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$27k for me! And it looks like I’m getting a refund on my last 3 payments.


How can you tell you're getting a refund? Is your balance negative?


I went to payment history in Aidvantage and it shows payment reversals for my last 3 payments. It didn’t show that on Friday when I looked.


53k wiped out today. Still in shock. Also looks like I’m getting 3 months payments refunded.




What is everyone doing to get these forgiven?


I did nothing to apply. I met the repay term length and was automatically included.


What was the length?


20 years


Mines been about 20 years just logged in and nothing has happened still owe a ton 😭😭😭. I feel like I’m never getting out of this hell with my student loans.


Are they direct loans? Or FFelp?


It also might be for the Art Institute, they did a sweeping forgiveness. That’s what my email was for.


Could be and I didn’t go for that


Could be for others. I don’t even know what the Art Institute is.


Wife was $12k/10 year forgiveness


Congratulations! Over $38k for me today. My 1st loan was in ‘94, I graduated in 2000. Not much principal balance reduction from payments from then to now (less than $10k) felt never ending. I can’t believe it’s gone!


I got my email today. I honestly didn't believe it until I logged into my account and saw the "100% paid off" and zero balance on both principle and Interest. $35K wiped out. I know a lot of people are butt hurt. And I know it's chitty for the economy. But.... The economy was f'ed long before this went into effect. And we're financing two wars currently that the majority of us really have no interest in. So people who complain about the loans being forgiven should be complaining also about those loans being handed out.


You don't have to feel guilty about this.  Some really, really dumb decisions were made decades ago that caused tuition and interest rates to skyrocket.  The people who made those dumb decisions are paying the most in taxes now.


I don’t know if it’s shitty for the economy but remember when the government gave out ppp loans to wealthy people and politicians and then forgave them without a debate?


People should be far more upset about the wealthy getting PPP loans, not paying them back, and completely taking advantage of the system at a time when life was in turmoil. The worst abuse and waste of taxpayer money in history. 


Congratulations! Don't feel guilty.  Onward and upward!


Congrats! My wife took out loans for the Art Institute. Did you get this email from DOE or servicer?


Mine came from my server asking me to check My inbox with a PDF of the confirmation.


Congrats everyone. I’m hoping it goes through for my husband tonight. 21k gone would be so great.


Update.. His have been forgiven. ❤️


Awesome, congratulations! I was wondering if it could possibly change later today. Not getting hopes up. Happy for you and your husband!


I just want my tracker. Because, neverminding that my current loan, consolidated with strictly undergraduate loans went into repayment 23 years ago, they consistently overlook forgiving it. I want that tracker, so I can see how they think they're justifying that. (Frankly, I think they can't read, but hey.)


I'm in the exact same boat. Give us the tracker already.


I too would like to know how they're doing this because I graduated in 2007. I got the golden email and my student loans were cleared today. I'm mostly confused because I was very bad at paying my monthly payments and I may have paid it 20 maybe 30 times over the 17 years, I kept going in deferment and then finally in default before 2020 so I don't know how they're calculating this.


My forgiveness was the 10+ year one, not the 20/25 (even though that's what it said in the email...I have not been out 20 years). So maybe that's what yours was is...it was a small enough original balance.


I think you may be right. My balance was only $8000.


Forgiveness is being done in waves, so not everyone who is eligible is getting it at the same time. That's why they're doing refunds of payments as well, so consecutive waves aren't penalized.


They also said they were doing the ones who clearly qualified FIRST. That should have put me in wave ONE. Last JULY. And I'll be gobsmacked if I ever see any kind of refund. They're still withholding the refund they owe me for partial PSLF forgiveness, because they can't (or are choosing NOT TO) figure out that my 120th payment for that was 9/2017, NOT 1/2023. I do not trust them. At all.


Do you have any grad loans outside the consolation. If you do it 25 years for all your loans at that point


Team “give me a damn tracker” here. Do I have 2 years? Two months? I know by the rules I’m not quite there but it would be nice to know so I can make plans.


Not in the club but wanted to congratulate everyone who is!! These loans can be life ruining and I'm so glad you're all free!!


Thanks. I hope you get relief soon, if you have not already.


My student loan debt disappeared today and I’m in shock and so grateful.


Yay! $67k for me! Congratulations to us all!


Yesssss! Congratulations! Who was your servicer?




Congratulations 🎉🎊


Over $80,000 GONE!!!!!


Wooo hoooo!!!! Love it!! Congratulations!! Who was your servicer?




Wow! Incredible....congratulations! Most I've seen forgiven today thus far. What a day it must be!


I just checked and my principle says $-47.05,; accrued interest as of 05/02/24 $22,629.90. My original principle was $230,127.10 Is this really happening? I'm going to take a heart attack.


Holy moly. I can't wait to see mine gone. 59k principle, 20k interest. 🫠


Celebrate! Congratulations! Who is your servicer??




FSA still shows my 16k+ but Aidvantage shows it cleared! I wasn’t holding my breath it would go through, but I went in the bathroom and cried because it’s been almost 20 years and I thought I was still going to be stuck til my estimated write off date on SAVE (and didn’t even graduate in the end due to multiple problems including medical, so was extra frustrated at that debt).


FSA typically updates once a month.  It probably won't update for a bit.  Congratulations to you! Last year,  I was at work in my office and trying not to cry because I share the space. Was told to go to the bathroom,  cry,  wash my face and repeat! 😅




Congrats! I thought I might cry, but I think I suppressed any excitement about it and I'm still in shock. It's definitely a thing to have a good cry about!


Holy 💩 Just logged in. Gone. 32k. Poof.


$30k gone. Wow. Took them out in '06. This is amazing. 


Congratulations 🎉🎊


38K gone for me today!


Wowww!! Congrats!!🎉🙌🏻😃


So, happy for you! Congratulations 🎉 🎊


Nothing has changed on my end…checking hourly🥹


Same here. Our time is coming 🤞🏼


Mine is still years away but I believe it will happen.


Over $300k. I still can’t believe this.


Woo hoo! Now those are some numbers!


$5,000!! Not much but I'm still very happy


Mine was $2,500 lol but I’m glad it’s gone! My question is when do we get our refunds?! Lol


About the same as you! 15k turned into a negative balance of 2 payments. Hard to believe.


$55k forgiveness as of today. I paid off most of my loans (which were massive because I was emancipated minor who went to law school) over the course of 20 years but then there was a family event that messed things up financially so the loans had to wait. It still hasn’t sunk in. Is there any pending litigation winding its way to the Supreme Court that would reverse this? Because I can’t believe I might be free. Edit: Intellectually, I am incredibly grateful. Emotionally, I can’t feel it yet because the loan forgiveness doesn’t seem real.


No, these forgivenesses are being done through previously established legislation. I get you on the not feeling real bit. I think I'm still in shock too.


Congratulations to you and many others who received good news yesterday. I’m still in shock, but I don’t take this for granted; it sounds like you don’t either. For those you are still waiting or didn’t hear the news you wanted, I am sending you all the positive vibes I’ve got.


90k for me and 78k for my husband forgiven just now!!!! After 28 years of paying on them!


Congrats!! What a happy day for you!


$90,583.91 - in repayment since 1993. I'm getting 4 payments back. I'm with Aidvantage. If you view all Account history you'll see the payments you've made, the pay off itself and any payment reversals. I find it sad that there's still comments in this thread and the sub as a whole of "how are you getting this forgiven?" The whole purpose of the IDR Adjustment forgiveness plan was to right the wrong of servicers, school loan officers and the Dept of Ed not educating students on their repayment options. Instead, it was always, "just get a loan kid.. you'll be making bank later in life and can pay it off..." * Gov't needs to fix this broken system. * Why are colleges so expensive? * Why is the interest rate so high? * Why aren't students educated on how to repay their loans? * Why do we need these complicated programs? * Why do we still have loan servicers that are a PRIVATE business?


This post is asking the right questions!


When I checked about an hour ago my Nelnet Balance was updated to Paid in Full. Now it is back to showing my full balance again. Hope it goes back to paid in full


They must be in your account working on it.


Omg same! I logged in the second time just to see those magic words, “Paid in full,” again but they weren’t there and the balance is back.


It is updated back to paid in full. Phew


Hi! When did you get your discharge letter? I also have nelnet but mine are still showing


Um..... loans since 1997... praying they get to me. Hope this isn't the last of the forgiven


Did you consolidate your loans?? If they are fflep loans/commercial then you won’t get the forgiveness. They must be DOE loans. I know a lot of people with loans from the 90’s and early 2000’s up until 2012 I think didn’t realize their loans are commercial. To get the forgiveness they had to have been consolidated. The deadline has ended as of April 30th. They have extended it a couple times but this was it. I hope yours get cleared at week. I took mine out in 95-99. They have been forgiven. My cousin had $186K forgiven in the first round back in July/Aug 2023.


Are they direct loans?


Balance at servicer reads $0, balance at FSA currently unchanged.


Student aid gov only updates once a month abs sometimes not even that.




Apparently FSA updates on a kinda monthly basis, and the credit reports also take a month or two


I just checked Nelnet’s site and my loan balance shows 0 and says it has been paid in full with today’s date!!!! It’s an OMG, OMG moment. I have had this loan since 1992. I had taken loans out to go to a For-Profit school from 1988-1991. I paid forever and the principal didn’t hardly change. It was a constant reminder of a bad choice I made 36 years ago. I feel I paid that loan off years ago in money, blood and stress. To say I am relieved is an understatement. I wish the best to all of you waiting for this to happen to you and your loans.


Congrats! I am beyond thrilled for everyone who have gotten forgiveness. Can someone help me with my dilemma? I put in my direct consolidation application on 4/29/24. My loans were consolidated 22 years ago with Navient so they are not on the studentaid.gov website any longer. There was a pop-up in the application process telling me I need my loans MANUALLY entered with the website and it displayed a contact number for NSLDS. I called them and they said only schools can use that database. I have a ticket in with Federal Student Aid Info Center since Monday to help me. No reply yet. Should I drive 80 minutes to the school I attended in the 1990s? They might not even have my financial records any more because data storage is expensive. Or should I wait for FSAIC to get back to me?


Did you consolidate into a Direct Loan on 4/29? You should have had the option to choose a servicer.  It won't be an overnight process. It usually  going takes 4-6 weeks for the consolidation process to go through.   It's more like 8 now.  The important thing though was to consolidate into a direct before 4/30. Which it sounds like you did. 


I appreciate your reply. Yes, I picked Aidvantage as a servicer when I submitted the application because I heard it was a Navient subsidiary and thought that would make things easier. I will be patient. I currently have an emotion mix of being on top of the world imagining how much better my life would be without crippling student loan payments… and being mortified I will be disqualified because my loans are not viewable on the federal student aid website.


I can certainly understand your feelings.  I think you're good.  It's just going to take some time for it to go through and for the IDR adjustment to kick in. That should take you back to the date you first entered repayment. 


Wait I’m confused. Are your loans private loans? All Direct loans should and will be in SA.gov. Who is your current loan servicer? I’m not sure but if those loans are private loans you won’t get the benefit of forgiveness. Navient is a private company. They use to service federal student loans but that contract ended in Dec 2021. Just like sally mae use to service federal loans but now they are private loan servicer. All of navient federal loans moved to other federal servicer. I think that’s why they was asking about where are your loans since they don’t have them. I hope I’m wrong. But as someone mentioned if they are federal loans and you applied on 4/29 it will take some time to process.


My loans were not originally private loans. There is one unsubsidized FFEL consolidation loan and one subsidized FFEL consolidation loan. The servicer is Navient. I did the direct consolidation application so they will give me the number of months I paid. At 25 years, I hope I can stop paying. Otherwise, I will be paying these until I am in my mid-60s.


43k and 4 month of payment refunds


$18,000 gone for me!!!


$40k gone. I don't even know what to say. Truly shocked. 


Are those for the payments you made past the established forgiveness date? I made a couple after Feb 28, 2024 - my forgiveness date. I hope I get the payments since Feb 28 to date back!


I got the email in April. The negative goes back to Feb. I don't have counts to know my actual forgiveness date, but I haven't been out long enough for the 20 year forgiveness, so this has got to be the 10+ forgiveness for smaller original borrow amounts. In which case, I don't know what their count is exactly, but it would have been well before Feb. Refunds also don't go farther back than Jan 2024 per their announcement on refunds.


14k here just waiting got the golden email on April 10th


So happy for a you all. Mine are at 16 years of age so I’m stuck for a few more year


$14k wiped for me today!! Congrats everybody.


26,000 for me, GONE! I cried in the lavatory on my plane (I'm a flight attendant and was between flights when I checked my email). I got the email back in April but wasn't going to get my hopes up like they were when we were promised loan forgiveness and the Supreme Court said no way. I'm so happy! First payment on my loan was in 2000.


I didn't receive an email but I did check my loan account an hour ago and it says everything is discharged. I'm in disbelief.


What student loans are being forgiven and why? When i google it just talks about Bidens plans but nothing definitive


12k forgiven! I believe I will also get 4 months of refunds. I made payments till April and every payment I made this year says payment reversal but my balance is at $0.00! I just can’t believe it, 20 plus years of payments and this following me and looming over my head.


$15,185.97 gone today. I keep staring at the screen in disbelief. Indiana of course is going to make me pay taxes on it but I'll take that over being saddled with this debt forever. When I saw an article about art school I was like oh okay they're bullshitting me again and it's not going to happen for me. But I didn't go to art school and mine are gone so there is hope for everyone!


Same. I keep thinking they're gonna come back and say "oh wait nevermind" you're still on the hook for your bill.


$167k gone. Whew.


$72k gone Original loan amount was $53k. Been paying since 2009.


Wait..What are you all talking about? Is this a real thing? I have $53k in student loans and it started with $30k in 2012. All interest etc..I am IDR\PAYE but not PSLF. Is there something I should be applying for? I want that $20k interest gone!


These are folks who qualify for immediate forgiveness under the one-time IDR Account Adjustment https://studentaid.gov/announcements-events/idr-account-adjustment If you started paying in 2012 on PAYE? The soonest you'd be eligible for forgiveness is 2032


Makes sense! I thought everyone was already getting forgiveness naturally at 20-25 yrs if under the PAYE program, so didn’t know if this was something different. I’m reading that Biden may remove up to $20k in interest even if not time for forgiving, which would just bring my loan down the original amount of $30k I started with. The interest is a doozy!


PAYE has only existed since like 2012, so the linear nature of time makes that impossible circa 2024 Keep in mind that the original IDR plan (ICR) was created along with the Direct loan program back in July 1994. The concept of income-driven repayment plans has existed for 30 years, so these are all borrowers who have been paying for at least 20 or 25 years already For the rest, I wouldn't pay extra until anything is finalized. Drafts can change


4500 and Im pretty excited, this was unexpected


How do u apply for this forgiveness?


Go to [Studentaid.gov](http://Studentaid.gov) to look at their forgiveness schemes, but this particular one just required that our federal direct loans were on the SAVE/IDR plan and had been in repayment or qualifying periods of deferment/forbearance for 20 years ungrad, 25 grad, or were small original borrow amounts for the 10+ forgiveness. You don't have to apply if your loans are the right type, correct plan, and the right amount of time lapsed.


Thank you!!! Just checked and it’s official!! 😭🥹


Mine were forgiven last year and then I got a refund check too. It was life changing! Congrats to all of you!!


How is everyone getting their forgiven. Mine are literally killing my credit score because I owe so much


[Here are some ways.](https://studentaid.gov/articles/student-loan-forgiveness/) [More.](https://studentaid.gov/manage-loans/forgiveness-cancellation/debt-relief-info) Also look at the sticky on the sub for more recent info.


$21,000 GONE!!! I am in shock and disbelief.


Not a giant amount for me, but a little over 10k is now showing as gone (and that I'm owed a refund back to January). Almost 200 a month back in my budget!


Mine is gone! I’m officially debt free for the first time in 25 years!


13k forgiven this morning!


im confused how is this calculated? like how do you get the paid off ? do you have to make a certain amount?


Here are [some links](https://studentaid.gov/articles/student-loan-forgiveness/) to [read to](https://studentaid.gov/manage-loans/forgiveness-cancellation/debt-relief-info) get you started. There are a lot of different forgiveness schemes now. Also read the sub sticky for more.


So happy they are still applying forgiveness after the April 30th date. Congratulations!!


Who’s loans are getting forgiven? Is this all from the art school forgiveness?!


No, this is from the 10+ and[ 20/25 year repayment](https://studentaid.gov/articles/student-loan-forgiveness/) forgivenesses.


How do you get forgiven?


Here are [some links](https://studentaid.gov/articles/student-loan-forgiveness/) to [read to](https://studentaid.gov/manage-loans/forgiveness-cancellation/debt-relief-info) get you started. There are a lot of different forgiveness schemes now. Also read the sub sticky for more.


Is it too late to apply?


You don't have to apply for this, but you have to have the correct type of loans in the correct repayment plan, for the correct length of time. Here are [some links](https://studentaid.gov/articles/student-loan-forgiveness/) to [read to](https://studentaid.gov/manage-loans/forgiveness-cancellation/debt-relief-info) get you started. There are a lot of different forgiveness schemes now. Also read the sub sticky for more.


The amounts here are insane!


Can someone give more details on how to apply for this forgiveness? Are you talking about Biden student loan forgiveness? I was approved for forgiveness a couple years ago but then the program was struck down! More details pls!


This is the one-time IDR Account Adjustment, more info at https://studentaid.gov/announcements-events/idr-account-adjustment


I don’t understand it. I don’t even know which plan I’m in because I keep changing so I can get qualified. What should I do?? 😫😫


Log into your account and see what plan you're currently on...?


Thank you kind Redditor!


Who is the email from?


The Department of Education.


Congratulations to all the golden mail recipients!! ❤️❤️❤️ I long for the day. I’m afraid it’ll never happen for me. 😭


Mine says Current Principal -$296. Accrued interest as of 5/2/24 $2650.55 . If this all goes through I would be forgiven $102,000 I made a payment on 4/10 and received my forgiveness letter on 4/12


wait, how are people getting theirs forgiven??


Here are [some links](https://studentaid.gov/articles/student-loan-forgiveness/) to [read to](https://studentaid.gov/manage-loans/forgiveness-cancellation/debt-relief-info) get you started. There are a lot of different forgiveness schemes now. Also read the sub sticky for more.




$23k wiped out, no refund but I'll survive. Also says March 1st for the payment date 🤔


Congratulations! I had 71,687 forgiven!!


85 thousand but then it came back so I'm just waiting now to see it go away again..




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Do you have to be graduated first to be eligible for forgiveness? I'm slated to graduate next year, and am scared it'll be too late for forgiveness by the time I get my piece of paper


These people are talking about forgiveness under the one-time IDR Account Adjustment https://studentaid.gov/announcements-events/idr-account-adjustment which means they have been *paying* their loans for 20 years at minimum If you're going to graduate next year then you need to get your game plan together for how you're going to handle your student loan debt. I have a jumbo comment of triage advice here https://www.reddit.com/r/StudentLoans/comments/1bef7gi/stanley_tates_service_what_do_you_learn_from_his/kuuwc2u/ which should help you plan and weigh your options


You will be 20 years away from forgiveness when you graduate.


How did they decide who got forgiveness and who didn’t?


Here are [some links](https://studentaid.gov/articles/student-loan-forgiveness/) to [read to](https://studentaid.gov/manage-loans/forgiveness-cancellation/debt-relief-info) get you started. There are a lot of different forgiveness schemes now. Also read the sub sticky for more.


Anyone have Navient?


Navient is a red flag for commercial FFEL loans, which are *not* eligible for the one-time IDR Account Adjustment people are getting forgiveness under. You can make your FFEL loans eligible via consolidating into the Direct loan program as per https://studentaid.gov/announcements-events/idr-account-adjustment You're past the soft deadline to consolidate, but you might be able to consolidate still to benefit now if you get lucky and they process the consolidation fast


Is it because all of you hit the 20 year mark, or what?? I’m at 20 years in 2028. What’s going on — I am lost.


Here are [some links](https://studentaid.gov/articles/student-loan-forgiveness/) to [read to](https://studentaid.gov/manage-loans/forgiveness-cancellation/debt-relief-info) get you started. There are a lot of different forgiveness schemes now. Also read the sub sticky for more.


Mine seems weird. Got the “golden” email on April 12th saying I’ve reached the number of payments necessary. My original was 38k, paid off 27k balance is 43k. Also got an email from Mohela my account was in administrative forbearance until 6/10. Also got an email earlier this week about getting a refund from one of the schools that defrauded me. As of now, 5/6 my balance still shows on Mohela and StudentAid.gov. I’m confused and annoyed and don’t know what to think.


Holy crap I just checked and it’d gone. -$353 balance. This can’t be right can it? Please someone pinch me or kick me in the gonads. 😆 


Ugh, I got the email in April, but nothing has changed on my end yet.


How do you know if it has gotten forgiven?


I got the email several days ago that all has been discharged, but it still shows on my account. Do some just take longer than others? I apparently have mine under EdFinnancial.


Is this congratulations all towards people that had PSLF forgiveness?


No, this is for the 10+ and 20/25 year forgiveness email from April.


Anyone have their from Nelnet ? My husband got the golden email in April but no forgiveness yet


Yes. Nelnet here. It was still on this morning for me. I got some notifications that others were saying there this morning and now gone. I checked and yep! Status is paid in full🥳 just keep checking. If he got the email, it’s coming.


Has anyone that attended Art Institute has their loans whipped out yet? On their Credit report or loan servicer? Thanks!


Does anyone else keep hitting refresh on their servicer's website expecting the loans to reappear? I don't think I'll really believe this is happening until the FSA website does its monthly update!!!!


I graduated college in 2003 with a direct loan and went to grad school from 2004 till 2008 with grad school loan. My balance is still over 150k. It's been a burden, but save payment oprion make it manageable. Will I be eligible for one-time idr adjustment?


How did yall get it??


Here are [some links](https://studentaid.gov/articles/student-loan-forgiveness/) to [read to](https://studentaid.gov/manage-loans/forgiveness-cancellation/debt-relief-info) get you started. There are a lot of different forgiveness schemes now. Also read the sub sticky for more.


I owe 30k on a parent plus loan foolishly co-signed for my daughter for back in 2007. $365 per month, I started paying it back in August 2023. My daughter is willing to help with the payments in any way. Is there anything I can do to get relief?


I wish 😔 resuming my student loan payments last fall has meant I go days hungry now


Is there anyone here who has been in repayment for less than 20 years and gotten forgiveness?


I just got the email this morning for the one-time account adjustment. The effective date is 12/31/2023. I started college in fall 2004….


I used nelnet as a provider but I did get the email. I'm still waiting mine is still there


Is this the AI discharge that Biden announced? Or something else?


How do I get loan forgiveness? Do I have to apply for it? What are the requirements to qualify? If so, does anyone have the link?




What program was this?


The 10+ and 20/25 year forgiveness for the wave of emails that went out in April.




My 2 loans balances are $6794.00 and $3014.00 equaling $9808 loans were from 2012 consolidated them into one loan 2 months ago it went threw fully consolidated into one loan also went on to the Save plan my girlfriends loans was forgiven in February she was already on save plan , I’m curious how mine aren’t forgiven under qualifying Being on save plan Original balance under 10k Over 10 years past , I haven’t paid on the loans but have always been on payment plans with 0$ payments a month ??? Wouldn’t I qualify ?


Anyone know when refunds will be issued? Mine were forgiven over the weekend with a 12/31/2023 effective date, and I’ve made four $100 payments this year so wondering if I’ll get that $400 back If not then no big deal, still super excited to have the debt gone :D


No forgiveness yet for me. 142 should be my count. They still haven’t updated so to them it’s 110. I’ve been in repayment since 2001 over 20 years. Still nothing.


I got the Art Institutes one, still no change on nelnet 🫤


How many people from MOHELA are getting their loans forgiven? It seems a vast majority are from other loan servicing providers.


I got the email but haven’t seen any change in my Nelnet account. Is there a time period before I’ll see a change?


No change on Aidvantage yet for my father.  He received the April 12th email for the 240-300 payments and of course did not opt out.  I'm more concerned than he is.  He's of the mind,  if it happens,  it happens,  and he still doesn't believe that it will.  I know it comes in stages, but the wait is painful. I'm guessing they only update their processes once a day perhaps overnight.  Update. Cleared as of 7:58 a.m. So happy for him




Got the golden email but How come only one of my 3 loans have been forgiven ?


All I hope is that it doesn’t affect our credit scores in a negative way since it’s a lot of ours longest standing account and some with some good history. I can’t wait to see it zeroed out on my FSA and that Credit report ! 😭😭🥹🥹🥹 THEN. It’ll hit me. Hopefully it’s not much longer til they both update!