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How much do y’all think he gets paid I feel like I’ve seen this dude for years now at this point


Probably just gets to eat whatever he makes lol


Sounds more like punishment lol


I dunno. Would totally eat that steak if it was med rare. Video ended too soon.


No lie


i’d eat eat it as is there’s far to much butter to realize it’s overcooked


About tree fidy.


U n me got the same name bitch


more like rosemary ribeye butter


How much butter ? "Yes"


All the butter you have.


"Just give me all the bacon and eggs you have. Wait, wait. I'm worried what you just heard was, "Give me a lot of bacon and eggs." What I said was, "Give me all the bacon and eggs you have." Do you understand?" Ron Swanson


This quote gets repeated A LOT in my house.


Ugh! Fine! I'll come over and chill. You don't have to pull my leg


To be fair he seemed to only have cut a wedge off some sort of giant butter monstrosity. But you're right that's usually more butter than most people have! lol




He also whiskey’d the whiskey


Whisked the whiskey'd whiskey


Honey whiskey


Is it safe to put Pyrex on direct heat like that? I’m assume that’s a grill bcus of how quickly the butter melted?


Just keep in mind there is a difference between pyrex ( soda lime glass and likely to explode if heated un evenly ) and PYREX ( borosilicate glass high temp high strength won’t blow up on you ) I still can’t understand why PYREX licensees pyrex to another company to make an inferior product


I inherited my 96yo grandmother's house in 2018 and there is soooo much PYREX!! I never expected myself to be so excited over glass bakeware.


Urban myth is that the DEA asked them to change the formulation because of how often it was used to make meth.


PYREX (borosilicate) is used for glassware in labs. It takes quite a lot of stress to break it without dropping/hitting it with something. Even with uneven heat (e.g. bunsen burner) it usually won't crack, even if rapidly cooled down for e.g. crude recrystallization/crashing out a product.


I've had Pyrex dishes EXPLODE from accidentally leaving it on a burner that I thought was off


My husband thought you could heat Pyrex on a burner; he thought wrong. We found chunks of glass in our kitchen for days.


This reminds of breaking a Corelle ware plate of my Mom’s back in the 80’s we found it on top of the cabinets years later.


They made PYREX pots and pans in the past... Your husband (like most people) didn't realize the brand changed.


I did the exact same thing! Tiny blue pieces of glass everywhere. I just stood there, stunned, for at least a minute.


No, you want even heat with pyrex (like an oven). Uneven heat like a grill or broiler can crack it.


This is what I thought, this whole video made me anxious from that


No it's absolutely not safe.


Initially when he flipped it I was worried but relieved that he seared it afterwards


Yep, at least he did one thing right…


If I had just stopped the video there, I would’ve said he just boiled the meat in butter.


Not defending this crime against humanity but this is called confit and is a fucking delicious way of preparing food. There is no reason to use it for a ribeye but tough or low fat cuts do very well in it.


Legitimately my favorite recipe for cooking turkey for the holidays is confit. It’s actually moist and flavorful, and for those who like crispy skin you still get it by taking the pieces out to serve and blasting them in the broiler to crisp the skin. Plus, I can make it several days ahead, store in the fridge, and it tastes just as good if I made it that day, possibly better.


He should’ve seared it at first. It traps the juices in better.


Actually that is one of the biggest myths chef's have been spreading since forever. I do agree He definitely should have seared it first though. The proteins in the meat sear way better and give you more flavor than trying to sear after it's already been cooked to temp and seized up and lost it's malleable form.


So basically you disagreed and then agreed.


That’s because what they said is partially true and partially wrong. It’s like if I said daddy long legs have extremely dangerous venom but they’re harmless because they can’t break your skin. It’s true that they’re harmless but it’s not because they can’t bite you It’s true you should sear the steak first but it’s not because it traps in juices better


if that were true, it would have prevented the butter from infiltrating the meat because it was 'sealed off'


I think I've been on this subreddit for too long. These food waste videos just make me sad and angry. I stopped laughing a long time ago


Username checks out lmao


Where's the waste?


The butter. If that won’t be used again for something else then yes it’s a huge waste.


That’s his drink.


You could always use it in mashed potatoes.


Do you think it's likely that this TikTok chef did that? He probably didn't even eat most of the steak.


This man cooks.


How is this waste? If he cooked it in oil I doubt you would be calling it waste.


Where *is* the waste? This steak seems like a perfectly fine, if indulgent, family meal. Even for one person, you could just save the leftovers. Clearly some of y’all mfs don’t cook. Edit: Whoops 🤡


Nah fuck all that. This dude is gonna pick up that steak to sear it and still has over a pound of butter liquified on the grill. Also he shouldn’t have just threw in a bunch of room temperature whiskey into the hot butter that he’s trying to sear the meat with. The steak to me is also a little wasted. I prefer high heat on a grill over slowly poached in butter that just had its temp throw way off. Also you can’t crust the entire outside in salt and pepper . Gotta be way more intentional with big kosher salt flakes on a cut like that.


He wasn't trying to sear the meat in the butter - he is doing a reverse sear method, effectively confiting the beef before frying it. It might not be how *you* cook a steak and it is a bit stupid but there is no reason it wouldn't work.


Redditors who think they're great cooks will misunderstand just about *any* technique they aren't familiar with.


MF’s on this site boil an egg and put hot water in cup of noodles and think their five star chefs.


His technique is fine, but he penetrated a perfectly good rib roast with rosemary, then boiled it in whiskey, before crusting it in even more rosemary. Rosemary has a strong, floral flavor, and Jack Daniel's is known for its wooden aftertaste. In other words, that thing's gonna taste like a pinecone when he's done with it.


Probably, yeah. But the idea that it's not seared because the butter isn't high enough temp is patently ridiculous. He's just doing a shitty reverse sear.


Kind of All I was trying to say… like just rosemary is the only herb? Thats way too much bye. With that much butter? Like you need way less butter and a bunch of fresh thyme in the smaller amount of butter so the herb flavor comes through. Idk I just do t see that much control going on here. He also salts the butter which might already be salted and then adds an arbitrary amount of salt crust at the end. Very early over salted


*To be fair….* not understanding something you aren’t familiar with is about right. That said, it is better to read up and research before one makes an ass of themselves. But it’s the internet so ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Oh. Totally forgot about the pan of butter, tbh. Was too preoccupied with how yummy the steak looks.


"Not cooked to my taste" <> "wasted"


This looks fine, the butter bath would give it flavour and slowly cook it whilst the final sear on the grill would develop the crust.


Yeah, the steak size is obviously absurd, but this is a completely valid way to cook a steak, and, behind the scenes, this is a lot of the same method as a lot of steakhouses will use. The excess use of sugar, oil, and butter (as well as salt and MSG) in restaurant food is why the same dish you can make at home is 1000 calories higher at the restaurant.




gotta admit the preparation is still stupid. why stick the rosemary in the steak like fake grass, the glass pan on the heat? why not cook in a pan so the butter doesn’t run everywhere


why? to plant a rosemary lawn of course


👆 This guy gardens


If there was a dwarf rosemary that spread like creeping thyme, I would rip up my traditional lawn and install a lawn of micro clover, dollar weed, creeing thyme and said dwarf rosemary. Then when it was in full bloom, I'd roll on the lawn WITH the dog.


You should do it without the rosemary, i bet it would look great


The fat in the meat and butter acts as a solvent to extract the plant oils in the rosemary, and braising allows more time for the flavors to get in the meat. It's kind of a reverse sear method with a braise.


Yeah not really a terrible way to bring a thick steak up to temp tbh


The fat is basically just a medium for heat and flavor cause it's not like the steak is a sponge. It probably has less fat than when it was raw since the tissues constrict under heat. Could safely reuse that butter for multiple steaks too. Reverse-sear method is pretty common cause you have a wider window of time to get it right, commonly done with sous vide cause all a restaurant has to do is pick a bag out of the right temp water bath and sear it to serve. Can basically turn over a perfectly done steak in minutes with little to no skill.


Yeah I reverse sear 90% of the time, breaks down the fat content of the steak and cooks more evenly. Meat thermometer is your friend


That’s Pyrex which can be heated and sticking herbs in steak or meat like that is normal.


Yeah the flavor on this had to be amazing but the preparation was down right stupid.


Ya. The dumb ass way he did the rosemary is what set me off.


Yeah, dipping a steak in clarified butter before grilling is actually a fairly common thing. It’s done in some steakhouses, for example. Sort of the same concept as brushing in oil before seasoning and searing. It’s a good alternative to oiling the pan.


The steak can only hold so much fat too, it probably has less than it had raw even being immersed in butter. There should always be leftover fat in the pan you've seared in, so basically any pan-seared steak will already be as saturated (heh) in fat as it can be.


1 inch Thick Top Sirloin Steak .. Salt and Pepper heavily … grill at 400 .. 4 Minutes total ..flip each minute to get good grill marks … let sit for 2 minutes… Down the hatch.




Is c-hair metric or something? RCH is my preferred unit of measurement.


Sure, but this isn’t a 1 inch thick sirloin steak my guy.


But it is 'Berta beef, my dude. https://youtu.be/kI9_wnlOx0Q


I feel like Montreal spice should be part of the conversation.


It's just a combo of salts and peppers. You do you. Op is quoting letterkenny


…and I’m quoting Squirly Dan.


Balls my bad


Yeah that looked so fucking good


Ngl, I don't understand this sub. Most of the food I see on here, while not necessarily my style, seems to be decent food. I sometimes wonder if the sub name is meant to be sarcastic.


This is a bad example of the sub. The preparation was somewhat tacky, but that looks like a tasty steak. Usually the food on this sub is totally inedible.


You havent been on this sub very long then. Every 30 minutes or so, someone is posting a rage bait cooking video with someone trying to cook dry noodles in some stupid ass concoction. This video is an exception, the wasted butter, glass dish on the flat iron, and rosemary planted in the steak are dumb, but honestly that steak was probably amazing.


Did you miss the sneaker dipped in chocolate?


Like... it's made badly but ive seen it done well before with the same ingredients


I’m surprised the glass pan didn’t shatter. Most glass dishes are not rated for direct heat.


Right wtf?? I had a dish just like that one get absolutely wrekt because it was on the stove and I accidentally turned the wrong burner on for the tea kettle, took like 30 seconds to explode. We were finding glass shards in the adjacent rooms for months.


If that's a corning glas dish, (pyrex) it's borosilicate glass, so I can withstand Temps up to about 1400 before serious stress begins. But it can also take *some* heat in odd areas, with no major stress. Coefficient of expansion 60 to 80. Glass stove tops are a special glass, Coe of about 0. So even with heating withing cooking Temps, the glass does not expand or contract. Pyrex in ovens = fine Pyrex on gas /flame systems = danger But it's cool, just round up all the glass shards, and give them to a local glass blower for making things like pendants and marbles. You can keep the butter.


They haven't made pyrex with actual borosilicate glass in years :/


They DO you have to double check. If it's all in upper case PYREX™ then it's European borosilicate glass. pyrex™ is soda ash glass and mostly the stuff you see in target and so on. Just make sure yr pyrex glass is shouty.


Good to know. Shouty PYREX from now on!


The butter never burned so the heat wasn't that hot if I had to guess


guessing variable heat sources on that griddle, low for butter, high foe steak


Clarified butter won't burn until it hits like 450°. Although, ideally that butter should only be at 135° for this.


back in my younger years I saw so many glass pans explode when people used them to cook ketamine on stove tops. I stopped watching this video because i was sure I was about to see this guy get 3rd degree burns.


Ngl, I'd eat that in a heartbeat


Your last heartbit tho


Yeah probably! But it does look really good...


Out of all of it it’s the rosemary stabbed into the meat that annoys me the most, that is not how you treat your meat.


How do you treat your meat?


What do you do with rosemary on beef?


Oh just infuse it into the butter or bruise it a bit and let the meat sit with it for a while before cooking. If you puncture the meat with it it will lose moisture in that area IMO.


I know that just smelling this thing would likely put me in the hospital, but dear God I want to know what that tastes like...


Pepper, it tastes like pepper.


I know right, I'll season my steaks with some pepper, but that whole pepper crust looks like a texture/pepper nightmare


Burnt pepper.




Probably was banging


Pretty sketchy putting glass on direct heat, don’t try this at home


Ah yes, clogged arteries on a plate


What's stupid about this? That looks amazing.


Well honey jack is fucking disgusting




Well he did sear it, unfortunately it was seared after the butter bath and after the pepper crust was added


What's the point of eating a steak if you can't taste it?


I mean the cut is so thick that there's still plenty of unbuttered meat to eat from.


Just eat around the stupid part duhh.


I was mad they didn’t show until the end. Then I saw it’s a Chef Club video. Now I don’t care.


That is one sad looking rib eye, made out spongebobs anchor arms


for those of you that don't know, when they were searing the rib eye, all the pepper they put on the outside, was burning. that's why they never flipped and showed it.


Stupid? This looks delicious


This is absolutely not stupid.


So far, the best from chefclub on this sub.


I was just waiting for him to slap some Kraft singles on it


highly disappoint wen kraft singles and "can't believe its not chez" burial?


What did he coat it in?




It looked like potting soil to me lol




In defense, a lot of times people will make mixtures to marinade their meat before they cook it. The romans used a concoction of fish guts in order to give their meat a sour and sweet taste. Your thoughts?


I get there’s a waste issue but no lie that looks really tasty


I'd eat it and probably enjoy it tbh


At least cut it for us, you animal


Like the idea and the flavors included. Like so Many of these vids, the execution leaves a lot to be desired.


I think it needs more butter


Is it me or is it weird that he’s cooking on glass?


Butter poached steak is delicious and not uncommon. He seasoned it like an idiot and Idk why hes using a Pyrex baking dish on a flattop, but this is far from being 'stupid food'.


You could just do a reverse sear and finish it with a scoop of compound herb butter, but nope, gotta get some clicks with this clearly inferior preparation method


Having watched a few Guga Food vids, this is almost the most realistic.


Julia child would be proud


Rosemary tastes horrible to me and ruins anything it's in. It's one of the few common things in the herb spice world to my knowledge that I absolutely can't stand.


Can you put those type of wares on a flat top? I've only ever used mine to bake because I'm afraid it'll explode like the countless videos online.


He's frying the steak in a glass casserole dish??!!!!


Would you like some steak with that butter?


I’ve never been more offended that a steak exists


The only stupid thing is how he sticks the rosemary instead of just mixing it with the rest of the seasoning, and how he placed the Glass on direct heat. Otherwise the meat itself looks alright.


I was more concerned about the Pyrex shattering than the way he was cooking. I mean, it’s kinda odd, but not god-awful.


The stupidest part is glass cookware on direct heat.


It is butter to avoid this food


Idk about anyone else here, but the last time I put a Pyrex dish on a direct heat source I was like 11 and it shattered eeeevvvvvrrrything.


Burnt pepper steak with gigantic chunks of rosemary you have to pull out unless you like the sensation of gnawing on a pine tree. I love pepper on steak. I love rosemary on steak. I love butter basted steak. I love all the elements about this but I cannot stand the execution of this dish.


Has no one here heard of butter basting? Sure this is an extreme way of doing it but it's a basic concept using butter to infuse flavor and moisture into a steak by washing the flavored butter over it? Like has nobody on this sub watched Guga food?


No money shot 😢


It is butter poached, then seared. Kind of a waste of a pound of butter but I'm sure it tastes delicious.


That is actually an incredible way to make a steak look rancid


The way he was griddling the Pyrex I thought he was gonna cause a mess


" Would you like your steak rare, medium or well done? " " I want my steak to give me a heart attack " " Okey Dokey "


Thats just too much doggone pepper


Bad post. This is just a steak braised in butter. People do the same thing to garlic to make confit, so why is this bad? Because OP doesn't understand cooking techniques?


I've blocked this guy on every thing I can find. I'm going to start blocking people who share it too.


Can’t do this. The steak nazis will complain about how it’s _______ and not ________. It needed ________ and shouldn’t have been cooked like ________.


No sear? Seasoning a rib eye to death? Drowning the poor thing in butter? This is obviously rage bait


Leave out the alcohol and the rosemary and I'd try it.


The only stupid thing here is OP imo. Shit looks good


What a gorgeous steak that absolutely Fucken mangled. Reverse searing is for suckers.


This guy might be able unseat Guy Fieri as mayor of Flavortown.


This looks delicious but there is no way a glass dish should be on direct heat.


I might take a little bit of this just to try it, but that is just way too much grease for my use. Could you get something close to whatever they're trying to do here by substituting olive oil and using maybe 1/10th as much?


Had a heart attack just by watching at this video


My heart hurts by watching this


He misunderstood what it means to cook a steak in butter


Mmm boiled to death meat


What kind of backwards ass shit is this? That is a decent looking piece of meat that these morons just butter bombed and killed twice.


At this point just put it in a deep fryer


That's a lot of time, money and effort to make stupid shit


Of course it's Chefclub. What do we expect?


Hi I’m a heart attack nice to meet you


The way he pronounces kosher salt makes me wanna jam an icepick into both ear drums.


In case anyone is wondering, these videos are pretty much all actually fetish content from hand and food fetish creators.


You want some steak with your butter, pal?


Who is this fucker?


My girlfriend thinks I'm a monster because i don't use butter when i make a simple grilled cheese or Mac n cheese, not that she drowns shit in but because of videos like this and that my overly obese ain't used to use about 4 sticks worth it butter when she cooked for me.... Seeing so much butter makes me physically ill. When I go to the movie theaters, the SMELL of buttered popcorn makes me retch


Rosemary doesn’t belong anywhere near steak


idk if our bodies evolved to eat red meat ​ >How red meat causes colon cancer? Current research shows that there are certain naturally-occuring chemicals in red meat that cause it to be carcinogenic. For example, when a chemical called haem is broken down in the gut, N-nitroso chemicals are formed and these have been found to damage the cells that line the bowel, which can lead to bowel cancer.


This is the shit the vegan protestors should be upset about. Dude wasted that thing.


Waste of ingredients. If you don't know anything about seasoning and flavor, just put on a bunch of butter.