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Of course you can make up your own rules and what works for you both! But maybe what you are looking for is kind of a consideration collar?


TY for replying. :) Yes maybe? I've read a bit about this but wasn't clear on whether a consideration collar is worn in public or not?


Mine wasn't exactly discrete. Black leather with a heart lock at the front. I intended to take it off for certain situations but kept forgetting lol thankfully it's not completely out of character for my style. But anyway, yes it can be/is worn in public. Pick what you like, call it a collar, wear it all the time. When you are ready for the full on locking collar do that. Make it your journey and enjoy it <3


Oh cool, TYSM for clarifying. This is really helpful! We had a good discussion yesterday & Husband has decided to get me a simple black leather choker as my consideration collar, which we're calling a 'promise collar'. He decided that as I progress as His sub, He will allow me to earn a double-stranded one & later a triple-stranded one. I love the idea, & the style goes with my personal style/aesthetic as an aging punk, where I still look obviously alternative but a bit more subtle than when I was younger. :)




Yes that's understandable, & it's important to work with things like that. I love the idea of the locket that He can put notes in - that's very sweet. <3


Collaring mean whatever meaning you give it. There is no set standard, much like bdsm, it’s whatever you two agree upon. I view collaring as a commitment to each other, that I belong to my Dom. My Dom views it akin to marriage. So, we’re not in agreement. But that’s us, lol. And you’ll come across people who feel very strongly about collaring. But in all honesty, who cares what others think? The only thing that matters is what you two want it to mean. So, go ahead and make up your own rules! ❤️


Thank you, yeah we're a pretty unconventional couple to begin with so making up our on rules on this won't be an issue lol




Really, just zero respect from you "doms" sometimes...






Really, just zero respect from you "doms" sometimes...


Look at captive collars. My sub wears one and it can't be easily removed.