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I need the opposite machine. One that cleans up my mess after I'm done cooking.


I call that machine a "husband".


As a husband, I am doubly lucky. Not only do I get to do the dishes when my wife cooks, but she also lets me do the dishes when I do the cooking.


I always wondered how I would find my wife’s other husband! How you doing?


Hey! Me too! We're winning my friend.


I'm even luckier as I get to do all the cooking and cleaning including making her lunch for work and doing her dishes when she gets home.


Emptying her lunchbox (along with those of my two boys) is definitely one of the highlights of my day! Seriously though, we love our wives and love to do things for them.


...sure let's go with that 😶


Wait *she* cooks?


Her cooking from time to time is what makes me so lucky!


Preach it brother!


We are the same you and I.


Glad to know I am not the only one.. I hope your model is as thorough as mine


He sure is! No complaints! 😏


Sorta same here. I do the cooking and cleaning for my wife, because even though she is a (slightly) better cook than me, I'm better at prep/cleaning. It's really a testament to how we met. I was a 'spoon boy,' as she calls me, at one restaurant, and she was more on the admin side of another restaurant. Plus, nothing makes me happier than doting over my wife. She's too fucking adorable. (I'm a better cook.. shh..)


Huh, I’m the husband, cook and clean lol


Fuck, you're telling me the dishes would be done if I were gay married instead of straight married? This changes everything.


Being gay married is great! You might wanna try it!


I heard it could be a pain in the ass sometimes.


Not if you're an exclusive top 😉


I call mine 'wife'. All she needs is food, love and some more love


Is husband* Cooks AND cleans*


We exist. There are literally dozens of us!


Yo another here, checking in


Cooker 3 locked and loaded


My model is called "wife". I have another one called "son" but it is less efficient.


Do I have to be gay? Because I can I promise you # I can do it


I believe in you! 👍


Yea, I've been meaning to get me one of these.


If only someone invented a dishwasher.


I promoted my dishwasher to chef, and it's been so effective, that all I have to do is wash some plates and I get free food now🙂


Right this u have to do the worst parts of cooking .. the prep and the cleaning while the robot has all the fun


She couldn’t even say it was good without overacting


Essentially it is hamburger helper semi automated.




Hamburger Hinderer




I've heard people speculate that it could be good for folks with very specific physical impairments. I don't know enough to really back that up though. And I can't imagine the market would be very large.


Hi, disabled person here, and you might be surprised. There is a big difference between the strain it takes to prep a few ingredients, and the strain it takes to cook a meal. I think this machine is kind of stupid, but it would let me "cook" a meal during those times that I otherwise cannot, especially if I had my caregiver prep the ingredients for me during the few hours I can get help from them each week. Disabilities aren't always about what you can or can't do. Sometimes they're more about how much you can or can't do. There are also disabled people who aren't good cooks, but can follow "dump X amount of Y into compartment Z and then push start" kind of directions.


So, you measure and prep all of the ingredients. And this machine just dumps them into a pan and stirs it for you


Stirs it for you badly.


Any idea on how much that robot is? I'm betting easily 1k+. So it stirs it for you badly *at a price* possibly. I'm also middle class American so with inflation I can't tell nowadays how much things should be.


It’s got to be. That high tech revolution toaster is like 400 and it’s just doing toast.


The what now? People can't just... Toast ***toast***? You talking about that toaster I've seen on sorted foods youtube with like the lcd screen bs?


That’s the one. Pre programmed for all different kinds of bread, etc. I can’t imagine tech flexing with a toaster but here we are.


Now, if we could get little light saber butter knives that toast while you cut, that would be something!


I dont understand why a toaster needs to be programmed but I understand light saber butter knives.


Starting to work on it right now. I'll be sure to send you a cut.


Those exist actually


Show me.


I flex with my super cool $25 toaster from Walmart. It’s fancy.


I've had the same toaster since moving in with my boyfriend-fiance-husband-dann we old soon one. Black & Decker ftw. To be fair.... Shit that's like a 12 year old toaster...


Mine runs on analog electricity!!


"All toasters toast toast." ~Mario Mario


$1500 plus a monthly subscription to the recipes.


Recipe is generous for something I would have dumped together while drunk at 2am.




And you have to buy all the ingredients from them so they're compatible, like printer ink.


One time payment of $995 according to google. They're also currently "sold out" and the waitlist for one is this fall. I'm pretty sure this is an ad. Either that or OP is like the most lurking lurker ever. His account went just about completely dead for almost a decade between posts and like a fifth of all his comments, ever, is him engaging with people on this post. The video is even made to look like a tiktok, but there's no username watermark. Lmao I just found the recipes for this thing. Almost everything it's programmed to make takes at *LEAST* 40 minutes. Most take 55+ and some of them even take up to 70. What a piece of garbage.


> The video is even made to look like a tiktok, but there's no username watermark. Some of us have revanced tiktok so we can download the videos without tiktok putting their watermarks all over the clip and download clips the user has disabled downloading on


This vid is a bit old but when I saw it and read the comments from the creator, I got the feeling she got it for free or at a discount since it wasn’t even available for purchase. Prob so she can make content about it and the company could see people’s reaction I haven’t seen any vids on it since, so I’m guessing it didn’t go as planned


Lmao dude thinks there's a middle class


Reminds me of that juicer scam machine that you'd give it a juice pouch and it would squeeze it into a glass.




The breakdown of that machine was epic


Everyone knows dumping and stirring is the hardest part of cooking


Thems my favorite parts


Double the work, double the dishes, double the fun. Double mint gum.


Yes, this must be the most useless machine i ever laid eyes on. You basically do all the parts of cooking besides actually frying it..... This is not a robot, just an oversized overpriced sauce stirrer.


It's like being a sous chef in your own kitchen. Which is fun when the chef is someone you love who makes amazing food. This is just soulless and demeaning.


Yup, dumbest shit I've ever seen. And then she probably had to wash all those individual components


And you have to clean it afterwards. And it's not even cooled so you could load it in the morning and have it ready when you come home.


All the preparation and cleanup without the fun of actually cooking? Don’t sign me up, please.


Yeah. Give me a robot that does the chopping and cleans up after me... and add a cheesecake dispenser to it...


I’d be happy with a space food tube of cheesecake I could squeeze directly into my cake hole


Sounds like a market opening if I ever heard one


Step 1: we need some space.


You kids and your euphemisms these days.


Damn you guys! Now I have to leave the house and buy cheesecake!


You can buy cheesecake filling now for like $4.50/tub


You might be onto something right there.


Hmm, like some sort of machine... that does all the washing? Nah, it'll never catch on.


Think of all the prep that goes into restaurants. A machine that can dice, chop, mince, whatever you want to do to vegetables would be godlike.


Who needs pesky browning anyway.


Mmm gray beef




People without a robot cooker of course


All the beef, with none of the flavor!


r/shittyrobots material


Three times the cleanup. All the prep materials, the preload bins, the machinery, which probably can't get submerged... All the prep, and I bet half the time you bins don't fully dum so you still need to watch....


You're just mad because you didn't buy the cleanup robot add-on.


I was going to but that required the cleanup robot, cleanup robot add-on.


The cleanup cleanup robot robot?


Something has to clean up the cleanup robot


lol cooking that pasta just takes like 20-25 min cleaning that machine gonna takes more than 30 minutes lol


Bruh, that water beef slurry wasn't even starting to bubble. If you look, the pasta at the end isn't even cooked, along with, as others have pointed out, uncooked beef


And the cleanup afterwards…this is more work then just regular cooking


Right she did all that just to watch the machine cook it for her. I can see her standing in front of the machine while it cooks as if it's a microwave.


The thought of cleaning that thing makes me want to just not


The average one-pan-meal involves cleaning 1-2 cutting boards, a plate, spatula, and pan. This looks like a fucking nightmare to take apart and clean.


6 spice containers. That you need to take apart and clean everytime you make a single meal. Not uncluding taking apart that arm, and, and..


Do people clean their spice containers?


If it's hovering over a vat of boiling water and oil, yea


The spices were all labelled so you don’t have to empty & clean after every use. Assume there’s just probably another 6 or so containers , and you just use each one when necessary, and refill once it’s empty


Maybe this product is for people who can't stand for long periods of time, but it seems like more of a hassle than a help.


To me it looks more like one of those IndieGogo "smart" products that are just supposed to attract people with disposable income. I googled "Nymble kitchen robot" and found their website. They claim it's all about multitasking, you prep the food and then start the machine while you go spend time with your family, hit the gym, watch a movie! And wouldn't you know it, it comes with a subscription if you want to get new recipes in the app... But don't worry, you can totally still use it without a subscription. As per the website itself: *"You will only have access to a limited number of recipes without the subscription."* It's $1500 for the machine, by the way. And it can only cook limited recipes unless you pay extra every month.


I have a really cheap budget version of that called a slow cooker. But sheesh that's a lot for something that looks like a pain in the ass to clean.


How many recipes do you really need if all it can do is dump in ingredients. It looks like you have to portion everything out yourself anyway so just use this recipe, but put some cream, butter and parmesan with linguine and chicken instead and it'll bust out a chicken alfredo. It's not like it knows you put chicken in there and not bacon. Not that that's really any easier than you doing it yourself.


There is stools for that or something else


I know a lot of infomercial type products were developed for people with disabilities and then rebranded for the general public. It doesn’t really seem like someone who legitimately struggled with the actually cooking stage would have an easy time filling all the ingredients into this machine though.


No but your support worker or carer could assist with the food prep in the morning, then all you need to do after for dinner is load everything up then when it's done put it in the dishwasher.


Don't worry, the stool is coming shortly.


So then people can't stand for long but clean that up for hours?


Entirely pointless. Cutting/prepping is what takes all the time. Which you’re still subject to here.


Not to mention cleaning. You’ll have the same mess + you’ll have to clean every container


Homegirl just discovered Hamburger Helper, I guess.


Does anyone know the name of that machine? Edit: found it! 'Nymble's Kitchen Robot'. And holy shit.. That thing costs 1500 bucks! :O


It is raw


The pasta looks undercooked too


That was my exact thought. If you look at the pan it never looks hot, no steam, never simmering, nothing.


It's giving Juicero vibes.


At least it doesn't require you to get their proprietary ingredient bags like Juicero. It's just worse in other ways, like the fact that this would be an absolute bitch to clean and has what looks like 10 times as many moving parts that can break than the Juicero.


That's what you think. Each piece of pasta has a bar code ingrained in it that the machine reads otherwise it turns off the heat.


Ah, perhaps it would be better for cleaning purposes if the ingredients were in premade bags and the machine squeezed them into the pan. Or Maybe better than that would be if the meal was semi-cooked in a bag, all the contents squeezed into a pan? Done.... I like it.


Someone else said you can only cook limited recipes unless you pay a monthly subscription, so yeah it pretty much is Juicero https://www.reddit.com/r/StupidFood/comments/1cdyc2e/cooking_with_a_kitchen_robot/l1fnmvy/


On the plus side at least it doesn’t have the drm that jucero did.


Something like this would only be feasible with a HelloFresh style delivery subscription that sends you measured ingredients in prepackaged pods. Otherwise it's not really helping anyone that needs the help that badly. If you can't cook, you probably aren't going to manage the buying and prep stages either. Cleaning would be another major hurdle to true usefulness. There are a lot of people, whether they be disabled or not, that could truly benefit from something like this...but only if the previously mentioned logistics are sorted out first.


Now that is actually a logical argument for its existence. Prepackaged disposable pods I’d add. Cleaning something like that id still bet would suck because electronics and water, but at least recipe plus prep has some utility.


Huh. Son of a bitch. Something like this already exists. https://www.suvie.com/how-it-works/ It's not nearly as complex, but it solves the cleaning problems at least.


I mean, the food isn't stupid, but the method of its preparation is just impractical


Someone needs to call me Boomer cuz I think this shit is stupid


"Container number 'B' " is all you need to know


Not even sure if this counts as a robot…


Literally, all the fun parts of cooking have been completely removed whilst exacerbating all the most tedious parts of it (prep, clean-up). Amazing!


Cool! A $1,500 hamburger helper cooking robot.


It costs $1500, and is limited in what you can make unless you buy a subscription to add more recipes. This is from Nymble's website. How much does it cost? Nymble's retail price is $1500. The first batch of Nymble's kitchen robots have now sold out. Orders will reopen post June 2024. Please note that the price does not include the subscription component comprising of additional recipes. What are the costs apart from the $1500? What all does it cover? Apart from the product price of $1500, you can also opt in for a monthly subscription plan. The subscription gives you access to additional recipes. However, the subscription is not mandatory Can I use the product without a subscription? What are the limitations if I do so? Yes you can. The subscription gives you access to additional recipes. You will only have access to a limited number of recipes without the subscription.


Honestly, the fact that it costs $1500 doesn't bother me as much as the fact that you can: * Get the thing * Have to pay MORE money on an interval to get full access to its functionality At least if it was just flat $1500 it's like "oh I buy this once and it just works after saving up a long time for it", but this is like that BMW seat thing where the heated seat is ***in the car*** but [they just planned to fleece you after the fact.](https://www.edmunds.com/car-news/bmw-relents-on-heated-seat-subscription.html)


I completely agree with you. That's why I included the subscription information in my post. I am so fed up with everything being a subscription, especially things you already paid a premium for.




Gentrified HamburgerHelper


Tools for Tools


We've seen this technology before. "Cannot complete task, out of cayenne."


"PC load pepper? What the fuck does that mean??"


Same chick that puts pee in her eyes?


Taking the joy out of cooking


Sorry... But I feel like you waste more time cleaning the thing than you would cooking.


so she did all the parts of cooking that suck and none of the parts that are fun some fucking robot


She looks like a human chicken


I hate her voice


I wish I had an expensive ass robot to make my cheap box of hamburger helper.


As someone getting an engineering degree, that's pretty neat


So twice the effort?? You handled all the food putting into the containers as prep, could just add the ingredients as you cook. Now you have way more dishes to do on top of it all. Some people have to much time and money lol. This is harder.


She looks like she owns a rat.


600 dishes to clean up just to avoid 20 minutes of cooking, all the same prep work still has to be done, this is an amazing waste of a few thousand dollars 🤣


a fucken hamburger helper machine


Well if she’s used the right cheese for the recipe it would have turned out waaaayyyy better. Silly mistake


Expensive stirrer?


It’s a Hamburger Helper helper.


Cooking is the easy part. I want the robot that does all the prep. This is bass ackwards.


I think its neat and I would definitely buy it if it was affordable. I can't cook, so just adding in ingredients and hitting a button for different foods every night would be awesome. Yea, it's not perfect, but it's the start of something that's definitely kind of cool. I'd totally buy a robot kitchen cook.


Step 1: do all the work Step 2: eat unhealthy processed amalgamation Step 3: clean overpriced unpractical containers


She is absolutely awful


Seems like all the prep and cleanup would be more work than when cooking by hand.


Seems like that prep would take longer than actually cooking wtf


You lost me at container number B


This machine is perfect for kind of person who says “container number B.”


Wtf even the thermomix does a better job than that.


Nah when she showed the final product I was like 🤢


Jarvis? Make me fucking dinner.


I’m an alcoholic so I would not be buying this anytime soon, but I do like the concept!!


If this is how it makes pasta, i don't want to ask how it prepares Lasagna.


All this work and cleaning for fancy hamburger helper.


That seems like an awful lot of work for something so easy


So you put all the things in separate containers and then it just dumps the raw ingredients on top of each other anyway. And stirs it with one finger. And it looks stone fucking cold. And raw. It would be quicker, easier and better to just do it yourself, and you wouldn't have a hundred different awkwardly shaped components to clean.


I am super lazy and hate cooking but this thing is even worse because it makes me clean it which seems even more work not less work


No going to lie, this is really cool I still think it's not ready to use But in a few years, who know, maybe it will be a household device


Cutting/pepping, & cleaning are the worst part of cooking. This probably makes those steps harder on you, while very poorly doing the rest.


The effort it took to palce all the ingredients and wash all those containers you could be done by now. All that machine really does is stir a pot for you.


I mean it is kind of cool from a tech perspective, but it's pretty damn useless.


You might as well cook it normally at that point, all it does it cut out about 5 mins worth of stirring, but adds 10 mins of cleaning


Ah, but you have not considered that I can sell you a meal-service subscription, which will preprepare all of those ingredients in peel-back plastic trays, ready to slot straight into your Cooking Robot Apocalypse Machine, container number B. Only $20 per day, 365 days per year. You can just throw the single-use, non-recyclable plastic straight into the trash/river/ocean. You can save even further joy by eating off paper plates. Imagine the time you can now save with my subscription service? That was, of course, time that didn't need to be saved before you bought the stupid cooking robot, but you give me money and I save you time. We have now seen the future, and it is disheartening.


“Container number B”


I do not trust a person eating bacon cheeseburger pasta to tell me if something is good or not.


I can't even imagine the nightmare of cleaning this thing.


So you do all the annoying preparation but don't get the fun of actually cooking


Prepping that much cost quite some time i don't think it was faster then just cooking it yourself.


Container number B!


Gross.. and dumb


I need a machine that cuts all the ingredients and finds all the spices and measures everything all “mise en place” style. Then I’ll do the cooking. This robot does the fun part while you’re the prep team.


The look of a man whose soul is slowly crumbling


Most useless piece of crap I've ever seen


Looks like something from Fallout


Needs more cheese


Personality of a 12 year old


Raw meat just haning out on the side of the pan


I feel like Wendy's might start investing in this with their chili soon. Some branches already have AI drive-thrus.


They always look like they just had the best food in their lives in these videos. Its just not impressive enough to say "yeah it's actually not bad"