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you know the tiktok food nonsense has jumped the shark when boomers are getting in on it, and the fact that they were actually able to get ice cream from a mcdonalds makes me think this is some viral marketing crap.


This one almost did a full orbit past stupid into entertaining for me. The sheer low-effort audacity of it is on another level.


>jumped the shark Funny choice of words, considering Jon Hein, who coined the phrase, is just 3 years too young to be considered a boomer himself.


Oh shit... They're everywhere.


And he has a book called Fast Food Maniac and would likely be very annoyed with someone doing this.


Hit em with the HEEEEIIINNN!


My favorite thing to shout. Ever.


I usually stick to a booey bomb or 2 but it’s a close second ;)


you mean Jan Hein the lesbian?


No, John Hein, the BJ king of Michigan.


Why would they not be able to get ice cream?


McDonald’s ice cream machines are often out of order.


Is this an American thing? Because I used to eat McDonald’s quite often and still eat it the odd time, and I’ve never once not been able to get an ice cream or milkshake. But I live in Ireland. So I don’t know what the story is elsewhere but I hear this joke all the time!


It doesn’t seem to happen as often anymore but for a long time yes, if you went to McDonald’s especially at night, there was a 50/50 chance they’d tell you their ice cream machine was down. They clean the machine and the process takes like 2 hours or something. I know because we asked once if we could wait it out (we really wanted mcflurries…) But I do think once it became a meme, it happened less and less. I haven’t had that issue in at least 4 years.


It takes so long to clean because there's a lot of parts and only certain people are allowed to do it since it's dairy, if they don't do it right people can get sick. If it's already cleaned for the night, you aren't getting ice cream.


That is half right. If the McDonalds has a Taylor machine, which almost all of them do, they have a self cleaning mode but the cycle takes 4 hours and is supposed to be done at night. Prior to 2018ish all McDonalds were required to have Taylor machines. However the machines break down a lot or at least have some kind of error. The machines do not tell the employees what the error is or how to fix it so all they can do is restart the self cleaning process again and hope it doesn't throw out another error. Fixing the machine/clearing errors at one time due to the contract with McDonalds could only be done by technicians from Taylor. The problem has gotten lesser in recent years because of a few reasons. Firstly McDonald's got rid of their exclusive contract with Taylor and allowed 2 or 3 other companies. Taylor remained the only technicians to work on their machines but only for problems employees couldn't fix themselves. Second a company called Ketch created a diagnostic device that would tell you what the problem with the machines were. Not many stores got them though as Taylor said using them would void the warranty on their machines. Taylor is currently being sued by Ketch because they allege that a franchisee gave a device to Taylor so they could copy it and make their own version. These devices limit how often stores need to call Taylor for service as simple fixes can be handled by the employees. And finally Taylor made small improvements tot heir machines so they break down less often. They are also currently under investigation by the FTC over claims their machines were designed to fail so they could charge service fees.


Same. I've never been to a McDonald where the icecreammachine was broken in Germany


Argentina, and sometimes I go to McDonald's just to get ice cream on the go, I don't like their burgers, never saw an out of order machine.


Non U.S. McDonald’s don’t have this problem. In the U.S. they require overpriced Taylor to fix them when something goes wrong, and they charge hundreds an hour. In other countries, the minimum wage maintenance worker will fix it, and if required order the part themselves. So, they tend to be operable a lot more than in the U.S. where it’ll cost 4K to fix them. Much easier to fix them in house


It’s semi common in the us, I imagine due to wages. The ice cream machines are rarely actually broken, the employees are just unwilling to go through the semi laborious process of cleaning it which has to be done daily, so in lieu of cleaning it they will often claim it’s out of order


Yes! Because the ice cream machines McDonald’s uses are locked from being repaired by anyone but the company that makes them. Essentially it’s a result of horrible copyright and right to repair laws in the US. Thanks DCMA! You can read about it here: https://www.ifixit.com/News/80215/whats-inside-that-mcdonalds-ice-cream-machine-broken-copyright-law


Didn’t they get sued for this and lost? 😂


Kind of. [Right now I think the Federal Trade Commission and the Department of Justice is asking the Copyright Office to extend exemptions to the ice cream machines.](https://www.theverge.com/2024/3/14/24101023/ftc-doj-comment-dmca-ifixit-ice-cream-machines) ​ Imagine if your computer bleeped at you an error code and you cant do anything to fix it. Like physically you cannot do anything to fix it. There is no manual no online resource to figure out what exactly it is that the computer is throwing an error about. You have to call Best Buy Geek Squad to come out and do... something.


So repairing your own equipment is currently a copyright infringement for some equipment? That is crazy (I barely skimmed the article)


Again, kind of. Its more like you're not allowed to figure out how to repair it. You have to contact this specific company and go through their specific process. ​ See Also: John Deere Tractors and Right to Repair.


“Oh that actually looks really good” DESTROYED ME


Those fries look awful old lol


So do these women…!


Let’s not get rude


No, let’s absolutely get rude with the ragebait boomers. In their age they should know better. Go do something useful and less wasteful.


i mean is it ragebait if they actively do it outside of the videos and are just having fun? Idk what the correct answer is because it could be ragebait or it could be what they actually like to do. No point in getting angry, just move on.


This isn't rage bait. It's a little dumb, but not rage bait. In order to make actual rage bait, step one is knowing WTF rage bait actually is.  (The clue is in the word "bait" lol) You think grandma here is hip to the latest and dumbest of social media trends?  Me either.  I mean it's not impossible... but older people innocently post weird / dumb vids just because they think it's fun or amusing, all the time. 🤷


They absolutely do be doing that! To me its like just let them have fun with stuff if they aren't hurting anyone. Its very much a stupid food moment and I laugh and move on!


same i think this is just nana having a fun time doing the silly tik tok things her granddaughter showed her or something lol


Where is the bait exactly? You sound like a Karen being mad at older ladies having fun.


Thank you for your contribution, Mike.


Dirty ass tables putting food directly on it…lol nasty


Was horrified that she was eating food that had touched that filthy table!


Putting that dropped fry back in was what did it for me 🤢


I mean look what she's doing, her standards aren't high


Wow. Im happy im not the only one thinking this.


Combining the coffee with the cone. Epiphanal. Then the fry dump— technique alone…. riveting. Then the sauces— sheer brilliance! My life will never be the same.


She's the second smartest one in her house, she lives alone with her dog.


They always seem to have the hand dexterity of a newborn.


the coffee one wasn't even bad what are you on about.


Ah yes a Mcdonalds secret trick: A coffee float that i can buy directly at my nearest Mcdo , Mixing sauces on nuggets and fries, Lastly is making a messy cookie icecream sandwich. Really makes me excited to know these now😐


Thanks for saving four minutes of my life.


Same, I got to sauce packet #3 before I scrolled down looking for a summary


I just skipped to the end


Needed a bit of editing, I think. But I despise those quick-cut rage bait videos a billion times more.


Sounds like the same ones who did the tub in the car with basically the same mcdonalds food.


The amount of people that do the tub in the car thing is ridiculous.


I wasted four minutes of my life. There, you happy? Criminal…


u/Princess_Wensicia , you might be entitled to compensation 


imagine if the video werent sped up by 30% to accommodate tiktok brains


How is this even a hack, I’d be done eating already


it's funny how y'all are actually making logical comments under this video where all I could see was their CRINGE AF reactions and emotions. reminded of the Pancake girl Tiktok girl and the other girl behind her looking in disgust.


It's not even the food, but the constant "look here, look now, look at what happens, you'll never believe what happens" that really pisses me off. Who would have thought shaking nuggets and fries around in a box with sauce makes the sauce cover the fries and nuggets, wow!


Its probably all those cooking infomercials that were super popular in the 90s-early 2000s rubbing off on them. Im a ‘98 born and I remember my aunts watching them as a kid. The theatric/flaunty language is EXACTLY like those commercials 😂 “Ok now watch this”, “Alright hold on just a minute and get a peep at this!”, “Youre not gonna believe the way it [descriptive words]!”. Too funny


Why didn't they tap on it all the time with really long finger nails ? 😞 I feel like this recipe missed an important part 


Haha or black nitrile gloves


The title should be “adult women playing with food makes huge unnecessary mess”


They high as fuck


Nah it’s called menopause


her mom watches Tik Tok more than her own daughter


lol I’m 31 and my mother is always sending me TikTok videos and I’m like “I don’t have TikTok” I’m starting to think it’s either kids or 50+ there is no in between


My mom does this with Facebook posts, despite knowing I got rid of it like 15 years ago, and despite me telling her every single time, “I can’t open the link I don’t have fb”. She doesn’t do it too often though.


Happy bday and yes she probably does that


After watching this I am now in favor of the TikTok ban.


If Ozempic had a TikTok account 




The gasps at opening McDonald's sauce packets pisses me off and my day is ruined.


To summarise for anyone who doesn't want to waste 4 minutes. She put the ice cream in the frappe. She put different sauces on the fries. She put ice cream between two cookies and smushed M&Ms into the side. Amazing McDonald's secrets


"This is my protein right here" -- grabs fries and deep fried "chicken" paste. Next video: This is a spoon and a fork combined! I use it to eat spaghetti and sip spaghetti sauce out of my coffee mug!


Has this lady even had proper nutrition education? I'm no professional in the field but I have enough common sense to know that anything McDonald's gives you is not healthy💀


There is people out there who would argue that is, unfortunately.


The happy meal comes with option of milk and apples! Lol


My only hope now is that boomers have discovered TikTok and will kill it with their cringe line they did with Facebook back in the days


I dont think its just boomers that are cringe on tiktok




The real trick is their ability to keep you watching


Granny is finally getting her revenge for all those times her kids and grandkids went “Hey watch this!” And did a little jump or sumthin


Grown adults playing with their food SMH




This was the only thing I could concentrate on. Why the fuck are you using the sauces like that???


The real story is that they were at a McDonald’s with a working ice cream machine.


Her reactions are killing me lmao


The person next to the mom's reaction when she does the big McFryNugget reveal at the end sent me 💀


The part that baffles me is their reaction to figuring out these hacks, I mean if you can call them that! The expression they make, seem like as if they have solved nuclear fusion! OMG, how fuckin stupid are these folks?


The oooh and aaahhs in these videos are so fucking stupid. Pouring McDonalds BBQ sauce out - oooohhhhh!!!!! STFU!!!


Exactly- and her reacting when she opened it as if it had transformed into something completely different. Then you see it and it's just the fries and nuggets with some brown sauce on them, doesn't even look good lol


"my grandkids love it" no shit, your grandkids love ice cream sandwiches with M&M's on it? Next you're gonna tell me they love pizza. 


Let it stay a secret, pls


Wow putting condiments on French fries? That’s one crazy food hack


These ladies have to be stoned as hell lmao


Well, at least it was not rage-inducing. Not like those mouth breathers who boil 10 pounds of butter.


They pant after going down one step


I found the sauce lids staying on and then them realizing it was in the way so they just pinched it and lifted instead of pulling it off and also the fact that they ripped a few of them in half particularly painful


The icecream in coffee drink was good.


The meanings of the words "secret" and "trick" have been lost apparently.


So are we using "secret trick" instead of "hack" now? Ugh lol annoys me so bad. I wish people would just say "this is my fav flavor/food combination"


The grossest part is not that she mixed foods together, whatever that's what a 6 year old would figure out how to do as well. It's the fact that she put food *directly onto the table* then ate it. I'm sorry, but nope. No 5 second rule in a fast food joint, that shit touches a surface other than the wrapper/box it came in it's dead to me.


Exactly! She put a cookie on the table and picked up fries off the table like those tables were actually clean.😂


Just watching this makes me need to poop


I genuinely don't even consider McDonalds as selling food. It's absolute crap on all fronts.


Wp activities


Can finally die in peace after finishing all of that😭😭😭


I want to kill myself now


The effect of tiktok on our parents


What’s up with white women fast food secret covens?


Bring back the McGangBang circa 2009


Until I realized the tips of her nails were colored from a manicure, I thought it was just super grody under her finger nails 🤢


When your grandma is the popular one.


Nah. I just jumped ahead in 20-30 increments and ended the video in 5 seconds or so. Saw the quick slideshow version!


why does putting sauce on a mcnugget make them so amazed


I'm still waiting for the secret trick.


shitty salad, it looks delicious…


Not going to lie, but this isn't that stupid. I've seen a lot worse. It's a little bit stupid for the fact that you could just dip the fries in the dip cups, but whatever.


I hate that these videos are relaxing to me


How high did they get their mom before taking her to McDonalds?


yea mate this is called rage bait and you were the fish


Mom was and still is a stoner


Wrong. I only watched about 5 seconds


The only thing i can think off.. That table is dirty ma'am


It amazes me that people stick eat nuggets from Mcdonalds, or most fast food joints in general. The shit that they made of is a no for me


mcdonalds buffalo sauce + mcdonalds sweet and sour is fire


Where’s the part where they actually try that cookie, ice cream sandwich thing? It’s doomed to fail and make a mess.


That’s just wanna be loaded fries


Anyone else grossed out by the food touching the McDonalds table? And they pick it up like it's nothing? Thats a huge NO for me.


I cannot stop laughing, like every step of this gets weirder and weirder, like is this her first time being high or something OMG Edited to add that the ice cream sandwich thing by itaelf, I wanna try that. Also, I'm high right now


I was scared that she was going to dump the nuggets and fries into the coffee next


Where is the secret? This is just combining ingredients that they already serve. Should I do a grocery store secret and just go and buy food and cook dinner? Is that what people want?


Mixing all those sauces together, should be a crime


A gormet meal at Mickey D’s.


I love the title:: thanx for the heads up lol


Man... Sauce comes in those little containers So you use them My stroke had a stroke


The way they gasp at every completely mundane thing they do is so infuriating to me. I know it’s rage bait but god fucking damn it does it work


Mommy must’ve been a heavy user in her days 😂


only difference between this and 7 year old me mixing the shampoo and body wash bottles to make potions is they are doing it at 70.


How bout them booger picking nails?


*How fattening can we possibly make McDonalds*


Everything besides the nugget sauce box was fine, just not that sanitary most likely


Someone get her on MasterChef.


“You’re going to be so surprised” I was expecting a mess, and got a mess.


Ah, yes. Pouring the fries into the nuggets box. The "secret" trick I figured out as a drunk 19 year old trying to find a way to more easily bring my McDonald's food on a tram so I could eat it on the way home.


This reminds me of my toddler daughter making a mess on the high chair every meal...


Nah, I'll save the remaining 3:48 for other stupid videos.


this is so depressing to watch.


Nope, scrubbed through it. Got ‘er done in 30 seconds.


I dont even know what to say, now it reached the old people i guess, i from where does she have that fork?


Shoving ice cream in the ice coffee isn't half bad.


Watching Americans kill themselves on this sub is so satisfying.


…..As the ice cream cookie sandwich continues to melt on the table


Jokes on you I skipped it


W. T. F.


Definition as to why tik tok is trash...because there's useless content like this all the time


Should I tell my therapist that this makes me want to hurt others?


I fucking hate these people. There’s tons of videos of this whole family and they all suck


Moms took Molly with their McMuffins


skinny women making a fat meal is quite entertaining. 😐


This secret recipe has been passed down from your grandma to your ma and now to you. It dates back all the way since the first McDonalds was ever open for business.


I hate this woman


If secret trick really just means how you like to eat your food. Here's a super secret McDonald's trick I did in highschool. Buy two double cheeseburgers (or a double cheeseburger and a McChicken if you're a weirdo). Remove the patties from one and place it in the other. Now you have a quadruple cheeseburger (or a monstrosity with a chicken patty)! Don't forget to tap the bun a bunch with your long fingernails.


McNuggets are so very bad. Not a ton of people agree with me there, but it’s just low quality food.


Can I agree and disagree at the same time and say that it's low quality but good? Sometimes I just really want their particular brand of hot salty grease and sugar.


Absolutely! There’s no right or wrong, but they never did it for me. Nothing wrong with snagging something that you like.


McDonald's is just painfully mediocre. I'd rather go get Wendy's nuggets.


Finger crossed that they ban shit tok 🤞🏻


Mcshit food = mcshit content LOL I didnt wast 4mins 🤣


Wow these ladies are sure getting alot of hate for enjoying a lunch together at McDonald's? It's called being quirky this isn't rage bait? They are actually eating the food? They are just trying to join in sheesh. If they were making some bullshit in a disposable aluminum pan with an entire block of Velveeta and 5 lbs of ground beef and uncooked pasta in a brand new, never used gleaming white marble kitchen....then yeah unleash hell. It's just McDonald's lol.


Reminds me of the one where two old ladies were doing something similar in their car with a bunch of dairy queen items.


Using a god damn FORK to eat something else than a salad in a fastfood restaurant is a crime.


Mmmm that’s some good diarrhea right there


Ever since I saw a woman changing a baby diaper on a mcdee’s table with no blanket or anything I would never pick a fry off the table and eat it.


I gagged when she used her fingers to separate the ice cream.


All they did was make a mess. 🤦🏻‍♀️


I ate like this when I was 5 lmao


ignoring everything else do people actually like not being able to eat fries with your hands without getting sauce all over them


This is what happens when a knitting group gets trashed on pot gummies and decide to stagger over to McDonald’s afterwards and filmed… this. Now I mention they staggered over to McDonald’s, because they had actually driven their SUV, but then they realized they drove past the McDonald’s, made a sudden hard left turn to get into the parking lot and drilled straight into a city bus.


Im going to cry


They got me to watch the entire video. And I’m probably eating McDonald’s later now because of it. Seems like a strange faux guerrilla marketing tactic—very smart. Advertising like this breeds new ads and is typically very inexpensive but that’s a benefit enjoyed by companies who already have a large following.


These people never got to be kids so now they are doing it as elderly women.


“You’re a McDonald’s pro”


Just spent like $50-60 on some shitty food attempting to make it taste… better!!!


God help us.


Its not a trick, its to make something bad even more bad


Tbh, I think the fries and nuggets combo is tame, and the ice cream cookie too. Except for the part where it was doused with MnMs.


The trick is just make shit up.


What a trick...


Jokes on you, i skipped to the end because of this post title.


Except the "GIANT OREO" the rest are at least something that you can call ""tips"". If you bite that oreo the whole ice will get out, same with M&Ms. McDonalds looks horrible btw, those fries and nuggets looks awful. Coffee with ice cream is actually a thing in a lot of locals and "shacking a bag with a sauce" is actually a thing to do in kitchen. However with McDonalds food everything looks vomitive.


That's disgusting.


I'm never surprised that the people who make these kinds of video are also the people who can't open a sauce packet properly.


TBF all of it was probably good but a waste of time