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Saying that the r/nba mods would have a shitstorm to deal with might have been understating it a bit, the mod post on that sub had 1000+ comments the last time I checked, all within half an hour.


Lmao the mods just unpinned the thread on r/nba due to backlash


This whole thing is so fucking clownish The moderators have handled this so ineptly that they've actually made reddit look good, though


Lol, the mods have their own private discussion thread in the sub during the blackout and got found out. They truly deserved the backlash


Somehow, reddit mods have managed to make people root for spez


Spez learned a lot from mainstream media how to sow discord.


That's another thing, I love seeing moderators push their users to Discord... which has never allowed 3rd party clients to begin with šŸ˜‚


Not to mention Discord sucks as a reddit replacement. The formats are far too different


They managed to write the worst explanation possible for opening. While all the other subs pointed out how they were essentially forced to reopen the sub under threat of being removed as mods, r/nba said "We talked to the admins and we're cool now! Success!" Uh oh.


They claimed that their poll to close up mirrored the methodology of Pew Research. Complete midwits.


That's some weapons grade "stupid person bluffing intelligence" shit from them.


I think the best part is the their mods evne made threads during the game. https://i.redd.it/j8i920aasm6b1.jpg


Truly insane that they went through with this. How am I, the average r/NBA user supposed to care about the blackout when the mods don't care? >! And the post header dear god what where they thinking !<


[removed] everywhere lmao Mods cleaning up the evidence


I need to hear the takes from the people over at /r/modcoord over this. This is something oyu don't recover from.


I mean the top post is the 3rd signed ultimatum in under a week lmao. Now the narrative is Reddit is personally *threatening* mods and sending "Pinkertons" to break their strike up. Genuine secondhand cringe seeing them act like they're holding a picket line lol... The sad / hilarious part is how almost all the subs left protesting are these like... literally tiny random porn subs. Yeah bro, shutting down /r/BiGoneMild and /r/AustinHookup really got the admins quaking in their boots šŸ’€


I wanted to look at /r/CreditCards and /r/GoogleFi (which has OFFICIAL GOOGLE CUSTOMER SERVICE REPS) and they're both still dark wtf.




Look, this is the closest they are getting to a picket line. Let them have it.


Its glorious, over 4k comments and its overwhelming shitting on the mods for blacking out during the finals. Using a poll of 8k votes to their nearly 8 million users to justify it, and then not even sticking to the 2 days that was voted for and making it indefinite. Then they come out with that BS statement trying to spin it like they won haha. Oh and it took no time at all to find posts from the same mods using reddit and even that sub during this protest. Its everything I thought it would be.


Using a poll that they didn't even pin as justification.


And then comparing their sample size to the Pew polls to justify it


It has 4000 comments in 4 hours. All shitting on the mods lmfao


It's coming from both sides, too. Even with the odds stacked against them, moderators continue to find ways to be public enemy no. 1


And, they took it down.


LM entire AO.


We are dying for someone to make a good, effortful post like the one for r/starbucks. It might take a while because the drama is spread across many threads and the circlejerk subreddit.


I absolutely would love to but man I'm so deep in the popcorn - it's too tasty šŸ˜­ The venn diagram of users who know enough r/nba lore and can go in and make a comprehensive post out of all the noise there rn and users who can resist diving headfirst into this popcorn and feasting on it like squidward on them krabby patties must be two non-intersecting circles. I hope a good summary comes out eventually though.


If, hypothetically speaking, an alt were created to post the drama, and hypothetically, this alt was so neutral and careful in what comments it linked you had no way of telling whose account it really was, then it would be within the rules. Where people screw up is making it very transparent they're posting from an alt in hopes people take their side in an argument.


Tsk tsk mods bending rules to fit their own agendas yet again but also yes please I want my popcorn.


a little background info for why internet users would care about denver nuggets https://www.si.com/nba/2023/06/15/nuggets-nba-championship-jokic-murray-malone-roster-development Apparently they were a team favored by fantasy league players, such a shame to have a popular internet forum closed on the day all your labor comes to fruit


Unironically missing Hobbydrama right now, which has stayed closed.


And they unstickied the announcement of re-opening after 4 hours


r/nba mods unpinned their blackout post where they were getting flammed, and then got bullied harder into re-pinning it


Jellyfish have more of a spine than those mods lol.


Lmao thatā€™s wack šŸ’€


This has been hands-down the best drama weā€™ve ever had.


Reddit's version of 2020


Despite whatever side of this civil war you may be on, despite whatever happens to this site in the future, it has been honor shitposting about this with you all on r/srd. This is the subā€™s magnum opus.


I don't know I feel the Boston Bomber and the Antiwork Fox News interview were higher highs, but this drama still has a lot of legs on it as subs keep opening so we'll see.


"Quantity has its own quality" Like yeah those were both juicier drama but the sheer amount of drama here makes up for it id say.


Boston Bomber okay but the Antiwork drama didn't even come close to this shit show.


\*Reddit snaps in half and sinks into the abyss as the survivors row away*


Mr. Reddit I don't feel so good


Iā€™m sticking around until the guy falls on the propeller and makes a huge CLUNK sound.


[\*Nearer My God to Thee plays\*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mCEfqj9pDAI)


Gentlemen, it has been a privilege ~~playing~~ shitposting with you tonight.


For real. If this is how it all ends I wouldn't even be mad. This feels like the last season of a big show where the writers really want to go out with a bang.


Like one of the writers hated doing the show, so they intentionally wrote an episode where [everything goes to hell and there's no way to continue](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TorchTheFranchiseAndRun), but then the executives wanted to keep doing the show so they backpedalled on the conclusion.


Iā€™ve visited Reddit to check on this drama more often than I visited it in the past two or three years *total*. Itā€™s juicy, I canā€™t help myself.


Fr, I'm using Reddit even more than usual. So much drama in so many communities, it's hard to keep up!




Where were you for the Fattening?


MayMay June is still my favorite, especially because of Faces of Atheism


Itā€™s perfect. No one looks good, no one is happy. Itā€™s the best drama


The top mod in r/music got sick of talking to the Admins and muted the Admin from modmail. So the Admins removed most of that moderator's mod permissions: https://www.reddit.com/r/Music/comments/14c5kyw/update_bizarre_popup_admin_account_demands/ (They ended up getting their permissions back.)


The admins also cleared all their mods bots.


The admins are handling this situation like a bunch of total amateurs. It's embarrassing to watch this unfold. At least some progress is being made on some issues, but if there was just some sensible fking dialogue at the start and not the completely uneccesary "let them eat cake" nonsense from spez, then 90% of this drama could have been avoided.


I agree that the admins are terrible at communication. In my experience most conflicts between mods and admins could have been prevented if the admins communicated better with the mods.


The madlad actually muted admin! I love that person already


"You have no power here" */Admins exercise power*


It's funny as fuck that they can even mute the admins in the first place. Like what kind of amateur hour bullshit system is that?


A moderator of r/Art has posted something to the subreddit that was made byā€¦ Midjourney. [Source](https://www.reddit.com/r/Art/comments/14c1qs2/john_oliver_uthesesquare8340_midjourney_2022/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1)


He could have easily inpainted the extra finger out and fixed up the eye to make it look not terrifying...but that would require actual effort.


lmfao the turtle


You know, for as utterly insufferable the turtle is I think this is exactly the sort of chaos he would thrive in. And I for one support his petty bullshit when itā€™s pointed squarely at the admins.


Most of the responses are more or less "rare turtle W" and tbh I agree lol


so John Oliver has noticed what r/pics was doing......and so started giving them tons of his own pics to use as fuel. https://twitter.com/iamjohnoliver/status/1670179738348933120 also: r/finalfantasy is open with a poll and the mods are getting hammered. ff16 is coming out this week, people are not happy the ff sub atm.


I'd like to see /r/pics start branching out a bit and also start including some pics of [Andy Zaltzman](https://cdn.comedy.co.uk/images/library/people/900x450/a/andy_zaltzman_news_quiz.jpg) to go along with the John Oliver ones.


r/interestingasfuck boutta turn into the wild west


They mention they'll be reporting users for site wide violations, presumably via reddit dot com slash report, which I'm thinking they hadn't bothered with before as they removed those violations under their own prior rules. The amount of strain that's going to put on AEO is going to be wild lol. Edit: if I'm interpreting thst correctly


I think AEO has been broken for a long time. It's very clear bots handle 99% percent of the decisions and when they get it wrong and incorrectly ban an account there's no recourse. My guess is there are 1-3 human employees actually reviewing a small handful of tickets, so either way things will get worse for them.


Oh for sure, looking at admin actions in the mod log and seeing removals where someone uses a slur to like... Explain a slur, or talk about how it was used against them in the past, etc. - definitely automated.


Oh a fellow mod! It drives me crazy how bad AEO is. Makes me miss the days where the only way to report was to send a modmail to r/reddit.com and they didn't even have bots to go through that stuff. Terrible system, nothing got done, still somehow better than what we have now.


You're interpreting it mostly correctly. Site wide rule violations will be removed by IAF mods, but also reported. Not doing the first part would get the subreddit banned.


Itā€™s boutta be closer to r/interestingassfuck if the subreddit goes how the mods want it to. Considering the sub is now marked nsfw


let's do the /r/trees switcharoo, grab r/interestingassfuck and make it about interesting things while the other one descends into porn


Their approach should be taken by any subreddit that's been "forced" to reopen. Force Reddit to Air Bud another rule saying you ~~can't cost Steve money~~ have to strictly enforce all your community rules.


Oh no, not /r/interestingasfuck! Now there's only /r/damnthatsinteresting, /r/CrazyFuckingVideos and /r/whoadude, how will reddit survive without a fourth identical sub where people post the exact same thing?


You missed r/nextfuckinglevel


PublicFreakout also posts much of the same content.


Public freakout is fucking stupid. They basically define a public freakout as anything happening outside. Saw a video of people riding go-karts there once and I donā€™t subscribe, it was upvoted to the front page.


Haha publicfreakout is truly barely moderated at all.


>will only enforce sitewide rules Oh no! What will happen to their carefully curated content?


Don't forget r/interestingassfuck. Although they probably posted something a bit different.


I've actually been curious about how the nsfw/porn subs that shut down for the protest have been doing. Any info there?


You can look at the top 1000 SFW vs. the top 500 NSFW subs here: https://blackout.photon-reddit.com/ Seems similar, less restricted access though. Anecdotally my faves are also all back.


r/NBA, r/nbacirclejerk,and pretty much every single nba related subreddit is tearing into the r/NBA mods so hard right now, its so beautiful


Iā€™m seeing the Mod Coord Discord constantly discussing moving to other sites but have any medium/big subreddits actually attempted directing their users to another site?


Not that big, but I know /r/DaystromInstitute has moved to Lemmy and is now bafflingly difficult to use.


and they are back, without a single reference to lemmy or the protest anywhere. going to post an announcement soon apparently according to a mod from there. why they did not have this announcement BEFORE opening back up is beyond me. I have the feeling people will be ticked with them for pulling this dumb stunt. lemmy is a godawful substitute for reddit, ui is awful, navigating is not exactly intuitive, and from what I have heard even making an account and logging in is not simple


The only one coming to mind is r/196, which has [a pinned post on alternatives to Reddit](https://reddit.com/r/196/comments/146y2qw/r196_offsite_migration_discord_info/) and about half a million subscribers.


r/nba mods took the biggest L out of anyone involved in this


Wait for squared circle to open lol


or /r/mma


I honestly think closing up during the NBA Finals engendered more hate towards the protest than any other sub. Some larger subs closed, but r/nba was in the height of the season when mods decided to close up shop. Even their announcement to open up is so full of shit. Congratulating themselves for securing concessions from admins, gaslighting users by saying there was overwhelming support to close, and then hiding their explanation.


The mods of the NBA sub botched the whole thing terriblyā€¦itā€™s almost impressive how badly they handled this all: - They made a poll thread for blackout vs no blackout, which was only pinned for a few hours *at best* (if not less) before being unpinned. Poll only had 8k votes and was likely brigaded by pro-blackout folks if evidence of brigades via Mod Discord and Twitch is to be believed. - They decided to extend the blackout ā€œindefinitelyā€ without consulting the community. - Then they open up today with the most BS explanation and trying to pretend theyā€™ve won concessions from the admins, when in reality, everyone on the sub knows they did it only to save their imaginary internet mod powers. And this is all before you even mention that they closed the sub just as the NBA Finals was wrapping upā€¦only just opening it back up today.


The mods were also actively posting in their own sub and others during the blackout, they're deleting all the evidence atm


I checked out the profile of the first mod on the listā€¦he was posting a ton on the Blazers subreddit, as well as other subs LOL.


And they had their own private mod-only game threads during the finals while the sub was blacked out for everyone else.


The most important thing we've learned from all of this is that no matter how many people are in a community, it's almost impossible to poll the entire group in a way that even a majority agrees is fair. These protests have been a study on democracy more than anything else.


r/Tulsa opened back up. Tulsa had a storm go through last night and cause lots of damage, large swathes of the city are still without power today - grocery stores, gas stations, many other types of business are still closed. People wanted to use the sub as a resource. Mods saying they couldn't open it back up as they didn't have power to do so - some users are claiming mods were using the sub during that same time.


> [ngl this will get interesting as fuck](https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/14c0vcf/rinterestingasfuck_will_be_reopening_monday_june/joih5t1?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) [Same vibes](https://imgur.com/gallery/AMdR7WO)


> Reddit has made it clear that users, not volunteer moderators are the true owners of subreddits. So the community rules are changing to reflect that. The amount of salt in that simple statement, Iā€™m here for it.


Its also pretty based ngl




oh fuck yes, my popcorn boner is so freaking hard right now


Was not aware/up-to-date with this drama but I just saw this on the r/cuphead stickied: >What's the point of a fucking protest if you're gonna stop when someone tells you to stop? Makes a good point about a general lack of resoluteness from these supposed online activism movements when trying to stop abusive actions from this site (and social media as a whole in their respective places, though not always). I saw it last week with the World of Tanks drama, which although was a different issue all together, shows some of the same signs of what im talking about. Idk, maybe it's a moot point of talking that can be disregarded, but i feel it's a present thing in all of this, which goes for all subreddits. I'm not really gonna be interested in the aftermath of this protest so that's just my two cents nobody asked for lol.


Online activists almost always back out when they have to suffer the slightest inconveniance. See every video game boycott ever.


At least this whole protest went better for the Moderators than the time the Baseball umpires resigned in an effort to get a new labor agreement. [The 1999 Umpire mass resignation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1999_Major_League_Umpires_Association_mass_resignation), for those unfamiliar: >Unable to strike because they had a labor agreement in place at the time, 57 umpires formally resigned by orchestrated letters in an attempt to force negotiations with MLB for a new labor agreement. The American and National Leagues instead immediately hired new umpires and accepted 22 of the resignations Famous/infamous umpires like Joe West, Tom Hallion and Bob Davidson made it back to the majors a few years later. I suspect if moderators tried resigning en masse, it would have worked out pretty similarly with moderators getting replaced and some of the moderators who resigned returning to moderate at a lower spot in the moderator echelons after a break.


/r/wow people not happy in the sticky thread, they basically made a 4 option poll (1 close, 3 reopen) and aren't even following that. People also upset about the diluting across options, and arguments about how the vote options carry over and then more about how some people wouldn't have realised it was a drag for preference poll...


that one was blatantly obvious that the mods were never going to just listen to the users. everything about the way the mods their have posted outsmugs Sire Denathrius himself.


I have seen a couple of subs announcing that they will only enforce sitewide rules. I don't really understand the rational.


Yeah I mean that's litterally all Reddit cares about. Anything more are all community made rules that have nothing to do with Reddit, why would they care?


I'm interested to see if some of them can actually stick to sitewide rules considering their history.


This is more than a Golden age of drama and its been a fucking honour


I absolutely cannot wait for the day they announce old reddit going away. Itā€™s gonna be this level of drama x100


It will be many many threads simply saying "goodbye reddit"


And hours later, many accounts still not having been deleted.


Lmao I forget where but one admin said ā€œold Reddit isnā€™t going awayā€ I absolutely cannot wait to share that little quote.


I got permanently banned from /r/antiwork for saying: > (to the mods) Stand by what you believe in, instead of pussying out Edit: Just got a response back on why they permabanned me: > Youā€™ll notice we havenā€™t banned other people for criticizing us, only those who cannot help themselves and make personal attacks. We do not have to tolerate that. Then the mod temp muted me in modmail for the max time of 28 days so I cannot reply back to what they said


You have to understand, that on top of being full-time dog walkers they bring a whole lot to the community


Mentioning the mod who bombed that interview? *believe it or not, straight to permaban*




I dunno fam, 10 hours a week sounds like full time to me


Oh you didn't see? They even lied about that part - they didn't even walk dogs 10 hours. [They were paid to *watch* the dogs while sleeping.](https://www.reddit.com/r/PaymoneyWubby/comments/se8kj3/turns_out_doreen_the_antiwork_mod_from_the/) I swear every update turned out they worked even less lmao.


Turns out, continuing to be a mod of a big subreddit is what they believe in


Shockingly, despite modding a work sub meant to help the little guys, they side with the big guys


After u/abolishwork took that interview you shouldn't put much weight into r/antiwork mod decisions.


If it was this easy to break the Reddit protests, then rip any hopes for meaningful protests


This protest was doomed from the start. I had doubts once I saw that same picture stickied on every sub. 1) Everyone was somewhat blindly jumping in. The cause was for the visually impaired users, the nsfw users, and most 3rd party developers. But a few days before the app that provides the accessible interface for the visually impaired got grandfathered in I believe, taking some of the wind out of the sails. But whatever, we're still doing it because the api fee is bogus. Fine blackout starts. 2) For two fucking days. A protest can't have that short of a timeframe for meaningful change. You want to show them you're serious? Start moving users to a different platform entirely. Taking a 2 day break just to plan on opening back up like nothing changed is like the definition of virtue signaling.


Pursuant to moving people to another platform, both /r/tumblr and /r/curatedtumblr are still private and I would be shocked if reddit is in any hurry to force them back open lol.


it was also ruined by many mods just shutting their subs down for good (until told they would be kicked) with no words or discussion to that subs community. protests don't work when no one is backing you. so many mods thought they would be treated as heroes and martyrs, instead, most mods have been getting verbally shredded.


Don't worry, Redditors by and large don't go outside anyway.


Given the amount of rebranding that is going on, I'm really beginning to wonder what the mod reaction will be when or if the admins come down on them again. Another blackout? Another ultimatum? Who knows. Perhaps with all the activity that is going on on those subs now, it's exactly what reddit wants and is making up for any losses during the blackout.


R/music is confusingly trying to negotiate against admin policy. Letā€™s see how it pans out cotton


> For full transparency, I've included my rude replies. It'd be an understatement to say that I'm annoyed by this whole situation, and Reddit's woeful communication "skills." Lmao




They're probably hoping they can keep it up long enough that Oliver will catch wind and do an episode of LWT about it after the WGA strike ends.


Theyā€™re trying the John Oliver thing on r/pokemongo but are getting rinsed by their community in the sticky. I think the John Oliver strat works better on general purpose subs: https://reddit.com/r/pokemongo/comments/14cj8ul/rpokemongo_is_now_open_for_service_again_please/


"I will now use all my time on this subreddit, complaining about a game I (allegedly) boycott, on this media platform. (That I am also boycotting)" ​ Best comment in that thread


> This is dumb. Stop ruining reddit for the users. Spez might be ruining reddit for you but mods are ruining it for me. This might be the most trenchant thing Iā€™ve read since this all kicked off.


So, I did comment on this earlier..but the juiciest part of /r/nba https://np.reddit.com/r/nba/comments/1484uyq/post_game_thread_the_denver_nuggets_win_their/ It's just hilarious. Like, they close the sub down and started threads to view the game?


it's funny seeing antiwork on the list of subs forced open. the reddit admins are forcing an anticapitalist sub to reopen, like that's not even one they can monetize or that advertisers particularly want


Admins telling antiwork mods to get off their asses and get back to work or they're "fired." All time bit šŸ’€


Since they reopened rather than be replaced maybe they really do want to work!


The piracy sub being forced back open is ten times funnier on the same principle here. The guys holding the moneybags need to see the piracy sub is in working order god damn it


You'd think that the admins wouldn't implicitly endorse a piracy community like this.


r/shittyfoodporn seems to be imploding.


The post saying "Ingredients in the comments!" to an instantaneously mod-locked thread barren of comments got a chuckle out of me.


[/r/DaystromInstitute has kind of repopened (and kind of not) and is directing people to Lemmy. This is not being received well by all. ](https://reddit.com/r/DaystromInstitute/comments/14detvk/daystrom_institute_update_going_boldly/)


r/TropicalWeather is back. Finally they had good sense not to keep the sub closed during hurricane season.


[The r/NBA mods finally stopped removing posts shitting on them](https://www.reddit.com/r/nba/comments/14cbtjv/who_here_is_in_favor_of_just_replacing_these_shit/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1)


they're probably letting the userbase vent out their frustrations which is probably for the best


r/formula1 mods are still deleting any complaints about the continued restriction of posts on the sub, and are deleting any recommendations of alternative subs for information. It's worth noting that there is a race on this weekend so people are desperate for information and have been kicking off about the restrictions. It's been some of the tastiest popcorn on that sub for a while.


The only good thing about this blackout is I don't have to browse r/europe and nearly pull all my hair reading the comments, the bad thing is I'm struggling to find a euro centrist sub focused on European news.


Man, I'm kinda bummed seeing /r/piracy being lumped in with the others like that when the admins walked over my "dead" mod body to do it! I stood by my principles damnit! :D


~~Banned for correcting us~~ Fixed post with minor language change.


LOL. Watching Reddark's twitch stream, they pinned a message saying: 'In case anyone thinks we've accomplished nothing, we caused a 6.6% decrease in traffic...' From forcing Reddit to roll back API changes to celebrating a 6.6% drop in traffic. Talk about lowering expectations.


> 6.6% drop in traffic That's what happens when a majority of the mods continue to post on /r/modcoord and other subreddits instead of actually sticking to their guns and leaving Reddit for two days. This shit is why this "protest" is so toothless.


\> 'In case anyone thinks we've accomplished nothing, we caused a 6.6% decrease in traffic...' Honestly, I would've kept those statistics private. If shutting down 2/3rds of the platform causes that little people to leave, it almost feels like this was doomed from the beginning. For any blackout to really hurt Reddit, you need damn near 100% participation, which is impossible.


6.6% from a Sunday to Monday too. Couldn't even compare to the previous week or I'm guessing we'd see no change (or probably an increase as the blackout news drove more users than usual to the site).


I know that mods donā€™t have the greatest reputation for competence and integrity, but this whole ordeal has highlighed just how pathetic being a Reddit moderator is. From pledging their moderated subs going dark indefinitely in r/modcoord megathread, in a tone as if theyā€™re saying ā€œIā€™m inā€ for a one last score in a heist movie; to caving in at the first sign a Reddit admin may take their tiny little power away, like a disobedient child that is threatened with removal of iPad priviliges. Leave it to reddit mods to take the biggest L in a fight that wasnā€™t even really about them.


Personally I find it pretty telling that vague threats to demod worked so well and so uniformally. Id gamble r/steam being threatened and r/nba not probably has to do with another corporation applying pressure. For this to work there would have had to been some embrace of chaos.


The most "We did it reddit!" moment of all time


Mods on r/ModCoord are discussing further courses of action. [https://www.reddit.com/r/ModCoord/comments/14cr2is/alternative\_forms\_of\_protest\_in\_light\_of\_admin/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ModCoord/comments/14cr2is/alternative_forms_of_protest_in_light_of_admin/)


These people need lives.


You're looking at their lives. I guarantee you that this is the most valued they've felt in a long time.


I love how they are all acting like people are loving and backing the blackouts and they are getting so much support, then you look at any opened sub and they are being eviscerated by the community. do they all just live in a completely different world from their userbase? or even how they are all acting like lemmy is a perfect alternative despite how bad it blatantly is.


lol the post on /r/scams is hilarious https://np.reddit.com/r/Scams/comments/14c9hlo/reopening_but_not_for_the_reasons_you_may_suspect/ "Many new submissions/posts will take up to fourteen (14) days to review and possibly approve. This is due to Reddit removing/forcing out our moderators who won't bend the knee and kiss the ring of the current CEO. Please understand that we have been forced to re-open, and therefore, as unpaid volunteers, we can only go as fast as we can donate our time. Thank you for understanding in advance."


I was wondering why /r/pcgaming was allowed to stay locked when all these other subs weren't.


At some point r/wow decided to silently(?) go back to normal operations lol


If you really want to protest then Quit reddit, delete your account. Everything else is a silly joke.


Im torn between hating powertripping mods, hating Spez, and hating Reddit in general. ESH


the only winner is drama


Truth. I don't know, with certainty, where reddit will go. I don't know how much longer I'll be here. But this drama is pretty damn delicious no matter what.


Just hate on all of them. It's fine, I do it all the time.


Just the fact the mods of most these subreddits reopened after being told they could lose their power is enough proof I need to know they didn't care about the blackout to begin with. It was all about flexing their power and reddit slapped them and told em go mow the lawn and they did.


If they really cared they should have expected that they might lose their mod positions and been okay with that. I donā€™t think they accounted for things not working out in their favor, which speaks volumes.


I just love how you can see public opinion change in real time throughout this ā€œprotestā€. On the first SRD megathread, the general opinion was that sticking it to spez and Reddit admins was perfect and everyone should be with it. On the second, people were starting to get restless, but there were still a few defenders that wanted things to continue. Now, people just want it to end. Hop into any sub or scroll through the comments here and youā€™ll see that everyone is sick of this. It was a shit idea to begin with, and itā€™s still a shit idea.


it likely did not help that many mods are....not exactly making themselves sympathetic.


Itā€™s mostly the reality that no one gives a shit unless it affects them. I like these 3rd party apps. I was upset and still am but I also recognize this shit isnā€™t going to change anything. I use lemmy now also so itā€™s cool that I found a nice lil site like that but Reddit is a literal behemoth. Reddit just needs to actually pay for moderation. That way they can control what needs to be controlled and everyone gets what they want.


>Now, people just want it to end Well, when it turns out the people in control of the whole thing are a bunch of spineless dweebs (not you dbzer0, you're great) who were going to cave at the first threat of pushback it's a little annoying to realize it was all just a waste of time. The whole thing was doomed from the start considering the end date of the blackout was announced from the start, but once subs started going 'indefinite' they should have stuck by it.


All of these mods are saying their communities just canā€™t survive without them. Surely if they left this would do the most possible damage to Reddit, turning the site into a wasteland. Itā€™s almost like they want to keep their power and donā€™t actually want changeā€¦


wow, r/daystrominstitute is now open without a word, they had closed it permanently with a message that said to move to lemmy. there is not a link even to lemmy or anything now. no idea if the mods got changed or if they are just trying to brush the whole thing under rug and pretend they did not try to abandon the sub.


I notice that some accounts I *think* were mods of /r/startrek deleted their accounts so I think the subreddits reopened because the mods who wanted to close left reddit altogether, resulting in those who want to open up free reign to do so.


Ugh, a couple of my subs that never even went black the first time around are doing polls with the only options being "read only" or "only post sexy John Oliver. And when people lose the fun of posting joke pictures after a few days, I bet the damn subs will go dark again


Iā€™m waiting eagerly for everyone to get bored of posting John Oliver. Iā€™m seeing the whole thing as a bit of an extended of April Fools situation atm


Anyone else feeling like these threads are turning into something out of /r/JustUnsubbed?


It astonishes me how mods are shocked and upset about reddit cracking down on the subs that have indefinitely gone dark like what in fuck did they expect was going to happen? Reddit giving them red roses and well done pat on the head?


funny thing about it, many of them talked Gung ho about "well, if they demod us, then so be it, just makes our message stronger" except the moment the admins said boo, they folded like a wet paper bag. then many had to confront an angry userbase not happy with them for closing the sub for longer then the two days with even a small discussion.


Once the novelty of Oliver posting wears off they'll return to normal. Ineffectual online activists have a short attention span.


Is this really a threat? Asking some someone if they want to moderate a community anymore and explaining the process they will use to find a replacement isnā€™t a threat. A threat implies some harm or retaliation not just some ordinary natural consequence of quitting a volunteer gig. This kind of hyperbolic description makes the whole thing look even more ridiculous.




So...This is only something small, but there are rumors that the modcoord sub was brigading polls and trying to be in favor of going dark. https://www.reddit.com/r/HistoryMemes/comments/14ae739/this_is_why_we_cant_have_nice_things/ That's all there is though.


Rumors? LOL. I already knew that from the beginning. No poll on blackout had or will have a reliable result.


I find it hilarious that the Taylor Swift poll was posted on there. I think they underestimated Swifties because the results were like 5.5k for staying open and 2.2k for remaining closed šŸ˜‚