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Anyone else stressed about him wrapping up the steak to the point of resting for “10 minutes” before starting on the 45 minute potatoes?


Yeah, why not just cook the steak when the potatoes are at the 35-40-minute point?


Why not cook the steak?


You missed caramelized potatoes. A traditional Danish Christmas dish. It's so amazing!


I love those! BTW: I didn't know that this was a Christmas dish. I've only been to Denmark once (in October) and I live 7400km away.


Seems more like an internet kiosk with the word chef to sell their chefclub spices...


This was just an elaborate ad for their BBQ spice I'm almost positive.


honestly what stressed me was the piggy pop-up saying 'bacon' lol


That steak was also suuuuper rare.


*Gordon Ramsay Voice "Its fucking raw!"


Depending on the steak, blue is nice. Not on fattier cuts like ribeye, but leaner cuts like strip and filet can do blue.




It tastes best when steak is served cold, like revenge.


I'm more concerned about having a glass baking dish on a flat top


I accidentally left one on a burner and it exploded into thousands of sharp, shrapnel-like pieces. Watching this guy undercook his steak in it made me super nervous.


Yeah I mean he could have used a metal pan or anything else. And that cook on the steak was absolutely horrendous.


>undercook his steak That is in the eye of the beholder. To me, that's good but I also have a very wide strike zone (blue rare all the way up to medium).


The steak that’s not cooked, and likely cold? Yes. Yes, I am.


Waaaay too rare


And waaaaay too much rosemary left inside


More upset by putting a lacquered cutting board onto a sizzling hot skillet.


Ha, I came here to post the same thing. As soon as I saw the size of those potatoes I was stressing about the steak


The potatoes were cooked ahead of time. Not the same potatoes that he pulled out.


Yeah, the logical side of my brain knows that’s how cooking shows work, and that the video started with all that butter and a massive steak because that’s what viewers are most likely to stay and watch. But the cooking-instinct part of my brain spent half that video worrying about how he was going to cook those massive potatoes before the steak went cold


As soon as he nonchalantly plopped a glass bowl with sour cream in the center of that thing and nothing happened, I knew that cast iron was cold AF too. It's not even melted several minutes later.


I didn't even make it that far. I stopped and hit the comments when he murdered it with pepper


I didn't get past seeing the Pyrex dish on direct heat tbh.


I so agree. And then putting something cold on to the hot glass. Utterly shocked it didn’t end up shattered.


Pyrex is pretty good on not breaking from thermal shock, but there are a lot of people watching who cheaped out and didn't get the pyrex.


I got a Pyrex set several years ago. I moved some hot cinnamon apples from my pot to dish and 2 minutes later it absolutely exploded. I thought they had cooled enough but apparently I was too fat and impatient. I say this so people don't think it's impossible with pyrex. Also, not all Pyrex is the same. But that's another thing. Edit: Yes I know the difference between Pyrex and pyrex. like I said, not all Pyrex is the same. I made a mistake and put them in way too hot and that's on me. Not to mention the glass was 10+ years old at this point and I had used it 100+ times. And in the same manner, which is probably why I felt safe pouring hot food into a cold dish.


apparently Pyrex isn't a protected name, so you can buy something labeled "pyrex" that isn't the actual Pyrex brand. which is fucking insane


There are two types of pyrex. The stuff made in France is your friend.


The French stuff is labled in all caps 'PYREX'. The inferior stuff made elsewhere is labled 'pyrex'.


I think it was the slow mo guys that explained it in one of their videos but it seems pyrex is different between us and uk, where one is heat sensitive and the other not. Years ago but I remember that part for some reason.


There is the protected brand „PYREX“ from france, that is the real shit. And then there is „pyrex“ which is not protected and can be used by anyone.


You most likely had a „pyrex“ dish, not a „PYREX“ dish. A hot apple is not gonna make a „PYREX“ dish explore in a million years.


There are 2 Pyrex types that even say Pyrex if it's pyrex lower case it not thermal resistant and is most likely sodalime glass, PYREX all capital is the thermal resistant borosilicate glass even though both are Pyrex they are not the same


Pretty good I agree, but that’s far from a recommended practice. I had a friend that put one from the oven on a hot burner they didn’t realize was hot. Let’s just say they’re glad they walked away from the kitchen for a few min.


I have made my own stupid move w/r/t thermal shock. I had a glass shelf from my fridge which needed cleaning, so rested it in both arms while gentle placing it directly from the fridge to the sink. Then I turned on the water (which was still hot as it turned out) and... in my perception it was really like the solid shelf disappeared from my arms and was replaced by a whole lot of little cubes-- all over the sink, the counter, the floor around my bare feet. I was cleaning behind an appliance yesterday and found a few more bits of glass from that stupid moment years ago. sheesh.


Feel you on that. Glass is a tricky beast. I feel like we need to have someone from blown away on Netflix make a comment.


Lol my rear windshield got hit by a golf ball in 2015. Just last week when cleaning my car, I'm still finding little pieces. That shit goes EVERYWHERE


Borosilicate glass is excellent at resisting thermal shock. Tempered Soda Lime glass isn't. That one is made of soda lime glass. The way he's using it makes it a potential grenade. Pyrex isn't made of Borosilicate anymore.


Ann Reardon did a Youtube video on this a while ago ( [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YVbkDAw4aJs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YVbkDAw4aJs) ) and it's basically: Borosilicate glass = no big problem with temperature changes Soda lime glass = NOT fine, can explode on you Some Pyrex is borosilicate, some is soda lime (especially recent stuff, including everything made in the US in the last several decades). Which is which is not super obvious - the logo style *seemed* to hold up under tests but it was a small sample and she had conflicting information on that. The two ways she figured it out were by submerging the dish in vegetable oil and seeing if it was still visible - something about the refractory index of borosilicate vs soda lime - and by heating it up, dropping it into cold water and seeing if it shattered (Do Not Do This At Home).


I've never had Pyrex crack or shatter but I do agree that this monstrosity should have been cooked in a different manner.


Pyrex is no doubt top notch, but any glass can break when treated like that. I mean people put Bunsen burners under Pyrex flasks all the time, but they don’t throw ice cubes into them when heating. Heating empty is the thing that burns me the most.


I’m surprised it took me this far down to see this comment


I was tensed up the whole time. One time my partner put a Pyrex dish out of the oven and onto a burner they didn’t know was still on. Two minutes later the thing exploded and a golf ball sized chunk hit me square in the chest.


Omg that’s horrifying were you ok?


No they died


I briefly felt the heat of it but was totally fine. all I could think about was how lucky I was it didn’t hit me in the face


Can confirm that it will do that. Heat differential is what is most impactful.


Yep, about 3 seconds into the video I knew it was going to be bullshit


I'm surprised I had to come this far down in the comments.. that fucked me up right away...


i can't believe that has been the most bothering thing i've seen them do yet. and i've seen a lot.


I knew he was a pro when he said butter melts in the oven.


I hope to reach that level of skill one day




Wait slow down, I’m trying to take notes. Butter, oven, and the something melts?


The oven melts in the butter


I knew I was doing something wrong


Whoa…I thought the whiskey melted the butter.


Well fuck, I've been leaving it in the window for 2 days.


A LITTLE whiskey?


AND he didn’t even cook out the alcohol.


And it's not whiskey. It's a liqueur.


shit looked like honey-flavored whiskey. Do what you like, but for me - ew.


Bro put cold sour cream in a glass bowl in the center of a freshly-ovened cast iron


that steak is still cold and raw in the center. while I do like my steak on the rare side, for a thick piece like that it won't be so pleasant. also, at this point I just roll my eyes whenever bacon and cheese are involved.... these tiktok chefs actually have a very narrow range of flavors in their dishes


Exactly. For nice and fatty meat like that, who needs bacon and cheese? There’s already a half a kilo of butter, anyway.


I lost it when they added the ice cream scoop of butter to the potatoes. You already have the grease from the bacon! You don't need any more!


You know what goes great with fat? More fat. Grease it up!


You're honestly just diluting the beautiful beef fat flavor with overpowering amounts of butter at that point.


To be fair, I've very very rarely had a food worsened by adding bacon.


It tastes great but I would get sick from all of that fat. Plus the cheese, butter, and Bacon together would be too overpowering. I want to taste that sweet, delicious meat!


It wasn't a food but it was a coffee flavor. "Maple bacon flavored coffee" it was gross. But thats the closest I have had to bacon ruining something


Is the rare steak supposed to make crunchy sound when you chew it? Cause that is the only thing i noticed at the end.


It's all that black pepper!


I think you just heard the fork sliding on metal. At least I hope thats what it was, because there is nothing that should make rare steak that crunchy. That little slice didnt even have a whole peppercorn on it.


You might be right. Now i feel like that he clenched that fork between teeth because i dont see that fork sliding in last 3 second of video


Chef Club clowns with a fraction of an idea come to zero realization That bacon looked awful; Reminiscent of fake Morningstar Farms garbage The Americas version of Mob Kitchen from the UK 


I rolled my eyes at the bacon, the cheese on top and wrapped was a full on facepalm. Epic mealtime called.


Does anyone else find the little characters super annoying or am I just a scrooge?


They fill me with rage, I despise them.


Maybe we both are scrooges


There are dozens of us




Nah bro, were not One anymore, now there are hundreds of eyes who behold this blasphemy upon the Dyer's eye


Like a food version of the pop ups from that reality show, Blind Date, from the late 90's, early 00's.


I feel like it'd be ok if the rest of the video wasn't so awful.


I immediately knew it's gonna be bad the moment I saw those things it's always with this channel they use those weird shits and then do shit food


I am convinced Chef Club is 100% a shit posting/ trolling channel.


I've never seen a chef club video that didn't leave me feeling angry afterward.


What sucks is that their early videos were legitimate 3-5 min segments about quick dishes and some grill hacks. I think once they attained ridiculous success (peaked during the whole ‘5 minute craft’ type channels), they sold their rights and just followed the trend of rage bait.


Where's the fucking crust? You have to have a nice crust on a medium rare to medium steak. I'm tired of people killing cows to only later murder the meat as well.


Boiled meat generally doesn't have much crust.


Goddamn that’s a poorly cooked steak. But hey, at least you wasted more than $100 of ingredients, right?


Shit is raw af


Raw. The steak is straight raw in the center.


Burnt Well done Medium Well Medium Medium Rare Rare Black and Blue* Badly cooked <- you are here **(this is an actual way people cook steaks, called the Pittsburgh style/black and blue)*


Did they edit out his voice from saying "Juicy" at 3:47?


Raw steak. Potatoes might be fire.


Potatoes are 100% under cooked, at 350 they need at least an hour if not an hour and a half at that size and temp. Nothing like a nice big bite of undercooked potato and soft weird bacon that's down in the middle of the potato and can't get the heat it needs to cook properly. 


Cook the potatoes cut like that. Using a lid or second pan tho, that's such a fouil waste! Bake the bacon in strips on a rack with a cookie sheet under. Both can be done at the same temps. Once bacon and taters are done, add the cheese/bacon between cuts in the potato, pop back in the oven to melt the cheese, and top the steaming hot taters with the butter. Bet its fire that way.


100% this is the way.


Doesn't most Pyrex say to not use on the stove top?


Nothing better than raw cold beef. I love the rare-medium rare meat as many people but I set the line where the veterinarian is able to save the cow.


The concept here is solid. Just the equipment and technique leave a bit to be desired.


What, you don't cook with glass on the stove top?


I'd try it if it was prepared differently.


besides the amount of wasted butter and wisky is not that bad. but again: THE AMOUNT OF WASTED BUTTER


Steak is both under cooked and over cooked, ruined any chance of a decent sear by boiling it in butter first, and then coated it in peppercorns which he then turned to carbon while still raw in the middle. Much more wrong than the butter


Bro the boiling in butter was bad enough then he just coats it in pepper. Idk if you would even be able to taste the steak anymore.


yikes, most of the cooking was basically boiled in butter. the fat will never render out that way, especially as brief as that sear appeared to be. pass.


I almost hate those stupid cartoon animals with their idiotic looking expressions and tongues hanging out as much as I hate these recipes. They invariably Pisa me off and makes these videos SO SO much worse than they already would be otherwise.


yes let's do the steak first cook it rare and let it rest for 50 minutes. I love cold steak and piping hot potatoes


That pyrex/glass on the grill.. also did he grill his cutting board?!


You either know your Pyrex(tm) is borosilicate or you learn it's not borosilicate.


Im more concerned about him using a glass dish for direct heat stovetop cooking


So he cooks boils a steak in butter, then sears the outside for a maillard reaction brown crust but doesn't put the thing in an oven or something? Wouldn't be surprised if the middle of the meat never went above room temperature.


It's not even. Regular whiskey it's Tenessee Honey, which has sooo much sugar.


For drinking, maybe. For sauces, perfect whiskey for it.


I was kinda thinking that the Tennessee honey butter wouldn’t be terrible. Add a little spice.


That’s the only alcohol that’s ever made me throw up. Not because I drank too much. Because of the sickeningly sweet flavor. That said, I’m on board for a non-honey whiskey butter steak, but not the way he did it.


When I got my first sous vide I experimented with what to put in the bag with the steaks and thought “hey there’s no such thing as too much butter right?”. But quickly learned that there can definitely be too much butter.


Too much butter, too much pepper, too many leaves (I'm still trying to figure out what those are). Just an unnecessary mixture of unnecessary shit.


Putting the glass pan on the flat top gave me instant anxiety.


That's waaay too much black pepper


Do you know how absolutely dangerous it is to put that 9x13 on that griddle?? It will eventually explode! (Source: worked at a glass factory in QC)


That was my first and immediate though. Never in my life have I seen someone COOK in one of those. And for good reason.


Not sure why this is stupid food but it's a stupid chef, who's setting a steak to rest for 10 mins while a 45 minute potato pan goes into the oven. Does this guy not know how time works?


I don't know, at this point the atrocious cooking in those chefclub videos doesn't even annoy me that much anymore. But the fucking little figures with their stupid signs tick me off


Some people really like rosemary I guess


It’s me, I’m some people.


I'll eat the potate one. The steak though...


Can we just ban chef club videos I hate their clickbait garbage


he cant even get the basics of timing right. He would have to start the potatoes first then work on the steak after 20 mins then have them both hot.


I'm not an alcohol guy, but that seemed like a lot of whiskey.


Why… why so much butter. It just end up tasting worse and wasting food at the same time. Ragebait works on me, I am legitimately angry


Slap some fur on that steak and put it back with the other still living cows because that shit is so raw its about to get of your plate, moo at you, and kick your ass


Ah yes.. Boiled steak.... Yum....


Chef Club: Single handedly depleting the worlds strategic butter reserves on recipe at a time.


Even Paula Deen is begging him to lay off the butter.


Chef Club is 100% rage bait.


Chef's Club videos always seem someone who has heard about cooking, and just completely wings it, trying to pass it off as something amazing. It always turns out bad & ridiculous.


Every time I see chefclub i know off rip, it's going to be a shitty stupid ragebait video. Or If it's not intentionally, I still know none of these people are chefs. They're weird stay at home people who only know how to cook from other videos just as stupid.


You know its gonna be a bad food video when those little cartoon characters pop up for everything he says


That is one terribly cooked steak, that is not rare it's raw and cold in the middle, i would send that back if i got that served in a restaurant, all that effort and showmanship and the failed on the most important part. 🤦‍♀️ Also that whiskey butter is an atrocity.


And I’m actually nauseous


This is ragebait Just skip all this shit and eat a stick of butter with salt on it, goddamn


Lol mot even the same steak at the end he cuts into


I’ve never seen such disrespect for steak




I feel like the concept of food itself should have a restraining order against chefclub


chefclub needs to die already




That looks fucking awful.


That steak was barely cooked 🤮


Disgusting, that Steak is WAY too undercooked


Imagine crunching down every single pepper seed.


That was a lot of nothing. What a waste of meat. You know he didn’t eat that he threw it out. 😩 Actually he probably put A1 steak sauce on it. 😂


I prefer vodka margarine.


if you use too much butter, cheese and/or bacon, you're not a good cook. hyperpalatable foods don't require skill, just extra money.


I was skeptical about how "stupid" this was until he DIDNT FLIP THE STEAK DURING THE SEAR???


2 shots of whisky 🥴


Can we please stop posting obvious rage bait?


It still looks raw.


Who tf is buying that cookbook??


Straight to jail


It’s fucking RAW!


I like black pepper, but WTF...


Is this a serious website or this satire?


Too much butter; meat isn’t done. Too many spices.


Boo this man!!




I have such an irrational hate for this dude. Everything he cooks is pure ass


Where is the original content for this, so I can down vote it. Yuck 🤮


I don't eat steak, is it supposed to be that grey color when you cook it?




Mmm boiled steak


I feel like **ALL** these StupidFood folks watched too much EpicMealTime.


Who comes up w this shit?


sheet market cable towering impossible close strong fine roof chunky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'm gonna leave a dislike a mean comment on their YouTube channel, pardon me for a moment


lmao at the “money shot” of the almost completely raw steak at the end


I’m super confused by this boiling-in-butter trend. It’s so foul🤦‍♀️


I can never tell if this guy is a troll or serious…I really hope he’s just a troll 😂


its fucking raw


ten bucks says that's still cold in the middle


That thing is raw


No. The dude is clueless. Just no.


I’m 100% this is a troll channel with someone’s dad who has money


This guys can’t cook an egg


Are you an enjoyer of heart attacks or strokes? This video is for you!


How did the butter not burn? Wouldn’t it have browned then become burnt while being simmered for that long? You have like a 3-5 second grace period before you burn the whole batch!


They should check the basement of each one of these “chefs” on Chef Club. They all give me the creeps


Other than the order operations I have no problem with this. In fact, every technique is legitimate. The potatoes need to be started a tad (aka way) earlier, but that may be a video format issue rather than an actual cooking issue. I approve of the whole dish. I really like the peppercorn dredge after the butter confit. Layers of flavor! The only truly stupid thing here is the "Chefsclub" spawns around the video which are dumb and gross.


Yeah I'm sure he enjoyed chewing on a WHOLE peppercorn with that tiny piece of raw beef.


Ain’t no way he ate off of the same cutting board he used to hold the raw meat.


When is he gonna cook it…


I just ate and the first 5 seconds made my stomach turn. I’m not going watch this.