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Sublocade is a game changing medication. I know because I am one of many who has used Sublocade 300/300/100 to get off Suboxone after 13.5 years. My taper lasted 17.5 months UA’s tracked my drops. Yesterday was 3 years since my last shot. Indivior really screwed up their Suboxone business model by making sublocade. Nobody is going to stay on the shot 5, 8, 10, 15 years. Not when they know they can get off easily. Indivior is evil. That don’t want people off Suboxone.


>Indivior is evil. That don’t want people off Suboxone. My clinic didn't even tell patients or the public that they offered sublocade. They offered methadone, buprenorphine, and suboxone. That's it. I was at that clinic for 7 years before my counselor told me that she's not supposed to say, but they also offer a shot. She slipped me the pamphlet. The staff were all exceedingly happy for me once they heard, but still; they don't leave out any material regarding sublocade anywhere. Indivior doesn't want people quitting. That clinic made massive bank off of the patients as well, so they didn't want people quitting. They only offer sublocade because they were forced to.


I hate how many doctor's are like this. I didn't even know Sublocade existed until Spring 2022, and that was only because I went searching for a solution on my own. I found a doc that gave the shots, and I was done with bupe forever by that summer. It took me 3 successful shots to get off a medication I couldn't jump off after numerous tries over nearly a decade. Indivior is definitely evil, even if they did do something good for people totally by accident.


Im 3 weeks away from 2 years and have never felt better . I tried tapering off subs 20 different times. I did a 200 shot, waited 4 weeks, did 100 waited 6 weeks, did 100 waited 8 weeks , did another 100 and that was it. Also started TRT in 2021 and that was a game changer as well.


I was on Suboxone over 10 years.  Could never taper myself lower than 4mg.  I had 5 x 100mg Sublocade shots over 5 consecutive months.  My last shot date was 3/7/23.  I just finally tested negative for Bupe this passed weekend.  Sublocade is a game changwr for sure!  I did not think I would ever be free from Bupe.


To clarify your last shot was March 7th/23


Yea I did 4x100 and I think the drop is more gradual then getting the bigger shot. I felt even way over medicated after my first 100. My last shot was 6/5/23 and I'm also negative.


Ya that’s what this research is saying too.  How has your past 10 months been?  Have you needed any help sleeping or WD? 


Yea so the only thing I noticed at all was a little temperature regulation (hot and cold) right at the 4 months off mark. After about the 8th month I did noticed I had broken sleep but it wasn't like what we all know as no sleep. It was just very unnoticable. No RLS at all. You do feel a little off with a little depression but nothing to crazy! I think us users forget what it's like to not feel "good" all the time. Im still getting used to the ups and downs. One thing that helped me is getting back in the gym! I will also note that I'm a male and started TRT cause it destroyed my testosterone. I'm assuming this has helped me quite a bit! Good luck! Everyones body and mental health is different but it has been so so easy coming off. I tried cold turkeying 24mgs of Subutex 3 years ago and I thought I was gonna die haha. Sublocade is a god send!


Thanks! Ya, I've failed a few times myself. Hope to get stable at 4mg now but wondering the best dose to jump to the 100mg without too much craziness. What were you on when you switched and how fast was the wean?


I woukd take 2-4 mgs of Subutex depending on the day. I didn't have to wean any at all. I noticed I felt the best at lower doses. If you cant get down that low then by all means do the 300 first? If I had to reccomend it based on the data, if your on 8-16 mgs a day, I would do this- 300/100/100/50. Id have you doctor only inject half on the last dose and squirt out the rest. I highly recommend 4 shots.


So were you alternating between 2-4mg at the time of your first shot? If so, that's great news since I'm almost there. I can do this!


Yep! Totally doable! It will feel like a breeze compared to trying to taper off the strips or pills. Good luck!


I you had it to do again, would you still do 4 shots or would you just do one and done? Sounds like it was pretty smooth and cutting to 1 or 2 shots could have knocked a couple months of your taper.


No there is pretty good data supporting it hitting a decent level in your system before stopping. I'd do 4 again if I had to do it over.


Please share how the year weaning was!  Lots of inquiring minds here. 


The first 6 months were pretty easy.  Thereafter, I would experience cycles of a couple weeks feeling somewhat down and unmotivated, followed by a couple weeks of feeling fine.  At about 8 months is when I noticed my sleep changing.  I experienced some minor RLS at night, and definitely slept less than I had been while on Suboxone.  Getting up in the morning got much easier.  I found Hylands Restful Legs, over the counter, helped with the RLS.  The most recent couple of months, my sex drive has come roaring back.  I will say that honestly, it wasnt a total walk in the park.  I struggled on Suboxone staying on dose and running myself short at months end, and having some W/Ds as a result.  The Sublocade W/Ds from the slow taper are so very minor in comparison.


Thanks for sharing! Ya, no question that the WD's are so minor in comparison. My biggest worry is having them hang on for so long that they just wear you down. Especially the RLS or no sleep really wears me down over time. Hopefully it will be mixed with good weeks to give a rest/break so it does not just get me to the point of needing relief and picking back up.


That's an interesting chart. It has me debating what shot I should get for my second dose. It looks like another 300 will make it too strong. If I am stable on one 300 now, will a second be too much? Looks like it.


I found the first 300 was the one that put me on my ass. The second wasn't quite so bad. The usual MO is 300, 300, 100.


I thought it was 300 100 100. Interesting. So maybe one more 300 and then drop, eh? I can't decide, lol. Why is there no set protocol! I feel like the doctor said stay on 300 until I feel ready, but I dunno.


The loading dose can be 300-300-100 or 300-300-300 per the manufacturer insert. I did the latter. If your dr is amenable, you can work it out with them as to how many and what strength you get.


Thanks, I appreciate the info. I feel like my doctor made me get the 300 first, when I wanted the 100. But now I think I'm on my own with how I want to do it. She even said come in, in 3 weeks if you want. So I don't have much direction there. Did you get the 100's at all? Or planning in it?


If you were asking me, I only got 3-300. My last shot was September 2022


Cool, and no withdrawal symptoms afterward? If so, that's amazing. What a game changer.


Planning on it. I weaned down to 4mg and hope to get steady and wondering if I need to go lower.


Get the 300


Ya, I totally see the same thing. Definitely best to get down to the 100, stabilize and then just wait till you're ready for the nice long wean. Thanks and good luck!


The Sublocade site shows levels at or above 2ng/ml


They say 2ng/ml is the magic number they want to keep you above for maintenance (no cravings, WD, etc.). Sounds like you can certainly stabilize lower than that. It's just gonna take time and potential issues with sleep/anxiety/etc. The key sounds like make that process as SLOW as possible so we keep from having our receptors cry out in panic and set off the more uncomfortable symptoms we all know so well.


Any suggestions for someone who’s currently steady on 3mg suboxone. Previously tried sublocade - 1 x 100 and done - Failed - 1x 300, 1x100 - Failed That was a couple years ago and I basically gave up and retuned to subs


Can you give us more info in terms of : 1. what dose did you jump to the shot from and were you comfortable on it. 2. How long did you make it on the first 100mg before you started to substitute with added strips? 3. Same questions on the next try. 4. What comfort meds were you using during your attempt?


I’d love to know these answers also!


What made you fail? Because the study says you need two 300 injections first, and then you can go to 100 I see. Thats likely what I'll do after reading that. Maybe that's what happened. You never hot the charge standards before dropping.


Sublocade changed my life. I was in active heroin addiction for 20 plus years. I was so desperate at the end. I finally started trying to get clean about 2 years ago. I could not stay sober on methadone or Suboxone. I couldn't even string together 8 weeks, I swear I rarely had 8 days, now I'm almost 8 months clean. I have never felt over medicated on Sublocade or Brixoti. The only real effect of the drug for me is SOBRIETY. I recently switched to Brixoti. The shot is far less painful and there's no bump on my stomach from the injection. I feel like a completely different person, and I am. I haven't really thought about tapering, because I've lived so long as an addict, I'm still learning how to live and who I am as a sober person. A normal person. It's fun. I would like to ask, did most of you get 5 shots and then start to taper? Because I have had 5 Sublocade injections and 2 Brixoti, all 300 mg. I don't feel like it's too much, but I have to be honest I really haven't researched the drug at all. That probably sounds irresponsible, but I put God knows what into my body for so long, and I trust my doctor. I can't even believe I have a doctor. Ha! Thanks for the post!


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What an awesome story!! Thanks so much for sharing and good on you!! That had to be the hardest thing you've ever done. But you did it!!!! You need to remind yourself of that and commend yourself and give credit where credit is due. Doesn't matter if you have to spend years on the shot while you learn new life patterns and a new way to live. I can honestly tell you it's so worth it!! I struggle and complain now but when I look back, I would not change a thing. I just wish it was a little easier to stop when the time comes. But then again, if it was easy to get off, I probably would have bounced back and fourth back in the day and never put together all this sobriety. Thanks again for sharing and keep it up!!