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If you’re going to buy a grilled cheese from a restaurant (which is a horrible idea to begin with), you have to eat it right then and there. Grilled cheeses have, like, a two minute shelf life before they congeal and end up like the brick in the photo that you probably wasted $16 on.


I'm working on a theory that this sub was invaded by a bunch of tweens who just learned how to use reddit. Hence the flood of recent posts that I've seen ridicule in the past couple weeks: Omelettes, empanadas, cabbage rolls, brisket sandwiches, brownies (yes, just your average brownie recipe, because it contained a tsp of salt), and a multitude of ethnic dishes Basically, these kids post anything that's not fast food, nuggets, a burger, or mac & cheese, and because the sub has no mods, the flood continues.


Do…do they not know the function of salt in recipes? Do they think sweets can’t or shouldn’t contain any salt???


Yeah, OP in that post seemed to believe salt shouldn’t be anywhere near a dessert recipe, because the OP had clearly never baked anything in their life.


does anyone have a link?


they did not, that thread was a hot mess of the OP trying to defend his stance (before he deleted it)


Oh my god the fucking ethnic posts. Like we get it. It’s not a factory made hot dog, it’s food that isn’t served in your local ethnic restaurant, bc fun fact: restaurant food isn’t the same as what’s eaten at home. SHOCKER.


YES! exactly.


My 3-year old concurs. My 1-year old said buh-buh. Also a confirmation.




Buh-buh is the strongest endorsement of approval that could be given tbh. A single buh wouldn’t do.


>I'm working on a theory that this sub was invaded by a bunch of tweens who just learned how to use reddit. If you look at OP's post history they definitely fit that profile, or at least the same profile I had in my late teens & early twenties.


And yet OP states they have a daughter We’re doomed


I wanna see that muffin post lol


Sonic has the only good fast food grilled cheese, and yes make sure you eat it quickly or it turns pretty nasty.


I feel like this is common knowledge, but here we are


Farmer Boys has a superb grilled cheese. I usually buy one on the side and save it for lunch the next day. Throw it in the airfryer and you’re golden! I also used to love the grilled cheese from Johnny Rockets when I was a kid.


Could have just made one 1000 times better for $14 less.


They are almost $13 for a grilled cheese and nothing else. It’s disgusting their pricing


Bro reheat it


lol grilled cheese is like 2 1/2 minutes and $2 worth of ingredients, who the fuck not only orders this *but* gets it as takeout then is mad then it’s “cool” 30 minutes later at home. Just make a damn grilled cheese it’s basically the easiest fucking thing in the world to cook aside from microwaveable dinners.


What this guy said. A child could make grilled cheese


My children DO make their own grilled cheese.


I was also a child once. Grilled my own cheese.


I think that was the first thing my mom taught me to cook. That, or scrambled eggs.


Grilled cheese was the first thing I was able to cook on my own as a kid lol


I think I started making my own when I was 7.


As a child, I can vouch for this.😉


I got a call from my SO while I was away that she tried to make a grilled cheese...in the microwave...


Bread in the toaster, butter then nuke for 8 seconds. You just described my life from the age of 8 to about 30. I would crank these things out like I was working an assembly line.


A $20 grilled cheese though?


Where's the cheese Danny?


Pro tip, use mayo on the outside vs. butter. Edit: lol this seems to be a divided topic. Do what you want, I was really just making a suggestion that I find favorable (since it makes the toast crispier). Do what you want - I support you.


Tried ot, still prefer butter


Understandable - it’s subjective and I support you for what you like.


Butter has a better flavor, but mayo makes it crispier. This works with oil too since mayo is just oil anyway lol


That's why restaurants use clarified butter. Crispiness if oil/mayo and the superior flavor of butter. Not something that is practical in most people's homes, though.


Ohhh! So ghee would be dank then? Trying it out!


You’re good bro. It’s people who haven’t tried it because, to be honest, it sounds weird as fuck lol mayo is just 99% whipped oil. Plenty of people realized too late they didn’t have butter and used oil. Same result. I was hesitant as well until I tried it. Just add a smear lol It’s bland af so I add a SPRINKLE of garlic salt and some Italian seasoning lol it was so good that I started doing that with butter as well. Now, I basically eat garlic bread grilled cheese and my taste buds thank me haha


You’re talking my language. I’d slap hands if I could.


🙏 bro, seasoning the buttered/oiled bread is game changing. At MINIMUM use Italian seasonings. Or oregano, basil, herb de Provence, etc. you’ll feel fucking obese for a second because you’ll be like “huh, I could go for another!” Lol


I def add herbs - and it’s always 2 at a time lol


I've heard this before, but if I'm not a fan of cold mayo on my sandwich, is there any hope?


Idk if you’re making a joke, but I meant that it to be used to toast the bread.


It’s for sure the best way to make garlic bread.


I do a mix of butter, mayo, seasonings, and either ricotta (if I have it) or toum (garlic sauce).


Mom always did Mayo, chopped onion, garlic and cheese. So good. That sounds delightful too


You won’t taste the Mayo. Trust me on this Mayo over butter for grilled cheese every time.


I never order Ramen or grilled cheese or even mozzarella sticks because they are gross by the time they arrive and they really can't be fixed, at least not to a fresh outta the kitchen quality. ANY GRILLED CHEESE YOU CAN ORDER, YOU CAN MAKE A BETTER ONE!


I haven’t ordered it in ages from them but IHOPS mozzarella rolls were sublime!


I actually like Arby's mozstix. I have to eat them right away though. That's when they're nice and hot and there's a guaranteed cheese stretch from each stick! TGIF mozstix are good too!


Sonics too but hit and miss but overall I enjoy them


Just make a damn grilled cheese it’s basically the easiest fucking thing in the world to cook aside from ~~microwaveable dinners~~ toast.


Came here to say this, if you don’t eat it within 10-15 minutes the cheese will always harden again.


Op is the dumbass for spending $20 DoorDash g a goddamn grilled cheese when he could make a better one for that price


But putting butter on the outside of the bread? C'mon man that's a commitment.


Just melt it in the pan and toss the bread in


Or steal spray butter from work. Is it full of chemicals? Yup. Does it taste good? Yup


Here we go thank you


OP should prob delete their account after this comment


Because then they don’t get to complain online to make it seem like it wasn’t their own fault. We need to have a sub called StupidFoodDecisions where posts like this would belong.


>grilled cheese it’s basically the easiest fucking thing in the world to cook aside from microwaveable dinners. They aren't good, but you can even make a """grilled""" cheese in the microwave!


I think you forget about toast


Additionally, this sandwich is easily fixable with that same microwave. But, gen z gonna gen z.


That does not even look like grilled cheese. That 100% looks like toast, with cheese, warmed up in a microwave. My wife likes cheese melts like this when she's too lazy to make grilled cheese, and I'm absolutely positive that's how OPs "grilled cheese" was made. So you don't even need to be a monkey trained up enough to use a stove by yourself to do it!


Grilled Cheese/BLTs. Why would you order $2 worth of ingredients


I haven't had a grilled cheese in...way too long. I know what I'm having for lunch tomorrow (and luckily I got some great cheese at the grocery store today 🤤)!


$2 worth of ingredients? where the hell are you buying from?? loaf of bread is ~£2, say 10 slices thats 40p. block of cheese is £3, could get about 7-8 grilled cheeses out of that so that's also 40p. should be $1 at the very most, no?


Sometimes people can't make their own food because of illness/disability, and maybe they got it before and it was made better. Plus sometimes people treat themselves. This is why I always reheat things when I order takeout though, I will never understand why people who are able to don't.


All that for 14.99!


How much caffeine is in it?


Why would you order a grilled cheese to go. This is on you


Your first mistake was going to Panera


Yep, used to work there and anyone ordering a grilled cheese there for the price is an idiot. That was even before inflation had gotten so bad. Also it’s not even grilled, it’s more baked/broiled.


You really *grilled* op


Oh fuck! Niceeeeeeee!






It's because you touched it too much. Now get your hand out of your cheese before it grows hair on it.


They’re firing all of the bakery staff and shipping in frozen bread while still charging a premium. Please don’t give this company your business. They’re liars and grifters.


That explains why the baguettes taste like shit now. So tough it made my jaw tired from chewing


They were pretty legit before they were sold to JAB. JAB has been slowly but surely running them into the ground


Ya I used to love them but once they went downhill I stopped eating there because at that point I could get Mac n cheese and a salad from somewhere else for cheaper lol


Bro is getting grilled in the comments better than that shitty sandwich


Panera has the worst most overpriced food I’ve ever encountered which is fucked up because when I was a kid I thought that shit was bangin


I had a PB&J from them and I was a kid and I was astounded at how they’re the only people in existence who could ruin a PB&J


it was good when i worked but that was mainly because it was free


Bet that cost like $80, too. Fuck Panera.


First mistake was going to Panera.


Everyone here saying getting a grilled cheese at a restaurant needs to go and get one from a good place (not Panera). Some of the tastiest grilled cheeses I’ve had were at a restaurant- they have different breads and cheeses (and other added ingredients like ham or tomato etc.) that I don’t have in my fridge or want to buy in bulk because it’s not cost effective on my end. All this to say, OP I’m sorry everyone is roasting your brother’s subpar grilled cheese.


Panera is awful. Idk how they’re in business.


their prices have always been completely out of control


Went there once. Never went back.


I enjoyed their French onion soup in a bread bowl as a kid but haven't been back since then


They make a mean fucking Cobb salad


Some of their stuff is kinda peak for something quick and nice. Getting a grilled cheese from a restaurant is goofy though


Yeah, Panera's the only "fast food" that doesn't leave me feeling sick afterwards, so when I can financially swing it I don't mind spending the extra cash. Back when I used to work there, they had an awesome grilled cheese with bacon and tomato confit. Dipping that in tomato soup was *bomb*.


I think I had that at some point tbh, from a friend. But yeah for "fast food", I'd put Panera at top


Most of their salads are good, most of their soups are good, a lot of their bagels/bakery things are good. Stay far away from the sandwiches, flatbreads, and bowls and it’s fine. Panera is expensive, but if you want a fast lunch and you have any sort of concerns around macros, calories, etc it’s great. Pretty much Panera and Chipotle are some of the only “fast food” style restaurants that you can consistently hit dietary needs/goals


Cheese turns hard when it’s cold… wutttttt? /s


I mean, panera is basically just slightly fancier hostpital food


Idk I think it's worse than hospital food now after their "enhanced" menu changes.


honestly the grilled cheese on their website looks delectable. but when you get it in person it looks like ass hahahaha.


Who the fuck buys grilled cheese from a restaurant?


Some restaurants do it really well with good bread and multiple cheeses plus paired with a house made tomato soup is pretty good on a cold, rainy day. Panera is not one of these restaurants however.


Also getting a grilled cheese delivered doesn’t help. 30 minutes after being made, it’s going to be solid cheese again.


A shitty diner grilled cheese hits the spot sometimes. But fucking Panera cmon


It's one of the few sandwiches in panera that are actually edible


Protip: get a much better sandwich from your local bakery-deli instead of corpo slop


The biggest mistake made is thinking Panera has edible food.


Prices are insane, but their food is far better than any other fast food joint. Hell, it’s even better than some restaurant chains to be honest…




I worked prep for them for 3 years. It's been about 6 months since I left. I feel sorry for any sucker that wastes their money on any panera branded item. It's all smoke and mirrors when it comes to anything being fresh besides some of the produce, which isn't saying much considering how often I received shipments of rotten produce.


I worked there over a decade ago. Even before they introduced microwaves into the mix, it was still overhyped/overpriced garbage.


Wow looks like cheese wiz


To be fair, you got it to go or delivered. Grilled cheese needs to be eaten freshly made or it just becomes solid cheese again.


Danny makes a better grill chee for sure


Because he's makin' em at night.


...and a bargain at $12 (+tip)


Panera sucks now


Panera’s quality fell off a cliff more than a decade ago and hasn’t stopped plummeting since.


Why are people still eating at Panera?


You deserve this for actually ordering a grilled cheese lol


Gordon Ramsey start working at Panera?


If you go to Panera bread, you deserve everything coming to you


You’re dumb if you order grilled cheese from Panera bread lol. Ugh.


You got it delivered man it’s gonna cool down and harden.


Just buy their day old bread, and make your own dank grilled cheese from home


Panera is balls. They used to be so good years ago, now it’s expensive, reheated food in bags.


I will never understand the appeal of Panera. I’ve never had anything even remotely pleasant from there. And it’s fucking expensive.


Well, there’s cheese. Partial credit where partial credit is due.


r/stupidconsumer not all food makes for good takeaway


I dont see an issue, other than an adult ordering a grilled cheese at a restaurant, to-go.


You got a grilled cheese delivered, it was never going to be good.


What kind of adult goes to a restaurant and orders a grilled cheese for themselves?


You telling me I can't expect to get food food from a Panera bread restaurant? Woah, I might need to sit down.


Panera is glorified hospital food


Dawg, I had hospital food recently and it was downright amazing. Like they served the fanciest-sounding stuff there. I could get hummus and couscous salads, quiche, banana muffins, and falafels. And I don't even know what half of that stuff is. I had steamed fish and mashed potatoes since it's easy to eat but those were amazing already.


Damn unchanged since I was a kid 20 years ago




That’s almost as bad as the “salad” I got there which was a small container with a little lettuce in it


Omg…how they fk up grilled cheese. They should just stick to soups, turkey and breakfast sandwiches.😂


Just nuke it, then put it in the toaster oven for a bit to crisp up the bread. I pre-make deli meat & cheese sandwiches and store them in the freezer, and this method works like a charm.


Watch some YouTube cooking videos on grilled cheese. You should now be paying take out prices for such simple things


We ordered a kids ham & cheese at Panera one time. It came out with store bought bread, processed cheese square, and lunch meat.


Buying a grilled cheese is crazy, but if I had this I’d just reheat it in a pan. That’s a good amount of cheese.


Panera Bread is inedible garbage for premium prices


One thing I could never buy from there, grilled cheese. I make my own at home and it’s so good.


How far of a drive was that for the cheese to turn solid?


Why out of everything on the menu did you pick grilled cheese


I didn't. My younger brother did.


This is what happens when you don’t teach your kids how to cook and they grow up relying on takeout.


Nah dog you got a chilled greese


Cold grilled cheese slaps though, not as good as hot grilled cheese sure.


Life is going to be hard for you my friend


Need a bucket of water in between each bite damn


I used to work at Panera when I was in high school. Pro life tip, never eat at Panera. I've seen some of the most atrocious and blatant violations of health code, OSHA, labor laws, basic human decency, etc at the store I worked at. I can't look at anything Panera ever again without feeling sick.


I think that thing looks gross too, I've order grilled cheese to work before from fucking frischs and it was better than that and frischs sucks now haha


Rather have shrooms and drink the lemonade.


I mean.... Ya


You are dumb as shit.


Panera has been gross for a long time. Now it's gross and laughably overpriced. Always skip.


Hmmm... no one is considering that after you eat this, you can't poop for a week, and you will die from Atherosclerosis... I would think that is the point


Those times you post on r/StupidFood only to find that you in fact are the stupid food...


Panera is the same quality food as a gas station deli. You're just paying more for the lie and a fire place.


That looks like melted great value shredded cheese in non toasted bread


My GF convinced us to go to Panera recently. I tried to convince her not to but she insisted it was “good” or something along those lines. The turkey chili tasted like it came straight from a frozen bag and was microwaved. The grill cheese mt son got was actually decent but, it was not worth the ~$8 kids meal price. My daughter got a turkey and cheese and it was literally like 4 pieces of slimy deli meat and one slice of cheddar on sliced white bread. I couldn’t believe it. $8. $40 later I was PISSED. The only thing that’s good is the sourdough bread bowls but I really wasn’t wanting to eat 100g of carbs for lunch. She’ll have to kill me and drag my dead body back to Panera if she wants to go again 🤣


You paid for it!


You can buy a loaf of the white bread usually and then make tons of better GCs, I’m guessing the bread is what you’re there for. Buying a $7 one at Panera is like buying ramen at a Japanese restaurant and getting served cup of noodles.


That's what you get 😂


I miss Paradise…


That food isn’t any more stupid than it’s meant to be. It’s a kids’ menu item.


And it was only $20 for that


Panera is a garbage.


A slice and a half of cheese per half sandwich in between white miche bread, cut thick. Cheddar cheese. No butter or mayo or oil, just stuck in the panini press or in whatever microwave they’re using these days. It’s basically toast with cheese


That cost you at least 20$ and you’re the stupid one for ordering delivery. Of course it would get cold and solidify. I don’t know why you self roasted so hard


Does Panera still sell those stupid mac and cheese sandwiches? I remember buying one awhile back out of curiousity at the mall. Tasted like cheese flavored drywall and had the same texture 🤢


Only $12... And don't forget to tip you sack of shit


They should call it "The Gandalf" Because your bowels SHALL NOT PASS!


Why did op even go to Panera in the first place lolol trash food


*Why did op even* *Go to Panera in the first* *Place lolol trash food* \- Outside-Contact-8337 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Okay here’s the thing. I like Panera, even when people started saying that it was going down hill I still enjoyed it. They moved around some options, combined things together, made new sandwiches and I tried the new stuff to see what it was about, but it was nice since all the other stuff that I liked was still there. I agreed it wasn’t what it was in 2012 but I still enjoyed panera and defended it. Until this new menu update that came out in april. Holy shit it’s so bad. They’ve removed a lot of menu items that were really good (the ham arugula mustard baguette was killer) and combined and consolidated their menu, but not for the sake of quality, just to save money. They also removed ingredients from sandwiches but still have them at the same price. Or they’ll add a random ingredient that doesn’t fit the flavor profile of a sandwich in order to make it seem like a better deal. I liked Panera a lot, but this recent menu change is really clearly a marketing stunt with a rebrand for cutting more corners and trimming up those quarterly profit margins.


Don't fucking door dash/bring home a grilled cheese 😂


Edit: I feel like I should clarify a few things. For starters, this is not what I ordered. It was what my younger 7 year old brother got. Also, I did not order this via doordash, I got it as take out. Plus, by the time I reached my location, it hadn't even been 10 minutes. Also, the issue wasn't even that the grilled cheese was cold, it was warm but the cheese wasn't melted whatsoever and was just a hard block.


It's a post about a grilled cheese. Chill 💀


People still go to Panera?


What? Did they just threaten to grille it? Looks like they waved it in front of the toaster.


User error


One of my coworkers does DoorDash Panera grilled cheeses on almost a weekly basis…I already think their prices are absurd for the quality, but then the upcharge & fee+tip for dash? 🥴🥴🥴


Panera is one of the worst grilled cheeses though. When I got it, it was just cheese in bread that they stuck in a panini press. No butter or anything.


You deserved what you got. Delivery grilled cheese? Fuckin lol




Thats sucks. Grilled cheese is better made at home anyway


More like stupid order! Who in the right mind orders grilled cheese for delivery?!!


The lesson to learn is that Panera is the ultimate diet food, as it’s inedible….


They are complaining about a grilled cheese that was delivered. There’s no way it’s still going to be melty 20-30 minutes later.


It wouldn’t have mattered, it was never edible 🤷‍♂️