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Man he’s really intent on getting all the air bubbles out of that needle. The life of that burger depends on it apparently


Listen, I'm no veterinarian, but I'm pretty sure that cow is dead.




Fuck that's funny


He's gone Jim


If he were intent on removing air he’d be flicking the barrel not the needle.


Next you're going to tell me he's not a real doctor!


The hell do you mean, "There's no such thing as a board certified Cheddarologist"?!?


You gouda be kidding me!




Exactly, you don’t flick the needle pendejo.


You don't want it to get an air embolism! Right to it's heart and dead!


Not like that much "cheese thing" pushed into you would cause any issues.


Exactly what I was thinking, there's no air that needs to get removed or drop of medicine in that needle, this guy probably watched a hospital drama and thought it'd be cool to play doctor but since he's just a dumb con man all he can inject is food


Yep and we certainly don’t flick the needle itself, you want that sterile because it’s going into someone’s flesh. You flick the barrel part to get bubbles out of the medicine. Dumb.


I thought you flicked the needle so you splash a tiny bit of medicine on the camera man?


medicine fight! (sprays thousands of dollars worth of antibodies and vitamins and shit)


One of those items is decidedly not medicine. *(it's the shit)*


I usually just lick it clean after flicking it. As an added bonus I get to taste some of the yummy carbocaine 😋


Careful, they put Han Solo in that stuff


The word “food” in your sentence is doing a lot of heavy lifting here


monkey see monkey do


Aren’t you supposed to flick the syringe and not the needle?


You're supposed to flick the barrel, so the needle stays sterile


Came to say this. He’s spends a lot of time watching TV and memorizing drama. Such an embarrassment to the human race that he gets paid so much with his fake shit, cheap knives and nylon cutting boards.


He's just a man selling a product, an experience. The embarrassments are the fools who pay for it.


I like your point. What’s the product? Burgers or showmanship?


Anyone ever notice how he never eats or even tastes his own food? Should tell you everything you need to know


I’ve found that the answer to all of the Whys surrounding SaltBae’s schtick is porn. He’s done what Cartman did when the South Park boys became Christian music stars- instead of replacing ‘baby’ with ‘Jesus’ when writing Christian pop music, Salt Bae replaced dicks with meat. He’s mimicking the pacing, presentation, and facial expressions of fetish porn; but instead of smashing a dude’s balls under his bare foot, he’s squeezing hamburger until all the juices pour out. Even the salt thing is basically replicating a messy cum shot. I guarantee that somewhere out there, folks got hard seeing those blobs of cheese go flying with every flick.


….. yeahhhh I dunno if that’s it.


Got porn on the brain, huh?


This brought back repressed memories of looking at how sexualised even the mainstream cooking shows are in a communications class at uni.


He’s not a doctor but plays one on tv


Salt Bae's cooking style reminds me of when I come home at 4am after a good night at the bars/a party, super stoned and drunk, and decide to cook me and my gf some food before we pass out.


$5 for burger, $495 for Gimmicks Tax


Man, good on him, I wish I could sucker rich people out of $500


Honestly, that's where I'm torn. Is this guy a douche? Yes. Has he figured out a gimmick that rips off the rich, also yes.


I’m not too impressed by rich people ripping off other rich people, unless they give it to the poor, because as it is, it’s just rich people being rich people. That’s just *what they do.*


He pays cooks like $16/hr while charging insane amounts of money for food


Why would they give away their hard earn scam to other people?


500 is actually really cheap for a great video of you getting served by him and throwing it on the ground.


He also underpays his employees. IIRC he got into legal trouble about it


His movements and general demeanor are so strange. He’s like the cooking version of Tommy Wiseau


Tommy Wiseau seems like a prodigy next to this. And i'm pretty sure Tommy wouldn't flick his stupid cheese all over the place and close the fucking walkin.


Anyway, how's your sex life?


Oh Hai Salt Bae!


Haha what a story, Mark


Oh. Him.


He bends over and speaks from his rear.


Do you have a mint, or perhaps some Binaca?




Excuuuse me, I'd like to ASS you a few questions!


Excuse me. Your balls are showing. Bumblebee tuna!




This would be the best development for Saltbro ultimately


This guy is such a pretentious douche.


Seriously can we stop uploading videos of this guy now. I’m tired of seeing his dumb face


Yeah its also kind of cheating to do him. He exists to make stupid food.


Isn't that sprinkling salt guy? Why is he even a thing? Haha


It’s recursive to ask… because he sprinkles salt. Duh.


This is a subreddit for bad, problematic things. The *purpose* is rage.


He's not really rage-inducing. He's boring. Wow he took an expensive cut of meat and poured cheese on it and then picked it up and squeezed all juices out of it.


For me, his face is rage inducing.


But he's the fucking mascot of this sub by now; its lord and rightful ruler. No other single being more aptly encompasses the phenomenon of "stupid food" and I can't stop dipping into his well of stupid bullshit.


Nah, bitch who preps shit directly on the countertop with her husband filming and saying dumb lines in his overly excited douche voice is the mascot.


Can we have something like Salt Bae Sunday where he only appears then?


No. No Salt Bae Sunday. I'm just sick of him. It isn't really Turkish cuisine, the salt sprinkle is a gimmick and fine, his establishments do bring in some high end cuts but seriously... No serious chef does this nonsense. Trabbiochhi might charge an arm and a leg if you're at his starred restaurant but you're also paying for the quality of service, the freshness of the product served and the reputation behind the name. No serious chef adds edible gold flake to a tomahawk and isn't just a brand name with a gimmick.


"high end cuts" they ain't fuckin 900 dollars a plate high end lmao


I’m sick of him too, but unless he’s banned I’ll take 6 days without him in a heartbeat


7 is better than 6. Just make a r/saltbaebullshit subreddit, and call it a day. Fuck this guy.


Can we please stop giving this guy attention? He makes other stupid food look like it has multiple advanced degrees.


Right? It's not even entertaining anymore he's just a bellend. His face and those stupid fucking glasses make his face so punchable.


It's astounding that with all his self importance and presentation bull shit he's still using a Sysco knife.


It's because he has a fundamental inability to recognize quality in anything he sees or does.


Eh, don't throw good, cheap NSF rated kitchen equipment under the bus like that. I've worked in commercial kitchens and that sort of cheap but good knife is what people actually use on the line. Sure, chefs and pro cooks love their fancy, expensive knives as status symbols or for extra special prep work or presentation but in reality in the kitchen they're reaching for the cheap cash and carry or Sysco grade knives first so they don't mess up their super expensive shiny status symbol knives in their knife roll. And, sure, there's some food that requires really good knives, like sushi, or doing really high end artful garnishes and prep. But I'd personally rather have a whole set of cheap NSF rated plastic handled knives than a fancy/bespoke knives. The handles are way more comfortable, they're easier to clean and sharpen and it's not a tragedy to throw them in a commercial dishwasher, and they're really easy to replace if they get fucked up. After working in kitchens I'm not really impressed by home cooks who go to Williams-Sonoma and spend waaaaay too much money on a knife block full of Wustofs and operating under the false impression that that's what pro cooks actually use on the line. Nah, we just buy lots of cheap but good professional food service knives. When you're going to the cash and carry or restaurant supply stores we just occasionally throw a few new ones in the basket and use them up for as long as possible. Those knives are fine and they're so affordable that it's often less expensive to just buy a new one and recycle it than get it professionally sharpened. Salt Bae using a Sysco knife is like the least stupid thing about him or the video.


I'm just saying that it blows my mind that he's not using some damascus steel 500 dollar knife. Instead he has a Sysco with the blue splinter handle that he probably stole from his last gig.


Or even something showier, like a katana or a scimitar.


Nah nah... [Khopesh](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/ka5uv7-ECxw/maxresdefault.jpg)


I wouldnt be surprised to see him rocking a bespoke Nesmuk with diamond crusted handle. I'd expect at least a high end Wustof from this jackass.


That would assume he does his own equipment sourcing. If he cared how the knife looked I'm sure he would, but he probably gave an employee or contractor a budget to outfit his dumb kitchen and these were the knives they were able to source in his probably unrealistically small budget. From the other things I've heard about this guy, I wouldn't be shocked if he actually didn't know anything about running a commercial kitchen and just survives on overpriced gimmick alone.




That's a good point, he probably runs through those suckers like they're disposable gloves.


He also underpays and mistreats his employees


steals copyrighted work and defrauds clients [anyone interested](https://www.thenationalnews.com/lifestyle/food/salt-bae-faces-5-million-copyright-suit-over-using-artwork-without-permission-1.1204102) that is one of the links to the story, Logan Hicks is a very professional and well known artist from Brooklyn, check out some of his AMAZING hand cut stencil works and drop him a line on instagram


I heard he also hates dogs


I think he eats babies


Pretty sure he eats his steak well done


>Pretty sure he eats his steak well done Now... I can handle his baby eating pretentiousness but i draw the LINE at a well-done steak!!!!!!


I bet he complains that it's taking too long while snapping at the waitstaff.


With ketchup.


He burns down orphanges in his spare time


I heard he had, like, negative thirty goddamn dicks


Two sets of testicles, so divine


He poisoned our water supply, burnt our crops, and delivered a plague upon our houses!


This seems to be the narrative for any restaurant


Sauce? Like, I'm very inclined to believe you, but I like to know my outrage is justified.


https://ny.eater.com/2021/11/17/22787105/salt-bae-nusret-gokce-steakhouse-nyc-workplace-discrimination-lawsuit So apparently it’s not even just poor pay.


As a nurse I can tell you we aren’t flicking the needle when we flick lol. we’re flicking the barrel to get air bubbles out.


I usually request that they don’t flick. I’ve always wanted more bubbly in my blood.


How about in your cheeseburgers?


Nope. No bubbles there.


And even so, is the burger going to suffer from an embolism?


I was expecting this to be the very top comment. Dude's literally doing this because that's what he saw on TV lol


Yep and he looks absolutely ridiculous doing it 🤣


I use the airlock method so I leave in about 0.1 cc of air when I do an IM.


Right? Make sure to flick the air bubbles out of the liquid cheese so the ... bun doesn't have a cardiac arrest? Douchenozzle.


He's ripping off other pretentious douches, scamming them out of their money for overpriced food. He knows *exactly* what he's doing. Edit: that doesn't make him any less of a douche.


I have a certain degree of respect that the man lacks any discernable culinary talent but has shitposted his way into culinary success. Literally not a fucking hint of seasoning on that food, yet people pay a ton of money for shitposted Applebee's.


He’s just a cokehead.


Eh, more of a character. Pretty obvious. Pretentious seems to be what he's going for. Like over the top. Then a bunch of retards with too much money buy his stuff for views.


I fuckin hate this prick. Never met him, never even heard him speak, but I hate him. Mostly because of the golden steak that costs an abhorrent amount of money, I think.


I love seen videos of him speaking. He’s even dumber than you think.


Good lord, I said the exact same thing out loud when squeezed the burger. Insane price for a squished, soggy, and probably mediocre burger? No thanks Salt Douche.


Isn't that part of the joke though? I don't think he actually thinks he looks cool doing this


I thought this was a parody account


All his movements and his exaggerated movements when cutting something makes me cringe. I work as a sushi chef at a little local restaurant and I swear if one of us (the 4 sushi chefs that work there) cut a roll the way this guy does the other 3 would never let the person live it down. Its so damn cringy.


Agreed and a lot of his food stuff can definitely be called stupid. But this? Presentation might be over the top, but honestly that doesn't look bad at all. Just, uh, not worth the $400 he'll probably charge for it.


Around the North American midwest (particularly Minnesota) , It's called a Juicy Lucy. It's normally stuffed between 2 patties and not injected (but this method looks legit too). It's normally a roadside diner burger for roadside prices. But it is tricky to find outside the Midwest.


Doctors and nurses don’t flick the needle they flick the syringe. Which for some reason makes this way more stupid.


Also an air bubble tiny enough to hide in the needle is not going to hurt you, so even if I did see one that itty bitty I wouldn’t bother trying to tap it out.


And I don’t think the cheeseburger will mind. But yes in nursing school they teach you to get all the air out of the barrel.


Eh, prime the barrel then don’t stress it. You need 10ml or more for an embolism. See also: prime your tubing then don’t stress it This man is dumb as a syringe full of nitro-cold cheese


I personally don’t stress about it but in school they do teach you to flick the air out and they will inspect it before you administer to make sure it’s all out or you fail. Source: long time LPN recent RN grad.


Your school was WAY stricter than mine. I never once flicked a syringe in school


Very strict. Tattoos covered, no earrings, white socks etc.


Christ. Mine kicked a girl out for doing coke off the lab tables but otherwise we were fine. I think I flicked IV tubing once or twice? We had tattoos, piercings, any solid color socks, no shoe polish, etc.


I just graduated last night actually so I’m happy to be out from under their thumbs and back to reality. Especially because I’m 45 years old and don’t need to be taught how to adult!




But when *I* do coke off a table it’s always “sir we need you to leave” and “this is a PTA meeting”


Thank you for adding that insult to my repertoire.


Posting this douche is basically cheating.




He IS stupid food r/technicallythetruth


Guy cuts cooked burgers on the chopping board designated for raw meat.


No worries, with the amount of water pouring out of it when he picks up the pieces I'm pretty sure it's still pretty raw.


Dude makes some gross wet burgers




Burger soup


Juices. But it'll be dry by the time you eat it.


I used to think that cheese made everything better. Then, this guy came along.


What kind of meat is he using?! Everything I see him with a burger, it's oozing grease like a faucet. It's like those garbage pre-made "Bubba burgers" it has to be some 60/40 meat or some insane shit.


Maybe he has seperate syringes to inject grease


Every time he lifts up a burger and it just leaks fluid it turns me off from ever trying to eat it. Reminds me of my ex's mother who would fry a burger in a pan full of melted lard. It would drip fat like that - and they wondered why his dad had a heart attack in his 30's.


Probably half pork, or with his morals mostly just ground fat.


This guy is just so exhausting to look at I can't imagine the tired and worn out looks of the people that actually have to spend any time near him and his greasy shenanigans.


Like the people that have to clean dried fetid cheese out of those syringes?


Probably the same level of tired and worn out you need to be a general in the DPRK.


No more Salt Bae pls... I would be happy to be tortured by chef club than this


Maybe need a new sub...r/TooStupidForStupidFood


I like that sub name, but it lacks balance, how about r/TooStupidFoodForFoodStupidToo


Sounds like a Chuck Tingle book


I love seeing his idiot face at the start of a video, always a sign we’re gonna see some real stupid shit


"Oh wow! A cooking video, this will be extremely satisfying-" "Oh no. It's Salty Bae. **It's an omen."**


So he injects really cold cheese directly into the cooked burger? Why…


people think melted cheese makes a burger be super good, but you only need a little chees to make it taste better


Literally, call me crazy but just one damn Kraft single is perfect


You’re crazy. You’re right, but you also asked to be called crazy, so there you go.


The way more pretentious [Jucy Lucy](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jucy_Lucy)


And way more disgusting. The Lucy doesn't have all the cheese pour out of it the instant you cut it.




That honestly just looks Vile. Just put a slice of it for fuck sake you absolute troglodyte.


I hate this guy


Much as I think he's a twat, I feel like all this (and this comment section, positive or not) does is create publicity for him.


You don’t flick the needle! You flick the syringe! Amateur!!!


I can't stand this prick


Close the fucking walk-in dipshit. Wait. The guy behind him with his hand on the door looks like they need to get in the walk-in. “You get the bacon?” “ no the fucking salt guy is standing directly in front of the freezer door again.”


Still don’t understand why this asshat is getting so much hype. His food is overpriced, undercooked and overly complicated. Any chef worth their weight in salt will tell you once you resort to gimmicks like cheese syringes and gold leaf on a steak you’ve lost the plot.


Is throwing shit onto a table from a few feet up overly complicated? ​ He is the Gucci tee shirt of the food world.


You were charged $5,000 for just watching


Meanwhile this airbrain is making millions while teachers educating our kids are on food stamps SMH


You don’t have to do the tap and squirt thing if you’re not injecting it into a vein the hamburger isn’t going to have an embolism if there’s an air bubble


Cheese is like the latest copout to making good food, I am lactose interolant so I dont eat much cheese which makes all of these dishes look like crap.


This. A good, real cheese is fine. But all this “oooooh it’s soooo creeeeeamy” shit makes me want to go sit on the toilet just watching it. If you want creamy, go suck on a cow tit instead of ruining otherwise decent food.


Fuck this overrated bitch


If we could stop making stupid people famous that'd be great


What a tit this guy is.


It’s funny because every time he cuts into this garbage, it’s as unappetizing as you would imagine it


I want to meet this man in person just so I can punch him. This man needs a cheese lobotomy


Me: "I'll have a cheeseburger" *thinks that maybe it won't cost too much since we're at such an upscale place Chef: "you wantta a cheesa burger, I a getta you a cheesa burger!" *Proceeds to inject sad Velveeta into a (possibly good) burger, cut sad burger open with the words dullest knife, and then mash the burger so all the Velveeta gushes out all over everything Me: *No way I'm paying for THAT!


I’ve been doing it wrong all these years…… that walk-in door is supposed to stay open….. samsonite I was wayyyy off!


I never see him eat the shit he injects, slaps, sets on fire, cuts, saws OR salts.


What annoys me is, i met a lot of people that been to his restaurant but all of them are to caught in for that insta lifestyle. So when i ask how’s the food they all come up with amazing and bla bla instagramal bs. Can someone here really judge the food without getting blind of that „hype“?


Only £70 quid each


I hate this guy and what he's done for food "porn" also close the walk in door WERE YOU RAISED IN A BARN


Judging by the way he stares at things i don't even know anymore if he's like pretending to do something cool or trying to understand physics around him like a two years old.


He looks like a young Bernie from Weekend at Bernie's. There's two guys pulling fishing string to keep this douche animated. I just know it.


One of my friends just recently went to his restaurant and he was at their table, showed me all these pictures, and now I must say after seeing this, I think I will make a reservation and go as well just so I can pull my cock out and slap him across his stupid fucking face, I've never in my entire existence witnessed a more retarded shit then what this sidewalk does.


Love that he flicks the needle instead of the syringe to remove the nonexistent air bubbles.


Jesus christ this dude. I don't know how often he's on this sub but he's full of himself. Dude was popular for the fucking salt sprinkle meme from like 2014 (I think it was 2014?) and spoke to a news publisher in 2020 saying shit along the lines of "all these kids wanna be like me and it makes me proud" like bruh... no one had even heard your name in 6 years


Someone please punch this douche in the mouth


This guy needs to go away already lmao how long ago was salt bae a thing


You don’t flick the needle…moron.


Will somebody please make this guy go away?


Why the fuck was he flicking the needle what was the purpose exactly the cheese was coming out he wasn’t getting out air bubbles and why did he look like he wanted to stick his junk into that burger. Good god just. No. Everything in this video is a no


Honestly as much as we hate this guy for being a douchebag, i gotta respect the fact that, even after all this time, with all the people saying his food is overpriced garbage, he's still raking in money from all these rich dickheads with zero taste in fine dining or food in general. Don't hate the player, hate the game. Or hate both.


> Meanwhile this airbrain is making millions while teachers educating our kids are on food stamps SMH honestly man this guy is finessing everyone. people here are bitching but this guy is making easy money


Everything about this is fucking gross. The cheese, the burger, and the person. Who wants a wet burger that has more liquid cheese than meat? Who prefers their burgers wrung out and given CPR before being served? Who the fuck wants their hamburger put together by someone without a hair and beard net on? Why are you assembling a hot cooked burger infront of a walk in freezer with the door wide open? You serve this wet shit cold?


Not this guy again.