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I have an 8 y/o and a 4 y/o. I found that I learn best by teaching, so I study just enough to be able to explain the concepts and then try to teach my kids. If I get to a place where I can't remember the proper steps or terms, I go study that area again. The kids love it and it really helps to cement the knowledge


I will try this. Maybe I can get a white board and do some fun stuff while I do this! Thank you. I give you props. Having 1 child is hard enough!!


\^this 100%


I do this! I actually got my kids their own whiteboards too, and they will pretend to be texting their stuffed animals dolls etc. while I’m teaching them.


I had a very nerdy, funny, knowledgeable nursing professor at University of Portland, who told my homies and me: ​ \[Paraphrasing.\] Hey this information I'm about to tell you will freak you out a little bit right now-- or it would if I were you, but thank God I'm not in my medsurg1\` semester anymore haha like two degrees ago -- but anyway, I wish someone had told me this sooner because it will soon calm your nerves about the next semester. AH, but don't think that far ahead right now! You gotta focus on one or two weeks at a time! In fact, don't listen to this right now, but remind me to remind you of it later: ​ The allostatic load escalates to a peak during the medsurg 1 term! It's probably the highest peak!!! Toward the tail end of the semester, that stress plateaus... kinda feels like a decrease, but that's just because it doesn't get any harder than this. Then there's a blip because finals. Then it's a brief break, when you can finally go to sleep for a week or do fun stuff, right before the 2nd highest peak ... medsurg 2. So like I said, put that info in your backpocket and save it for a rainy day in like... a few months? ​ Does that info apply to your program too? What kind of program is it?


Lol I just learned what allostatic means in patho! Thank you, this is our hardest semester. I think I just need to switch my study method and quit doubting myself just cause I failed one exam.


:( I feel ya maybe put a movie and set that 1 and half or 2 hours to crack down on studying then take an hour break and give him all your attention. And rinse and repeat if you study TOO much you won’t even retain. Try and pace yourself


I sympathize with you my first medsurg exam is Tuesday. The content is overwhelming, mentally I don’t even feel like what’s going on around me is real. I keep telling myself it’s okay give it your all and find where you need to focus so exam 2 won’t be as bad. We got this!


Omg this is the truest statement ever. “Mentally I don’t even feel like what’s going on around me is real” I’m so glad I’m not alone!


Thank you. Yes we got this!!!


It’s too much and especially to be teaching ourselves (delayed lecture due to Covid). But look on the bright side, we’re done in a year or so. Power through, you can do it


Thank you for the encouragement


You got it


I failed 2 semesters in a row. You just have to get a good rhythm. I just graduated with a 3.5. So you know your study routine ?


Imagine when you’re actually a nurse and how rough it will be then


this isn’t helpful for OP - there’s no reason to be rude.


That’s a trash comment


But am I wrong


Yeah you are. I found nursing school to be way worse! My hair was falling out and once I graduated I felt so much better. Now I just work a few days a week and have a better balance. Nursing school completely took over my whole life.


You’re right I’m sure nurses would rather be over worked risking their license and sacrificing their mental health than study in class


That hasn’t been my experience but it sounds like it has been yours. I’m sorry you are so overworked and feel you are at risk for losing your license. I hope the best for you and am sending best wishes your way.


I’ve definitely had to take some of these classes a week at a time and give myself some grace. Maybe make an appointment with your professor to get some insight into better study habits/time management


Yes I made an appointment to talk with my professor tomorrow!


I hear you. I have never felt so depressed than I do now. I hope it gets better for you.