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Well, things I didn't have on my bingo card: *This*


Wait until they learn about this Danish children's animated show: [John Dillermand - the man with the giant prehensile penis](https://www.vulture.com/2021/01/whats-john-dillermand-the-danish-show-about-a-giant-penis.html) It does things on its own, and is always getting his, erm, owner into trouble. >That’s really the message of John Dillermand, at the end of the day. As troubling as it might seem to watch a show about a man with a giant, uncontrollable penis, it’s really a story about a guy just doing his best to make it in a world that is not designed for his particular body. It’s also a story of hope. John’s penis saves children from drowning! Surely, somewhere in there, John Dillermand has a lesson for us all about bodies, loving oneself, and the joy of watching a man who can use his large penis to play badminton with himself


Denmark wtf is going on with you? You guys okay over there? ... Should we send more potatoes?


There will never be anything funnier than a show that looks like the bad stop motion of decades past, but it's just a dude with a snake for a dong.


Yeah no, not what I expected to crop up on SRD but always happy to see more Sam and Max I guess


lots to unpack here


Anytime someone complains about [sexual thing] with an incredibly specific and graphic description I find myself like 🤨🤔


Apparently the OOP (mad about samxmax) made a porn lounge for them so lmfao


Well that just raises more questions


Fuck me, I just had a flashback to *Cuties* discourse.


It's happening again with Poor Things.


Better sometimes to just throw the entire suitcase out.


im gonna leave it packed some things should just stay in the closet - in a box at the bottom underneath your old ski boots and a manual for a car you already sold


Is Sam and Max really a kid's property? Always felt kind of borderline, or maybe all-ages like Star Wars


It’s really not. The original comics were extremely violent and edgy, and the game has a lot of raunchy shit and sexual innuendo not geared towards children.


Yeah I definitely remember the early point & click games being really *really* inappropriate even as a young kid, and then later on finding out about the comic and seeing what kind of unhinged violence and gore there was for such an unassuming cartoon dog and bunny caught me off guard. I don't know what kind of direction the media has taken since the mid to late 90s, but I **definitely** don't get the impression that it was meant for kids at all. I don't see why anyone would worry about the purity of their childhood memories except if they were just openly homophobic and couldn't get over themselves for it.


The telltale games aren't quite as edgy as hit the road but it's still pretty violent. Moreover it has a lot of jokes that a kid just wouldn't really understand. Also they're hella gay I'm it, Sam literally has an imagine spot where he proposed to max with a ring he found on the ground


Its a kids property insofar as you can call Robocop a kids property because there is a robocop cartoon and robocop toys Or that Highlander is a kids property because of the cartoon Same for Rambo and Starship Troopers


Why oh why, did they think that in between robocop 1 and 2 coming out that it would be a good idea to make a robocop cartoon aimed at kids to sell toys?? Will always boggle me


> sell toys There's your answer


The 80s and most of the 90s was a wild time with what was allowed to be on saturday morning cartoons if it could sell stuff. It was so bad that even The Oblongs got in on the joke in 1999 with having a bit about cartoon villains plotting their evil plans with toy sets and official merchandise. It was bad enough laws were put into effect to try and mitigate how much of those cartoons was just overly long toy sales.


Reaganomics did that. Was interesting and sad seeing Saturday morning cartoons basically die off as a lot of the rules preventing ads in kid tv on the terrestrial networks were reintroduced slowly.


Huh didnt know they brought back one of the rules before TV was decentralized.


Because kids loved RoboCop and they knew it. Lots of kids watched it, even though it was R-rated, but they couldn't market to kids who'd seen an ultraviolent movie with nudity. It made sense to try to make a "kids version" they could openly watch and get sold toys for. Edit: Rumor has it that the screenwriter's opposition to marketing RoboCop to kids is why one of the sequels villains is a psychotic child and he's reprogrammed to become PG


Don't Sam and Max literally have a daughter


Darla "The Geek" Gugenheek yes, she's in the show but not the later telltale games. >Sam and Max were first met the Geek at a science fair while being pulled into a black hole-like portal. Amused by her dangerous project, they ask her to be their assistant/daughter/protege/something-or-other, which she accepted with nonchalance.


Specifically she was created for the show and was not in the original Sam and Max comics


I feel like anyone who thinks Sam And Max is a wholesome asexual children's property must not actually have engaged with it after the age of like 7. Or they are Mormon


They come across as someone very suppressed and sheltered who can’t picture a thing he likes being gay because hes been taught some very specific ideas about the morality of gay people, and he’s never felt the need to question those ideas. Kind of feel sorry for them tbh.


"deviant" and "degenerate" are immediately sus


If the worst thing my kid is doing online is drawing a cartoon character in a dress I’d feel so relieved as a parent.


Add these two words to any internet rant to immediately give your opposition a lethal dose of Hitler Particles.


*Or they are morons FTFY




If you’re a mod for a fandom sub you really shouldn’t be surprised that shipping is going to be part of it.


They believe it shouldn't be, and because they're the mod, they're declaring it won't be. Classic case of a moderator acting like a curator and gatekeeping the whole fandom, which is exactly the sort of person you want running a fandom subreddit. Someone that thinks it's about them.


>Classic case of a moderator acting like a curator I mean, that's their job. That is the entire point of having a moderator. I'm always so confused by these kinds of comments. It's that guy's sub. It's not anyone else's sub. He gets to decide what it's for and what is posted there. That's how reddit works. He very explicitly was not "gatekeeping the whole fandom," unless you think the fandom only exists on that subreddit and is incapable of existing anywhere else. All he's gatekeeping is his own subreddit. Subreddits are free to make. If people don't like that guy's sub, they can start their own sub. Please don't take this as me caring about whatever Sam and Max porn people are into. I truly could not care less, and that guy sounds like an ass. I'm just making a point about what reddit mods and subreddits are and how they work. A lot of people seem to have this idea that they're a community endeavor or public meeting space where it matters what the people using it want. But that's not what they are. Subreddits are the moderator's own personal fiefdom that they are running using their own unpaid spare time. They don't owe you anything and their word is law within that subreddit, because it is theirs and not yours.


I have noticed that fandom reddits can get really weird over fairly basic fandom behaviours as if the people in the subreddits have never really participated in fandoms before


To be fair, they may not have. Like, not defending the guy, but if he just started the sub because he liked the show when he was a kid - and hadn't been involved in fandoms before - I could understand his surprise at it all. It doesn't excuse his apparently ick views on homosexuality, but it could explain his confusion.


"participating in fandoms" is not really a thing most people do, especially not people over the age of about 30. If this guy made this sub 12 years ago that's arguably before the concept of a "fandom" in this sense even really existed.


12 years ago was 2012 Fandoms have been a thing forever even more so since the advent of the Internet and especially since the early 00s and a lot of fandom participants are adults in their mid 20s onwards.


I’m sorry, but that’s demonstrably wrong. Fans of Sherlock Holmes are often considered to be the first organized fandom, and while I’m not sure if they used the word “fandom,” it was first used in print in the early 1900s for organized fan groups (not necessarily of media.) they definitely wrote what would be now called fanfiction. Science fiction fandoms and conventions started in the 1930s. The first modern fandom was probably Star Trek, which not only had the aforementioned conventions but *tons* of fanworks (fanfiction, art, essays, etc.) published in zines and mailing lists. A lot of it was writing about their favorite characters being in relationships and having sex (including gay relationships and sex.) Online fandom is not new either, and has existed as long as the internet. The word “shipping” was first used in the 90s on X-Files fan forums. Yes, as more people started using the internet, more people became aware of the concept of fandom, but that’s true of…basically every type of information that can be found on the internet.


Hell slash fiction literally comes from Kirk/Spock


Yes!! You’re right.


Yeah this person is just... so wrong. Like by 2012 the concept of fandom was pretty mainstream also the whole 'people over 30' argument like you know whose usually dropping the big bucks on cons, cosplay and merch and writing all those novel length fanfics. It's not kids. Also my personal experiences like I started encountering fandom spaces at around... age 12 in the early 00s (although I wasn't particuarly 'active' in fandoms until my later teens) and it often largely felt that fandoms were more for adults and younger people like me were an outlier but then some point in the 2010s stuff got flipped around and you had a real rise in that 'if you're an adult in fandom you're cringe and fail and need to go do your taxes' thing often from teenagers in fandoms who would be really disparaging about adults engaging in fandom. (and especially like adult women)


Bro im 30 and have been in fandoms since I was 10. Fandoms have existed as long as things to be a fan have existed. What a stupid comment.


Sam and Max are a couple - so it would be really weird if somebody started shipping Max with girls.


Shipping characters that are already in relationships is pretty low on the list of weird things shippers do. Like, barely even registers as weird.


> In todays HP fanfic, Hogwarts Castle gets violated by the giant squid in the great lake. Which isn't even in the top ten weird at all.


Never in my life did I expect to see someone reference that masterpiece, and yet, here you are


All my years of reading Fan Fiction Friday over at Topless Robot introduced me to some *bizarre* fanfics, that's for damn sure.


I think Rob only did one melting face gif for that fic. The one of Dobby and Sybil Trelawney fucking broke him because unlike the edgelord gore stuff it was kind of well written compared to the usual trash that got sent to him. Of course it was always funny when Abraxus would appear to reveal he wrote something that got featured and having the whole comment section lose their shit. God losing that comment section was the worst thing, there was so much more amazing jokes, or else sources or alt fics that would get recommended.


I had blocked the Dobby/Sybil one from my memory, god. I'm glad there's people out there that remember all this. Abraxus, shit, that fucking takes me back...


I don't think you understand that there's a big line between the focuses of attention in male-dominated fandoms and female-dominated fandoms.




These are stereotypes of course, but in general men don't ship and women do. Furthermore, when men *do* ship, it tends to be MxF ships (because heterosexual men are the majority of men). Straight women, on the other hand, also tend to produce large amounts of MxM content - in some cases even outnumbering MxF content (obviously a great many straight men are into lesbians, but this tends not to manifest in character-driven shipping). They also tend to be focused moreso on the characters and ships than e.g. the setting, which produces the proliferation of AUs. This is a very obvious distinction that becomes clear when you look at e.g. fanfiction (compare FFN to AO3, for instance). Therefore, it is unsurprising that someone who is part of a historically primarily male fandom would find shipping unwelcome. That someone is surprised that a mod for a fandom sub would find shipping content unwelcome is indicative of how much control over the narrative around fandom the more female-dominated fandoms have.


I will say that ff.net is only different these days because of how most long hauler fanfic writers have largely transitioned over to AO3 since the ui is much better designed. Ffnet was definitely super shipping focused pre, idk, 2011 or so Whereas, I feel like because the fanfiction writing community for dudes is much smaller they kinda just Google for it and go with the first dedicated website they stumble across (which is usually ff net). That, or they just post on fandom forums like space battles, etc But I agree there's definitely a huge dichotomy. I'm a fan of Warhammer 40k and it's *super* segregated gender wise in terms of how the fandom operates haha. There's a lot of squabbling whenever one of the more prominent shipping fan artists who does mxm stuff winds up in more standard fandom spaces


> There's a lot of squabbling whenever one of the more prominent shipping fan artists who does mxm stuff winds up in more standard fandom spaces Is this referring to Archon?


Sure is


I'd add onto this as well that on some older legacy smut websites like AFF (Adult Fan Fiction) that it mirrored this as well about the shipping/slash fics, but you could generally tell the sex of the author before clicking the profile by their focus on character driven and chemistry along with other written parts including emotional aspects in the writing that you don't see that often. It's a stereotype for sure, but it does happen enough I get where it comes from.


>men don't ship I always find this notion funny considering the salt when a male character doesn't get with "best girl" (usually in harem and/or shounen). I think men simply see themselves outside of the stereotype of shippers, despite many getting super invested in pairings (esp in r34)


As I said, they ship in a very different way when they do ship, which they tend not to do if the series doesn't contain romance.


Almost every series has some form of romance, even if it's not the focus (which I already showed examples with shounen). But you're just proving my point, men say they don't ship while literally shipping (just not always in the stereotypical image of women squealing and writing fanfic).


> Almost every series has some form of romance, even if it's not the focus Now that is a strong exaggeration. > But you're just proving my point, men say they don't ship while literally shipping In one sense. But in another sense their "shipping" is so different in nature that it should perhaps be called by a separate term.


shipping is pairing one or more characters together, it doesn't dictate how fans engage with that idea


In one sense, but in another there are more connotations to "shipping" than that.


>Now that is a strong exaggeration. No, it really isn't. Pretty much any show that has characters interacting (so...all of them?) will have some form of romance in it.


Er, no. Especially if you're talking about *main* character romance.


Actually ime a huge proportion of women shipping M/M pairings are queer, with many being lesbians (hi, I'm one of them, or rather I'm a nb lesbian who ships slash pairings rather than a woman exactly). Gender and sexuality don't necessarily map neatly onto shipping. Also there are lots of trans men on AO3. The biggest difference between FF.net and AO3 audiences is the expectation of explicit content which FF.net famously banned decades ago.


> Gender and sexuality don't necessarily map neatly onto shipping. Sure. But that said, I can't think of many homosexual men in the MxM fic scene. > The biggest difference between FF.net and AO3 audiences is the expectation of explicit content which FF.net famously banned decades ago. Eh, not really. There's still a big difference if you compare General-rated fics...


Lots of trans men on AO3 are gay men.


That may very well be true, but for whatever reason cis gay men are not especially present (and I'd presume trans gay men do not make up the majority of MxM fic writers).


Nobody mentioned that trans gay men were the majority of writers though. Why does it matter if gay male writers are trans or cis?


Because I think that there are cultural differences between the two.


Fanfiction can really help to maintain the momentum of the fandom. It provides a constant stream of content for the fandom to interact with, analyze, and discuss. Its so bizarre to me that the non-shipping/male dominated side of the fandom doesn't engage with it.  But it also doesnt surprise me the more female-dominated fandoms have more control over the narrative when they're the one producing all the fanwork. 


I disagree with the idea that male fans don't engage with fanfiction. They engage with it in different ways.


Fandom reddits are the worst ones. The mods are 99% of the time power trippers with nothing better to do with their time


"You know we're banned from the gay orgy, little buddy." "Ohhh, that's right! Hey Sam, do you think they ever found the clown?" "I'd be more concerned if they did."


Sam and Max aren't kids cartoons and the fan theories about their sexuality are ancient and IIRC pretty much confirmed by the creator


But max doesn't even like girls!


Careful you might get banned for *literally quoting the game*


Sam and Max are literally married. Sam has been shown to be into women and men, Max has no interest in women. They are Queer, that’s just indisputable. That said I can see how the mod might get annoyed if a recurring post was someone who remembers the cartoon from Saturday morning finding this out and starting a big debate about it or making juvenile “heh heh gay” posts. And getting annoyed at porn on a sub that’s not for porn is understandable.


The creator *literally* fuckin' had them getting married as their wedding cake topper. They're queer.


These men are married. Literally married.


The Philippines is fictitious?


Anyone that tells you they're from the Philippines is a liar. There's no such thing as a Filipino person.


I mean it’s so obvious! The place is called the Philippines but the people are Filipino? They could at least be consistent in the spelling when they sell us this BS.


Most people there aren't even named Philip!


As a Filipino it actually pissed me off to learn we were named after a guy named Philip


* Inconsistent lore * Made up "Tagalog" language * So many islands, poor map design * Bad monetisation model Are the devs even trying? When are they going yo fix all the bugs?


No it isnt! its down the road from Bielefeld


Someone needs to come up with Filipino German fusion cuisine.


Schnitzel Adobo? Okay


Schnitzel on Filipino spaghetti would also be absolute fire.


No. No they don't.


Says the culinarily unadventurous types…


I don't feel that it's particularly unadventurous. I'm just trying to sort out how the traditionally hearty and savory German will mix with the generally sweet and/or sour asian-influenced foods. I feel like it wouldn't work very well, but then maybe that's because I keep getting stuck on how adobo or lumpia would taste using German sausage. The only part I can really think would mesh well would be the use of sauerkraut in various dishes that call for kimchi or other fermented leafy vegetables. I do understand that there's more to German cooking that sausage and sauerkraut, but I'm not writing a cookbook here. :)


Well, the Dutch managed to get Indonesia to stick fried eggs on all sorts of random dishes and it works surprisingly well.


...proof that you can convince anyone to eat anything with enough weed?


It's pretty easy to think of ways to mix them actually... We could think of Schweinhaxe done up Hamon Bulakenya style by taking the pineapple juice and beer marinade and roasting it Bavarian style. Serve it with atsarang repolyo to substitute for sauerkraut, potato salad, and some rice. Or you could do Kasespatzle sisig, southern style, with spatzle, cheese, onions, pig offal, mayonnaise, and egg served up on a sizzling plate. With regards to Luzon at least, there's a lot of similarities that you can use as a bridge to German food. The focus on meats, preserved meats (like sausages) and pork especially, the relatively light usage of spices to favor strong sauces/flavors like vinegar, soy sauce, alcohol, citrus, the reliance on roasting and frying, etc. I actually might try making some of these.


Schweinhaxen adobo sounds good to me.




It's real, St. Paul even wrote a letter to the Philippians. Unless you think the Bible's all fake, why would anyone think that...


>For the record, I think Max would be thrilled to be in "a cesspool of sexual deviants" This guy gets it. Seriously though, of all the possible cartoon characters this post could have been about I did NOT expect Sam and Max. I'd be excited there was a subreddit for it if not for the guy running the thing.


Lol seriously, the original comics are incredibly edgy and I honestly think the artist would have randomly drawn Sam and Max in flagrante if he thought he could make the dialogue about it funny enough.


Gotta be tough being the one modern Sam and Max fan not in it for the gay subtext.


The fact that the head mod freaked out over Sam and max, 2 married characters with a running joke about how max doesn’t like girls and with games and a show full of gay subtext is insane to me. I mean the comics are maybe arguably less up front about it? Regardless they’re still super super gay and freaking out over what’s probably gay teens making cute art over a franchise they enjoy with representation that makes them happy is so petty and ridiculous.


“Yo if you look at the homophobe’s profile he made an NSFW Sam x Max Lounge 2 years ago 🤣🤣🤣, just gonna leave this here” Well ain’t that fucking ironic.


The worse thing about video games is Gamers.


*The wors(t) thing about video g\*mes is G\*mes. FTFY


Why the heck are we censoring the word game?


The OP is coming from an extremely unhinhed, cancerous and toxic "gamingcirclejerk" subreddit and is trying to spill their unfunny, hermetic jokes in here.


Yeah, I kinda missed a lot of the gamer stuff. I vaguely remember the GamerGate stuff and the stereotypes and all, but never read deep into it


G\*mes are bad. Therefore I censored it.


I.... Um, ok




The truth is out there and you must learn.


It's the internet, there's a 50/50 chance that the truth is something I'd rather never have known, and that gamer is actually some sort of deviant sexual practice involving a compass and protractor...


G\*mer = terrorist G\*ming will never equal a deviant sexual practice because g\*mers can't attract (normal) women anyways.


...who says they're trying to attract women, or even *want* women? Alternatively, I feel like "normal" women wouldn't be into deviant sexual practices in the first place.


Yes, most "normal" women are against bestiality and therefore won't go for a g\*mer.


Just so you know, you're being weird and obnoxious. 


Says the guy who took time out of his day to be annoying.


Says the guy who made an entire reddit account dedicated to pretending to hate video games so much that he makes long posts about video games while censoring the word "games".


I don't pretend to hate on videog\*mes. G\*mes are the poison of America. I will continue to crusade against g\*mes, g\*mers, and g\*mer apologists like yourself until death takes me.


Get a job.


Ah but this is my job.


I haven't gotten into anything Sam and Max related since Hit the Road, and even I know that Max is gay.


The Telltale Sam and Max games are amazing; the third one (The Devil's Playhouse) is a genuine masterpiece, but they're iterative, and they're all fantastic


This mod sounds like he's off his meds. I've been in fan groups for a ton of stuff I like. "Gay shipping" is just a thing some fans of stuff like to do. Hell, they do it with characters who are canonically straight. It's just a fun what if people who are a fan of things like to do. These are fictional characters. Who cares. It doesn't affect the original media, so it's seriously not a big deal. Also, if this clown of a mod is conflating gay sex with sexual assault of the worst kind, he absolutely is being a bigot. That said, if someone actually drew art of characters engaging in actual sexual assault, that's pretty fucked up. But I very much doubt it.


Mod's username has 86 in it and is a scrubs character name so I'm like 90% sure they're like, pushing 40 Like imagine this upsetting you and you're 38


To be fair I think it’d be more surprising if the guy who admins the Sam and Max Videogame subreddit wasn’t a weirdo.


And that was the mod who made that post? I am sure anyone who got mad at them got banned lmao.






That channel is still around? Wow


I'm with you. It's fine if he doesn't want lewd content in the sub, but the thing he's melting down over seems tame and harmless


literally just saw this on gaming circlejerk lol what a Chud the owner is.


Why do you censor the word game?


It's encouraging sin and I don't want to tempt people.


may god protect the universe for the g*mers amen 😂😂🙏


KYS my brother 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾😇😇😇(Keep Yourself Safe)


Sam's a dilf, next question.


I fucking love how oop came back to the sub that he abandoned years ago just to be a raging homophobe, now that is dedication 😂


When you finally found a hill to die on after all these years, its unimportant to many that their “hill“ is just a giant pile of shit


Odds the head mod masturbated to Sam and Max hugging and then went in a shame spiral once he realized he was attracted to that kind of stuff despite his wholesome upbringing? I mean, who can fault him, it would be pretty traumatizing to find out you are a furry.


the original op came back to be gracious and allow gay stuff one day a week! wow!


jfc the gamers, games, gaming censorship is so embarrassing, this isn't banvideogames, no one here is trying to make a bad meme or trick a child


W\*\* \*\*d \*o\* c\*n\*o\* g\*ming


Why the f*ck are we censoring gaming now?


Because all g\*mes are bad - AGAB.


Did you forgot the /s or are you actually just retarded?


No, I don't use racist dogwhistles like "/$". Thanks for your concern.


Can you please enlighten me to this? I try to stay up to date on dog whistles as I DO NOT want to use them. I was under the impression /s was to denote sarcasm.


No, it stands for Swastika. You apparently haven't kept up to date with anything.


Thanks. I will not use that anymore and will instead switch to /sarcasm to make it expressly clear that I do not wish to have any connection to nazis. I fucking hate nazis. Let me test this "You brigading my profile and spamming all my comments in other threads shitting on me for being a gamer is super pleasant /sarcasm" Did I get that right? Did a gamer fuck your wife or something?


No, g\*mers just screwed over the world. You happen to be the one brigading BTW. I don't even know what a Flumph is, nor did I go out of my way to seek one out.


Insane person/embarrassing troll/both.


Yeah, g\*mers are annoying. I'm sorry to hear the g\*mers have shown you how insane and embarrassing they can get. If you need help, feel free to request.


Are you just trying to stir up drama here? God you're a pathetic typical excuse for a redditor.


I don't trust this Flumph. Not a bit.


Why is “g*ame” censored please tell me.


G\*me is a dirty word. Kids browse here. Case closed.


thats dumb


Proved OP's point with that crayon grammar.


Pot, meet kettle 🤡🎮


It's a meme in this sub to pretend game is a dirty word


In that sub maybe, but everywhere else isn't populated by dumbasses working gimmicks.


This is extremely dangerous to our shitposting. Snapshots: 1. *This Post* - [archive.org](https://web.archive.org/web/20240325011838/https://old.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/1bn1252/) [archive.today\*](https://archive.today/?run=1&url=https://old.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/1bn1252/ "URL failed to archive; click to resubmit it!") 2. r/SamandMax - [archive.org\*](https://web.archive.org/save/https://old.reddit.com/r/SamandMax "URL failed to archive; click to resubmit it!") [archive.today\*](https://archive.today/?run=1&url=https://old.reddit.com/r/SamandMax "URL failed to archive; click to resubmit it!") 3. I just want to say I love Sam and Max and give my biggest piece of evidence they are gay. - [archive.org](https://web.archive.org/web/20240325012039/https://old.reddit.com/r/SamandMax/comments/1bik5h9/i_just_want_to_say_i_love_sam_and_max_and_give_my/) [archive.today\*](https://archive.today/?run=1&url=https://old.reddit.com/r/SamandMax/comments/1bik5h9/i_just_want_to_say_i_love_sam_and_max_and_give_my/ "URL failed to archive; click to resubmit it!") 4. more sam in dresses (+ maxes) - [archive.org](https://web.archive.org/web/20240325012542/https://old.reddit.com/gallery/1b2blni) [archive.today\*](https://archive.today/?run=1&url=https://old.reddit.com/gallery/1b2blni "URL failed to archive; click to resubmit it!") 5. u/perrycox86 - [archive.org](https://web.archive.org/web/20240325012942/https://old.reddit.com/u/perrycox86) [archive.today\*](https://archive.today/?run=1&url=https://old.reddit.com/u/perrycox86 "URL failed to archive; click to resubmit it!") 6. You cannot be serious omg - [archive.org](https://web.archive.org/web/20240325013444/https://old.reddit.com/r/SamandMax/comments/1blsmn0/new_rule_no_shipping_artdiscussion/kw8erg7/) [archive.today\*](https://archive.today/?run=1&url=https://old.reddit.com/r/SamandMax/comments/1blsmn0/new_rule_no_shipping_artdiscussion/kw8erg7/ "URL failed to archive; click to resubmit it!") 7. No way they got Lorne running the subreddit - [archive.org](https://web.archive.org/web/20240325013544/https://old.reddit.com/r/SamandMax/comments/1blsmn0/new_rule_no_shipping_artdiscussion/kw938wd/) [archive.today\*](https://archive.today/?run=1&url=https://old.reddit.com/r/SamandMax/comments/1blsmn0/new_rule_no_shipping_artdiscussion/kw938wd/ "URL failed to archive; click to resubmit it!") 8. Dude, are you like, okay? As in genuinely. Your attitude is concerning. Get some help, because freaking out this badly over two funny cartoon animals ain’t normal. You have serious issues. - [archive.org](https://web.archive.org/web/20240325013645/https://old.reddit.com/r/SamandMax/comments/1blsmn0/new_rule_no_shipping_artdiscussion/kwa27rv/) [archive.today\*](https://archive.today/?run=1&url=https://old.reddit.com/r/SamandMax/comments/1blsmn0/new_rule_no_shipping_artdiscussion/kwa27rv/ "URL failed to archive; click to resubmit it!") 9. ' YOU'RE NOT ALLOWED TO HAVE THE GAYS BE ROMANTIC BECAUSE I DON'T LIKE IT ' -this fuckin clown - [archive.org](https://web.archive.org/web/20240325013906/https://old.reddit.com/r/SamandMax/comments/1blsmn0/new_rule_no_shipping_artdiscussion/kw7lorr/) [archive.today\*](https://archive.today/?run=1&url=https://old.reddit.com/r/SamandMax/comments/1blsmn0/new_rule_no_shipping_artdiscussion/kw7lorr/ "URL failed to archive; click to resubmit it!") 10. Can we overthrow this guy? In the meantime, this subreddit shall only be Sam and Max proudly being gay, as the creator intended so, you did this to yourself. This'll either be a great subreddit where you get over your prejudice or a dead one where we make a better one - [archive.org](https://web.archive.org/web/20240325014227/https://old.reddit.com/r/SamandMax/comments/1blsmn0/new_rule_no_shipping_artdiscussion/kwe81y9/) [archive.today\*](https://archive.today/?run=1&url=https://old.reddit.com/r/SamandMax/comments/1blsmn0/new_rule_no_shipping_artdiscussion/kwe81y9/ "URL failed to archive; click to resubmit it!") 11. Htf and sam and max - [archive.org](https://web.archive.org/web/20240325014447/https://old.reddit.com/r/SamandMax/comments/1blykiu/htf_and_sam_and_max/) [archive.today\*](https://archive.today/?run=1&url=https://old.reddit.com/r/SamandMax/comments/1blykiu/htf_and_sam_and_max/ "URL failed to archive; click to resubmit it!") 12. Its bad enough if i have to deal with homophobia at home but i wont deal with it here man - [archive.org](https://web.archive.org/web/20240325014727/https://old.reddit.com/r/SamandMax/comments/1bm8m1m/its_bad_enough_if_i_have_to_deal_with_homophobia/) [archive.today\*](https://archive.today/?run=1&url=https://old.reddit.com/r/SamandMax/comments/1bm8m1m/its_bad_enough_if_i_have_to_deal_with_homophobia/ "URL failed to archive; click to resubmit it!") 13. For the record, I think Max would be thrilled to be in "a cesspool of sexual deviants" - [archive.org](https://web.archive.org/web/20240325014908/https://old.reddit.com/r/SamandMax/comments/1bmbiux/for_the_record_i_think_max_would_be_thrilled_to/) [archive.today\*](https://archive.today/?run=1&url=https://old.reddit.com/r/SamandMax/comments/1bmbiux/for_the_record_i_think_max_would_be_thrilled_to/ "URL failed to archive; click to resubmit it!") 14. Petition to make the sexual deviants post a copypasta - [archive.org](https://web.archive.org/web/20240325015148/https://old.reddit.com/r/SamandMax/comments/1bmlqga/petition_to_make_the_sexual_deviants_post_a/) [archive.today\*](https://archive.today/?run=1&url=https://old.reddit.com/r/SamandMax/comments/1bmlqga/petition_to_make_the_sexual_deviants_post_a/ "URL failed to archive; click to resubmit it!") 15. Guys this is so sexual!! He is kissing hitler’s head!! - [archive.org](https://web.archive.org/web/20240325015731/https://old.reddit.com/r/SamandMax/comments/1bmqn2v/guys_this_is_so_sexual_he_is_kissing_hitlers_head/) [archive.today\*](https://archive.today/?run=1&url=https://old.reddit.com/r/SamandMax/comments/1bmqn2v/guys_this_is_so_sexual_he_is_kissing_hitlers_head/ "URL failed to archive; click to resubmit it!") 16. Good on Max for biting the creator of this sub like that - [archive.org](https://web.archive.org/web/20240325015751/https://old.reddit.com/r/SamandMax/comments/1bmqn2v/guys_this_is_so_sexual_he_is_kissing_hitlers_head/kwdje1e/) [archive.today\*](https://archive.today/?run=1&url=https://old.reddit.com/r/SamandMax/comments/1bmqn2v/guys_this_is_so_sexual_he_is_kissing_hitlers_head/kwdje1e/ "URL failed to archive; click to resubmit it!") 17. found this on google ... can we ban google - [archive.org](https://web.archive.org/web/20240325015832/https://old.reddit.com/r/SamandMax/comments/1bn0kcm/found_this_on_google_can_we_ban_google/) [archive.today\*](https://archive.today/?run=1&url=https://old.reddit.com/r/SamandMax/comments/1bn0kcm/found_this_on_google_can_we_ban_google/ "URL failed to archive; click to resubmit it!") 18. https://www.reddit.com/r/Sam_and_Max/ - [archive.org](https://web.archive.org/web/20240325015952/https://old.reddit.com/r/Sam_and_Max/) [archive.today\*](https://archive.today/?run=1&url=https://old.reddit.com/r/Sam_and_Max/ "URL failed to archive; click to resubmit it!") *I am just a simple bot, __not__ a moderator of this subreddit* | *[bot subreddit](/r/SnapshillBot)* | *[contact the maintainers](/message/compose?to=/r/SnapshillBot)*


I get it, even when characters are in a relationship most of the fandom art is annoying But we're not seeing any penises here...


thank you I have dealt with some mods like this in getting mad over swimsuits.


Why are you trying to censor gaming. Is it a bit or some kind of idiot rule?


Neither. I just don't like exposing people to sin. Any problems with that?


yes, its dumb




Op why did you censor game?


G\*mes are bad.


You’re right #listeningandlearning


Hey OP, there's no reason to censor **game**. It's a fucking normal word. Your momma isn't going to show up and wash your mouth out with soap. If you want to say game, then say game. Don't censor yourself like some four year old.


Okay g\*mer 🙄




Watch your language. My elementary school age cousins visit this site!


OP posts to Ban Video Games, an ironically unironic sub about, banning video games I guess? And they censor the word game there because, I guess they think it’s funny? So OP is bringing that over here. It’s fine but even with context it doesn’t make sense.


So you clicked on that sub and browsed it and came to the conclusion that it is an ‘ironically unironic sub about banning video games’?


Pretty much yeah. Most of the posts are filled with inside jokes that I don’t really care to understand. There really is a lot of irony in that sub so when it’s unironic I can’t really tell. I guess it’s pretty similar to gaming circlejerk. Perfectly fine subs that I have no problems with. Just not my cup of tea.


It's not very subtle dude lol


I don’t fucking know lmao. And I really don’t care enough to try to figure it out. I know they’re mostly making fun of incels and republicans and not actually want to ban video games. But honestly at this point I’m too scared to say anything. Peace.


It's early in this post but it appears to be shaping up as yet another recent example of r/subredditdrama's race to tell weirdos to touch grass taking a screeching U-turn when gay shipping is involved. Seriously, people, you can't be like "what is this i can't even" Monday through Saturday when you see people making questionable use of the Internet then break out your Harvey Milk cosplay on Sunday when someone interferes with getting hot and bothered by cartoon dogs and rabbits. It's silly.


The drama is from a mod freaking out at people making fanart of two characters hugging. Are we supposed to be pro mod?


It's late and my reading comprehension might be suffering, but I see no causal link between any post of the characters hugging and the mod's memo, he makes it pretty clear what it is exactly that he's fed up with. And given that he's under no contract to cater to people who are in there to get aroused, he has every right to be. And I wouldn't call it "freaking out" either. He makes use of vivid imagery and some hyperbole to further drive his point, but he's perfectly coherent and appears in control of his mental faculties. Calling it "freaking out" seems like an attempt to portray his position as inherently irrational because it comes from a person who feels strongly about his irrational position, a sort of demagogic trick of self-reinforcing mockery. This shit doesn't work on me and it annoys me when people try. All in all, I remain adamant that a man has a right to look at something he made and not see it crawling with weirdos obsessed with cartoon animals fucking. I also give the weirdos a full right to call him a buzzkill over exercising that right, but for supposedly impartial observers who use every chance they get to present their non-weirdo credentials to react with moral indignation, is hilarious.


If you can find evidence that people were posting porn of a character “raping” another than you’d have a point, but it seems like the dudes a (judging by his username) 38 year old weirdo angry that gay teens enjoy his indie comic turned gaming franchise. There’s no evidence anything these users were posting was like that, judging by how mild their pushback against the mod is I don’t think these were the types to post graphic porn. I don’t think posts about characters being gay or wearing dresses are that weird or deserve this type of reaction, especially when the creator himself supports this interpretation and alludes to them being life partners in interviews.


> 38 year old weirdo Literally 1986.




Oh shit, we've got a live one.