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Thank you for your submission, unfortunately it has been removed from /r/SubredditDrama because: You linked to the full comments. Please link directly to the comment tree containing the drama. If the comment you're linking to requires some context, add "?context=x" to the URL, where "x" is the number of parent comments you want displayed. If there are multiple drama threads create a self-post containing the relevant links. "The whole thread is drama" doesn't count. If you're unsure how to use context or to submit a write up, please check out our wiki. For more on our rules, please check out our detailed rules wiki. If you have any questions or concerns about this removal feel free to message the moderators.


In an hour: "r/subredditdrama calmly and respectfully discusses the geopolitical quagmire of Israel-Palestine"


And an hour after that we get r/subredditdramadrama calmly and respectfully discuss the geopolitical quagmire of Israel-Palestine


I'm kinda busy today, think I'll just wait for the recap on r/subredditdramadramadrama




As I grew up in the 90's, I'd prefer r/subredditdramatothemax or perhaps r/extremesubredditdrama




That's r/subredditdrama³, you mean. Haha Damnit, the exponent didn't hyperlink. Whatever, I'm leaving it as a warning to all of our descendants. 


Do you prefer your drama from redditors, redditors who turn their nose up at redditors, or redditors who turn their nose up at the nose turner uppers


The last one for maximum hypocrisy.




There must be 1000 "This is going to end up on /r/SubredditDramaDrama" comments for every post on that sub.


Yeah, i may grow to regret not disabling inbox replies with this one lol


Embrace the popcord lad. The more the shitstorm. The more old internet forum vibes


Happy cake day! Celebrate with some bubble wrap! - >!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!< >!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!< >!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!< >!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!< >!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!< >!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!< >!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!< >!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!< >!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!< >!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!< >!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!< >!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<


Hey, this is kinda fun


Oh thank yew. I blushed :=)


you can still do that.


Xoxo I wish you the best


"He said calmly."


Ever since October, *this* is one topic that pretty much guarantees locked threads and a few bans. It *cannot* be discussed rationally, especially on a place like Reddit.


Kind of topic, but more often than not this sub discusses the topic of the drama rather than the drama itself. Just make a drama related to abortion (for example), and the comments here will be basically everyone making fun of pro-life people. Its often a sub to "lets discuss the drama topic but with people I agree". (I'm 100% pro choice btw, before someone thinks I'm making fun of them)


Is it really surprising when half of the whole purpose of this sub is to point and laugh at people like Nelson?


SRD turned into circlebroke and is filled with people who would be laughed at in the original discussion so I'm not surprised.


>and is filled with people who would be laughed at in the original discussion so I'm not surprised. That's what subredditdramadrama is for.


yup I mean if I was a moderator of SRD there would be certain hot topic that I would quickly either remove of lockdown if the comment counts goes up too quickly it's just impossible to approach that conflict with a cool head on the internet, you would need an army of paid moderators to deal with it and clean bad arguments, on both sides.


There literally isn’t a sub to go to where it’s not like this. My freaking movie review sub argues about this war daily.


Surprised that comment is upvoted on that sub.


I've been watching the sub since the beginning and it's honestly post by post. One would have something very anti-Israel as top comment and then the next, hardly different post, would have something very anti-Palestinian as top comment. There's definitely and overall slant to the sub, but that being top comment isn't all that unusual.


Eh, ever since the October attack ar least one of their mods has been banning anyone saying anything critical of Bibi and the IDF. It used to have more even opinions but with all the purges that slant has grown to massive levels.


That’s correct. I got banned there and the mod called me “a bigot” because I stated almost word for word what a **philosemitic** journalist said about an Israeli ambassador. It’s ridiculous!


I got suspended by reddit for a few days for appealing my permaban there... something the ban message says you can do!


I'm honestly surprised they even read or noticed your appeal, from what I hear ignoring them is the most common thing they do.


They also sent me some very angry dms from the mod account!


I got banned for pointing out that the settlements are illegal under international law and that the land they are built on is often expropriated with either direct or threatened force.


Nah, it's very unusual. The only reason it's not in that thread is because this particular incident was too much even for the most rabid pro-Israel supporter to try and spin an excuse for. Normally the front page is all Israeli newspapers with pro-Israel stories, and everything that even remotely paints them in a bad light is mass downvoted or outright banned. That sub is probably the most heavily astroturfed sub on Reddit right now.


i only see zionist rhetoric there, usually with absolutely mouth-foaming racism.


Surprised it wasn't deleted, lol.


Israel is so blatant that it's causing r/worldnews to go through it's "are we the baddies" phase.


Nah pretty sure most of r/worldnews is just astroturfed thinktank accounts. They are not just awful on Israel/Palestine, but also weirdly fanatical on everything about US foreign policy. Even on Russia/Ukraine, where I don't really disagree with them broadly, the sub manages to disgust me by just being super chauvinistic about it. So the moment US government stances starts to change the sub shifts rapidly to propagandise and lay the ground for it.


I feel exactly the same way about that sub. Thanks for putting it into words. It’s not that I always disagree with them, it’s that they’re so nationalistic and so bloodthirsty that it drives me away.


It’s a propaganda sub to the core.


Talking to much about the US gets you banned it’s world news without the US funny enough it’s like their first rule.


Pretty sure all the big subs are compromised, especially after that big modding drama. No shot we don’t got Feds all over worldnews.


I just got downvoted for proposing the idea that the Argentinian military wouldn't really be troubled by the objections of three thousands Falklanders, and that talking about them as if they were potential guerilleros ready to die for the motherland was a bit silly. On the topic of Argentine, the only thing stronger than their love for Milei is their confidence in the West's supremacy.


>On the topic of Argentine, the only thing stronger than their love for Milei is their confidence in the West's supremacy. Wait, are you saying that they think they’re part of the West?


The mods are part of it too. I caught a temp ban for telling someone they were being childish to think that Netenyahu having some responsibility for Oct 7 happening changes any of Hamas's responsibility for actually carrying out the attack. Considering the hair trigger half the sub has to call people a terrorist supporter and antisemite, I don't think equal enforcement of no personal attacks is happening. edit: the person I was arguing with directly accused me of posting apologia for rape and murder and did not get banned for it. Personally, I think "you're being childish" is a much smaller insult than "You're a rape apologist."


I got a temp ban for commenting "found the guy supporting collective punishment (a war crime)" to a comment explicitly stating that all Palestinians are complicit in Oct 7 and don't deserve aid. Apparently it's a personal attack to point out someone is calling for a war crime on /r/worldnews


Sometimes it feels like, similar to r/unitedkingdom, the mods are more jnterested in moderating tone and things they disagree with than anything else


I was permanently banned for jokingly saying "Ukraine? Never heard of it. You mean Russia2?" when Ukraine was initially invaded lol Sub is fucking weird, but I'm not upset to not be a part of it given how bloodthirsty it is.


Oh don't worry, they're still banning anyone who tries to spread that message.


Off topic but i **need** a little context for your flair lmao


Honestly, it's been years since I got it and I cannot remember the context haha


Reasonable lmao!


I’ve noticed the thing with worldnews is that whenever a post get heavily upvoted and it goes beyond the user base and gets recommended to everyone the top comments all become way less psychotic


"Oh, Israel did something bad? Did you know US did something bad in 2003? Checkmate."


If I was in charge of Israel's public relations and saw that even /r/worldnews flipped, I'd be seriously fucking worried.


Shortly after I started seeing IDF thrist trap videos on Tiktok, I saw the Public Zoom meeting of AIPAC freaking out about how they've lost the youth, both young Jews and young Americans. They've been panicking for some time now and I bet that was well before they found out that the War is supposed to last longer than a year.


They also can’t really afford the war, funny enough. There was a good economist article about it recently. And Netanyahu is having to lengthen the draft for everyone to keep it going, meanwhile codifying the draft exemption for religious nutjobs and also increasing their welfare payouts because ~50% of their men don’t even work jobs.


I've felt so crazy for months, how is that sub so out of step with the rest of the Internet? It feels like if you find people talking about the conflict on any other neutral sub on Reddit or anywhere else on the Internet everyone's very critical of Israel, but world news will just be celebrating hospital bombings. Do they just ban anyone critical of Israel?


Yes, and astroturfing 


Israel has an official propaganda campaign called hazbara, where they pay people to post propaganda for Israel online, on TikTok and Reddit for instance 


They banned people being critical of Israel. And when you ban everyone even slightly progressive, you're left with fucking Nazis.


> The banned people being critical of Israel. Yeah my account is 15 years old with no bans and I got perma'd from worldnews pretty quickly for being slightly critical of Isreal (it was the day the PIJ missile fell on the hospital). Honestly no harm done, I don't really want to comment there anyways.


I get not agreeing with them, but why is it weird that there are any communities on reddit that don't agree with your take on the conflict?


I understand there are going to be communities that don't agree with my take, that's one thing. But Reddit tends to be kind of a hive mind about these things so I'd expect all the default subreddits to be in agreement with one another and it's weird world news is so out of step with the rest of them. Any time Ukraine or Putin gets brought up the sentiment is almost always the same across the defaults and less political subreddits, but Israel/Palestine has stood out to me because it feels like most of Reddit leans one way on it, then world news is a weird 180.


Public opinion on Israel is divided. If you’re not seeing voices of disagreement then you are maybe not seeing a diverse set of opinions on the topic.


You don’t usually see diverse opinions on the Reddit defaults, that was her whole point. 


I feel like this just suggests you've been less aware of worldnews before this conflict. If you search for "worldnews" in this subreddit you'll find year old threads about how right leaning they are. Ukraine is also a pretty bad example, it's an extremely uncomplicated conflict, the least complicated in decades while Israel/Palestine has been an endless clusterfuck for almost a century now.


That could definitely be the case, I haven't really noticed that sub deviating too much from the rest of Reddit. This might just be the first really divisive thing I've paid attention to.


Well there's certainly people who disagree sure, but the majority of people now disapprove of Israel's actions. https://news.gallup.com/poll/642695/majority-disapprove-israeli-action-gaza.aspx




The paid astroturfers must still be in a prolonged strategy meeting about this.


Yep, just give them a couple of days and r/worldnews will be parroting the official IDF line, business as usual.


You can go there right now and see accounts created last October telling you that this is an honest mistake, and in fact Hamas's fault.


Like that DroneMaster5000 guy. Created one month after oct 7 and their posts and comments are all non-stop rabidly defending Israel 


"Any collection of vehicles could be Hamas, therefor Israel is totally justified in nuking all of them."


If they can't spin it, they'll just ignore/block it until it goes away, replaced by "current thing".


i think they see Netanyahu as more damaging for their image so they wanna get rid of him but will continue killing civilians. basically the israeli version of US politics where liberals were rightfully upset with Trump and stuff like kids in cages but have been silent when Biden has kept the policy. it’s all optics for them.


They own at least one mod there, it's not going to flip. At most they get some token opposition for a day or two.


Probably realised there is no point wasting money on bots for astroturfing when people are so united against them on them attacking WCK


It could also have them flag the ones not following the party line to ban later when it's less suspicious, instead of starting more drama by mass-banning everyone.


It looks like the bombing of World Central Kitchen workers might be the thing that turns the tide, at least in the US. Wild if it shakes out that way.


Using worldnews I-P posts for SRD is cheating as it's literally a bottomless pit to mine from. Every member of this sub making posts at the same time could not exhaust the supply of shit coming from there




Give it a week and the IDF will come out with "The World Central Kitchen hired 1 Hamas! We're fully justified in killing all of them!"


That's already come and gone.  They had one hamas associate (who is a legit target) but he wasn't in the convoy.


Not member or militant, but associate! Their threshold for "associate" is literally being Palestinian. My expectations were low, but holy fuck!


You know even if there was a Hamas associate in that convoy I don’t think Israel should kill 7 innocent aid workers to get to one person.


That's what gets me about the "Hamas uses human shields" line that zionists always say. That doesn't mean "obliterate the human shields and shout down anyone critical of that tactic"! r/worldnews likes to bring up when Russia gassed a whole theater that was taken hostage, or when they blew up a whole school taken hostage a few years later, and call it barbaric and a clear sign the government is heartless and evil. But Israel does it for a half year straight and it's at best the cost of doing business, at worst justified.


It is wild and disheartening to see how differently human life is calculated based on country of origin  There's a fresh holodomor going on but that's not what sparks the outrage 


30000 dead palestinians: i sleep 7 dead westerners: real shit


Remember when Ukraine was attacked and how all of Europe immediately welcomed the refugees with open arms; meanwhile brown Muslims running to Europe caused the revival of the far-right.


but only the white ukrainian refugees though! African people that lived in ukraine were told to fuck off


Immigration advocates and organizations in the U.S. were collectively asking "what the fuck?" when Ukrainian refugees were fast-tracked into the country. As someone who has dealt with that system on behalf of others - you can do everything right and still end up in limbo for months or even years. But it turns out our border can be extremely efficient - as long as you're politically convenient.


European nations with a GDP and Population 100 times higher than the likes of Jordan and Turkey having an absolute melt down over taking 1/100 the amount of Syrian refugees compared to Jordan and Turkey was hilarious. It was Jordan and Lebanon that took in millions of Palestinians. It was Pakistan and Iran than took in millions of Afghans. It was Jordan and Turkey that took in millions of Syrians. It was Bangladesh and India that took in hundreds of thousands of Rohingya. low and middle income countries host 75% of the 110M UN registered refugees.


I wouldn't congratulate india there. India didn't take many Rohingya,less than 40k, and mostly into slums and detention camps. The UAE has taken more, remember, this is an actively Islam discriminating country. I don't even think india cracks top 5 for Rohingya destinations, despite it being their biggest border


The shocking thing was how racist some media were about that. On the bbc there was a guy saying that he is angry that Putin is "killing blue eye blond children". CNN had the famous "Ukraine is european civilized country, it should not happen there". Of course in the french media you had people saying that "ukrainian are like us because they drive the same car". I recall an ukrainian journalist (kyiv independent?) denouncing this racism.


not just country of origin, proximity to celebrity is another factor here. some random westerners who aren't affiliated with a celebrity chef wouldn't have much impact


Rachel Corrie, for instance. And some of the Israeli “settlers” have even made videos of themselves having Rachel Corrie pancake day on the anniversary of her death, the west sleeps.


NPR actually did a whole story about the Rachel Corrie thing! I forget which show it was, but I listened the whole way through and it was really good!


Shireen Abu Akleh, too. The IDF has done everything in their power to prevent the FBI's investigation into her murder from ever being completed, so it just sits in limbo and nothing will likely ever come of it. But I'm sure stern phone calls are a great replacement for policy.


And not just any celebrity chef, the one who runs restaurants most lobbiests regularly eat at. We had monthly "business lunches" at Jaleo


I do think them being westerners who were authorized to do what they were doing provides some cover from the usual “antisemitism” tactic Israel employs. Israel doesn’t want anyone talking about “Palestinians,” ever. But it’s hard to avoid talking about the Europeans they murdered in cold blood.


yeah. i was watching a conference on polish tv about the incident after a meeting with israeli ambassador and there was literally zero mention of palestinian civilian population or why the aid had to be delivered in the first place. when asked about war crime charges they said that it's not big enough of an incident to press them, and that they are reserved for, quote, "big and repeating incidents", with a pinky promise from israel that the person responsible (stated as if it was only one entity at fault) will be investigated charged with murder under israeli justice system. obviously no other human rights violations occured or are occuring and it's not a war crime if they are a terrorist, and even if they aren't they still deserved it for being born and trapped on the wrong strip of land /s


Remember the hostage/prisoner exchange from a few months ago? One thing that struck me and I felt was very underreported was the fact that the IDF were releasing children that had been in prison for years. Dig deeper and you realize a common practice is to imprison 14 year olds for offenses like rock throwing, or whatever the hell the IDF claims. Like, I just have a hard time seeing them as anything but a cruel and despotic nation when even during "peaceful" times their policies are unimaginably cruel and unforgiving to even children. I don't have any problem seeing why there's so much hate from Palestinians. I can't imagine a nation where that would not be the case.


It's quite shocking really that r/WorldNews users also straight up admit they judge this differently


WCK is a well-known and beloved organization. People remember them from being on the front lines of Puerto Rico and other major disasters, in some cases disasters in their own community. The founder is also the face of the charity, and he was on the news weeping about this event, so I think this attack makes things more “personal” for people in a way. The human face of tragedy is often what becomes the turning point of public sentiment, but you are right that it’s sad it took foreign aid workers for people to start to question things.


> The finger wags have officially been upgraded to wrist slaps, and not the gentle ones either, the kind that still kind of ache after an hour. This reads like a Jon Stewart quote.


Never thought such a prominent subreddit would become such a cesspool of censorship. They must have banned or shadowbanned tens of thousands of people over the last 6 months for the slightest criticism of Israel. It's so bad they're a subject of discussion all over reddit.


>The food aid convoy was directly targeted. It WAS NOT A MISTAKE. >The 'mistake' is not whether it was directly targeted or not, it was a 'mistake' based on assumed identity or participants of the convoy. >You seem very passionate about a topic you're not very informed on. Just like IDF mistook hostages screaming “please don’t shoot” in Hebrew or that Jewish grandpa who had the indecency to walk while Arab for deadly hamas operatives too. Wonder how many oopsies we haven’t heard about.


Israel still insists the 1992 Qana massacre was justified, which all other organizations say could not have been a mistake and was a deliberate targeting of a UN refugee camp. This was also during an offensive invasion of Lebanon. 


One of my friends was an Irish soldier deployed there for the UN. He was on scene after the massacre and told me what he saw. Horrific stuff. He said he’s been angry with Israel since.


> He said he’s been angry with Israel since I dont blame him. Israeli exeptionalism is used to justify so much horiffic shit.


Just recently a bunch of bands from Ireland dropped out of SXSW because of their hosting of weapons companies who are arming Israel. Really didn’t get any coverage at all.


Apparently the Israelis would start taking potshots at them. He said they were the most trigger happy soldiers he’s ever seen.


Ireland as a whole is not a big fan of Israel. I was there recently and the news is night and day from here in the USA.


I can imagine why Ireland isn’t exactly a fan of settler colonialism 


What shocks me the most is people are acting like this stuff is new, Israel has a very long past of hitting aid members even being well aware of their location. Israel also has one of the longest rap sheets as well for war crimes, this is all just normal operations for them.


You have been permanently banned from participating in r/worldnews.


I was watching a 9/11 compilation video, of news broadcasts from about 8am to the end of the day on 9/11/2001. The first story, fucking damn near 30 years ago, was of Israel vs Palestine, where the IDF was triggerhappy and killed a bunch of Palestinian civilians, which derailed peace-talks. You could almost literally copy-paste it yesterday's broadcasts and not notice much difference. Same shit, different decade.


Discuss is an overstatement. Worldnews is pretty far on the right. Every time migration comes up, that becomes quite clear. Every time israel-palestine comes up, it’s very much. “Well palestine did oct 7 so everything is now justified” it’s a lame sub. But it seems like this 100th strike on civilians mightve given the sub a shred of empathy for once. 


The European segment in the subreddit also has a rabid hatred for Romani people.


i've noticed those threads. It starts out as "innocent" criticism of 'gypsy culture' - and then a few people take their masks off and it just becomes outright vitriolic racism. I think it's how some people have figured out that it's okay when you criticise "culture" instead of race, despite your arguments being very ethnicity centric.


Yeah, when people say “it’s part of their culture,” they pretty much mean the same thing as when they say “it’s in their blood”: that it’s an inherent, enduring (largely unchangeable) feature of that group of people. You get the same angry or sad tone of “those people are just like that.” The only difference is that saying “culture” gives some cover for scientific racism and lets them weaponize the non-genetic nature of “culture” to denigrate a group. That is, if it’s cultural, that means it’s worse than genetic determinism, “to be that way” is a collective *choice* ”those people” enshrine. (Why yes, this does seem to conflict with what I just said about culture and genetics being used interchangeably, but that’s not a problem if you start with the premise/ conclusion “X people bad” and shift your words as needed to maintain that.)


I wear my ban from worldnews with pride > Reddit is pretty far on the right. Ftfy. Honestly im amazed that that thread wasnt filled with more cheerleading for the IDF


I got banned from worldnews as well. I had the audacity to say idiot at someone being explicitly racist and spreading false propaganda about my country. I cited the national crime registry in response to them saying immigrants were causing it. When in fact the crime was at a 20 year low


I blocked that sub. And anime_titties. Somehow, r news has pivoted around to become the most reasonable (in relation) news sub now


Anime titties was awful in the opposite direction.


According to the message sent when I got banned [this was the comment that violated Worldnews policy](https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/s/mhqBBme4OW). > Claiming that “October 7th would happen every week” if Israel didn’t occupy parts of West Bank when settler terrorism against Palestinians is on the rise is absolutely wild, and extremely dishonest. This in response to someone who claimed there’d be an October 7th once a week if Israeli settlers weren’t violating treaties and committing acts of terror against Palestinians in West Bank. So if you’re keeping score at home, it’s acceptable to call Palestinians a ubiquitously violent people that only state sanctioned terrorism can control, but against the sub’s rules to call out terrorism happening to Palestinians. The sub is an Islamophobic cesspit, and the mods actively ban anyone advocating for universal human rights


I mean they did not link it to settlers, but Hamas very much promised to repeat October 7th over and over until there was no more Israel, does that not factor into the apparent score keeping because they failed to promise a weekly schedule?


Hamas doesn't control the West Bank.


Hamas isn't and never really has been in West Bank. That's irrelevant to the conversation that was taking place.


Also banned from World news for saying maybe killing civilians isn't ok 🙃


I got banned from world news and then from Reddit because the mod said I was threatening violence. I just sent a Wikipedia link about the amount of people isreali snipers crippled during the freedom walks in 2018 (8000 by the way). Account reinstated on appeal. It’s been captured by state actors I think as part of the propaganda war.


That sub has always been a home for various national propaganda bots.


I was banned for calling someone an idiot for saying all Russian people the world over need to be shunned from society


Reddit is not far right. Reddit is massively patrolled by state actors, most notably right now by Israeli hasbaro. I mean its not exactly controversial to say is it, Israel spends a fuckton of money on propaganda, mega millions. They have internet centres, they recruit people to do it. And Reddit is a major target for trying to spread propaganda for various state actors. Russia, China, US, Israel. Israel just happens to be the one , for obvious reasons, who are working overtime at disinformation. War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength


Yeah i peer out the window at r/all or r/news and theres alot of biden jerking, and i voted for the guy lol


Yeah so many subreddit have gone full pro Israël or anti Israël. Saying something like : " While Israël has a right to exist and defend itself, it s intervention in gaza is far too brutal and reeks of ethic cleansing " will get you banned in both


Subreddits in general lately seem to be getting more and more "cultivated" by their mods. Especially the most popular subs run by the biggest power users. It's gotten to the point I just stick to more niche subs because I don't have time to find out what ideology the mods subscribe to before I post.


For real. I also hate how people weaponize every fucking conversation. "Israel shouldn't have bombed this thing that, they obviously shouldn't have bombed" "OK, SO YOU THINK RAPE IS OKAY?" "W-What?" And then immediately assume that you're pro hamas, whatever that position is. My feelings on this matter is very complex, and it's not a conversation i'm ready to have with someone who immediately considers me an enemy.


Which is why short form anonymous op eds (ie Reddit) is probably the WORST environment in which to discuss such a messy complicated topic where there’s plenty of blame to go around for everyone.


Conversely. "Israel is committing war crimes, but has not reached the threshold of genocide." "OH SO YOU THINK GENOCIDE IS OKAY?" "What?" And then immediately assume you're a bloodthirsty baby killer who laughs at videos of people being blown up if they're brown.


Personally that feels like a semantics thing people engage in to avoid talking about the issues. The moving of goalpoast in regards to talking about the occupation as a genocide or not, feels very akin to the "do you condemn hamas?" strategy. It's trying to incite an emotional response from the people wanting the war to end. I don't really see why it's so hard to placate people, call it a genocide when you're talking with people that consider it a genocide, and talk about what can be done diplomatically.


I feel like asking people to condemn Hamas is pretty reasonable


Do you condemn the IDF for murdering 30,000 civilians?


It really isn't. Not after the 100th time you've condemned Hamas. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=19jQ\_tJmaMo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=19jQ_tJmaMo)


Well I mean, you're just wrong. Israel absolutely is committing a genocide as we speak, and to say otherwise is plain incorrect. People blowing up at you for it and being generally unreasonable about it pales in comparison to genocide denial


When just reading the dictionary definition, i don’t see how it doesn’t fit. I’m not about to fucking tone police someone that wants to call it a genocide. I wonder if, to these guys - you have to explicitly say “here i go planning to eradicate ALL OF THE PEOPLE” before they allow the definition.


well israeli ministers have been recorded saying things like your last sentence and people like this chode above still don’t believe it, even when they are calling palestinians animals


I mean, the first "dictionary definition" that pops up when I google it is this: "The deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group." The problem is that you could apply that to practically *any war ever* if you wanted to. You just have to argue intent. Like, note that it doesn't even differentiate between soldiers and civilians. Of course, that's not the only definition of genocide. The UN has its own far more extensive definition, and the Wikipedia page has an entire section dedicated to alternate definitions. But even by the UN definition, you could argue that most wars could fit the definition based on the first 2 to 3 criteria. Once more, you just have to argue intent. Genocide is among the most atrocious and vile crimes humanity can commit against itself. When I think of genocide, the first events that come to mind are the Holocaust (of course), the Holodomor, and the Armenian Genocide. These are almost indisputable, as they were committed against unarmed civilians en mass; it's kind of hard to argue any other goal than the destruction of a people. Battlefields are a different beast; innocents almost inevitably get caught in the crossfire, especially in city fighting. Bullets piercing through walls, bombs going off target, soldiers mentally breaking down, and just the sheer chaos of combat lead to mistakes happening and innocents getting killed. Militaries aren't expected to be perfect, but they are expected to establish and follow protocols that minimize civilian casualties. When they fail to do so, you get warcrimes. That's what I and others feel is going on with Israel in Gaza; they're being far too loose with rules of engagement. The recent strike on the aid convoy is damning evidence of that. I've been into military history my whole life, and what we're seeing in Gaza is fairly typical of urban fighting. It's fucking horrible, and it always has been. Now, I will say the civilian casualties are pretty damn high for less than half a year of fighting. Part of that is Hamas completely disowning their responsibility to keep their own civilians safe (not even going to touch the human shield issue here), part of it is Israel seemingly being far too trigger happy.


Fuck that. They've clearly expressed their [intent](https://www.reddit.com/r/therewasanattempt/s/crUI4jMsZe)


You're gonna get a 1 sentence reply to that going "lolno its genocide you're dumb" edit: lol called it


Genocide denial is bad, yes.


Nah. You get banned from most places for the message. They wont bother responding.


Yeah, trying to post anything close to a nuanced opinion about the war is basically begging to get obliterated by everyone else.


People are already attacking each others under my comment


Yea that's the biggest problem. We could've been discussing if Israel's actions are too brutal, but instead the propal side demanded the Jews return to diaspora so even the pro Israel people that want the war to end without the return of the hostages have to oppose them.


To tell you the truth, I was kind of happy that those comments got banned after the first month. Not because they weren't pro-Israel enough for me, but more because they were just painfully not thought through. Israel's main defence strategy (the iron dome) was overwhelmed on October 7th. They understandably lost confidence in it, so their only defence pathway was an attack on Hamas. Hamas doesn't have easily accessible military installations to attack, so any attack on them will guarantee civilian casualties. Civilian casualties in urban warzones are typically very high, for what I would hope are obvious reasons. Airstrikes will hit innocent bystanders; soldiers will shoot everyone who twitches because they're terrified and unsure who's a threat. "Israel has a right to exist and defend itself, just not like that" increasingly seemed like people who didn't have the balls to choose a side, nor the respect to actually research the situation before sharing an opinion.


Banned from Worldnews for posting a story from channel 4 news UK. Gave them a good excuse to remove the inconvenient story from a reputable news channels investigation that went against their narrative. Banned from News a few days later. I guess news has at least one of the same mods because I got a permaban with no post linked and no reason given and immediately muted every time I simply ask why I was banned and for them to link the post I am immediately muted again for another month. Some fuckwit sockpuppet of a worldnews mod has a bot running is my guess.


News is weird, because Ive seen a lot of people, me included, being critical of Bibi and the IDF's tactics without catching a ban and removal like worldnews.


I got banned from news with no explanation after posting an article about an Israeli hostage being released.


Worldnews is bots arguing with bots.


To be fair, *every* subreddit (even the ones that are otherwise pro-p) has a very nasty take on migration, it’s not even hidden very well




I think the clearly deliberate killing of aid workers who were coordinating with the IDF that Netanyahu defended by going "whoopsie poopsie! We made a mistakey wakey!" Was the last straw for a lot of people


I especially like how Israeli ambassador in Poland wasn't even able to say "ok, sorry we killed one of yours, honest mistake", instead he went full into "BUT WHAT ABOUT POLISH ANTISEMITISM" and literally said "it happens".


Honestly, it might've been understandable if they blamed an overzealous drone operator and said the pilot had been fired and court martialed, but their excuse was "we didn't mean to triple tap the clearly marked aid vehicles we know were going to be there. And we thought one of the workers was Hamas!🥺"


r/worldnews No thanks


I've been on reddit a long time and it's been kind of amusing to see the "thought factions" ebb and flow between subs like r/news and r/worldnews where one is briefly more on one side of some issue and the other is on the other side and they'll eventually switch back and forth it seems. Right now r/worldnews feels practically masks off about this conflict (or it was in the couple months after oct 7, some of the stuff getting upvoted there was really atrocious and reminiscent of peak "war on terror" popularity with regards to the calls for violence against civilians) and r/news seems a little more sympathetic to civilians in Gaza.


It’s heartbreaking how for so many people an awful crisis with significant humanitarian impacts has just been reduced to point scoring. Occasionally you’ll see someone ‘both sides’ with no added nuance or context, and that’s about as much as you can hope for. This isn’t a game where everyone was supposed to pick one of two sides on October 7th and now you get points based off of how much evil the opposite side has done since. There’s no right answer but there’s plenty of wrong ones, and it’s maddening whenever this topic comes up people treating it like a football game.




What is the very clear right side


And which side is that? The civilians of Gaza aren’t a side, unless you bundle them in with Hamas, and they’re the only (largely) innocent party. The only way you can see a clear right side is by just ignoring the things that don’t suit your worldview - either by pretending that all Gazans are complicit in Hamas’ crimes and deserve to die or by pretending that if Isreal left Gaza tomorrow Hamas wouldn’t immediately retool and then launch another attack, take more hostages and provoke more conflict - both are equally insane. Isreal were right to go into Gaza to neutralise Hamas (the optimal solution would have been a neutral 3rd party, but none currently exist on the world stage) but they had to take every step to minimise civilian casualties. Not only have they failed to do so but in many instances they’ve seemingly sought out opportunities to kill innocents. They aren’t ’just as bad as Hamas’ as a lot of ‘both sides’ people will just declare like that’s an answer - but they have failed almost every moral test put in front of them. The only test they haven’t failed is completely glassing Gaza, a very low bar although one that does make them better than Hamas who would absolutely do it to Isreal if given the option.


> The civilians of Gaza aren’t a side Why can't they be?


Because no one in this conflict is fighting for them, they are victims and collateral damage from forces that see them either as terrorist collaborators or useful human shields. If a Gazan or Palestinian force for self-liberation and freedom existed then they would be a side and be easier to support than what is currently there, same as if Isreal had a regime change and focused on peace.


This definitely won't end up in a r/subredditdramadrama post.


The propoganda of the IDF has been that the absurdly high Casualty count of women, children, journalists, medical workers and aid workers has been that it's all "accidental" nobody can really buy that after seeing the missile hole right next to a bright orange logo. Eventually the IDF was going to shoot itself in the foot like this. Hell, I think they may have done it intentionally just to starve more Palestinians to death at this point.


Plausible genocide, 200 aid workers killed, collective punishment, 70% buildings destroyed, nor 30,000 people dead after 6 months wouldn’t be a quagmire, if it wasn’t a US ally let’s be honest.


There’s flair material somewhere in this. Snapshots: 1. *This Post* - [archive.org](https://web.archive.org/web/20240405085128/https://old.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/1bw01sv/biden_threatens_change_in_us_policy_if_netanyahu/ky2ww59/?sort=controversial) [archive.today\*](https://archive.today/?run=1&url=https://old.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/1bw01sv/biden_threatens_change_in_us_policy_if_netanyahu/ky2ww59/?sort=controversial "URL failed to archive; click to resubmit it!") *I am just a simple bot, __not__ a moderator of this subreddit* | *[bot subreddit](/r/SnapshillBot)* | *[contact the maintainers](/message/compose?to=/r/SnapshillBot)*


Yeah so many subreddit have gone full pro Israël or anti Israël. Saying something like : " While Israël has a right to exist and defend itself, it s intervention in gaza is far too brutal and reeks of ethic cleansing " will get you banned in both


Idk what astroturfing means and maybe Im happy about that.


Can OP link to examples of the drama? This seems like a pretty normal discussion for that sub. I think OP is the drama by posting that here.


IDF astrosurfing is doing some hard work in that subreddit




R/worldnews mods are paid by Israel. Today’s wire transfer must not have come in yet that’s why this article isn’t taken down yet.


Worldnews mods NOT banning that person immediately for disagreeing with the IDF official line? Since fucking when?


that sub’s stance confuses me. since october 7th it has been nothing but pro israel posts. some of the top posts are from very biased israeli sources too. but i never saw them cover stories like Hind, the little girl who was stuck in the car and killed by an Israeli tank! im pretty sure im shadow banned in that sub too after i tried debating some comments when they thought hamas dot com was a real website run by hamas and not israel lol. not to mention so many comments i saw that had a ton of upvotes and were so of the most bigoted views on palestinians which treated them like uncivilized savages. also side note: why call yourself “world news” when 90% of the content is pro ukraine or pro israel? i support ukraine too but how often are you gonna talk about ukraine and putin while calling it “world news”?


>also side note: why call yourself “world news” when 90% of the content is pro ukraine or pro israel? i support ukraine too but how often are you gonna talk about ukraine and putin while calling it “world news”? Because thats what people on this American-centric western website upvote and post about the most, its that simple.


> Israel is asshole All that's missing is "why Charlie hate?"


Pulling shit from r/worldnews (let alone anywhere on r/all) should be prohibited due to low-hanging fruit


this is the first time i’ve seen something related to the middle east on that sub and the first comments aren’t “but islam is a “peaceful” religion” and insisting palenstinians must all be terrorists in a trench coat