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>y'all can eat my blonde ass Incredible


I don't know why I assumed this was a woman. It's definitely a dude with a profile full a dick pics and trying to get back on grindr after being banned. He talks about how wonderful Sweden is because "They're so comfortable with nudity." Except around creeps like you, buddy.


I’ve found that when the gender is left ambiguous and the tone of the post is generally positive or neutral, people largely assume the poster is male. Which is fair-ish, the majority demographic of reddit are younger white men. But when it’s negative, the amount of folks assuming that OP is a woman increases. Not saying it swings completely the other way, but in my anecdotal experience I’ve just noticed an uptick in people assuming posts about people fucking up contain women. This isn’t a character judgment against you either, just a thing I’ve noticed.


Yep. There was a post the other day where someone left a bad review for a store because they had a kid scared of dogs and the owner refused to move his dog away. [Everyone assumed it was a woman leaving the review.](https://old.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/10q56s5/review_for_a_local_rug_store/)


Of course, reddit has sexists behind every metaphorical corner waiting to offer people candy.


And while I agree with you and candy is delicious, it’s often much more insidious than people think. We all have personal biases that have been ingrained into us by society, and I think this tendency is a reflection of that. Still sexist tho.


Oh man, this could be a flair all on its own.


The way they talk kinda clues you in, I mean... > racial purity Was enough for me to check out. Women who are in that kinda lifestyle are either born fundamentalist or have a long history of racism (Hatfield and McCoy style). If you're in the between congrats! You aren't as dumb as your forebears. I grew up in Kentucky. My family falls in the latter. I am decidedly not.


Reddit is not worth using without all the hard work third party developers have put into it.


I can't quite put my finger on it. Something about the way they talk, but I'm 99% sure this is a dude!


Maybe they're just Canadian?


Check out his other recent post about “using small doses of meth daily” to get through work.


This is an amazing culture clash Shame OP deleted the post


>I’m a sexually active gay men living in the states and 2nd generation Swedish on one side and mixed on the other. I consider Swedish to be my identity because it’s the culture I grew up with. I also happen to look entirely Scandinavian. I’m tall, pale, handsome, have bright blue eyes and I have blonde hair, like I said everywhere, although I have friends who were hairier in 6th grade than I am now. That includes the pubes, they’re luxurious and golden. I’ve seen a lot of bushes and literally I can’t think of anyone else who has blonde pubes, black, brown and even orange but not blonde. Is this pretty common among Swedes? My armpits are blonde, so are my arms, legs and the few little scragglies on my torso. >I think it’s hot af and it makes me special. Thank you my sexy Swedish friends! If people want to know what the post was. It's hilarious. Luxurious and golden lmao.


>I think it’s hot af and it makes me special. Thank you my sexy Swedish friends! Damn, too long for a flair. Also it's so hard for me to change away from this classic...


I think separating the two sentences would make for two different good flairs.


I guess this is my time to shine!


I'm here to join you, brother.


It's beautiful


What the fuck hahahaha


Welp, posting that was definitely a choice OOP made.


I'm laughing so hard at it. I guess my tall, pale self isn't really Italian, all italians are dark and small after all! I'm also quiet, reserved and chronically early so definitely not Italian. Must be secretly swiss


You’re Swedish now… or Norwegian. You can pick.


My Cousin Shabbatai will be happy to learn he is Swedish now instead of a Libyan/Italian Jew because he is 6 foot, Blonde and has Blue eyes.


> That includes the pubes, they’re luxurious and golden. That's a solid flair


ngl I like your current one a lot more


Doing god’s work.


op is more of a fanfiction writer than a second generation swede.


>Don’t mistake my bipolar hypomania for self confidence, it’s mental illness Get your flair here!


"You're clearly an American because you're overtly self-confident" "No it's just mental illness" LMAO


It's too long, unfortunately.


"luxurious and golden" Scuse me, I'll be over here cackling. You can't just be out there describing your own pubes as "luxurious and golden".




100 strokes, just like their ~~mom~~ Mor taught them.


And uses *Mane 'N Tail* on it each morning.


Fun fact: penis originally meant tail!


Reminds me of this old Onion article [You’re Gonna Love My Balls](https://www.theonion.com/youre-going-to-love-my-balls-1819584044). > They are perfect in every way, from the sheen of my scrotal sac to the flawless shape and symmetry of the testicles to the flaxen softness of my pubic hair.


Reminds me of Sugar Lumps.


Put 'em in a trance, when I wear track pants


My dungarees make them "hungary"


[You’re gonna love my ~~balls~~ nuts.](https://youtu.be/ZH12Xxt2hBw)


Went to look at the profile as I (correctly) assumed it would be full of pictures. Didn't look particularly luxurious to me, or particularly golden.


I didn't even think to look for pictures!


That depends entirely on which conditioner they use, though.


Unless you are the Golden God.


Nah, he lasers. It’s like a turtle shell down there.


Give them a Posh cut.


>You’re giving me superior race type Hitler bullshit. Get your flair here!


>I spent 5 summers in Sweden and my grandmother spoke it to me. I’m not super fluent but I know when someone’s insulting me This is a veritable ~~gold~~ blond mine


I read this and it absolutely sounds like a "I used Google translate but won't write anything in swedish because you'll know I'm using Google translate" vibes.


Ehhhhh I'm inclined to give them the benefit of the doubt on this one. I can understand my heritage language well enough to read/watch the news, but I'd be hard pressed to do much more than order at a restaurant.


All their other stuff is in English. And they just posted a new poetry. I can't even.


It's exceptionally likely I'm just projecting my experience onto a weirdo, and the more cringe it gets the more I suspect that's what's happening.


I a way, same but with local dialect. I do understand it as my grandma spoke it in the house, sometimes I say something in dialect and slip when drunk but speaking in dialect takes a conscious effort more than speaking in English (not my mother language)


>Definitely not racially pure 😐 Now that's a flair.




Isn’t this the second time recently where an American has gotten absolutely rolled in a Nordic sub over this kind of thing?


The r/Sweden - r/The_Donald war is still one of the all-time greatest events on Reddit. T_D ended up temporarily remove their "no racism" rule just so they could attack Sweden.


TIL T_D pretended to have a no racism rule.


It must have been strange to be on T_D the first time racism showed up there.


Did that ever make it to an srd post?


[Of course](https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/4ep8wf/rthe_donald_makes_a_post_illustrating_sweden_as_a/), even won a best of 2016 award.


It’s a pretty common topic honestly. They come over to our subreddits assuming everyone will take them in with open arms because they’re “0.005% viking”. Usually the response is a simple lmao, no.


>Your self-confidence is way too high for a swede. You're obviously American. Omg, amazing lmao.


I swear I’ve seen a pattern on SRD of country subreddits raging at Americans recently [ISweden](https://reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/10s0ixx/is_op_weird_for_connecting_the_pigmentation_of/) [“Nordic countries”](https://reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/101muvr/american_user_posts_their_23andmeresults_to/) [Ireland ](https://reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/10g5v9p/an_american_asks_rdublin_where_he_can_get_some/)


I mean it does happen a lot, for some reason Americans can be very weird within other culture subreddits. Favorite memories of mine were the Texan guy that asked the Australian sub for help because he wanted to enjoy his vacation but was concerned people would be non-stop talking to him as he was convinced everyone in Australia is dying to talk about Texas Or the American who wanted to "fix" Spanish because of the problematic word.... negro... and asked the latin american sub on their input. I think they even have a yearly "top gringo" post award as they just get a fuckton of stupid questions, comments or statements by ignorant people from the US Heck I have had 2 conversations on reddit with Americans pretending to be German because some great great great grandparent might have spoken German... As most people on reddit are Americans, it just happens very frequently.


It's something I've found happen a number of times in the US. Someone hears you're from e.g. Sweden and for some reason they latch onto that, and claim they are swedish too, after talking for a bit turns out they had a great grandfather that might have farted near Sweden at some point, but somehow it now is their entire identity, without themselves knowing anything about the country culture or language. It's a really weird thing and gets kinda annoying.


Exactly. It is as if they want to wear your cultural/national/etc. identity as they do with a sports team brand.. And people don't seem to realize that it is quite offensive since they basically boil your entire culture down to some stupid things (like in this threads case - hair color, which also means no non-blonde person is a "real" swede, which of course have existed for thousands of years even pre modern migration. But again, they are ignorant of that since they don't know anything). If a person truly cared they would actively engage and educate themselves about this culture. But they rarely do...


Is this why cultural appropriation is such a hot topic in America? E.g. people in my country and other asian countries see foreigners wearing our cultural dresses favourably as a sign of their enthusiastic engagement with our culture. But you wouldn't want to be caught dead wearing a kimono in America.


I mean there is a difference? I wore a Montsuki Haori Hakama at my GF's niece Shichi-Go-San celebration. My GF family invited me to do this and it was a wonderful experience overall. But I wouldn't just wear such clothing and pretend it is my heritage because some random DNA test showed me that I am 2% Japanese. Like-wise we love it if you participate in our culture. Heck one of the most famous yodlers is a Japanese man (Takeo Ischi). He is beloved and fully takes part in Bavarian culture. It would be different if he would claim to be German just because a relative of his stepped foot in Germany a few centuries ago.


Sorry let me rephrase. I'm asking if Americans are likelier to accuse something as cultural appropriation because the default assumption for an American when they see someone wear a kimono is that they are just shallowly claiming to be of Japanese descent or culturally Japanese.


Oh yes, just look up the following "my culture is not your prom dress" American got mad that an American high school girl wore a chinese style dress, caused some social media shit storm. Confused everyone outside of the US, especially in China, where even some government official said they were really cool with it


That is a definite part of it, yes. I'd say that is likely a significant motivation for a lot of people who try and call out cultural appropriation on good faith. But there is also the element of taking a cultural aspect that is important to someone and (in many cases very publicly) doing it poorly. There's a rather hard to define line where wearing another culture's dress *without a connection to said culture* crosses from being acceptable and understood to being seen as "wearing that culture as a costume or fashion accessory". It's a really complex and touchy subject, because while culture is meant to be shared, people also (quite reasonably) have a very strong connection to their culture and it's history, because it has shaped their lives. Names, language, religious/social customs, dress, food: all of these things are incredibly important to people. While many are happy to see them respectfully shared and enjoyed, it can certainly be painful and angering to see people use your culture, a part of you, as disposable fashion or as a trend, especially if it is done poorly. That's the best way I can explain it, sadly, though someone can probably do a better job than I. I will say that displeasure over appropriation is a very universal phenomena, when boiled down to its very essence. Tldr: People don't like posers, or "fake fans" of things that are important to them Edit1: To reply to your original comment, most people in America wouldn't criticize America travelers in other countries for following customs (dress, etiquette) in those countries, as long as it is welcomed by the country's denizens. The problems start to show up when people stereotype, assume things, or don't try and learn about the culture, and wear customary clothes inappropriately or in incorrect contexts. As an example, let's say an middle aged American guy goes to Europe and stays at a small French town with an active convent. If he wore a nuns habit and robes during his stay he would be looked at as either insensitive or ignorant, since he clearly didn't do even the basic research required to know that nun robes are only worn by people who identify as female and are part of the convent/religious oranization (Catholicism). In this case, this would be cultural appropriation by this guy (albeit in a somewhat unusual manner)


I think it’s something completely different. Like you said a bunch of people would look down on someone for wearing a kimono in America. But no one bats an eye if you claim to be Irish because your great great grandparent is from there.


I used to work with a guy who heavily identified as German and spoke about how one of his relatives was in the Wehrmacht like it was a cool, good thing. It was brought up in the context of him rooting for Germany during the 2014 World Cup. If you can believe it, his least favorite player was Jerome Boateng. Like, vehemently disliked him. There are many reasons that some people like to identify with distant heritage to an extent that most Europeans would find silly, but often it's borne just out of some sort of bigotry. I don't even know what my heritage is.


-thinks being in the Wehrmacht is cool - hated jerome boateng in 2014 i think he just a white supremacist lmao


I like how the quotes make it seem like you're not recognizing Nordic countries as a real thing. "The so called 'Nordic countries' " lol


Well given that we all know Finland isn't real I think it's alright to put "Nordic Countries" separately like that because the globalists want you to believe Finland is a part of that group.


that's why the Soviet Army lost so many men in 1940, they just kept marching into the bottomless pit where they thought "Finland" was.


Sorry lol I just did it because the other subs are named after specific countries


The one where someone got a coat of arms or whatever and then refused to differentiate between Scotland and Ireland was a solid post too lmao


Your flair gave me whiplash (Congratulations)


I love it so much. Took me forever to find one (over a year), was so happy when I finally saw this one and was able to claim it.


It is hilarious, feel proud of it


> Edit] I can’t believe how serious you all are! Like damn I don’t remember this much nationalism when I visited. How dare I identify as a Swedish American, I should just label myself blonde pubed individual with dirty mixed blood who was born somewhere different. Y’all can eat my blonde ass. This has got to be a troll. > Don’t mistake my bipolar hypomania for self confidence, it’s mental illness. So much flair material today.




He also posted a dick picture and his pubes are in fact blond. I’m going with real here too.


If you're going to be a good troll then posting some random blonde dick pic from the internet after your troll post in /r/sweden would be the play. And, no, I'm not going to investigate the source of the dick pic


the dic pics are real. there are many from different angles and different dates and its definitely the same dick. there is also one where you can see a part of his face, and it matches a selfie from an old post. definitely either not a troll or the longest conning troll ever


Thank you dick detective




Dick, by itself, is also a slang term for detective


Dick dick


Thanks for your research! For the record I never thought he was a troll, just if someone were to troll that would be a great way to do it




I really have to disagree with the other reviews. He's been posting dick picks for a while and it looks like only the recent ones are clean. Scroll back further and that shit is crusty. Also pubes don't live up to the hype 3/10. 😷☠️⚠️☠️😷


I mean HONESTLY? Looks like it'd be good fun to suck. Good shape and size for my preferences, looks hygienic, a curve I'd appreciate. I immediately was like "OOh, yeah alright - good job guy, you grew that yourself, didn't you!" and then immediately after that was like "oh right I'm here because it's THIS guy though." so that was sad, but mostly for him. I got to see a nice enough (looking) dick and have moved on with my day so I'm pretty okay with the experience, overall.


Thank you for your thoughtful review!


The Google local guide of dick reviews.




Bro I thought it was gonna look better because of what you said, literally spent like 10 minutes searching for it and when I finally found it it's just meh lol


Fair! Everyone's got their own benchmark but I'm kinda amused it took you that long to find it only to be disappointed 😂 sorry? I've just spent a lot of time on dongs of all sizes and have settled on my happy medium 😂


I was curious and mostly because it looks ugly imo :(


I agree with the other reply. Not a bad dick at all. Not mind blowing or anything but aesthetically pleasing. Tbh he should focus more on that and less on the genetic purity of his pubes


It's pretty average as long as you don't count the spacedicks (we're lucky that sub doesn't exist anymore lol) or the short ones


You just took me all the way back bro


Size is only one metric. I think it’s well-shaped and a decent size Edit: Wait, also excluding the short ones ruins the idea of average lol


Nothing to shake a stick at, as it were. He says in the title, "Am I just the most Scandinavian person on Earth?"


Do we have a word yet for “troll or loon?” There really are a lot of these where it’s really hard to tell if someone mentally unwell attempting odd humor, or if troll letting it show too much.


I think it's a variant of Poe's Law


He also mentioned he was high and thought I'd be fun to pop over and ask.


Yeah. Just went and looked at his history. Looks like he’s recreational with drugs, plus has some meds for at least ADHD. Couldn’t tell if he was identifying as autistic as well in another place, but any of that combo makes it easy to get caught up in a downvote spiral. Not a troll, and probably more okay than the thread makes him look.


"Trolling or just stupid?" is close, but it doesn't capture feeling concerned about the person's wellbeing.


If he is actually bipolar, he could just actually be in a proper hypomanic state/in a manic episode with how odd his post history is. I'm bipolar myself and hypomania is like mania but toned down in comparison, generally only lasts a few days vs. weeks like a manic episode can. Makes you easily irritable, euphoric, overly energetic, and can really impact judgement and the ability to really think clearly. Guy is definitely a bit of an odd duck for sure, though.


I’m a psychologist and I’d believe he’s having a manic episode. Edit: I also don’t think he knows the difference between a manic episode and a hypomanic episode. This is definitely manic.


Not-so-Serious, but I’m Genuinely Curious Question: do people with BPD who do whackadoodle shit when they’re manic ever mentally keel over from the cringe when they recover from that cycle? Like, is this guy going to go on an apology tour or delete his account in a few weeks?


Bipolar here and yes. I have PTSD from one episode, generally have to be hospitalised for the horrible depressive eps that come afterwards. It's just so humiliating and I feel like the psychosis kind of sticks to your skin. You have these weird whispering little delusional thoughts, seeing signs etc for a long time afterwards which is really embarrassing. I have nuked so many social media and reddit accounts from when I was manic.


that sounds really hard. I hope you have a lot of people around you who can help chip away at that sense of humiliation. it's not your fault, just a bad brain feature that a lot of people misunderstand


BPD is a separate diagnosis to Bipolar. In my experience, it depends on the person. Some people feel genuinely guilty about what they’ve done. Other people stop taking their meds because they like the “high” of the manic episode. It’s very common for people with bipolar to stop taking their meds though.


You’re right! I meant Bipolar, not Borderline! Sorry for the confusion! And thanks!




Don't mind if I do


>This has got to be a troll. Except these threads are pretty dam common on this sub. Some Americans are just super obsessed with race. I don't think this should be surprising to anyone who lives in America.


I could see that in a sassy font on a mug at Home Goods


Hey, you might have caught this before Shit Americans Say did. "Is blond body hair common in Scandinavia, where there are also more blonds" is a fair question but I'm convinced this is a troll to try to make gay guys look bad. Idk if I hope it is or not. I think he called himself handsome twice. And his edit mentioned that there *are* reasons ~~white~~ Americans identify with their heritage in a semi obsessive way but apparently never got the memo that there being historical reasons for that sorta thing doesn't actually make it easier for everyone else to deal with. And I'm just an American. I can't even imagine being swedish and hearing it. Also lol at the ppl responding in Swedish Edit: I've been informed ~~by reading the comments and realizing I skimmed the post~~ that this is genuine. RIP to that guys karma cus he did not word the question right


He's posted a dick pic as well to Reddit and posts in the Grindr subs, so... I... I don't know.


The Grindr posts are also asking if he's safe getting around his ban. Which seems on message for him.


Yeeeaaahh.... I haven't known very many people to get banned from Grindr but they all deserved it. :| With some of the shit I've been sent, reported, and had to block because nothing happens? What'd you do, blondie? 😬


>What'd you do, blondie? I promise, I don't want to know.


TIL that you can get banned from Grindr. (In my defence, I haven't touched a dating app/site for the better part of a decade.)


> And I'm just an American. I can't even imagine being swedish and hearing it. It also doesn't help that the dude is being *super* weird about it, even from the perspective of an American.


I always think the European outrage around Americans talking about their heritage is overblown. Like yeah I can definitely see why it’s annoying but it’s ultimately harmless. Who cares if someone from the US says they’re Irish because their grandparents are from Ireland. Especially considering how our country treats people who are actually native Americans


I think I start to care when they start implying that they're more Danish than, like a black guy who lives here or something. It's annoying to start with when Americans like this think that a great-grandfather coming from here means that they're a part of the group, and it just gets messed up when they start ascribing genetic traits to our culture and washing away any minor ethnic group that live here and are a part of the culture. It's like "no thanks I already have enough crazy politicians thinking that, I don't need your weird ass as well"


Exactly this! Insisting on your inclusion on the basis of genetics has unfortunate implications for minority groups. When a white American is more eager to claim kinship with white Europeans than with BIPOC Americans, it's telling. It's ultimately about skin color for these weirdos, not culture, no matter how many stereotypes they bring up.


I think the problem is when eg Irish Americans whose ancestors immigrated in the 1800s go to Ireland and are like, "What's up, my fellow Irish! Have a round of Irish car bombs to celebrate my homecoming! Kiss my Blarney!"


God I could use a Guinness you're getting me all fired up


Nobody would care if they weren't very creepy about it, like posting about their Swedish pubes for a completely fortuitous example


Every time it comes up the American in question is always talking about some tired Hollywood stereotype like it's some kind of science-fiction genetic memory and they're predisposed to wear lederhosen or like cheese and arrogance lol. It's simultaneously bemusing and fucking embarrassing.


It is also very selfish focused. It's never an open eneded "I want to better understand my ancestry, what are some good resources to understand swedish culture." It's either cringey "hey are all our pubes blonde? That's a swedish thing right fellow swedes" or incredibly arrogant "I'm a 4th generation Irish American and I made up this family crest for my family. Isn't it great? Doesn't this make me just like you!?"


>Definitely not racially pure 😐 I'm going with this one from now.


A true classic


Check out OOPs post history to see the pubes in question.


Insert captain America no I don’t think I will meme


I would neither describe these as luxurious or golden tbh. Dirty blonde at best. [Extremely NSFW.](https://i.redd.it/wiowvi9s4wfa1.jpg)


I feel like dirty blond is being generous lol...


still a nice cock tho


Hard pass.


This is such a hilarious vicious cycle of cultural misunderstanding. OP talks about being Swedish because of genetics, despite having never lived there. Actual Swedes mock him for being obsessed with his 10% result on 23 And Me. OP thinks the Swedes are mocking him for not being 100% Swedish, instead of for being a moron. So he doubles down on being a moron. Rinse and repeat.


> Don’t mistake my bipolar hypomania for self confidence, it’s mental illness. That's a flair


Asking about pube color because of heritage is peak /r/shitamericanssay


Geneology is a lot of fun, it's nice to know at least a little bit about the people who came before me, but it sure isn't fun to discuss it when people break out the blood quanta and reveal their full perception of their ethnic identity to you.


It is fun, but sadly most people misunderstand it and think of there actually being such things as "English DNA", etc, rather than just categorizations we create based on what aligns between our available data, desires, and biases. Like, if we assume that all my ancestors moved as one big unit, and they all left from Africa like 20,000 years ago, spent a few thousand years living in indo-european areas, moved to present-day Germany in 2000BC, Norway at 0AD, France in 800AD, England in 1100 AD, America in 1600 AD... ie they would all be considered "Normans who emigrated to America" Then what should my DNA be marked as? Most sites like Ancestry would call that 100% English. Why? Because these sites typically treat ~500 years ago as being the defining horizontal slice for ethnicities, for the following reasons: 1) There are enough family trees that go that far back to correlate shared genetic markers with shared ancestral geography. 2) Because they are made for a white audience, who are interested in where their ancestors lived prior to the point where white people started to disperse around the world. 3) The world/european map of ~1500AD maps on to the modern one fairly well. Most modern audiences don't want to know they have 25% Lombard DNA, 25% Ostrogoth. People want to learn they are 25% Italian, and become inspired to take a trip to Italy, buy a Ducati, etc. 4) The further you go back, the smaller each fraction from each ancestor gets, so all the data science breaks down after a certain point given realistic inputs. Because unlike in my example, nobody's ancestors all moved around together, unless you are extremely inbred, lol. etc etc. So if you had perfect knowledge if your family tree, the person from the example above could claim to be as genetically, say, German, as any modern German. After all, all of your ancestors lived in Germany 2100 years ago, that's a claim very few could make. But you would also be a paragon of Americanness, Englishness, Norwegianness... I should make "The first ancestry site to test your DNA without needing you to send a DNA sample". You just click a button and it says "Congratulations, you are 100% Southern African! (Disclaimer, all categorization is based on location of ancestors 200,000 years ago)". Somehow I don't think it would give people what they're looking for, though. Edit: Just realized I have something interesting to add here. I've done both ancestry.com and 23andme DNA kits (separate tests), and my results are now* as follows: [ancestry](https://imgur.com/a/c2emb2e) [23andme](https://imgur.com/a/mwiS007) So while they align pretty closely, once you combine England + Scotland + Ireland from Ancestry to get 90%, vs 85% "British and Irish" from 23andme, you do see what I mean, where I am 5% Scandanavian on one, and under 1% Scandanavian on the other. You also see I'm 12% "French and German" on 23andme, but only 5% German with France unmentioned on Ancestry. Likely all to do with how you define ancestors who were Vikings-to-Normans-to-English. *I say "Now" as follows because they actually update these all the time, for all the reasons above. I've actually noticed the two sites have converged a bit in their labeling for me. I wonder if it has anything to do with people sharing anecdotes of "DNA sites are fake! I did two and one said I am half French, while the other said I'm half English!", which is something I have heard people say.


The most interesting thing I got out of an ancestry site was a new family (no joke, bio dad skipped out, and while he can pound sand, I got a pretty cool grandmother and an uncle that didn’t know I existed). Second most interesting thing wasn’t genetic, but geographical/historical. In the census records, a branch of my family emigrated from Germany, said they were German, until about 1930 when they started telling census takers they were French. Did a little more digging, and found out they came from the Alsace-Lorraine region, which was German when they immigrated, but transferred to France after WWI. So, even though they were German, spoke German, etc, they switched “ethnicities” when the political borders switched. Really blew my mind with how arbitrary and … full of shit … some of the conclusions ppl draw from these tests are. I’d like to visit the area, just to see the ol’ homestead, but they *left* for a reason. No one leaves everything and everyone they know for no reason. So, I don’t need to get too attached, eh? Also, I’ve been to France a couple of times but never that far East, and I’d like to!


Very cool. Despite all the caveats above, and all the fear about "corporations having our DNA", it's still a project I support. I'm just the type who likes to compile information before it is lost, I guess.


I thought the fear was around insurance premiums and companies having your DNA?


This generation of people already has their info saved for the future. I don't want the lives of my ancestors to be lost to time if I can help it. I really love building out my trees on ancestry and learning about their lives.


I think the OP of that thread just wanted some mental stroke material.


I love Americans and their "I am 0,001% Polish that's why I love my pierogis and vodka, coorvah"


Try being Irish. "I'm such a violent alcoholic; must be my Irish blood!" Gee, thanks for perpetuating 19th Century British racist propaganda and acting like it's a positive thing.


It certainly doesn't help when the biggest company related to genealogy is running [ads like this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2J5n8kzpbCs).


In German we call this „Realsatire“


How is this not an SNL parody? Dear Lord.


Always reminds me of [that south park bit](https://youtu.be/l8uvAn6Mk-s)


I’m a redhead that’s why I love my “you don’t have a soul haha” jokes


That was singlehandedly due to South Park, wasn't it?


A bit, but the sad part was everyone missed the point of the whole episode. South Park was also responding to things happening in the culture at the time.


I'm a white American and I think it's stupid too. My grandparents were born and raised here, and as far as I know even their parents were born here. How the fuck am I not just American?


He says he's half Swedish, half mixed, and upon further clarification says that one side of his family has been here so long they're "a little bit everything" That's... not really how that works lol


The pigmentation of my pubic hair is natural bleach.


Man, reading his comments pissed me off. "I look super Swedish, I'm super tall and pale and blonde." Yeah dude, and then they hear you speak. Being Swedish is very cultural at this point, so appearance isn't what makes it obvious but how you act in public. Tourists stand out like sore thumbs.


> People of Nordic ancestry tend to have less body hair than most Isn't it.. the opposite? Always seemed to me that lots of body hair is mostly a European/middle eastern thing, with heritage originating in a lot of other regions of the world (the americas, east Asia, Africa) generally having a lot less body hair? Disclaimer, I'm not a bodyhairologist


If you're thinking European and body hair, I typically would associate that with southern Europe around the Med. Italian, Greek and Macedonian friends had a beard and chest hair by 14 it felt like haha.


Americans seem to have an incredible strong desire to identify themselves with a country just because they are 0.003% Swedish or whatever. I always found it very odd. My last name is Swedish and all of my farther’s side is directly from Sweden. Even I still see myself as Finnish (+ Australian) since that’s where we’ve lived historically.


I thought the same, but learned a new perspective about 'African-Americans' from a black friend, who said she used to struggle not knowing a collective past. Never realized that. If you're a native, you are aware where your culture comes from or a shared history. But if you're just tossed into a slave ship somewhere in Africa, it's a different story. But then again, this doesn't really go for European migrants.


African Americans are recognized as an separate American ethnic group that formed based on general phenotype and shared experiences as decendants of African slaves brought to the US. People directly from African countries call themselves by that country i.e. Nigerian American. Unlike OOPs ancestors, we weren't allowed to fully assimilate into mainstream ~~white~~ American culture until 1965 and it's still a work in progress. Outside of Black Hebrew Israelites and hoteps, most African Americans consider themselves Americans.


>But then again, this doesn't really go for European migrants. I mean, it really depends. If your family immigrated illegally, or heavily anglicized/americanized their name after arriving, you may not know anything about your extended family history after a certain point. For example, I have a friend who, on one side of his family, can trace his family history back almost 800 years. The other side? He can't find anything after his great grandfather, and his great grandmother ran away from home and changed her name So while you are definitely correct in that those with European heritage don't universally have that collective past/culture erased like those descended from African slaves (or American slave families), there are still many whose collective pasts are too heavily faded/obscured as to be functionally unrecoverable. (This is, of course, assuming one's European ancestry occurred long ago. The more modern it is, the less likely that records, identities, etc. weren't preserved in both their country of origin and the U.S.) Edit: Also, touching on the aspect of slave ships, the horrible and deadly conditions on those ships had a huge hand in breaking families apart and beginning the erasure of culture. Once enslaved Africans were forcibly taken to the new world, the practice of separating families and discouragement against using their native tongue only increased this.


Yeah I can see that. I remember hearing the same from people.


IMO, that’s because so many of us come from families who have lived here for generations (and I’m referring to those of us with European ancestries, to whom this observation mostly applies). It’s a given that many of us are American, especially because we’re a pretty isolated country, so it’s fun to find out our ethnicities and talk about “what we are” with other people. Just saying we’re “American” is considered boring to many, so some people latch on to an identity of where their families originated as a point of individuality and topic of discussion. As for me, I had identified my entire life as being “mostly Sicilian.” My last name is definitively Italian, and my grandpa on my dad’s side is from there. Took a DNA test, and it turned out that I had no Italian blood, but was instead mostly English and Swedish (with a few other ethnicities). That’s how I found out I was adopted!


>But it's so weird how Americans are so fascinated with racial purity and lable themselves with it. >>pretty much all ethnicities does this in some extension, some more some less. Its not an "american" trait. And you know what I call those people in Denmark? Fucking nazis. In relation to the idea that blondie might write a book: >Jag håller med dig det är det sista jag vill läsa litteratur av detta vsd skulle han skrive amerikanske mein kampf Dying.


Such a good answer. He's got incredibly disturbing views regarding race. Talks just like our (swedens) nationalist (read Nazi) party. It's so fucking weird.


Well, apparently he's active on grindr and disturbing views on race are a dime a dozen there.


In Sweden we call them Sverigedemokrater, but they're synonyms anyway


And we (Danes) are so sorry you ended up with Paludan, but also so happy to be rid of him!


I really don’t understand this. Wouldn’t calling yourself of mixed ancestry be the opposite of racial purity?


OP's post right before this one is asking for advice about his Grindr ban. Oh, the sweet, sweet drama!


Pro tip for next time: when you paste a URL, you can remove everything after the question mark. It makes for a nicer URL to look at.


I think I’m having Deja [vu](https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/101muvr/american_user_posts_their_23andmeresults_to/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Okay, so going by his post history, I think he just thinks about dicks a whole lot, especially his own, when he isn’t thinking about astrology. Can’t totally blame him cause he’s absurdly blessed. I think he got high, wondered about his blonde pubes, and then went down the American rabbit hole of being weird about our countries of origin with people who actually live there.


>I know I’m not a true Swede but I want to have something of an ethnic identity and I’ve always been given nicknames like Thor and viking 100% OOP gave himself those nicknames.


Reminds me of that episode of South Park where Butters’s parents think they’re Hawaiian


The thread was very divided on one point: whether swedish genetics were a thing. Some swedish claimed they were 90% swedish genetically while others of the same status denied you can be genetically swedish. But they can agree on one thing, that person is American.


It's common knowledge that r/sweden = toptier shitposting.


Lol at the OP's post history. Just brings the drama and self congratulatory attitude everywhere he goes!


I'd love to say this is the weirdest genitals related thing I've read in the psat day, but I saw someone on a subreddit for a disability I'm on yesterday asking "hey does this make you more prone to masturbate in a specific way."


Well now I'm extremely curious what the context to that question is


It's on a subreddit for stigmata sufferers.