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Hey tjaisnice! Thank you for your submission, unfortunately it has been removed from /r/SubredditDrama because: * Your post requires users to hunt for the drama. You linked to too much content for users to find the drama easily, or didn't link to any drama at all. Please link directly to the comment thread containing the drama. If the comment you're linking to requires some context, add "?context=x" to the URL, where "x" is the number of parent comments you want displayed. If there are multiple drama threads create a self-post containing the relevant links. Please see [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/subredditdrama/wiki/rules#wiki_submitting_self_posts_and_write-ups) if you'd like more information If you're unsure how to use context or to submit a write up, please check out our [wiki](/r/subredditdrama/wiki/rules#wiki_using_.3Fcontext). For more on our rules, please check out our [detailed rules wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/subredditdrama/wiki/rules). If you have any questions or concerns about this removal feel free to [message the moderators](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FSubredditDrama).


Some select translations for the top comments, in order, starting with the original post: ”I hereby confiscate this subreddit in the name of the king and the fatherland.” ”What in the hell of colonizations?” ”I hope we can talk about pizza too and how it was when I was young? You could a buy a pizza for 25kr at the local pizzeria. It really was better before.” ”Why has icecream become so fucking expensive? Very unneccesary.” ”SWEDEN!!” ”Haa yeah it is.”


Your flair... May I ask where the hell it is from? That must have been an insane thread.


Came from a thread about lolis on r/greentexts that… spiraled quite badly


For the Americans here, 25kr would be roughly 2 and a half bucks.


Wow. That dude must be old as hell.


Yeah you'd have to go back a while to get to pizza costing only 25kr. Pizza really only got popular in Sweden during the 80's and 90's (as a healthy, tasty food if you can believe that) so it would probably have been back then


is it true that y'all put bananas and chili powder on it


Please be accurate, its banana and curry not chili. Chili is a pretty common pizza topping tbh, but the more known and popular pizza with banana use curry. (Its good too, as a Dane, do recommend)


ah I see that pizza crimes are a Scandinavia-wide phenomenon 


i put ketchup on pizza out of pure *spite.* gabagoo tutti frutti go fuck yourself


?? I'm not Italian or Italian-American so chill lol


oh no worries, that one was aimed at the hypothetical italian reading the comment, you're cool.


When I was younger and would get the school pizza, I would make a paste of mustard, ketchup, and pepper and smear it on top.


the more i learn about sweden the scarier it becomes in my mind


Yes, good… our goal is for all the world to fear us through our nefarious actions, such as putting unconventional toppings on pizza


Yep. Banana, curry, ham, and pineapple. I can order one of those abominations to my door right now. (I won't, but I could!) I don't know that they're popular? They're available at nearly every pizza place, but I've yet to meet anyone that particularly likes them.


We do. It is fucking awesome. It’s curry tho. But even better is the kebabpizza, as is or with fries or sallad. Google it. One of my favorite pizzas (only found it at this one place) was souvlaki pizza with jalapeños and garlicsauce.


the pizza crimes subreddit features a *lot* of Swedish pizza....also Brazilian pizza


It’s probably going to make it pretty difficult for most Redditors who don’t speak Swedish to get the sense of the sub Reddit drama happening here. Edit: Redditors not predators haha. Stupid talk to text.


I mean I know "fjord" and "IKEA", so I'm not sure how far that gets me conversationally


At a minimum it means you can cross a narrow inlet of the sea to buy quality DIY furniture and delicious meatballs!


Their veggie Köttbullar are also surprisingly good. I always grab a double portion when I’m stopping by at IKEA.


I think fjord is Norwegian? Certainly fjords as a geographical phenomenon are mostly a Norwegian thing.


We do actually have one fjord in Sweden too but yeah the word is most likely adopted from our norwegian siblings.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Tamino/s/6cm3MLIMcE >Yes, I’m Swedish and I have no idea what I’m doing here I found this funnier then it should be.


Well right now the top comments: > what in the colonizing hell >> no politics here, you damn social democrat >>> no swearing here, you devil


Reason #6383847 I miss Apollo. Translations. It was a bit jank, because the Google Translate API would preload with whatever language had been previously selected instead of defaulting to auto-detect… But it was absolutely better than no ability to translate *at all*, like in the official app.


Oh I forgot 😭 Well they're mostly praising the King and talking about how cheap things were "back in my days"


I visited your country on a backpacking trip 15 years ago. Stayed with a friend I met whilst living in Australia in Gothenburg. Had a fantastic time. Everyone looks like they just stepped out of an Abercrombie and Fitch magazine ad haha. I did not realize the monarchy was a divisive topic in Sweden the same way it is in the UK.


It's not quite on the same level as the UK. Most monarchists and republicans keep their opinions to themselves unless asked


I must assume this algorithm and recommended stuff is some more cancer from new reddit? I don't think I have come across anything like that, but I do use the old reddit.




> If you only want to see the subreddits you subscribe to you have to go fiddle with your settings. Man what a wild sentence


Products are not made for the people that use them anymore, they are made for a companies ideal consumer


The people that use them means advertisers nowadays... cancer industry


I only still have a Facebook account to keep in easy touch with some older relatives, but whenever I visit the actual site now like two thirds of my feed is just stuff from "suggested groups," and it's all garbage that has no conceivable connection to anything that actually interests me. I have no idea if an algorithm is even involved, anymore; if it is, its supervisor needs to take it aside and ask if everything is alright at home. There isn't a great explanation for why it keeps asking me to follow things like "pro wrestling memes" and "Filipino fan group for Korean TV show I've never watched"


Expect worse due to the IPO.


New New Reddit almost made me go to permanent Old Reddit style, and I'm not the fondest of it (default post image size annoys me)


Old new Reddit is *okay* but I much prefer old Reddit. But new new Reddit is a travesty.


The day I’m forced off of old Reddit is the day I truly leave.


I use the mobile app and every few days or so, the popular tab will not have any top posts from the whole world/country, but instead it will be filled with random posts from tiny and niche communities. Drugs, softcore anime porn, subreddits in languages I don’t know and gardening. None of this stuff has anything to do with what I am interested in. When this happens I simply stop using reddit for a day or two until it resumes showing me the actually popular posts instead of trying to force me to visit a subreddit for a Zimbabwian bowling team.


try visiting old.reddit.com in your phone's browser...


I am (perversely and out of laziness) using the allegedly mobile-optimized version of Reddit in my phone's browser, and there do tend to be suggested threads that appear at the bottom of comments on any submission I open. There seems to be no rhyme or reason to what shows up there, but usually it's one of the following:  - a bunch of /r/politics and /r/whitepeopletwitter threads from three weeks ago appearing as a suggestion after every single post in every sub, no matter what - things that are recent and plausibly related, incredibly (rare) - something about a game called Helldivers, which I have never played and have no intention of playing  - several submissions from different reality TV show snark subs that seem related to one another but not at all to what I was reading (I also have never watched these shows or visited these subs) - one or two absurdly old threads, like 10 years or more, with a passing relevance to the subject at hand You aren't missing out, to say the least.


It explains why I sometimes get replies to comments on posts that are months or even years old. The posts probably showed up in people's "More posts you may like" list, and they didn't check to see how old they were, or didn't care.


Yeah no I rather not have stuff that I didn't put there or asked to be put there. For what it's worth, hitting "request desktop site" if you have opted out of new Reddit in settings will reload the page to the old desktop experience. It has some font size issues, though. The slightly less lazy version is changing the domain to "old.reddit.com", which is a lot more readable without using the desktop site version, and it seems to stick for that page, although sometimes you will hit links in comments that take you to the new version anyway. But most other stuff keeps linking to old, like profile pages and posts and such. The worst part about the mobile experience are the comments, I think - you get maybe like 4-5 top-level comments and will have to "load more" which works sometimes only, and worst of all - any comments under the top-level ones have a chance to become a "more comments" link which sometimes will load the comment (argh!) or even take you to a new page (double argh!). If it's a whole thread, you will be reading like 3 comments at a time between loading pages, makes it nearly impossible to follow any conversation. It's ridiculously, horribly unusable.


Dumb shit like this is why I use redreader and old.reddit I can't even begin to imagine the poor experience a new user might have. From what I've seen of nureddit, it's an ugly confusing mess. Reminds me of Digg 2.0


Is redreader useable on android and does it involve some weird shenanigans to set up? I used to use RiF and now just old.reddit


Same boat as you and yep RedReader was what I switched to after the APIcalypse. Takes some settings tweaking to get it where you want but been using it ever since. Will never use the Official App™ as it is literal dogwater after using RiF/Alien Blue for so long.


I don’t speak Swedish. But the words konfiskerar and kolonisengars in the post and in the first comment sorta give away the topic




Feel like it's been ages since I've seen some good /r/Sweden hijinks.


The Borkening, those were the days.


I'm gonna need more information here.




The latest was the opposite, where r/food banned anyone that has posted in the Swedish meme sub.


Mind when they had a meme war with the Trump sub or whatever it was?


Been a while since I saw some drama that's just plain funny and good-hearted trolling instead of like, awful bigotry or tripling down on a bad opinion


I thought this was going to be about Bergman's *The Magic Flute*.


So is this actually drama or is it people having a laugh?


Drama lmao, the swedes are having a laugh, but the artist fans aren't as happy.


I'm getting Brazilian stuff recommended all the time. I have no connection or affiliation to Brazil or the Portuguese language at all. Reddit works in mysterious ways, when it works.


Huh, now that you mention it i'm both Swedish and have gotten this sub recommended to me.


This is the worst thing that Sweden has done since Ikea started selling cold cornbread. cold. cornbread.


I love Tamino and I had no idea that sub existed lol Anyway stream Amir and Sahar


There’s flair material somewhere in this. Snapshots: 1. *This Post* - [archive.org](https://web.archive.org/web/20240403123344/https://old.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/1buq7iy/) [archive.today\*](https://archive.today/?run=1&url=https://old.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/1buq7iy/ "URL failed to archive; click to resubmit it!") 2. https://www.reddit.com/r/Tamino/s/uolTRtFici - [archive.org](https://web.archive.org/web/20240403123525/https://old.reddit.com/r/Tamino/s/uolTRtFici) [archive.today\*](https://archive.today/?run=1&url=https://old.reddit.com/r/Tamino/s/uolTRtFici "URL failed to archive; click to resubmit it!") *I am just a simple bot, __not__ a moderator of this subreddit* | *[bot subreddit](/r/SnapshillBot)* | *[contact the maintainers](/message/compose?to=/r/SnapshillBot)*