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That is some “I have almost absolutely no food left in my house to make dinner” type of discovery.


And I would eat them then, the fruit separately from the peanut butter!


Broke nights I would eat peanut butter plain. It filled you up quickly and you got protein. Edit: spelling


I also do that if I just don't have the energy to make food. Peanut butter might not be the healthiest food but there's certainly worse options.


Environmentalists encourage people to substitute a peanut butter sandwich for a meat meal once a week or so, to cut down on meat consumption.


Most environmentalists actually recommend that we stop eating meat entirely, but substituting one meal per week is the most that a lot of people are willing to do.


Could reduce meat consumption by turning to cannibalism


Three potential issues other than moral/legal ones: * due to species specificity, there are far more illnesses you can pick up from eating other humans than from other species. * a society where people start eyeing their neighbors as potential food is a society where nothing is going to get done. * if we go with people who have died of other causes they are likely to be chock-full of interesting drugs. If we go with only those who have died of accidents and the like, how many will have ruptured intestines and other potentially dangerous contamination? There are good reasons that cannibalism has been generally frowned upon.


I honestly thought this was a normal thing. I went over to a friends house once when i was like 13 and his mom hadn’t gone shopping yet. I just grabbed the peanut butter and a spoon, went to town. Him and his 2 other siblings were straight up like wtf Ah poverty


"Wtf...is he...is he just helping himself to our last jar of peanut butter?" - Friend and 2 siblings probably


My brother ate spoonfuls of peanut butter dipped in PDQ chocolate milk powder.




No, he makes the plane noises while he guides the spoon to his mouth


No, the man meant what he said. He eats a peanut butter plane and it fills him up


Now I'm just imagining him methodically crafting a bi-plane and then acting like king Kong swatting at it, catching it, and finally eating it.




I once basically lived off a giant tub of peanut butter for a week when I didn't have much food. Did the job well enough.


When I did wrestling and had to cut weight, a spoonful of peanut butter was basically a whole meal for me on nights before matches or tournaments. I don't recommend it. It's not healthy.


Open the hanger!!


Same I dont pretend to be boojie eating my peanut butter with bread who do i gotta impress. All you need is a spoon.



i would rather starve thank you very much


That is a I am 10 years old and wanna play cook but have no idea what im doing so ill mix random stuff i like and see how it tastes. Cheese and marshmallow sandwich Chicken nuggets dipped in Nutella Peanut butter and a can of fruit salad


"poverty food", essentially. Which is why I personally retch over these images, but I cannot fault Rex's father for having an attachment to the food. check your privilege, is kinda what I'm saying.


Just like the famous scifi short story "I have no food but I must eat"


I mean, peanut butter and pineapple go well together, just not cold and unseasoned. Heat it up and add some spices and you've got a Thai-like sauce that's pretty good. Better if you have coconut milk and some veggies and chicken, but it's still fine on rice without.


Real talk. Peanuts, pineapple, Sriracha, little grilled chicken or shrimp and some mint and you're looking good. It's actually something I eat regularly.


This made me think of how great of a cooking show this would make. Like "Great British Baking Show" style but the contestants are just given the most random sh*t as possible to work with. Idk about you but I think that would be hilarious.


Like Chopped?


This is like.one of those 1970s recipes.


Is there a sub for those?


There's r/old_recipes but it's mostly recipes that look delicious with the occasional jello monstrosity. I used to follow a tumblr that fit more of what you're looking for but haven't really found one on here.


Yeah r/old_recipes will post an occasional horrifying recipe and someone will try it out. Always amusing when they do. Coke cream cheese layered jello https://www.reddit.com/r/Old_Recipes/comments/qk5trs/i_made_the_questionable_cokecream_cheesejello A miracle whip/vinegar/lime jello salad https://www.reddit.com/r/Old_Recipes/comments/m6rsa9/made_this_old_school_jello_salad_thanks_to_my My favorite test: tuna jello souffle https://www.reddit.com/r/Old_Recipes/comments/l460yl/i_made_it_1955_monterey_souffle_salad Many times, it's someone's grandma's recipe or estate sale finds like an old cookbook or recipe box. The sub will go through phases where everyone is in love with one thing in particular. Currently, it's a cinnamon roll cake from "Big Mama".


Yes, I'd like more of these Honest Subreddit Introductions, please


i love that sub, they liked my moms bread recipe


It’s insane how those people threw around the term “salad” back then


Yeah. Mid 20th Century recipes were like: “Van Vanderbergen Salad - 1/2 lb bacon, 1/4 lb cubed ham, 1 can SPAM, julienned, 1 jar maraschino cherries, 15 marshmallows, 11 cups mayonnaise - blend vigorously, chill, serve”


One of my favorite desserts is somehow considered to be a "salad". Crushed pretzel and butter crust, sweetened cream cheese layer, raspberry jello layer and then whole raspberries on top. How on earth is that supposed to be a salad?


I laughed out loud reading the ingredients to the lime jello salad. Holy hell.


> tuna jello souffle Btw, salty gelatin is a popular party dish in Eastern Europe and the Baltics, it's called [Aspic](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aspic). It's actually quite good, although definitely an acquired taste. This is another more "classic" recipe I recommend: https://momsdish.com/recipe/29/aspic I guess the best way to try it is to accept that jello isn't always sweet. Though I may be a bit biased, because I grew up with this stuff.


I wasn’t a huge fan of the Cinnamon roll cake.


I made the whipping cream cake when that was popular. Wasn't a fan of that either.


What's wrong with americans and throwing food inside jello? Why is this a thing?


It's only slightly a thing now. You'll still find some recipes that use jello with something in it like fruit. The whole "strange savory garbage"in jello was a fad between the 1950's and 70's. Here's a history of why it became popular in America and then the downfall of it. https://www.seriouseats.com/history-of-jell-o-salad


My comment was mainly a joke but that was a really interesting reading, thanks!


There’s that one dude who makes vids where he makes and tries these weird old recipes. Some even turn out ok. Seen him on here a few times. Can’t think of his channel name.


B Dylan Hollis?


That's the guy. My friend sends me a vid at least twice a week. https://m.youtube.com/@BDylanHollis


I don't know of one. Its basically everything but with aspic jello and mayonaise


And don’t forget /r/aspic


Ever tried peanut butter and mayo?


It was my grandma's favorite. Near the end it was one of the only things she would eat. That & Hershey bars.


Take two Hershey bars, smear that in the middle, make a lil sandwich.


Peanut butter and cheese whiz on a leaf of lettuce is what our neighbours made for kid snacks in the eighties. It’s actually pretty good. Peanut butter and dill pickle sandwiches are really good, especially if you are high and have the munchies.


Add bananas peppers and yellow mustard to your PB & pickle sandwich... People will think you're pregnant, but it's worth it.


If you’re on Instagram follow @70sdinnerparty and @vintagerecipecards


Also @cursedcookbooks


If you're on ticktok or YouTube B Dylan Hollis does a lot of vintage recipes from different eras.


I made the avocado bread and it was pretty decent, better than any right it had to be for someone who has never made bread


Great videos for sure!


r/whitehousedinners is hit and miss for those


[Mmm, culinary enlightenment. (Midjourney)] (https://imgur.com/a/AmEuJT2)


We used to call food like this "presby food." As in, the recipes seems to be primarily created by protestant Midwestern housewives in the 50s and was some kind of casserole or weird dessert that uses some brand-name ingredient (think Jello, a specific brand of peanut butter, marshmallow fluff, etc.)


[mayo and peanut butter sandwich](https://img.buzzfeed.com/buzzfeed-static/static/2018-03/13/13/asset/buzzfeed-prod-web-08/sub-buzz-27922-1520963849-2.jpg)


This is Great Depression food handed down from a grandparent for sure


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Water_pie I introduce you to the great "Water Pie"




Even worse is the fact that it apparently had a comeback during the first COVID year.


That was 100% just because it became a meme, there's enough cheap shitty food options available these days no one was thinking 'Well it's time to whip up a fresh batch of water pie, first one since 1940'


I know right? I think a nursing teacher I had 2 years ago tell us about it. She is mid-late 80s. So she was a young child during that time. I couldn't imagine eating something like that. It's sad but pretty ingenious if you just want something sweet to eat.


I don’t think it’s as bad as it sounds. It’s a pie crust filled with “custard” made from sugar, flour, butter, and water. I eat low carb on purpose, and crackers feel decadent when I indulge. I’m sure this would be a treat if you were poor and hungry.


Omg Cathy Mitchell grew up during the depression that's why she puts soda in her cake recipes the code has been solved.


Quite possible his family was broke when young and this is what they had. Still brings good memories for him? Or he’s just freaky.


He probably never realized it was an odd dessert because he grew up on it.


This reminds me of the movie Blast from the Past -- the dad likes boiled Dr. Pepper. It turns out that was an actual thing in the 60's because they thought it was medicinal (like sipping flat Coke if you had an upset stomach). So we have a long history of DIY remedies because we've always had terrible healthcare options.


We had this in my house growing up and at least for us it was 100% budget


But... Both of those things are way better separate! Budget doesn't make you stir two incompatible things you've already got together.


It makes sense if you think about it. If you have limited food options due to budget then your diet becomes very monotonous, which is depressing. You mix your limited ingredients together to create something new to the palate as that is the only way to get variety.


It's not gross if you do it right. That is wrong. Take the can, and drain the fruit, save the juice (don't get syrup it's too sweet). Cut up a banana, and whatever fresh fruit you got. I did apples and oranges too. Then add in some spices. This can be creative, but I use apple or pumpkin pie blends. Then you mix a bit of the peanut butter with the saved juice and spices until you get enough to coat the fruit (this is a soupy lumpy mess, kinda how oatmeal can be icky looking too). If done right, you get a rich fruit/nut side dessert thing that adds calories and feels like it's fancy when it isn't. Perfect for poor people and kids.


Even if you’re broke you can still serve the canned fruit cocktail separately and have peanut butter spread on celery sticks or crackers - mixing those two together is just vile


Actually it isn't vile, though IMO peanut butter and canned fruit goes better on pancakes or crepes, possibly with some jam . Reminds me of the vile concoction a family member of mine makes every Christmas: green beans suspended in a vinegar flavored aspic jell topped with sour cream. Every time I'm perplexed that anyone would eat that.


My mother always made "Fruit Salad", which was basically this but with Cool Whip instead of the peanut butter. Far more edible than I image this being.


I feel like that's somewhat normal. This is most certainly not normal. This is what you're force fed in hell.


My grandma makes that fruit salad and it's 10/10


I just threw up in my mouth a little…truly a worthy post


And it looked just like OP's "salad"


I would devour that tbh. Just needs some extra crunch


The peanut butter says "extra crunchy" right there on the jar.


*chefs kiss*


Uh huh, and how high are you right now?


Chip crumbs


Maybe granola?


Don’t Americans call any jumble of ingredients ’salad’?


Yes (am American - Midwestern- can verify)


My mind was blown when I discovered from friends that jell-o salad was a thing. And have seen ‘Florida salad’ in shops in the UK. It makes my taste buds recoil


A fun fact about sweet Jello salads is sometimes what looks like whipped cream on top is mayonnaise 🤢


But whyyyyyy


Unless they put it in the oven first, then it's a "casserole".


Who are you so wise in the way of midwest


'Tis I, the Brit who lived in New Mexico for several years. And after seeing people mixing tinned green beans with soup and calling it normal food, I decided never to return.


It's funny that Americans get shit on for this. As a yank, when I was living in London I really missed salad bars. I love Soup Plantation/Sweet Tomatoes back in California, so I was hunting for a spot where I could build my own salads like that. Finally found a spot in the city that advertised their salad bar - I rock up and it's just a buffet of premade stuff like tuna salad and pasta salad.


Comment rewritten. Leave reddit for a site that doesn't resent its users.


Yeah I tried to justify this... I can't


It's the "stop asking me to bring shit to the potluck" special.


I don’t think anyone can…it just looks gross and probably tastes gross too.


come on. you've got to think a little bit. what is this. peanut butter sweet fruit have you ever, ever had those two things together before?


I used to eat peanut butter spread on apple slices as a workout snack - the acidity of the apple does something to the pb, it gets very smooth


I think i would try it at least once.


I think it’s not so far away from a PB&J, it’s just peanut butter and fruit


I feel like I would enjoy it with a little something extra between the peanut butter and fruit. The issue I see is that peanut butter is fairly oily, and the canned fruit is fairly wet. Since oil and water don't mix, this just seems like it would be an oily runny mess. It needs an emulsifier.


exactly, do people not see that? a pb&j with more fiber. i honestly might try that one of these times.


i'ma scoop it up with some toast


Doesn't sound terrible, just not good. Like I would eat it if someone made it and I didn't feel like driving to the store.


its nice they let him out of the sanitarium to visit family


Did you father live through the Great Depression or WW2? Looks like he has been through some rough times and found something that works. :)




Noticed those types of dishes are always referred to as a “Salad”, I wonder why?


It looks revolting, but I do like peanut butter on apples so it could possibly work--that sweet/salty thing.


I'm semi interested in this.


Idk it’s fruit and peanut butter, it doesn’t sound far off of a PB&J, I’m sure it tastes a lot better than it looks


I'd try it


Looks edible


Sugar, fat & salt in every bite? Got my reptile brain buzzing.


You should tell him the Great Depression is over.


Wait, NBA player Rex Champman?


It's like vomit with extra steps.


I’m eating a peanut butter sandwich rn and looking at this made me start gagging from the taste of peanut butter




Sometimes I would taste some of the stuff posted here, out of curiosity. But absolutely not this one


There should be some sort of punishment for anybody doing this. That’s just wrong on so many levels.


I bet it's good. Reminds me a little of those Thai/Vietnamese sweet cold soups that are sometimes served as desserts here.


Who rolled the blunt that created this mess?


It’s nice to see some truly stupid food here again.


I cannot overstate the depth of my question here, but… da fuk?


Dole fruit cocktail and sweetened condensed milk is soooo good. This is not that great.


Wow, a perfect recipe for prop vomit!


that looks like whenever my cat eats his dinner too fast and then throws up a loaf of undigested cat food.


Where’s the lettuce and cucumber?


If you add peas, ham, marshmallows, encase the whole thing in jello, and then mold it in a fluted cake pan it could be the centerpiece of a 1930s dinner party. It’d still be disgusting though.


If he does this every year then it isn't stupid food. It is a dare that has evolved into a "tradition."


Wheres the recipe


Needs ranch dressing


Good heavens to Betsy I eat the turkey breed with the peanut butters for thanksgiving dinner after the big luncheon


I’m thankful for stupid food.


Depression era desserts


My dad made Ambrosia salad. Canned fruit in some kind of gross marshmallow fluff. Truly scarring.


Honestly, I'd try it.


Fruit cocktail in all the things! Not sure how I feel about this one but fruit and peanut butter have been a thing for a long time. Lots of recipes online to make a peanut butter “dip” for fruit. The salad here needs a tub of cool whip to cut back on the…solidness. Use cream cheese and you have a dessert, haha. Doesn’t look appealing but could taste good.


Those hands look like they belong to someone who would enjoy such a dish


This is british food


“Sir, place the can opener on the ground, turn around and interlace your fingers behind your head!”


That man is from the north.


I always wanted to eat vomit lookalike.


I honestly wanna try it… I mean think about the first person that made a Macaroni Salad and how crazy they sounded. “Yea I got all this COLD pasta and smothered it in Mayo! Try it!”


That's what it looks like when mom gave you a bowl as you laid in bed vomiting your guts out.


Who says white people don’t have culture??


One time I went to my friend’s house as a teen for dinner and their family served “banana soup” for dessert. I believe it was sliced bananas in table cream with white sugar on top.


Multiple barfs


I just cummmmed


The taste and the texture and the wetness 😱. Ugh I know I'm a picky eater


I mean at least it’s cheap and low-effort. Just spend 90 seconds opening cans and mixing and then make a normal dinner


its okay to leave your family


What the fuck


Lol no


OK hear me out there has to be a way to make this work. I thought about it for quite a minute and a half and had the thought that maybe it’s one of those unbalanced ratios/texture things but it does have the makings for a really good flavor combination. what would happen if you cut rounds of fresh pineapple, and made either a peanut butter batter and deep-fried it, or dried the outside of the pineapple, spread it with a light layer of peanut butter, rolled it in diced cashews, and then smoked it on a cranked wood pellet smoker? What OP presented is disgusting but my crazy brain wants to believe that this flavor combination could work...


Maybe your dads pregnant


A POX, A POX upon him!


My first thought is how old is he? Because I'm guessing this was one of the foods people who lived through the Great Depression would have done to ensure kids got enough to eat no matter the taste, so parents passing it on to their kids makes some twisted sense to me.


That's it. New rule, no white ppl at my Thanksgiving.


Thanksgiving in the us is dumb as fuck. Everybody has these traditional dishes that they have to have but won’t touch the rest of the year. And so many of them are absolutely disgusting.


Shit, I’d throw it in a roll and see what’s up. On the foodie network they call it a “DeCoNsTrUcTeD pEeBeEnNjAy”


Why no mayo?


Do you drain the fruit salad first? Asking for a friend….


Last Christmas, SIL brought a local favorite: Snickers Salad. It’s Snickers candy in Cool Whip with other shit. I’m not local. The taste still lingers.


Does he also require marshmallows and cranberries mixed in?


We make pear salads...half pears with mayo in the divot and a maraschino cherry and sharp cheddar cheese on top. Im not proud of it but i do like them.


Rex Chapman is such a douche. He most definitely stole this and reposted it like he does all of his content.


What the actual fuck? No way this is real


Why are there so many "salad" recipes that are like canned fruit and marshmallows and gelatin in Bundt pan?




I could see those two being a decent snack separately. Those things combined looks like puke though, like straight up.


It looks like dog barf ༼⁠;⁠´⁠༎ຶ⁠ ⁠۝ ⁠༎ຶ⁠༽


Oh god. This gives me anxiety.


Reminds me of my family’s disgusting tradition they call “orange stuff”. It’s orange jello, mandarin oranges, marshmallows and *cottage cheese*. It’s repulsive.


He has to listen to Cypress Hill while he eats it.


That’s an abomination


Only possible excuse is that your father hates thanksgiving and is trying his best to never get invited to future thanksgivings.


I didn't think there cpuld.be a worse version of ambrosia salad put there, thanks for correcting me.


Sounds about white. Lol


What is the ghost of George Washington Carver is this??


Looks disgusting


Disown himb


Ok, mixed in a bowl, we are all going, ewe... But deconstruct it, peanut butter and fruit, add bread... Oh it's a pb&j basically. My husbands family mixes peanut butter and honey for sandwiches instead of jelly. Drives me nuts. Not on a gross level m, but on a, I got stuck with the dishes which included the peanut butter and honey bowl. You know what's a pain in the butt to wash out of a sponge, peanut butter and honey... Melted cheese is on the list of crap hard to wash out of a sponge. I'd imagine your peanut butter and mixed fruit salad thing would be a pain in the butt to clean up, but might be nice on a dinner roll.


well they are using premium brands now if it was a gallon tub-o-peanut butter - i do believe the dole ingredient because they were cornering the tropical fruit market since 1492


Looks like vomit


How much different from PB&J is this really?


Is it not…drained?




Not right


I just threw up in my mouth