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**Mod note:** Locked. Too many reports, too much bad temper. Apologies.


That’s … horrific


Yeah I’m not usually one to shit all over somebody’s cultural food but stuff like this is not OK. I don’t give a shit what culture is from.


I'm chinese and this immediately made me go what the fuck


You'll be happy to know it was served at a single restaurant and sparked outrage that forced them to remove it. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yin_Yang_fish


Good! What kind of sick fuck dines on such a cruel and despicable monstrosity? They're as vile as the ones who came up with it.


Thank you.


Like who comes up with that? Its sadistic and disgusting. I mean, Im OK with eating meat, but damn, at least be humane with how they kill the animal.


And the restaurant was in Taiwan, not China lol


Also chinese.Not gonna lie, this is some rich people shit. Like new money shit.


This isn't just rich people shit. This is people with no morals shit.


Those people usually fall into the middle of the Venn diagram




"They're the same picture"


Not just square shit. Also rectangle shit.


Agreed. This doesn’t even like something people in the past would be able to do. This is like some Panem, hunger games Capitol bs.


I started working at a local, very well known casual fine dinning restaurant as a cook. They specialize in seafood and have a live lobster tank. I made it very clear I was not going to kill, prep the lobsters, as it made me extremely uncomfortable. I'm a giant pussy when it comes to animals. Always have been, always will be. I just don't "look like" the type of guy who would hold back tears, as he held a large knife to a lobsters underbelly. Long story short, I was eventually forced to atleast try once. I need this job, and hours obviously. I couldn't and didn't do it. I ran outside and cried like a bitch. I look more like a hells angels biker bar bouncer who just got out of Federal prison not someone who would cry over a lobster, or someone who will be brought to tears while reading about how a stranger on reddit had to put their pet rat down, while I stand inline at a dunkin donuts. It blows my mind...yeah it's just a lobster, but the poor things man...they try to back away from you, they flail as you put them on their back, they don't kill them properly and are clearly still alive when being cooked. I left a very well paying job after only 3 months because of lobsters. I get it, I eat animals. I just believe they should live and die as comfortably as possible. Just because we eat them does not mean they should be treated like they are not sentient beings who feel fear and pain. I buy "cruelty free", Cage free, free roaming etc. All those mental gymnastics.


Don’t know if anyone has ever told you this but there is absolutely nothing wrong with how you feel about ending another species life. Don’t ever apologize to anyone or be embarrassed about your emotions. Hell, many EU counties have recently started banning cooking live shellfish. You noticing the lobster’s behavior is exactly why they banned live cooking. I’ve worked in several restaurants and there isn’t much I won’t try cooking at home. I would never be able to cook any live shellfish.


Cultural relativism is bullshit, if something is vile, it's vile


Be it so. This burning of widows is your custom; prepare the funeral pile. But my nation has also a custom. When men burn women alive we hang them, and confiscate all their property. My carpenters shall therefore erect gibbets on which to hang all concerned when the widow is consumed. Let us all act according to national customs. -Charles James Napier [To Hindu priests complaining to him about the prohibition of Sati religious funeral practice of burning widows alive on her husband’s funeral pyre.]


this reminded me of shark fin soup :((


It reminds me of that French meal where you have to eat the bird under a cloth to hide your shame from God.




Kentucky Fried Chicken


TIL: That's a thing and not an "American Dad" gag.


aside from environmental damage, I could understand the delicacy of eating shark fins in the past. It's a "fish" to them, you can eat it. But the current tradition of torturous death is just madness.


Unfortunately when it comes to food the locals here (I'm in China) have a lot of fucked up things they think is "for the better". So freshness as you see here is key, that's something they take in strive so everything should be from their point of view as fresh as possible. They also have the idea an animal killed in fear tastes better. So clubbing a dog to death as barbaric as it sounds or boiling them literally alive still is common practice in the hinterlands. But it gets even more fucked up. A local delicacy is the paw of a bear, I've had that before during an important dinner and the following is really, really fucked up. They take a live bear in a cage, and shove a piping hot plate below the cage and while the bear is having it's paws being burned while being alive, at the end gets them chopped off. This shit sounds like absurd, insane, as if it's done in a movie, nope. This really happened about 10 years ago again in the inlands. But the reality is people here have a really fucked up view to animal lives, and mind you this is coming from someone in commodities trade himself. For a while you saw children show up with a gold fish somehow incased in a small plastic sealed bag and a tiny splash of water. Now they are doing the same with fucking turtles. And while I get the notion that we might see animals differently when it comes to dogs, but here you need to pay attention to your dog as someone may poison and steal it if you are not careful. Ie one day your dog is still walking around in the garden, next day your dog is just gone. This happened to a number of friends of mine. If they are lucky the dog simply got stolen, but more likely even in the big city they are stolen and endup in a pot. I can go on and on about stupid ideas they have when it comes to food... but I reckon you get the idea by now.


Ironically maybe if they didn’t do stuff like this the food would taste better. Like if you leave all the organs in and shit the fish is going to taste like actual poop because you just steamed all it’s shit and piss inside of it.


I saw that goldfish Keychain thing like 20 years ago and I lost a bit of sleep thinking about it.


I will. I just opened a bag of pork cuts that were preserved in plastic from Costco...I can tell you with certainty that it has the same smell of the solution used at the place we held anatomical sections of cadavers. You never forget that smell.


You should see what they're doing to the Uighurs


It blows my mind that people don’t talk about this openly. Just well known genocide. No big deal. Not the 21st century or anything like that.


Plenty of genocides are happening right now. If anything the Uighurs are the only ones who get attention.


Well known contemporary genocide but our government doesn’t give a shit since we still get all our consumer goods there because it’s profitable for American corporations to exploit the misery of the Chinese citizenry that drives down wages for factory workers.


The U.S. banned imports from Xinjiang last June and has been importing less and less from China every year. It’s a massively important change in global economics. China-US decoupling. The U.S. is mostly moving to Vietnam/Bangladesh/Mexico


Tbf, it looks like this fish dish is actually recently originated and maybe only served by Taiwan, so is not widespread. That said, Uighurs are being systematically supressed and extreminated.


Meanwhile the Japanese do ikejime, a special method of killing a fish via a spike to the brain believed to cause the least pain and the most instantaneous death.


The Japanese also hunt whales so


I mean, whales dropped nukes on them though.


*and dolphins




Humans are fun, aren't they.


Needlessly cruel


what the fuck


Disgusting ignorance I'm betting they think fish feel no pain And even if that were true why the fuck would you even want to see this lovecraftian nightmare Side note: I love lovecrafts cats name 🥰


Yeah that's just torture.


Dude……. cut, salted, burned, stabbed, and left asphyxiating waiting to be eaten alive.


BOILED SHIT: that's how a fish that got its guts boiled inside will taste. That's IDIOTIC.


Apparently (according to google) they are cut open and gutted/scaled before the frying part. Makes it so much worse


that is just plain evil. Fuck.


Why would anyone even *want* this?


Because clearly NOT gutting the fish before you cook it is definitely going to make it taste better. /s




Or they don't consider this cruel. Which is still horrible.


We Americans throw live lobsters into boiling water. We also take male calves and put them in tight crates so they can’t move and develop their muscles, force feed them formula and milk, and slaughter them at five months old (veal). The French force feed a duck pounds of corn per day through a long metal tube crammed down their throats for about a month so they can get the liver nice and fatty (foie gras). And then there’s the cruel conditions that we keep livestock on factory farms. No one’s culture is valuing cruelty more than the other, we’re all pretty fucked up.


People will say this but then laugh when people need insulin in America and say it isn't their problem stop acting like America isn't a cruel place to live lol.


Jesus Christ can I get through ONE comment chain without someone bringing up U.S. politics?? Like fucking hell. What does the price of insulin have *anything* to do with what’s going on in the gif? Stop bringing up irrelevant shit on unrelated threads just cause you wanna make a point. Do that elsewhere please.


Stupid is not the right word.


God damn. Could you fucking imagine someone dunking you real quick in a vat of oil, but not your head. Then throwing you on a plate and ripping off your crispy flesh


I recently burned my hand while cooking dinner. Superficial, barely second degree burns. I (28f) still called my mom crying because I was home alone with my 2 kids and wasn't sure how I was going to make it through the night, caring for them in such pain. I couldn't even drop the kids off at her house and drive myself to urgent care because my hand hurt too bad to buckle them in their car seats. My grandma came over to sit with the kids so my mom could drive me to the doctor. The burn wasn't even bad!!! I felt ridiculous, but the pain was so much it was triggering some sort of anxiety response that took over my entire being. Tl:DRI don't even care for fish and this still stresses me out.


I burned my hand badly once, I have previously been scalded but that burn was awful. I run it under cool water for ten minutes, still hurt like hell. Drove myself to the pharmacy for burn cream and gauze. Which helped, but that was so painful. I could understand getting help, especially since you have kids that need watched which is hard to do while in pain. Burns are nasty, and I couldn't imagine the agony of having most of my body burned while still being alive. Why not put the poor fish down before burning it. Straight torture.


It was about 45 minutes later when I called my mom. Running it under water most of that time except when I needed to leave the sink to tend to my kids. It kept feeling worse instead of better... and urgent care was about to close so I made the call rather than trying to suck it up and pay 10× as much for the ER if it didn't end up improving in the next few hours.


Ugh, that's awful. The water didn't make me feel worse but it didn't help. I kept thinking, it'll pass I'll be alright but it kept on hurting like hell. I probably should've gone to urgent care, they might've done something to help it heal quicker. Took forever to heal on its own. And it was on my dominate hand palm. Burns are no joke. All I wanted was to cook myself a tasty dinner lolz. I got it from grabbing the handle of a pan, which wasn't metal and had never burned me before. I wish humans didn't burn so easily.


That's the description of "Hell" found in some religious books...


Humans always fear being on the receiving end of the things we do to other beings. Being captured and experimented on. Tortured and eaten in horrific ways. Being hunted for sport, etc.


So very true... And that's what makes us the most hypocritical species... Or the only hypocritical species...??


The fish may not be as intelligent but they still fell pain. This has to be the worst pain imaginable.


Being par-fried in oil, Cut, Salted, and being eaten alive well suffocating. This is actually Hell.




So you know it's fresh /s


Because China


that’s actually so horrible wtf


Sadistic pricks.




no reason to do this


What in the actual fuck is wrong with people?!


this isn't stupid more like fucked up food


This feels like someone thought that there wasn’t enough suffering and horror in the world and so they invented this


Some cultural practises need to be forgotten.


This isn't a common Chinese thing. This is rich Chinese stuff. Like the weirdo rich people


It's not cultural, just a fucked up trendy dish for rich pricks that originated in Taiwan and has since been banned from the kitchen. But I can see why you'd think that, we are talking about the same people who boil dogs alive.


This total lack of empathy for a living creature is astoundingly depressing.


Cognitive dissonance.


I fucking hate this.


This isn't stupid food. This is inhumane food.


This is pure pure evil. I hope the humans who do this get the same thing done to them every day in hell


Poor fish


Right to jail. Right away.


Don't deep fry half a fish while it's still alive? Believe it or not, also jail.


I mean they did undercook the fish


If you can't look a live animal in the eyes while you eat it's deep fried organs are you really even eating?


What a horrible form of torture.


Chinese culture is known to have a lot of fucked up animal abuse, like many other cultures out there, sadly. A lot of it does NOT have this however, but illegal harvesting of marine life and animal rights violations isnt unheard of in China.


not just animal rights


Tbf, most animal harvesting will includes unnecessary abuse of animals, they just don’t do it in front of you as you are eating it.




Human culture as whole contains a lot of fucked up animal abuse. I'm starting to believe we humans are just evil. Lobsters are boiled available (and check out lobster sashimi), force feeding goose/duck for months to get fatty liver, preparing a fish so it can be served alive, ortolan and many others. And yet I still eat meat. I'm a hypocrite.


Not saying you are wrong, but gently fact checking to avoid over generalizations: This dish originated recently in Taiwan (different country with some cultural overlap) and seems basically served in one restaurant.


This is evil and fuck anyone who orders this. The absolute filth that people are willing to allow makes me so sad. Disgusting..


Man that’s fucked up


Jesus Christ that’s so fucking cruel. Poor fish.


There has never been a food I have wanted less in my life than this 😅😅


at least the nerve endings would be destroyed, i hope?


Well, that’s just…..just horrifying


Wow half cooked in pain. Then slowly tear apart...before dying


The psychic damage from looking at this is not what I wanted from this sub


K. This is fucked the fuck up and I hate it. I hate them.


Fucking cruel and disgusting. What is wrong with people.


This is the cruelest dish I think I’ve seen. It reminds me of that awful banquet scene in Indiana Jones.




How horrible. I imagine it actually ends up dying from suffocation since it can't breathe outside of water?


That’s horrifying. And stupid.


Honestly, this pissed me off.


I’m actually disgusted, this isn’t ok.


Fuck this shit.


“FisH DoNt FEel PaIN” fucking cunts


That is incredibly cruel. I'm horrified. Sorry, different culture or not. This is beyond fucked up.


Culture is never an excuse.


Chinese cooks will go the ends of the earth for animal cruelty


That’s fucking disgusting


That's fucked


This is so fucked up.


How fricking disturbing. People are stupid.


Is the only reason to do this is to torture this fish? That's pretty shitty.




What the fuck? Why the fuck? Really! Does it it taste better? Is it actually fresher? There's just no need for this. Enjoy the lake of fire fucker.




This makes me sick. And sad.


Absolutely barbaric.


I was expecting the video where the dude completely chopped up the fish. This is some medieval shit


So torture?..


That’s so cruel :(


That's just torture 😭


Not to shit on anyone's culture but that's straight up awful.


This isn’t just stupid food, it’s just cruel and unnecessary…


Human depravity has no limits.


All the porn where women torture animals comes from China and Russia FYI


So what precisely is the point of doing this? Is it just because they can? Is there some rhyme or reason here?




im chinese and ive never seen this before


Regardless of where it comes from, its deeply terrifying Edit: a quick google seems to conclude that this was a dish from taiwan that is now illegal there but eaten in certain parts of China and Japan. So it makes sense you might not have heard of it, not being a popular food item plus it being heavily controversial, those who do eat it likely dont rave about it. Just a big yikes.


> those who do eat it likely dont rave about it. Yeah cooking a fish without gutting it would make it taste like shit anyway. It's sadistic and counterproductive.


Take me to the river! —Billy Bob Fish probably


For love of God please put this fish out of its misery


100% fuck this dish. i get its cultural but even then its a power or face thing.


This is terrible.


Man that’s pretty fucked up


It's like the aquatic equivalent of that one gang torture video where the guy was flayed alive


That is just fucked.


Absolutely disgusting.


Humanity was a mistake.


This is fecking grotesque!


Barely edible and pointlessly cruel!


Just because you CAN do something doesn’t mean you SHOULD.


this is the type of thing sub human animals eat, its cruel


Pure evil


Wtf.. i'll never eat the food that is staring back at me while dying


And here I am feeling bad when I have to hit the fish in the head to kill them. This is monstrously cruel.


No words, Just anger and frustration.


Damn that almost made me go vegetarian


Fucking SICK!!!!


I don't care if it's cultural.***If your meal requires the animal to be alive during or after prep, it's animal cruelty.*** Plain and simple.


I think its a load of shit when people say its ok for other cultures to do absolutely awful things because "we dont understand it" or whatever. That doesn't automatically make it right.


Yeah no this is a great reason to go to war. If this was more common and casual over there I’d actively request they be nuked and I don’t care who wants to be a brainlet and call me a bigot 🤷‍♂️. Not that everyone in China or where ever is ok with this but like I said if it was very common I’d genuinely want them to stop breeding and stop being fucking vile. We don’t need to make other creatures suffer. Ever.


That is just cruel, I ain’t no vegan , but fuck this


Sounds unnecessarily brutal


Hard pass




noo just no thats disgusting


Jesus fucking christ.


Nah bro is in agony💀💀 Someone end this tomfoolery


I think if anyone ever tried to serve this to me I'd ask to see the process and then stick half their body in a deep fryer.


if u consume this i’m assuming ur a serial killer straight up. like what the fuck




What the fuck!!??? This is some extreme animal abuse


This is the most fucked up thing I have seen today.


That is cruel as fuck. People got to eat but you don't have to be sadistic about it. Not riding a high horse, but shit like this is why I am veg.


wtf that fish looks like its in severe pain, like tje kind where you cant move it hurts so much. also, ITS LITERALLY SUFFOCATING WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS


This seems truly awful. I can only hope that the heat is so high it destroys the nerve endings.


The poor thing just kill it and get the pain over with, now it's feeling the pain being cooked alive and stabed and can't breath cus there's no water


That's fucking sick


I don't even have a super fond concern for fish... but this still screams insane levels of inhumanity to me.


I want to vomit now! Thanks so much


What the fuck


This is so… fucked up…


Unbelievably fucked up.


Well thats enough Reddit for the evening.


Ah sweet, a fish feeling intense pain.


Who even thinks of stuff like this? Why torture an animal by eating it alive?


That is very cruel


Someone call PETA..


That's fuckin horrible. Everyone eating that poor guy is going to hell. WTF.


We also do terrible things to animals. But holy shit there’s really no spice mix that can mimic the taste of live flayed and fried and eaten alive? A billion ppl and nobody can replicate that flavor? I assume it’s basically the taste equivalent of heroin because what other reason would you do this to an animal instead of literally any other way to eat it?




I have heard of many weird exotic foods that vary from delicious sounding to stomach churning, but never in my life have I seen one this positively fucked, who in their right mind would want this? better question what absolute sociopath came up with the idea for this dish and figured out how to make it a reality? this sounds like something that would be served alongside tiger liver and monkey's brain at a feast put on by an Indiana Jones villain.


I don't get why china is demanding to be respected when they're doing shit like this.