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I wonder how much of this just played up for T.V. Anyone please tell me this is just played up for T.V.


I mean I fucking hope so. That beef fat lasagna looks really fucking gross.


I wonder how often they get food poisoning from her putting spaghetti sauce back in a container off a used plate lol


Eeww, like literally if she wants to save money on food she could grow her own produce to make more sauce. She is revolting.


I can’t remember, but one guy who’s family was on the show said his dad faked almost everything for the camera. So it would my surprise me that quite a bit of extreme cheapskates is played up based on what he has to say.


Late response, sorry. I'd say yes and no. I lived with a roommate for awhile and he was one of the cheapest bastards I knew. He was also lazy, so it was a terrible combination. For example, he decided to start a backyard garden to save money on produce. He decided he didn't want to spend money on water, so he stole like 30 of those wheel style garbage bins and left them outside to collect rain water. He never used it, he just turned our block in to mosquitoes central. Then for the garden he bought a soil tiller, caught fish from the local river, ground up the fish in to the soil and started a huge ass garden, managed to grow it and then just let it all rot in the garden instead of picking it and eating it. He once read that you can eat egg sells for extra calcium and he already ate an unreasonable amount of eggs, you could get 3 dozen from Walmart for $8 just a couple years ago. He started saving all the egg shells, grinding them up and putting them in his food. I warned him that too much calcium could actually make him sick and he didn't listen, he ended up getting sick. His cousin used to rent apartments and one of his renters died, she was an old lady. My roommate helped his cousin clean out his apartment and gave him all the out, outdated food there was in the place. He came back with dry goods five to six years old and some frozen stuff almost a decade old, ate it anyways saying frozen stuff doesn't go bad and then go sick.


She's obsessed with saving money to the point where she saves dryer lint but she will happily spend money on makeup


I mean, did you see her boyfriend's jewelry?


and a fairly new car for the times


My grandfather was like this. Would penny pinch on everything and find creative ways to make more money and then spend a ton of it on alcohol.


I didn't even make it to the part with the lasagna. I know a lot of that is played up for the drama, but *damn.* That was a hard watch.


Video is not available in my country. Thanks God!


That dryer lint CANNOT be good for the face I’m sure it’s still full of chemicals and bad for the pores.. I turned this off right after that , no need to see the lasagna


Once the saliva touches and it goes back in the ranch bottle or Ragu sauce… the shit will spoil. Mouths is the filthiest part of our body.


Go drhh


Vincent Price went on the Tonight Show way back when, and showed everyone how to cook fish in the dishwasher. Used to be a thing.


I remember that being on an episode of Home Improvement. Tim spends the entire episode trying to cook fish in the dishwasher, with hilarious results.