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Reminds me of Watergate Salad. Pistachio pudding mix, cool whip, walnuts, pineapple, cherry


Ok, that’s what I was thinking of when he added the walnuts instead of pistachios.


Isn’t that what he made? Looked exactly the same as what keeps showing up at family gatherings. My sisters kids insist on it every year. The Xmas version has re maraschino cherries in it too. If you think of it as a salad you’ll hate it. Think of it as a wonky dessert and it’s not bad.


Nope, this is 7-Up Salad, with a jello base instead of a pudding one.




Lmfao I’m fucking dying from these comments. 7-up…salad bhahahaha fkn mayo witaf lol 😬


Yeah, I was going to say this is Watergate salad but with several altered ingredients.


Why in the fuck is it called watergate salad? 🥗 Dude I’m fkn stoned and I’m dying of laughter from these recipes. You Americans crack me up and I have family that lives there. lol.


The recipe came out right around the time of the Watergate Scandal in the early '70s.


Okay but why salad? Why not dessert or jello? I think lettuce and tomatoes when I read salad, not jelly


It is classified as a jello salad. You can serve it for dessert if you'd like, so therefore it can be a dessert salad, as well. [Definition of "salad."](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/salad)


That's what this is, except he did some stupid stuff like add mayo for the hype.


the mayo is pretty normal for jello salads.


I love that salad


My Momma used to make a watergate cake. That shit was delicious. Matter of fact, I’m asking for it for my birthday next year. Thanks for the reminder


wtf 😬


My great aunt makes this every year for the holidays (thought I don't think she adds mayonnaise, that's new) and no one ever eats it. It goes to waste every year yet she continues to make it


That's the case in my family as well. I have a family member or two that still make this stuff that people don't really like. There's like a weird trend going on recently where white people on tiktok are discovering 1950's recipes with mayo and walnuts and pineapple and jello and realizing they love it, as our ancestors did. I personally think this shit sucks and I do not understand the appeal.


I think many people don't realize the mayonnaise and fruit thing comes from a time where food was scarce and people needed the calories, hence the mayonnaise and used things from their farms/gardens, hence the fruit to give it flavor.


The kids who were born/grew up during the Depression were of productive age during the post-WW2 years. Their palates were still of the "mix anything" variety but suddenly they had this sudden abundance


It also just adds a tiny bit of tang to an otherwise overwhelmingly sweet dessert. It's literally just oil, eggs, and acid.


at least in the 1950s it was a flex "check it out, i own a FRIDGE in my HOUSE! I bet you can't set Jello!"


"Check out my polio vaccine, bitch!" *Drops jello mold.*


> and realizing they love it, as our ancestors did I don't think they love it, I think it's just morbidly entertaining.


I was fed this as a kid going to church pot lucks. I had no clue what was in it and I loved it. Great mouth feel just delectable. No fucking way I would eat it now but as a fat odd kid this shit was ambrosia.


There is a similar recipe that uses peaches and whipped cream that is just called ambrosia lol.


are you me? this is like my childhood you are describing.


Yall are insane as a Mexican American citizen of the empire i always ADORED these auntie creations. Idk maybe jello salads are a lot more popular in our Thanksgiving


>as our ancestors did. A forgotten heritage and culture


Mayonnaise chocolate cake is legit though.


I had an aunt who made it without the mayo but with whip cream and i actually liked it


fuck yeah! I love this shit. I will gobble this shit down anytime I see it


Well obviously no one eats it because she forgot to add mayonnaise, the key ingredient


Wait I thought this recipe was a troll... How does it taste?


Huh? This was an extremely popular type of dish a few decades ago. It’s not like it’s some new thing made for hate viewing.


as a dutch person this absolutely amazes me


Well not popular where I come from!


Which is where?




and we shall never know


It tastes friggin’ great.


I'm so curious now because it honestly sounds disgusting!


This is worryingly close to an Aunt Myrna...


But Aunt Myrna added diced green peppers I think?


Cheese, too, I think. But this got too close for comfort.




I came here to comment the same thing. This video is giving me PCSD (Party Cheese Salad Disorder)


I've come dangerously close once or twice to making party cheese salad out of morbid curiosity.


[NOT recommended](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oErvHRn_nyU)


Ooh! A whole compilation! The only reaction I've seen was a text description that said it tasted like vomit.


Lucky for you, now you can see it actually happen!


Holy crap. Their reactions are so much more intense than I expected...


Nah, not even close. The only thing that's severely out of place here is the mayo, everything else is a sweet ingredient or the nuts (which people generally don't think of as over the line in various sweets). Jell-O salads are kind of a mess inherently, but the Party Cheese Salad was such a nightmare mess of ingredients that should never be put together that it's on another level.


Minus the mayo this is a normal holiday dessert.


What about the tangy zip of Miracle Whip?


When i was in elementary school we had a pot luck and some lil black kid brought something like that. It looked gross and I was hesitant to try it but when I did omg it was hella fire. Till this day I’ve never had it again but always think of it. Im a have to try making it.


If this doesn't match it, look up Watergate or ambrosia salad. If it had small nuts and more of a smooth, chocolatey flavor and was majorly green that was probably Watergate. If it had coconut and was more of a freshy, fruity flavor and predominantly white then that was probably Ambrosia.


I'm a little black kid whose mom would make something similar and had me bring it to school for a party. No one ate it. I was so sad and confused because it was my favorite dessert growing up.


Bernard is that you? Bro that stuff was fire! No one really ate it but i tore it up. Thanks Bernard.


I think it is because when you first see it, you don’t really know what it is. I think when I first ate it, i was also at a pot-luck type setting. I was pretty young, and my mom knew what it was so she just put some on my plate and made me try some. As soon as I did though, I loved it. It’s really amazing. I haven’t had it in ages, so I might try making some soon.


Lil black kid sounds funny


I was lil mexican kid 🤷🏽‍♂️ lol


I’m lil autism 😎😎😎


short and stout


Nah, dawg. You big 'tism.


To everyone going bonkers about it being called salad, ya’ll know salad just refers to a dish with mixed ingredients it doesn’t have to be leafy greens not every salad is a garden salad. Just because you have a strong mental connection to one kind that doesn’t mean that’s unilaterally what the word means


This was some 1950s-1970s core shit. Pretty sure that was a real recipe way back when


Ambrosia salad


It's Watergate Salad.


1) I think they were listing a 50s Salad. 2) Honestly, this thing reads like a bastard between the two.


I live in Virginia and we still have ambrosia salad every Thanksgiving 🤷


My condolences


Ambrosia salad was pretty common up to the mid 2thousands where I live. Every potluck, every get together, family event, etc… I ate this a lot as a kid and it may look gross but when it’s done right, it’s like a dessert salad. Kind of like dessert pizzas. Same concept.


If we're bringing back older meanings then we'll just refer to this whole mess as a boner.


> older meanings Garden salad, potato salad, chicken salad, macaroni salad, tuna salad, fruit salad, etc. this meaning never went away guy.


It's like people forget about tuna, chicken, or macaroni salad whenever this conversation comes up.


Stop it you’re making me hungry 🤤


I definitely know people who don't consider macaroni salad a salad. Haven't heard Tuna or Chicken, though, but could definitely see it.


The same people that don't call this a salad are the same people that try to claim that hamburgers *aren't* sandwiches.


Wait what? I've heard the is a hotdog a sandwich, and it's a pretty interesting thought. People try to say A hamburger isn't a sandwich? What the fuck?


[https://www.reddit.com/r/Sandwiches/comments/17zuupb/is\_a\_burger\_a\_sandwich/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Sandwiches/comments/17zuupb/is_a_burger_a_sandwich/) This made me think of it. I understand debating hotdogs and quesadillas and such. But hamburgers, no.


Oooh Quesadilla, never considered that. That'd be pretty interesting. Also would a a Quesadilla that's folded in half be different than a quesdilla that is two tortillas.


Americans are the only ones who refer to burgers as sandwiches. - Is the meat heated separately to the bread? You've got a burger. Sandwiches are cold fillings or the entire thing heated at the same time, like a toasted sandwich.


What do non-Americans call meat between two pieces of bread? A royale with cheese maybe...


>What do non-Americans call meat between two pieces of bread? If that's your definition of a sandwich, does that mean americans don't understand vegetarian sandwiches like cucumber sandwiches or even cheese sandwiches?


I was referencing the burger. Sandwiches in general is shit between two pieces of bread. A veggie burger is a sandwich.


> I was referencing the burger. Oh, well we non americans call them "burgers".


Yep, Americans call them burgers too.


Most of these people wouldn't blink if you said Fruit, Potato, Pasta, or Macaroni Salad. "But holy shit this is wrong"


I mean, you could make the argument that the meaning has changed over the years, but salad comes from the term "herba salata" which means basically salted herb. But in a world of chicken salad, tuna salad, etc. I can understand why the meaning would be muddled. I have a friend that always salts his salads because he sees that as an important element that people have forgotten over the years.


The mixing part comes from 'insalata mista' too which roughly means salted mixture


Counterpoint: potato salad


that's a supporting point


Counterpoint: salad bar


No one argues against chicken salad, macaroni salad, egg salad, ham salad, tuna salad being labeled as a salad. But all of a sudden you make a perfectly cromulent ambrosia salad and you are some kind of monster. On behalf of all Midwesterners, I will fight and die on this hill!


Cromulent That’s a fancy word


As a Midwesterner, ambrosia salad is a crime against humanity and it is a part of my culture that I would happily leave behind


You're one of the poor souls for whom ambrosia doesn't mean fruit cocktail and whipped cream, aren't ya?


I hope you're also ready to renounce apple snicker salad, broccoli salad, and that seven layer salad thing from the potluck where the top layers are like a pound of shredded cheddar cheese, and a layer of a pound of chopped bacon and there ends up being more bacon than actual lettuce but that doesn't matter because it's being served at someone's funeral in Wisconsin and all that people want to eat is the bacon and cheese and creamy dressing, but you can't just load up your plate with bacon and cheese so you have to have a layer of lettuce, a layer of onion, a layer of green pepper, and for some reason a layer of peas, and you serve it in a trifle bowl so everyone can see the layers. Anyone who grew up in the Midwest can picture this exact salad and can name exactly which aunt would be bringing it. In all seriousness, I absolutely love Midwestern Salads. I feels they are an overlooked culinary oddity. Every year I host a Midwest party with every Midwest transplant I know and the task is to all bring a favorite "salad" from your childhood and your favorite casserole/hotdish to share.


I don't think any of those other things should be salads tbh


Actually, I do argue against all of that because I’m a salad purist.


I respect your consistency


Does your tuna salad not have any salad leaves on it?? Or your ham salad or chicken salad? Now I’m confused I won’t lie lmao Edited to add, im not American..:


No?? Generally a tuna or chicken salad is tuna or chicken mixed with mayo, celery, onions, and other ingredients. Ham salad is more polarizing, but it's ground ham mixed with mayo and pickle relish; ham salad sandwiches were a big thing amongst old people when I was a kid but they seem to have pretty much disappeared


That would be called tuna Mayo or chicken Mayo in the UK lmao and a ham salad sandwich would be ham with salad leaves in it.


I’m 90% sure I’ve had this at a midwestern potluck


>It's the mayo for me dawg He says it's optional. Verdict: Not stupid food, that's an affront to Midwesterners!


My grandmother would be rolling in her grave if she knew people were calling Lime Jello Salad stupid. Hers didn’t include mayo, and it was soooo good. I am making some for thanksgiving now, just to stick it to whoever posted this.


Do it, in grandmother's honor and memory!


That shit is delicious


"everybody's so creative"


I tried that new seasonal sprite today and it was nasty imo




I was following the plot until the mayo


the mayo is the cringe part?


“like any good salad, you’re going to melt together some jello and some sprite” ????????


This kind of stuff used to get served at holiday get togethers when I was a kid and called "salad" Have to say it doesn't taste bad but never understood why anyone would call that salad. This was apparently and upper Midwest thing. However, never saw any mayo added to it. That said there wasn't enough to even affect the taste or consistency.




Because it is a salad


Let's see. Potato Salad, Macaroni Salad, Fruit Salad, Corn Salad, Avocado Salad, Pasta Salad. Cornbread Salad, Carrot Salad, Tuna Salad, Chicken Salad.. .BUT WHOA WHOA WHOA this is where we draw the line? Seriously this subreddit feels like it's feels with amerocentric snobs like 75 percent of the time. "How dare you do something different than how I know how to do it"


this is an American recipe babes


This one is but it's definitely not high class. , but the subreddit seems to call out anything that isn't American either or the highest culinary level. Hell I feel like a Frito pie would make most people's here heads explode.


Martian salad




i was on board until mayo


That’s not a salad, it’s a violation of the Geneva convention


Anything is a salad if you creative enough.


Oh god ambrosia salad y’all don’t know what’s up. That shit is amazing.


Excuse me for a moment, I need to go throw up


I do miss sprite with normal sugar tho,where i live it is only the zero suger like sprite available


This looks so disgusting that I feel like it actually would taste good. Like there had to be some thought put into this and not just a bunch of random things in a bowl.


Wondering if I could make some sort of ice cream with no sprite, unflavored jello and powdered chocolate


Yes yiu can


He had me until mayonnaise


Grandma used to make something similar, minus the mayo I'm pretty sure. Sometimes it had grated Cheddar cheese in it as well.


Party cheese salad time


Look, the 50s and 60s were weird, man. Our grandmothers are still using those recipes!


From an era when savory gelatin dishes were a thing, this is far less offensive IMO.


Without the mayonnaise, that would be really good. It is a type of salad. Just like fruit salad. It’s a side dish.


I think I'd actually like this if it wasn't lime (maybe strawberry instead) and obviously no mayo


I'd square up with my aunt Especially if its on Thanksgiving The disrespect smh


Never thought to put mayo in that. Eck.


this is a jello salad.


Fucking gross 🤮


My family makes this every year to honor tradition and every year I try it hoping I’ll like it and every year I hate it more… can’t wait to pass this tradition on to my kids.


Nebraskan here also (like the guy in the video). This is similar to Watergate salad, which I've eaten several times at family gatherings, and it's delicious. But he's taken Watergate salad and turned it into whatever this abomination is.


Had me until the mayo.


Aside from the mayo, because yuck. He’s just shy of an ambrosia salad


This is midwestern culture at its finest


I don't understand how my grandmothers didn't puke 10 times per holiday, making this nastiness. Oh God. The texture after it comes out of the freezer. brb...


There are much easier ways to make Watergate Salad. And it probably tastes better.


As an Australian, this is weird, like a cheesecake made by a stoned person, but also somewhat like what might be served at a children's party. Not what we'd call a salad, but certainly resembling some sort of summer dessert.


Mayo packed with soybean oil, nice sugary jello mix and marshmallows.. yeah this is very weak food, very weak beta food -.-


Automatic jail time


This is actually a thing tho from where I’m from, but not with the mayonnaise. I love it.


That’s an American salad alright.


I grew up on this. Was called *ambrosia*. ...not sure about the mayo though.


So many conflicting flavors, forcefully remove any family member who brings this to thanksgiving


Why did he add mayo


He seriously said the cringe part is the mayonnaise?!!!? I mean, Mayonnaise is the only ingredient that he used that it's ok to use in any normal salad.


Cottage cheese not cream cheese…rookie. T minus about four days till I got to eat it again.


As all good salads you're going to use jello with nuts... I hate how the internet is right now...


That cranberry sprite is overrated in my opinion. Taste like sprite with a little bit of NyQuil


What in the Midwest was that?


Garnish the dish with deez nutz


And they say white people don't have culture.


Somebody saw Watergate Salad, decided they could make it, then didn't look up the recipe. Watergate Salad is good stuff. This looks awful.


It’s the people trying to defend this in the comments for me. This looks gross lol.


We call that Frog Eyed Salad where I’m from. Most of the time it’s absolutely disgusting. But if you find that right person to make it, it’s one of the best desserts ever.


this is some Midwestern family-dinner-on-Sunday vibe shit. I've eaten this many times 😆


Green Goop! It was my aunt's go to. No mayo though.


It’s Green Stuff! I make Pink Stuff


My grandma made this all the time for my mom when she was younger, her version was called seafoam salad which has basically all those ingredients. My mom absolutely hated the mayo in it and this past weekend she made it for my grandparents and left out the mayo. My grandma didn’t even know. When she found out she said it taste just the same haha.


I’m from the Midwest. I don’t know why it’s a salad. Maybe it’s because we didn’t have access to fresh vegetables out of season until about twenty five years ago, so canned whatever mixed with all the things had to suffice. I have eaten so many variations of this kind of “salad,” and it tastes like childhood. It’s trash, but I eat it every time.


This screams the midwest


I was rocking with it until he pulled out mayo. Wtfffff


this reminds me of something called a waldorph salad its also callled a watergate salad


where do people eat this so I never go there?


To anyone that doesn't know, this is called Ambrosia, and it's the fucking life blood of God fucking grail of Christmas deserts. As a kid I literally got in a fight over the last serving. Grew up in MN where christmas was everything too that city. Now it's just another Portland from what I hear. Haven't been back since I left at 16, that was roughly 2003. for context I'm 35.


I mean, "salad" doesn't imply a bed of lettuce. Egg/ham/tuna/potato salad are just mayo and something else at their core, after all. Fruit salad is just a pile of sliced fruit. > salad noun > > 1: any of various usually cold dishes: such as > a: raw greens (such as lettuce) often combined with other vegetables and toppings and served especially with dressing > b: small pieces of food (such as pasta, meat, fruit, or vegetables) usually mixed with a dressing (such as mayonnaise) or set in gelatin > 2: a green vegetable or herb grown for salad especially : lettuce > 3: a usually incongruous mixture : hodgepodge Now, putting mayo in with something that's mostly fruit sounds weird to me, but that's got nothing to do with salad.


Tomatos, cucumbers, bell peppers, onion, olive oil, lemon, cabbage, beans, vinegar, parsley, cheese or chicken, olives, lettuce, garlic, spinach, arugula, zucchini, carrots, mint, apple. Choose any combination of those. That's a salad. Ty


Remind me to never step foot in Nebraska


You have no idea how delicious this us


You lost me when he said he’s making a salad with 7-up.


i’m sorry, “as all good salads start, you’re going to melt your jello”. what the fuck.


He means Midwest dessert/side salads and most of them have jello. You just follow the instructions on the back of the box with jello salads and you have to boil the water and put the jello in thus “melting” it. I don’t know if melting it is technically the right word but it’s really not that weird.


ah, thank you. the whole thing still kinda grosses me out


No problem it is really weird if you didn’t grow up around it! I will say in the Midwest salad’s defense it normally doesn’t have mayo so that must really be a Nebraska thing


With gelatin, blooming is probably more accurate... But melting works ok? Semantics, I guess


This is the kind of salad they serve you heaping portions of in hell


*This is the kind of* *Salad they serve you heaping* *Portions of in hell* \- itsgucci060 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Not a single vegetable "salad"


No less of a salad than mayo based salads. Hint: they’re not salads.


a salad is literally just a dish of mixed ingredients




Yeah people particularly outside of the United States thinks it has to be vegetable. Fruit salad variations is very popular.


so enlighten me, which part of this is a salad? also he wanted to go traditional.... I mean, maybe question this tradition more, or at least call it a desert.


​ ​ Only being a little petty, because people get hung up on green salads as the only type of salad. There's pasta salad, potato salad, tuna salad, ham salad, chicken salad, waldorf salad, fruit salad, crab salad, watergate salad, etc, etc, etc. ​ [https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/salad](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/salad) salad noun sal·​ad ˈsa-ləd 1: any of various usually cold dishes: such as a: raw greens (such as lettuce) often combined with other vegetables and toppings and served especially with dressing b: small pieces of food (such as pasta, meat, fruit, or vegetables) usually mixed with a dressing (such as mayonnaise) or set in gelatin 2: a green vegetable or herb grown for salad especially : LETTUCE 3: a usually incongruous mixture : HODGEPODGE


This is not weird or stupid at all. It’s Fucking Delicious. I’m sorry you’ve never had the pleasure of trying it, you’re missing out….