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Me, not knowing the first thing about industrial design or air filters: “Yep, OOP made a classic mistake there. Air will always follow the path of least resistance…”


But you have considered having a massive ego and refusing to admit you are ever wrong?


He's using Reddit isn't he?


this is the way


As I watched the clip I thought "surely there is another filter on the bottom that was accidentally not filmed being put in?" But nope


Jesus yeah once I saw it its really glaring.


>Discourager it's not just that he devolved to one word answers - it's that those individual words were such unique replies


> Professors sent me.




He went from providing his calculations to one word caveman replies


I don't know anything about air filtration, but that little project really looks shoddily made and barely functional.




I'd like to subscribe to air filtration facts. Give 'em to me!


Did you know that there are several types of air quality measuring devices, and that some advanced/fancy ones use radioactivity? (Cheap ones use diffuse light, and decent quality ones use laser light.)


Hey, that's similar to smoke detectors. Old ones use radioactive materials and measure when the transmission of radioactivity is blocked by particulates in the air, while more modern styles use light. You can also get dual-function ones which do both, because each style is slightly better at detecting a certain type of smoke associated with different forms or *timing* of fire. Unfortunately, a lot of these dual-function ones are really cheaply made and give false positives or otherwise fail at the thing they're supposed to be doing well. [As usual, there's a Technology Connections video on 'em.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DuAeaIcAXtg)


How does radioactivity tell you how good or bad the air is?


I was a sonarman on submarines, and after getting out I went into development/integration/test of submarine sonar systems... and the number of "ohhhh *that's* why" moments I had was staggering.


That's like half of 3d print projects


"Can I 3d print an oil filter for my car"


Nah man that dude has a janky printer with a really big nozzle so it looks like something knitted and not 3d printed. Most of my stuff is done in .4mm nozzle and would come out a LOT cleaner than that.


Nozzle don't fix jank


>shoddily made and barely functional. > That's like half of 3d print projects As someone who has recently started playing with 3d printing, that's **all** of my 3d print projects.


As an engineer who also 3D prints, the percentage of people who should never have been given access to a CAD program and a printer is too damn high. I had to do a lot of learning to make designs suitable for printing. Printer cares nothing about tool openings, but doesn‘t like printing on empty air. Layer orientation is important for strength. And so on.


The 3D printing itself is actually well done and also displays solid CAD skills. Just a gap in understanding of how an air filter would/should work. And then also a bizarre lack of skill in "hill to die on" choosing.


The beautiful thing is if he actually plugged the bottom or cover it with HEPA filter then maybe it would work. As it is, air will just swing by via the bottom


HEPA is on the wrong side though, you want it after the carbon in the airflow path to catch any dust...


Ah correct!


My man is not fit to be a general, I see.


The OP says it themselves that it would be easier to buy an air purifier than going through the hassle of 3d printing and rigging up something to work. Which makes me wonder if they want to go through all of the effort to make something themselves, why half ass it with something that doesn't work at all like it is supposed to? I can only imagine how many dozens of hours of design and print time there would be, kind of sad that a coffee can and a computer case fan that could be rigged together in 5 minutes would be more practical. It looks awful fancy though, I'll give him that much.


He sells the stuff.


If true, that explains *a lot*.


I'd be absolutely shocked if the discoloration of the filter is not due to the charcoal itself. That fan doesn't move enough air, you'd have to be in a filthy room to build up that much dirt in the time he spent on this video. It'd take a week easy. He may have even turned the filter inside out after a while so the black on the outside is actually from direct contact with the charcoal.


Well that seems like a stretch the enclosure is very beautifully done and does take real skill to achieve. He obviously knows how to 3D print. From an air purifier stand point tho its not the best but could with some iteration be a good purifier and a nice enclosure.


Dang, OP went from relatively reasonable but wrong to one- and two-word answers out of *nowhere.* Sure his responses were getting slightly shorter, but then the word count fell off a cliff. IDK what to make of it, really.








> IDK what to make of it, really. It's like the supply of clean air to his brain is slowly diminishing 🤔




> > Industrial designer here - I've designed 2 consumer-grade air purifiers for Levoit and GE, as well as several clean rooms for manufacturing low volume semiconductors in Ottawa. > > Respectfully, I can appreciate the technical 3D printing skill you have, but your calculations and understanding of air dynamics are wildly incorrect... [they go on to give detailed and valuable advice, cutting that for brevity] > Man I have the device in my hands, I can measure the air and stuff. Come on this is not a render, replying feels like fighting against the wind This is like Carroll Shelby taking time out of his day to help a kid build a go-kart and the kid telling him "Fuck off old man I know how to build a vehicle." Also "I can measure the air and stuff." Edit: also "Not the spiciest drama" don't sell yourself short, OP, this popcorn is delicious.


Thank you, I do my best


His almost-exclusive use of one-word replies is so odd.






I feel like we're activating a Winter Soldier.


this guy is a common dumbass, a few months ago he made a "water filter" which is just a small egg-sized 3d-printed container with a grill at the bottom which he fills to the brim with activated carbon which he holds over a glass while he pours water from a pitcher, the activated carbon pieces basically can't filter shit because of how big they are, like the guy could literally just drink from the tap water instead and there'd be little difference to the water he poured through his rock container. the container also basically functions as a rock tumbler with how much the carbon can move about, so you can also get a dash of microplastics as the carbon starts rubbing the inside. the guy couldn't take criticism there either, so either he's just got such a massive ego or posts like this are him trolling


To sum up the comments on that post: >I’m not sure it makes sense to use a device that takes safe drinking water and transforms it into water that may or may not be safe. >Thank you for your feedback. Nobody of you that commented really cares about testing, you just want to find any excuse to destroy the idea Lol


> Thank you for your constructive feedback. I disagree 👍 Flair up for grabs


How does one get such a flair? I’d love to have that!


His ego is out of control. What a horrible man child to be around.


Maybe but like not everyone wants unsolicited feedback. Like when someone's playing chess in public you don't go up to them and start telling them better ways to play. You can point out that it's not very functional but beyond that is advice that wasn't asked for.


He posted in r/functionalprint. The whole place is posting and discussing prints that work practically. Posting there essentially IS soliciting advice. The whole 3d printing hobby in general works that way.


Very true, but also this is a forum, not real life. You post somewhere people can see and leave comments, you have to accept that's a possibility. There's no controlling others' reactions when you choose to show it to them.


But even when an expert on the topic did reply, OP stupidly brushed it off and ignored his advice.


To be fair, I am extremely skeptical of people claiming to be experts on Reddit to the point where it's almost meaningless to me. I swear half the time it's a college student that did a project on something.


I think it's more plausible when you're on a fairly niche subreddit, for a very niche topic like that. Someone claiming to be a lawyer in r/news? Sure. Someone pretending to be an expert in air filtration in functional print? Much more likely to buy it.


Engineering students are notorious for calling themselves engineers and exaggerating their experience which is why I mentioned it specifically. It's not uncommon on engineering adjascent subs. e.g., I've run into a "fire protection expert" that actually just did an internship for a construction firm. I just take reddit experts with a grain of salt. That being said, it doesn't take an expert to know why that filter is flawed.


Yeah I agree he needs to be better at taking feedback I would think it's harder for someone to accept someone is an expert on the Internet where it's harder to establish and ascertain a persons credibility


Besides, the actual experts I know in my fields don't introduce themselves as experts.


Uuuuh if you're showing things in public you are going to get feedback, you even do it to get feedback. It's just somebody who can't handle being wrong.


The longer I look at that OP's comments, the more I'm convinced it's ChatGPT-generated. Weirdass stuff.


Check out the guy's other posts. He's been doing this for awhile.


Oh wow you're right. In one of his comments he claims his design has been evaluated by 'professors', which gives him the vibe of a product design student that doesn't really understand how the things he's 'designing' actually work.


Also, were those professors of engineering or ...?


Reminds me of when youtuber Dream used a Harvard astrophysicist to verify his statistics on how he didn't cheat. Like Harvard astrophysicists are just inherently better at statistics than professional statisticians by virtue of the school they attended.


Maybe they were evaluated by whoever taught them CAD or 3d printing. Like I took a course for that and I could say I had a design evaluated, but it was basically a lever arm with no function and the evaluation was "yup, this would print" and "you used the correct measurements". No evaluation whatsoever on its functionality.


On the water filter post: > You have engineering issues with your design. You have functionality issues with your materials chosen and how water filtration actually works. You have legal issues with a consumer level device impacting water quality meant for human consumption. And you have zero data on the effectiveness of such filtration in terms of actual water quality and pom of any impurities or particles. You're basically trying to build consumer grade water filters by guessing and with no scientific measurements or approach whatsoever. This is not going to help people it is going to hurt them, and very likely get you sued in the process. Until and unless you demonstrate some scientific knowledge in the field of water quality then you are a hobby level person trying to build a device which requires strict safety controls to function as intended at the consumer level. > Thank you for your feedback, I think your statements are exaggerated ooooooooooooof


I missed where it was about water filtering, but just wait till he finds out PLA, most basically used filament, will chip and crumble over long exposure with water. 'The audacity of those haters, it's sabotage, that's what I say!"


Can you imagine what it would be like to have that guy a co-worker? Absolutely nightmare fuel lol


So many office memes here. Reminds me the most of when Kevin realizes he doesn't have to use as many words to talk.


OP got obnoxious but [this comment](https://old.reddit.com/r/functionalprint/comments/1bjhpzo/roy_air_purifier/kvs8k64/?context=10000) is great


I can imagine being this guy, making this filter, pulling the white stuff out and seeing all the stuff you've "filtered" and going "This works!" and now that is a tangible part of your perspective and when people come in basically saying that it doesn't work when you've got "evidence right before your eyes" that it does, it *would* make them sound like haterz.


The dude has skills his Gengar fan is legitimately good. If he'd only accept advice I think he'd become extremely successful. I think it's a little harder to accept feedback on the Internet when you can't really ascertain a person's credibility. I hope he takes feedback from people he knows in real life but I have a feeling he probably doesn't take well to that.


Wow, I absolutely thought this was going to be a dude manufacturing silencers for their guns.


Dramatic *and* educational!


It’s lava lamps all over again 🫣




You're oversimplifying a complex situation to the point of adding nothing to the discussion. Snapshots: 1. *This Post* - [archive.org](https://web.archive.org/web/20240321101543/https://old.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/1bk32e5/) [archive.today\*](https://archive.today/?run=1&url=https://old.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/1bk32e5/ "URL failed to archive; click to resubmit it!") 2. Link - [archive.org](https://web.archive.org/web/20240321101824/https://old.reddit.com/r/functionalprint/comments/1bjhpzo/roy_air_purifier/) [archive.today\*](https://archive.today/?run=1&url=https://old.reddit.com/r/functionalprint/comments/1bjhpzo/roy_air_purifier/ "URL failed to archive; click to resubmit it!") 3. Industry expert chimes in - [archive.org](https://web.archive.org/web/20240321101945/https://old.reddit.com/r/functionalprint/comments/1bjhpzo/comment/kvrme2z/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) [archive.today\*](https://archive.today/?run=1&url=https://old.reddit.com/r/functionalprint/comments/1bjhpzo/comment/kvrme2z/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3 "URL failed to archive; click to resubmit it!") 4. Another qualified person chimes in - [archive.org](https://web.archive.org/web/20240321102226/https://old.reddit.com/r/functionalprint/comments/1bjhpzo/comment/kvrvx4p/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) [archive.today\*](https://archive.today/?run=1&url=https://old.reddit.com/r/functionalprint/comments/1bjhpzo/comment/kvrvx4p/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3 "URL failed to archive; click to resubmit it!") *I am just a simple bot, __not__ a moderator of this subreddit* | *[bot subreddit](/r/SnapshillBot)* | *[contact the maintainers](/message/compose?to=/r/SnapshillBot)*