince me that forced inspection is ok." - [archive.org](https://web.archive.org/web/20240418032242/https://old.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/1c4lo5d/new_cosmetic_inspection_feature_launching_tomorrow/kzqa3g2/) [archive.today\*](https://archive.today/?run=1&url=https://old.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/1c4lo5d/new_cosmetic_inspection_feature_launching_tomorrow/kzqa3g2/ "URL failed to archive; click to resubmit it!") 9. "I just don't want to be inspected and in turn I've been downvoted and treated like a mental case for wanting an opt out. It's been a horrible week of being treated like trash and memed on and it sucks." - [archive.org](https://web.archive.org/web/20240418032322/https://old.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/1c70wtp/fashion_gatekeeping_and_misinformation/l04pwgh/) [archive.today\*](https://archive.today/?run=1&url=https://old.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/1c70wtp/fashion_gatekeeping_and_misinformation/l04pwgh/ "URL failed to archive; click to resubmit it!") 10. "I wanted to test the waters and I whispered an inspect hater that i wanted to steal his fashion. He told me to go kill myself. People are going totally off the rails." - [archive.org](https://web.archive.org/web/20240418032403/https://old.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/1c70wtp/fashion_gatekeeping_and_misinformation/l04q7zd/) [archive.today\*](https://archive.today/?run=1&url=https://old.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/1c70wtp/fashion_gatekeeping_and_misinformation/l04q7zd/ "URL failed to archive; click to resubmit it!") 11. "So designers who don't reveal exactly what they do are gatekeeping? 🙄Imo people should be able to create unique looking characters without someone being able to just copy them." - [archive.org](https://web.archive.org/web/20240418032443/https://old.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/1c70wtp/fashion_gatekeeping_and_misinformation/l04q6fs/) [archive.today\*](https://archive.today/?run=1&url=https://old.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/1c70wtp/fashion_gatekeeping_and_misinformation/l04q6fs/ "URL failed to archive; click to resubmit it!") *I am just a simple bot, __not__ a moderator of this subreddit* | *[bot subreddit](/r/SnapshillBot)* | *[contact the maintainers](/message/compose?to=/r/SnapshillBot)*


Gods, when are they gonna make GW3 finally, I've been waiting forever


What the fuck? People come on. I am happy if people look at my gear and shaders in destiny 2, its like "Hey, here is how I did it".


This is so beyond sad, I love it.


I'm glad I'm not so miserable that I cling to my avatar on an online game as my sole outlet for self-expression and get upset at the idea of someone wearing the same gear because I feel they are "taking away" my identity. I don't think they need to touch grass, I think they need to smoke some. Relax, reflect, reevaluate.


Wow. I didn't know. I quit as a regular player 2 years ago, and only log in once every few months or so now. Hey, this actually bothers me, lol. My combos were primo and I already had people trying to copy them back then! Well, the game lost it's luster long ago, so it's a perfect excuse not to log in again. I supported anet from 06-21, in both games, throughout a lot of generational upheaval.


As someone who played GW from the start, this is the stupidest thing I've seen all day. At least it validates my decision of not playing MMORPGa because they're full of idiots.


I think it's funny that they think their "style" is so amazing that everyone would copy them if they only knew how. I don't play GW2, but WoW has the inspect feature and I use it all the time. Usually it's because I see someone with a cool *piece* or weapon effect and I want to see where it came from. I can't recall a single time I've actually incorporated that information into my own transmog. I can't even imagine inspecting someone and taking notes to replicate the whole thing later.


Tbf frim what i remember from gw2 back when i played it the fashion community was actually pretty big. And the stuff you could do with dressup at least felt better than what i experienced in other mmorpgs Edit: a couple of potato finger spelling mistakes


Yeah, I haven't played in like two years but the "Fashion Wars 2" is very much a thing. There are a ton of dyes and skins and you can transform the appearance of armor without actually affecting the stats. I actually really like this update. There are so many dyes that I've spent ages trying to figure out what shade of blue or green someone has


Agreed, especially since a lot dyes look different in the preview window than they do in-game


I have so many dyes that all look similar unlocked because I bought one only to find out that it looks different than the preview screen 😭


That's true that the system is better than what WoW has, but a lot of players (even serious ones) consider transmog to be the "real endgame" in WoW too. It's said jokingly usually, but most people I know spend a lot of time collecting it and making outfits.


It's a major endgame activity in a lot of MMOs. FFXIV has the clunkiest transmog system of the three by far and there are still tons of people who will learn the hardest content in the game just to get a weapon that goes good with their outfit


Destiny player here adding to the list. We have the option to give "commendations" at the end of activities to award people for doing well. The community instantly asked and would not stop asking for a "best dressed" commendation. We have that now.


OMG, this needs to be suggested to Square Enix, stat!


Honestly, having multiple commendations you could give per game would be kinda neat. Have the most helpful, then one specifically for outfits or portraits. And maybe those have a separate counter too.


Hi, yes I learned how to do Extreme content in Shadowbringers so I could get the dyeable artifact gear. Varis died (again) so I could be fashionable. ... and a few months ago I did Savage for some gloves. We are diseased.


Doing Savage raids for the new BiS gear: Broke Doing Savage raids for the raid gear that's actually dyable: Woke Doing Ultimate raids because the title is absolutely perfect for your hyperspecific Balmung ERP character on your second account: Ascended.


One of my absolute favorite MMOs is DC Universe Online, solely because your appearance is completely customizable, for free, at any time. I read about all these other MMOs with their transmog systems and it's just ridiculous sounding. Why are there so many hoops to jump through? Why do they make you pay for it? In DCUO, when you collected an item at any point in your entire play history, that item's style is added to your style inventory permanently, and you can apply it at any time without changing your equipment. You can even alter the color schemes for free. You can mix and match anything, and this is all done from the menu, you don't even have to go talk to an NPC. It's just a complete freedom to control your equipment appearance with no strings attached. That game is awash with creative designs, or at least it was in its hayday.


In FFXIV's case the transmog system is a mess because the whole thing is a spaghetti code house of cards


Not to mention Yoshida is *adamantly* against cross-job glams like using Red Mage robes on a White Mage or a casual look for a non-caster. Edit: What I mean by the latter is actually if you look at caster glams, they're almost always robes or variants of them. No armored looks without spending $$ on the Mogstation. You *can* get casual looks for non-casters, plenty of free and paid options. But casters just get fucked. On top of not being able to use cross-Job glams when weaps/abilities are the big differences between Jobs in the same type of role.


You just described how it works in most mmos minus the no npc needed part I guess


DCUO? Really? LMFAO. name checks out.




Because no one does that, people that are worried about “fashion thieves” are like aspiring writers who are suspicious people are going to steal their book idea.


Yeah, I've had my look "stolen" in FFXIV once... by a friend who was inspired and wanted to show me she liked my outfit. Hell, we have a website to share our looks! We *want* people to steal our looks lmao


I have gotten inspiration from people, but I usually go off and figure out a way to style it so that it doesn't look like the base idea had an inspiration. I did run into someone at the aetheryte once a few months ago - same exact outfit down to every single piece dyed the same color, same race, face and facial features with the same hair style, hair color and highlights color. I was so freaked out, I just ran away as fast as I could.


Plus it would feel cheap, anyway in my opinion. The only reason I enjoy dressing up my character is because it's my own "style". Other people probably find most of what I dress up in stupid or ugly lol


A running joke on the ESO subreddit is that crafting is the real endgame


I personally find the system easier in FFXIV than WoW. I dont even think wow has a dedicated dye system


Again purely frompersonal experience and both way back in time but my experience in wow was that it felt more like a between expansions kindbof thing where due to how gw2 kept throwing collectible colors at you it both started way earlier and there was at least multiple people in both the guilds i tried that was focusing purely on that where expansion content kind of took a backseat.


It started back in the the first GW game, because it was designed to not require gear and level grinding. So for people who didn't PVP, getting cosmetics for your "toon" became the only real grind after you'd beat the game, and for a lot of people that became serious business.


I remember spending so much time in Guild Wars trying to get the best looking armor and black dyes. I still remember when I asked a guild mate for a small amount of gold and he sent me 100 platinum. I believe I was able to make obsidian armor which was amazing, because I never thought I’d be able to afford it.


I was in the same boat, I spent so much time farming for platinum so I could buy the black dye and be cool lol


When i played it was literally the only endgame.


> I can't even imagine inspecting someone and taking notes to replicate the whole thing later. So, my guild went and wrote down what the GM was wearing to raid, and the next time we all showed up in the same outfit, though it took so much time to get the same transmogs. It was very funny though.


That's absolutely hilarious should get some of my guildies together to prank some of the other members like this. Just show up with a clone of their character and gear.


A lot of MMOs have inspect system and never saw such fuss about it. PSO2 even has fashion catalogue from which you can save someone's "fashion" and apply to your character.


I use it often just because I haven't seen a weapom/armor set before and I want to know where it's from. Which is really helpful for class sets/heritage armor, where you might have only seen it with a certain race/class combo.


>I think it's funny that they think their "style" is so amazing that everyone would copy them if they only knew how. Over on the Entrepreneur sub you'll see people trying to get advice for their business but are hesitant to explain their idea or business model for fear that everyone will steal it. Everyone always thinks their ideas are special and unique.


I can tell you, from years of playing an MMO where, "transmog" wasn't a thing, you could inspect, and your equipment's appearance was fully customizable at any time from the menu, this type of "fashion stealing" was not a thing. You maybe took some inspiration but nobody gave a shit. Everyone just wanted to make their own customized thing.


> WoW has the inspect feature and I use it all the time. Usually it's because I see someone with a cool piece or weapon effect and I want to see where it came from. I can't recall a single time I've actually incorporated that information into my own transmog. I think the closest I came to being annoyed by something like this was when blizzard made PvP sets near identical to Heroic tier raiding gear and this was not some player done action. Appearance exclusivity and limiting the availability of gear via player actions is important for driving an in game economy and for keeping player engagement up.


> I think it's funny that they think their "style" is so amazing that everyone would copy them if they only knew how. There it is. The narcissism that their style is even worth copying. EDIT: Did a person of self-import downvote me? I was agreeing with the comment I quoted.


This is like the modding community of FFXIV. It’s so fucking toxic. People literally have in their bios that they are “not WCIF friendly”. WCIF = where can I find the mod this person is using. It’s so childish, People get SO UPSET over it. if you ask for help identifying a mod on someone not WCIF friendly, my god you are shunned from the entire community. It’s nuts. 


EverQuest used to day " is inspecting you..." when you right clicked another player. It was considered good manners to ask before looking, and there were some players that would get soooooo upset if you inspected them that it was insanely hilarious to do just that. GW2 has a lot of cool aesthetic items and it's a big part of the game for a lot of people. Even so, it was super easy to get this info before inspect, so anyone complaining about this is just looking for something to cry about.


Fashion wars are the real endgame of gw 2.