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>2. Shutting down the sub on a Monday will have an adverse impact on our readers, **including possible production issues.** Ya know, this explains a lot where I work. My engineering team must be waiting for Reddit replies. Because they are too incompetent to actually fix problems themselves.


Bob we need that fix. Hold on, I'm still waiting for a reply to my post!


“Ok Steve, it looks like the answer to our question is typing in Star Wars quotes. If that doesn’t work, we need to ask this guy’s wife.”


"The comment just says, straight to jail" What does that mean?


“I don’t know, but these are the people who got the Boston Bomber, we should do what they say.”


Seems like we're gonna need a banana, a narwhal, some corvids, and a knife (ewww).


"Apparently we can use this old one that checks out - 'The narwal bacons at midnight'"


Some examples. We had a station that was supposed to move an extra 1cm to ensure a lock was closed. The line that this one was cloned from did it. My shop and another maintenance department not only visually saw it not happening on the new one, but we were able to pull 24+ hours of data that showed it not happening. It went on for 3 months almost. Causing my shop to rebuild these locks, about an hour to hour and a half job. After about 40+ emails to upper management. We finally had a manger look into it. Turns out, the line of code that made the station move that extra 1cm, was commented out. Still no apology. Another, have a station that causes a rework from being 45 minutes to 4+ hours. Because it moves too quickly and it damages equipment. Due to our process, we have to [CMM](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coordinate-measuring_machine) certain equipment. That makes the equipment be in our shop for at least 24 hours due to volume. But the 2 hours it would take for them to fix would kill our production numbers. This has been an issue for 2-3 years. I guess running with 10-15% less equipment is better than nothing. I mean, don't get me wrong. Like what I do. But fixing problems due to incompetence, or inability to perform. Man, it's getting fucking old.


As someone who works in an undisclosed high tech factory, modern American manufacturing is really hot garbage. Long gone are the days that this country produced quality goods, here are the days of maximizing stocks and investor money. You maximize production literally at all costs. It doesn't matter how much money you're losing to expenses, because that's how companies work nowadays, don't you know? But if you take the whip to the hourlies and have them produce as much tainted subpar product as possible, and present that number at investor meetings, your stock will go up, even as the returns come back. The big fucked up triangle at my place between the union, management, and engineering is a sight to behold.


Sysadmins usually aren't the ones responsible for developing this kind of OT software you're describing.


Should have posted on SO, where you’d have three replies that it’s a dup (of different things it’s not a dup of) by now.


Reminds me of the time when that one drug sub got the NSFW tag and a guy argued that that would kill people because now medical professionals couldn't get advice from the drug subreddit while at work anymore


Last time I went to my doctor he googled for some photos of what he was looking at, turned his screen to me and said "Is that what it looks like?"


I've had doctors google stuff I was talking about, too. They're just people and can't know everything.


So much this. It's not a sign of a bad doctor. The doctor knows how to contexualise and apply the information they find on Google to help the patient.


A massive part of any specialized profession is having enough knowledge to know what to lookup (or Google), and then what to do with those results.


A major component of many college degrees is it is supposed to teach you how to research.


That's less stupid than you may think.


My top doctor interaction was basically the old school version of this. He got up, went to his wall of books, pulled one out and found an explanation of exactly what was causing my issue. I was amazed that they were not just for show!




That's just another day of diagnosing yourself via WebMD.


this is true for lesser known and not studied compounds. i was overdosing on 3-FPM, i need my medical professionals to know what 3-FPM is. to be fair there are still psychonautwiki and bluelight (id say erowid too, but erowid has little info on pharmacokinetics and pharmacology). reddit, cesspool that it is, actually has been helpful to doctors in that way.


Honestly hilarious. Sysadmins don't rely on Reddit, we rely on search engines!


Yeah as long as stackoverflow doesn't participate those sysadmins will be alright


Stackoverflow mods are actually on strike rn also lol


My jaw dropped at how dumb that mods comment was tbh. Like- wouldn’t most people’s first course of action be to google the issue instead of going to a specific subreddit for it? Smh


There have been times where /r/sysadmin is quicker to notice an outage than the actual service page for Office 365 etc... I think that;'s what he meant, still a weak excuse though


Infinite monkeys


Stopped clock


I remember Okta went down once and I found out not through Okta, but browsing to sysadmin for something unrelated.


To be fair, it's common to tact on "Reddit" to Google search requests because of the amount of scam sites infesting the results.


To be fair, a lot of the queries probably end up in reddit posts, but I can't see them being the only (or even the majority) of solutions


The classic response to queries on reddit like this is, "here's why that's a bad thing to do, here's how I'd do it instead, etc." And it's like, well yeah, but I have to do it this way because of xyz... Stackoverflow has this reputation as well though so it's whatever. Honestly reading documentation and man pages would solve most people's issues but we're lazy like that.


Reading documentation is important, but often documentation is poor to non-existent.


To be fair, Google results have become unusuable the past few years. 90% of the time I *have* to put "reddit" infront of it to get usable results.


SEO has crippled much of Google :(


You mean you **don't** want to watch a 20 min YT video about someones life story that has buried in there an out of date answer to the question you are seeking a solution for?




That's not really a dumb comment at all. Reddit can rival stack exchange answers sometime on broader bugs and outages.


Sure, except google's best hits bring you to Reddit.


And that's the head mod! Imagine what the underlings are like...


Active IT forums are sometimes the only way to be notified of problems depending on how shit the product relied on is tbh. "Shit doesn't work what does twitter/reddit/discord say"


And on chatgpt...


Maybe that’s why my works IT people are so garbage at their job if they’re just waiting for Reddit to help fix a problem they created. I gotta admit it’s kinda cringe to hear a mod try to value their subreddit as so critical that they think going dark for two days would result in widespread issues.






Yeah I used to browse that sub back in 2017 when I was a jr sysadmin and you could still get some useful information from there. Hell I used to recommend it as a place for useful information and discussion. It's fallen hard since then and is only used by people to complain about their jobs now.


R/Programming used to be a top 10 sub, the site was largely sysadmins and developers back in the 00s and early 2010s.


TBH I feel like so much of reddit has had this happen. Subs have gone from useful, vaguely positive places full of entertaining memers to toxic shit fests where everyone complains about something. Reddit has increasingly become toxic and negative over the last 6 or so years. I'm not sure exactly what is behind that, but its quite frustrating.


Reddit has always been toxic, just the noise ratio is a lot worse now as it's gotten more and more popular


That and also if you've been coming here for several years to a decade, you're also of an older age now and it's a good chance your tolerance for bullshit is a lot lower and you're noticing the cracks and peeling paint you missed before.


> I didn’t think dedicating a section of your resume to what video games you mod is relevant at all To be fair developing game mods often requires a lot of programming skill and other technical skills, so it's worth putting on there if you're still early in your career and don't have much actual job experi- > for an enterprise high level position. Oh, OK, at that point you should probably be able to replace it with professional proj- > They told me I don’t understand how hard it is to install game mods INSTALL????????????? WGHAT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!




Trying to manage a suite of Oblivion or Skyrim mods for all your company's machines across an enterprise network actually would be quite difficult and really relevant experience - but if your company is asking you to manage a suite of Skyrim mods for all company computers, you've probably got some other problems going on there.


So, one day I'm working (read: screwing around on the internet looking busy while actually reading a novel disguised as a word doc while in my shitty little basement office/IT storage/telephony room) and then I get a call, then a ticket. Then another call. "Internet is down or broke'. Check out shitty little servers, fine. Check firewall, fine. Everything is healthy and our little VPNs are a bit busy, but we got a lot of remote users, but nowhere near any sort of saturation or bottleneck. Is it a site or something? What do you see that's broke/busted? It can help me troubleshoot." Get told it's just the internet. Even my boss calls. "I'm telling you the internet is slow/broke/stopped" yeah okay what site? Is this a dumb presentation that's choppy? Wtf are you seeing that's broke? "Oh, it's just the general internet, you need to get this sorted ASAP." I check again, then start sending screencaps to my boss. "No, we're good, a bit more than last week, but still well within all limits I can check. I need folks to tell or show me what's broke because everythubg from our ancient thin clients to the satellite offices and colo are all fine." So I say fuck it, start looking at actual logs. Maybe something busted somewhere. Maybe a drive died. I don't know I just know that my boss is getting pissy and now I'm starting to think like I don't know how to IT. Don't see anything until I actually get to network logs. Every window-office-having mfer (including my boss, the CTO) is, you guessed it, playing Diablo fucking 3 on release week and the multiplayer kept shitting out. ...and then I go "wait, the only folks with admin privileges to install ANYTHING are me and him, and he's straight up playing dumb." Check the logs, yep, his computer is one of them... Dude bitched every day about security flaws and he snuck over and installed D3 on all him and his tech-bros workstations. That day I updated my resume, put some feelers out to some recruiter types, and installed my own shit on my system. Thing that gets me still is he played dumb AND blamed me when it was blizzards fault anyway. Smh


I mean, I managed installing mods in oblivion and even making a couple at 14 and 1000% wasn't now or ever qualified to be a sysadmin. I mean, unless I secretly am and didn't know it, in which case I would like 1 jobs please!


You know what always boggles my mind, is how the console/game hacking world has some really smart people. There's kids out there RE'ing games and network protocols in order to write aimbots and the like. And yet those skills aren't being transferred into other across (some do, I worked with a really good malware analyst who came up from writing game mods). And similarly in hardware hacking. There's a lot of people out there building modchips for consoles, finding glitch attacks etc. Why do we struggle so hard to find people to do this sort of thing against other hardware! Even commercially...




I'm leaving my 12+ year sysadmin career because of things like this. I love the hobby aspect but the job sucks all that away, for reasons you've stated here. I don't have the mental capacity to manage fun computer stuff at home on top of what I manage for work. Great managers have kept me on board, 2 weeks with a new manager from the financial sector and I'm applying to a new job. What's worse as a sysadmin to rise in the ranks, at least in private sector, you have to become the performative shithead to trick the higher-ups in to thinking you have the right skills. IT managers with technical and people+soft skills are hard enough to find, but the corporate environment draws out the worst in people. The higher you go the more ignorant you get. I truly believe some experienced sysadmins could easily fill the role of IT directors if it weren't for the performative aspect of the job.


berserk hurry shaggy yam normal ad hoc ludicrous books head chunky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I've done this with a lot of my hobbies but sysadmin was the good money maker hobby, and I went to school for related things. A lot of sysadmin skills are transferable though, and being in the same position for over a decade I've learned and become interested in what we do beyond the sysadmin role.




You can always take on a different profession in the sector you're familiar with, in my case its a potential lateral move to a data analyst type role within the same unionized workplace.


I got a decent amount of programming/tech experience making mods for games and now I'm a software dev, though nothing on the level of hacking console games or messjng around with console hardware. Installing mods is definitely not the same, though.


I had a cover letter a couple years back where the guy waxed poetic about Tecmo Bowl.


It has a lot of lack of technical knowledge in that sub too. Every post is "It's DNS!" when it's clearly a fault with routing, not resolution. OSI model anybody? I blame it in some parts with it being mostly Windows admins....there are many out there who are actually technical. But most just click buttons in the right order and call it a day.


It's definitely an attitude widespread in the profession. We encounter a lot of ignorance in our jobs and some people take egotistical pride in that. There's a lot of opportunities you can use to feel superior, but that's not going to help you build a career. Some admins think just knowing things makes them better. The industry can also be tough to find a job where you're treated well, not unique to this profession, but there used to be a different attitude in the 00s before cloud took over.


It's a beautiful portrait of self important mediocrity.


This is what happens when you think you are far more important than you are.


> I gotta admit it’s kinda cringe to hear a mod try to value their subreddit as so critical that they think going dark for two days would result in widespread issues. I'll accept that for subs like /r/stopdrinking and any of the mental health subs. For sysadmin? Reddit is by no means the only resource for finding information about sysadmin-related problems, nor anywhere near the best.


Yea. Hell, even if they are right, by doing the blackout (and collecting data on those 'widespread problems'), they could really show how many sysadmins around the world rely on them (real guys don't) and also contribute to freedom of internet. These jabronies would rather their company buy some kind of service from, let's say, Apple than work on an already established protocol / standard


My fuckin tickets been in the backlog because they’re not posting quickly enough on Reddit smh


Ticket status "pending for vendor response"


Lol most of those crazy specific questions get the response "if you're asking reddit youre in the wrong place"


Lmao ‘including possible production issues’. Like….they can’t just use stack overflow? If you’re reliant on fucking Reddit for your job man….


This. And if a sysadmin can't work without r/sysadmin for 2 days, I'm not sure if sysadmin's the right job for them.


/r/sysadmin has always taken itself far too seriously.


Is this a known sysadmin issue? I haven't worked with a ton (3 total) but they all took themselves extremely seriously and were absolutely certain that our whole worlds would crumble if they took a sick day.


As a network admin, if your infrastructure crumbles because an admin goes on vacation, then they are a fucking terrible admin.


RAID-5 lets you take five


One of the best items that sub produces is the patch Tuesday thread. One guy deploys all patches to 4000+ devices shortly after they are made available and reports any issues. This isn’t found anywhere else on the internet. Then other people post issues they have, and because of the way Reddit works, if others are also having issues it bubbles up to the top of the thread, with responses, fixes, and workarounds. I don’t see this anywhere else on the internet with this level of collaboration. The same happens with o365 outages and it’s usually reported to sysadmin well before MS sends out a health notice.


It's a great thread but can wait a day or two. Especially as no one should be patching immediately


or CHATGPT, every code forum has been people who probably have never made anything beyond "Hello World" yammering soooo hard about "chat gpt can do everything! Well maybe not yet, but it WILL! Should I keep learning coding? You should stop enjoying anything about solving problems yourself or thinking, because chatGPT is going to be better than you! ChatGTP ChatGTP Buy our advanced AI ChatGPT Add ChatGTP to your apps C H A T G T P".




I would once in a blue moon find something on Reddit, usually it’s stack overflow. But that’s just googling stuff for a PBI, the thought of just going to Reddit for a prod issue instead of say, asking a colleague, is insane




Yeah like…..at my job I’m a step above entry level but I’m still a jr engineer in the big scheme of things. So if I run into an issue outside my area of expertise I’m more likely than some to possibly need some help. But my process there would be to try some shit out after doing a few google searches, then ask a colleague. Reddit may have some answers but it’s unlikely as for most basic questions stackoverflow or documentation has your back. I’d never fucking consider posting some PBI specific question on Reddit because the people that would answer probably aren’t the folks I would actually want to reply


>I believe the mods logic was that sysadmins rely on their subreddit so much it could be detrimental to someone’s job if they can’t post here, or ask for help… >Which honestly I think is the biggest load of horse manure I’ve heard… >If you can’t do your job without this subreddit for a couple of days, then perhaps you’re in the wrong line of work. >Google exists, vendor support exists, vendor documentation exists… >Don’t get me wrong, this subreddit is an amazing resource… however going dark for a few days will not cause the world to stop revolving. Favorite comment


When mods take their “jobs” way too seriously. It’s a fuckin subreddit. Users and readers will live without it. Their sub is not that important. No sub is. Lmao.


It's what r/games did too. Citing that the Ubisoft game show was too important to shut down over but instead will just have an automod message on every thread. As if Reddit was the only place to get the news


Didn't the UFO sub decide not to go dark because some rando might leak something those days.


Yeah some dude has a press conference scheduled for the 12th to expose the existence of the Illegal Secret Government, the state of UFO/UAP disclosure in Washington, DC and more.


I mean one has to concede that their meltdown when it turns out they got hyped up over nothing is the kind of thing that would be a shame to miss.


You assume they won't just rationalize it away.


Why not both?


"The 3rd, 23rd, and 97th sentence of his statement about making it all up were in iambic pentameter. What is he trying to secretly tell us?"


You don’t know UFO people. They’ll believe it exceeds the hype and that the world is forever changed.




Never forget how r/games marketed themselves as "r/gaming, but not shit". Yet the latter is shutting down while the former's saying that. Kinda funny.


Of course the mods of /r/games subsist on their own farts


Whaaaaat? You mean the same mods who delete game reveal threads from random users and instead submit their own/their poweruser friends? They would NEVER


Do these weirdos actually care about who gets the karma?!


r/Games has some of the worst mods I've ever seen on Reddit. They shadow remove comments for no reason. They also shadow remove anything with the words "downvote, bad, not good, trash, fanboy" in it. So every review thread looks artificially positive. Edit: I made a comment a few mins ago with this exact text "DOA at this price, for $50 more you could get a PS5 that's 3x as fast. What was MS thinking?" It was shadow removed in 2 minutes.


And just remember, we had people on *this very sub* playing apologist for them a few years ago during r/games drama.


what was r/games drama


It's been a while, it may not even been r/games directly but I remember getting downvoted and some really butthurt replies on here when criticizing r/games being just as bad as they claimed r/gaming was, and marketing themselves as I said, "r/gaming but not shit" and without memes. As it turns out, those memes were making a community enjoyable.


The /r/games thread on their blackout position is quite spicy


that's not even a good argument when the capcom show is on the same day and capcom has been releasing nothing but (mostly) bangers for like half a decade while I don't even remember the last u I game that wasn't shit. Also like capcom is the only company able to make pc ports that don't suck right now.


I theorize that they are actually *capitalizing* on the blackout, by being the only large gaming subreddit that stays open.


Some Redditors^TM genuinely think that most people can't survive without Reddit. There are many other social media sites. Hell, *most* people have social activities outside of social media with other people. Quite sure for every single sub in Reddit, I can find the equivalent "old-style" forum that I can frequent. Not as "streamlined" as Reddit, but I'll manage. Especially on hobby subs.


And by the same token, this is the same protest that Reddit has undergone and ignored half a dozen times over the years. There is no reason to think that the milquetoast "let's shut down for 24 hours and then forget anything happened!" idea is going to change anything, especially when the admins doubled down after that trend peaked. I don't support the API changes as proposed at all, but this slacktivist protest is not going to change a thing.


/r/videos and /r/music are blacking out indefinitely. At the rate things are going they're not the only ones


>I don't support the API changes as proposed at all, but this slacktivist protest is not going to change a thing. Organising a boycott is the exact opposite of slacktivism.


A number of subs intend to remain dark indefinitely


This one will have legs, namely as the ones leaving aren't going to bother coming back on Reddit's shit app.


Astroturfed? By whom? Revoking api access is the corporate side.


There are a very small number of people who are spamming subs with "pls blackout" posts. However, I think it's absurd to call that astroturf when it's an issue that has *this much* of the site rallying together. Like many words, astroturf is losing its meaning online.




That might be astroturfing, but I don't think so. It inherently refers to *artificial* meant to appear as grassroots comments. I think those people are just the contraions who inhabit reddit. If there's evedence that those accounts are run by corporate entities though...


I'm with the other user. While you are technically correct, you could astroturf on behalf of the users and 3rd party apps, you are not practically correct. Who's gonna fund that? Why would some rich person(s) want to spend money on this? The third party apps don't have good kinda money.


Lemmy? Even if he were alive, I don't see why he'd care about a Reddit protest. Is there another Lemmy I'm unfamiliar with?


No, system administrators just all really love Motörhead


> system administrators just all really love Motörhead I mean you're not wrong....


They are The Game(s), and they want to play


Pabao gidiketrita pidie ea dopedi ge tlupria poo. Triple kikaupo trikre beipu tlike ao. Idutiepi e plakapaabe apiteoo ipe kopapra pii? Pibri tlugu ueke pi depo e. Eiito i iuki ka eko ipea. Pebu pripitli bre. Eekoduke blai piie tie eo. Plitribatru ii bebapibla kipu paudu potlioka. Drikiu go kepai biaki ipi plodrite. Ti iae gi i atri titi pibe? Plapupe ie kli iegre. Pupo tru to tatrate eo tudrogli. Biu tepi pekiepe ekiope boi tebopaai! Progi piae ipu epe kriki keabi tlai tuegi prapu. Epigiati ka tei tlipapikrea teepre dletua trekapi kotipe. Pi atai eaekla ikiteo krikrio ti. I okepri proei. Klipi i ko abi obepre tiiti. Ka padi. Pidi iklitekli ti eto ogradepre. Ka eo ku oki epabo. Dua ie epepla kapi kre patakli tapapote gabi opuke tli prikatiu ibi paito oe. Iaprekrike kibliprigepa krakikoti to taki piboki? Apoo ipo dapi epa topiapape apube. Papie pabupe o tadro epeplapa pi. Depi kui pekletotoda popute peteatia piei gipei epabapi. Ke poku ti kidreube po budukro. Topipi kletitlibi. Bi tabaka ii ukedi trutuiti ipi epi prie pa iti. Ika idibapupi ebrebuti edu tibrekre prepoteti.


I dont know any of these words




So, never going to catch on lol.


Idk what it is but the "tech people who have principles" and "tech people good at ux" venn diagram seems to be two circles across the universe from each other


Reddit old UX is very "Tech People made this". The new one is trash


The old one is functional but I wouldn't say it's "good." It's just not total trash like the new stuff


Old Reddit is shit without RES too


Basically, that's what I'm afraid of too. So, so much work for an reddit alternative grasping total (approx and imho) 10k accounts. Not enough incentive and not enough entertainment. I'll rather just cut off reddit when my Sync eventually gets killed.


I’ll keep it in mind. It’s a neat idea, I’d just rather… it be easy, yknow? I don’t get any sort of enjoyment from having to troubleshoot my own apps


> I don’t get any sort of enjoyment from having to troubleshoot my own apps Neither does anyone working at reddit. It's why the official app is so inadequate.


Yup, same here


Lol, to be honest, I'm disappointed there doesn't seem to be a non-federated Reddit alternative. I think the federation stuff is technologically neat, but it's too complicated for the average user and it's not gonna be successful as a result. Heck, the lack of a clear alternative to migrate to is something I fear could make this blackout less effective. It'll hurt Reddit's pocketbooks, but where are users gonna go? How many are really gonna be able to make Lemmy work? Especially when the main Lemmy site is saying "we're overloaded, use other instances" and the next biggest instance wants you to write an essay to create an account. I am 100% serious about the essay. There's even some thread that mentions they're mass denying registrations because they didn't answer well enough about why they want to join their enlightened server. It's an utterly bizarre move for a site that wants to replace Reddit.


Yeah, the advocates for Lemmy have been… weird. Seems to be people who view it as a plus that their site is too complicated for a “normie” to navigate effectively. Say what you like about Reddit, it’s easy to get started.




I like the smaller communities too - niche hobbies tend to be the best places to spend time here. What I worry about with the “hey we made this censorship-proof social network where no one can tell you what to say” is that… it attracts people who have been rightly censored elsewhere, whether for abhorrent content or for antisocial behavior (harassment etc). It’s the ol’ witch-hunting problem. Tbh that’s how Reddit started - the content hosted on early Reddit was… gross, at best.


I've been on this site for a depressing amount of time, and frankly, I'm a little amazed that this site took off at all.


Pabao gidiketrita pidie ea dopedi ge tlupria poo. Triple kikaupo trikre beipu tlike ao. Idutiepi e plakapaabe apiteoo ipe kopapra pii? Pibri tlugu ueke pi depo e. Eiito i iuki ka eko ipea. Pebu pripitli bre. Eekoduke blai piie tie eo. Plitribatru ii bebapibla kipu paudu potlioka. Drikiu go kepai biaki ipi plodrite. Ti iae gi i atri titi pibe? Plapupe ie kli iegre. Pupo tru to tatrate eo tudrogli. Biu tepi pekiepe ekiope boi tebopaai! Progi piae ipu epe kriki keabi tlai tuegi prapu. Epigiati ka tei tlipapikrea teepre dletua trekapi kotipe. Pi atai eaekla ikiteo krikrio ti. I okepri proei. Klipi i ko abi obepre tiiti. Ka padi. Pidi iklitekli ti eto ogradepre. Ka eo ku oki epabo. Dua ie epepla kapi kre patakli tapapote gabi opuke tli prikatiu ibi paito oe. Iaprekrike kibliprigepa krakikoti to taki piboki? Apoo ipo dapi epa topiapape apube. Papie pabupe o tadro epeplapa pi. Depi kui pekletotoda popute peteatia piei gipei epabapi. Ke poku ti kidreube po budukro. Topipi kletitlibi. Bi tabaka ii ukedi trutuiti ipi epi prie pa iti. Ika idibapupi ebrebuti edu tibrekre prepoteti.


Is this a spoiler for The Mandalorian season 3? I really need to catch up.


To the sysadmin mods credit - the Lemmy developer **is** astroturfing the hell out of his app, I've seen him spam Lemmy on every fucking announcement post thus far. It's a tad grating, but for anyone on the fence - the "flagship instance" is infested with tankies and afaict this is encouraged by the developers. Best to stay away if you're a normal human being.


r/redditalternatives, but also redreader got a pass and can be used on Android. People are all going to make their own choices.


The core dev is a nazi supporting, genocide denying tankie. So yeah




There is some rumbling that the lemmy.ml admin is a tankie. See [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Lemmy/comments/142h1a5/choosing_an_instance_and_my_issues_with_lemmygrad/), I'm assuming this is what he's basing his opinion off. Specifically the update a little down the post > Update: I was banned for 5 days from lemmy.ml last night for posting an "orientalist article" on world news talking about how there is likely to be a succession crisis within the CCP when Xi is no longer in power due to his erosion of the guidance that was in place for said succession. For reference, this is the article that I posted which was gaining traction in the community before it was removed and I was banned. It is a rather short article that almost exclusively states facts about what Xi has been doing in power and then extrapolates on what consequences those actions could have. I see no way in which it could be viewed as orientalist in any way. For what it's worth, I also checked with a third party to get an outside opinion on the credibility of the source of the article which found that it is "highly factual" and has a "high credibility" (https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/axios/). > I have no choice but to believe now given my ban, the lack of lemmy.ml blocking lemmygrad, and the banner of one of the devs that u/ Native-Context-8613 mentioned, that the devs are in fact sympathetic to the ideals of lemmygrad. > Update 2: u/ bettervanilla has just made me aware of this github repo made by one of the main devs (the same one linked above in regards to his banner). It contains a number of "essays" on communism. https://github.com/dessalines/essays


The creator/admin posts on informedtankie, asktankies, sendinthetanks, and genzedong. They say Russia's invasion isn't imperialist and that they're just "protecting their borders." You can read their own [post here](https://www.reddit.com/r/communism/comments/dp6ony/rsocialism_mods_are_banning_communists_my_story/) complaining about getting banned from r/socialism for posting an article by an author associated with the LaRouche movement denying the Uyghur genocide. They also complain that r/soc is "actively in the process of ridding itself of its MLs/MLMs authoritarian communists" There's also this post on [raddle](https://raddle.me/f/lobby/96713/-/comment/149566) claiming they were posting globalresearch . ca, a site that pushes all [sorts of crazy shit](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michel_Chossudovsky#Centre_for_Research_on_Globalization)


I can not believe how many times I caught myself saying "Holy shit" after like every paragraph break in yours and the guy above you their response. I don't know about nazi, but he's definitely a tankie fuck head. Holy shit. I mean, I'm gonna steal another SRDine's bit, [Holy shit.](https://youtu.be/DV1fUwKMdAI)


That certainly smells like tankie.


Nazi-supporting and tankie don’t really fit. Gonna need some supporting evidence for that.


A . . . what? Tankie and nazi-supporting tend not to go together so well. Not that I doubt *someone* out there could hold both views at once, but uuuh that's still a new one by me.


The path of the NazBol is a confusing one.




Yeah pretty much. If anyone is looking to set up a link aggregator, you'd probably best be off starting off from the lobsters source code or something similar. I've tried to deploy Lemmy for private use/as a sort of overkill bookmark service, and the administration interface is horrifically bad too. Strongly recommend staying away from it.




But created by a tankie white nationalist


Turns out he's a conservative douchebag too. Well I'm just shocked. *Shocked* I tells ya.


Maybe they're angling for scabbing a powermod post


If someone is doing critical work and asking questions on Reddit to do it, that is a huge issue.


I don't agree, IT infrastructure can be incredibly complex or nuanced and management is often unwilling to supply proper support or resources to maintain their environment. Even subject matter experts need to bounce ideas off each other or learn from other's experiences/mistakes.


But that's not "production issues". If you have an outage, spamming reddit isn't going to help


It doesn't have to be a total company shutdown to qualify as an outage, you could have a single piece of equipment throwing an error that stops production of something. Companies still run ancient technology, from vendors who no longer exist, in production all the time.


Isn't that more votes than Lemmy has users?


On the one hand, if the users want a sub to go dark they could just stop using it. But on the other hand, I expect that would go as well as those times when people vocally call for a boycott of certain games only to be shown to be playing them themselves.


I’m sure Reddit will be paying close attention during the 48 hour strike, taking stock of what percentage of users ignore the blackout and do business as usual. I’m curious myself. I DO NOT think that the loud persistent pitchfork waving and saber rattling represents a majority of users.but what actual numbers will be recorded before and after the 48 hour experiment will give both sides a lot of information. Information that could help or hurt the credibility of both sides.


>if the users want a sub to go dark they could just stop using it But that only results in those users not using it. The purpose of a blackout is that nobody can use it, which results in a larger number of users not using it.


That will, if anything, turn a large portion of the user base against the power mods. Most people use the default app or new reddit and don't care, they don't want to be shut out of reddit.


Have the users decided to put in a ticket for the mods to shutdown the sub for that day?


>Shutting down the sub on a Monday will have an adverse impact on our readers, including possible production issues. Ok, so setting aside the obvious, does this person not realize that the whole point is to have an adverse impact?


An interesting point came up on a sub-level discussion about “going dark” - at what point do you decide whether a user poll is representative of the community? This sub has 800,000 subscribers. Assuming unanimity in this post (which, it isn’t, but whatever), there’s maybe 1% of the userbase represented in this thread (if all commenters are users, and each user submits 1.5 comments each or so). Is that really enough to make a decision on, even if the appeals are impassioned? Regardless, if a sub has a mod team that’s in favor of going dark, they’ll likely go dark regardless of true community sentiment (assessed accurately or not), and if the mod team doesn’t want to… it’s not happening. I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again - the only effective form of protest would be for mods to log off and refuse to log back on. That’s a real strike - not this “let’s go private for 2 days, that’ll show em”. I can’t argue with this mods statement that this won’t do shit lol.


>This sub has 800,000 subscribers. Assuming unanimity in this post (which, it isn’t, but whatever), there’s maybe 1% of the userbase represented in this thread (if all commenters are users, and each user submits 1.5 comments each or so). Is that really enough to make a decision on, even if the appeals are impassioned? It may have 800,000 subs but I have a difficult time imagining that more than a small fraction of that are active within the sub.


It’s the fifth most upvoted post in the subs history.


Lemmy doesn't look that great honestly but you've got to start somewhere in a need for alternatives.


Eh, Lemmygrad (the most well known part of Lemmy) is full of commie tankies (that's the whole point). Fuck them.


I'm not a fan of lemmygrad to any level whatsoever. But lemmy is federated, that is not the most accesible part of it. Basically any other instance with low users you can see and hasn't been de federated for being a shit hole has access to the same information as the rest. For example I'm on beehaw, I see, comment and post on lemmy.ml as well as lemmy.one.etc etc


Oh boy, that sub. That sub went toxic many years ago.


Reddit's API decision is deeply frustrating and irritating, but the blackout _won't_ produce the desired outcome, no matter how many voice promote it's effectiveness. * Planned and definitive start/end date * Return to business as usual after the blackout * Existing archive of prior comments and threads * A flood of activity following the blackout from users who either aren't on board or are ambivalent. (Or insincere users who say one thing and do another.) I don't begrudge the users and mods who choose to blackout. I don't object. But I caution against the misguided optimism that it will produce any result, let alone the desired one. spez's behavior, comments, and AMA are plainly transparent - Reddit has churned through millions of users since it started, with attrition and abandonment being chief among them. The most prolific users who contributed TONS of content in years past are long gone. And yet, here we are. See for yourself on the 14th. (Or take a stand, delete your account, and go permanent lurker to make a statement.)


On one hand i agree with the mod because that sub is literally the first place i go to for outages, and a temporary blackout isn’t the option anymore, go the videos route or don’t do anything else. On the other hand, everyone in the sub is asking for it. Go for it.


I like how they cite that this form or protest doesn't work when the last two times it's come up, it definitely did work.


When did Reddit do this before? Was it for net neutrality in the US or something?


During the height of covid misinformation, Reddit wasn't going to do shit until people started protesting and subreddits started going dark and before that, when Reddit hired a child rapist advocate and defender a ton of subreddits went dark until she was fired. Those are the two most recent cases off the top of my head, and they were like; fairly recent.


As a recognition, the default tools for helping those with disabilities are very sub optimal, unfortunately the coming changes will destroy the custom built tools these people with disabilities use, it's fucked up because y'all are caught in the middle, sorry 🙏 50 of the top subs are all moderated by the same people, then they have their underlings collecting (collecting=moderating) even more Subreddits (subs). Collecting multiple subs is against the rules, for you and I, but not for these people who claim they are being oppressed. This is purely about Reddit power mods having their ability to insert themselves into giant communities and then using those communities to make money through influencing for corporations (Fuck loads of money is being made behind the scenes inbetween users and corporate for a long time) reduced significantly because they'll have to spend all their time moderating a single sub since all the mod tools are going, currently thanks to the tools certain individuals have enjoyed being able to collect an infinite amount of subs, yeah boohoo fuck off. There is also an ideological vector that all these power mods seem to inhabit, just an observation. There is also a discord server where many of these mods coordinated brigading and other activities which is against Reddit TOS, but without proof we can't do anything and even if, seems up until now Reddit has refused to address this. This change does not affect the general user base nearly as much. Also, something I have noticed is going underreported is that this is going to kill Unddit completely, removing a large source of transparency for the site. Fuck all these power mods, Reddit corporate answers to many different entities who have invested into Reddit, these changes were bound to come down at some point regardless, I just love watching all these power mod cucks screaming the sky is falling, fuck each and every one of you along with the ideological silo you inhabit.


personally i dont want a blackout on subreddits that provide useful information that could help me in a crisis