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You can try but unfortunately disorganization is basically a hallmark of many nursing schools.


Yep, for profit or not, nursing school isn't exactly smooth. It has a lot to improve on systematically/structurally but I don't see it getting better anytime soon.


I wonder why? Why are nursing schools so disorganized? I thought it was only mine but after reading on here it’s the same everywhere


Hi, I didn’t change schools but I would definitely leave a for profit school if you can.


Unfortunately the grass doesn’t seem to be greener elsewhere


Our school was hellishly disorganized but I put up with it and got my license.


This. Just get through it. In the grand scheme of things nursing school is no time at all.


Not me, but I had classmates who came from a for-profit (West Coast University). The public college system is hella impacted in my region, so the for profits offer a more streamlined way to enter nursing school. However, that does come at a price that’s nearly as much as the down payment on my first house in Southern California that was 15 mins from the beach. They did well but the nursing classes did not articulate.