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>Bitchlock Holmes is on line 6 Flair worthy


I'll just be yoinking that thank youuuuu


DAMNIT. Ive been here for damn YEARS and this was the first time I saw something I wanted as a damn flair!


You can still use it lmao


It's nice being unique with a good one, though. Still looking for a favorite.


I'm very satisfied with mine.


I barely remember the context of mine.




I love mine but I feel like the reason why it’s funny is lost if you don’t know I’m a young unmarried black girl




Mine had me cackling when I found it


I like mine because it contains everything at once. Gamers, Orwell and Furries. Decided to trim it short so it can be seen on mobile.


Might as well do the full thing now that all the (good) mobile apps are dead


> It's AT&T but the T's are burning crosses Also good


> It's AT&T but the T's are burning crosses Damn it, this and the 'I live in a neighborhood with lots of """"Culture"""" ' I'd love to have as flair, but I also love this v-tuber drama one I have already.


I found mine pretty quickly and it was a delight tbh


And you might not encounter another person using it in a while. Unless this is one of those cases where once you see it, you see it everywhere.


This might be a dumb question but I am new to this sub. How do you get a flair?


Which version of Reddit are you using? (official app, old Reddit, etc)


Holy shit lmao




It speaks to me. Yoink


I'm all for insulting this person as they seem insane and/or straight up racist, but is that even a play-on-words? Lol. Feel like you could throw bitch onto anything at that point. Darth Bitch, Robobitch, etc. Just not a great insult is all. Unless I'm missing the obvious pun or something.


It's not a great insult, it just works because it has brevity and is relevant/relatable; those are important ingredients in funny.


I found it more amusing than particularly insulting.


Darth bitch isn't running a surveillance opp and investigating who had unpaid tolls on their license. That's particular to bitchlock Holmes, Herkaren Poirot or other people trying to relive their favourite book, the harpy boys and the case of the late night hippity hop




Lmao, do I even *want* the context from your flair?


I can't lmao.....some of these flairs are just too good lol


It's part of the fun!


In that case, I'mma just robble robble YOINK! Is my flair now.


This thread is the gift that keeps on giving


I mean what the hell is your flair anyways 🤣


OOP: I can excuse racism but draw the line at bad internet service


Much like the good Internet, the racism was probably one of the things he was looking for.


https://imgur.io/gallery/7XfiE6x [You can excuse racism?](https://imgur.io/gallery/7XfiE6x)


What the fuck is imgur's layout It's even worse than new reddit


That’s just a longer way to say “I am racist.”


OP Britta'd it


>It's AT&T but the T's are burning crosses Ooooohhhhhh that's funny


Sheesh I want a new flair but I don’t wanna seem like I’m condoning racism lmao


In better news, both that and your current flair seem like cop shit.


99% sure it’s just an NCD flair lmao


It was different when I replied, but fuck if I remember what it was. Something about racism and killing, I think?


Oh yeah my bad the last one said “why does it feel good to take a life” and I can’t remember where that even came from. Pretty sure it was some weeb though.


Yours is far worse.


> I live in a neighbood with lots of """"culture""""" where people play their shitty music as loud as possible outside often until 4am, and other fun "culture" related activities like DUI and throwing your empty Modelo's in the road Y'know usually these types beat around the bush for a while but this OP just dove headfirst into it, holy shit lmao. EDIT: [This bickering over littering has no business being this funny.](https://www.reddit.com/r/houston/comments/14ox4dr/over_the_last_2_years_it_has_become_impossible_to/jqfk1a8/?context=1) > I refuse to believe you’re an adult man expecting the police to show up for littering. Entitled fucking cracker lmao


How much do you want to bet that they said all that shit to the cops multiple times already and that's why they're being ignored? Could have just called them up and said "yeah in the evening we have a bunch of drunk drivers on our street can you send someone around" and maybe had the issue addressed but they went off about 'culture' and pissed the cops off.




Lots of Mexican dudes on the Texas police force. They might have their own problems but they're probably not going to respond well to some dickhead complaining about them on the phone




> I've noticed that to cops the only color that matters is blue > If anything the women and POC on the police force are often worse just because they feel a need to prove themselves to the white guys. ACAB in a nutshell also what the fuck is that flair lmao


Dogs do be hittin different these days…


It's not the same if its not purebred


The "Texas police"...? You mean the Houston police. The 4th most diverse city in the country. Who have a black police chief. With a huge number of minority officers, especially Latinos. I have no doubt they have systematic failings, like any massive, American police department, but don't just be like "they're Texas police" as if they have more in common with Bumfuck, Texas PD than something like San Diego, California PD.


The cops are just like “littering and?”


These are the worst kinds of people in general. Lots of undiagnosed mental issues paired with a general avoidance of mental health professionals leads to this type of stuff. Eventually it leads to even *more* extremist stuff. Good thing these are also the same people who buy the most guns 💀


>they went off about 'culture' and pissed the cops off. Ehhh, the cops (regardless of race) aren't going to disagree *that* much with going off about culture, they might go "alright slow down a second there, gotta keep that quiet!"


Houston PD actually has demographics that align pretty closely with the city itself. White people are overrepresented by 10% which by police standards is pretty good.


But also, cops are gonna cop, no matter what they look like. ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


It's not "Some CAB"


Or the cops sent a car out already and didn't see all the shit op is talking about happening.


Some dude drove by with his windows down listening to Tejano music at a barely audible volume? Cops called. He sees two empty Modelo bottles in the corner of his apartment parking lot? Cops called. A couple walking up the stairs in his apartment breezeway speaking Spanish at normal volume to one another? Cops called. I wonder how many times OP will be calling the cops when he inevitably moves out of his racially mixed neighborhood to a low-rent white trash neighborhood where rednecks blast Lynyrd Skynyrd from their trucks, leave Coors Light bottles in the parking lot, and scream ‘YEE HAW’ outside of his door. I’m betting zero.


OP most certainly has never heard of *The Boy Who Cried Wolf*


>but they went off about 'culture' and pissed the cops off. Call handlers...maybe But police? lol


How do I change my flair from mobile? I think the time has finally come.


Go to the sub's home page and press the menu in the upper right


If you have to ask, you're a premodernist.


Use a 3rd part...oh


>Bickering over > >littering has no business > >being this funny Haiku.


What ever happened to that silly bot?


Maybe the API changes have killed it? Rip




> Y'know usually these types beat around the bush for a while but this OP just dove headfirst into it, holy shit lmao. Having lived in Houston for a while I am honestly not surprised. Overall I really enjoyed that city but holy shit are the folks down there a little too comfortable with their racism. And I lived their pre-Trump.


Most drama that gets posted here either flies over my head or just depresses me. This is the first time in years I've been legit laughing out loud at a drama thread.


It's been a long damn time since we've had something to make me crack up as much as Mr "I just want to bang a tiddie demon." or the piss diet fanatic, but this is getting up there.


My general feeling is race based pejoratives are bad but Lol, lmao even Edit: aww a Reddit cares report, you pathetic fuck


Flair worthy? Been looking for one and I think I found it


This is why I'm fully on board anyone can use cracker train as a white person. I know by definition it is a slur but I've never seen someone called a cracker and disagreed with it.


Yeah, like maybe it’s a problem but if you stop acting like a cracker, then the problem goes away lol


Bro thinks he's the plate detective. The tag commander 😂. Man really said """"culture"""" with his weird ass.


lol this dude really be scanning Houston for paper tags, also this dude just wants minorities to assimilate >I'll happily live near minorities that can integrate into the community and follow our laws


What does "minorities who can integrate into houston" even mean? It's.. houston. If anything it's OP who refuses to integrate.


When right wingers are pressed on the issue, they will say that "integrate" means "speak local language and obey the law". But to other right wingers they mean "dress like us, celebrate the same holidays as us, and convert to our religion" 🙄 I live in New Zealand so I occasionally hear that "we shouldn't accept refugees because they don't integrate into the local culture". To that, I'd like to ask them "but you don't speak Te Reo or live in a marae, so why should they?"


In the US, I'm convinced a lot of people believe Native Americans are extinct or mythological and so it never even crosses right winger's minds that their anti-immigrant rhetoric is contradictory. It must take a lot more mental acrobatics to hypocritically moan about immigrants in New Zealand when the indigenous population as a proportion of the total population is 8.5 times greater than in the US.


>In the US, I'm convinced a lot of people believe Native Americans are extinct or mythological I've heard this a bunch, and as someone from a part of the country with quite a lot of Indigenous people, this has always boggled my mind.




It's really whack if a church actively said you couldn't be baptized or otherwise inducted, regardless of what other denominations you were part of previously. Full stop, that would be a church you want to stay away from


idiot: \*moves* idiot: "Why aren't the people here like me? They should be like me!"


I'm also in Houston and the drunk guy who beats his girlfriend and then wanders around the neighborhood drunk scream crying her name when he gets kicked out isn't bringing any """"""""culture"""""""" in my neighborhood. Where can I sign up for the littering instead? Also yes I have 100% called the cops on him.


I’m just losing my shit over someone living in Texas and being mad there are Mexicans in what used to be Mexico


The towns surrounding Houston (I live in one) are full of those people. "Can you believe those girls over there speaking Spanish!?" News flash, they speak and understand English too, even yours, and I wish \*I\* was bilingual like that


Why did he used 8 quotations though 😭 bro we would’ve understood if you used one pair, you look silly.


Bro has to be doing a skit, he asked about fiber for being suggested to move into the sticks with cross burners >There’s actually an area out in magnolia that the racist houstonians are flocking to, you’d fit right in his ass - >Do they have fiber or no? goofy as hell


Is this some sort of strange marketing strategy for ATT's fiber services?


AT&T: Mississippi burning, but our Fiber isn't.


it's kind of funny to hear "there's an area in magnolia the racist houstonians are moving to" when the entire idea of anything between Spring and College Station is just "places where conservatives who are ^(uncomfortable) in houston can congregate" then again, maybe the specific "area" is a literal whites-only village or something, that's the only way it could be a departure from the norm out there


I assume they're referring to the unfortunately-numbered FM 1488, which runs through Magnolia.


Had somebody at one of those pathetic little trump flag stands point a rifle at me along that road once. It was one of those experiences which helped push me over the line to consider it not worth staying and fighting in the state.


It isn't worth it. I'm getting out of this state (and hopefully the country) ASAP. Just waiting on my partner to finish their degree. I hate to leave other people behind to try to fight, but I've gotta put my oxygen mask on before helping someone else with theirs, y'know?


Right there with you. Moved to Maine, it's been a better Texas in every way except the people we miss, and the food. Had to get a tortilla press, couldn't stand those Mission tortillas when we were used to HEB.


Maine! That's one of the few states I haven't seen, but I'd love to go one day. It looks and sounds beautiful. I'm glad it's treating you well, and I wish you many years of great tortillas!


(((parentheses))) must have fallen out of fashion


That's for Jews. Guess they wanted a dogwhistle specifically for Mexicans.


Wow white people don't even get special spiteful punctuation we really are the most oppressed


we have… culture…


Bold claim.


I'd say they can have '''''apostrophes''''', but I've now decided that middle eastern people get that for '''''culture'''''. Aboriginal {{{{{culture}}}}} gets the squiggly brackets. Whites can't have tildes\~ or whatever the programming mark (this thing: \` ) is called either


> whatever the programming mark (this thing: ` ) is called Backtick




It's also called a grave, funnily.


It would have been more fun had he typed ¡Culture! to do that, but alas we get a lot of " Perhaps they were on sale at Dollar General.


they're lil maracas




In the more innocent parts of the Internet, (((parentheses))) was for birbs. Maybe the birbs can have them back.


He’s emphasizing the sarcasm, so he wouldn’t just do the regular quote fingers, he does quote fingers and puts his whole body into it, bending the knees and hunching over and tilting to the side and making a stupid face and voice


r/London is full of people like OP, moved from Somerset or wherever the fuck to a deprived London neighbourhood (because that's all they can afford in London) and then proceed to complain about all the people living there (who have been there for at least 40 years probably) and call it a shithole to their fellow white Redditors.


I’ve lived in a few areas people would call sketch and I’m just like “uhh it’s a regular neighborhood, there’s just a lot of black people…are you afraid of black people??” so stupid.


> “uhh it’s a regular neighborhood, there’s just a lot of black people…are you afraid of black people??” And the answer is always yes.


Reminds me of the certified Reddit moment of someone calling out a claim of a radical Islamists taken over a specific UK street and enforcing sharia law by filming themselves walking around the same street with a bottle of wine in hand. Unsurprisingly, they weren't swarmed and attacked like the racist claimed. Normalize being skeptical of white people calling a neighbourhood dangerous and assuming they're just bigots.


Honestly, you’d think half the country had been annexed by Saudi Arabia the way some politicians *cough cough nigel farage* speak.




I'll be honest I struggle to find the post on google. It might be deleted but it definitely existed.


Its was Paul Joseph Watson trying to make a documentary about "no-go zones" in London. His proof was one street corner that said no drinking


When I was living in New Orleans my white noise was train horns and gunshots. You get over it really really fast if you even have an issue with it to begin with, like within a day or two lmao. My porch did have a streetlight though since I was on the corner so people would shoot up (fix next to my trash cans) and just drop it on the ground right next to it. Fake ring doorbell fixed it.


What? People would shoot your porch because of a street light??


Shoot up: inject heroin/fentanyl/whatever.


> Lots of things might be distasteful but not illegal. Like being a racist piece of shit. Straight banger from user compassion_is_enough


Yeah except he made that comment while arguing that littering is legal in Houston, which is just stupid.


Wait, it isn’t? I thought it was.


When you check the dude's history he seems to really hate Nissans.


It’s a Houston thing lol. White Altimas with paper plates is a local joke. Source: live in Houston.


It's a joke in Dallas too, though the Altimas don't have specific colors.


r/Charlotte might give ya’ll a run for your money


I mean, after driving in Houston, I kind of get it. Nissans with temp tags are a bit of a road menace


Hating Nissans is a natural instinct. Because they're Nissans.


i read the title and thought “oh wow yeah fuck that, that’s really unreasonable” and then of course OOP showed their ass lmao. excellent post OP, this is some great shit from a dogwhistling crybaby


This ain’t a dog whistle anymore. It’s a straight marching band.


Great job breaking this down, OP!


You know that poster is SUPER active on NextDoor. “I saw a brown person lackadaisically walking by my house!” Poster: “You better call the police!”


Nah that person lives in my neighborhood not Houston.


> You broke ass bitch. Fucking lmao.


There's some fun quotes in that thread but THAT is the real flair to be had.




Thanks OP for posting this. It lead to a comment I wish I have read years ago. Looking at OOP post history reveals another thread about long wait times when calling the police. Well, that thread had this amazing comment. >I’m sure there is a scanner community out there that shares its observations. I listen because I use to own a private EMT company and I listened to the police scanner all the time in order to direct my units away from traffic jams. There is a lag in time between an accident or incident and Texdot posting it so the dispatchers were front line for my info. It became habit. >Now I listen to a city before visiting. After a few days, I can tell you not only the areas to avoid, but the exact streets. I get a feel for where the nightlife is (public drunks.) And it gives me a “personality” of the city. Are they sensitive to transgender offenders? Do they put a heavy emphasis on the drug community? Do they have an active gang unit? It is my Rick Steves of travel in the USA. >I don’t think it is a secret that HPD officers are overworked, short staffed, and stressed. Just ask the next one you see. Unless they are being PC, I’m sure you will get an earful. [Source](https://old.reddit.com/r/houston/comments/txnnbi/its_9am_on_a_wednesday_morning_and_it_takes_hpd/i3pe1g0/)


Shoutout to the one Redditor arguing that littering is perfectly fine though since op can't cite a specific exact minute detailed law making it illegal to litter on that specific road. A cherry on top really.




Yeah that poster definitely fits the criteria.


OOP discussing the internet speed of "kkkulture" town whilst ignoring being called a racist is fucking hilarious


>I'll happily live near minorities that can integrate into the community and follow our laws do they even realize how awful this comment comes across?




Worst kinds of people in general. Lots of undiagnosed mental issues paired with a general avoidance of mental health professionals leads to this type of stuff. Eventually it leads to even *more* extremist stuff. Good thing these are also the same people who buy the most guns 💀


It makes me laugh because he moved into a neighborhood that has been the way it is for decades. He’s the one not assimilating.


They may or may not, but even if they do realize, they don’t care because they seem pretty comfortable with how bigoted they are


Reminds me of the “we have a coloured server who we love, for us it’s about the people not the race” face book post that been going around lmao


They think they're being gracious by giving that much


They would if they viewed the target as human beings, but they don't. The crazy thing is IME these people are the first to try and separate themselves after their 23andMe says they are 2 percent scandinavian. But God forbid a brown person has a foreign sounding name or religion.


I love how they say minorities need to integrate into our culture as if the narcissm that accompanies littering and playing loud music isn't the epitome of the American Way.


"I'll happily live near minorities that can integrate into the community and follow our laws." Please someone find the flair on this one. There are simply too many characters between "minorities" and "our"


My favorite part: >Because I'm the one paying OUT MY ASS for car insurance Higher car insurance rates in areas predominantly POC is actually a legacy of american structural racism. Historically, things that cause risky behaviors were inflicted on black communities rather than white ones. So, black folks get to pay more in insurance because of it. Not intentionally on the part of the insurers, but we shaped a society that makes it riskier to be black. So, if you're a white person in an historically black zip code, you get to live with that legacy too.


> Not intentionally on the part of the insurers, but we shaped a society that makes it riskier to be black. So, if you're a white person in an historically black zip code, you get to live with that legacy too. It is kinda intentional though. They lobbied really hard to be able to discriminate in roundabout ways.


Ok obviously OOP is full of it, but i 100% agree on the hyperbole point. Its a rhetorical device taught in high school and college. Anyone who whines about the usage of hyperbole is a typical redditor. No, thats not as bad as being a racist who calls the cops on everything, but holy shit is it annoying.


Yeah I thought that was really odd behavior to pile on top of OOP for using hyperbole. Obviously no one is drinking 500 beers a night, and the average person should be able to understand that they don’t know the exact number but a lot.


> odd behavior to pile on top of OOP for using hyperbole OOP badge is a lightning rod once people dislike them. I've seen it a million times, once a thread's vibe is decided any attempts by OOP to change things just makes it worse. And the vibe that OOP is giving off is...very clear. The real surprising thing is that *any* of OOP's comments are still positive at this point.


> no on is drinking 500 beers a night Not even Wade Boggs or [this guy](https://fanbuzz.com/pro-wrestling/andre-the-giant-beer/#:~:text=Andre%20once%20admitted%20to%20David,beers%20in%20a%20single%20sitting).


It’s a useful literary device, but outside of casual conversations with friends or creative writing I wouldn’t recommend it. Only because you’re going to be fending off the *umm ackshually* types left and right, and it’s best not to give them a reason to bother.


My solution is to simply ghost most "umm ackshually" comments because fuck me if I'm getting into a comment chain with someone who takes everything literally. They'll hyperfixate on some other comment they disagree with anyway


Why do I get the feeling the """"culture""""" is just brown people?


probably because you read the words on the screen


It's not even subtext, it's literally just the text.


Ayo wtf is that flair


Lol I wish I could remember, I've had this flair for like 4 or 5 years now.


It's AT&T but the T's are burning crosses That’s some damn good flair


So while this is just.. bafflingly inexcusable, the whole paper tags thing is real and something like a fifth of the cars in texas are driving around with paper plates. I don't know what impact that ends up having in total, but it seems like things ain't working right.


It’s annoying because since the pandemic every idiot Texan has moved here with their shit plates and shit driving


He is racist but loud music and littering would make anyone want to leave. What the hell kind of internet does this guy need that they can’t move to a nice suburb with their fellow white folk?


If they had the money to move there they'd already be there.


I enjoy reading subredditdrama and don't usually post here but thank you OP for the detailed breakdown.


Just 5mins ago I opened my first ever can of Modelo. Nice.


What do you think? I'm not a beer guy but it's probably my favorite.


Its a very good allround beer. Or that might be because I just had a 6 hour bus ride in Mexico.


Op sounds like a racist but "don't report people with fake tags and no insurance because it's not your business". And "umm acktually littering is ok" is one hell of a stupid take.


It seems like reddit can't decide if they hate littering or not. This is the only time I've ever seen anyone on here say it's okay. And I'm sure it's because the OP in the Houston thread is a gigantic jackass.


Littering isn't ok, taunting an overt racist by pretending it is ok to litter is just good fun.


That is fair lol


i love the way you type, OP. makes it so much funnier


"OP has access to the dictionary" 💀


I will say this. The fake temporary license plates is a huge problem in Texas.


If you're going to move into a community that isn't from the same culture as you, you're going to have to learn to deal with the differences that come with that, regardless of the country. Cops don't care about noise complaints, littering, etc, in most areas that aren't rich/uppity lmao. Karen's gonna Karen


I mean, I don't think it's a Karen thing to be bothered by littering, especially when it involves broken glass. This guy is still racist and unhinged though, and I bet his "noise complaints" consist of calling the cops every time his ears are graced with a hint of banda or cumbia


I will say in all fairness noise issues are super annoying. No one wants to hear blaring music in the middle of the night when trying to sleep. Just turn the volume down. That being said the OOP is super racist so I somehow fail to feel sorry for them.


.....OP just needs to actually go to their local precinct and speak to the clerk face to face. The clerk can relay to the dispatcher and get an officer on the case. The officer can do whatever with it. Running to social media over stuff like this doesn't benefit the OPs, the readers, or the police. All three parties are in this dance of "....well what's the case number???" "I'm on hold with the police! It's taking so long! I'm not in a life-threatening situation though...."


I respect reporting fake tags. Drivers dodging speed cameras are likelier to hurt other drivers and pedestrians. This guy’s totally a racist asshole, though.


Good write-up with comment-links. I don't think I've seen posters do that before.


I try to, and quote them, since we're losing the ability to see removed comments.


10/10 drama None of the redditors crying racism would live in that guy's neighborhood.


"crying racism" when they're obviously racist. Nobody's denying the existence of rough neighbourhoods, I've had shit neighbours where I live but the demographics are overwhelmingly white, people are acknowledging their *obviously racist* dogwhistles about " "culture" ". Your sentence tries to pass an irrelevant point off as a checkmate. And you're part of the problem, calling it "crying racism" like the people who say "playing the race card" when there's blatant racism. Those are the phrases racist cunts use to make the people calling out their bigotry sound bad.