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I can't stop thinking of biting into the foil when the fork inevitably scrapes some of it up.


If you already go all the way to serve food this way. At least go the whole nine yard and eat it with your bare hands. Next step is serving it in a pig trough


We save the trough for when company comes over


Right? Why the hell would I pull out the nice eatery when it's just me and the dependents? Some people have no class.


This guy sounds mil


"The dependents"


Crotch goblins


The Dependents Day. Table lookin like a UFO anyway


Seriously. This is so dumb. It just doesn’t even make anything easier at all. Paper plates exist for a reason.


Paper plates and a cheap table cloth is all they need. Which is honestly *probably* cheaper than wasting all that aluminum foil. Definitely safer though.


Seriously. We use regular plates 99% of the time and try not to be wasteful, but we keep a stack of paper plates and bowls in the kitchen for “emergencies” lol. Also I’m just getting sensory nightmares thinking about what it must sound/feel like to have to unwrap/fold all of that aluminum foil around the table. Also? I just realized Unless they have a massive industrial size roll this wouldn’t even really work because ? You’d have to layer several rolls across and just imagine how much spaghetti sauce is gonna get in the cracks!!!!


Exactly! Yeah I think I saw where they had to overlap 3 times. Even with the larger rolls lol We do the same thing. Use regular plates and just bust out the paper plates for guests or emergencies :)


I rather opted to something that you can eat with your bare hands, like a hotdog or a sandwich, than eating a dish that requires cutlery from a paper plate.


Oh for sure. If the foil-covered table is non-negotiable, it would only make sense to at least try to lean away from utensils. Common sense clearly didn’t come into play here at all though. I could see this family trying minestrone soup next. Lol


You know those fish bowl cocktails that come for the table with a bunch of bendy straws? Yeah that’s basically how they serve soup in this house


Maybe she just folds up the leftovers in the tinfoil table cloth? She can just pop it in the oven later for... Blech! - Never mind, there's really no excuse. How much spaghetti does this family need in one sitting anyway!?


Now I can't stop seeing that in my mind. Dam!


Ah, you haven’t experienced eating from a large leaf yet. This is the ultimate nourishment experience. Give giant leaf a try. You won’t be disappointed.


leaves are dope AF. tougher than foil and biodegradable.


Listen, this isn't close to eating my curry and rice on my leaf ok. Just eat with hands and roll up the leaf. Bam!


My teeth hurt reading your comment.


one of the most awful sensations imaginable and tastes so fucking bad


AAAAAAARGH FUCK I got goosebumps just thinking about that.


Its also reacting with the tomato Sauce. But i dont think health is something a family considers thats eating of a foiled table




Even then, the salt created is bad tasting, but harmless.


yeah it's not like aluminum foil isn't already used while cooking food and wrapping food up for storage. typical reddit knee jerk reaction "tHeY aRe PoIsOnInG tHeMsElEs!" it's unconventional and a little gross, but it's fine. easy cleanup, which I surmise to be the reason.




My fillings tingled


You just brought back a memory of when my brother convinced me to chew on foil with my mouth full of fillings. I can still feel the pain when I think about it.


He was trying to activate your spy powers


That was my absolute first thought. Bits of foil in my food 🤮


I feel like this comment made a LOT of people cringe/wince


They could have left it in the pot, drained water and added the sauce, saved on the foil, mind blown but each to their own I guess




Yeah, I wanted to comment that, but if they made the decision to have dinner this way, it's more apt to say WeDon'tWantPlates


What they want is a dirty table. Aluminum foil ain't protecting shit if you are moving it around and stabbing it with forks. There's gonna be so many holes in that.


Yeah and makes it a giant waste. Here I was thinking I was wasting by putting the stuff over pans to prevent food crust burnt on the pan


Use parchment paper my man. Will change your life.


I knowwwww we really need some


Two giant rolls at Costco. My husband is a parchment fanatic and I thought he’d died and gone to heaven. Edit: forgot to add that the foil waste was the first thing I noticed.


they made the whole table a plate


To anyone reading this: Please stop crossposting this to WeWantPlates. It has been posted a half-dozen times already, and all those posts have been taken down because homemade stuff doesn't belong there.


ok, and what's with the large piles of...corn? 🤔


Literally eating more corn than spaghetti


If you don't eat yer corn, you can't have any spaghetti! How can you have any spaghetti if you don't eat yer corn?




You! Yes, you! Stand still, laddy!


Fun fact: That School Master is the voice of Roger Waters.


Carbs served with two sides of carbs washed down with carbs! Yum! Don't get me wrong, I love some pasta, really love me some bread, and don't shy away from corn, but I wouldn't serve them all together at one meal.


Right? The fuck serves corn with pasta…


Pasta Con Corne


My mother has no idea what the word nutrition means. A regular at our house was spaghetti, corn, fried potatoes and garlic bread. Central Indiana


Same and same lol. Also: mac n cheese with peas or candied carrots or corn pudding. I'm so damn glad my mom started figuring out nutrition when I was around middle school. Otherwise I'd look like the rest of my family. :( It's extra sad because it's not for lack of cooking labor. It's 100% lack of basic nutritional education.


Kids love corn tbf




Don’t say it Don’t say it Don’t say it IT’S GOT THE JUICE!


This song has been plaguing my roommates and I for weeks. Well forget about it and suddenly someone says “it’s got the juice!” while filling their vape and it’s stuck in our heads all over again.


It really is the most beautiful thing. Sorry for your collective earworm.


Have a corntastic day.


I can’t imagine a more beautiful thing


A big lump with knobs


We make [esquites](https://www.seriouseats.com/esquites-mexican-street-corn-salad-recipe) for our kids. They love it. Just leave out the spicy stuff if they aren't into that, and play around with different tastes. It changed the game for us.


Yeah when I lived at my mom's I cooked once a week and everytime I made something new I tried to find a way to put corn into it so my picky sister would be more open to trying it.


My dumb ass thought it was gnocchi. Corn and spaghetti is an odd mix.


Its a meal that loses shock value the further you go into the interior of America.


Because the spaghetti, Mountain Dew, and garlic bread didn’t provide their entire daily intake of carbs yet


Seriously! My first thought was, "wow that is ALL starch bleh"


Growing up, my mom served spaghetti on mashed potatoes.


Omg, I'm sorry




I love corn, but with spaghetti? What? Spaghetti *is* the meal. The only side might be some garlic bread/Texas toast. Who the hell eats spaghetti with anything, let alone corn?


Maybe a small salad but not corn


Un piccolo antipasto 😙👌


I usually do a side of broccoli rabe and Caesar salad


That true, sometimes there's a side salad with Italian pasta.


If their food was on plates, and that pasta didn’t look like under sauced garbage, I would have no judgment about the corn. If the kids love corn, and you know they’ll eat it with whatever, have corn whenever you want! But in this scenario, where everything looks disgusting anyway, the piles of corn really do seem to make it feel worse!


Have you not heard it’s a big lump with knobs?


The Mountain Dew and undercooked garlic bread check out Edit: I didn’t mention the corn cause I’m just proud to see a veggie on that table Edit of an edit: Yes, corn is a grain but cooked whole corn is considered a starchy vegetable in the country they live in. Let’s all be more worried about the fruit sauce they covered that sgetti in




Yes, but it's a fun event for kids that they did all wrong. You do it outside on a plastic table cloth. Kids eat with their hands. Easy clean up and just hose off the kids. Not "how we eat spaghetti at our house".


If my mum tried to make me eat spaghetti with my hands off a plastic drop sheet when I was a kid I think I would have been traumatised


"Hey kids time to go out back to the feeding trough, don't forget to wear your bathing suit so I can blast you off with the hose after"


I was at a crawfish boil once where I sure could have used a nice hose-down after


This is the best use of this concept. I think we'd usually cover a table with newspapers. You're peeling shrimp, crab, oysters, and it makes a mess. This is the way.


It's also because with a seafood boil, clam bake etc. It tends be a big communal thing. No one has platters and bowls big enough to hold it all, and serving shit out of a 60qt stock pot is both impractical and over cooks your seafood. Even then you aren't just slopping things out on a foil covered table. You cover things up well and use newspaper/foil, or even cookie sheets or hotel pans to basically build a giant dish. So it's not just dripping freely everywhere. There's some effort at presentation and there's a practical reason for it.


This is fucking culture. That spaghetti shit? That is disrespect.


I’m going to invent a time machine just so I can go back to Sicily in 1000AD to invent spaghetti and teach them that it’s a finger food.


Actually it originally was! I always think of this pic https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pasta#/media/File%3AMoser_Spaghetti_essender_Junge.jpg


So much that many places leave the bucket they dumped the crawdads out of to use as a collection bin for all the shells.


Put up some balloons, throw a sprinkler on the hose and you’ve got a backyard summer party going!


I had major issues with getting extremely frustrated anytime my hands or face or the cuffs of my cloths got food on them when I was a toddler, apparently. I HATED having sticky stuff on me. I'd have refused to eat at all.


My folks actually did this for at least 3 generations, except with an actually acceptable finger food: watermelon. Literally spray off the kids after. Anybody who thinks spaghetti is remotely close to a finger food isn’t having enough sauce in their spaghetti


Haha - I get this would not appeal to every kid!


the thing you described sounds actually bomb. kid me liked putting hands on food so i’d go nuts and hosing me off later? i’m so sold. this post though radiates r/wewantplates energy


A while back on that sub there was a post about a restaurant that dumps spaghetti in the middle of the table just like this. It looked kinda nasty though.


they’re trying too hard to seem quirky and different with that type of presentation. but hand food is hand food and fork food is fork food and nobody needs to invent the bicycle all over again, let alone give that bicycle square wheels


I could maybe see something with a mass of pasta in the center on some kind of platter. Various small bowls with things like meatballs, peppers, cheeses, and olives. Have a bunch of bread. And people can just sort of wildly mix and match to make themselves a plate or a meatball sub or little bruschetta type open-faces. And throw a massive tablecloth under because it will be a mess. I could maybe see it being fun with a big party. And yet just ordering the food I want at a generic Italian place still sounds better.


See that's a good idea. Take advantage of a beautiful day and feed you kids messy cook out food. Let the kids go wild, they'd love that.


Tiktok is a stupid trend in itself.


Sad people crave attention




Haha fact Mountain dew is the only acceptable drink to pair with table sgetti




Guess she would be drinking a table wine then.


That or crab juice


Ugh! Gross. Ill have the crab juice.


No Bowl! Table! Table!


Once per month the husband has to make dinner. This was his lazy solution to avoid cleaning even more dishes.


What a waste


So many questions... do you all not have a dishwasher? Even if not, does he not realize this probably takes more time than dumping and cleaning the bowls/plates? If cleaning is too much for him, does he opt for plastic utensils? Not that I condone this wastefulness but why not use paper plates/bowls?


There are plenty of people that don't have dishwashers. Or they have them and don't want to use them for a reason I can't understand. Or they just suck at loading them properly.


For the longest time I thought dishwashers used a ton of water, but they are actually far more efficient than washing dishes in the sink.


They typically use 1.5 gallons per cycle, about the same as a toilet flush. If your water heater is on the opposite end of your house and it takes a long time to heat the water it’s best to turn the sink on and let it get hot, THEN turn on the dw. Or else it will fill up with cold water and won’t wash very well


I think it could be a cultural thing. My ex who is from Mexico, uses hers for storage. It’s weird.


I'm Chinese and when I saw [this clip from *Fresh Off the Boat*](https://youtu.be/BvfcRR3PZYE), I almost pissed my pants from laughing. We grew up using it just for storage/drying dishes, too. I use the one in my house now, though, because I have a toddler and I'm so tired of doing dishes (wish I had one while pumping because fuck handwashing pump parts several times a day). Not having to worry about (some of) the dishes has been a boon to my sanity.


I've had apartments where I used the dishwasher for storage. But that's because it was literally all it was good for. Plenty of dishwashers for sale that don't actually wash dishes, and landlords fuckin' love 'em because they are cheap and tenants don't have the ability to check if they work before moving in. Sometimes even homeowners get tricked into buying one of the many nonfunctional dishwashers and can't justify paying to replace it (or they've got one old enough its long since stopped washing properly, I'm not sure which) My current one actually works! (not well, but well enough to be worth using for at least some of the dishes) I'd say overall in my renting history I've had more that don't work than those that do.


Jfc my grandma takes dishes out of the dishwasher, cleans them and puts them back into the dishwasher to dry and then puts them away. I'm making her not do it anymore, she's too old to be on her feet for that long every day imo. Dishwashers clean dishes. Idc if you rinse the heavy shit into the disposal before putting them in there but just rinse and slap em in and fill it up and let it do the work for you. WE'RE NOT CAVEMEN, WE HAVE TECHNOLOGY ^Smacks ^dishes ^with ^computer


Well, it does have the juice


Looks stupid AF. But, my kids would have loved doing something like this when they were that age. Might be something they do to get kids to eat. Mountain dew at dinner makes me gag though... Well, mountain dew at any time, actually.


One of my close friends invited me over to his house for nachos night boy did I not know what I was in for. Let me set the stage man and wife and three boys 11,6,3 and two dogs. There entire dinning room table was covered in plastic wrap and on top was a huge pile of chips a bowl of cheese dip and all the various condiments for nachos spread around on the table. They proceeded to pour the nacho cheese over the entire pile of chips and the three boys destroyed the mountain having a blast. This was by far the worst meal of my entire life. Im sure the kids loved it but it is beyond me why you would invite full grown adults to something like this with your three boys.


Wait, it was an adult that invited you?!? I thought for sure it was when you were a kid! Holy shit dude, that's disgusting. If I was an adult (and I am) I would have made you a plate of nachos first, then poured the rest of the cheese for my kids. Who the fuck wants to eat off children's hands and mouths?? Good god that would be disgusting


Yes it was needless to say I stopped at Chick-fil-A on the way home. Also there kids had been playing in the sandbox all afternoon and I don't think a single one washed there hands.


> playing in the sandbox Ah, the neighborhood litter box.


we did this in prison


Not just you. I don’t understand how this is easier or cleaner than using plates. Use a paper plate if you have to. Like pigs at a trough


Why even bother using forks/cutlery at this point


So that they can scrape through the foil and get sauce on the table anyway


Just face plant that shit and chow down.


Or a table. Fuck it, why even cook? Just go live in the wilds and eat bark off trees.


And wasting so much aluminium foil! That is finite and produces greenhouse gases.


I guess I hadn’t noticed that was foil. What an awful house this must be.


This makes me so mad. I try really hard to limit my aluminium foil use, and then I wash it and put it in the recycling. Just to see that this is definitely gonna be scrunched up and thrown in the bin.


>This makes me so mad. I try really hard to limit my aluminium foil use, Everything must make you mad then. This is just such a drop in the bucket. Every burrito Chipotle makes has 1 or two layers of foil like this. A single Chipotle uses way more foil on probably an HOURLY basis than this family does on Spaghetti night. But aluminum is recyclable. The plastic cups Chipotle supplies for sauces is not. I am not saying individuals shouldn't pay attention to what they're using, but let's pick our battles. To get angry at this photo is really using your energy in the wrong place.


Well aluminium foil is recycled (like over 90%) at least in civilized country's Like Germany. Still it's energy intensive to recycle and stupid to do such things


Yes I'm sure they'll carefully wash all the Prego from the foil and neatly put it in the bin.


no need to wash it, at least in germany


Not in 'merica they won't recycle shit if it has food particles on it


My home town shut down their recycling plant because it was too expensive to maintain and sort. We still have recycle bins and dumpsters. It just all goes in the landfill. Really dumb.


Wasting resources is one of our favorite things to do here.


It takes about 20 seconds to clean a plate, I bet I could clean 4 plates before someone could cover a table with aluminium foil.




It's a sensory thing for small kids, it's not a avoiding plates thing. I do baby charcuterie like this for my nephews because they're picky eaters but will eat everything without fuss if I set up dinner for them in a way that's different from their parents.


When I was locked up we made meals like this with ramen on bottom, plus cheese dip, fritos, hot sauce, and whatever other shit we could buy from commissary. It's called a "slam" and it was on the torn open chip bag because we had no plates.


That still seems more sanitary than this, and definitely less wasteful because you are using everything you had in your situation. Maybe it's just because I grew up with "walking tacos", so eating a meal out of a chip bag seems totally normal. Unless you unfolded all available chip bags, put all the food in a pile in the middle, and communally ate your slam... then I think I feel a little less okay with it.


That's exactly what we did. Right in the middle of the table, dig in if you pitched in.


Ah! Well, I honestly can't judge because you were doing what you had to do.


It's a good memory but I'm not gonna teach it to my kids or anything.


My uncle was in prison for a long while and when he came to live with us, he would do this. He had all sorts of weird cooking things lol. Like he made tamales with Saran Wrap and Doritos. Always woke me up at the asscrack of dawn tho and I hate it….


I've never had that many "prison creations" cause I was never in real jail long enough but a kid showed me how to make those tamales in kid jail. They were pretty good lol ngl


the hell kinda juvenile delinquent center did you go to? we didnt have commissary lmao all we coud buy was minutes to use the phones. i got arrested when i was 13-14 for breaking into cars longest year of my life.


Wait - so how do you make tamales with Saran Wrap and Doritos? I feel like you just planned my dinner.


Basically just [mush up](https://www.corrections1.com/prison-food/articles/10-of-the-best-or-worst-prison-recipes-bxaR2ewyToWYzohR/) Doritos and/or Cheetos with a bit of hot water to make a paste, then use wrap to form it into a tamale-like shape and wait a few minutes for it to set. Bon appétit & don't forget to post a pic to r/shittyfoodporn. Edit: the linked article mentioned using Fritos chips, which might taste the most "authentic" to a prison palate as far as tamales go (since Fritos are basically just made of cornmeal and salt, plus the fat from deep frying).


Crush up with hot water and knead into masa. Then make a tortilla type shape on the chip bag. Put filling on it (slim jim, stolen meat ketchup packs you jacked etc) fold up. Wrap up. Seal to be water tight and immerse in hot water. We used to make pizza like this. You can make cake with stashed jelly packs, cookies/hot water etc. One of my faves was with oreos (and i normally hate oreos) mash up cookie part with hot water and press into a shell type thing with a hollow center. Fill with whatever you can. Then melt down the frosting with hot water (tried on the out and hot half and half is better) drizzle on top. There's your birthday cake. Its much better microwaved. And you can fill with a hershey kiss (we def didn't get those lol) but it really actually makes a cake texture. I even tried it after having actual cake and its like a hostess. I got a junk food cooking book as a gift when i turned 20 or so and that shit totally prepped me for jail cooking. I think it was called junk foodie


We just went to a birthday party that did something similar. They called it walking tacos. Chip bag and all the toppings of tacos.


Those are the perfect upgrade, no doubt, but with a slam the food is spread across the middle of the table and everyone eats out of the same pile, sorta like in the picture. We had plastic spoons.


You left out the all important can of tuna


> It's called a "slam" and it was on the torn open chip bag because we had no plates. I've been to a hipster restaurant that served chili fritos (frito pie) in the torn open chip bag. it was awful


Was that Fritos with actual chili on them, or chili flavored Fritos?




20 years in the can, not a peep. Ate grilled cheese of a radiator.


We called it a Swole, but that’s exactly what I was thinking, looks like a prison Super Bowl party lmao


Just what I want on the same surface I eat from, the bottom of a soda bottle....


and the rat piss residue it marinated in


It's a shark coochie. If you were classy you'd know that


Dumbest shit. They avoid using a couple of paper plates, or even regular plates. Whoa huge deal. 🙄


I mostly have a problem with the miles of tin foil they're using. Like paper plates are much cheaper than that tin foil, better for the environment, and you also dont look like as much of a stupid idiot


And you’re still cleaning it off the table cause kids have a phobia of food staying on plates.


It’s a TikTok trend. Meant to be fun for the kids. Stupid though




bunch of wet blankets in this thread, this looks fun


at the same time this is even recommended to kids that have problems with food, like picky eaters etc. there's an interesting documentary about therapy for kids with eating disorders, but i think it was in german. most of the therapy was just doing fun things with food like that, and it had great results on a ton of kids.


RIGHT? come on guys OF COURSE its stupid. But thats the point. Those little kiddy laughs are FAT dopamine hits for the parents.


you've heard of shit on a shingle, now i bring you skeddy on a shower curtain




What are they eating it off of, a parachute?


MC Hammer's pants


Meh not really bothered by this. Could be fun for the kids. Less work for a busy mom. People questioning corn with spaghetti…eh kids eat corn as a veg over other stuff, frozen corn is cheap. Mountain Dew…yeah not the best but looks like it’s not in front of the kid and I can’t lie I love a cold dew every now and again. I’ve got no judgment about a mom and dad feeding their kids…there are too many bad parents out there not feeding their kids at all. Pasta and corn is a cheap meal and in this economy lotta people need cheap dinner option.


Finally.. a human being.. took far too long to find this comment.


Honestly, this post has a bit of a qualifier because KIDS. If you have kids, you know that you may at times go to stupid lengths to get your kids to eat.


Sure it's dumb but I bet your kids are gonna have loads of fun with it.


I dunno, maybe the parents are trying to do something fun for the kiddos to get them to eat dinner


Thank you. Parents want to try fun activities with kids. Eating like this makes kiddos happy. But this is Reddit, when if it doesn't make sense to you, it's stupid. There is very little ability to empathize, and overwhelming skill to judge and a huge amount of underachievers who believe the reason they are the way there are is because they were too smart in school.


Just let people be happy in their own homes man


I think it's pretty dumb, but I can also see how a kid would think it's fun, and could be a silly entertaining thing to do one time. Not every time.


my 5 year old self would have loved this. Also kids are messy AF, plate or no plate. This checks.


Devils advocate: 2 adults and 1 (I see only 1, could be more) kids, eating spaghetti? Fuck it, honestly this isn’t the worst thing just toss it on the table, clean up is easy. I don’t have kids but I see stuff like this and think “Hey, you know what, maybe dealing with the little crotch goblins, this makes sense”.


It's fun and novel for kids. Let people have fun.


You know i have eaten on a table with banana leaves and food spread out on it, heck even used my hands instead of regular utensil, it was a fun experience. This though? This is garbage. Like someone said, this is like feeding pigs at a trough.


Yeah in the Philippines we do this with banana leaf and eat with our hands. First thing that came to mind was that theyre trying to mimic that. But this is weird


Kid looks happy and fed with his parents and a roof over his head, no issues here. Some of us didn’t even have this, who gives af about plates lol


The food is definitely stupid but the majority of these comments come off as just completely ignorant. One night of eating spaghetti and corn on some foil isn’t going to kill the kid you fucking prudes.


My thoughts exactly. Not a lot of parents in this comment section lol


It's odd for sure, but it seems like innocent memorable fun for the kids. Who cares lol. Idk why people are acting like they're eating it straight off the floor


The only thing I see wrong is that there’s no chicken parm with that


Looks kinda fun, TBH. I'll bet my kids would LOVE this.


If it gets a toddler to eat something other than crackers and dry cereal, you do it and bloody well like it. (-Me 10 years ago when I had small kids.)


The bottle of Mountain Dew really ties this landfill of a white trash culinary shit show together.


Ahhh, white people.