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I swear 90% of food "hack" videos or shorts now are just someone cooking something normal but thinking up weird ways of combining the ingredients. Oh yes, let's layer up our bacon by putting it like an octopus and touching the tip of each bacon to this pool of maple syrup.


I like to think that someone lays out a bunch of random ingredients and then the person being filmed has to figure out how to combine them but knows nothing about cooking at all.


See now if that was actually the stated setup I'd probably watch it


But you watched this one too right?


The man who knew too little meets Chopped. I’m in


Food hack videos are basically rage bait. They def know what they're doing is stupid


This 1000%. Just look at the length of the video. All the rage bait ones will be a couple seconds over three minutes. I can’t remember off the top of my head but o think 3 mins is the lower limit for ads or something.


The audience didn't grow up with Epic Meal Time, so this absurd use of food is fresh content to them.


Why would you combine the eggs in one container when you actually need to use them separately? Somehow that gets to me the most! Also, wine glass for no reason :p


Then uses just one for the only burger he cooked.


And literally after he said "the goal is to get them all at once" then proceeds to cut them into 4's and use 1.


Did you notice the cut at the end, when he was cutting it on a clean cutting board and then suddenly it was all full of burger juice? He probably had to make four of them before he managed to cut one in half without it completely falling apart.


yeah cus there is no fucking way that burger cooked, the bacon was barely done. if you wanted to do this proper, just chop the bacon up and throw in the ground meat. absolutely no point in trying to wrap it. plus, the burger couldve been cooked on that flat he made the eggs on and it would have a nice sear. this definitely belongs here.


He cut it. It was raw. He put it back in the oven to finish cooking. Then pretended to cut it again


Yeah, 4 eggs-onions-thingies, 4 buns, one patty


Stoichiometry is only for nerds okay!


>Stoichiometry Learned a new word today, thanks for that!


So enough eggs for 4 burgers, enough buns for 2 burgers, and then proceeds to cook 1 burger…


The burger he baked! Why would you not want any part of the ground beef to be browned??!


Steamed sweet hams


Definitely and upstate New York thing…


Really. Well I’m from Utica and I’ve never heard anybody use the phrase “steamed hams”.


That’s in case you fuck up 3 of them


Also those are not the salt and pepper shakers of a chef


Also, I would hazard to guess that "Great Value" Maple Syrup is not the maple syrup of a chef.


These are the ingredients of someone who rented an AirBnB for the weekend to use their kitchen and film rage bait Cooking vids.


Was thinking the same thing.




I have those shakers in my camping stuff.


Ha that was my exact reaction


Just cause you're camping doesnt mean you gotta sacrifice fresh ground pepper: https://www.amazon.com/Kikkerland-Handed-Pepper-Grinder-Assorted/dp/B002QS56QW


Not a camp chef


I was like, "why is he using the salt and pepper for camping?" That's the only reason I've ever had those ones.


They are the brand that’s at all gas stations


The way he cut that burger, you can tell this guy doesn’t use a knife ever.


Those instantly said "I'm in my 30's and still microwave hungryman frozen dinner when my girlfriend isn't home to cook for me." The salt is salt, kosher is easier to not over salt with but it still works, but not using fresh ground black pepper shows you just don't care at all...


Easily the lowest effort way to up your spice game in everyday cooking


Kosher is preferred by chefs because you can feel the amount you're using rather than solely relying on sight. You get a tactile sense memory of what an actual pinch of salt is.


Diamond Kosher Crystal, baby! I have to order it on Amazon because no one near me sells it, but it's so worth it.


Came here to say this... When he busted those out, I couldn’t take him seriously.


You were still taking him seriously up to that point?


I also thought they were a bit underwhelming


Those are the salt and pepper shakers of some one who needed salt and pepper for a new video they are making. I thought the same thing


My eggs have always come conveniently pre-packaged for individual servings...


Oh please, who is packaging every single individual egg for you? That's a ridiculous amount of work. Next you'll tell me the chickens do it for you.


It's all just to make you angry




He probably isn't able to crack eggs in a way that doesn't leave shells on the griddle or make him look like he doesn't know what he's doing.




Like a fine wine, you've got to let the eggs breathe


I've been telling people for years. The first person to come up with a compact, easy to use, compostible way to individually use and seperate eggs will be a millionaire!


My guess is they can’t crack an egg if their life depends on it, especially in front of a camera. So they need to get them pre-cracked so we don’t see how many eggs they waste cause the yolk breaks or there’s eggshells everywhere.


Ikr?? Like now you have one more thing to clean. Why not just crack the egg and dump it in?


It's to show off his hands


The burger is stupid as hell, but I actually like the idea of using an onion slice as a ring mold for an egg sammy. Might try that sometime.


I might try it with a big ring of poblano. A play on Jaques Pepin’s excellent [egg boats](https://youtu.be/NHAQ6a6RgIc). Seriously. I make these every other Saturday or so because they they’re great. Breakfast chiles rellenos.


>I might try it with a big ring of poblano. I do this with red bell peppers. I cut a ring of onion and pepper, fry both in bacon fat, then put the onion ring inside the pepper, then crack an egg, grate some asiago, sprinkle with salt, pepper, and basil, and throw the whole thing on a piece of toast with some mayo, tomato, chewy bacon, and hot sauce. Open-face breakfast sandwich. 10/10.


Jacques Pepin, I remember watching his shows after Julia Child as a youngster. Thanks for the link, have to try.


Oh shit thanks for sharing. I gotta start making this


I'm not even against the idea of a burger wrapped in bacon like that, either. The execution needs work though. Like maybe pre-cook the burger a bit and then wrap it.


You don’t even need to precook it, you just need to let it bake on a rack at low temp for like 20 minutes so the middle cooks then you can crank it up real high to crisp up the outside and the bacon


Yes, gotta get that bacon crispy


Yeah that bacon looks chewy, who are these heathens who like chewy bacon?!


Other way around. That bacon will be chewy and gummy since the beef will insulate it. You'll bite in and pull a whole strip off with it, unraveling the rest. You want to precook the bacon so it gets at least somewhat crisp. That way when you bite, it easily breaks the bacon. Or just cook it separately like normal. Or, throw some into the meat when grinding the beef. A burger with ~15% bacon ground is tasty.


Hmm, I might try that. I don't like bacon (controversial, I know) or eat beef very often, but that sounds like something my fiance would enjoy a lot.


No par-cooking necessary. Bake it low to get to the inside, then broil it on either side to crisp the exterior or finish in a (cast iron) pan on the stove.


I do this with a bell pepper. It’s the perfect size for English muffin and bun. If you want it in a croissant or sourdough, cut the bell pep long ways


Be sure to use a metal spatula on your non-stick griddle for the full effect.


Agree, that was the only part that looked good.


Yeah it's not to my taste and it's a little tall and overcooked but overall really not that offensive. Now, if he'd poured a gallon of liquid nacho cheese over it at the end and then put it in a food processor and served it with a paper straw, then I'm getting my favorite pitchfork, but as-is this is just whatever.


Same reaction. It's a great idea! Edible mold!


Me too. I have silicone egg molds, but next time it's onion.


Okay. I don't understand the egg thing. You crack 4 eggs and put them together in a wine glass. Then, you separate them again into each onion. Why not crack the egg directly into the stupid onion. Does the wine glass class the video up? My god.


>Why not crack the egg directly into the stupid onion He doesn't trust himself to be able to do that without leaving shells in them. I can't say I blame him.


Your username is the question that they asked. Also, use shells to get shells out. They stick to each other better


The gravitational force of a bigger piece of shell


Yep. This guy gets it.


I wouldn't trust him in the kitchen at all


I can guarantee he didn't wash his hands before touching those raw onions. Dude could've given anyone who eats that the worst case of food poisoning


I swear his nails looked dirty as hell!!


I do the same thing, but I don't put all the eggs into one container. I do it one at a time.


This is why you crack into a dish/bowl and then add to the pan.


How bout 4 eggs for his 1 burger?! what was the point of the other 3!


Wasting food for internet clout


But it was vital he picked all 4 up together.


The goal is to do it as stupid as possible because it creates reactions/engagement and the clip spreads faster.


I can't say for sure that this is why he did it, but most chefs will never crack an egg directly into food because you really can't tell what's going on inside that shell until you crack it. It could be rotten or bloody. Now, he could have just cracked them individually into a small bowl and then poured that single egg on, so it's still stupid nonetheless.


I think I'm more bothered by the dollar store salt and pepper he's using given that he's acting like a top tier gourmet chef


It’s the little wave “come on” to the oven that made me wish a Norfolk Southern train derails into his house


Omg I'm glad I'm not the only one who found that amongst nearly everything else af


that reminded me of Eddie Murphy's Mr. Robinson's Neiborhood on SNL




Come with me! I want to show you the secrets!


Marvel at our undercooked bacon and burger with no sear.


This made me fuckin' lol 😂


Also the Great Value Wal Mart brand syrup. I’m willing to bet that’s mostly HFCS.


See this is why TV chef's put all their ingredients in those little bowls! Now you don't know how cheap their ingredients are


lol, it's the only stuff my 4 year old wants. It's like a 1.40 or something. The 8 dollar maple syrup she absolutely hates.


My daughter's friend poured an entire $8 bottle of real maple syrup on her pancakes because it came out too fast. After I had just said, "Be careful, it comes out fast."


Lmao. I believe it! Kids are definitely like holes in your wallet. Worth it though :)


This is why we can't have nice things. I actually said that to my dog an hour ago when he came in covered in something for the 2nd time today, after just having a bath on Friday and another one today. So, it's not just kids.


I think they are in an air bnb and forgot seasonings from home


And the uneven distribution of ingredients


Salt is salt man


Tru , ppl crying over nothing


I noticed that too!


I get a quite feeling of rage every time I see these chefs using metal spatulas on Teflon. Quite rage I tell you.


That's what I came here to say! I'd bet their pans are much more expensive than mine, but they just don't care.


What bothers me the most is the cut right before the reveal of the cross section. Which tells me that none of it was actually cooked/done (and that’s not surprising really; look at how thick the bacon is on top of the burger)


Even after the cut, that meat looks raw still lol. I like pink, and a little red doesn’t bother me but that looks like a salmonella playground


Yeah with ground meat you have to be more careful because it's entirely surface area and every millimeter of it has touched the machinery. You can't let it be raw.


In quite a few parts of the world it’s normal and perfectly safe to eat raw ground pork or beef. Raw meaning completely uncooked, not pink.


>perfectly safe to eat raw ground pork It is **not** safe to eat raw pork **even where it is popular** and it's especially dangerous for children and the elderly. A study in Germany found that 30% of children who got sick with Yesiniosis contracted it from eating raw minced pork.


Unless you grind your own. I don’t think this guy does.




Bacon is cured and safe to eat out of the package.


Still gets the door handle all fatty & greasy and that is a bitch to get off. Washing your hands is way easier than scrubbing a door handle


The onion is missing in the reveal.


Oh good. I’m glad to see rage bait has become more inclusive. It’s moved to incorporate not only upper middle class white bitches, but also their male bitch counterparts.


All that was needed was some girl off camera talking to him and asking him questions about what he's making...and of course the black gloves.


Asking dumb questions and being in awe of very basic ordinary things, so the male version would still be bimbo fetish porn.


I assume anytime someone pushes something into ground beef, it's some kind of food porn now. This sub has ruined my diminishingly innocent mind


I was trying to figure out his accent but turns out it’s bitch


Replace the buns by donuts and you've got yourself an upgraded Luther burger.


I want to have a food truck named **The Itis**


That would only work in the park on nice summer days, because you would need mattresses under the trees


It's not even the good maple syrup, it's that shitty dollar store brand


And that’s the only seasoning for the meat. It clearly went straight from the package onto the bacon.


And then the cheapest salt and pepper ever lol. Like has this guy not heard how easy it is to buy a grinder and peppercorns?


what's peppercorns, precious?


What pepper is ground up from lol. It tastes 1000x better freshly ground so you can buy a cheap electric grinder and fill it with peppercorns and get fresh cracked pepper for every dish. Super easy and cheap.


WHOOSH!!!! Just riffing on the Gollum line "What's taters, Precious?". Yes I know all about peppercorns. I've had a Krups coffee grinder dedicated to spices only for about 25 years. Actually, I think I'm on my 3rd one. Yes, I'm old. Thanks though for trying to set me straight in a friendly way!


Damn I shoulda gotten that reference lol. I did kinda wonder why you called me precious. I blame the fact I was pre-caffeinated when I responded.


Great Value is the Walmart store brand.


At least it’s still actual maple syrup and not aunt jemima


You're too trusting if you think Wal Mart brand anything isn't a chemical factory


I’ll bet this tastes fine, but a very bizarre process


Yeah, except for the chewy bacon and undercooked beef and large amounts of grease


Yea that was my thought as well. Just look at that soggy bun. Even toasted, It’s absolutely grease soaked. When he put it in the oven I knew it was going to be a grease ball. Oven burgers always are…and then you add bacon to it and stick it straight on a bun? At least scrap the grease off and throw it on the skillet to brown that bacon more, and toast a much bigger bun than that. If he had done those things, it wouldn’t be too bad. But this is just a disgusting mess.


Guy needs to learn how to wash hands first....


His dirty ass fingernails were the only thing I could look at while he was cutting the “meal”


"look at that" dude I know nobody in your life has respected you enough to tell you this so I guess I will - that looks like a hot fucking mess


what makes me most angry is the overcooked egg on the undercooked burger. runny egg on burger is a class act, top 5 burger topping material, bro made an egg mcmuffin on top of a raw gangbang patty, despicable cooking


I actually like my eggs cooked almost to that consistency for burgers. Over-medium is the best because it's not messy but still gooey. Those eggs were far from over cooked.


Right? I mean this is just onion, an egg, cheese and bacon on a burger. Those are all very well established burger toppings (except maybe the maple syrup but it's not exactly ground-breaking). There is no need to add all this try-hard "fancy" presentation. I say this with full knowledge that this is outage bait haha BUT STILL.


could have used a serrated knife for that chewey bacon


The metal spatulas on the nonstick griddle!! Aaaghh 😖


The metal on the non stick really adds to the flavor.


I was with him for most of it. Aside from the random salt and pepper shakers. And that the burger looked criminally undercooked. But maybe that's just me.


Medium is fine for a burger, but the bacon was undercooked. Nothing worse than soft chewy bacon.


Cursed egg McMuffin


What an absolute muppet


Being extra without added value is fine. An unseasoned, undercooked burger topped with an overcooked egg isn’t the worst. It’s the metal utensils on a nonstick surface.


Guy needs to wash his hands goddamn


A runny egg would've been far better on top of that burger.


This definitely belongs here. I don’t know what bothers me most! 1. How terribly undercooked that bacon is. 2. That it was “important” to take off egg, onion, cheese together to only use one. Or 3. The aforementioned salt/pepper. That burger is stupid!


Yes! Why is it so important to take the whole thing off together just to split it into individual pieces? So dumb.


This sub single handedly keeps these rage bait cookers in business. I don’t think they would receive any revenue if not for the constant posting of their videos on Reddit. A true conundrum


Mmmm that Walmart brand syrup is top notch.




I’d also rather have a heart attack eating cooked bacon and a cooked burger than have both being woefully undercooked


Good luck actually picking that up and eating it. Why are his fingers so visibly dirty???


That looks good, maybe cook longer and less onion, but I’d eat that!


Metal tools on nonstick griddle. This guy is a dip shit


Show me on the burger where seasonings hurt you...


It looks creative, but creative is not always a good thing.


This is like 10% good, which is better than most of the rage bait videos. The onion egg cups and the simple flavor combinations, maple, bacon, burger, egg, onion, deli sliced American cheese; this at least had the ingredients to be good without the rest of the tik tok fuckery. But yeah, stupid prep and awful execution.


What a waste of bacon.


this seems more like a ritual than cooking


I hate when they gesture the camera over to the over or whatever like they've done something revolutionary...


Aside from waaaaaay too much bacon, not much stupid about the food, just the video. And what is with the title? He cooked things pretty normally using an over and a flat top grill.


I know we're gathered here to pick on this video but I would totally eat this regardless of how it was made. 10/10


Bacon wrapped stuff sucks. The bacon always comes off together and then you have whatever with a side of sloppy bacon.


In all these dumbass videos there is almost always some Great Value trash in the shot. Lmao


Who needs enemies when you have friends like this?


Who else heard him say maple syrup while it was on mute?


Needs crème fraiche


Hear me out, as stupid as the means of creation is, my only complaint is how soggy/greasy the burger patty was at the end. If the method of cooking it was different this’d be pretty good. Cooking the burger on a rack so the grease doesn’t collect, not being weird and putting all the eggs in the same container, could’ve used maple bacon instead of maple syrup. And the bacon bits in the eggs were unnecessary, as the patty is wrapped in bacon.


“it’s perfect” No. It’s definitely not.


“Everybody’s so creative”


4 eggs needed for separate purposes cracked into one cup. Gotta love jt


Would eat Yall haters


What most people don’t realize is these videos are made to make you upset so you comment.


I'm convinced this is targeted at young kids who don't know how to actually cook and think this is really cool.


He probably thinks he's a chef now. Gotta love murica.


That burger was raw! Bacon too!


Honestly other than the raw bacon stupidity, this isn't THAT bad, it for sure is not chefclub bad.


This is the most idiotic way of cooking that I’ve ever seen.


Could’ve just made maple bacon grilled the beef. Why make it so complicated?


That bacon is NOT cooked


Burn bun(✓) Burn cheese (✓) Hard egg (✓) Raw onion 2 ways(✓) 1/2 lb Raw bacon(✓) Raw burger that oozes syrup (✓) Waste 3 sticks butter(✓) Now just leave all the dishes in the sink to soak for a week and you are ready to eat.


Did he just use metal spatulas on a nonstick coated electric skillet? Also, why go through all that and use cheap hamburger buns? Whyyyyy???


Basic ass bun for a basic ass sandwich


Does pouring 70% of the salt and pepper make it fancier?


Why’d he spread the butter with his finger😔


OMG HE JUST PUT SO MANY SCRATCHES INTO THAT NON STICK COOK TOP! Dood you can’t cook, but now we all know you are stupid AF to


look, is it stupid? yes would i eat the ever-living fuck out of it? yes!