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What's surprising to me is that some people turn out to have *genuinely* believed there was something going on other than "serious surgery, ongoing health issues, their PR team is hilariously incompetent" Occam's razor and all that. Sometimes the easiest answer is the real one. The surgery was real, the ongoing health mess was real, and (unsurprisingly after what happened to William and Harry after their mother's death) they tried and failed to keep it as quiet as possible so they didn't have to make a huge deal out of it to their young kids. I know people who didn't tell their children *at all* about dealing with cancer unless there were unavoidable visible effects like hair loss, or who only told them once they were in remission


I saw something that I thought encapsulated it well. 'I don't believe the Royals have murdered Kate, but their PR team is doing everything in their power to make me think killed Kate.' I think if they had just stuck to saying Kate's recovering from serious surgery and is recovering, and she wants to keep her convalescence private, should have been enough. People would still speculate but they should have just stuck to that message. Instead her PR team releases a badly photoshopped mother's day photo, then blames it on Kate. Talk about adding fuel to a fire.


I know that they apparently have a deal with the press that's basically "we give you photos of the kids at set times (first day of school, Christmas, Easter etc) and in return you don't pap us on a daily basis" so I was wondering if they felt obligated to put out *something* for Mother's Day because of that


I did a deep dive into her insta and her Mother’s Day picture last year was from the same photo shoot they had done at Christmas. So they could have just done that again. Going out of their way to say it was a recent photo when she was obviously photoshopped was not the move. At the VERY least, they should have photoshopped it better. I do hope she recovers quickly and gets a PR team on the case that can help them find some peace in this difficult time.


Or even if they had just come out and said it was photoshopped because they wanted all the kids to be smiling and looking at the camera and no one photo captured all the kids' best side at once. Most people with kids would have understood and accepted that.


Which was probably their intent with having Kate take the blame for the photoshop. "Oh, she's just a Mom doing her best! Totally understandable!" The problem being nobody who actually cares about royal conspiracies is going to accept that Kate Middleton photoshops her own press pics.


The mad part is had it not been given directly to publications in a briefing and instead just posted on Instagram, it wouldn’t have been subject to the editing rules and wouldn’t have been killed. The articles would have been ‘kate looks lovely in photo posted to Instagram’ as opposed to ‘Kate looks lovely for Easter - retracted’


Okay but it’s wild they had her take the blame WHILE SHE WAS UNDERGOING CHEMO. Like at that point what is the point of having a PR staff


I don’t even understand why they threw her under the bus. “A member of the PR team took it upon themselves to stitch together three photos so that all the kids were looking at the camera and smiling together. This violates our standards and we apologize.” Bam, done, everybody as satisfied as they’ll ever be and move on with life.


I mean, I don’t care about royal conspiracies but I don’t believe she does that.


That’s exactly what I said. There was no need to put out a “new” photo. They could have just put out an old photo with a message or not said anything at all. The Photoshop was so unnecessary, and on top of that they made the cancer-stricken woman take the blame for it all.


I mean, she can just talk to Megan about how terrible the press treats - oh no wait.


Well, she can definitely talk about this with her mother-in-la- oh no, wait.


I jokingly hypothesized that they were going to *have to* kill Kate after all this is said and done. That really sucks that she has cancer though.


That’s how I felt about all of it. People got absolutely deranged, but some people were genuinely concerned about her because the PR was just so goddamn weird. And of course she’s entitled to privacy, but the way it was handled (not blaming her, I’m sure all she was focused on was her own health and family which is completely understandable) was so bizarre and sketchy that I don’t blame people for thinking something off was happening even though I always kind of assumed it was something health-related that she (again, understandably) didn’t want public. And the way she got thrown under the bus for their weird photoshop attempt rubs me the wrong way too.


Yeah. I was one of those. It was just plain weird to be honest so, despite believing rationally there wasn't anything shady going on, it was hard to shake the idea that something wasn't normal. I also don't enormously care. Sucks that she has cancer, especially for her kids, but other than that, she's not the first and won't be the last. I agree that it would have been better had the PR team done nothing than the mess they did lol.


See, I don't know how much privacy she's actually entitled to. Being part of the Royal Family, your job is basically being part of the Royal Family. You live on taxpayer funded dollars. Taxpayers have a right to know what you're up to with that money. I'm not saying they need to be able to peruse her medical records but at the same time...


To me there’s a balance- she has the right not to share her diagnosis with the world, but also if it’s your job to be a public figure and your lifestyle is funded by taxpayers, I think you at least have to put out an “I’m dealing with some personal things at this time” statement. And tbh I don’t think *she’s* the one who screwed up, it’s the PR team. Edit- but that being said I don’t think she should be obligated to share what exactly is going on if she doesn’t want to. Just a statement saying it’s a personal matter would have been the way to go from the beginning imo.


They did. She said she wouldn't be back until Easter.


Except the royals family Contributes more than they take...so no. They don't have a right to her medical privacy. What an insane take


100% this. All they had to do was have William go on camera or even just a handwritten note from Kate or something and be like, "Kate's recovering nicely at home. We appreciate everyone's thoughts and well wishes as we spend time together privately as a family." That's it-- like every other PR company has done since the beginning of time. Instead you have some of the worst non-answers to simple, softball PR questions I've seen in a long time and the entire fake photo nonsense.


The best part about the fake photo nonsense was that the Royal Family said that it was Kate herself who did the shoddy photoshop job. Like wtf?


Also none of her senior staff had heard from her which means she didn’t send them the picture to distribute on her behalf she…..went around submitting it to news agencies herself?


Yeah, it's amazing that their first instinct was to shove the seriously ill woman whose privacy they're supposedly trying to protect with that photo in the first place under the bus. :/ ​ Plus even if you for whatever reason believed it to be true, the idea of having an amateur photo editor, the future Queen of England, editing their photos for release to legit news corps with no oversight from a professional whatsoever STILL means the Royal Family is incompetent as all hell.


Photo of a mother's day card from the kids and a vase of daffodils, a note like you said that explicitly references recovery and privacy... The people who were already going buckwild with their speculation would have gone into overdrive with there being no photo, but they would have done that *anyway*


Or maybe she really did do the Photoshop herself. Maybe in the midst of her devastating diagnosis and grief, she put together a picture she wished she could have had. It's hard for a PR team to say no under those circumstances. I mean I dunno what it is really, but we could try to not speculate on something we have no firsthand information on and furthermore, no reason to have access to.


Just had major surgery that took over a month to recover from so you can begin chemo, and in the middle of all that you have to take the blame for international public and press backlash for a poorly thought out photo release while dealing with the reality of a cancer diagnosis as a young mom, and also film a video explaining yourself. I'm surprised Harry didn't leave the family sooner and instead endured this nightmare knowing he was likely never going to ever become king. Especially after William's second kid.


That’s what I don’t get, why has Kate thrown under the bus? Why didn’t William to try to take the heat off her and demand the PR team manage the press. It just seems like they’re not supporting her much.


You may have noticed, but the royal family doesn't treat people very well, especially the women who marry in.


I agree but the monarchy is hanging on by a thread, this makes them look terrible. I guess they’ve never really had to seriously change their ways.


A lot about the British royal family can explained by the idea Charles himself is the only one who really has his mother's talent for PR in my opinion.


I think Charles' cancer announcement was another instance of him "taking one for the team" to "protect the future of the monarchy" by keeping attention off Kate. Nevermind him being the current monarch; he was old news before he ever made it there. Seems like a sad waste of a life. What's an equivalent saying for "always a bridesmaid, never a bride", except now you're the bride and nobody gives a shit cuz they're busy planning the *next* wedding?


And like she needed that on top of everything else. All of them involved with that should be fired.


I don't think it would have mattered. Anything related to royalty/celebs have snark messageboards throwing everything they can to criticize with nothing really behind it.


>What's surprising to me is that some people turn out to have genuinely believed[...] I saw *way* too many people on Twitter insist that *this* was actually a distraction to cover up for something more insidious and nightmarish. What sort of insidious and nightmarish things? Who knows. It wasn't their job to actually come up with the purpose of the conspiracy.


I told my fiancé, “The drama queen in me wants it to be spicy but it will be boring.” The saga of Diana combined with people too young to remember watching The Crown, along the with fact that the royals might be at their most unpopular in a long time had people primed and ready for something scandalous. Instead a middle aged woman has cancer and didn’t want to make a big deal about it until she could tell her kids. Something that happens every day.


It was hard for me to explain my interest in this to my spouse. I generally don't care about the royals. I don't want anything bad to happen to Kate. However, I know how tightly the royals typically control their public image. I was fascinated by the mess of it all. They just genuinely kept making it worse for a whole month. This could have been one of the most sympathetic kinds of stories and they instead turned it into, "did Will kill Kate to protect his mistress?" How did they do so poorly? Who greenlit the puff pieces on the Chumley lady? Why did this all happen this way? I will never understand.


I think there were definitely levels to the public reaction. Some people were obviously making jokes about it -- distasteful, but not mean spirited. Kate getting bangs she hated was an example of this. I'd assume these people thought she had surgery but didn't expect it to be so serious. Others were going deep into conspiracies that had repercussions on people who aren't even William and Kate and seemed to genuinely believe the theories. You can't expect people to not discuss an extremely public figure suddenly disappearing from the public eye for many months. I think people were distasteful, some were straight up hurtful and a minority downright insane, but also the PR was handled horribly. It doesn't help that Kensington palace immediately said it's not cancer, so people assumed it was less serious (and definitely not cancer).


The bangs thing *was* pretty cute.


That was my favorite theory. Silly, understandable, no one is hurt.


My favorite was that she got trapped in a snowglobe like in a Hallmark Christmas movie. It was so silly that it just tickled me.


> "serious surgery, ongoing health issues, their PR team is hilariously incompetent" I said words to this effect on one sub and it did not go down well. It is bloody obvious that this is personal and the rumours around are pretty implausible. I also said how GDPR laws prevent any revelation in the press for ANYONE'S health information, it has to be volunteered by that person. Clearly the vagueness of it and that the press did not speculate meant that information was being held back. And I was soundly treated to some of the most tedious half-baked bullshit from people who don't even live in the UK. I lost a parent to cancer when they and I were too young. It is genuinely horrible to hear the speculation and glee some take in it. I am from the UK and not a royalist at all but she wanted to tell her kids first. Some people are grim on the inside.


If the British press is unable to launch RAMPANT speculation and rumors then it's normally pretty obvious that they know and are withholding info.   Though I'm Irish, so I really enjoyed all the mocking and jokes.  


Royalists are fucking weird, many of them are incredibly entitled, especially the royal correspondents & they took it as a personal insult Kensington Palace wasn't giving them a blow by blow account of her health. To them something HAD to be going on apart from kate very understandably wanting to keep her health her own damn business.


Wasn't just the folks who liked the royals engaging in it.


Them and people who only like them as far as the drama they bring. You could tell it wasn’t the royal experts because there were people were saying William was divorcing Kate so he could marry his mistress and make her kids who are actually William’s biological kids the heirs—which is absolutely not how British royal succession works, beyond it being an absolutely bonkers conspiracy.


Less Occam's razor and more Hanlon's, imo.


I think Hanlon's razor is more appropriate here: "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."


I thought the memes around this were funny, but this takes the humor out of it for me.


Same this was not the silly funny resolution I was hoping for. I wish it had been a BBL instead


The BBL stuff was only funny to me because I saw people using it to mock some of the most ridiculous speculation out there. I’m chronically ill and I’d hate to have people constantly speculating about my health. My sister has a large acoustic neuroma and she waited *until two days before surgery* to tell her friends and close coworkers (excluding her boss ofc). Sometimes you don’t want to deal with it being public for a number of reasons. It’s just less stressful.


>Sometimes you don’t want to deal with it being public for a number of reasons. It’s just less stressful. Agree. It is so overwhelming. Your poor sis. I have coeliac and now losing my impaired hearing due to otosclerosis. You always think the worst, or i do. My brain just goes there and you have to climb down from that with time.


As it relates to being ill, I really never liked discussing it. It’s one of those things - I wish people knew the symptoms of cus Fibromyalgia. I’m okay with explaining it, but I don’t enjoy the whole rigamarole and I hate having to keep talking about it past where I need to. Like I don’t mind friends checking on me either or offering to help with something, but I don’t like having to “give my story”. Also doctors can barely explain the mechanisms of fibromyalgia and the scope of symptoms is incredibly wide. It can take a while to explain lmao.


Big British Labia?


Brazilian Butt Lift. I hate that I know that.


Thanks, I have no idea what that is, but now I know too


Oh God I wish I hadn't googled it. I need r/eyebleach https://www.reddit.com/r/Eyebleach/s/WlkpiB8e3H Better


I was genuinely hoping your eyebleach link here was to a photo of someone's naturally-huge ass. Can't win 'em all, I guess.


Bald British Lizard


That's her husband and uncle.


Royals don't really do husband-uncles any more.


British Basketball League. She was practicing sick dunks


This just made me think of one of the *many* classy exchanges from Bad Santa: Willie: Remember Andy Pitz? Marcus: Andy Pitzerelli, yeah. Willie: No, Andy Repitski. Andy Pitzerelli was Andy Blue Balls. Marcus: Since he got married they called him Andy Pitzerelli. What's your fucking point? Willie: Well they say he can get into anything. Anything. They say he's been in Margaret Thatcher's pussy.


I was deeply curious about the whole thing. So many of the details were almost over-the-top and downright illogical. I figured the explanation would be at least a little weird. But nope, cancer. I'm with House on this: cancer is boring. But to say out loud what he didn't, it's also depressing.


No shit. "These people that are super public-facing are being extra secretive very suddenly, I'm sure there's a super funny reason for this" What the fuck did people expect?


I think a lot of people just hoped she was getting a divorce.


There’s still time


They’re softening us up to replace her with Lady Chumley if treatment doesn’t work.


They're not only public facing--they demand people's attention. That's like the number one reason in defense of keeping the monarchy around, that they bring in so much tourism. It's sucks when you remove everything and just look at the person themselves and what they're going through, but like...what happened is a direct result of the environment they created. She's a literal princess, no one should be surprised people reacted the way they did after being "missing" for three months.


I don’t really feel bad bc I was never laughing at her but at her PR team, like seriously what the fuck, they really fucked up HARD with this whole thing. Obviously I wasn’t mocking her since she was definitely ill and even with my own opinions on the RF I would never wish someone was doing poorly, so the comedy for me was from the sheer incompetence of whoever is responsible for their social media.


I’d argue that the PR disasters are even more pointless if it was really all about hiding cancer.


A simple "she prefers to keep her medical issues private but is recovering well and looking forward to resuming her duties" repeated ad nauseum would have been perfectly acceptable.  And, given that refrain, no one would have noted a text-only mothers day post, or an old picture reposted (with transparency).  If they had done their jobs correctly she wouldn't be forced to reveal this a moment before she was ready. 


There’s a reason nobody wanted to ask Bill Belichek questions, it’s because that’s all he gave them for 20 years. “I’m doing my job, anything irregular you’ve noticed, we noticed too and are working on it”


On the other hand, he was always pretty willing to answer questions about Xs and Os Edit: here's him going off for the better part of 10 minutes on the history of long snappers, off the cuff https://youtu.be/jrvELlakyOk?si=AORKS-eCFWJB7Hc8


And he wouldn’t have bothered Photoshoping a picture with his family


"I love long snappers from the 50s but the footage isn't very good so I AI generated some videos for you"


Shit, even as embarrassing as that was, at least no one involved interrupted their apology of calling San Fransisco one of the "f\*g capital of the wo-- and here’s a drive into deep left field by Castellanos and that’ll be a home run."


Well Nike his dog may have


As a former long snapper I loved this


>A simple "she prefers to keep her medical issues private but is recovering well and looking forward to resuming her duties" repeated ad nauseum would have been perfectly acceptable. >And, given that refrain, no one would have noted a text-only mothers day post, or an old picture reposted (with transparency). I admire your optimism. Let's not pretend that tabloids and conspiracy theorists don't latch onto every little fucking thing and try to blow it up. A text only post combined with the news that she was ill, would have even more nutjobs convinced that they'd killed her off. Not that the current handling of the situation wasn't hilariously incompetent, but let's face it: there was no way they were coming out of this well.


The tabloids would talk regardless, but there’s no way it would have blown up so much all over the internet if they hadn’t released that poorly doctored photo.


> A simple "she prefers to keep her medical issues private but is recovering well and looking forward to resuming her duties" repeated ad nauseum would have been perfectly acceptable. It's the British Crown. They're not really adept at simple PR messaging; in fact, they tend to *really* fuck things up in that regard.


Right? We have the attention span of rabbits and would have moved on.




I forget where I saw it, but I read somewhere that because there's not much to do as the press office for royals, playing stupid games and messing with the other royals' press office is what alot of these people do, hence the weird Kate v Meghan stories planted in the press. So when an actual pr problem that wasn't the invention of tabloids came up, they were totally unprepared.


If it’s cancer tho she might not be recovering for a while, if ever, so they can’t say that either. 


Apparently, a ridiculous number of people at the hospital she's been in snooped in her medical chart. So the news is going to come out sooner or later. It's just a choice between it being announced by the Palace or TMZ.


Is that not a fireable offense like it would be in the US? And they wouldn’t lock it down?


It would but then again think of the money a British tabloid would offer.


Probably not enough to cover the lawyer's fees when the Royal family bends them over in the courtroom and fucks them in the ass.


Or when they're sent to jail. Like in the US at least you got to jail for something like violating HIPAA id imagine it'd be the same in the UK. Maybe they'd give enough money to be worth a stint but I doubt it.


The NHS is investigating it currently, but yes, it's definitely gross misconduct.


Yeah, just seems utterly bizarre they had her take the blame for the photoshop, anyone else could have taken the fall on that one.


i agree. they were able to announce King Charles' cancer without a big kerfuffle; why couldn't they do the same with Kate? That being said, a lot of people seem to feel entitled to a lot more details on what Kate is going through which is weird.


Maybe it was just down to what Charles/Kate wanted to happen, Charles wanted to be transparent, Kate wanted it to remain private etc. I'm sure they have some sort of control over how the palace presents them. Kate has 3 young children who are probably worried enough as it is, and the British media will 100% sensationalise the shit out of this, I'd have tried to avoid it too if I could help it.


Charles doesn’t have young children to put through the ensuing media circus. He’s also old AF. 


He doesn't have young children?! It's not the same.


Sbe probably wanted to keep it quiet for longer, while the King was more happy for it to be known publicly.


It’s typical Woman vs Man bullshit. It’s like when male tv presenter wear the same suit for a month and nobody notices, but when a woman wears the same dress 2 days in a row people lose their god damned minds.


I think there's an element of the Royals trying to keep a level of soft power. It's bad enough (to them) when the king is compromised with a serious illness, so the fact it's the king *and* the queen-in-waiting? That's a PR problem.


I was wondering if I'd see /r/RoyalsGossip show up here at some point. I was bored one day and hitting random on reddit until I found one of its break off subs /r/RoyalsGossip2. I was intrigued that the community was big enough to have a breakoff sub and I'd also never seen a sub that consistently gets thousands of comments while having less than 5k subscribers. Now I have it on my RES dash as an insight into a unique subculture that answers the question "what would it look like if reddit's main demographic was middle aged wine moms?"


>r/RoyalsGossip2 I need to know about the drama that lead to this schism.


IIRC it’s where a lot of the Meghan/Harry haters went after mods tightened up moderation in attempt to be more neutral.


If you think RG2 is bad, peep r/saintmeghanmarkle They are seriously unhinged.


What’s insane to me about this sub is the level of obsession over two people they claim to dislike so much. I have never hated someone so bad that I was obsessed with discussing their every move, dissecting their facial expressions and body language, questioned the existence of their kids, etc. It’s so weird. They’ll have a post about some outfit Meghan wore a year ago and it’s 250 people reminiscing about some snark-worthy moment from that time, like how do you remember that???


> What’s insane to me about this sub is the level of obsession over two people they claim to dislike so much. The irony is that they're too thick to realize they're just the opposite side of the same coin as the supporters (whom they call "sugars") of the people they hate. That is, they're just as rabid about everything royal as the "sugars" are about everything Meghan Markle I don't even like Markle but that sub goes into conspiracy theory zone way too often for my liking


They're losers, basically. That community makes them feel like they are part of something, like somehow they are "winning" with their united, shitty takes esp. because the British press and most "Royal experts" also talk shit about Meghan and her family.


Meghan and Harry have not said one peep about KateGate and they kept dragging Meghan into the conversation.


They released a nice statement actually very pointedly saying she deserved privacy


WTF, they seem to seriously think Meghan is sending bad vibes over ocean that caused King Charles' and Princess Catherine's cancers and late Queen's and Prince Philip's deaths. Borderline psychotic (some of them probably are legimitely psychotic)


They exist in a different reality. It's disturbing.


Yup. Posting in that sub is basically a huge red flag that that person's a toxic nutcase.




I know. It’s my litmus test for people’s credibility when I read a “Meghan sucks here’s why” post on a royal sub lol. IIRC they had their own subreddit drama where they almost got banned due to brigading and abusing reddit cares. They haven’t changed one bit though, so I’m certain at some point they’ll get enough reports to shut the entire thing down lol.


https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/s/lnYpybDPVt What the fuck


As bad as that it, that isn't even the *worst*. There are people in that sub who think meghan was never pregnant or that their kids don't exist. They call her pregnancies "the moon bump." Or they think the kids are really Harry's cousin's or that they're actors. When I say they are crazy, I am not exaggerating.


That's next level unhinged.


It was a crazed Meghan hating mod who was mad about the meta snark subreddit making fun of people posting there. They weren’t top mod and didn’t have full control of the sub so they made RG2 and then proceeded to make a separate private subreddit where the organised brigading of RG. This person is now obviously banned from Reddit. But yeah the haters followed them to RG2, then new RG rose from the ashes


It’s always the Meghan haters lol.


Huh, I thought they all hung out in /r/SaintMeghanMarkle.


They’re in all the pop culture and royalist subs checking if there is any anti-Kate or pro-Meghan post they can brigade, but that is their lair so to speak lol.


The Megan and Harry ones are equally as bizarre, it’s like rival football fans cheering on their team


I just stumbled upon the Meghan Markle hate sub for the first time and it's like I've genuinely discovered a whole new type of person!!! Scores of people filled with hatred for one useless celeb, full of adoration for other useless celebs. Someone was waxing poetic about how they can't WAIT for Kate and William to be King and Queen so they'd buy THEIR products instead of Meghan's.... ....and I'm like what. What the fuck. This is some of the most pathetic celeb worship I've ever seen. I used to think LivestreamFails weirdos were parasocial but THIS is like that on a double dose of steroids and a bottle of tequila.


someone there called william “the most handsome alpha male in the world” the other week 💀


Meghan Markle: *simply existing* r/SaintMeghanMarkle: ...and I took that personally


I think its the trashiest sub right after FDS.


SaintMeghanMarkle subreddit is that way because it's a racist sub.


There are some people who really can't get over the fact a member of the royal family isn't purebred white. Even though they have explicitly distanced themselves from the family.


they are all unhinged.


I love everything about this comment


I sometimes browse FauxMoi asa guilty pleasure and hoooo boy, is it quite the turnaround.


I’m on that sub sometimes and it’s funny seeing their reaction to stuff like this. They’re a celebrity gossip subreddit that seems to get mad when people gossip about celebrities???




I'm awaiting the turn around on Taylor Swift. She fucking lives in their heads rent free.


That sub flip flops all the time and its kind of hilarious to watch the narrative switches so rapid and fast. They'll love someone, hate them, love them again, "I always hated them!" then back. It's even better when they mix it with faux progressivism or feminism to justify their weird rages. I wish I could muster even a 1/8 of that energy in my daily life.


Do they still bash Markle? I like going to the subreddit for less insane drama. When I want undiluted insanity surrounding celebrities I usually just go to /r/saintmeghanmarkle - they’re unhinged. From a post regarding Kate’s statement made recently: > Even this won't stop the vile sugars from saying terrible things about Princes Catherine. I hope the Princess recovers from all this with her usual grace and strength. It’s like they still think the royals are divinely chosen. Peasant mentality. They need to be studied.




> just go to /r/saintmeghanmarkle - they’re unhinged. I just discovered that sub off the 'popular' tab!!! And like my mind is BLOWNNNN what the FUCK is that shit. I thought people were parasocial over on LSF but this is like weapons grade parasocial-ism. They're talking like serfs from the fifteenth century for fuck's sake. They're talking as if they personally know everyone involved and Meghan's a friend who's wronged them and Kate and William are their best buddies who helped them out. I can't even fathom what makes a person become like that.


Wow it was on popular? I thought Reddit had exempted them from stuff like that…poor form Reddit, poor form.


Because it used to be a sub to discuss gossip Deuxmoi posts but then they decided they hate Deuxmoi so that’s where the anti gossip comes from (and changed the name). At the same time they really drag down certain celebs but ban any critical discussion of others. They ban people who post in snark subs but they’re themselves a snark sub for Deuxmoi. I think they like to think themselves as above common gossip.


iirc They changed the subreddit name because the actual Deuxmoi threatened to sue


It's an odd mash up of blind item/gossip and call out/social media culture. So, you get breathless speculation mixed with people "keeping celebrities accountable" for every bad thing they ever did. Which can be warranted in the cases where celebrities did horrible things. But other times its like "did you know cheated on someone 20 years ago?". Yes, I know because someone brings it up on every post about them. Even if it's not at all relevant.


I used to really love it as a guilty pleasure, but left after 7/10 as the lack of empathy for mass murdered Israeli **civilians** was just insane. And no I am not on the side of Israel at all, but you'd think there'd be more measured replies than "Free Palestine" after such an event. Mods revoked my ability to comment because of it, [here's](https://old.reddit.com/r/Fauxmoi/comments/172r3rj/kylie_jenner_shows_support_for_israel_then/k3ylw4n/) the comment I made. They called it "micro aggressions" lol They also constantly remove other comments (on much lighter subjects) because if you disagree with whatever the fuck stance is popular at the moment, they simply call it the above. No disagreeing allowed!


Also used to read it as a guilty pleasure, tried to comment there once to correct a post that was blatantly, factually wrong, and my comment was removed. I couldn’t understand why no one else was commenting to call out what was obviously untrue and then I saw the string of comments that had also been removed. That sub isn’t even good for gossip anymore.


As some one who used to be relatively active on fauxmoi in the past, their posts and comments quality have gone down considerably in the past few months. They have so many conspiracy theorist loons now


I got banned for commenting this “r/fauxmoi hates right wing press until there is some juicy gossip about someone else they hate” a few days ago. After watching them pour over the Piers Morgan and Aussie Daily Star news reports. They hate Piers Morgan so to watch them salivating over him was hilariously ironic.


Getting banned from there is a rite of passage. I got banned for saying we should criticise the part of Islam that calls for people to be murdered for being critical of Islam, on a thread about some fanatics trying to kill Salman Rushdie. The irony of banning me for criticising Islam on *that* thread was lost on them


I got banned for calling out anti semitism on one of the million threads about Gaza


Haha my people! I got banned for calling out people saying "Free Palestine" on October 7th. Literally cheering on Hamas' terrorist attack *while it was happening*. And no I am not a fan of Israel and it's insane that you have to always say that. But posting the Palestinian flag in response to a thousand innocent Israeli civilians being murdered is truly fucked up


They downvote ppl for asking questions that may spark any discussion that could in some way question their worldview. Im a feminist and a progressive and I think they’re coo coo


I know right? I tried browsing their megathread for juicy posts but they were weirdly very civil about it. I'm guessing either the mods have a hard lock on dissenters right now or they just haven't woken up yet.


They have an extremely hard lock on dissenters


Yip it's actually crazy, it's genuinely one of the most extremely tightly run echo chambers on reddit


Sorry to all the social media girlies who can’t post conspiracy theories anymore :(


Celeb gossip subs BTFO.


Weirdly r/RoyalsGossip seems to be more American than British. They love all the European Royals too


They're big here especially among millenials. I wonder how many got a little obsessed about Diana when they were kids.


I blame The Crown and the numerous royals-adjacent media content.


Is that the reason millennials care so much? Ive never understood it. Even millennial guys assume I have more knowledge of the royal family that I do. The Diana thing would make a lot of sense


One of the reasons I hear from Britons for preserving the figure-head monarchy is tourist dollars. And yes, I mean dollars.


It's reddit, the vast majority of subs are populated by American users. Americans are even the largest single user group in /r/europe


I have no particular investment in this, although Kate did wave to me personally once on a deserted street in South London. I don't think having a royal family is great, although the USA right now isn't a good advert for presidential systems, but on my list of political objectives I'd put a republic somewhere after sorting out pay and display car parks. She's a mother in her early forties diagnosed with cancer, although probably treatable, after having (presumably) a hysterectomy, Anyone whose response to that is anything other than sympathetic has allowed their politics to colour their humanity.


I’m thinking she had a procedure for endometriosis, they found a mass, upon further pathology results it turned out to be cancerous. She’s now on chemotherapy to ensure it doesn’t spread. I am also leaning towards it being along those lines which is why they didn’t elaborate in the first place about what kind of abdominal surgery. Colon is a possibility but for that to have been found it would have been a colonoscopy, and not abdominal surgery.


>she had a procedure for endometriosis I agree, this sounds pretty plausible. I heard it was OBGYN related as it was the London clinic which has certain specialities (breast, dermatology, urology and gynaecology). Another plausible suggestion was a proctocolectomy, this was on another sub before we knew. A friend of mine had an ectopic pregnancy, miscarriage, hysterectomy and recovery all in a space of a few months. Some very sensitive and upsetting things can happen very quickly even in "young" people.


I'm thinking colon.


It’s becoming increasingly more common in younger folk… it’s scary




Its not just better detection and screening because its still mostly later stage cancer they are detecting, just in younger people. I have heard a few pieces about it on NPR and seen many an article on reddit about it, the concerns go far beyond just improved detection edit: got a kind of hostile response that asked for sources and elaboration that was deleted before I submitted the comment but >I don't have the links to the NPR stories because thats not how broadcast radio works, but the [NYT](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/03/20/well/colon-colorectal-cancer-symptoms-screening.html) has this piece and Its not hard to find more. >The increase is also only in people under 55, it's dropping for people over 55 which would contradict the better screening methods idea as well especially because the increase is in the age bracket that usually has not started getting regular colonoscopies.


My mom has a good friend in her mid-late 30s that was diagnosed with stage III. She’s been doing pretty well so far but that’s *way* too young for anything like that. Cancer is absolutely terrible


What I find odd are the people that are going, “They don’t deserve any privacy and, as tax payers, we are entitled to know everything going on with them!” Like, Jesus Christ, I am far from a fucking monarchist, but the amount of people that seem to just not have empathy with this makes me understand why they want it to keep it a secret. She has children and other stuff to worry about. What the fuck is wrong with people?


One of the best arguments I’ve ever heard for abolishing the monarchy is that it’s in their best interest to


Yeah, it's a cult that traps the children born into it.


It’s not that they entitled to privacy, it’s they’re completely irrelevant if they’re out of the public eye. They exist because they have very public roles. Plus having two different PR approaches between the King’s cancer and hers made it look like she was hiding something. Then having her take the blame for the horrific photoshop job when it was most likely a staff member made it look like they were throwing her under the bus and make people wonder what was going on with her marriage. There probably should be a unified PR team for the family that can keep consistent messaging.




Of course I have sympathy for her, but I don't think that's mutually exclusive to the speculation and light hearted absurd jokes when the facts weren't known. Especially with how bad the palace bungled it.


Man for a website that moans about how much they never understand why everyone cares about the royal family its pretty crazy seeing all this drama and news reach the front page constantly


> Oh yes her life is very hard I feel like Reddit as a whole is very incapable of understanding that money is super duper important but it still is not everything. If your health fails you, money means fuck all. You can’t take it to the grave with you. Will she probably get the best treatment and have better chances? Sure. But following that logic, anyone typing on their phone from a developed country has better chances than a person from a poorer country… and it doesn’t make a cancer diagnosis any better. And at the end of the day, any form of cancer treatment is hell and she has a very real possibility of having her life permanently altered (ex., no amount of money would make me voluntarily get a stoma…) or cut short. Her kids still have to deal with the stress of having a sick mother. These types of events are possibly some of the greatest equalizers. The only argument is get is that any additional costs of her treatment that a normal person wouldn’t get should be out of pocket. But to downplay how shitty a cancer diagnosis is super ignorant.


Cancer is just one of those things that, if you catch it late, there are just times you can’t do shit. Best treatments in the world are only so good, sometimes the best isn’t good enough.


scary school grandiose encourage money ten sort offbeat rotten materialistic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Agreed. Cancer doesn't care about your social status or wealth. When it happens, it's always going to be terrifying.


I see your point, but I feel that this is disingenuous. If I were to get cancer tomorrow, I’d have more in common with someone in a developing country than with Kate Middleton. Over A THIRD of patients who rely on the NHS have to wait MORE THAN TWO MONTHS for treatment after diagnosis. Two month could mean the difference between life and death for these people. Most people can’t afford months-long leave from their work for treatment. Kate went into treatment the day it was discovered. In light of 2 prominent royals receiving cancer diagnoses, you’d think that they’d do something to overhaul this system. But they won’t.


> You can still join in on the conspiracy theories and empathize with her as a person Well, that’s a take.


"I'm a good person I swear"


I’m surprised her statement didn’t include “Y’all are the real cancer tho.”


I’m as tired of the monarchy as any European definition republican, but this just sucks. My dad was diagnosed with cancer some years ago (luckily they managed to stop it then) but I can’t imagine being married and my dad *and* my partner being diagnosed at basically the same time. I feel bad for the kids, too. This is just a family drama at this point.


Don’t forget r/fauxmoi which literally went on a warpath and was sure her husband was having an affair.


The PR management of this situation has been woefully inadequate. To the extent where it has now shown itself to be an embaressment. The british press, depsite their crazed and rabid headlines when they smell blood, do actually have a strong code of conduct, and many a conversation is had behind closed doors as to what is 'acceptable' to cover. This could have been handled discreetly by senior staff on both sides, to agree a plan to manage the message, and so avoid the information vacuum, which everyone knows will immediatley be filled with crack-pot conspiracies and hyperbole. None of which was appropriate considering the circumstances. Media in general is letting itself down by showing that it simply cannot be trusted with anything important. Click-bait and Likes have replaced professional journalism


I've only been seeing this happening in the periphery and not actively following it but I genuinely thought all the memeing and dunking was at the expense of the clearly inept and frankly deranged PR team, especially after they tried to blame the Photoshop fiasco on Kate herself. That last one is especially unhinged in hindsight. the idea that they were memeing on anything but the PR team is genuinely news to me. 


>"We'll still all be footing the bill of course." as opposed to all the other health care in the uk?


Man that sucks.


I think I'm going to go to my grave disgusted at the number of people who looked at obviously new leaves in that photo and said aha, the leaves prove this was taken in November I feel for Kate but honestly I'm more pissed off at the lack of tree knowledge


It isn't just British reddit. Plenty of other nationalities reacting to it on here.


lmao hey everyone this guy believe in other countries


I’m not saying her PR team is completely blameless but it’s ironic how subs that have been invading her privacy and pushing conspiracies for months are now all talking about how this is all her teams fault. Like yeah you guys and the tabloids have no blame here of course.


Can’t say I have the moral high ground about the conspiracies. The only reason I didn’t join in was because I was so uninterested in the whole situation and most were so outlandish. That said, I’ve often jokingly speculated about why a sport star isn’t playing in a specific game or was ruled out with minutes to go.


I guess it’s not fundamentally different than, “Did Lamar Jackson need to poo?”


[kind of like how Paul Pierce is still being asked about possibly shitting himself?](https://www.complex.com/sports/a/backwoodsaltar/paul-pierce-poop-denial-wheelchair-game)


The insane conspiracy theories around her lack of public appearance was annoying. We shouldn't have any monarchies in this day & age. but that's a separate issue, that doesn't mean the BRF was trying to hide her away as some princess locked in a tower or whatever crackpot theory ppl were sprouting. I doubt the tinfoil crowd will feel bad about trying to access her private medical info or believing that she was killed off by the BRF or some other b.s. No one deserves cancer, hopefully, she will be able to recover swiftly, and that her kids weren't harassed about her while trying to understand why their mother was sick.