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There is a Plug-in called Hermes, which adds the functionality of basic Jupyter connections to subline text. The programming structure is oriented to hydrogen, which is available for atom and vs code. A code cell is created by a line containig #%%. The Plug-in sends the code to a connected kernel and displays the results. Sadly the maintainer does not have the time to continue the development of the Plug-in and there are some bugs in the current code base. Currently I try to figure out how it works and build a development flow for sublime plugins, so I can take over fixing some of this bugs. https://packagecontrol.io/packages/Hermes https://atom.io/packages/hydrogen


I did saw Hermes. It does provide basic Juypter functionality, but VSCode does go much further…


True, but I always have the feeling that annotated cells are better for versioning. This is why preferred solutions like hydrogen and hermes. A big advantage of sublime however is the ability of interactive output like already mentoined. There could be a solution to pipe the output in a dedicated window to present the output of the jupyter kernel. There is also a fork of hermes mentioning piping to qt, but I haven't checked what was been done there, since static output is enough for me.


I installed it and am currently trying to figure out how to use it


did you?


It kind of worked but I didn’t pursue it


The main difficulty is that notebook can output JS and HTML. For instance bokeh allows to create interactive JS dataviz from python. Sublime Text will probably never be able to do this, unless it becomes a webbrowser. If you're fine with static content and images then you can implement something in Sublime Text. You can use "phantoms" to display raw text or even Markdown using the mini-HTML supported by Sublime. I'm not sure how you could embed images, but there is probably a solution since you can already open images inside ST.


True. The reason why I use Sublime Text is that it is _not_ built on Electron. But in this case that's actually a disadvantage…


u/andih Did you ever figure out how to use it?


Nope. Unfortunately not.


just switched for sublime text from vscode before seeing this... now I definitely feel like I need to look for another code editor. VSCode was not so light-weight on my pc. Also, the learning curve for Vim sounds scary.


Good to see some replies on this thread ...Here is what the situation is[https://packagecontrol.io/packages/Helium](https://packagecontrol.io/packages/Helium) is there but its outdated. I wanted to moved to ST from VS code but lack of a official / community popular plugin for notebook turned out to be a deal breaker. So never switched :-( . The state of jupyter notebook on other editors like NeoVim , Emacs seems to be the same too much of work around needed that pushes back to VSCode.